MICROFILMING: ■ . r* * i gg CORP • jg 1; 1 1 OF AM ERICA

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" r HAWTHORNE N.J. .J&m : ...... WAverly ■

3-9207 - 8

PRICE 8 CENT*} 1 Artyin Named To Zone Board, London Crusade’ New>Year’s Appoiniments ABC Choi rma ve~Rmjipai •;/ted At'Bapt.jst Church “London Crusade,” an -hour-long Recreation Commission Representative—Robert G. Kirkpatrick. documentary of the three-month Ambulance Squad Representative—Henry Goldhor. Safety Council Representative—Henry Goldhor. Civil Defense Council Chairman—v. William Di Buono Graham, will be shown Wednesday, Veterans Affairs Committee—^V. William D |. Buono and R obert C January 11 in the First Baptist Kirkpatrick. ghwch-ai- 7;30-pnL-..... Township Attorney—Adele Braelow, retainer of $500 and on fee; basis Filmed entirely In EngIahdrnL6n- “ Special Township Attorneys—Arthur E. Dleiist a n d Emanuel Gersten, Taxes Will Mot Jump don-Grusadeui is- Britain's -pwn -story on, fee-basis. of the three-mpnth Billy Graham * Township Engineer—Joseph.S. Fuhrmann, retainer of $1,309 plus fees Commissioner William Q yral, campaign. "Narrated- By the Bisnop "•Consulting Engineer—HenryTfreh, Jr. on fee b p s elected mayor Monday m orn­ of Barking, one of the most respec­ Township Treasure^—William OstermiHer at present salary. ted feeders of the'Ahglican ChurcfrT Building Inspectoi^Carmen J. Monaco at present salary. Winston Returned New_ Mayoi ing by the Township Commit­ the saga “ is a complete, gripping Township Physician—Dr. Joseph Peyser at Sl>QOJ per annum. tee for 1960 at the reorganisa­ portrayal ~ of the events as > they * Tax searchetv-Collector John C. Pozar. By Health BoaJd. tion meeting in Abram P. M or­ transpired. Special tax searcher—Tow&ship Clerk Howard J. Bloy. ris School, said through con­ Beginning with . scenes of the Insurance agent—Louts J. Hess. . , : Commissioner Adolph A. Winstbn tinued econom y. In government GrahamS" arrival at Waterloo Sta­ Class I member Board of Health for 1 year—Adolph A, Winston. . was re-elected to his second term as tion, the film moves on to the open* Class II members Board of* Health for 2 years—Robert L. Kaplan he hopes a fix increase this president of the Board "of Health year may be avoided. iug night at Harringay Arena. It, and W. Malcolm McLeod. at the ^eorgMilzatlon- meeting Mon­ then covers the entire series of Township.Committee member of Local Assistance Board for. 1956- Plans For lMj) Henry Goldhor, day‘m orning in Abram “P. Morris history-making services, concluding ©utuning plans, for je e r , H* with the great White City and Member of Local Assistance Board' for 2 years—Samuel Katz. School. W . Malcolm McLeou and Wembley Stadium meetings, where Member of Shade Tree Commission for 5 years—Louis M. Ortstcin. Robert L». Kaplan were reappointed said the Township Committee 'plans - a total of 200,000 gathered for the Class Iv member of Planning Board for 1-956—William Gural; for two years. to purchase land for off-street park- - closing rallies of the Crusade. Class II member of Planning Board for 1956—Joseph S.' Fuhrmann, amuel M. Jowitt, who. has served tag facilities and. to occupy-Ita new ROSS BARTOLOTTA HERMAN' ARLEIN . The doors 'tb the F irst Baptist Board of Trustees of Free Public Library for 1956—William G ural. municipal building and’ 'library,'' " Auditors—Wright, Long & Company, at $4,500. 28 y e a rs. -as secretary, wqs reap­ Church will be opened at 7:10 p.m. jvhlch-he characterized as the finest Two appointments- were .made by Lodge 1514, B’n a i B’rith, and past -with the service beginning at 7:30 pointed ‘‘until he resigns.” Jowitt the Township Committee in,* its fi­ chancellor of Essex Lodge* Knights p.m. All seats are *on"a “first-come le d 'the board some time ago In the county. basis,” - with no admission charge. . a n s to retire March 31. Ben­ Mayor Gurjtoaserted Hillside will nal cleanup /meeting of the year of Fythfaa. Arlein resides here with Start On Red Feather Allocations jamin X . - Summer was" renamed continue a member of the May­ ■Friday night; ‘ his wife;-Betts an d sons, David and plumbing inspector. ors Committee on Newarlc Airport Herman Arlein, of 1457 Center Kenneth. He is an insurance broker Thp job of determining 1956 alio;-1 Board, meetings will bo the seoond ta an effort to.eliminate the airport street, was named to a 5-year term Brownies On Holiday cations for 26 Red Feather agencies committens will meet with every Monday of each month at 8 p.m; nuisance. He said he hoped the state on the Zoning Board of Adjustment with offices .a t 30 OlintdnTStreet, Newark.- ..~~ — in. Eastern Union bounty is being agency iaitS-Jfleld of interest. __ 2 municipal building. Will: undertake development of the effective December 30 and running Visit To Museum Round VaHey Reservape^ite. a to December 1, 1960. He becomes Notice was received from the undertaken this week by the 30- Grouped under character bhilding State Highway Department of the * A recent trip to th e Littyte Work­ member budget opmmittee of the and group work' agencies are' Union Expressing thanks to the retiring the .fourth Democratic member - of shop, one, of the holiday adventures mayor, Henry Ooldhor, for h is de­ the board, replacing'Edward Gott­ allotment- of anadditionaL'$19;(H)0 Community Welfare' Council.1 Council, Boy Scouts of America; Minister Outlines for, thp paying of Lopg avenue from at the Newark Museum, was a spe­ % .Subcommittee m e e\ii. n g s with GtrT Scouts- 'Of ■ ' EUzabeth? BHllsldo WILLIAM GURAL cision to remain on t o committee, lieb, Republican Th.e only remain­ cial activity planned by Mrs. August Gural enumerated "significant ac­ ing Republican is Paul A, Kifner. Bloy, street to Liberty avenue. The agency representatives' wijl,!be con­ and Linden; G irl Scouts of th e R-os- committee directed preparation of Blum, leader of Brownie Troop 39 at ducted on .“Wednesday, Thursday elles, the YMCA, YM-YWHA, YW­ R o tan Meaning complishments1' under Goldhor’s Ross Bartplotta, of 1280 North the A. P. Morris School. Eighteen guidance. He .cited the establish­ Broad street, was reappointed to an ordinance fo r paving the street and Friday of this week and - next CA and Linden Children’s Gamp. VarioisA J&alts of character that ment of.hhoperatlon with the Board with State aid and installation of girls participated in this special Mbnday. On Wednesday, January Fund* ■ m ^ Cut In Schodl the Alooholic Beverage Control Christmas week activity. They saw make u p the -flue meaning of of Education, Increase In members Board for a term of three years ef­ curbs. 11; the full budget committee will Study Committee tary w ere presented at a meeting of the Police and Fire Departments, the Planetarium, witnessed three meet to draw up its final recorp- r Their requests will be studied by fective December 13. He is chair­ films ana at a “See and Hear” ses­ the IJiUside Rotary Club Tues­ Aid Reduced traffic regulation, economy*In gov-' man Of-the board. mendations,, which will be acted a subcommittee consisting of Frank­ day by Rev. -Ronald Ossmann, pas­ ernment except where circumstances sion, saw the Toy Makers Workshop upon January 16“ by the welfare lin. A McCarthy, Chairman; Leslie Arlein, a Hillside resident for the and a puppet show. tor of the Hillside Presbyterian A change in the basis tV calcu* warranted legal contests .fo r the past tWenty-one years, has been ac­ 'Tivas A fo g g y oounqU’s board of directors. M. Lifson, vice chairman, a n d Cor-' Ohurch.. His topic waB “The Outlook lating State School Aid is expected protection of the community, ef­ Brownies who^made th e trip were I t is the task of the budget com­ nelius - J, Crowley, Jr„ WilUam H. tive in Democratic affairs and has Susan Becker, Virginia Blum, Wen for 1956” arid he told’ how to make to. net Hillside about $3,000 In ad, forts' which brought the R oute 22 mittee to* allocate, the $467,000 col­ Denman, Miss Harriett L. Elliott outlook more, effective and been a district laeder for five years. dy Berlin, Joan Lister. Lorraine dltional -funds, it was announced divider to prevent headon collisions, He also has been a participant in Moist Night lected in this fall’s Community Henry F. Heilegers, Eugene meaningful for 1956. the campaign to reduoe air pollu­ Quieroz, Nancy Rokozuiski, Natalie' Chest drive among the 26 agencies Rodgers and Charles S. Tracy. this week. The effect locally. How; many community activities. '" ’ Hillside’s ambulance squad Tues­ Dudzihskf, Susan p e Martino, Judy Ossmann took ‘ the symbol tion, giving Credit' to Inspector Ro­ He is a past president of Hillside .Which benefit- from the annual cam­ Agencies i n ; the family a n d child ofL.the- Rotary wheel, the hub, the ever, will- be merely to out t o re bert Sonntag and the coop.afatkjn . day night was credited Indirectly Steinberger, Susan Glikin, Jean paign, less amounts set aside for care field.are Associated Oathbllc duotlon in State alq In next year’a Miller, Joan Yeselson, Lois Weiniek, shafts an d the' circumference and of Industry, oompletlon of th e re­ with savjhg-ti m an's life, * administration, agency plant plain- Charities, .Egenolf Day Nursery, pplied an important characteristic budget by approximately $10,000 in :.Tbe squad was called" out to Jill Lozzowick, Judy Kaplan, Patty valuation program begun in IKS' tenance and reserve funds, Family * and Children's Society. for e a c h letter of .the word ftotary. stead of $18,000. when the committee inherited un­ Seek Volunteers transport ta patien t from a n Eliza­ K ahn,' Busan Tichehor and Elsie > Budget Request Review .. Hillside W elfare Association, Janet The change la the result of a new beth Hospital to Marlboro State Braunschweiger/The assistant lead­ equal assessments, and the foster­ Earlier this year the budget com­ Memorial Home, Salvation Armyi We lack lustre law. signed last week by Gov. Ro­ ing and encouragement of supel; Hospital. One o f the worst fogs ers, Mrs. David Becker and Mrs, mittee met with each agency to 'd e ­ United. Hebrew Service Organiza­ bert B. Meyner to reflebt the growth Norman Glikin, and the troop com­ without It.” He urged prayer at as Vised recreation. ...i,. V '; For Polio Mailing ever to descend on this area was termine a pre-campaign budget, oh tion and the Home for Aged Wo- semblies .of people. O is for obedi In schodl population. In Hillside Invites Ailing Problem* encountered a n d Q o m tn ls s io n - mittee!, Mrs. Harold Berlin and Which the $485,000 Red fe a th e r State aid will Increase from $182,- William Galik, chairman of the Mrs*. Robert Braunschweigpr,, ac­ anoovto the club’s high purpose, and Mayor d u ral Invited residents to er Henry Goldhor, who was on duty, campaign goal was "based. 7SL j*t / The Sdbcowimlttee, for th is group he sa id pepple should rout apathy 176 to $186,200. local Maroh of Dimes campaign, to­ with Michael Giordano, had. to companied the leader and7 the attend committee meetings so the this week will be to review the' bud­ is headed by Egbert W. Fraser, from tlie ir lives. ' officials could become familial’ with day appealed forvolUnteers to., as­ walk ahead w ith a lantern. In some Brownies. get requests 'in light of the amount chairman, and Jerome J. Graham, sist in'm ailing out literature. The ------« ------The X in Rotary stands for truth­ their problems and act on them. spots to lead th e way through the actually raised in the campaign. vice chairman, other mem bers are fulness, . Rev. Ossmann declared, Leave? Bequests* He thanked his colleagues for elect­ work will be done Thursday, Janu­ '^>ea sOuph Budgeting by a citizen’s bommit- Gustave Bach, Mrs. Kenneth 17. Al­ ary 5 at 7:30 p.m. at Polish Ameri­ With o u r ethics giiidp4Nby' truth'. ing him mayor and the voters who ,j After completing Its mission, the tee of funds raised by citizens is brecht, • Calvin J. Hurd, W illiam Sincerity and truth are what, make can Hall, 400 Bloy. street.. Women ambklance driven by Fireman Wil- LevitasTo Run returnpd-htarto office last Novem­ one of the unique features of Com­ Kenealy. Samuel Kosberg, Hugh. pur country great. A can mead al For Cancer, Polio ber. lie also thanksn his friends and who will take part in the Mothers Uam.*Urbanskl, started for home. munity Chest campaigns through­ Livengood and Robert Moss. March later this month are helping, legiance to our country, to -our house representatives of cite and service Passtflg through Madison Township out. the country. H ealth And Service of; worship, and to our own Rotary The HHlside cancer and polio For Re-election iunds -wepe bequeathed $500 each clubs. Oh Ityjute 34, th e squad noticed what Arpa 8; Taylor, budget committee ’ Listed under health and - coxnmun> dub’. H e balled for. alertness which He expressed appreciation to the A letter baa already goAe out; to appeared to b e a boulder or log at chailman, has divided his commit* fty organizations are Elizabeth Gen­ in the will of Frederick Nippe business and industrial, firms, not­ comes froin the French meaning various local, hoards and commit­ the edge B Rthe road. tee Into ,three groups, each cover­ eral Hospital, -.Social Service Ex' standing on tjhe .watchtotyer,” 89 Hillside avenue, probated last tees who, he said, are rarely heard ing that the fight on polio Is on They turned around for a closer ing one major phase of health and change United Service Organize- Thursday by Surrogate Charles A, “the 20-yard line and now Is the 'T h e ' speaker said' R COiild refe of but who. do so much l o f t o look and found a man lying at the welfare. work. Each of these sub- __ , (Continued on Page 5> 0 resourcefulness, and he said Otto, Jr. Nip pea.- who died December community with little or no pay. He time, "more than“ ever, to wipe our edge, of the " road, bottle “IB" hand 13 ihe agp of 87, was a Newark brows, get shoulder to shoulder and members shquld recapture and ap* thanked municipal employes for the and oblivious to his surroundings. ply th e ir energy and devotion to mail carrier for 30 years before he part they play in township affairs, push hard for the winning touefi- After much persuasion, ■ the squad etired, .down.— the club. It is bad to pe content with and said he would lesn heavily-on finally convinced him to move away Crane Chosen To Receive platitudes, he said. The final letter Nippes left about $10,000 to* rela them tor help apd advice, especially "Polio Is not licked yet Our vac­ ■from the road so he wouldn’t "get in R o tary could* stand for youthful* tives, Including Edgar Leisa, a neph cine- Is 80 percent (effective,- . As Township Clerk Howard J. Bloy, the wet.” They th e n , notified Madison ness, referring to a youthful hAart ew - of Irvington, and Mrs. Juhk attorneys, police and tire chiefs and fighting 'Americans, let’s make it police, who thanked them , for prob­ Annual Americanism Award and outlook, with the need to be ‘Haufler, a niece of Belleville, Leiss 100- percent for that winning touch ably saving th e man’s life. was named executor. down."’ Robert C, Crane, editor ad pub-1 open to new ideas. The circumfer­ Gifts FoK Mayor During the trip, Hillside was cov­ ence o f -the Rotary wheel to him Bloy called the -meeting to order, Cheeks should be mads Blit to the ered by the Newark Ironbound______am- lisher of the Elizabeth Journal, has been selected to receive the. Hillside meant the' dub slogan of "Service led the salute*to the flag an d ad­ Hillside March of Dimes and mailed I bulance sqUad. which was* quartered Above Self’ or “He profits, most Share Candidate ministered the oath to Gural. Gifts to.Galtk at 393 Harvard avenue. I It, the municipal garage- here. Lodge 1514, B’nai B’rith, Annual Americanism Award for 1956. The tWftlp; serves *the best. * . were, presented the new m ayor by announcement was made today by About ninety..members, and guests Commander Frank Brice of Charles President Milton- Carls, who said will, a tte n d a New York show and For School Board Wernicke, Jr., Chapter 55, D.A.V., the citation will be presented at then 'tfiave dinner .a t the Latin and Robert L. Kaplan, president, special ceremonies Monday evening, Quarteb-fca-eelt-bratiort of the club's for. the Hillside Democratic' Club, February 20. Previous atfard win­ goth anniversary Saturday, Janu­ Asserting the- officials,; have their Zbon’t W enti on ners include Rev. Harold Gamblin, ary 21st. Oden Libbey, Ira Gottschp, headaches trying to agree on-ap­ Dr.. Wayne T. Branom, Ruhl L, Harolg Benzing and Michael Tobia pointments,* Commissioner Robert . -..j. Gural Made It duster, Dr. W alter O. Krumblegel, .are'fn charge of ‘arrangements. The C. Kirkpatrick said their differ­ ie H. Bristol, Mrs. Henry G. Nul- gj#UP will travel cto New York Oity ences end when a decision is finally in tw o buses. reached. He praised the unsuccess­ ... Oppose Morris Ave. Link LAWRENCE LEVITA£ ton, Dr. Milton M. Lilien, Phil Riz- zutb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kirk­ ful candidates who take th eir ■ loss School Board Qualifications patrick, Henry Goldhor. and Harry gracefully. Lawrence Levitas, of 1485 Stanley B oy Fractures Leg After congratulating th e new . MATOR w illia m g u r a l with hie bride a n d other members of terrace, yesterday announced that Cooper. mayor, Kirkpatrick sainhe is glad his family arrived none too soon for the reorganization meeting, of he Will ^eek re-election for a second Crane has been active both per­ the Township Committee Monday momlg. sonally, and editorially in inter- Goldhor “is still with us" a n d said term to the Board, of Education; ill continue • to work w ith him “Which led some* of those present to wonder- if Bill and his wife Mr. Levitas is at present chairman faith work, The committee* agreed While Ice Skating -tlTaT he exemplified the moving as he has in the past. He denied had not been delayed in returning-from their New Orleans honey­ of the finance committee and form­ A fracture of' the right leg was that disagreement over appoint­ moon, * . r „ * '.