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Chester News 1915 The heC ster News

10-12-1915 The eS mi-Weekly News October 12, 1915 W. W. Pegram

Stewart L. Cassels

J. H. Williamson

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Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W.; Cassels, Stewart L.; and Williamson, J. H., "The eS mi-Weekly News October 12, 1915" (1915). Chester News 1915. 30.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1915 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHESTER, S. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 12, 19}5. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT " CASRANZA PLEASED TEUTONS MARCH TO- SAY CENSORS HURT GREATEST'SLIDE IN

Supervisor's Quarterly Report, Chester County, S. C., WITH RECOGNITION WARD MOUNTAINS ENGLAND'S CAUSE THE CANAL'S HISTORY Ending September 30th, 1915.

Says There Wltf Be No More FormH Bulgarians 8o Far as Is Kno»it Have London Psper*e Indignation Incro T©r> Million Cuolc Yarti* of E*r h j CHE8TER TOWNSHIP. ' lii ii li • Battles, Thai Enemies irt) Ma e No Incursion Into Servian to Bo Dredged^ Out Before r c - Disintegrating. Territory and Tf«y W il Probably Dealst for the manent Channel la 8ecu eti. Ver» Crux. Mex Oct. 10—Geueral 1. A. F. Anderson and Help with Road Engine. 45.75 Moment. London, Octt. 7—1h Dal y Mail Panaira, Oct 10— A survey of uie 2 J. H. Thomas d.agglrg hood. 2.50 Carranza received with great pleas- asserts that Gerhiaa and Ita'an ne - ; Loudon, Oct. 10—The Ai.stro-Uer- 3. Walker Massey Road «ork. ure the news that the Pan-Ame. lean papers give the tinme of the British slide area in the Gatliard Cut shows inans are In full possession of Bel- that probably 10,000,000 cub r yards 4 Chester Telephone Co. long distance call conference at Washington had decid- officer In charge of the Ango-Kr n h grade and the heights surrounding 6 Austin Bro. Irons for Koad machine. ed to recommend recognition of the force landing at Sa'onlkl, although of earth must be drudged o:it before t F. E. A bell Self and h"uids Road work. 8.90 1 party led by him f.» the de fao:o Gov the city and are marching east to- a permanent cbanne through tho cut 7 A. F Anderson and He p with Road Engine. 26.00 the censor prevents the Br t sh pub- ward the mountains which the Ser- Is possible Thle is the conclusion 8 R. L,. H»yes Dragging ro d. 2.}0 ernment of the party led by him as lic from knowing tt The Mai, cltee vians last year so stubbornly defend- reached by the canal engineers who » Ainsley Darby oil cup for Engine. the de facto Government In Mexico. several other of th'a natu e whl h Telegrams from Carranza agents at ed against the Ausir aus. concede there is now little hope of 10 R. 8. Mcllroy freight and drayage on castings It terms "absurdltt a" of the ceusor- 11 Joe Gwln clearing gra s out of Road. Washington brought the news and For some time to come the invader opening the watei»ay much before the first chief wag congratulated by shlp, and adds: 12 William Meek two days work cu Road l' la expected, will have to fight on- the first of the year The present iu>»ociatea. The Washington "We Tan state in a few words 13 Chae. Davis Hauling Rock ly the rear guards, whose duty It is rate of ex avatlon * I.DOOOOo vanta 14 W. W Smith 2 days work on Road machine egramg were read In the theatres the opinion to which we have been to delay their progress, for the Ser- 16 A. F. Anderson and Help with Engine and received with great er.thuit asm. forced by fifte n months of expe-i- Carranza after receiving the te'e vians will do double s as they have 16 Southern Express Co. expre s on Castings ence with the cens rahip No'hli g grams. "They continue their in:ro- 17 E. li. Guy Self I-aitnber and team on Road done before—fall back unt I they gues and their attacks In :he news- has been done more to lower our rep 18 W D. Trlplett and hands on Road. reach favorable positions In fac 19 A. F. Andersen and help wl h Koad Engine. papers, Jjut reciogniflon of the con- illation abroad for honesty and gi>od military writers here do no' ejpo.t a 20 R. L.. Hayos Half day dr.*g.ig Road stitutionalist Government naturally sense, and nothing has b< en t'one 21 William Welsh for right f way for Road. will rob them of the fruit of their pitched battle on the front for more to delude our people a' h .me. efforts. 22 W. C. Mlnier and hands << H->ad. ten days or * fortnight, by which to hide from th m the rt a'it e» if 2? J. R. Alexander for WalVer Massey rlyht of way I'>r Road. "When peace is absolutely re- time the tilled forces landed at .4a the war and dull the edge o' th r 24 The lens oil nr 25 Fred NeUon two days n lload- lished amnesty will be grinted ai those persons, but not now To per- Vlans. 26 T. J. Cunningham for Ham's on Road. :tng tin 27 Henry Nelson for right of * ly for Road. mit them to return at this time 28 W. L. Triplet! for drags Jig r ail. would mean their oi.s w th- 2# E H. Wilson for draggln • road. in the Rdpubllc. 30 Chefrer, Machine and Luti bcr Co work on Engine i;The immediate effect if ih's 31 Chapter Hardware Co. Suypl fa lor Koad work. news will be a Rreat itoral r-tre' uih 32 W, A. Darby Team and hands in Road ttning of constitutionalism aid a u. rmans. Some IJa'ki- 33 J, G. Breakefleld Self and hands on Road. responding disheartening of op • « thorlt Indeed, still belle* • 34 W. L. Trlplett Self team ana Bands on Road. lug factions. There will be no i' r.- lie movement northward of j 35 A. F. Anderson and He'p with Traction Engine. '.8.00 fortnA battles' Fighting of - o would immediately I., 36 A. F. Pressley B-'if ban a and leani Road work, 21.30 Bort alrtady lias endtd. but na! the !at BEFORE DISGRACE. 39 J. R. Robinson Se f. leam and hanie on Roed. continued for a greater or le.-s time Russian troops at V- rna and "Already these binds aro dls'n o • and of 'other allied' troops a 40 J. A. Brakefleld Sell. teim and bunds (jD Road. Ann e May Glenn Ends L le by grating rapidly and their chiefs are eatach. 41 W. A. Darby Self team and handB on Road. Drinking PoiSvn at Gr or 42 J. H. Thomas 8e't team and handg on Road- surrender!ng. This development wl 1 Repreaentatives of 'he

