Hope Couture בס״ד

Fashion Event These are some of the children Chai Lifeline has helped over the last three years.

Jayden David Megan Refoel

They are a part of 60+ families that Chai Lifeline has been able to help so far. Hope is the fuel for physical recovery. HOPE COUTURE aspires to gather the resources necessary to help the hundreds more who need the HOPE we can bring. Join this WOMEN’S ONLY night of FASHION to support the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline. Hope Couture will be an uplifting evening of high-end fashion which includes top designers, models and entertainers coming together to raise money for families fighting against pediatric illness.

FASHION EVENT AT MARCHE BONSECOURS th 333 Rue de la Commune E, , QC H2Y 1J3 JUNE 6 WWW.HOPECOUTURE.ORG Hosted by: 7PM - 10PM Jennifer Campbell, Diary of a Social Gal Featuring Performances by: Tickets: $100 - $250 - $500 & Barcode Honouring: Valet Parking Included Dr. Sharon Abish & Laura Loebenberg Sponsorship and advertising opportunities still available Event Chairs: For more info: [email protected] Sari Arazi, Tova Garber & Estee Rossdeutscher בס״ד Program F F F Jennifer Campbell – MC F F Scene 1 Michael Kors

Scene 2 Moose Knuckles

Scene 3 Pajar Raffe Draw

Scene 4 Show & Tell F

Scene 5 Mademoiselle Charlote

Lolly Pop


F Featuring our Chai Lifeline Warriors F F F Music Performed by Mia Drazin F F בס״ד

Award Presentations:

Dr. Sharon Abish Laura Loebenberg

F F F Scene 6 Margit David

Scene 7 Emma’s Boutque F F Performance by Barcode Dance Group F Scene 8 Pink Label Raffe Draw

Performance by Nikki Yanofsky F F Scene 9 Margalit Azerad F F F Closing with Jennifer Campbell בס״ד Hope Couture

Message from the EVENING CO-CHAIRS

Good evening and welcome to the inaugural Hope Couture Fashion Show!

It has been our honour and privilege to have served as event chairs for tonight’s Hope Couture Fashion Show. We are so proud to be part of a community that is ready to open their hearts to help serve those in need. Many of you are new supporters to Chai Lifeline and it is because of you and your commitment to help beter the lives of children with cancer and other serious illnesses, that this event is truly a success.

A tremendous amount of tme and efort went into planning this event to ensure that we bring you a spectacular evening. We want to thank all the fashion designers and vendors who eagerly partnered with us with great excitement to create this magical night.

We want to thank all the people behind the scenes working daily at Chai Lifeline to ensure that no family goes without support. Thank you to Reitzu Iczkovits, the true “Mother” of the Montreal Chai Lifeline chapter and her husband Avi. Along with Stuart Gutman, Chevy Fruend and Rikki Drazin who facilitate hospital services, children services and family and community services just to name a few. This team does this so graciously, generously and quietly. We are truly humbled to have had the opportunity to work alongside the Montreal Chai lifeline team and see frst-hand all the wonderful things they do. בס״ד Hope Couture

We thank Morty Silber and his crew from MAD Strategies who helped turn our vision into a reality.

We must of course menton Rabbi Mordechai Rothman, the Canadian director of Chai Lifeline. He leads a life demonstratng dedicaton, sincerity to all those in need and to the incredible Chai Lifeline Canada team he has helped to build.

Thank you to our event commitee who devoted of themselves day and night to ensure this show was a success. We knew we could count on you for your assistance in every aspect of this Fashion show! We cannot say thank you enough to all you wonderful women!

And lastly, to all of you, who joined us and came out in support of the true Warriors! Tonight is about coming together as a community and showing our support for all these Chai Lifeline Warriors and their families. We say THANK YOU for making a diference! Chai lifeline is able to grow into the special organizaton it is thanks to you.

We hope that you enjoy the evening and get a small taste of how instrumental Chai Lifeline is in serving the Montreal community.

We thank you for your support and wish you an enjoyable evening,

Estee, Sari and Tova בס״ד



















בס״ד Hope Couture

Message from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Chai Lifeline Canada

Tonight’s Hope Couture event is a culminaton of year’s preparaton and planning. Years ago the Toronto Chai Lifeline ofce received a call from a family whose young son had recently been diagnosed with a crushing form of cancer. While my inital reacton immediately revved into support mode, the family simultaneously was nervous as they lived in Montreal. Could support be provided in another city? ”Not a problem” I thought, we can stll help; Perhaps not to the same extent as we would in Toronto, but we can provide support. And why shouldn’t families in Montreal have the same level of care and support as those in Toronto? As the calls steadily increased over the year, a full tme case manager in Montreal was hired to provide The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline’s twenty four year round services to the community in Montreal.