*-*„, er chairman of- the education com­ force whieh..?vjll .-further' inter-credal sustained last Thursday night by amity and understanding as a bul­ ments c o n s t i t u t e d differences ■ Th® Press was beginning to see vlsloBof a big atory—failure of mittee of the board- Robert Fpersch, 13, of 335 Holly­ among the officials. the mayor-designate to arrive In "time to be'" eretftscr mayor; * 'whioh Mr. Levitas is a | certified public wark of Americanism. * wood - avenue, when he fell while Won Editorial Award Welcomes Police, Firemen would have been &e first time It .ever happened! But everything" accountant with offices at 11 Hill skating, in the Woodruff Section of Kirkpatrick thattfhd the Citizens went- off as scheduled. CTreet, Newark, and has been(v a Formerly of Hillside, • Grand fer the Elizabeth R^ver Park in. the sides-in Westfield with his wife, % for their support and said th e com* . /j resident of Hillside for the past 15 ROBERT C. CRANE rear o f Ogden way. mittee would carry Oil the business THE PROPOSAL to build a new road from Miqrris avenue, TJnibn, years. former Frances Hyde Adams arid H e was treated a t the office of through Hillside keeps cropping up Ir. one w ay or another. The t hrftfi. p.hildreri, Gpoffry Adams. ty Chapter Junior Achlevg>ay y,f Tno of the township and strive to keep —He^HstrVice-president-of—^Hill­ J3r... .Joseph Peyaet,. townshlp_phyal-. taxes_down.^ He introduced the...... 1 latest is opposition "to'suejut road frohtttft Liberty Park OOtamuhity side Lodge 1514, B’nai B’rith, and Jonathan Clark and Deborah Lea. Hfr .is chairman of the-JKer-failh clan, and removed to Newark* Beth. newly-appointed members of the Association whioh envisions a large Increase In traffic' on Oonant' a member of the High School F.T.A., He holds a distinguished war rec- Committee, Elizabeth U nited Jew* Israel Hospital. Police and Departments, stat- j street, creating a serious traffic hazard in th at area. Dads* Booster Club of the High ord. As editor and publisher of the - Hillside’s consulting engineer, Henry Kreh, Jr,l not long ago; Elizabeth Dally‘ Journal he designed ish Appeal. He has been hdnoreij UTE SHARE lngi_he is proud of them and . all School Men’s Progress. Club and for musical \ .composition 'by the municipal exuployes^hd welcomed suggested the road to relieve .anticipated traffic conations when the Composite Lodge 223, of F. Si A. M. and incorporated a new format . I.;Lute Share, -member' and. form­ Griffith Music 'Foundation,* Holds S With Hillside them into the bfftcmt family. State Teachers College Is opened at Morris and North avenues. He is married and has two child­ which won the to# National ,. Edi­ er chairman of the Recreation Com­ . After congratulatihi th e new - But Township Clerk Howard ?. Bio? recalls h e suggested-a similar ren, His daughter Marjorie is a torial Association award for general life membership in the N. J . F.B.A.; mission, yesterday announced his mayor, Goldhor said 1955 h a d been road to the State Highway Department many years ago i with no freshman’at Douglass College, New 'excellence in daily newspaper pub** wdn the *‘Young-Man=bf-the-Year" Servicemen candidacy* for the Board of EdUca a fine year, 'particularly as regards - ( tangible results. ; a Brunswick, and.his son. Martin is lishing in 1949. The Journal be­ Award for Union County a n ^ State tipn; He makes his home a t . 1539 of N. J. in 1948, and deceived the safety. He commended th e Police It has beer, proposed recently t o t either Central avenue o r * a sophdmore at’ the. high school. came the first in. N J: to publish PARRIS ISLAND, S. C.-Jerome Schley street and has been a Committee, the department^ the Hollywqqid avenue be extended to Morris avenue,, an,d that one o!"- In addition to Levitas, the terms full color advertising' and' photog? Adolph Jaeger plaque qf tHe‘"Hill- E Horning, son ’ of Mr. and Mrs. dent for eleven years. magistrate and all associated with these streets b> out through in the opposite direction’ to jpta North of Arnold H. McClow and Andrew side Industrial Foundation. He Is John J. Horning, of 427 New York Share said, “Many of my friends law enforcement. Goldhor said In Broad street. But so far as Is known, the prpposal has not been taken m m ekpire.: - Has Many Affiliations an avidM sportsman, holding mem* place. liilislde, N. J., -completed re- have urged me* to seek election to the past five years tjqere b ad been -up with any authority or agency thatwould b e In a position to do | He’ is. a past president of the N. bershlp in many fishing, hunting, oruit training December 28 at the the hoard; therefore; at this time a total o f'40 xdrunken driver artre4&*%Xv’' something •’about’ It,...... ’ A , ! J. State Junior 'Chamber of Com- golf and yachting cluosS M arine Corps Recruit Depot hers. I wish; to make known my decision (Oontilmed on page v ’ Szarko’s Liquor Store l-jnerte,.--Elizabeths..Rotary C lu b . Assisting Rubin* Rltz. chairman. ‘ T h e ten-week course covers mill- OUTSIDE of the few. legal qualifications fo r Board of Education INC. Elizabeth Good Neighbor Council of the award committee, were Past tary drill, first, aid, * personal hyx- He is a member of RillslcupXo'dge membership, the Stafe Federation of District Boards of Education 1317 Liberty Avenue and N, J. Press Association.jCrane Presidents Herman \ A rlein, Abe gienef,-- Marine Corps history, and 1514, B’nai B’lith and the Dads THE WEATHER of New Jersey recommends th a t the most desirable.qualification for WA 3-5659 — WA 3-1495 serves on the boards of the Central Charnack, Sam Ehrenkranz, Henry defense agalnst Chemical and atomic Booster Club- of the High &choo. Cloudy^ and oold^* today, membership is genuine Interest In and &f. unswerving devotion to FREE PROMPT' DEIjTVERY Home Trust Go., Elizabeth; St. Goldhor, Edward Gottlieb, Max attacks: He is a forme? director of athletic* publie education as the best means to preserve democratic form of H - V*- U KEGS BEER Elizabeth Hospitaljirthe Pingry Schleifer, Allan Tumarkin, Presl- =The final three weeks are spent and coach at Bloomfield Colleger government, and to-imprOve the democratic way of lifd. A.good board School, Hillside; bunion CoUnty denr Milton Carls,- Lawrence hi vi­ on th e rifle range where,-, the- new tmd the lio n t' ‘.air Y.M.G.A. He at. metayer will regard his membership as ap opportunity for servibe Chapter, National Foundation * for tas, Dr. Milton Lilien a n d Maury M arine firell the M-l rifle for quali- tended East Side High Sohcol and TOBIA’S . to children and the.nattonf and as a public trust of the highest order. InfSatile Paralysis and Union Coun Rosmarln. fication. Vale tusiness School, Newark. He must have'a willingness to learn and slow, and to give time and APPLIANCES attention to the solution of stmooirprbbteh|. ZIMMERMAN PHOTO 1321 Liberty Avenue — -Intelligence, Integrity, open-mindedness, level-headedness, and Matt-Rest Products GROWNEY WALTER R. LEE Salem Pharmacy comrfren sense are desirable attributes of board lnembers. The good “Your Toy .at Juvenile FUNERAL HOME •v. Complete Line Of Cameras 1201 Salem Ave., Hl)lslde w a s-9341 - r m board member relies bn objective evidence, a n d makes decisions on Furnitl^S Store” . i ' And Photo Supplies ^ Home For Fuaerais PRESCRIPT!ON 8 the evidence rather than on the basis of feeling, prejudice, or personal e l 2 -1m We .'Repair TV, Radioe *. Vk«M». Baby Carriages — Bicycle, 1283 SALEM AVE., ipiXSIDE Just As Your Doctor Orders Interest. He takes responsibility easily, being willing to take a stand 1070 NORTH BROAD STREET 1256 Liberty Avenue NEW STORE HOO** .' * * : in the community for better schools. From this, he does not waver, EL 2-4547 We Call for and Deliver even though pressure is brought about. IDLLSIDE, NEW JER8EY WA 3-5314 * Prescriptions — EL 2-433i . • AJL - «m DAILT , —1------"to'-' '-in ; Plage 2— THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1850 ter. was made a senior .engineer in the. General. Offio»rN4wark In 1951. To Stop Skidding Labor’s Bed Feather Effort At Peak H J,.:,Pas8enger CarJtegistration Application Form Steirt'lng with Publio Service in Labor onion, members in Eastern 1998 as a eadet- -engineer, ■ Parker was ffiaae test engineer at Kearny On Slippery Road Unlofc Gounty contributed approxi- CIQ) were ..vice chairmen of the a a 96Y J J QQE Station i n . 1932. In 1940,. he 'was Motortsta can stop : skidding oi “ aTely IIBO.OOT ~$4B7.C over-all drive. - ' ..... " slippery roads and streets by ob lected In' this fall's Bed Feather According to Dr. Mackler, union $TATE OF NEW JERSEY "STATE OF NEW JlRStr- campaign*'It was afcnbuftced today. participation in the drive was . not B he wa3 promoted to mechanical , OIVISION Of MOIOK VfHICUES pr. Harry S. Mackler, president confined to the industrial unit., "Un­ plant engineer and, in 1954,. was ^ pf the**'Oommunity Welfare Council APPLICATION FOR PAS5ENGER VEHICLE REGISTRATION made performance engineer. He ( ion members served in virtually ev­ lives at 110 Forest Hill road, West of pastern Union - County, which ery phase of the campaign,' he said, i tuoToa yiHtais* PASSENGER VEHICLE REQISIRAlToN First rule; Release the brakes on sponsors the drive, said labor’s par­ as solicitors, policy makers arid con­ Orange. > \ re car immediately. ticipation in this .year’s effort, was tributors “Labor cooperation,” he 1957 A PR f Second: Steer in the direction or the greatest ever made in terms of declared, “particularly. with^ man= the skid. .. money, personnel and cooperation*. agement in the industrial and com­ Radio Engineers 'Too quick, or heavy-footed brak­ ^ 1 three major elements of un­ mercial divisions, was I uppaial- ing causes most skidding," Mr, Cur­ ion labor, AFL, CIO and indepen­ leleHT1 J b ' H N J DOE. . |p J . M .l 5 0 E ran continued. “So, by removing dent union—played an active part Union labor’s relationship - 'With' Elected Fellows the pressure on the brakes the in the campaign-, and welfare coun* 1 2 3 A N Y STREET A N .V s V R E E f the welfare council also Includes . Nin 3 members of the Northern \cause is eliminated. But the effect —nii nniir.v. Dr Mackler declared. ifiDr-P-qp.n.hfl.tinn r.niinrtl may continue and the best thing ,to Union labor’s- major contribution —■—______' ______- 0 ANY TOWN ».N J New Jersey. Section of the Institute ' boar^o! .directors* budget and so ANY r uwim r — Ua«1.ln -TilnffinpprR have been do is to steer in the .direction of the to the1 drjve was hi the Indusrtial cial planning committees^Dr. Mack division. Francis R. Conway was ler said. "Steering Into the . skid means .r.nwp.hftlrman of thfi .unltTtBTgest ~tir 1______i— — j— tive January -l. " Among,'union representatives ag These men were among 75 lead- simply that if the rear wheels slide the campaign, and three union sisting in the industrial drive were 2 i 3 5 * C h E 2 TIB U 1iA -12 3 4 2 -ho i-ha right - - as they often, do representatives .were members of CHE 8 4 2 " f |l “ L 1S A 1 2 3 4 1 Is El * SFRiAL NUMBER ing engineers and scientists chosen the.’following:* Independent unions, n i- L . pay this : . j b from the , Canada and . ... the1 car should--be steered- ha industrial policy committee. Mr. •John J. Fay,- Philip; M erolaandEu- * TNIb vtrm.i.e.fv\uai dc irsarct-i ti/ . that direction. Again, if the rear Conway is a member of Singef~Lo- YOUS FEE ISSA'SEPORTHISWClOmeiASS,-—.... J M40U N I ^ - —T 'J\| DURING APR. 1955 AND OCT. W3o “ Europe to receive .the. honor,. The. &ene V. Rodgers:" CIO unions. Paul grade of Fellow Is the highest meffic wheels; to the left . . as they cal 461.VIUE- (APL-CIO). Working J. Hiavatv. Charles Levenson ami may db if the brakes are not prop­ ■ With h im^ were aigmund hfMi&hlp-grflde in the Institute and John jPr - Voldsih.:—AFL—unions,- is given only by Invitation-to those erly equalized . . . the .steering kowskj, - president of General Mo- -Charles C. Basemin, Michael J. ■wheei-should be turned in that, ill- ■ tors Loeal 595, UAW, (APL-CIO) who have made .outstanding contri­ CbaHey, Sifted FohtaHa' find Vin- butions to^ radio engineering of al­ y 1y -'.. -Andrew-Mulrain, business manager' -oeat-J 5 p ln & .. “Many drivers becoiqe _panie& •of Local 1159, IBE (APL-CIQ) and lied Ifjflds.” Fprmai recognition “o’f the--awards—will—be—made--by—tiift- ^BW- iaalihcars; Bart 'KSQSBl !®d ^Ohn'Morrissey, president of- the La* 3am on the brakes in a desperate dependent Petroleum Workers, h f President of tho I.R.E. -at the an- ■tffarl^J-n atop thd machine.' for- Cub Pack 196 Has WEIGHT " nual banquet .in- New ~ York on New ‘Jersey. CLASS WEIGHT - f § | getting that they must first stop Each of the labor., representatives ,, ,, -H - UNDER 2700 ttS. *10.00 Mat*eh 217---dur4ng -the = I.R.E. Nar APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS ALL QUESTIONS ARE ANSWERED tional Convention. the skid. The impulse to apply the; on the Industrial Policy Committee brakes harder when a car slides off* coordinated the efforts-of the un­ Holiday Party 1 —te- OVER 3800 IBS. — —- $25.00 •The New, . Jersey men chosen to receive tjie award’include : J on a tangent must be resisted*, be­ ions -within., his. jurisdiction. They The annual* Christmas-Chanukah cause a smashup virtually is - ifl- ^helped arrange payroll deduction party of Cub Pack 196 was held BODY TYPE CODE . William R. Bennett, 61 Hobart IS YOUR MOTOR VEHICLE REGISTRATION NOW REVOKED? aveniie, Summitj Bell Telephone evltable unless the skid is gotten plans in plants and Assisted .rjJ ceptly at G e o r _g«e Washington G& under' control.' “selling” the benefits of., CTommunf' School; The. event was conducted Labs, Lie., Murray .Hill,, for contri­ ty -Chest drives to labor groups, butions in the. field of circuit and “An'd, finally, icy • roads are not byikCubm$ster Rayipond J. Bren­ I the only skidding hazards: Wet | Two other labor union officials— nan with, tile. assistance of Jack 2 ---— 2 DOOR SEDAN transmission theory.- Charles A. Walano; President of Horace T..Budenbomt 82 Welling pavements, • unequal tire; pressures, Preston, and Harold Heres. inequalitvijlXirakefi, changes in the .Phoenix Lodge 316, tAM (AFL-OIO) Den 7 opened the meeting with 81 toh, Short * Hills, Bell Telephone directfeiTof travel and rough -road * and Miss Marguerite- ' McCollum, the salute to the-flag:''Cub Scout Labs, Inc., Whippahy, for contribu treasurer of Local 176, ANG (AFL- , 5 § ------STATION WAGON . tions to eleOtfdniC' navigation 0 ( surfaces a ll' contribute to the promise and .oath. Brennan pre­ danger." sented achievement ..awards and. IF "THE ANSW ER TO ANY OF THE ABOVE QUESTIONS IS ’Y E S', TAKE THIS to precision military radar systems.. Welcfamed three new Cubsy-JDavid ..Clifford E. Fay,. 75 Lafayette ave­ Sixth Grade Class Kotler, Larry Kaplan and Harry APPLICATION TO A MOTOR VEHICLE AGENT FOR COMPLETION. nue, Chatham, Bell Telephone Labs, College Circles Takes New York Touri^n Inc.,.,. Murray Hill, for contributions The honor flag was won by' to ‘the. development of high-power DaV)n~M(. Doremus, of 1400 Maple _ Mr. Slberski’s sixth grade class of Evelyn Forer’s Den 2, which had vacuum tubes. aventfc, a senior at Wathlngton & George Washington School went to the-largept—afctendanoe—of—parents Alan M4 Glover, 30 Oak Hill road, and friends, Chatham, manager. Semiconductor Jefferson 0 0 11 e g e , Washington, New York City recently on a well Penn^spenttheChristm as. holidays organized trip. Mr. Siberski.^a new Brennan “tins to" Com­ Operations Dept., .RCA Tube Div, mitteemen I-^T’i? Dfpkstein and Sam Harrison, for contributions to the at home. He is playing his third teacher.at George Washington this Shown aboveV is the actual size vlelor. of Motor Vehicles anil It her. oem th e apphcant; (upper left max- Identified thereon season -as (forward on the varsity term, planned, and conducted thej Cohen \$nd den mother service pins comes the passenger' can registra­ gin) space to record any change of ■On the- bach • of -the form, the development, of photo tubes; to Lillian Marks Tobie Auefback format (front and bach),of thejnew^ Russell11 C. Newhouse, 8 Kilmer basketb.au team. tour which included Rockefeller application form for renewal of tion certificate. "The Tegistration address; (lower left nmrgln) spaoe owner .Is required to Check two Center, £Saint Patrick’s Cathedral, and Evelyn Forer, 1 year, and Ann pOTtlon of* the form is the same size where applicant affixes signature; Questions concerning" his ■ record' of driverShort HiJlsr M tlitarr’Develop- Heres, 4 years. ■ New Jersey passenger oar license to: m ent Engineer, _ Bell Telephone Driving. License OK and the .ballet “Nutcracker Suite” be .mailed to owners under the new as the driver’s license and Is de­ (bottom center) priWed pro-ra,ta revooatlon.,The reverse side. Qf .file at New York City Center. The class Other committeemen service pins signed to fit. the average-sized wal­ 'registratlcr. fee covering vehicle pah registration tic rig h t of .’per­ Labs, Inc., Whippahy, Tot THs Work were presented to Louis Marks* 1 mall order system, whioh goes Into in the . fields bf terrain clearance Resident Revoked of twenty children were\ taken back- effect on March 1, I960, let without trimming or folding. described in applfoatlon. All future foration line) contains the weight year; Jack-Preston, Bernard Cohen classifications and registration fees, 'indicators, airborne communications- TRSiNTON—