43 R. M. White. Self team and hands on Road- bring tho suwender of the leaders of tave furnished the Greek gov for the sake of preferv n« 44 F. E. Ahell Dragging roids.- the opposition, since the news of re«. vith information of a trea G eeiHllle, Od 4- ftec'.arii g I'll* 45 A. F. Anderson Self and he'p on x Engine. ognition will remove from them fur- ween the Bulgarian and 'lie she was disgraced uud ru ned and 46 W. D. Anderson Oversee ng hand,. ther hope of success. Tbis app lus that her lover. Robert McE rcy. who 47 E. F. Hardin Self, team Road Work. not only to those actually flgh'ing ot Bulgaria free h: nd to t prot ilsed to marry her today. h..d 48' W. H. Peden Hands on Road. 32.30 In the field, but" to those who are inly with 8ervta but with 'led •he city. Annie May Glenn id 49 I. M. Mlnter Self and mu'es and hands 19.60 Intriguing, both within the is well, should the centra'. pow« yea s of age n happy school «lrl 50 A. F. Pre«8ley Se'f and mules and bands 33.60 and abroad. and general favorite of Or ei ' idiy 81 G. B. Mlnter teams, Hands on Read. "News of the coming recognt'lon Fighting on 3d o'clock drank a dime "t u ,1- r,2 t. G. Adams sharpening Picks Is pleasing, since It will renew and brought about little the public ear The intelllg nee fori and died within an hour in aft e o3 James Bailey Se f and mu es strengthen the frlendty relations n- the situation today sent from Athens in plenty of despite the efforts of e •T 1 54 J. R. Uoblnson Overseeirg Road hands. tween Mexico and other Nations."' after two days" heavy fighting, lit to be published yesterday rui-r slrtans. 1 56 W. S. Trlplett Self team and hands. George C. Carothers, American which .according to the Br t'sh and when it appeared in French Jiiun >>• •ctrdlng t o ihe K r 1 who • Ol.- A 37 A. A. Flennlken Overseeing roid Hands. consular agent, telegraphed the St a French accounts, they suffered a se Yet the people ol this ioun ry ' Teas cd !(. a miniate a wife a next 58 W. -M. Sanders 2">2 ft. Lumber L)«p3iimcnt the substance of a lot vjire reverse, have abandoned for tht deprived for many hours i French some trenches east of -^"vi sake of the political effect seen- lformed that her had 64 W. G. Darby Driving team on Roads. l.iO mention was made of withdrawing fhez and at Tahure. in Champa*ne flnd even more dep'-orable no'e the city 65 J. R. Robinson Stfr teanj and hands on Road. 22.20 protection to foreigners as reported Field Marshal von Hlnde- burg 'i expreaaion than such weak an I s. She was at home with an :<-year- 63 W. L. Trlplett 8elf team end Lands on Road. 129.2") In press dispatches, but off Ida' making slow progr< ss In h s opera lese measures of delay The t old sister, the n.oth' r being absonj. 2.25 67 J. H. Thomas Hand driving wagon 3 days. - altze that the legal respo s tlons against Divlosk, and slh'iugta lolls'us that Ihe cei sor siruik The younger sister was sent 'o the 12.00 for protection of foreigners ree of one of its dispatches wcr. s 68 J. H. Lewis Self team and hand on Road. be claims to have tsken more u drug store for a bott e of pols n nd 87.i0 ways with the recognized gove- nment cording the high f ghtlng qual 69 R. L. Hayes Sell team and hand on Road. Russian positions, he does n at* soon "s she received it she drank 70 A. F. Pressley Self team afid hand on Road. 24.00 for all parts of the country whet'ie pear to be much nearer the city shown by the Germans aga'nst 'he contents after pouring 1* in a 24.00 In rebellion or not. Amer cans fo recent advance, wh lfl correspo.ding 71 A. F. Anderson Self and help with Traction Engine. he was two weeks ogo. glass She ran screaming to the front 72 F. R. Hai> Driving wagon on ro*d 3 days. 2.25 this reason were recently advised !• South of the Prlpet river n irtbuus to onr own troops wfte no', "li»6r and In respon«A U»e R#v Ernest 78 I. M. Mlnter 8elf and ham's on Road. 45.05 withdraw from northern Mexico, but Qalicla the tide of battle ebbs and interfered wlp). This, perhaps, Roas and his wife, r.ext dveral 7« A. H. Hall Hand driving wagon 2 days. Washington Government during the attack and where during the who hold the custody of pub'c physicians who worked hero'.-a iy lor 77 J. E. Orr Hands wdfrklng roads. Taft Administration took the :ios- miles of country wou'd change hands formation. It Is hard to d'st'n: leaving word with the overseer to 94 J. G. Morrow Return Commutation Tax ing charge In" the court of gei.eral 5.50 relations between the censorship and ppt the hogs up and look after 'hem, • 85 W. M. Banders 298 feet bridge Lumber. St. Matthews, October 8—A bnr- todsy. None of tb*m was 5.96 the public." the citizen returned to his city bom« glar of unusual caution struck this sentenced. Sam Ham Hon was acquit- and family for the night, and went town last night. Aware' of (he fact ted of the charge of murdering John T Vi 13 n HTIJO- DOCTORS MEET TO b:tck to the plantation nexl- morning, that Sherift Hill had lately Invested Ball, after the Jury bad deliberated HAZELWOOD TOWNSHIP. STUDY PELIAGRA. expecting to find the hogs dead He In a ^palr of young b'.oodhjunds, and about an hour and a half- ' was rurprised when told that the 1. W..B. Stevenson Sal as Cjmms. for Apr. May and June. 24.00 also'conscious of the fact thtt young Those who pleaded guilty to s'or- Association for Study of Diseases hogs w-re all right. 2. J. W. Barnee Dragging Road. '8.75 bloodhounds are sometimes thsophia- ing liquor were: Joseph Bollo, E. H. to Meet in Columbia October They had. been on a drunk that 3. R. A. Steveison Self and bands on Road. 38 20 ticated, the burglar went by ihe sher- Rickles, H. H. Raens, }. Holaberg 21st. afternoon, -having swilled the skim- 4 RF. A. Stevenson Self End tands on Road. 22."0 iff's dog lall -and stole the hounds. and W. H, Behrens. No Indication ming of lite sorghum molasses Nov 5 Chester Hardware Co. Tl'ng and Nails . 79.07 He then broke Ipto lh^ store room was given, aa to when they wou'd be Coulumbla, Oct. ' 10—Pre'lro'nary . • 6 j. E. Nichols Self .Team and hands 47. SO of 8. Baevltz, on Maln.-strect, enter- sentenced or what the rentice program for the triennial convention berry Observer. , " 7 E. W. Mobley Set team and h-nds * 32.S0 ing from the rear, where be had oro- would be, although when James Ms- of. the National Association for the ' • & C. Shannon Self te4m ai d, hands. 40.87 ken the window bars, and stole son aos was found guilty on (he sVmc Study of Pellagra, to be* held In Co- ® J. Wi Barnes 8e"f team end hands. 16.50 sldeiable quantities of dry goo;s and harge earlK'r in the week. Judge lumbia, October 21 and22 was ar- JO R.-A.Stevenson Sfclf.teain and b^"ds.' I'- f a7.J6 clothing. About a mllo from town he Mendel li. Smith sa'.d that he wou'd -nounced yesterday, b* J.'W. Bab.o.k, First Grade—Doz'er Jordan. Carl if W. C. McWatSre Hauling rnd oi. Ro»fl. •4.37 tied the dogs to a tree and proceed- lafce a plea of gull.y Sa the, liqu'-r M. V.., secretary. C. H. Lavinder. Kirkpatrick. Susie McCowan. "? team andjunos or -25.50 ed5 alone. 8earch is being m«de, but -aser under consideration, ss ha does D.,' United States public health Second Grade—Msry Young, Haa'ng-ahd w©rfc. 9.12 no Wue has been established. The ivith any criminal '«se. when ra* - service, as president of the oaHocia Fourth Grade—8arah Jordan. Maud id rnd te«