The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada strives to provide important and essental support, beneftng and improving the lives of sick children and their families at such a crucial and difcult tme. Tonight, Hope Couture proudly demonstrates that the Montreal community sees and feels as we do; with your support of our eforts and your frm stance beside us in all that we do. בס״ד Hope Couture

The work of The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada is unquestonably bitersweet. To put a smile on the face of a seriously ill child, to lif the weight of anxiety from concerned parents, and to help improve the lives of these families is a wonderful and inspiring experience. Yet, we know only too well that the underlying pain, fear and stress that brought the family to our doorstep in the frst place.

Whether it’s the tutors, the big brothers & sisters, the amazing summer camp experience, Camp Simcha & Camp Simcha Special, and the two dozen other special services and programs ofered by the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada, we are able to make a diference in the lives of these families with dignity, love and sensitvity.

Chai Lifeline Canada’s ability to fulfll its essental mission is due to the support of many people. Every donor, every person in tonight’s audience, and all of our sponsors make it possible for us to return that smile to a child facing enormous difcultes.

I would be amiss if I did not menton some special individuals who have put their whole heart into Chai Lifeline Canada. My dear friends Avi and Reitzu Iczkovitz are, without queston, the backbone of Chai Lifeline Canada Montreal. Since our incepton, both of you have taken a lead role in everything we do and tonight’s event is no excepton. Chai Lifeline Canada Montreal would not exist without the both of you! Reitzu, your strength and perseverance are unquestonably admirable. Avi, your charisma and enthusiasm are second to none. Avi and Reitzu, it is due to your creatvity, tme, hard work and care for the success of this event and Chai Lifeline Canada that we are here tonight! בס״ד Hope Couture

Both the staf and volunteers of Chai Lifeline Canada have given their all for this organizaton and for tonight. Shuly Vorhand, your ideas and support contnuously ensure that we strive for success. Leah Hochstetder, your creatvity is always appreciated. I especially want to thank Riki Drazin and Chevy Freund, both your dedicaton and support on behalf of the children and families of Chai Lifeline Canada are truly impressive. Stu Gutman, your organized way and calm, caring demeanor is always appreciated.

To our event chairs, Sari Hasen, Tova Garber, and Estee Rossdeutscher: thank you for putng on a wonderful event! From our inital meetng untl now, you have given your all to ensure our success and it is in all your merits that The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada has reached new heights and will contnue to help even more families in the Montreal community.

I hope that everyone enjoys the evening; it has been a labor of love for us all. It is my hope that that we contnue to assist many more families and children who contnually need us to help Fight Illness With Hope.

Rabbi Mordechai Rothman בס״ד Hope Couture

Message from the EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Chai Lifeline

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to Hope Couture. Though I am not there in person, I assure you that I, along with Chai Lifeline Canada’s children and their families, are sitng beside you in spirit.

Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada is a vibrant star in Chai Lifeline’s internatonal constellaton. Its innovatve programs, outstanding professional staf and army of dedicated volunteers are bringing joy and hope to children and families living with pediatric illness or loss. Donald Berman Chai Lifeline in Montreal has brought the programs and services for which the organizaton is renowned to this beautful city. In just a short tme, more than 60 families have joined our family; we are proud and humbled to be able to make a diference in their lives.

Thank you for coming tonight, and for helping raise the funds and awareness that allow Chai Lifeline Canada to make such a tremendous diference in the lives of families afected by pediatric illness or loss. We are truly grateful. Enjoy the evening.