Scout*; member of the steering Coffee Round (he W or Idp-lnstarttiyi srove RonleJ7 ommittae o lth e Lay Oommlttbo of ami^mtion^acet Ut Cold War by the accident of birth he had into yq^rrhands to escape from tyr^ Education cl Union Township and Ia % Congressman Harrison J A.' Wll-.#- ■*■■■■ .. .------— -r------—— come from northern rather than anny—whiSft-w^ encouraged yoii to Traffic Signals representative of. W a shin gto n :entral Europe andj^t had tb( School .to the Hoard, of Education, llama (D, N.J.) ttnnouiaoed fills | heartbreaking waiting. Elevation of isk his hie to escape - from1"behind need for revision of'the im­ ■ TRENTON, JiE. , '4—Six traffic as. a 'member a t .the" Board of Di­ U M S submitting to I American oanffiS fo nearly fllatk- he Iroft Curtain, he WoUl^ be-per­ migration law j is not limited to the rectors of the P T.A Subcommittee on Immigration of signals lrTUniwi County on Routs ial powers in determining Avho mitted, to enter the U*S. almost; im­ problem . of escapees from behind JJuntrick is also a member of the: ate judiciary Committee a. the,.Jrqn Curtain. .These laws touch 27, the boundary' line of Linden and shall and shall *not £pter our eoun* mediately. That i s , the kind Of Advisory Oounoll of the new YM- statement, urging the revision of ironip situation our ; immigration more intimately the peoples of the Roselle, were approved for Installa­ YWCA; Evaluation .Counoil of the iKiHigratidti'' daws; His state­ ry, epdloss sfecurity procedures and laws have, gotten us Into. Out of free world than any other aspect of tion today by the .State Highway Social Agencies of ■ Newark, West ment is accompanied by supporting -if< immigrants are at last permit- one side cf our mouth wevfca!k. of our policy abroad. Let Us look, for Department. Hudson and Irvington, and jCfivan- letters from some twenty residents ed to come-j-a tenuous kind of liberation from enslavement, while example* At the case of Italy. The is Gldbeof Newark. He .was foriheriy- ofr. Union County—representing a tzenship, subject to arbitrary revo­ out of the other side we say, ‘Even {Continued on Page Eight) •The equipment Will Include push tt member of the* board of directors hnf.tnns frtt np.ripj.trians tdnht.aln Itj- oss-section of labor," business, pro­ cation. Thq natdralteed-eitlg&n must fessional, civic and religious groups jfaev- superhumanly good; the threat Qf - trustees of the Florence were small boys) . . . My mother is8SS8SSS&S8&8S83^SSS!S8SSS^e flavor. For example, Viennese Coffee is black coffee topped-with whipped tunately they speak in a voice -nyf Newark, fiaq been appointed a children oh the streets at this sea cream—Roman Espresso is strong black coffee served with- a twist of was in the U S^^or 12 years and member of the- Nov? • Jersey State son,” said Edward P, Curran, Safety quavering with .suspicion- and self- more .than half of our. relatives are lemon peel—French Cafe au Lait combines black coffee and hot milk, righteousness and bereft' of the Chamber; M Commerce education director of the C lub/‘‘Youngsters and Russian Coffee is coffee and coeoa blended in the old world manner. Uvlng' in the States: Bo T know committee, It was announce^ today unskilled ,in the use' of skates or Any of these variation)* will offer a unique twistj to entertaining Compassion arid human kindness much /about the Democracy and by John O. Williams, president. ‘bikes’ are fin especial hazawi. Their and the smart hostess will make her plans aroupd a jar of richnroast which were once our Clarion call to Americanism/as I was brought-'up UNION-CENTER DINER Muntrick has been jtctiVe in edu­ safety will depend in great^easure instant coffee. After that it's as easy as saying “welcome.”* In stan t [the .people of the world. in • that spirit . . . The ideas of cation, youth, and civic activities in. on the- careful operation orTnptor coffee may be made as strong or*mild as necessary without^any bitter­ More Protection For Spuds western wojid' against the. com! UNION, N. J. Union, Township £ and Newark for yefiKtes^-^- ness and it cap be served within a few minutes. “We talk about wishing to en munist or fascist tyranny.'.; several years. He is currently cam­ , "Parents also must ^kake their .Guests will be intrigued with these new ideas in coffee gathered [courage -people victimized iy. both Effect Of Quotas paign chairman of the 1956’ Boy sharq • of responsibility jo t child from abroad and the hostess vyill gain a reputation for her continental ancient tyrannies ang the moder "Because the .Czech quota is sc fare. For a coffee with.that extra rich international flavor, try the day tyranny of Conamunism to look RATED TOPS for Good Food Scout finance drive of "Union.; vice safety. Their duty is. to impress' or heavily oversubscribed, this m)an cimiman^nl* the Northern—Distrtet- •children—the—dangers—of-—traffic.* following recipe: to us as the shining hope..and ex- who by his heroism demonstrated RICH AFTERNOON COEFEE ample of abundance and' human!- ■his devotion to our ffrofessed ideals and Pleasant Atmosphere of the Union Council ,qf thp, Boy burdened streets and to instill in (Makes six 5-oz. cups) tarlanlsm. But what, in fact, do wl Scoutg of, America; finance drive the youngsters. a sense of. careful' of freedom and liberty has alrea.dy advisor for the Union Council of ness vin the use of their gifts. 8& cups cold water 4J . hold out to them - in the.. xuiuifo rm al ux wuutuited ai.almost three years to come Y l 6 teaspoons Borden's Rich . immigration laws? Years of | to the U and, at latest reports, ENJOY OWE SENSATIONAL Roast Instant CQffee* . » Yw Pour cold water into saucepan;. add instant .coffee. Stir to blend. Slowly THE HUNTER’S BEST FRIEND bring to a boil; boil 80 seconds. Remove from heat. Serve piping hot. DO YOU LIKE SEAFOOD? Luncheon 90c Tomato Juice or Soup, Entree, GIRL’S BIRTH ANNOUNCED SISTERHOOD BOARD MEETING Dessert and Coffee vlr. apd Mrs. Gerald ■ X, 3Mfo- yhe next executive, bqkpd* meeting .(Served Every Day ManUsr of 1207 Woodruff avenue. of the Sinai Sisterhood will be, held, Except; Saturday A Sunday) announce the birth of a daughter, Moaday,” January 9, at 8130 p.m. at Kathleen, December; 19 at the Hos­ 1504 Maple avenue. Hostesses, will pital Center at Orange. M rs.. Mc­ be Mrs. Hannah Cohen, Mrs. Mar- Manus is the former Shirley Brindle tha Diamond land -Mrs. .Cele Bern­ WE SERVE of Hillside. stein. ____ 5alBSl« . .•• ... . ■ CHERRY STONE OR LITTLENECK CLAMS (pn half shell) OYSTERS "R” IN SEASON MARYLAND STEAMED CLAMS WITH BROTH HEADLEY’S CIDER MILL KE.SS;ELMAN^' - / . ALASKAN-CRAB CLAWS (Stood 1907) ‘ % " SOUTH AFRICAN LOBSTER TAILS 1291 STIJYVESANT AVENUE . _»• % UNION APPETIZERS — DAIRY — GROCERIES BROILED MAINE LOBSTERS / j S P E C lA L IZIN G IN 1554 MAPLE AVENUE HILLSiDE ALSO STEAKS.— SAUERBRATEN AND*MANY OTHER ITEMS Cider — Country Sausage SPECIAL BUSINESSMAN’S LUNCH SERVED- DAILY WINES-LIQUORS-BEER H A R. R Y } S Choice Geese and Ducks FISH PLATTERS A SPECIALTY 225 Fabyan Place, Newark WA 9-9688 For Free Delivery Phone WA 9-9622 Ample Parking pace — Serving People In This Area Oyer 30 Years DAN’S INN DAN and TER* • Monday thru Thursday, 7 A.M. - 2 AM. Friday aitd Saturday, 7 AM. - 3- AM. Sunday, Noon - 2 AM. 1458 LIBERTY AVE. WAverly 9-9576

ai6 BROAD STREET, NEWARK HU 2-1272 DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE FOOD PRODUCTS _ , YOU WILL ALWAYS BE PLEASED AT Pot Cheese.— Creamed Cottage Cheese — Farmers •Cheese Mozzarella — Ricotta MIKE’S RESTAURANT Grated Cheese .— Cream "Cheese .166 LONG AVENUE center Bright Street : CONGRATULATIONS DC®: Danny poy. numbev'one dog at Most 8 oz. containers -v file AUarauehy Game Preserve. Hackettstown, N. J., waits patiently of cottage cheese are 19c VITA FISH PRODUCTS GOOD HOME COOKING \ j o r the signal to hit the fields again after retremng a chukar OUR 12 OZ. PKGE. DUNCAN HINES DAIRY PRODUCTS partridge for his master. John Stuart Martin. The commercial IS FEATURED AT j hunting preserve season m New Jersey is open until March 15. These Products can be bought at your local Tasty, Toasted SandwTches and Delicious Coffee For a. free list of New Jersey, preserves, write Sportsmen’s Service 23c Acme—A & P—Safeway—KaTs Deli—Swider’s Mkt.—Jordan’s Mkt. Bureaus250 East 43rd S t, New York 17, N. Y.