ONLY KEY TO GOOD LUCK NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FI-, TAX NOTICE. Majestic Tyre Co. ^ FrfbR MILES IN AIR NAL bl8CHARGE. In law, 'he tax books will open on October 15th for OF CHICAGO Oelf-Conquest Alw»y» -t*is First 8tep Notice Is hereby given thit I hare Leading to Real Success filed In the Probate Court for Chea- collection, of taxes, and remain op- , In Life. WONDERF UtSVIEv W AFFORDED TO ter County my final return* as Guar- Will Save You 40% l t AVIATOR en to Dacogar Mat jMumt dian of Helen and Lillian frMeBHl 1* success "lock?" Accordln* to tie sad- for tfco month of January ona on Your Tires j T_ and -fanie Jf, MiftKU.m* president of the great telegraph com- per cent on delinquents'; for the pany; It depends DPon what may to j might Two Hundred Mllea of dlan of Helen McDIll Lilian McDIll At Thlt month of February one per cent ad- A Great Tire Proposition 5th day of November Oext apply to called "stimulated luck;" 1. e., the art ; the Earth, In Every Direction, Of taking prompt advantage of oppor- , said Court for letters dtsmlssory as ditional on delinquents; aid for 15 Uinltlea. The telegraph map says. for I TO introduce our guaisnteed quality automobile and motorcycle tires and ina» such Ouardlan. days In March, 1st to 15th. f ve per i tube^yorc^t,. we h.,ecut out .11 d,.tribute,.'expend and profit and inatance. that h<- has conscientiously J. O. L. WHITE. n win Krll to the automobile and motorcycle .woe. ducct at p-^ce. iW«. kept himself In good condition of body ' cent additional 6n oeiinquer t». " Augustus Post writes of the "Experi- Guardian as aforesa'tl and mind, so that when opportunity,, all real and personal proptrty as ences of an Airman." He has been up tame ho woul^know It and be ready, four miles and tells how the earth follows: adding: "There have been great nick Mil s looks from that altitude. THE NEXT BEST THING TO THE men, but moat gr»at men have been 7 CHARGES AND AGREE th.t. if npoo a.n«l ol tire, or tube^ they a "For every mile's ascent," he writes, PINE FORE8T FOR COLD8 "IS— Bute purposes | well. Edlaoi. la well Probably none entirely uti.f.ctory, to pay .H charge .nd promptly re.und money. Ibu "96 mllea of view open out. so that Ordinary County * I ordinary oler .nd the p,*U. quote/, .re .ut»,ect to cb.n,e without, '.v of the many victories of lloosevelt's Dr. Bell's Pine Tar-Honey which at the highest point 1 have reached, Special County a"'| sarocr was harder »on than bla vic- Automobile Caslngq, and Inner Tnbes more than four miles, one could see goes to the very root of cold trou tory over physical weakness." (Vrlalu- Roads I size Plain Tread '(on Skid Grer Tubes Red 200 miles on the earth's Burface In bles. It clears the throat and glrej |y the victory over self la the Initial Constitutional 3 mill *, »«Ts a a 8 75 s es a i every direction, unless low-hanging relief from that clogged and atuf'e'l ao«a e.eo i as I 75 S rlctory. says Colller'a. He knew this New Jail clouds lie between the aeronaut and who wrote that the man who ruleth feeling. The pines havo ever teen As Fol- the rest of humanity. Sometimes like Special Tax for Scboo bla spirit la greater than he that tak- •he friend of man in driving away 2.45 fields of polar ice. sometimes opal and lows: 2 50 2.70 eth a city After self-conquest, pie colds. Mor'over. the plne-hcney qual- 2 95 rose and gold—It is a wonderful thing Court House School District No 1. 2 AO habit of Industry Is conquerable 43 75 2 70 3.05 to see the upper side of a sunset ities are peculiarly effective In 3.10 —5 mills. I 2 28 IS 25 2.80 William Cobbett, the self-made Jour- 2.95 sic the floor of the clouds, ever shifting, fighting children's colds. Remember Landsford 8chool District No. 3— 1 2.50 13 50 call At who came to America In the i s.oo 14 25 3 10 8.38 ever taking on more varied shapes that a cold b roken at the start 8.81) early days and made a name for hlm- 2 mills. 1 3.50 14 50 moves beneath yon. or you rls« 1 9 7R 1 5 OO aelf an "Peter Porcupine," offers tes- gTeatly removes the poealbl lty of Rossvllle School District No »- 15 50 through a high-floating one, In a brief timony to this effect In hln diary when complications 25c. 4 40 white solitude. 1 mm. bo writes at an inn "Weary of being 4.50 "One side of the cloud floor may Edgmoor School District No. 11 4 OO Idle. How few such days 1 have spent 5 OO be red above the last rays of the sun, 6 mills. 22 OO In my whole life" Cobbed thus re- a) so 5.10 while wavun of orange, purple and sul Wllksburg 8chool Dlstr ct No 14 23 OO B 2 ft cords another secret of his triumph r,.r,o pliurous yellow atretch across to the 28 SO over clrcumstancea 2 mills. • 29 50 cold blue# of tho east an< the silver 30 OO "Scores of gentlemen havr at differ- STOMACH Fort Lawn School District No. 17 splendor of the moon, for It Is at full 4 mills. 32. SO 35.OO moon that long distance balloon races prise thai 1 was always In spirits, tftut Out 01 Fix? Basconxvllle School Dsr.'t No. Motorcycle Casings and Inner Tubes are always arranged to take place. nothing pulled me down and the truth Rim CMtog Grey Tubc* d Tubes Here and there fountain-like forms Phone any grocer or soda fouiv < ™'llB SI .25 II 40 Is that, throughout nearly Inrty years 1 3.", 1 50 rise fr n> the mass stretching beneath tain in Chester (or one dozen | '^hburg School District No 10 - BB 5 50 i :ir. you nnil cur' back like giant flowers GG 5 80 1.45 till th«- while by numerous and power- u ol Sh: Ginger Alo. Drink < no lireaking I P'" In ordering • i whether Clincher. Q. D. Clincher r Straight Side tires i ful enemlea . and performing labor* si and if Dot promptly through the cloudbank from below. greater than man CV.T before per ur grocer to charge U j * mills "Your pulse rati* r1n"». your resplrn MAJESTIC TYRE CO. (Not Inc.! formed, all those labor* requiring Kodmen School District No. 21— . ilori grown perhaps your hand) to the r, as authorized, *. E. Cor. Mlta St. sod Mlchlgas Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. ntal ton or the 1ne must lake utotig oxygen LATHAN GROCERY COMPANY Purity School District No 28—1 i. the pressure of sea level Distributors lor minds. T'p here you are sub- mill. Cbeslcr and Territory. »nly half the pressure; you Armenia School District -"No. 29 In the new building on Gadsden "locky" equally free from it? Mghi r than cork; the nerves are 4 mills. Street. Hopewell 8chool District No 23— Where Aristocrats Shine. "If you poke a pencil or your flngor ">. mills. Tour aristocrat Is doubtless often a Into your skin the indentation will very objectionable person and In a Bethlehem School Dlstr ct No. 30 remwln Just like making a hole in a We carry everything in the au- Democratic country like thlB we affect , —2 mills. piece of putty Doctors call this to turn up our noeos at him and regard pitting, and on tho surface of the Also, one (11.00) dollar poll tax on to line. Our repairing department him as a cumberer of the earth Yet earth they take It as a proof that life '.IJ male citizens from the age of !