Rabbi Simcha Scholar בס״ד Hope Couture

Message from the CHAIRMEN OF THE MONTREAL BOARD Chai Lifeline Canada

Approximately fve years ago, we embarked on a mission to bring the services and support that Chai Lifeline has to ofer to the sick kids and families in Montreal. The need was apparent but we never imagined how dire that need was and that we would be here now with over 60 families and 100’s of kids who are beneftng from this amazing organizaton. The journey has been heartening and inspiring, the need, sadly so vast, yet the work so relevant and meaningful. We have been humbled by the families we have met along the way and have been in awe by the resilience of “our kids”. The friendships we have developed with the special and unique individuals that make up the Chai Lifeline worldwide network, will be cherished forever. Mordy Rothman, your devoton to this organizaton knows no bounds. You have built Chai Lifeline Toronto from scratch and are now facilitatng the contnued growth of Chai Lifeline Canada. Your directon, involvement, atenton, and care to building the Montreal chapter, is what has enabled us to get to where we are today. Your friendship is most meaningful. Leah, your atenton to detail and your passion for this organizaton has made you a true partner. You have been involved since the beginning and we couldn’t have come this far without you. Shuly, you have come on board full force with excitement and young energy. Your enthusiasm is enviable and we hope to contnue fueling your drive as an integral part of our team. בס״ד Hope Couture

Setareh, as a new member of our board and friend, we are honoured to have met you. We are looking forward to growing this organizaton together. Chevy, your smiling and eager volunteers are a testament to your dedicaton to Chai Lifeline. Your organizatonal skills are what enables our families to depend on us to give them respite from their day to day grind. Riki, your love, care and devoton to each and every family is jaw dropping. You are the defniton of fghtng illness with love. Stu, you have become a real partner in this event. Your atentveness, patence and constant upbeat demeanor have been the backbone to making this evening a success.

Estee, Sari and Tova, where do we begin. Just look around and be proud. We are honoured to call you our friends. The entre Hope Couture commitee, thank you so much for making tonight into such a huge event! A special menton to Margalit Azerad for her vision and foresight in plantng the seed that became this Hope Couture fashion show. Morty Silber, your creatvity and desire to create the impossible is evident here tonight. Thank you for being such a good friend.

The support we have received from our communites has validated our investment. Chai Lifeline Montreal wouldn’t exist without you!

To our family and friends… we hope we didn’t sacrifce too much and you don’t feel shortchanged for the lack of atenton and availability these past few months. We invite you to join us on our journey. Your lives will forever be enhanced.

Reitzu and Avi Iczkovits בס״ד Hope Couture

Message from the MONTREAL DIRECTOR Donald Berman Chai Lifeline

There is nothing more important in this world than tme. And there is no message I can share with you other than my sincere grattude to you for choosing to spend your tme with us tonight. Your presence raises the spirits while bringing hope to our children and families by letng them know that they are not alone. You have chosen to give the children of Chai Lifeline the greatest gif we can give them; Your Time.

I feel privileged to be inspired each and every day by a team of selfess and giving people. I see our incredible volunteers taking tme out of their hectc schedules to bring a warm meal to a family in the hospital or sitng at their child’s bedside. I see our Big Brothers and Sisters calling, visitng and creatng memorable experiences for children they have grown to love. I see Riki and Chevy, our dedicated staf, selfessly devotng themselves to doing everything possible to make lives beter. I see our incredible friends and supporters who partner with us to make it all possible. But most importantly, I see our Chai Lifeline children and how they bravely face the challenge that each day brings. I am surrounded daily by inspiraton, all based on peoples willingness to give of themselves and of their tme.

Today marks our frst major fundraiser in Montreal. A Women’s Only Fashion Event, the frst of its kind in the community. בס״ד Hope Couture

All made possible by the treless devoton of our incredible commitee and their chairs; Sari, Tova, and Estee, who gave endlessly of themselves and their tme to ensure that tonight would be the success it is. Reitzu, tonight is a testament to your vision and it serves as a shining example of what devoton, selfessness and care can accomplish. While our Montreal ofce might have only opened just three years ago, today we are helping hundreds of children and families across Canada and are growing with each day. Together with our dedicated partners in Toronto, under the treless leadership of Rabbi Mordechai Rothman, we are able to provide the emotonal, social and fnancial support each child and family needs through their individual journeys. To Shuly, I have come to value our early morning meetngs and the ideas that they bring. Leah, your atenton to detail and uncanny ability to make things happen is amazing. Setareh, your enthusiasm, warmth and energy are contagious. Avi and Reitzu, without whom Chai Lifeline would not exist in Montreal, you have truly embraced each of our Chai Lifeline Children as if they were your own. To date, our ofce has helped over 60 families in the Montreal area and I know that you will connect in the same personalized way with every new child and family that comes through our doors. I hope that tonight’s program flls you with inspiraton, with hope and with the desire to give more of your tme to helping our children and families. I thank you for atending tonight’s show. You are all now a part of our extended family commited to Fightng Illness with Love and Hope. Have a Great tme and enjoy the show!