FREE INSTRUCTION IN ITALIAN COOKING COE MARKET Cochrane’s Cocktail Lounge THE 2 D’S.LUNCHEONETTE TOM’S MEAT MARKET 31 COE AVENUE ELizabeth .2-6159 1274 N. BROAJ) ST; 351 HILLSIDE AVE.» (cor. Leslie St.) WAverly 9-9843 PRIME MEATS Proudly Present "Sentimental Moods in Modern Mu&ic” DELICIOUS HOME COOKED MEALS ORDERS TO TAKE OUT Ricotta. 3 lb. can 89c AND POULTRY EDDIE GEE HOURS: Daily 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. r . ONE PRICE AJ/-ALL TIMES Ravioli, manicotti, muzzarella, cavatella, bacala. Italian sausage^ Vegetables and Fish — Frozen Foods and his' orchestra, Friday and Saturday Evenings Saturday 6 a.m. to 3:3Q p.m. home made. Italian Cheese and oils. Home made olive salad. Provo- FREE DELIVERY Sunday, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 11.p.m. - CLOSED SUNDAYS lone, capacola, Italian salamis, pepperoni, prosciuttini.

DIRECTION OF ZIMMERMAN BROS. ssllfr - I CONCORD M IR Y RESTAURANTntT HENRY’S HILLTOP TAVERN TT3 ROSHERTP3 TOWNLEY’S ' 380 CHANCELLOR AVE. cor. Leslie St.,‘“Newark HENRY HIMMER, Prop. Restaurant and Caterers Home Baked Cakes, Pies, Pastries To Take Home 1555 SUMMIT AVENUE WAverly 6-9528^ 58d-592 NORTH AVE. UNION, N. J. CATERING for Bar Mitzvahs, Showers,ers, I WHERE OLD FRIENDS MEET | near Morris Avenue - • • ELizabeth 2-9092-3 Banquets, Social and Club Function* Prime Meats and Poultry ™ lJ Prompt Service — Free Delivery MAX MELNICK HYMAN UMANSKY . X TOWN BAKERY SHUSTAK’S BAKE SHOP 1329 Liberty Ave., near Long - WA 6-5970 ’DIENER -BROS. CHANCELLOR 441 Chancellor Ave., Newark - WA 6-0125 WE ARE NOW QPEN SUNDAYS 1 A.M. TO 1 P.M. Delicatessen & Restaurant SPECIALIZING IN StJGAR AND SALT FREE -GOOKUES, , .Tuesday thrxi ■ Saturday — 7 a.m. to 0:30 p.ra. 1609 MAPLE AYE. ,c. ' WA 9-9858 WINES — LIQUORS—*. BEER COPFEE CAKES AND PIES FOR RESTRICTED DIETS. H , FRESH BAKfeD BREAD & ROLLS ALL DAY LONG We Ca£er To Parties — Weddings-— Banquets SALT FREE BREAD AT ALL TIMES. • Delicloua Pastries ,,«f Cakes — Pure Whipped Cream Cakes I 372 CHANCELLOR AVE., NEWARK WAverly 3-9812 Our baked goods, are prepared according to specific formulas. ORDERS TAKEN FOR BIRTHDAY, PARTY & WEDDING CAKES IRVING .& DAVE’SMARKET 1569 MAPLE AVE. /W A 3-8923 For The Finest In Foqds JERRY’S LEON SCHEPS SCANNELL’S TAVERN' 450 CHANCELLOR AVE., NEWARK 1586 MAPLE AVE. WA 6-5360 NORTH BROAD STREET - ELizabeth 3-9575 SALFM DELICATESSEN DINING ROOM 570 NORTH BROAD STREET ELIZABETH, N. J . | 1 Under New Mana*ement — Specialising In . These Stores are unuer the supervision of the 'WAAD HARABONtM SHUFFLEBOARD ELizabeth 4-7882 ITALIAN-AMERICAN CUISLNE—FULL COURSE—A LA CARIJE. !! HA’MUVHOKIM of Newark, N, J.” assuring th e,‘ %! PIZZA PIES TO TAKE OUT Kashruth of your home. - Sandwiches To Order Open All Day Sunday —r Free Parkins Open 11:30 A.M. to 2 PJ«. and 5:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. DaUy m ‘Page 4— THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1956-

Fortnightly Has Union Girl Fiancee home. Those /present were his child­ ren; Florence and. Charles, Jr.; his Professor ViWill H 0 ;n Of bamuel Furmess parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Beifu£,v, Ihristmas rarty Sr.: his brother and family, Mr. Address Saybrook aiB will be received for HildMrs.GeorgeBeifuSitheir-child'- branch being regarded fhe fortnightly/. Group,, .of ren, George, Jr., Dorothy, Patti- and An executive board meelliig of Marie; Mrs. Beifus’s- mother* Mrsl Baybrook' Sohool -P.T.AI was- held nual Christmas party last Thursday family, Mr. and Mrs. James. Ferni- evening ia.Maple Hall. Mrs. Thelma Cola . and children, Skipper arid. Mrs. -penry Gai rod,' of 1025 ^air.. Hathavtyff was in change of ar- Hithyi *ahd Florence Dora#. all of. rangeme n > s . Refreshments and view plaSfe: Hillside: Frank LsHoint of. East "Or-* Mrs. Rita'* Doctor,. faoulty chair­ punch were served; ange. and other friends and rela­ Mrs. Dhuglas Haviland won the man, announced that p r. Viola Ze- tives.* . I Announce Troth Of lift, professor of reading, at Jersey pri?e f5? th e most attractive pack­ MR. AND IvfRS. GEORGE HILL, Women’s Group To | Musical Revue For age. Christmas presents were ELIZABETH AVENUE Harvard avenue.1 was feted at let is an independent sales contrac- Clinton t . ' PEGGY JEAN LAULER '■ men Interested in Joining the 2nd' * ‘New Year birthday dinner January .tbr. Infajitiy 'Division to contact him 'at * 1 by his wife. Elisabeth, a t them A Spring wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lauler, the..-Recruiting Station _ located at of 314/ Second street, Middlesex the Elizabeth Post-Office or call] Boro, announce-the engagement of him at EL 2-1364 and make an ap­ # their - daughter, Miss Peggy Jean pointment for him to stop at- your \ + LauierrM ahlerr son of house a-nd supply -y-ou..wlth alliun- F U R GOATS Mr] and Mrs. John J. Mahler, pi formation. ; . . * CORSET and 221 -William street, Scotch Plains, formerly-of Hillside. * and in Valuable Fur Coat Credit Checks * KO-RO LINGERIE SHOP "Miss Lauler is a graduateJ of O.G.C. BOARD MEETING Bound- Brook'High School,, and is Newark Link 3, O.G.'C. executive presently employed-by,-the First Na­ board, will meet Monday, January 368 CHANCELLOR AVE NEWARK, N. J. tional Bank. of -Bound Brook. 9, at 8 p.m. at the hom oef Mrs. JUST COUNT the r s ? Estelle ROsenfeldr 220 MontieeBo Between Leslie ahd Hobson Sts. - WAvSrly 3-8456 Mi*. Mahler is a, graduate of Hill side.High School, and is employed street, Union, — by D’Amato Construction Oo. Scotch Plains. ON WINTER: VACATION V Announces Our No date has been set for the wedding; Mr. and. IiJfs.i.Hmanuel..M. BeiteB of 1695 Compton place, are spend­ ing, a ‘winter vacation at the Sherry Marks Fifty Years Frontenac, Miafni On Williamson Ave, Call Your Wanl Mrs.1 Freda Walters, of 69 Wil­ liamson avenue, Sunday; January 1 Ads In WA 3-9207 entertained her son, Arthur Walters and his family at dinner. Table decorations'were in yellow and gold DRIVING 0AifALRINC.M to... mark Mrs. Walters 60 years of residence in Hie home she had built in 1805, at that time the first new heijse- on the street. t t e town was; then kown as tyon*; Raima and Wiiliamson avenue Was a narrow dirt road surrounded by com fields, Myan avenue and sur­ rounding areas were, fields and apple orchards-...— — . Mrs. Walters, who* is now the longest living resident on WiiUnnw son avenue, has seahJSany changes in the community. ®* COUPLES CLUB TO MEET The Couples Club of the Elizabeth Avenue' Presbyterian fihureh will meet Thursday; *January 6 ath-8:1B P.m. a t ’the church. . y u ^ u t Thursday, .Friday, Saturday Januar Glenn Ford and Dorothy McGuire in . “TRIAL” : John'Payne, Ronald Reagan, Rhonda Fleming ip ..... “TENNESSEE^ PARTNER”,, Saturday Matinee — ' For Ae itids — “TENNESSEE’S PARTNER” Plus “BLACK BEARD THE PIRATE” ‘ Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Januray 8; S)1!*'- Clark Gable and Jane Russell in W e C a rryC o m p le te Llfje, of Nationally Advertised Brands \ “THE TALL MEN” , ® Individual Attention • Expert Fitting • Free Alterations Lex Barker and Patricia, Medina in “DUEL ON THE MISSISSIPPI”^ Hurry! Contest Closes Saturday, January 14th. * . * “ " . " ...- - THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1956 — 5

with tax.money. He noted that, the plant maintenance. Raymond W. Bauer is vice chairman ol the over­ Gural Hopes Taxes Will Not Jump new. library Th the civic center Red Feather all budget committee. would prove one of the township’s. -1956 CHRYSLER 300B FEATURES 340 HORSEPOWER tContinued Erom Page 1) greatest, assets. He said he enjoyed of servicing all. vehicles with the Completes Work For working on the committee apd be- tlqn, Urban League and Visiting resfefifir savings. He MM" l i r ^ n r ing of service to the domriiunity. ffurse Association. New York U. Degree Goldhor said the new recommend \ the garage- be made The subcommittee for these agen- hltQ a. sepa^flte^ department and Edythe Stavitsky,-of. 240 William three years of effort t>n the part Of hon-police- activity be Temoyedrfrom-: •received several telegr.ams .from the Geteber toward a bachelor of sel- Ukrainian' Democratic C 1 ub 1 of chalrman; Dj. Abraham Zoss, vice th e , Township Committee, adding the Police Department chairman, and Mrs. .Chester Brown, enoe degr.ee at New York University, there had been three deaths on the Permanenl^treets Elizabeth. U k r a i n i a n . National Mrs. Stanley Praney, Edward I. will receive the degree at the an­ highway where there is no divider. H e. said the committee, especially Homer StI John's Ukrainian Oatho-' lie Church, and the Ukrainian Cen­ nual commencement June ft the. The'‘divider should prevent headon Winston, ' has encouraged ' laying Kemper, Dr. Thomas Whltner, Dr. university announced this week. »S •coins jonsrha said. He congratulated curbs • and permanent ■ pavements ter, Newark; St. John’s Baptist So­ David P-. Lieberman, Dr. George M. his co-workers. for a wonderful job because the upkeep of temporary ciety and St.. Vladimir’s Church, Maverick and Louis A, Montsko. Strike Back! ih|f085. Streets .is costly and an ufair huiT- P. Garretsor. Polhemus heads a Give to Conquer Sound Financially den oirthose who h%,ve already* paid special subcommittee on agency CANCER The., township’s sound*' .'financial for perfhanent streets. * position ; was olted by Oo^imissioner Dl Buono cited the savings from V. WiilahTBrSudno. ile' Sald dOHe work on “the Hillside Avenue play- State’s 567 communities, Hillside ground and parking lot by the Road ranked No. 60 from the bottbm and Department. He** paid tribute to* the thi.r-d-.nr .fo u rth n m n n g .th e ' 23 mn- U&k liicipalities in the county. Ha added, 50 Reserve Police who ease the however,* that the Township Gorit-, task of hie regular department, and mittee is not reluctant tp spend the Fire AlTxIIiary which irepalrlq money after, firsT~giving 'firms!dpraT the old and tion to the worthiness of the ^proj­ purchased a piece-of apparatus with ect. its own funds, increase iri members D i Buono also noted the tbwn- of the department, he said, results shlp’s .policy of advertising for lh protecting the lives and property services even where it is not 'r e ­ of residents. quired by law. He said there have Get Money’s Worth been several. Instances of bids be- " Winston said, th e , public receives CLOTHING CO. A new, more-powerful 1956 model of the car 340-horsepower Chrysler FirePower V-8 engine, ing f^ 3ected and neW ones received for its taxes far beyond what it whwh- woir-hotfr’NtASGAR and AAA Stock Car special road - hugging suspension,, an, overall 4jt--lower -Tigarea, saving—thnusandg would b& ablp to-^mrchase as lndi- Chamfrionshfps in 1955 is the Chrysler 3QQB» the height of 58.6 inches, special leather “cockpit*1 of dollars.- viduais. citing the cost of garbage 39 BROAD STREET ELIZABETH, IS. J. highest-powered car in^America* It features a interior and simple chrome treatment. The new niunicipalrgarage,DE collection aloner^which he said ls- Buono said, will permit Goordmation reflected in all th at is.purchased . ^ (Next To Regent Theatre) - . GIVING UP OUR PERTH AMBOY STORE . We are consolidating our Perth Amboy store with our Elizabeth store! $100,000 stock of high grade, nationally advertised brands of men’s and young men’s clothing.jpd furnishings marked down V S g F for quick selling. he little old _ A SPECIAL GROUP OP lady who loved MEN’S AND YOUNG MEN’S - 100% ALL WOOL ' America- SUITS OVERCOATS and . ■ TOP COATS"" • - Values to 44.05 SALE PRTCE 19.88 IN ALL SIZES AND COLORS

Drastic Price Cuts In Sport Jackets... ■. . $14.88 and $9.81 All Wool Surcoats $18.88 Zipper Jackets $7.88 Men’s AllWool Slacks $8.88 Open Th$4rsday, Friday and Saturday Nile Until 9 P.M.