\ It must be said for him that worthless i. I'ltlnit. There Is less mountain 9 60 years o'd, and a cap trtion tax unexcelled. as he may be In peace, and contrary sickness' than one would think. Judg- of 60 cents on all dogs; a s . a com- u his claims of superiority may be ing from tho nausea felt on the high mutation road iax of >2.5C on a'l to all proper principles of natural peaks of tho earth, but then In moun- equality, he rarely, almost never, falls We Are Showing citizens between the ag s of 21 Your Patronage Appreciated tain climbing there Is great physical and 50 years, except duly ordained to glvo a good account of himself when exertion, exhaustion even, and here lils country needs him in a great c. isis. there is absolute calm—nothing to do A beautiful line Ladies [ministers and teachers actually en- In the French revolution the old no- till tomorrow and that seems a long | achooi work, ard payab'e blllty of France showed the world that way ahead with no breeze. no sound, Rings, in all the difterendifferent I frnny nrt_ 1Sllr lo Mar h 3 st. they knew how to die If they did not nit motion save as some movement of 1916 know how to live. And the Would be glad] FENNELL-YOUNG your own Jars the basket a trifle."— StOne8. 0 , ufnc# wllI bc kept 0pen during lists which are being published In American Mnzazlne London now prove onco more that for VOU to look them over gal hours for the collection of sa ^rlion it comes In courage and patriot- ' 8- E- WYUB Achieved Fame Early. Motor Co. ism tho "aristocrat" Is seldom found Treasurer of Chester Count/. It Is astonishing how many promi- when you want one for In the rear. At the rate at which the nent players now bofore the publle Chester. 3. C. Sept. 15, 1915. T-f.( aristocrats are being killed at the were wefl on the road to fame at the that girl. front In France and llelglum there will early age of twenty-one, says a writer THE PUB1JC Is hereby warn d a- be no "lords and gentlemen" left In In the Theater Magazine. Pattl made gainst hiring or housing any of the •Oreat Britain If tho war lasts much ment that has proven quickly ... , , her reputation at the age of eighteen, Strieker's Jewelry following minors who are n-y chil- longer If all the ' common P«oP>« aD(J when ,he w„ lwenty<)De WM tlve for Malaria la S. S. S. In a tew! dren: Ralfus, Jack, Dolan, Roy and In England were doing as jell, there I reB(,y mjlll,ng a ,pflCllJty ot •fareweir Don't Have Malaria minutes after taking, It is at. wi would be no criticism of Englls Henry Gist. Signed Allen Gist, par- tours In 1904, at the age of sixty- in every artery and vein. Itriotlsm. In spite of their loanlngs to Store. ent. throe, she made her twelfth "farewell" jtfemocracy, American sympathizer* a direct antidote for Malaria pol to America at 15,000 a night, and Opposite Commercial Bank. Cleanse Your Blood 'with tho allies. In view of the proml- It will destroy the |irm, wash many predicted It would prove her last 'nance of titled names on the honor adieu, but Adeline, now hale and the Imparities, la a short ;roll of the dead, might almost be In sprightly at thB respectable age of after tMs blood stsanslng procsaa, dined to wish that the entire British seventy-four, Is threatening a positive- Auto Transfer Malaria k a Blood Disease yoc w*l know t*e (DOesense. Ton nation was composed of aristocrats ly "final" farewell to tba land of dol- That Saps Your Strength feel a -today. Can It be true after all that lars next fall. At twenty-one. Maude there Is a real significance In the old Phone ut for night or Adams had emerged from lurid melo- "blood will tell" and "no steadied, yea fart tl drama to become leading lady for B- day service. oblige?"—Baltimore Sun. rigor of p erf set health. Drags H. Both era In "The Highest Bidder." Tou oen toil this from the yellow *l»e this retM. Tea mast When Minnie Maddern (Mrs. Flcke) Prompt attention given complaslon, tba wasted body, sunken To Amuss Children. attained the age of twenty-one, her yenr bleed—ye* mast take & S., to all calls. eyes, tba ld\U it over. •tartlhg with the tlpie-hopored "once The proponent of the plan want to THE Opon a time.** get an insight into the patriotism, Start a 5lart a courage, hate and love of peasant and &ar\)z Restraint Needed. cltiten, worker and storekeeper by J. M. MURRAY -Sank "What have yoa to say tor your- which they w»re actuated while at the Account The National Exchange Bank Account •elf?" asked the Judge of the prisone. front, to know their fellngs as they TAILORS at the bar. thought of their homes, their rela- Walker & Henry Building "Just this, your honor; I'm afflicted Uves and their famlllos. Chester, SC. with a dual personality. Good and •ril are constantly at war within m« Decadent Sport and the crime of which I am accused "A'S a matter uf fact a prixe-riu* la CAP1TAL$103,0D9.0D SURPLUS & UNDIVIDED PROFITS $54,C( vw committed when my better sell square." No. Six-Sixty-Six J. L. Glenn; President. I. R. DYE, Cashier. had been overthrown.". "That's true." - This is a prescription prepared especially 8. M. JONES. Vloa WM. MoKINNELL Asals "In that case, the best place for you "And the floor, I understand, must (or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. la a prison cell, where even If your evil be level." Five or six doses will break any ease, and dnea triumph occasionally, it will "Yea, but you are speaWng llteral- if token then ss a tonic the Fever will sot result la a minor infraction ol tT. The average priie-rtag Is ffltfther return. ' li acts oo the liver better than WW&: square nor on the taraLT, ^ Calomel and does not irlpeoi tkkeo, 2Ss GIVE US A JOB WO] wo er torn Big Midway THREE BIQ DAYS | Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Oct. 20, 21, 22, 1915 AEROPLANE FLIGHTS HORSE RACES! ROMAN CHARIOT RACES These will surpass any races even seen here. Will be made daily by Louis Gert- The Chariot Races will have two, three and four horses to the Chariot just like the finest son, world famous aviator. Re sure ever seen in ancient Rome. All of the races to to see the first flight in Chester Co. be seen each day. Wednesday, October 20th Thursday, October 21st. Friday, October 22 nd AGRICULTURAL DAY Live Stock Day. EDUCATIONAL DAY Every farner in the county should be here on opening day Exhibition of the finest thoroughbred Cattle. H..KS ai. ; f\very child in !ht county whuuni iw n ;iie \i,.rn- to see the finest exhibit of agricultural pruducts ever collected 8heep will be a big feature. Poultry Show will bp in full Mas! m,.th Educational Parade from the Ilili to the hair Grounds. in Chester County. The Clemson experts will be here to tell The Horse Show will be equal to any in the State All amuse- The big foot ball game will bean additional feature for this you how to improve your farm. ments will be seen just as on other days. day The corn clubs and canning clubs will all meet th-s day Twice as Many Feature s as Ever Shown Before