Stu Guttman בס״ד Hope Couture


Laura is an incredible young woman who has been fghtng a recurring form of cancer since she was 14 years old. She sufers from a rare brain tumor. The many surgeries she has undergone have unfortunately lef her paralyzed on half her body and with a permanent bald patch over half her head.

With her entre family living in Israel, Chai Lifeline has truly become her extended family; visitng her weekly and doing everything we can to ensure that she knows that she is not alone in her fght against cancer. She has been to Camp Simcha and Disneyland multple tmes with our programs and has come out to countless events that we have hosted in Montreal.

Laura is a beautful model of hope and courage. Her strength and loving nature are but a few of the qualites that make her such an incredible warrior. We are proud to be able to honour her strength tonight. בס״ד Hope Couture

DR. SHARON ABISH Evening Honouree

Hematologist-oncologist Dr. Sharon Abish graduated from McGill Medical School in 1983 and proceeded to Halifax for her pediatric residency at IWK Health Centre. She then contnued her training at the Memorial Sloan Ketering Cancer Center in New York, where she did a Fellowship in pediatric hematology/ oncology and, in 1990, she returned home to pursue a career in pediatric hematology/oncology at the Montreal Children’s Hospital.

Dr. Abish is the kind of front-line healthcare specialist who is a true leader. While her list of professional achievements is extensive and impressive, the greatest testament to Dr. Abish’s quality of work can be found in the testmonials of our Chai Warriors, her patents. They all agree that she embodies the perfect combinaton of compassion and expertse. She speaks to the children on a level that they can understand and is a true friend to everyone who needs help.

With over 35 years of expertse in the feld, we are honoured and privileged to be able to include her as one of our allies in fghtng illness with hope. בס״ד Hope Couture

Messages to Laura Loebenberg

Laura, From the frst tme I met you, you showed me how with positvity and good nature you can get through anything. You have an awesome way of making anyone you meet feel comfortable. Keep being the fghter that you are and inspiring us all. Xo Marg Polowin

F F F To My Dearest Laura,

What a honour to have met you a few years back.

Cofee dates, dinner dates, Windowshopping in Rockland mall, not to menton fun tmes on our trips to: Ohr Meir trip to Orlando for four incredible days, extraordinary New York retreats, and of course our annual summer sensaton at Camp Simcha! Your strength and determinaton are truly an inspiraton to anyone who has the privilege of being within your circle of friends.

I cherish the tme we spend together and feel blessed to have the opportunity to draw from ur wellspring of hope and bravery. As the pinnacle of such encouragement, it is most beftng for you to be the awardee at this Chai Lifeline event. Congratulations with much love, Tovi Drazin בס״ד Hope Couture

Dearest lovable, positve, inspiring, super strong Laura,

From the day I met you I was inspired. You were a 16 year old girl with passion, motvaton, determinaton and a mighty strong will power. You are my defniton of brave. You teach me how to keep a positve outlook and how to never give up hope. Even when in extreme amounts of pain, you always remain polite and respectul. No excuses. I love spending tme with you. It’s been super fun traveling with you to lake George (remember that private boat ride), New York (getng Moishele), Glen Spey (being asked to remove the coconut bra), Laurentans (camp Laura), Montreal airport (random stay at the Sheraton on a random night because why not?!), Lakewood NJ (actress getng the police to carry you to the bathroom to get out of a speeding tcket).

But most of all it’s always been fun traveling with you girl because I know I can always count on it smelling like coleslaw ;)

Lots of love, Nava בס״ד Hope Couture

Dearest Laura,

I feel privileged to be friends with someone who is receiving such an honor. I can’t think of anyone who deserves it as much as you. From the moment you came into my life you taught me so much. You taught me how to persevere, you taught me how to be brave and you have taught me how to never give up. You’re a leading example to all of those who are close to you. Every person who meets you is touched by your beautful smile and positve dispositon. I feel honored to have spent so many fun tmes together. I’m proud to say that I was your counselor at Camp Simcha, we spent a full week together 24/7 literally. Traveling to Disney with you 2 yrs. in a row and going on all the “scary” rides. Spending the weekend together at Camp Laura and all the actvites we’ve shared, going to restaurants, Starbucks and holiday partes have been an adventure. Just chilling at home and in the hospital have been great FUN.