\ N s r a c a i c e m i u x t

'M ost of us are lucky enough to be born”! cell her fellow citizens. Bonds which meant Sign up for Savings "Bonds through the Due to sfeadilyIncreasing costs of labor and materials, — with'American citizenship. Helen Kolesz victory in war, prosperity in peace. Payroll Savings Plan where you work or invest in-them regularly where you bank. chose it". ■ At th e age of ye, Helen Kolesz died last the Hillside Master Barbers have found it necessary to in­ Do it how l And being an American meant so much, fall, remembered gratefully by hey. gov­ crease the price of various services. This is" the first in- / "to this little old. immigrant lady that"1 ernment and. by her countless M ends and back in 1941, when the bombs fell on neighbors in Lorain, Ohio. -W ant your interest paid a s current incom e? crease the barbers have made in 4 years. Pearl Harbor, she volunteered her time Invest in 3 % Series H. This month, when the President pro­ and hfer labor to help serve and protect claims Citizenship D ay, w'£ might all give United Stdtes Government Series H -NEW PRICES her adopted land. Neglecting the thriving thought to .the truth that Helen Kolesz Bonds are new current income Bonds in real estate, business she had worked- so understood so well:"That making, ourselves denominations of $560 to $10,000. R e­ hard to'build up, she became a salesman and oxa families secure .is one of the most deemable at par" after 6 mbhfjis and on . HAIRCUTS $1.50 for America’s W ar Savings Bonds. practical ways of keeping our country one month’s written notice. Mature in 9 During-the waryears, her patriotism and un­ secure. Let’s take advantage of a privilege years, 8 months and pay an average of '■CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTS ‘ 1.15 tiring effort resulted in the side qf more than which only an American citizen may enjoy 3% per annum IfhelcLtO maturity. Inter­ (UNDER 12 YRS. OLD) $ 5 million worth of Bonds. Bonds which she -^and begin investing in America through est paid semiannually by Treasury check. knew meant strength fo r her beloved: country our good, safe,, interest-earning United Series H may be pin-chased through any and security fo r the people she was so happy to States Savings Bonds 1 bankrx^.nnual limit: $20,000. Children on Saturday 1.50 SHAVE ' ..75 Safe as America— Buy U. S. Savings Bonds The undersigned barbers ask the public for its coopera­ tion in connection with these new rates. We pledge our continued good service to all. OPEN DAlLY'EXCEPT WEDNESDAY UNTIL 7 P.M. SATURDAY TO 8 P.M'.


| gELL BARBERS S^M’S STAR BARBER SHOP P, 0 A R D A O I & SON T I IS.MESS A G E SPONSORED BY IT ~ 1320 Liberty Ave.' " ------190.Long Ave. — r r r s ------*---85 Ooo Avoi ---