GET A PREMIUM LIST AND PREPARE YOUR SPECIAL RATES ON ALL RAILROADS ENTRIES. Address all communications to Secretary. Fire Works and Midway Every Night.

Horse Races Come and Bring Your Fine Horses Chariot Races Friends and Live Stock

E WATERMELON 8YRUP hardships and are campaigning with The second card auks for Informa , positive cheerfulness. are si ken

LWellHdja New a Horn—. "• Clerk's Sale. =5= Wellrldge, Oct. lI^Fa'meW are HAVE A Kceedingly busy these days, getting LOOK AT OUR CLOTHING

Dne Tear .. . Blx Months Thru. Months

•nte'od at the Pwtoffice at Chfll B C,.. aa secondclass matter

TUESDAY, OCTOBER. 12. 1#1i 00 NOT COME IN AND LOOK AT OUR SUITS AND OUERCOATS ON OUR ACCOUNT. BUT ON paper* are suggesting that 'no cir VOUR OWN. VOU OWE THIS TO VOURSELF. YUU cua. an they call it, requiring that WANT TO DRESS WELL FOR LESS MONEY. WE all candidate! for 8taio off'.oa go over the country together and m>eak WILL SHOW YOU HOW. bo done away with We bnlleie that WE'UE COT THE PATTERNS: WE'UE COT THE they are right. Th'a kind of thing STYLES: WE'UE GOT THE "SIZES." has long alnce served Us day an-1 time; If. Indeed, It ever had one We IF YOU'UE NEUER BOUGHT VOUR CLOTHES believe that the people at* Ired of FROM US JUST COME IN AND "HAUE A LOOR" It. and we see no good what'ver to ANYHOW. bo accomplished by It* conthiu nee. I,et each candidate make his own Dr. William H. Walker, who was ar appointnienta and fill hla own en- res'ed In Charleaton several months RODMAN-BROWN COMPANY gagement* IT two candidatea for mo In connection with a bigamy •barge, on the reo id ty-elght and on .cs at Rockingham. N. C. Dr Wik'l where he be^ao the practice of hla For Infants and Children up to Die utile* ffllow to «»lth*t n *as lo<-ated In a lo'al ho'e',* where profession. !n Use For Over 30 Years Qulnn Public waa with the girl, charge*! to bo frcm Chester, l>lng ilh second wife. Judgo Carter sentenced him to three Sa'-dy III ver and h The young woman Is a men biT of years.—Charleston News & Cour or. Signati Of J. W Ferguson Shirley, W. Holmes erv, and beir g the


Watches and Clocks /jjipL

Jewelry and Cut Glass W. R. & Pinkston Nail's Jewelry Store

Bora to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. An- drew#, Sunday October 10th, a loa.