I’m so proud to call you my friend and I look forward to contnuing all the adventures.

You’re an inspiraton to everyone who meets you and you have a special place in my heart.

Love, Naomi בס״ד Hope Couture

Messages to Dr. Sharon Abish


We would like to congratulate Dr. Sharon Abish on the recogniton of her outstanding work in the Hematology/Oncology Department at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Dr. Abish is a very dedicated physician who goes above and beyond to care for her patents. The care she provides is an example for us as nurses and we consider it an honour to work with her. You are a team player! We can always count on you to have our backs, thank you for your ongoing support!

Congratulations! The Hematology/Oncology Nurses בס״ד Hope Couture

Having worked side-by-side with Sharon Abish in the division of Hematology/Oncology for the last 18 years, I have always been impressed by her intelligent, insightul, common sense approach to clinical, psychosocial, and administratve problems. She is a physician to a diverse populaton of patents ranging from those stricken by cancer, those cured of cancer but now dealing with the side efects of their treatments, and patents with sickle cell anemia. Despite this busy workload she maintains the highest level of care for each patent. She has served as mentor and role model for medical trainees at all levels and is an excellent teacher describing complex medical problems in a way that is lucid and keeps them engaged. Very few physicians have given so much of themselves to their career and the Montreal Children’s Hospital and Sharon’s patents and families have been the lucky benefciaries of her contributons. Congratulatons Sharon on this recogniton.

David Mitchell MD Pediatric Hematologist/Oncologist Montreal Children’s Hospital

בס״ד Hope Couture

Dear Dr. Abish, Congratulatons on this well-deserved honour. We know frsthand just how beftng this award is for you. We have benefted greatly from your expertse and vast medical knowledge, and felt reassured knowing that we had a great doctor looking afer our son. In additon, your warm and friendly way of dealing with us has made a big diference in these many years of frequent hospital visits. Wishing you much contnued success and nachas from your family.

With tremendous appreciation, Shmuel’s Parents


Dearest Dr. Abish, We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very long, healthy and happy life. You are a wonderful and caring doctor with a big heart.

Best wishes, Corcos Family בס״ד

Fighting Illness with Hope and Love

Chai Lifeline began with one program: a summer camp for children sufering from cancer. Camp Simcha gave sick children the opportunity to forget about illness and concentrate on being kids once again. The fun, friendship, actvites and love gave them the emotonal strength to withstand the pain and isolaton of illness for another year.

The overwhelming response to Camp Simcha was an indicaton of the tremendous need for such services all year round. Not only for cancer victms, but for children sufering from all types of serious illness as well. This held true for children in Canada as well. As more and more children from Canada went to Camp Simcha, the need for localized programming in Canada also came to light. Chai Lifeline Canada has evolved rapidly, identfying the various needs of ill children and their families, and creatng the programs to satsfy those needs.

Today, Chai Lifeline Canada, the Canadian afliate of Chai Lifeline Internatonal, has the ability to tap into a worldwide network of programs and services. Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada has earned the acclaim of doctors, therapists, and community leaders, as well as the unending grattude of thousands of children and families. In 2012, the children and families of Montreal became an ofcial part of the Chai Lifeline Canada family.

Since its frst days, the organizaton has had a signifcant impact on the lives of those it helps. בס״ד

Chai Lifeline Canada’s programs include hospital visits, Big Brother and Big Sister actvites, family events, and ongoing emotonal support help ease the pain of illness. Last summer, 30 boys and girls had amazing summer vacatons at Camp Simcha.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entre family is afected. Families literally can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother’s or sister’s health, sufer greatly when their daily routnes are disrupted.

The fnancial devastaton that can occur when one parent misses work for extended periods of tme or leaves work entrely to care for their child can upset even the best-functoning family unit.

Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, ofering whatever is needed. Counseling for each member of the family, volunteers who bring an extra measure of adult atenton and stability to children’s lives, tutoring for children who must miss school for extended periods of tme, family retreats, special sibling programs, informaton, peer and professional support, and two extraordinary summer camp programs for seriously ill children help families retain a sense of normalcy and hope while fghtng even the most dire pediatric diseases. All programs are free of charge and we rely on an ever-growing team of dedicated volunteers to fght illness with hope. בס״ד

Helping the Child, the Family and the Community. When serious illness strikes a child, the entre family is afected. Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada’s extensive network of free programs and services helps parents and children cope with the crises and long-term impact of illness.

