Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University Chester News 1915 The heC ster News 10-12-1915 The eS mi-Weekly News October 12, 1915 W. W. Pegram Stewart L. Cassels J. H. Williamson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1915 Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W.; Cassels, Stewart L.; and Williamson, J. H., "The eS mi-Weekly News October 12, 1915" (1915). Chester News 1915. 30. https://digitalcommons.winthrop.edu/chesternews1915/30 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1915 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHESTER, S. C. TUESDAY, OCTOBER, 12, 19}5. SUPERVISOR'S REPORT " CASRANZA PLEASED TEUTONS MARCH TO- SAY CENSORS HURT GREATEST'SLIDE IN Supervisor's Quarterly Report, Chester County, S. C., WITH RECOGNITION WARD MOUNTAINS ENGLAND'S CAUSE THE CANAL'S HISTORY Ending September 30th, 1915. Says There Wltf Be No More FormH Bulgarians 8o Far as Is Kno»it Have London Psper*e Indignation Incro T©r> Million Cuolc Yarti* of E*r h j CHE8TER TOWNSHIP. ' lii ii li • Battles, Thai Enemies irt) Ma e No Incursion Into Servian to Bo Dredged^ Out Before r c - Disintegrating. Territory and Tf«y W il Probably Dealst for the manent Channel la 8ecu eti. Ver» Crux. Mex Oct. 10—Geueral 1. A. F. Anderson and Help with Road Engine. 45.75 Moment. London, Octt. 7—1h Dal y Mail Panaira, Oct 10— A survey of uie 2 J. H. Thomas d.agglrg hood. 2.50 Carranza received with great pleas- asserts that Gerhiaa and Ita'an ne - ; Loudon, Oct. 10—The Ai.stro-Uer- 3. Walker Massey Road «ork. ure the news that the Pan-Ame. lean papers give the tinme of the British slide area in the Gatliard Cut shows inans are In full possession of Bel- that probably 10,000,000 cub r yards 4 Chester Telephone Co. long distance call conference at Washington had decid- officer In charge of the Ango-Kr n h grade and the heights surrounding 6 Austin Bro. Irons for Koad machine. ed to recommend recognition of the force landing at Sa'onlkl, although of earth must be drudged o:it before t F. E. A bell Self and h"uids Road work. 8.90 1 party led by him f.» the de fao:o Gov the city and are marching east to- a permanent cbanne through tho cut 7 A. F Anderson and He p with Road Engine. 26.00 the censor prevents the Br t sh pub- ward the mountains which the Ser- Is possible Thle is the conclusion 8 R. L,. H»yes Dragging ro d. 2.}0 ernment of the party led by him as lic from knowing tt The Mai, cltee vians last year so stubbornly defend- reached by the canal engineers who » Ainsley Darby one oil cup for Engine. the de facto Government In Mexico. several other of th'a natu e whl h Telegrams from Carranza agents at ed against the Ausir aus. concede there is now little hope of 10 R. 8. Mcllroy freight and drayage on castings It terms "absurdltt a" of the ceusor- 11 Joe Gwln clearing gra s out of Road. Washington brought the news and For some time to come the invader opening the watei»ay much before the first chief wag congratulated by shlp, and adds: 12 William Meek two days work cu Road l' la expected, will have to fight on- the first of the year The present iu>»ociatea. The Washington "We Tan state in a few words 13 Chae. Davis Hauling Rock ly the rear guards, whose duty It is rate of ex avatlon * I.DOOOOo vanta 14 W. W Smith 2 days work on Road machine egramg were read In the theatres the opinion to which we have been to delay their progress, for the Ser- 16 A. F. Anderson and Help with Engine and received with great er.thuit asm. forced by fifte n months of expe-i- Carranza after receiving the te'e vians will do double s as they have 16 Southern Express Co. expre s on Castings ence with the cens rahip No'hli g grams. "They continue their in:ro- 17 E. li. Guy Self I-aitnber and team on Road done before—fall back unt I they gues and their attacks In :he news- has been done more to lower our rep 18 W D. Trlplett and hands on Road. reach favorable positions In fac 19 A. F. Andersen and help wl h Koad Engine. papers, Jjut reciogniflon of the con- illation abroad for honesty and gi>od military writers here do no' ejpo.t a 20 R. L.. Hayos Half day dr.