Dr. J. 8. Moffatt. president of E ratine College, ,wlll preach at Edge- moor Sander mArnlng. Mr. P. M. dale, of Rfchburg, wa» a Cheater viaitor today. W. R. and PINKSTON Mr. and ifra. HA. TIbba, of Groat NEAR CITY. HALL " Fall*, metored to Cheater today. . , COUNTY Tme day morning in this city at 5 30 [ QUEEN QUALITY SHOES manner and his leg was broken. The o'clock. Dr. McKeown has not doi.e A Scream with Max injured mans' cries for help were any actual practice for the past few j Aslier quickly responded to and he was years on account of his railing , carried to the home of Mr. J. L. Dav- health. idson, Superintendent of the Mill, TOMORROW For any occasion to accompany any costume, He was born in the Cornwe'l &<•• to await the arrival of the anibu Knot tion of the county and was a xty- you know that your feet are correctly and which carried h'm to Pryor's hosp't- three years of age After study- al, where his Injuries receded medi- Herbert Rawlinson ing medicine he located In Union fashionably dressed. cal attention. and Anna Little in county for a short time, afterwards The car. which was a Ford tour moving to Fort Lawn, where he en- ing, was uninjured other than the Joyed a large practice until a few "The Queen of bending of the fenders. years ago when he was forced to glv< THE BIG STORE up hla practice on account of his Death of A. A. Boo«i«. health. In Three Acts The many Chester friends of Ar- Dr. McKeown was a consistent mem thur Alexander Boon© will oe ber of the Presbyterian church and THURSDAY grieved to learn of his dea'h. which for a number of years had be ten and during this time he has made Mrs. M. J. McF-adden of Clinton- ARRETS using a Cole's Hot Blast heater. cent cakes just received at McCul- many friends in Cheater and < he* Hla wife, who was Miss Dorsey In 2 Acts See the Chester' Hardware Co. loughs Grocery. ter county. He was at all times Howze, died about seven years ago. pleasant and the accomodation ren- He is also survived by one brother, Cotton Market Today. The first frost of the season oc- CALL on us for Texas gasVlne ant dered by him to pa"seng£rs made Mr 8. T McKeown, of Cornwell. curred last Friday night. Of the oils. Fennell-Young Motor Co. Gads- frosls so far. none have befn heavy den street. g.j. both he and the railroad many fri- enough to be a killing one. ends. lie was 26 yerrs of age and Our Coal Heaters Mr. Allen Macauley has accepted a native of Gruhani, N. C. where his The Chester County Sunday School, HEATERS AND RANGES—All a posltio'j In the dry goods depart- body was taken yeatorday, accompa- Association held a very in'erestlng styles and prices at the Chester ment of The 8. M, Jones* Co. where nied by two of his brothers and sov raUy at Iando Sunday. Mr. C. W. j Hardware Co. rill be pleased to serve his manv Walton presided nnd introduced the1 Are the Best and the friends. He is survived by his father, speakers, who were Messrs T. II. j THE CHESTER HARDWARE CO. four brothprs ard two sisters. Price is Right. wan'ts you to Inspect their line of White, 1., E. Brown and J. R. Dye ie Executive Board of the Pat- A NEW SHIPMENT of the latest BiH.i the Methodist and Baptist Sun ranges and heaters. Biggest stock things in men's over Coats at Rod- Mi LJbrary will meet with the Mrs. H. B. Mr-lone will be hostess day Schools of Lando participated In in Chester. man-Brown Co. rd of Directors at the Library to the Wednesday Domestic Sclent the servues. The speakers were ser- Clark Furniture Co. There will be a box supper at Mr. and Mrs. T. D. 8pencer, of club Wednesdsy afternoon at 4 o'- ved dinner at the home of Mr and 1 Armenia 8chool House, Friday night, Greenville spent yesterday in the clock, at her home on Smith s rent. Mrs R A. Willis. COLE'S HOT BLAST beater gives October' U«h., the proceeds to .' be olty', ' • "" - j beet service. Get them at the used for a well, which is being dug "CHANUT" Own ne lamb akin gloves. They are the best. We have tter Hardware Co. there. Music and other entertain me One of the latest meal mil's ar- rived today and will at an eariy date tbem. E. B. Cloud. i jN* have seen more new ws^ons will be furnished. The -public is cor-" be Installed in the Chester Oil the past 10 days than we dially invited to attend. Miss Belle Tbomtson spent Sat- Mill. Thla lis a great improvement Kluttz Department Store saw during the 10 months previous jirtay In Rock Hill. WANTED—Good milk cow. Leats o*er the' old-type «rnd is.ran by two M % that time. The purchasing of new Poliflc seed wheet for sale.. Here- electric motors. Mr. John Douglas of Davidson, N. ~r- Indicates that the good-old- ford bull for sale. 8. D. Cross. It. C. spent the week-end with relatives l>eforo<11| th a BIbl» name, but a kffiberg there I9 a delightful mural Hebrew wot/., used to den Innate an Panama, Oct. 7—The Panama OaCa- -'•NMableh mak«*s one merry e*en Imaginary bejng r-ferred to In the Bi- nal will remain cloeed until all daD awrfFrosty Mornings GREAT BENEFIT TO FARMERS rail subject la tho Garden ble, but not by name. An authority ger" of serious slides in the Ga.Uard and Eve are being Cut is passed. Major General Gee'h- ed by In elderleld"' y man In flowing SMOKELESS, odorless Three-Hour Trip to Town Cut Down to als, Governor of the Canal Zone, to- with a long white beard. Ills PERFECTION OIL HEATER Thirty Minutes by Advent of alooof would more than supply j of the earth as was Adam himself, and <*»F Issued ordorsto the dredgirg Gasoline Motor Car, wltli the covering they would not submit to be ruled ovet by fPiglnoors to blast ,a*ay the lopa of is just what you need In j her husband Seeing no possibility of the bills fn order to bring In'o he (l(y U J OLMEH.) the morning it warms up the bed- an agreement between herself and channel all loose dirt and lb: s per- The prosperity o? a Btate depends ; h t h!m, ahe fled awuy to the sea, where room and bathroom in five minutes. larg- I) upon good mails They mean j , . manently remove the source of the' h sho became the mother of a race of cheaper irmisporUltoii better living' J'" slides. General Ooetbals was un h e In the evening it lets you read and demons and as a punishment for re- Conditions and happier lnun-H. Quirk I ..... to say when the canal wou'd ty fusing to r' tu/ti to Adam, one hundred smoke in comfort—and saves start- communication raiikn aa the grnat fac > ,. ln condition for the passage of shl| s, of her children were to die every day tor in I||« •inl-.i'i>ul ol 1 14 ing a costly coal fire or furnace. l.iiith became not.'d In Jewish legend but said he would leave Nov 1. the ImowledKe Where good roada abound „ as a destroyer of infants and for this date to which the canal has bien The Perfection burns 10 hours on reason they adopted the custom of officially closed, unchanged writing the tiaincH of three protecting Oeneral Goethals, however, oxi ress a gallon of kerosena angels on slips of paper or parchment, ed the personal opinion that the ca- and binding them upon the Infant to nal would be closrd much beyi nd Clean—quick—convenient prevent the evil lulluence of Llllth." that date. No effort would be made^ This refen 10 an ancient custom and to maintain a temporary chjone: Look for the Triangle we do not know that any trace of It survives A no'her authority oays that (or the use of a few ships. When .he Trademark. the Hebrew name I.illtb attaches to canal was reopened 'be Governor salt the passage In Isaiah 24 14. which it would be with a permanent chan- Sold in many styles and aays. "The night monster shall nettle nel "through the cut. even if 'h!s sbes at hardware, general there aini shall find her a place of work should take the remainder of rest" l'o;i'ilar superstition named the year. The work will be done by ^ and department stores this Imaginary night monster l.llilh.- -the dredging fleet. Steam shovel op- everywhere. and the Jewish encyclopedia says. erations will not be resumed "The Bu|e-n>t1tlons regarding her and Use Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond her nefarious doings were, with other Of the ninety-five ships h«re many suoerstltiona. disseminated more and are departing for their destinations White Oil to obtain best results in Oil more arr^ng the mass of the Jewish by way of Cape Horn, while others Stoves, Lamps and Heaters. BARRED FROM HALL OF FAME people She becomes a nocturnal de are transshipping their cargoes mon. flying about In the form of a Painters of Humorous Pictures Un across the Isthmus by rail. The STANDARD OIL COMPANY night owl and stealing children She (New Jer»ey) TOtti Justly Treated, Is th« Assertion steamer Finland, wh'ch it at Colon, Is permitted to kill certain infants BALTIMORB slbin. then they, too denlrod Made by Wrltor. and the Kroonland, which la due to and If a child smiles during the night w.lhtncton D C Chariocrc. N. C roada (or their own couniy arrive here tomorrow from San Fran- Norrolk .Vs. |Ch«Heatoa. W. V*. of the Sabbath or of the new moon. .nd ,n literature a man ha* every ICb-rl artoa. 3- C. lly means of the telephone It Is a sign 'hat Llllth la playing wth cisco, will exchange their pas e-gers jar chance, If he can, to be as hllarloualy It " The Jewish encyclopedia treats and cargoes. la now able to lop the market H,. 1 unbridled as Mark Twain and still SB unworthy uf notice the Idea that can rush his produce to market 1 th- | take his place unchallenged on the 1,111th was Adam's first wife, but adds, "right moment lo command the osl shelf with the greatest, on the stage "She In a clear Instance of the persis- COUGH8 THAT ARE 8TOPPED1 price Hut he could not do It we his he may be aa essentially a humorist tence of popular superstitious beliefs." gi«>d re- • K* Joseph Jefferson, and yet go down The word undoubtedly Is Hebrew but Careful people see that they are ir la now i ln history with a halo around his mem a* It does nor appear In the Bib Its stopped. Dr King's New Discovery for good I or*• ev*n In the nnrorporeal sphere connection with the passage in Isaiah Is a remedy of tried merit It has 'glslatlve of music he may he a* light and bi- alrfjut a demon of the night seems to slble au I Iarre and tmplali a« fu ry will v rmlt. held Its own on the market for 16 without In any way jt- tmrdlilng his years Youth and old age tes Ify to hould be ; dignity Its soothing end healing qualities. T Ilul i.-li ale- LOOK 0 WORKERS' SAFETY I'neun oi.ia and lung troub'es are of- | ten caused by delay of treitm