MAPLE AVE. BARBER SHOP . W. E. Wood The HiII^Sie Times 1554 Maple . ± l i.W»WMWWWWWUWWWWWMH.W,WW^ , &ge fe-. THE HILLSIDE TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY' 5, ,1956 She ffitttsstiip QJim ta Blue Shield Raises Income Ceiling The*' New Jersey Medical-Surgical1 Plan ; (Blue Shield) > 'through its not be obteteed-Hjfftffl the seventh SERVICES YOU/NEED president, -Dr. Royal A Schaaf,- an­ nounced* this week a hew subscriber Use, Of Services Mnv 1 IflSfi A*- Since' the- 1949 contract was . is* INSURANCE l mg f la n i..aumprities, the I su?a, the nlmbeT Of Blue Shield sub- ACCORDION ■AUTO DRIVEWAYS iTHE HILLSIDE TIMES PUBLISHING- COMPANY Blue Shield- in New Jersey, is the j scribe'rs entering New Jersey. hos­ SCHOOL UPHOLSTERY ‘Sidney StlVgrstein/.. ... ______Business Manager first Blue 'Shield Plan in the nation pitals has increased from 108 .to 130 Asphalt Driveways Robert Kapla ,— ...... Editor1 so raise the Income ceiling on per 1,000 subscribers—a rise of more KATHRYN A. KELLEi family, contracts to $7500. Single I than 26% in the incidence rate. Ang*: HSitsch’s Accordion School General Autn Upholstery a n d PARKING LOTS BUILT GENERAL INSl’RANC E Telephone WAverly 3-8207 subscribers -have an income ceiling Blue Shield subscribers have-'befcn 111 work done witn - .ppwei roller of $5,000^ In addition to liberalizing makirig more and more use of'Blue- 322 BLOT ST, - MU 6-3472 Hillside Auto Top 1444 North Broad Street SUBSCRIPTION RATES . the income, ceiling,' the. new. *con-, Shield services and facilities in All kinds' of mason work done. PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS And Seat Cover Co. ; ’ The TIMES will be sent to-any part of- tha United States' for bract includes new subscriber bene-. general. A Specialty -In Complete- JAMES La MORGESE Telephone: WAverly 3-889» the regular subscription price of $3.50 a. year,, single copies 8 cents. Ilfs. Contracts stiir^may^be- pur- "lirnordeirtcr put the Ttew~ tneome 1190 Liberty Ave. l:--MU 6^2224 Acoogdion Repairs PostageJajCanada and foreign countries must be added to these rates. chasecl no matter what the income ceiling and benefits - lntp effect, ...a Pat McGarrigle, Prdp; • "f« PAlNF aV e ~ limit may bei Wh^thep^above or-ber very mdderate rate . adjustment, is Accordions Sold COMMUNICATIONS -'RVl.VGIW Complete and Efficient Servit low $f60OV 4 : required. Such .an adjustment is Exchanged or Rented Convertible Tops - Seat Covers . The TIMES Is always pleased to publish letters and other Items . The limit pf.eligible days of mfedi- [caused by. the- iever-exp'anding use a .31 >23 , of Interest to readers, and Invites such communications. The name ickups & Amplifiers Installed TRUCK CUSHIONS cal (ndn-surgicap services of the plan by thousands ' of Blue Music Books for A Qcordiod ‘ Repaired and Recovered PLUMBING from .dray one .period of 21 days in per case remain approximately the -ELECTRICAL a coh tract year to-2L days^of such, sanfe. The few increases involved AIR COMPRESSORS CONTRACTING & HEATING care per hospital admission, as long pliystnifl.ns1 rvoluqtary Ca m e r a s j __ RANDOM THOUGHTS FOE OTff as1 1‘952'^^reduq^m--—— Air compressor rental service & EQUIPMENT within 90 days after the. previous Dr. Schaaf calls attention to thfe. Shep Electrical Service MU 8-4421 EL J 1694 . K ^ W ta it does Hillside have to look forward to in this New discharge date., fact thdt the New Jersey adjust­ for concrete breaking 326 Bloy St. WA 6.2471 ^Year of -1956? • ' • * • Now; under the new. iteontract, ment in rates is-far less than ad- and emergency service ■ . U 'N I O N -justments-made- by, most-Blue-Shield- Wiring — Light MILLER &DUFEK ■ As- far as oan be anticipated this early m the year, it ap- surgery. In the out-patient depart^ gg---- for industrial plants CAMERA EXCHANGE pears that the outstanding single event will he the occupation ment is eligible to trie same - extent Plans throughout the nation, qc- and Power as surgery for a bed patient, with? cordWg^O 'ObmpaFatiW figures from Peter A. Drobach Co. Authorized Dealer Plumbing and Heating Contractors and formal dedication of the Hew municipal building; aud public ■coast j o-coast. He notes that New KODAK GRAFLEX - Motor and Ali library, together with the civic printer appendages already corn-' t-iehf serviCesemilst be of-ah ehrer- Jersey Blue ISKield' Has “field the . Construction" Equipment BELL * HOWEJLL '- REVERE Electrical Repairs « pleted, ths^ new firehouse and ^u m o ip a r gaTage on tiiMside gency-naturer--—= lins^ithouL-any-adjustments-what-, 1202 Columbia Pk HUlside, N.^J, ffigh Fidelity Music System* avSnue. —in-Gonnectlon-W-ith accident caftes, 'soever for six years. While increases Air Conditioning' Service These public ^pFeVemrittts;-piu# t t e i i t t l a League =JieM: the maximum eligible .payment, for have been going- into effect with Photo FlnishittfL on Premise* emergency surgical services.ren­ mostHother-piafis.” m which is also nn Hillside avenue, will .tend to make the area in 4 ^ BINOCCLABS dered outside .of a hospital within Rate AdjustnMft 1034 Stuyvesant Ave., Union ELECTRICAL PRINTERS the vitality'of the new municipal building" the center of local In every case, the rate adjust­ AIR CONDITIONING 48 hours after the accident occurs UN. 2-6573 ' STATIONERS activity. It is hoped all this will eventually transform the sec­ has. been increased from $25 to. $50. ment amounts-to less than .a-penny HEATING REPAIRING tion into" a decent business center, which the township so badly Eligible services for newborn in^. a day for each person under Blue nerids. ■" fants under tHe family1^5h®Sct are ^Meld—amd'nxf^pine casesth-a—ad^ ZENITH RUSS DAVIS DAVID B. PEARCE now effective from the date -of jus^ment is as little a s approxim ate- Formerly Hillside Press Completion of the Parkway Manor home development off birth., previously such services, Uc per .person. ....CERV-ALL CAMERA EXCHANGE 1280 N. BROAD ST. EL* 4-6195 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES FOR PRINTING AND Roule 22 and building of homes on the large Evans tract on ' ,4 1949 * 1956 HOME MOVIE SPECIALISTS Cbhant street wijl take plaoe diming the course of the year. Heating & Air Conditioning Co l HOME & INDUSTRY , PHOTO OFFSET Contract Contract Photo Supplies . As Equipment These .two projects; will justnbout dispose of the remaining un­ Employee pnly (no maternity) ...... $1.16 $1.3Q Sales and Service We . Repair & Sell WEDDING INVITATIONS developed areas of any consequence, This means that future TBmployee as sole parent with one or more * >„* Cameras - Projectors All Electric Appliances A SPECIALTY •Eligible children (no maternity) u.rrn.nr- -2.32 2.56 ■ 444 Bloy % MU 8-5872 Bought - Sold - Exchanged MOTOR REPAIRS expansion along residential lines will tend to become static,i jfoi Washing Machines, Refrigera­ WA 3-6033 bringing their special problems with them/' Employee with wife (husband) .who have N©- . . Sheet Metal Fabricators ’ eligible“chtldren' (ho maternity) ..... -...... ; 2.80 2.94 -• * 303 MORRIS AVE.’ tors, Fans and Industrial Motors 1454 N. BROAD ST.—2nd FI. •Thb-homes built in these, developments ‘will be entitled tp Employee, with - wife /husband) with Afyit CONVERSIONS TO OIL OR sociation and .a former trustee, of Elizabeth Avenue*. Presbyterian Board of- Education meeting. GENERAL BUILDING Telephone Answered 24 Hours A Day Church. Planning Board meeting. . One Shot Lasts All Winter the Fuel 'Merchants* Association of Tomorrow.. Donor Roundup of Hillside Chap- New .JGV8§yi CONTRACTORS Installation and Maintenance of TV 2i% CURRENTJLY PAID ON SAVINGS Worthy Matrons’ ' Nigfit of Hill­ ter, B’nai B’rith Women. A graduate of .; Lawrenceville Complete Development Work and other Electronic Equipment side uhapter 192, o. E.'s. * February 14 AUTOJLITE r- DELCO School—and—Princeton_University-,, Tuesday ■ Annual school district election. he is a m^nher" 0f the University Including Sewers, Streets Legal Notices X Township Committee meeting. ^ T o^ship Committee meeting. BATTERIES Cottage Club, the Princeton Club Board of Education meeting. Board of Health meeting. of New York, the Montclair Golf >5.00 Allowance on your old battery New Jersey Department Wednesday February 20 Club, the Upper Montclair Country January 5„ in the Esther Berko- o t Civil Service * Examinations ** Saybrook School P.T.A. meeting. Organization meeting of Board Free' Delivery & Installation Club and a . former director of the' witz Hall of Sinai , Congregatiofi, '^Announced cldsIttK date for Tiling ap- IT S HO TRICK Board of Health meeting.----- of Education. Montclair Rotary Club. ‘ dlcationa. January 81, 1968, For appli- 1531 Maple avenuq. The chapter Planning Board meeting. February 21; --Active in civic and community ations, duties and- mlnimilfh (jualifioa- will celebrate its: second anniver­ fons. i apply., .to ...Department of Qivil Donor credit roundup of B’nai Township Committee meeting. affairs, he is a former member of fertrice, State House, Trenton 7, New 'rith. Women. High School P.T.A. board meeting. the Montclair City Planning Board sary. | The program will be given £y the Cancer dressing meeting of B’nai February 22 ELIZABETH and a former trustee* and officer, of Open to male and female citizens, 12 'rith Women. ' . . Planning Board meeting. the Montclair Community. Chest. husbands of members and officers nonths resident ln the State—preference 663 Elizabeth Ave. EL 3-9148 o eliglbles 12 months resident in M l- y January 14 ...... February 28 Mr, Blondel resides .at 88 Under­ of the organization. A variety;, show iide.\ ■ . ^ ■ _ ■ ' ■ ' ■■■■ E-z t er m s' — $1.00 WEEKLV has been planned and all . members Yes, it’s no trick to have a Square -dancu of Italian Daugh­ Township Committee meeting. cliff road, Montclair. Junior^ Library Assistant, Salary. With their husbands are invited to 1850-$2400 per year, attend. Refreshments will be served. good balance in the. bank, if Movie Gives Cold Facts On Winter Driving Church Guild Will fan. 6-12-19 Fees 16.46 you j'awbefore yon tptodl Elected Director Of Colonial Life* Observe Birthday EAST ORANGE—The election of The Wesleyan Service Guild of The secret of filing, up_a sub­ Franklin- Memorial Church will John’dec. Blondel as a. director pf | ® a birthday party marking * its stantial balance iii your say­ The* Gplonlal Ldfe Insurance Com* Seventh anniversary, on Tuesday, pany of America was announced January 10 at the home *of Mrs. ings bank account is as simple last Week by. Richard . B. Evans, John Hamilton of Maplewood. president of the company. Hostesses will be M^s. Hamiltonr as this: Decide, how much you and Mrs. C. B* Blazier. Game Mr. Blondel is president of John chairmen will be Mfs^.C. Ciemfii- oan put aside out of every pay Blondel and Son, Montclair, leading ecki- and'Mrs^S.'Mott.* fuel% distributors and heating ^ncm- check. Then, make it your in­ tractorsi tie is a director'- of .the Montclair Trust “Company variable practice to deposit president of the Montclair ' Golf American ORTTo Club;1 He flew as a; jhilQt during this amount, every payday. It World War II with the rank of Lieu­ tenant Commander in the United Mark Anniversary makes a big difference (in your 'Stafees-Navy-andsaw^aetive-servlee —The nraft m eeting of the -Hlllaide In the Pacific Theatre. d h a p fe f of W omen’s Atoeyloan ORT /favor) when you do your sav­ Mr. Blondel* is a trustee and -Sill be held on Thursday evening. ing BEFORE .'you do yotjr ADVICE OK ICE—Broking, distance on ice Is much greater when the teropera- ture is around 32 degress than when IKs down near zero# one of many Help­ MAYFAIR LIQUOR STORE spending! ful hints on safe winter driving featured in new movie "Bah't Skid Yourself/' Graham B. Winter X- Daniel J. Cerven produced by /Etna Casualty and Surety Company In cooperation with the . L1QUOK8 — WINES — BEERS — SODA Winter Driving Hazards Committee 4of the National SafetyCouncil. Inspect­ ing chdrt showing braking distances on Ice are of , J4 JfiKa®: Beer — Coolers' For Hire (right)/, world's, only woman- test drived who demonstrates How to get out of WA 3-5456 — FOR FREE PROMPT DELIVERY a-ekidm the movie/ and Prof* A. H. Easton, automotive' researcher at Uni-/ 1454 NORTH BROAD ST;, MAYFAIR THEATRE BLDG. verslty of WT&6nsin and chairman ,of the National Safety Council's test’ edm- mittee. Th&rctna movie recently was previewed by traffic safety officials in a dtffl) of major cities throughout the country and fs now available for show­ Read the ings on f free loan basis as part of the company's highway safety program.. Know What The HILLSIDE CLASSIFIED You Want-- HERTZ NATIONAL BANK ONLY $1.25 PER WEEK IRIVJIR SflF SVSTF.M Get It! ■ oNl) o f e i Ce ^ nI t b r a n g h e s — - YOU—-duplt__.know what ’ Move-Ur-Self arid Sav« , you’re mlssing^-in chanccs SLIFER TYPKWRiTKB € 0 ASSETS OVER. 127,000,000 sell, fix, trade—if CARS $5.5t PER DAY * . overlookoverlook the class!- . (ESTABLISHED 1930), ^ ^ ^ « a d them1 weekly • Member Federal Reserve System / ’V' TRUCK RENTALS Rental* — Repair* — Sales f e ; - Deposits Insured by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation*.., DAY, WEEK or MONTHLY * MARKET 3-2616 OPEN MONDAY ES®NING$* 380 MpRRIS AVE. — Cor. Orchard St. THE HJLLSr*i**AWs ELiz. 4-1114-5-6 ELIZABETH, N. J. 1*43 Worth Brawl S i ) H niTy! & 655 HIGH STREET NEWARK 2, N .. the hillside times, Th u rsd ay, Jan u a r y 5,, 1956 n Youth Rescues Roy From Icy Pond Non-Citizens Must X^ryeay old Urtfon boy rlasfc I^Lursdqy afternoon risked his own Report In January life to say.e an 8-year old, Elizabeth P.S. Promotions lacTwho hhd fallen through the ice Commissioner J. M. Swing re? Number 244 Of A Series Of Articles minded fton-cltlzens today that Parkway pond on Liberty avenue hrGasDcpunihS^ hes^-must report their address to im Immigration and Naturallza1 opposite the high school -Promotions -fa-the. Gas -Depart. ion. Service during each January - y t . yattng&WP ufaftt of Public Service Ele'ctricand skating; -ots tbe pond. Thomas Mo­ under provisions of the 1952 im- naco, 8, o f . 441 Clarkson avenue, Gas Company, effective January 1. Igratlorf and Nationality Adi Featuring American Ideas and Ideals' Elizabeth, ventured beyond the are announced as follows: The Commissioner urged all ali­ fencea-in area and the thin .ice J ® ® , _A. Lasg^lfraSi sunertnten- ens to go to the nearest' Post Office gave way- Charles Marter, 14, of dent of distribution, Newark Dis- or immigration office to fill- out an 384 Shefwdod road, Union, Baw Mo­ tries, to division'staff engineer, Es­ address report card in oompliance. naco’s plight and crawled toward sex Division.' With the requirement. • him on the lee, but h e also-fell William L. Heuser, from assistant Swing pointed out that willful vi­ through. He manage^ however, to superintendent of. distribution, New. olation of the Act. could maige an make his way back tq, solid ground, ark District, -to district superinten­ alien subject to a- fine and/dKde- at the same time taking Monaco dent, Newark District. portatlon. . with mm. ronce UilLllll!lL(dd“dr?pWruf" The Commissioner noted' that the water at between four and five signer, to chleniraftsmah, Qas En­ flff.;":’ “ gineering Department.;-... their addresses under the- Act last - Fire Companies- 2 a n d .3 saspoiyi. William C. Dlederlch from plant year. Bo said the flgdre is expee- eiTwfiK "PaJfSlEBirx 'VtncentrM'oy- superintendent, West End. Gas Isfl'to top-Bie two aiidromrrhatf-mlK Are we hearing another nihan and Leonard Visotsky, but Works, to division staff engineer, H onT nirkin1 1958." Marter had the situation in ‘-hand Distribution Department. .Bergen He stressed that.the address re­ by the time they arrived Division. port cards must bV filled out dur­ ’ Monaco was taken home by. Ms: — Mr.— L an e started wl.thi P nKI* ing Janupy. to be In compliance •cousin, Mrs. Luoy Anderson, of 3Qt Serrieetln' 1935 and was assigned m ith the law. Hillside avenue. The .water-logged the. Oamder, Gas Distribution De­ Earl H Greenleafl Acting Officer Marter was taken -to his home in partm ent,. was assigned ir. Oharga of the local office of the the police patrol car* \ to the Passaic Gas Distribution De­ Immigration ;z a H d Naturalization partment. as assistantan fthe engin- Service, said the aadhesa report cards are r.ow available at all- post- Russian eer’ indVlng to the Summit Gas Dis­ tribution a s : assistant superinten­ offiees aiid Joined with the Com-, Second Charge Is dent in* 1680, Hs was promoted to missioner In urging that all aliens superintendent of tllht district ; in fill out cards as koon as possible. Made In Stabbing 1948 a n d transferred to the New­ Mr. Greenleaf explained that to ark Dlstrlot-two years later- in the comply with the lawifie alien must A seoond charge of possessing a same capacity. Mr. Lane lives at 456 fill out a card and hand It to a deadly -weapon, “ a switch-blade' Walton road. Maplewood. Post Office -or Immigration1'- elerk. knife, was lodged against Anthony Started In 1921 No ,alien should mail his owncard. IflDabg? Valente, 18, of 1325 South State S tarting with the company in 1921 Street, In Magistrate’s Court last .in th e State 'Gas Meter Sh'op, Mr Thursday night.-He was continued Heifser ■was made general foreman, T hrift Contest In $500 ball for the Grand - Jury by Street Department. Newark District, Magistrate Sidney Bimbaum. two years later. In 1950, he was pro­ The, oharge was related to the moted to assistant' superintendent Bow To Franldin came incident for which Valente of distribution, Newark District. was held, on a charge of atrocious Mr; Heuser has always taken a par­ The Hillside National Bank, In assault, and battery December 15. ticular interest in .the design and conjunction with, its .observance of. Poiioe accused, him of "stabbing Al­ development of special equipment National Thrift Week, Is conduct­ bert J. Baize, 15, of. 634 Buclianad now’ use^ by the Gas Distribution ing Its third annual essay contest street, , on December. 9. • Valente Department throughout th e ’ State- for students In the"' ’ junior and Senior classes In the Hillside' High s pleaded not guilty to the charges. He lives a t 114 Forest avenue. West ....-RaI-ph-M,-Carroll,.. 35, of 2_.De Caldwell. • Schdol. —This yaar cpsntal Is hft- A graduate, of' Newark*-College of . W itt avenue, Bellevlll,e pleaded Ing placed upon the 250th birthday guilty to a drunken driving oharge Engineering in 1942.’ Mr. MpQuade December 9. He was fined $225 and started -with Public- Servioe in 1947. anniversary of Benjamin itenklln, his license revoked for two years. as a draftsman in tjpe Construetion January 17, and ‘the* theme . te Department. Three years later hel “Franklin tfc America-pSave and VTOS ESSO a w a r d was m ade designer-draftmkh and, Have.” l in d e n —a Hillside man, Sey­ in 1953. was promotfed. to designer, The National ..Thrift domnslttee, mour Winter, of 1432 Liberty ave­ and, th e following year, was inade of whloh the Ideal bank Is a mem­ nue. is among 50 Esso Research and senior designer He lives at 2101 ber, considers. Benjamin Franklin Engineering Company employees Alexander avenue, Nutley*. * one. of the symbols' of thrift. Na who recently received ,a total of. Starting, with Ptiblic Service in] tional Thrift Week Is observed 31,210 In cash awards under the- 1953, Mr. Dlederlch jyas made as­ from January. 17, the birthday, of firm's - Coln-Your-Ideas suggestion' sistan t to th e . superintendent, Franklin, .for one week, concluding system. Mr. W hiter was awarded North Hudspn Gas Distribution de­ January 23. $15 for his. Idea. p artm en t in 1940. Four years later Essays may be 500 words or less he was traneferred'l& the Harrison on topics dealing with, thrift sudh Gas Wor ks _as assistant to the en as: , “Save On Schedule," "Thrift gineer and, in 1951, was named ■ and ■ theTndlvldnttl;" “Save! Tt*ffthe HOROSCOPE READINGS plant Superintendent,^ West American Way to Success,” , "Why Gas Works. Mr, Dlederlch, who It Pays To Be ..Thrifty," “Thrift. By GENE lives a t 522 Mahroomar Place, Gliff .The-Foundation , of America," “Save of peace to mask acraW aggressioni side, was graduated. from Stevens —It’s Jfour Future ,” and "Why Do the Communist leaders really want peace or W ith free explanation- by Gene Institute of - Technology in 1934 with 'Thrift Makes a Good Citizen.” t t e -essays must be written in ink Remember, too, th a t right now the' Soviets have more' LET THE STARS GUIDE YOG ,a . .mechanical engineering degree. to lull us into a sense of false security? Here In 1943, after taking e v e n i n g or type<*^J(irnbers axe given to the than'1000. longrrange bombers capable of striking any TO SUCCESS & HAPPINESS bourses, he received his master of entries by each teacher whose. stu science., degree. • • dents are participating in the con are some facts every American should remember. part of.the United States from any direction. And they 433 Spring St.’, Elizabeth test',- The ? contest: .began December - HfOLTDAYVISITOR 1 and will continue through Janu­ are producing still.bigger and faster bombers. (between Bond St. and Anna St.) D u ncan■ MacIntyre, of O 01 ary 17.. We Americans want to believe that Kremlin peace Gate, spent, the holidays with Judges will be announced shortly. Our military forces are on round-the-clock duty guard­ Open Daily 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. daughter,. Mrs. Mary Dor emus, ofj overtures are sincere. We pray th a t “peace in our tim e” Maple-ayeniie.. ing ajgainst the possibility of a surprise attack; But they may become a reality instead of a mockery, We hope, as Domestic Is Helcl need the help of an active and vigilant Ground Observer man has never hoped before, th a t the Soviet goverri- Corps to spot hostile aircraft th a t could try to sneak In Home Burglary ment genuinely desires to settle the differences between . through our radar network. ^Mrs Leuvonia McFadden, 21, of; East and West in a peaceful manner over the confer­ 77 Fainflount avenue; Newark, was LIFE’S FAR released in $200 ball last Thursday ence table. So, if you are not already one of the many thousands TOO SHORT nlglilr ^ Magistrate Sidney ^ ira - baum on a charge of larceny. She of patriotic civilians in the Ground Observer Corps, to spend It ch doing will be arraigned tonight. But, while we listen willingly to any of their peace pro? join now. The need is urgent. Hope for peace—pray for unnecessary errand Employed as a domestic i n ‘the home of Mrs. Paul Deitz, of ’ lb56 posals, we must not let ourselvess be lulled into a sense of peace—but never forget that as long as the .Iron Cur­ Bank b y md Fairview place, Mrs. McFadden'Is false security. All too often the Kremlin has used talk tain exists we 'must be en guard! Membert Federal Deposit Insurant charged with the theft of $60 * In Tolls of dimes and quarters, from a kitchen cabinet in the Deitz home, J3he was apprehended by Detec­ tives Robert Mason, and Thomas Duffy. Police said the theftr oc curred ’December; .ws not; discovered until "December 22 and Keep your eye on the sky in the reported December 27. They said .Mrs McFadden admitted the theft. B’naiB’ritJi Women G r o u n d o b s e r v e r c o r p s JOIN TODAY—Write^or phone'— Nam e tind address of Civil Defense Director— Telephone No. , End your home Membership Tea A membership, tea will be helcT by - Contributed ds a public service healing problems B’nai B’rith Women, Hillsldje Chap­ ter, to introduce, new and prospec­ with our complete tive members, the home of Mrs. Mildred G. “Foher, 322 Wainwrlght street, Newark, on Tuesday, Janu­ Shell Service ary IQ, 8:3Q p.m. The guest speaker, Mrs. Charles Rausch, vice president of Northern New Jersey Council and It's til d o n e past president of Hillside Chapter, will speak on the many aspects of for you. No weirk... the organization. Tea chairman is I no worries. 24 hour service. Mrs. Samuel Berkowitz. Refresh­ ■ H —with our Complete Shell Heating ments will* be served. All women in Oils Service. Includes automatic fuel tarest-firi flre-thvff.ftd to fl.f-f.pnd. ' deliveries—before your tank runs dry. Plus annual clean- All members are invited to’ the ' ing of hearihg system before winter sets in. home of Mrs. George Weiss,'chair man, a t 212 Dorer avenue, _on-Wed TROUBLE FREE OPERATION—with Shell Furnace Oil arid nesday, January U, l pan, for. an additive POA-5X4. Shell’s exclusive additive FOA^rX afternoon of sewing cancer dress THIS MESSAGE PUBLISHED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE THROUGH THE prevents burner shutdown due to clogged filter screens; ings. Assistant0 chairmen are Mrs cuts expensive maintenance cost. With Shell Sonitor we Simon Kerner and Mrs. Rausch Refreshments will be served. COOPERATION OF TH E FOLLOWING HILLSIDE COMPANIES*. also give FREE longtime protection against ru s t for owners’ tanks. Fight Polio — Give to Sister Kenny Foundation W CoJI Us T O D A Y for Details on Low-cost OilHeoh milside Headquarters ' Bristol-Myers' Company. The Hillside National Banlc Paramount-Products Co.,;Inc. ' , No Obligation! 393 Harvard Avenue - Cooper Alloy Corporation' Auto Body & Fender Jiffy Manufacturing Co. Rotary Metal Slitting Co., Inc. See Us For REPAIRS & PAINTING LesjCove v Oil Burner Installations • Coal ’ E d g c o m b . Gus Reinke Machinery & Tool Co. 557 ROUTE 22 STEEL and ALUMINUM CORE. Kraft Foods Company » Oil Burner Service • Fuel Oil MU 8&9849 Res. MU 6-4544 * Sunrise Dairies Flash Cleahers ; . SHIRT LAUNDERERS . The Lionel Corp. Subscribe To* :ft Sun Tube Corporation • THE iniLSIDE TIMES Hatfield Wire & Cable Division of Continental Copper W Steel Industries Inc. JMiller Steel Co., Inc. Tridix Tool & Machine Co. JOK NITTI .V SON . $3.50 The Heil Company 404 Coit ST. ESsex 3-0110 Irvington . " , Bor §2 Issixes ‘ MundetXork Corp. „ Vikiiig Sprinkler Company, Inc. ;;c ‘Page 8— THE H ILL SI BE flMfeS, THURSDAY. 1ANUARY 5. 1956