*g.ig Road stitutionalist Government naturally sense, and nothing has b< en t'one 21 William Welsh for right f way for Road. will rob them of the fruit of their pitched battle on the front for more to delude our people a' h .me. efforts. 22 W. C. Mlnier and hands << H->ad. ten days or * fortnight, by which to hide from th m the rt a'it e» if 2? J. R. Alexander for WalVer Massey rlyht of way I'>r Road. "When peace is absolutely re- time the tilled forces landed at .4a the war and dull the edge o' th r 24 The lens oil <V Gas and oil for Engine stored and tranquil y really estab- ; lonlki should have Joined -he Set In :U" ,.rc>nr 25 Fred NeUon two days n lload- lished amnesty will be grinted ai those persons, but not now To per- Vlans. 26 T. J. Cunningham for Ham's on Road. :tng tin 27 Henry Nelson for right of * ly for Road. mit them to return at this time 28 W. L. Triplet! for drags Jig r ail. would mean their maclill.at oi.s w th- 2# E H. Wilson for draggln • road. in the Rdpubllc. 30 Chefrer, Machine and Luti bcr Co work on Engine i;The immediate effect if ih's 31 Chapter Hardware Co. Suypl fa lor Koad work. news will be a Rreat itoral r-tre' uih 32 W, A. Darby Team and hands in Road ttning of constitutionalism aid a u. rmans. Some IJa'ki- 33 J, G. Breakefleld Self and hands on Road. responding disheartening of op • « thorlt Indeed, still belle* • 34 W. L. Trlplett Self team ana Bands on Road. lug factions. There will be no i' r.- lie movement northward of j 35 A. F. Anderson and He'p with Traction Engine. '.8.00 fortnA battles' Fighting of - o would immediately I., 36 A. F. Pressley B-'if ban a and leani Road work, 21.30 Bort alrtady lias endtd. but na!<r hells of the warships Hi'O 105 10 ly the struggle to put down m: f-r orts on the Black and Aeg u 37 W L. Trlplett self hanJs and uam Road work | GIRL CHOOSE8 DEATH 38 A H. Gregory Se'.f hands and team on Road. nutreaks and lawletsness » ust -robalily followed li> the !at BEFORE DISGRACE. 39 J. R. Robinson Se f. leam and hanie on Roed. continued for a greater or le.-s time Russian troops at V- rna and "Already these binds aro dls'n o • and of 'other allied' troops a 40 J. A. Brakefleld Sell. teim and bunds (jD Road. Ann e May Glenn Ends L le by grating rapidly and their chiefs are eatach. 41 W. A. Darby Self team and handB on Road. Drinking PoiSvn at Gr or 42 J. H. Thomas 8e't team and handg on Road- surrender!ng. This development wl 1 Repreaentatives of 'he 43 R. M. White. Self team and hands on Road- bring tho suwender of the leaders of tave furnished the Greek gov for the sake of preferv n« 44 F. E. Ahell Dragging roids.- the opposition, since the news of re«. vith information of a trea G eeiHllle, Od 4- ftec'.arii g I'll* 45 A. F. Anderson Self and he'p on x Engine. ognition will remove from them fur- ween the Bulgarian and 'lie she was disgraced uud ru ned and 46 W. D. Anderson Oversee ng hand,. ther hope of success. Tbis app lus that her lover. Robert McE rcy. who 47 E. F. Hardin Self, team Road Work. not only to those actually flgh'ing ot Bulgaria free h: nd to t prot ilsed to marry her today. h..d 48' W. H. Peden Hands on Road. 32.30 In the field, but" to those who are inly with 8ervta but with 'led •he city. Annie May Glenn id 49 I. M. Mlnter Self and mu'es and hands 19.60 Intriguing, both within the is well, should the centra'. pow« yea s of age n happy school «lrl 50 A. F. Pre«8ley Se'f and mules and bands 33.60 and abroad. and general favorite of Or ei ' idiy 81 G. B. Mlnter teams, Hands on Read. "News of the coming recognt'lon Fighting on 3d o'clock drank a dime "t u ,1- r,2 t. G. Adams sharpening Picks Is pleasing, since It will renew and brought about little the public ear The intelllg nee fori and died within an hour in aft e o3 James Bailey Se f and mu es strengthen the frlendty relations n- the situation today sent from Athens in plenty of despite the efforts of e •T 1 54 J.
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