1 hose hacking coughs and relif


8OUTHBOUND ail be of Bone thoroughly The workmen's clothes must be always to tl pocketle-s so tliai ihey may not car- pictorial 11 ry matches or knives, and a workman. Co matter how dandified his tastes, fix Itl* 's now doing probably puts that Value of Mother's 8torles. nust not wear turned up trousers, FOR RENT - Furnished house on •taU' 'pai' ' have lust returned Sarah Louise Arnold says "Life f Ince ltf turn ups grit Is harbored.- and York street. Apply to 8em -Weekly tfrora ^California and am amazed at the shows us that the gtork-s which are grit In a gunpowder mill Is ts danger- News. 2t heart at the mother's knees are an es- ous almost as Ore. sential part of our heritage. The child In all the buildings of these plants who Is deprived of this possession will r.ot a nallbead or any sort of Iron ma- ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. always miss the charm cf literature, terial Is exposed. Tbe roofs, too, are tho Joy of poetry, the swift Imagina- made vory slight, so that In the event STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA, S MERS tion which enables us to share ln that of an explosion thsy will blow off eas- COUNTY OF CHE8TER. which Is foreign to our Intimate ex- ily. The doors all open outward to By A. W. Wise Esquire, Probate perience. Except as this appreciation make escape easy, and the plant Is Is assured. In childhood, it la no. er usually lurrounded wtth a stream of Judge.: won." water, Into which the hands are Whereas, W. Hope Carter made suit Aside from tho literary and artlstlo trained to dive at tbe ft rat sign of to mJ*to grant litm Letters of Ad- value of Btorles there Is no greater danger. ministration of tho Estate of snd ef- force than they for (he preservation fects of J. B. R. Carter docesstd. lied in 1887 of the purity of a child. PHI his mind His Specialty. These are therefore to c te and with tlielr rlcb Imagery, their B'.lrrlng A certain znau of New York, known admonish all and singular the kin- The Rjpofinjf with deeds, (heir IdealB -set his fancy go- familiarly aa "P. C ." admits that his dred and creditors of the stld J. B. *^m*2/tyeans ofServit ing about the mysteries of nature, let early school record was not deserving R. Carter deceased, that tf.ey be snd him follow the adventures of great of academic reward llut he got one ofi£ heroes, and there win be little room medal. He grew up In Louisville and appear before me, In tbe Court of Loolcfor left In his life ,-.l>i>,i lo $3,- Isolated in them, tho Roumanian has fcjo.OOfl for the improvement of coun- clung more tenaciously to the ways I Neg'ecte Her Hair. ty roads which a"' feeders to tho main and customs of his ancestors than any [ Oltell once tell tha Statement of the Ownersh'p. Man- W. H. MURR Chester, S. highways I.os Ai.geles county has of the I.atiu races, and It Is said thai mg lady who acquired agement, Circulation, Etc. over 40" tulles of Improved roails. By today his lunguage contains morO_pure & while doing be? hair, September one w-lil b« able to drive Latin words than the Italian. lis Is tlnent I-ondou man. of The Semi-Weekly News, pulb shed from Los Angeles to Sail Francisco by a composite nationality, however. ed her three languages at Chester. S. C. required by the About (went) towns and villages of the eoast route and return by the val nd to her surprise that Act of August 24, 1912. ltoumanla have been positively Identi- d particularly anxious ley route omr continuiTua good roads Editor, W. W. Pegram. fied by archeologlsts as of Roman They really could not —a boulevard t.oon niile„ In length. Owners: W. W. I'egram, 8rL. Cas- Tho name agllallon lhat brought origin, but there were Daciuus In the of her head. She dls- sols. J. H. Williamson. California its appropriation for good land before the Romans and other IUSO of her failure at Known bondholders, mortage* a, ant roads Is "now being waged elsewhere racial stocks have left their mark ou very Irritable old gen- throughout the West. In some places the language and character of the tled on told bcr that other security holder*, hold'ng 1 per actual work Is tn progress. The state people. r one language to three cent or more of total amount of ef Utah has passed favorably upon an comb were thrown in bonds, mortages or other securities: She had sacrificed Improved road that eventually will be Exercise and Health. S. E. McPadden and G. C. Edwards. iess to the attraction* part of one all the way from tho Yel- Take exerclBO. Take dally exercise. W. W. Pegram,. When a Dollar Leaves You lowstone National park to tho Grand Have a bobby lhat gets yon out of Sworn to and subscribed before canyon of Ihe Colorado river ln Arl- doors. Walk to your business, to me this 1st day of October 1916. your dressmaker's, walk (or the sake 8ervlng In Tennis. J. R. Dye, It Says In the East New York Is working of walking. Join a walking club and Tennis Is no game for a lackadaisi- Notary Public. out Its good roadB plan and I am In- keep your weekly score of miles. Keep cal 'person. terested In the efforts Illinois la mak- chlckcns. make a garden, wheel the A glrf^who attempts to serve the first time she holds a racket and = "GOODBY" = ing to Improve Its roads. baby or play golf or any other game, but take two hours outdoor exercise works all afternoon trying to get; one every day. Gymnasium work la good boll ln the right place is not llkeljr to Work for' Convicts. PLANTERS for those who like It and can afford become enthusiastic over tennis. - BLACK- j UNLESS you spend it at home stores. If set to work on our public hlgb- it, but avoid heavy athletics. Don't Emphasis should be placed on the C&Cc 'ways yje convjcts In our prisons would try to be a "strong man." the cham- position of the feet, with the left foot CAPSULtSI *nd let it grow. 1 go out Into the world after their sen- pion athlete often dies young. Be ln front, ontslde the COnrt. For gqner REM EN tences are fulfilled better qualified to a moderate, persistent, daily expo- al use a sort of chop with m downward Your home merchant, like this home paper, is w< take their placcs as self-respecting nent of exercise. - Yon may not bum pull of the racket, started a little l JE^ i ing to benefit your interests. men and stronger mentally, morally the family carriage, aa Benjamin abovo the head, training for accuracy and physically. This aspect of the suggested, but at least, aa be advised, rather than for severity. Is advised.— parts see the Fennell-Young Motor good.roads' subJcct is receiving con- walk, walk. walk. , Outing. Co. Gadsden street. 8*t, . aaainir allMlloo. INDIANS HAD EDEN STORY

Creation Told by Brazilian r> Greatly Resembles the Biblical Children Cry for Fletcher's Tale. Lesson III.—Fourth Quarter, For V~- 1 Oct 17, 1915.


Text of the Leeeon, II Kinge v, 1-14. Memory Vereei, 7, 8—(Wden Text, lie Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been Ex. xv, 26—Commentary Prepared by in use lor over 30 years, has borne the signature ot Rev. D- M. Stearns. and has been made under his pcr- yS/V/T-f-M- sonal supervision since Its infancy. T wtrtfyj, ' Allow no one to deceive yon iivthls. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but •R^.nrlments that trlfio with and endunger the health ot Infants and Children—Experience agaJ 1st Experiment. m What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, I>rops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Niircotio •ubstance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years It has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It reflates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's Punacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON DISTRICT OF 8. C.—& S