SIDE CHAPTER — Third Wednes­ THE • YOUNG REPUBLICAN M any.ItalianslBbk-to the U.S. as day. 8:30 p.m, at Sin^i Congrega- CLUB OF HILLSIDE — Meets the land of opportunity where so . Mother Active Despite Crippling Polio tion, -1531 Maple Ave. President, monthly at discretion , of executive many of their brethren have a l - ' Mrs. Moe’steinman; 1st vice presi­ committee at 1292 Salem avenue. ready achieve^ suecessl .' Yet opr dent; Mrs.George-Weiss; 2pd vice Chairmap, R ichard Coqpington; regular immigratlon quota for Italy ' president; Mrs. Sol Soroka-; 3rd vipe chftirrnan, Phyllis J. Bradford: Is pitifully small, as compared with vice president, Mrs. Alfred Labo- treasurer, Charles E. Bradford; re ­ ■quotas for Northern Europe, iin d . witoh; recording secretary, Mrs. cording. secretary, Martin v*ottlieb; only last week—apparently as .a fisponriing secretary, Mrs. Lewis Kaplan, 1517 Mildrum, . 41 , Beebhwapd place; the State Department announced Liberty Ah.} financial secretary, members' at large* of the executive p f e no further applieatlonz from Mrs. Leou Brazer; associate finan­ committee, Jrving I.-Needle; An- Italy under ttye Rdjiugee Itelief Act cial*. "secretary. Mrs. Milton Rubin; Ithojiy Piegar'l; memberhip commit­ would be accepted. The announce-, treasurer. Mrs. William Krautblatt; tee chairman, ■;Hyman Schulman. m ent of course, is the result of the iujoial secretary. Mrs. Moe Gold­ MOTHERS’ CIRCLE OF HILL­ tact that the Italian refugee quota , berg; sentinels, Mrs. Jack Blum- SIDE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH is overscribed, and this simply oerg and l^rsf ^eriry Goldhor; —Third Monday 8 p.m. in the Sun­ points up th e urgent need few Im­ counselor. Mrs-. Abe Oharnaok, _ day- School- room of the church. mediate revision of ■ our Immigra­ ITALIAN D .- ^ G H T E R S -OF Pi-esidlnt, Mrs. Dawid Iniiesr Vice tion: 1SW3. .It Is difficult Indeed to HILLSIDE ASSOCIATION — Third president. Mrs Marie -Shattuckf explain to Italians struggling to ad­ Tuesday at Polish American Hah, re&surer, Mrs. Samuel Basch; re- vance economically and tp achieve 400 Bloy st. President; Mrs. Rosina fording secretary, Mrs. H a r ry democratic goals that theyu/are Iuzzolindr president; Mrs. Mary Ml- Juyce; corresponding secretary, viewer as tessrriiatT6'4llm to north- ■K4icfenhinn uip.P.nrPRlrient: Mfs. Lil-' Mrs. Carl Frahm; assistant secre- Euroneans by .the great demoe- lian Batiafco, secretary, 205 Penn- sylvania avenue; "Mrs. Merva Fer- McNair; prelate. Mrs. ‘Edward rignp; treasurer; -Mrsr-Christlrie Do- JCayle" publicity, Mrs. Richard . Congressman Wllllanls continued, J-aggersv— — .'"me ffl reylsloM of th e im­ THE HILLSIDE SAGITTART- I P g g J T O REPUBLICAN CLUB migration laws, which I " join in ANS, archery club—First and third; —First Tuesday at Polish American sponsoring and supporting, w o u ld ' Mondays • at Hillside Hobby & j Hall,“400” Bloy St. President, John dir ,a._ number of much-needed Sport—Shop.—President._Roscoe I. j Krug, Anthony" Capra, vice presi- things." They would: Mullican J - * vice president and ; dent, Rose Lampe, vfee president, --- -.*‘15 rid us of the .legalized sr.ob- Visitors Welcomed at Little Grown secretary, Lawrence Fitzsimmons, Eleanor • Kifner, correspondip'g sec­ bery of the National Origins Quota Chinchilla Ranch. Chinchillas, 1412 Boa place; treasurer, William retary, Liljian ''CJapro, recording sec- and would substitute the Unified -jeglstered, pedigreed. Quality anl- R. 'irfunlrani sergeant-atra r m sT1 retary,'507“Gonant“St.;;Dougias Quota; With four preference cate- "maB; EL 3r3583.------Dec. "3ft=4t Lester. Yuill. ■■ Haviland. . treasurer. Frank La- gories—th e first, for reunification ITALIAN A M E R I CAN CIVIC Tora, sergeant-at-arms. of families; the second- for persons DUNRITE SALES GO. ' ASSOCIATION — First Monday at D A-D & BOOSTER - CLUB OF with special skills and abilities Yiho ALBERT ROTHBARD * Zatko’s Hall, New York place. Pregi- j RlLLSIDEri-j-Meets on* official noti- Home• Improvement Specialists. would promote our. national devel­ d e n t C. Mancuso;. vice president, opment; th e third for the oppressed, 'Aluminum combination F." Di Leo;.-, treasurer, A. Miseren- storm windows and, doors, jalousie as Chamberlain, Samuel” DUbow, persecuted and refugees, Including tino; financial secretary, T. Ferzo- orphans: and the fourth a New­ porches, aluminum awnings. Want lone; corresponding sec.. G. Voltdr&.T Dk Lilien; secretary, Jess io save money ? Call EL 5-3208. * tf Hollander, 1574 Leslie street; treas­ comer’ 'Quota, of 50,000 a .year for I T A L IAN ' AMERICAN WO­ qualified- persons- throughout . the MEN’S AUXILIARY OF. HILL­ urer, W alterSpit^ Ruh’l L: Oukter. world wishing, to immigrate on a 's e r v ic e s SIDE—8:15 at the ItaliahrAmeri­ flrst-'oome-flrst-served. basis; can" Hall, 1241 Baker street. Presi­ j: HILLSIDE LODGE 15J4,- B’NAI B’RITH—Third Monday, 8:30 p.m. ..'Wlpyovide .for establishment of YOU NEED dent, Miss Angie Grasso: vice- a new commission to handle’ Im­ Paul's Moving & Truoktog, 422 Yale president, Mrs. Rudolph Wawrzen- at Sinai Congregutton, 1531 Maple Ave.,. MU 8-7788, No Job too small Ave, President, Milton R. Carl’s; 1st migration which would not be pri­ Carpentry 'ski; secretary, Mrs. Phil Amato;’ marily' a law-eitforcement arid' po- jr too large. Shore trios a specialty corresponding - .secretary. Mrs. Sam vice .president, Lawrence Levitas; Call IL Beeglei for carpentry, re­ Cooper; treasurer, Mrs. Louise Sav- 2nd vice president, Robert Rosen­ llce-oribnte"S agency like the pres­ pairs, porch enclosures, 'etc. Cabi­ Nursery School ittiej-e; publicity, *Mrs. Dominic berg; 3rd vice president, Joseph ent Immigration and Naturalization nets made-to order. Estimates glad­ Peterpaul, 1224 South Bright street; Ram; treasurer, Charles .Rausch; Serving of th e -Juiffte Department, ly given. 1038 Union Av.e, Hillside. Licensed home care tor pre-schoot sergeant-at-arms. Mrs. Helen Galof. financial secretary, Seymour Gor- nor >g'-corps ’ whdse major interests EL 3-5989. ohlldren, 2 to 8 yrs. 9 a.m. to NEW JERSEY POLIO MOTHER OF THE YEAR—Exemplifying the many New Jersey polio mothers SINAI HEBREW SCHOOL P.T.A. soverj recording secretary, William and •‘duties lie elsewhere; as ,do 6 pan. By day, week or month. Mrs. who have conquered the dreaded orlpplcr and are Attempting to resume normal living despite sevejre physical —-Bi-monthly on second Wednesday Krautblatt; guardian. Max Kasoff; those of. our Consular Service; the You want a carpenter? Call F. Hin- Gloria C. Gall, 580 Puree St., Hill­ handicaps, Mrs. Mary Biribauer, 33, paralyzed in all four limbs, bas been chosen the March' of'Dimes New in Esther Berkowitz Hall of Sinai monitor, Max Schleifer. .< new agency would be guided by a ....tenberger for building, repairing. side. MUrdock 6=4331 Get. -20*tf| Jersey Folio Mother for 1956, An active club-woman, teacher and homemaker, she is shown surrounded by Congregation, 1531 Maple Ave. HILLSIDE CHAPTER HADAS- humanitarian spirit and would em­ SAH^—Second Tuesday 8 p.m. at general contracting, roofing, cabin­ her husband and children in their Cranford hofne. fyfesidentr^Mrsr'Tsadore—Steirmanr phasize the welcoming of qualified et work. Estimates/ given free. No 1st vice president, Joseph Williams^ Sinai Congregation, . 1531 Maple immigrants and resettling tbem and"" job tod largeror too small. Gall EL* 3- Odd Jobs Done, Trucking 2nd vice president. Dr. Milton Kess­ Ave. President, Mrs. William R as­ helping them to totegraie Into our 6227 or SO 3-0861. 1-12-56 Mrs. William J. Shuhala; secretary, ler; recording secretary, Mrs. Ken­ ter; vice presidents, Mrs. .Mernie National life; it would also give a Odd Jobs, rubbish and dirt re­ Mrs,.David W. Bataille, 338 Bloy Eisenberg, Mrs. Milton, Rv Caris and guarantee of administrative review moved, cellar... gpd. yard- cleaned; neth Lewitter; poriespopding ■ sec­ Dress Making Alterations I street; treasurer, Mrs. Angelo I retary, Mrs. Irving Erman, 1605 Mrs. Jack Barsky; recording sec­ to deportation ’and exclusion cases dump truck to hire. MA 2-2521, 8 Directory Of b retary, Mrs. David Bicker; cor­ Dressmaking and alterations. Amy P.M. to 11 P.M. August 2B-ff Paris!, •Glinton place; financial secretary, HILLSIDE - KJWANIS CLUB — Mrs. Albert Tasner;. treasurer, Mrs. responding secretary, Mrs. Leo Low- Yeager; 213 HoHyy/ood Ave.. Hill- w w w w w w w . enstein, 1425 Highland avenue; fi­ . side. EL 3-5521. Every Wednesday a-t 6:80 pun. at I Harold Zonderman; guard, Harry . “3) provide maximum protection Piano Instruction Clubs and Organizations I the Hitchto' Post, Route 22, Union. I Stadlin. ,—— nancial secretary, Mrs. Henry Gar- fflfc our national security; compre­ President, Kenlor. D Wood," 1st I CRAFTSMEN’S CLUB OF HILL­ rod; treasurer, Mrs. Benjamin Du-; hensive, Workable standards are bow. established to bar genuine, subvert Since, some organizations’are always in the process of electing new I rice president, Gene Kolakowskl; SIDE LODGE No. 241 F. & A M. Educational 12nd rice presldemt, Dr, Bernard! —First Tuesday except July and HOLY NAME SOCIETY df rives and anti-democratic elements, officers*, it is suggested th at the secretary of each organization cheek the ISenner; treasurer, Emanuel M August at 8 p.m., a t Masonic Hall. Church Of Christ the King—Third to contrast With current* laws, which Help your child win success with Pet Shops Reiter; secretary, Edward W. Love,' 444 North Broad street. President, Tuesday 8:30 *p.m. at school hall; frequently operate ‘to screen, put WORLD BOOK ENCYCLOPED­ listingbelow, and send any corrections or additions to the Hillside Times. Bloy St. and Columbia Ave. Presi­ I 228 ttmg Ave.; sergeant-at-arms, *aul Kifner; 1st vice president, anti-Oommunists but Jo allow true IA. Budget Plan. Mrs- G. Mayer, ENJOY a visit to the Tropical Fish Joseph Prokopotricz; historian, Ed­ David W. Alcott; 2nd vice presi­ dent, John Desch;~ vlce president,- subversives .to; -WA-3-7416r‘WJV6-1139.------— Qeii .ex . oOilll^ide, A great assort-, All local organizations are invited to send a listing for this column. ward W. Love, - * * dent, Henry G, Groh; treasurer. Te(j Czarnatowicz; treasurer, Vin­ ■ “4) make possible establishment Sept. 29. tf ment of fancy troploals, AquarTufia,' There is nS charge. — —------. - ______‘ pre PHI ALPHA SIGMA HteAtjERNI- Harvey W. Peace, Sr.; secretary, cent Minelli; secretary, Arthur of an Immigration Review - Board- Accessories. Bird Dept. Boxer Pup­ TY,-ftlpha-'Eta Chapter—A^amatr Harvey^WrPeaeerBrr------Flynn;— sergeant-at-arms, ■ -Joseph which would relieve the Congress of Hobby Shop pies, Fresh' horsemeat. Free De­ . WOMAN'S CLUB OF HILLSIDE’ .Tuesdays at members' homes. Mas- LIBERTY PARK COMMUNITY Riley. the burefen of thousands of private livery. Hollywood Pet and Supply —First Tuesday 1:30 pm . at Eliza­ ller; . chaplain. Mrs.. Joseph J, Kre- Iter, -Raymond Nadasky; deputy ASSOCIATION—M eets. last Thurs­ Hillside Hobby and Sport Shop, 1303 immigration bills, following the 00., 1279 Liberty Ave. Opp, Frlnoe- beth Town‘and Country Olpb, 917 vet; secretary, Mrs. Herbert Lay-1 m'aster, Ronald' Tyranski; scribe, day 8:30 pm. at 1090 Thomas street. precedent of the U.S. Court of Liberty- Avenue. Hobby Craft. con Ave. WA 3-2991. I Robert Craig, Chamberlin, Donl President, Julius Tangel; vice presi­ Sporting Goods and Accessories. No. Broad St., Elizabeth." President, Icock; treaeurer, Mrs. William H. Sees Immigration Claims,' which was established-to Grieshaber. j Andres; historian, Michael Ster- dent, John Beattie; Secretary. Wal­ relieve the-Congress of the b urden" Jackets and Uniforms made to Mrs. Harold J. Love; 1st vine presi­ nick. ' ter C. Schmidt, 215 Fitzpatrick St.y order. WA 3-3895...... tf SAVE TIME AND HILLSIDE CHAPTER NO. 192, of private claim bills; dent, Mrs. Walter Kobln; 2nd vice SIGMA LAMBDA PH I SORORI­ treasurer, Oscar Newman; sergeant- Facet Of Cold War “5) eliminate the distinctions be­ president, Mrs. Albert Soaocij; ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR ENERGY. REFER TY—Alternate ^Tuesdays 'al mem­ at-arms, Anthony Salerno. ■ 'Continued From Pas tween native-born and naturalized Iron Railings treasurer, Mrs! Addison Sanborn; —Meets first and third Fridays 7:30 bers’ homes—President; Carol Blum; HILLSIDE HUNGARIAN WORK­ p.m. in Masonic Hall. 1444 North Citizens and limit the causes for loss recording secretary. Mrs. Franklin rice president, Joyce Feuerschwen- INGMEN’S HOME—Fourth Friday Of citizenship.” Wrought iron railings, exterior and TO CLASSIFIED J. Rogers; corresponding secretary, Broad St. " Communists control a significant ger;' recording seoretary,; Patrldls; a t 3.316 White St. • President, Wal­ proportion of the seats to the interior. Gall WA 6-4923 for free Mrs. Philip J. Sohaub, 737 Salem Worthy Matron,' Mrs. Mildred estimate------9-22-56 BUSINESS ADS. Selllok;, treasurer.' "Rita Lesko; cor­ lace Tomy; vibe president, Wendell Chamber of Deputies. One of the fOad, Uilion; junior counsellor, Mrs, Phillips; Worthy patron, William responding secretary, Evelyn ".Corte- R otter; -treasurer, William Zim­ Fight Folio — Give A. Bahret; associate matron, Mrs. basic reasons Shat the Italian econ­ Maurice j. Murphy, HILLSIDE DEMOCRATIC merman; financial secretary, Jos- omy continues at a rate that makes to Sister Kenny Foundation by the pastor, “The Reasons for MEN’S PROURESS.GLUB—First Margaret Beattie; secretary, Mrs. COUNTY COMMITTEE — First ept A. Ohervy; correspondhig •sec­ Hillside Headquarters Elsie Goddard; treasurer, Mrs. Del­ the Communist appeal attractive is Church Services Preaching.”' , i Tuesday fi;8b p.m. at Smal Oongre Thursday at Pollsh-American Club, retary. Elizabeth- Jackowitz. the problem of overpopulation. 