Children’s Programs

Blossom Project Disney Trip Sponsored by Jack & Jill Sponsored by Ohr Meir Foundaton An incredible initatve that allows us to Four wonderful days in America’s welcome hospital patents into our “family” most famous wonderland lif the spirits with a beautful plush pillow, feece blanket of cancer patents during the long, hard and cute “smiling” bag to help brighten their winter. hospital room. Lending Library Camp Simcha iPads, Portable DVD Players, Books and Located on the Jack & Moishe Horn Campus, Glen Spey, NY movies are provided to hospitalized and A magical medically-supervised camping home-bound children. experience for children with cancer and other serious illnesses. Camp Simcha is the frst camp designed to meet the medical H.E.L.P. and social needs of children with these (Homebound Educatonal Learning Program) illnesses. Professional tutoring for any child or sibling for children ages 5 – 18. ChaiLink Program Located on the Jack & Moishe Horn Campus, Glen Spey, NY Penina’s Helping Hand Video-teleconferencing technology links A parent’s illness or a death in the family hospitalized or home-bound children with their leaves a hole in a childs heart. Penina’s school, friends and the academic life to which Helping Hand forms a cocoon of emotonal they long to return to. and social support that helps ease the pain and guide children on their healing journey. Heart-to-Heart “Big Brothers” and “Big Sisters” maintain Wish at the Wall ongoing relatonships with our CLL children A project of Chai Lifeline Midwest, and their siblings. Some of the actvites Sponsored by the Hartman Family Foundaton include trips, pizza / ice cream outngs and A spiritually reinvigoratng trip to Israel just fun tmes together. for teens who are at least one-year post-treatment or whose chronic illness can be medically managed during the energetc 10 Day excursion. בס״ד

Family Programs:

Case Management Special Family Events All CLL families are assigned a case manager Tickets to Hockey games, concerts, movies, to provide and give immediate help, and other cultural events give our children informaton, emotonal and psychosocial a much needed distracton and fun memories support to all who need. “OUR SIBS” A Case manager is also onsite at the the hospital (Specially Important Brothers and Sisters) every day with fresh danishes and actvites Social and recreatonal actvites give to give support to any family present at the brothers and sisters the opportunity to hospital. befriend other siblings and receive the extra atenton they need to thrive in a Chailine Support Groups difcult family situaton. Support and counseling for parents via telephone support groups that connect Winter / Chizuk Retreat them with other parents in the same situaton Three days of peer and professional as them. support and renewal for parents and children. INSERT MORE TEXT Counseling Individual, group and family counseling Holiday Partes & Special Events for sick children, siblings and parents. Bringing families together for Days of Tubing, Chanukah / Purim partes and other special days brings smiles to children’s faces and Healing Hearts moments of hope to their parents while Bereavement Programs, Counseling, making memories that will last a lifetme. retreats, and other innovatve approaches to help parents and siblings cope with the loss of a beloved family member. בס״ד

Community Programs

Bar / Bat Mitzvah Programs Team Lifeline Marathons Each year, Bar and Bat Mitzvah students come Our marathons are quickly growing in up with new and excitng ways to share their popularity. Las Vegas, Miami and a simchas with our families. We love hearing Montreal Colour Run are but a few of the their creatve ideas to make a diference in ways Team Lifeline Runners give back the lives of our families. while staying in shape and having fun.

Flames For Chai Volunteer Opportunites Every winter, we partner with local Jewish Special workshops and training sessions stores to bring warmth to the community. introduce new volunteers to Chai Lifeline’s Customers purchase paper fames to goals, practces, policies, and philosophy. decorate the windows and doors to “light It gives anyone interested in becoming the town on fre” for Chai Lifeline. involved in our organizaton a chance to make a diference by helping with lifs, Guidance & Interventon meal preparatons and more. CLL Case managers assist families, schools, camps, synagogues and other Toy Drives community insttutons during the frst Bring joy to patents and their siblings days and weeks following the diagnosis of by collectng and distributng toys, games, serious illness, or the death of a child or books, and gif cards during the young parent. Chanukah season.

Bike4Chai & Tour de Simcha Our cycling events for riders who commit to train and raise money so that they can cross the worlds “Greatest Finish Line”. בס״ד בס״ד

When a school or community experiences a tragedy. When a child is the victm of a trauma. When a young parent, educator or community leader is diagnosed with a serious illness, Project CHAI, a department of Chai Lifeline, is your resource.