On this 18th day of D 1915 on re dlujs lh' tllloD, It U: Ordered by t Jic- Coui Ins be had upon the s In Use For Over 30 Years 1 day of O'-'o < r. A D The Kind You Have Always Bought said Coun at Charlw ATOR S NO'ICE )ljTH CAR UNA OW Summer Rates BH Thousands of young men and How and and how supneailv. •ord* rourpmliiK 'his mlglitv ,JII Lave, why 'he prayer of he .'aid young women take advantage pei1tlo«(>r nhnuld noi be gra "<1 These arc ib«ref< eacn year of the special summer And It I# further order-d hv the bustible guaea lUal Q.U81 he removed. admonish al' an<' 8 rates offered by Draughon's Court, thin the Clerk shall s*rd by The advocates of ga» reply that tlie dred and credit orB t Practical Business Colleges—the mall to all known creditor! ciples "I great production of heat by gaslight Kady de i.i'f why also assert that microbes In the air are pess by entrusting your business education to an institution of National the Seal thereof al Char <•« tin H mints!ration shuld not destroyed by tlie flame and by the traces of combustion Uk? sulphurous Reputation —known and endorsed by Uie leading Bankers, Manufacturer*, In Bald District on he 1" h •<{ Sep granted acid which exhibit an antiseptic oo- llailroad Otliciala and big business men of America. Address 'ei: her A. I). 1915. Given on -r my hand, lb s -2nd ^ •' Richard *V. Hutson, C erk day of Sep: A D 1916 l5f. K Ahlborn reports tr. a Gorman Publtrhe on the 24th dsy .il Sept medical magatlne on experiments Semi-Weekly Ne*a. made In the Hygienic Institute of the A W WISE. University of Munich. In a room ot Sewing Circle With 57 publc • „ -f i>rnKni<. meters capacity witn aru- " 8 Bclal vontllatWn the number of bacle- Much Whispering — ——————— ria in a unit volume of air dect 24 pej cent In one horrr Unde •les and Grades 25. c ' creased 40 per cent in the aai: nI ' rlod Th!» leads the Journal of thep Amer* Has announced-a puzzle picture contest—a GAME lean Medical association to remari k that such a dlf?e."""'Ce. 'amounitint g at Heating HI small OF KNOWLEDGE. It is based on South Carolina best to only 16 per cen?T I" History for South Carolinians. It will be interest- to possess any serious si,""*illlcano' e Stoves from the point of view of prm. ing, Instructive and may be very profitable. Five hygiene." hundred and eighty-five dollars will be given to the ClarkFurniture Co. Politicians , Letter*. I Presldont Van Buret! had the renuta* 88 subscribers to THE STATE who remit nov and tlon of being the wisest politician of •' ™" "| " J his day His political enemies named send in their answers later. aT -- him the "Klnderhook Fox." Among PlO* I "la political aphorisms attributed to | him was this advice to his son popu- Bead The State for Partioulars or Write Direct to Thi. iaa pt«ciiptioo prepared cspodsDf Urly known a* "Prince John " "My the Contest Manager. f?11- neT8r wr1U on P°""caJ matters, rf lakes fbes ac a tools lb* Paver will ooc " y°u c*" aTold the necessity by mak return. It acts on the liver better than lD* * tr|P of 160 miles." This was In TEE STATE COMPANY, Calomel and doe* EOt frlpe or deken. 25c stage coaah days, when a Journey of • 160 miles means aj much In waste timo m COLUMBIA, a. a •-» and practically In money coat as a trip across the ccnUnent means toda?. I Politician! generally have been popu- 1 of raiment Ivarae* &, Si. The ktag at The Semi-Weekly News larly credited with having taken this Israel waa the wroag maa to »' to. j advice to heart and followed It as I? HOW IS YOUR STOCK OF but Bllaba baart of It and eatd. *1-et BELIEVES IN cloaely as possible: but every once in a him coma now to me. aad be skall I while something crops up to show that 1 the popular Impression on this subject know tbut there la a prophet la Is- 1 p LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS EN- rael" (vane 8). Can you MM tka ftaat la a delusion. Politicians, like other man, with all Ufai retUiiw. at tke door BOOSTING CHESTER people, coatlnne to write letters, and |;:VEL0PES, STATEMENTS AND ANY KIND OF of the house of BUaba. expeetlac the I letters written In the past continue to prophet to come out to him and with , appear, occasionally to the confusion some great display give ttlm health? j of writers, even when the precaution life; OFFICE STATIONERY. ffiC5 So yon see the man of G«d calmly ' has been taken In writing to attach *V abiding In his house and sending a . the injunction: "Burn this letter." messenger to say. —Go and wash la J Often it is the letter which should have We Can Supply Your Every Need Promptly. Jordan seven tlmes7' (Verses &-11.) been burnad fhicb is the one and only Then do you see a great, proud man one to be retained and to reach ulti- going away la a "rage? (Verse 12.) mate publicity. What a fearful thing Is pride and self importance, and how foolish are our thoughts! Yet Abraham suffered be- cause be had "his own thoughts, and Mary had tiree days' sorrow bccanse 20|Years From Now she snppbsea(Oen. XX, U: Luke II, 44). > . . ^ COMING By the reasonable advice of his serv- ants Naamau .became calm and obeyed YoubWill Want the voice of God by the prophet and "Neal Of The Navy" was thoroughly healed, made clean (verses 13, 14C Now see him and oil Good Sight The Great American Serial his company again before. Eliiilia ac- IN —.. ' | knowledging the God of Israel as the true God and urging the prophc-t to but if you are going to have it; you must not neg- ; 14 Episodes of 2 reels a week accept a reward or a blessing. Hut the lect it NOW. If your eyes pain, don't put off at- v man of God refused, reminding us of tending to them.Let us examine them now and sup- Beginning Friday Oct. 22 Abram and the king of Sodom (Gea xlv, 22. 23). There la no aairatlon for ply them with the necessary glasses. ". 4''' .

sns Ckr£«t, wSo " went doyn info Tfre Examination without charge until Oct. 15th. DRfikMEAND THEATRE waters of Jordan, or Judgment, for us. We cannot recompense Him for salva- H. W. LEWIS, Oph. D. tion, but we can serve Him because He save* us. The gift of God cannot Semi-Weekly Nfe \ $1.50 Year be purchased (£ct» rlU, WL (Office. Walker-Hcnry B ldg—Dr. J. G. Jokn»ton i 01 gainful occupa Bible Study—R. L. Cunningham ig beld In Montpellei tlons, 12,659 are engaged in agri- Prayer—E. F. Reld. culture. forestry and animal tius Christian Culture—J. 8. Marquis. LEWI8VILIE TOWNSHI". Missions—R. E. Sims. 1. T. S. Lyle Self team on Ho>d work. Stewardship—S. M. Jones 2 Southern Kxprers Co. Ex. fasting for Engine. l-ocal Extension—R. L. Terry. 3 H. M Stephenson team and b ids on Road. Social Work—J. 1. McLean. 4 R. L. Blanks Biacksm'th worK. progmr DREAMLAND Personal Work—J. R. Carson. 5 H. R. Ke Pay for hands o" RJoy " One feature that wllI;Kttract large Clark Furniture Co. 53 T. H. Melton Wagon on Road. The report, printed aa house docu- < crowds at night to the Cbes cr Coun-' 54 J F Kee 8. T and hum's on ment 1510, contains the most exten- : ty Fair will be. the magnificent fire-', 55 J. R. Taylor T. and hands on Road. sive collection of data on goou roads j works to bo seen on Wednesday and 56 J. L. Melton HauHng ar d f Ulng In Tiling. <»*er gathered In one volume. Any Thuraday nights of the Fair. There 57 J. G. Hollls Hauling s nd < n Road. parson desiring s oopy should writs 58 H. N. Kee Self snd"*B em on P.oad. to his senator or congressman. will be a big display o( fireworks on j <»ch ot these two nlgttU: The exhl- j 59 H. M. Stephenson Self Lumber and team. tritlon will be held in front of the! 60 T. J. Ford Self Lunfoer and team and Hands. grandstand. | 61 J. G. Knox Self Lumber ard team add Hands. 62 W. W. Gaston Wagon and team on Road. Chester has not had A big fire- 63 J. Clyd Hicklln Self bar d and Team, on Road. works display for a number of years. | The Association is making a big 64 J. L. Crook Services wl h Road Hands 65 J. 8. Kee Services with s r'per and cash to l»nds. effort to please everybody and to • 66 R. L. Blanks Blacksmith work for T. S. see that there is amusement for ! 67 J. W. Whltesldes

Jhese Mornings and Evenings Demand an Oil Heater F/yerr We Have .Them

Stop Production. Production must cease when the Clark Furniture Co. ^transportation costs eat up the profits. AT CHESTER COUNTY FAIR