Department of Philosophy Janki Devi Memorial College University of Delhi Course In-charge: Dr. JayantiP.Sahoo
[email protected] 9910913529 Unique Paper Code: 210601 Name of the Paper: Texts of Indian Philosophy-II (VedāntaParibhāsa) Name of the Course: B.A.Hons. IIIRD Year Semester: VI Paper-I: Descriptive Type question Time: 3hrs. Maximum marks: 75 Attempt five questions in all. All questions carry equal marks. The word limit to answer each question is 1000 words. 1. Define Perception(pratyaksha). Analyse and examine the role of antahkaraņavritti in perceptual process as discussed in VedāntaParibhāsa. 2. Discuss the meaning and significance of “Tat tvamasi”(That Thou Art) as discussed in the VedāntaParibhāsa. 3. Moksha or fruit in the VedāntaParibhasā is the attainment of the already attained and the removal of already removed”. Explain. 4. Expound the nature and importance of Verbal Testimony (āgama-pramāņa) and discuss four conditions necessary for a meaningful sentence. 5. Why Anupalabdhi (non-apprehension)is considered as distinct pramāna. Explain in detail the different kinds of non-existence, 6. Define Vyāpti. Critically analyse the nature of Inference (anūmāna) as discussed in VedāntaParibhasā. 7. Write Short notes on: (Any two) (a) Presumption (arthāpatti) (b) Comparison (ūpamāna) (c) Distinction between SvarūpaLakshaņa and TatasthaLakshaņa Brahman (d) Panchikaraņa Paper-II: Objective Type (Multiple Choice Questions). Time: 2hrs. Maximum Marks: 50 All questions are compulsory. The examinee will have to choose the right. All