393 Harvard Avenue gallon, 1531 Maple Ave. President la Wesseis; associate conductress, Chairman, William Gallk; rice- Church of Christ1 the K ing, Rev. First Baptist Churoh, Hillside Moe Fruchtef; vice presidents, Mrs. -Bessie Tham; chaplato,-Mtss' chairman, Charles Rausch; rice-, Perry G; DeWitt, Pastor; Rev., avenue near Maple avenue.. Rev. Herbert Silver, Charles Roftrlich* Gladys GOlbert: marshall, Mrs. Hel­ chalrlady, Mrs. Emily Noll;, trea­ Gerard B. Whelan and Rev. Joseph Wesley A. Olsen,' Th.M, Pastor. and - Benjamin Feldman; corres> en Wlllms, Adah, Miss Gertrude surer, -Mrs. Mary TuUy; secretary, 8, Bagley, Assistant Pastors. I Sunday—11 • a.m , “An Inward ponding—secretary,-Maurice Rath: Bum s ; Ruth, Mrs. Kathryn TJef- Mrs. Rubla' Kaplan, 1524 Morris Sunday .Masses — 7. .a.m.; .8:36 Struggle”;* Tr45 pin., "The Teach­ holtz; financial secretaW» Sainuel fteyh-pttgF«aa»=aM>iiU6 BaWHf pla ce.— a.m. in Church for children; 8:30 ings of Jehovah's Witnesses," Leventer; recording secretary, Al­ Martha, Miss-Nancy Garrett; Elec­ HILLSIDE DEMOCRATIC CLUB am., in auditorium for adults; 10 . Wednesday— 7 ;30 p.m. Showing lan B o c h n e r ; sergeant-at-arms, ta, Mrs. Catherine Zakovic; organ­ —Third Thursday a t polish Ameri­ am.; l i a.m.; 12 noon...... of Billy Graham’s-■•' sound film, Gerald Goldman; ^cheer chairman, ist, Mrs, Jeanice Keese; color bear­ can Hall, 400 Bley st. President: Holydays of Obligation Masses— Leon Shider. er, Mrs. - Mary. Andrus; Christian Robert-X. Kaplan; vice president, 5:30 a.m.; 6 a.m.; 7 a.m.; 8 a.m.; "London Crusade";' 8:30'p.m„ Choir rehearsal. WOMEN’S PROGRESS CLUB— flag bearer, Mrs. Ardalle Williams; James E. McTeman; recording sec­ 9* a.m. and 10 am. Fourth Tuesday 8:30 p.m. at Hill­ warder, Mrs.’ Jessie Belden; senti­ retary. Emma Jane StachUra; cor­ First Friday Masses—8 a.m.; 6:30 side Y, 87 Hillside Ave.—President, nel, Arthur Lapp. and soloist, Miss responding secretary, Elathryn MU» .am. and 7:30 a.m. Vanton Offers New Mrs. * Jack Abelowitz; vice presi­ Barton. ier; treasurer, Mildred Hess; ser­ Daily Masses—7 am.; 7:30 am .|; dents, Mrs. Dave'Harrison and Mrs. SINAI g IS T E R.H O O D—Meets geant-at-arms. Michael Giordano. and 8 a.m. Self-Priming Pump fourth Monday at Sinai Congrega­ Miraculous. Medal and St. An­ Irving Gross; financial secretary, HILLSIDE RESERVE POLICE— Mrs. Norman Lewis; corresponding tion, 1581 Maple avenue—President, Third Wednesday - a t Vsterans thony NovenaS ±£ Monday evening? . Vanton. Pump. & Equipment Corp. .Mj-s.. Harry Stadlta; 1st vlce'presl- • at 7:30 pm . announegs a new line' of “flex-alloy” secretary, Mrs. Herman Arlein; re­ Memorialr., BnUfltog,...lU strfe.. Aye. cording; secretary, Mr^, Philip Le- dent, Mrs. Samuel Friedman; 2nd President,1 Joseph Ohervy; vice First Friday Sacred R eart Devo­ stainless steel rotary pumps for oor- ir - - - « H ■ I - vice president, Mrs. Emanuel Fin? tions a t 7:30 p.m. rosive solutions, abrasive slurriss president, John Soltys; treasurer, lick; publicity, Mrs. Maurice Ross, kel; 3rd rice president, Mrs, Mat­ Frank W. Zimmerman; secretary, •. Baptisms—Every Sunday prompt­ and fluids which, must be main­ thew Brains; treasurerr Mrs, Samu­ ly at l pm : tained free from contamination. 1438 Compton terrace. .Lewis' F. McQueen, 1213 Robert LIBERTY AVE. BUSINESS­ el Kay; financial secretary, - Mrs. These, new stainless, steel pumps Herman Lansey; recording secre­ Stfeetr available, to either type 304 or 3li MEN’S ASSN.—Second Tuesday 8 tary, MrSj Samuel Gooen; 'corres­ HILLSIDE HEIGHTS CIVIC AS First Church of Christ Scientist, p.m. at 1320 Liberty Ave. President, SOCIATION—Third Tuesday 8:30 1251 Fairmount avenue, Elizabeth. alloy (special'alloys available on re­ ponding. secretary,: Mrs.- HHmer quest) 'Incorporate the flex-l-llner Arthur Brittman; vice president, Hlrschhorn, 21Q' Conklin Avel; pjn., dlflviil Coolidge School. Pyesi Sunday Service, 11 a.in.; Sunday jOtto Zimmerman; treasurer, David dent,* Joseph. W. ’ Fr.eer; first vice School, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Testi­ principle of oparation, which elim­ chaplain. -Mrs,' EUeZer Cohen. Klzyma; corresponding secretary KNIGHTS QFXOLUM-BUS. THE president, William Schwing,” record­ monial Meeting, 8:15 pan. Reading inates erjjirely the need fpr stuffing .nd attorney, Emanuel Gersten, boxes or shaft seals Of any sort. The REV. THQJRfs F. CANTY COUN­ ing secretary, Mrs. W alter Ohespak; room, open daily 10 to 4 p.m. except 318 Liberty Ave.; recording secret corresponding secretary, Mrs. Frank Sunday and legal holidays, 279 Mor­ fluid is progressively squeegeed in ;ary, Mrs. Jean Feckls. CIL No. 3197—Second and fourth Thursday at Christ the King Hall, Walter, 531 Chapman street; trea ris avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. a passage formed by.the toner sur­ ELIZABETH'S GUILD, surer, Miss Harriet Schwing; ser­ The purifying powfer of true face of a flexible, natural, synthetio Episcopal Ohmch of St. Mary Mag­ -Bloy St. and Rutgers Ave.—Grand Knight, Harold Livingston; -Deputy geant-at-arms, Charles Baybiere^ prayer will, be set forth in the rubber or plastic liner. These pumps dalene—Third Tuesday evening at CALVIN COOLIDGE I SCHOOL , Lesson -Sermon entitled “Sacra­ have been developed for installa­ parish hall, 137 Pomona Ave., New­ G rand Knight, William Rtogwood; tions which require the unusual fea­ Chancellor, John Desbh; recording P.TJ.A^-Second Thursday at ‘ the ment” at Christian Science serVic- ark. President, Mrs. F red Lancton; school, ,8 WfM evecutive b6ard first ces this Sunday. tures of the flex-t-ltoer pump de­ vice president, Miss Elizabeth Kel- secretary, Charles Eriksen, 636 Madison Aye, Elizabeth: financial Wednesday lit school 1:30 p m Passages from the King James sign, as - well as the rigidity of President, Mrs. Frank Mahon; vice Version, of the Bible will include stainless steel construction, particu­ secretary, 'Joseph Wallaok; treas­ larly where, the' ne^d. to connect the urer, Frank Wei^hapl; warden, president, Mrs. Henry Merkel; cor­ the counsel, of Christ Jesus regard­ responding secretary, Mrs. .Andrew ing prayer (Matt. 6:6): “But thou, pump to a stainless steel pipe line John Bertlng; Advocate, William exists. The use of £ stainless steel D1 Buono: inside guards, August Oris, 631 Buchanan st'; recording when thou prayest, enter info' thy secretary, ' Mrs. Alex. Schutsky; closet, and when~i:hou--hast shut- pump-houslng-along'--V|d,th a- hypalon Magold ar.d T- Oznmotowltz; out­ side guard, ’Joseph' Reilly; trustees, -treasurer—Mrs—George^Uir-iolli—— thy door* pray to‘thy Father which liner allows for handling soluSjhs PERSONAL THE HOOP AND HAMMER AS­ is ixi secret; and thy Fattier which at temperatures up to 265 °;F. The William Shuhala, Frank Hill and You can feel thejprogress which is taking place throughout the state | Michael McGuire. SOCIATION OF THE HILLSIDE seeth ii: secret/ Shall reward thee -gentle ptoaptog-actlon-^-fee ’’’Hex- FIRE AUXILIARY* — fourths Wed­ openly.” alloy" pump enables It to readily HILLSIDE AMBULANCE SQUAD of New Jersey. LOANS —First, aid .meetings every Friday nesday 8 p,ih. at^ War Veterans Continuing the explanation of handle, shear sensitive emulsions Memorial. President, Leslie jirayer, a correlative passage from and suspension. evening, business meeting last Man- SI day . to Henry Goldhor Room of KuhmaTm; vice president, Gabriel '^Science^ and /Health with Key to All “flex-alloy:’ -pumps a re self- Blakesberg; secretary, Edward Or­ It’s almost a contagious sort of feeling, spreading through industry, business, the Scriptures’’., .by Mary Baker priming and avoid the use. of'gas­ AT LOW COST Fire Headquarters, 399 Hollywood £ye. President- Joseph A. Kelly; am,\ Sr.; tre a su ry Waltery Szy- Eddy states (15:9): “To enter into kets o r , check valves. Pump' units maniki. the heart of prayer, the door of the are available to rapacity 'ratings vice president. Mrs,- Jean Giordano; commercial establishments* ancFnew. housing developments. treasurer, Arthm' 'Kreszl; 'record­ HURT^EN -LOOKER POST. NO. erring senses must be closed. Lips from 1/8 to 20 GFM and ban be INQUIRIES INVITED AT 50, AMERICAN LEGION—First and m ust be mute and materialism si­ furnished either direct connected ing secretary, Mrs. Ann .Goldhor; ANY OF OUR OFFICES corresponding secretary. Jess Hol­ third Tuesday at the War Mem­ There is still plenty of room to grow in New Jersey, the Crossroads of the East. lent. th a t many may' have audience to constant speed or variable- speed orial Building, Liberty avenue. Com­ With Spirit, the divine Principle, lander, 1574 Leslie St.;, sefgeant-at- motor equipment.. When utilized arms, Michael Giordano; oapiata, mander. Or. Irving Brody; vice­ And Public Service is keeping pace with this growth by building and * Love, which destroys all error.” with variable speed drivra, variable commanders. William G. Ohaddon. The Golden Text is from Psalms flow rates ran be obtained. Vaou- Thomas Greene, Jr.; assistant cap­ (5 1:iC): “Create in me a clean tain. Sol Soroka Donald Carey and Harry Weinstein; expanding our electric.and gas facilities, .With one new $100,000,000 generating ums up to 261 of mercury are de> WEST SIDE ROSARY SOCIETY OF CHRIST treasurer, Paul Kifner; service offi­ heart, O God;, and renew, a right veloped- on tho suotlon side of -the THE KING R.C. CHUIN1H—Moir- spirit within me.” * pump. cer, Watter Howell; h^torian, Law­ station under construction at Linden, the company recently announced plans day before first Sunday at ®: 15 p.m. rence Goldsmith and amutant, Ros- TRUST CO. a t school hall, Bloy street And Col­ coe I.‘-Mullican Jr;,, lafa Liberty to build another station costing' appoxTmately $ 129,000,000. in Bergen County.' Letters To The Editor umbia avenue. President, Mrs. Jo­ avenue/ '■■■ 1 ...®S seph A. Wallack; vice preeldent, B'NAI B’RITH w o m e n , h il l - . VETS AS CUSTODIANS. lyws 9m . A Bsrgea SL 1559 Fabyan Plaob Itawtbsms Am . t Cfiatoa FI Never have we attempfed to gaze into a crystal ball. But; 1955 was _ Sunday School 10:30 a.m. Sunday January 3. 1956 "evening service 7:45 pan. Wednes­ Editor, Hillside Times, So. Orangt AM. t BargM SL Elizabeth Avenue Presbyterian Chiijrijr c h wonderful and we see no reason.why 1956 will not follow the same pattern. day and Saturday 7:45 pin. May I, as a citizen and taxpayer ELIZABETH AVEbjUE AT CHANCELLOR of Hillside, urge the" Township; Com­ ARTHUR NORTHWOOD, Pastor mittee tojgive serious consideration Every^ vaEdstickyardstick indicates that -. . , .'. , ■ ' V- . for the employment of Disabled 9:38 a m. Graded School and VKIult Bible Class. ■ M a p * VMtor. Veterans, as custodians at the new New Jersey’s.leadership will be m u Oraded School Municipal Building*- 10:45 am. Worship with Sermon’by the Pastor, i’The Reasons for p M a i t Bible Claw. ‘ Very truly yours,- - ^ maintained In the years to, come PVBLICM)SERVICE 10:41a.m. Worship with feer ’ Moe Goldberg