Our mission is to work together with you to help children, families, schools, camps, synagogues and communites cope with the immediate and long-term emotonal distress. Trained paraprofessionals are available within the Montreal community who can provide onsite assistance and counsel as needed.

To Learn More about Project Chai, contact Riki, at [email protected] בס״ד

We would like to thank our incredible team of Project Chai Volunteers:

Jonah Baumann Riki Drazin Shaindy Freund Yosef Flohr Dov Grossnass Esther Hochstader Avi Iczkovits Debbie Jakabovits Toby Kuhnreich Chaim Shoop Mordchele Silber Shuly Vorhand Suri Weil בס״ד

We would like to acknowledge and recognize the incredible support that we have received from the Donald Berman Foundaton.

Our organizaton takes great pride in the name “Donald Berman”, and we strive to live up to his legacy.

As our organizaton contnues to grow and help those afected by serious illness, we feel privileged to be able to count you as a friend in helping Fight Illness with Love and Hope. בס״ד בס״ד

David Birnbaum Député de D’Arcy-McGee Adjoint parlementaire du ministre de l’Éducation et de la ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur

June 6, 2016

Dear friends,

As the MNA for D’Arcy-McGee, I congratulate those who have worked so hard to create another memorable edition of 'Hope Couture'.

The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline provides an invaluable support to ill children and their families. It does so through tireless devotion and efforts aimed at making life a little easier for those who are battling difficult health issues at such young ages. Your organization brings brightness and comfort to so many lives. Not only do you help these children, but you also alleviate the weight that so many of their devoted family members must endure.

I would also like to recognize the courage and talent of tonight's two honorees: Laura Loebenberg is a young woman who has demonstrated an immense amount of tenacity and grace through her struggles. She is a shining example of the strength of the human spirit. I also salute Dr. Sharon Abish, pediatric oncologist and hematologist at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. She has dedicated herself to important and life-changing work, and her many patients are the better for it.

David Birnbaum MNA for D’Arcy-McGee and parliamentary assistant to the Minister of Education and the Minister of Higher Education

Assemblée Nationale Bureau de circonscription Hôtel du Parlement 5800, boulevard Cavendish, bureau 403 1045, rue des Parlementaires | RC, bureau 45 Côte-Saint-Luc (Québec) H4W 2T5 Québec (Québec) G1A 1A4 Téléphone : 514 488-7028 Téléphone : 418 528-1960 Télécopieur : 514 488-1713Télécopieur : 418 643-0183 [email protected] [email protected] בס״ד

Bureau du maire et des conseillers municipaux 5160, boulevard Décarie Bureau 710 Montréal (Québec) H3X 2H9

June 6th, 2016

Mr. Stuart Guttman Montreal Director Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada 1090B Pratt Avenue Montreal (Quebec) H2V 2V2

RE : Salutations for Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada 1st annual Hope Couture Women’s Fashion Event

Dear Mr. Guttman,

It is with tremendous honour that I extend my warmest salutations and congratulations to Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada for its 1st annual Hope Couture Women’s Fashion Event.

I am in awe of your organization’s dedication in helping Canadian children who are suffering from serious illness, and their families, by supporting them with their medical challenges. The opening of a chapter in Montreal in the last years to expand your incredible efforts is a testament to the devotion your organization, its employees and lay-leaders have in not letting a disease define who a person is. Through your various activities, peer support and relief assistance to over 60 children and their families and thousands more around the world you’re a shining example of the values of selflessness, kindness and caring.

I would also like to convey how I was inspired to hear about Laura, your Chai Warriors honouree. Her constant determination and unwavering courage despite her illness is a model for all of us in the strength of the human spirit.

May the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada children, for whom this organization was built for, continue to grow from strength to strength.

Yours truly,

Lionel Perez City councillor – Darlington District Member of the Executive Committee Responsible for infrastructure, the electrical services commission, governance, democracy and government relations



June 6, 2016

It gives me great pleasure to extend my warmest best wishes to all of you involved with the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada charity and to the organizers, sponsors and all who are attending tonight’s Hope Couture event. The Montreal Chapter has only been in existence for three years and this is their first major fundraiser. An incredible 600 participants are expected tonight. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the members of this chapter and to the importance of this endeavour - helping, both physically and emotionally, children with major health issues.

Most of us are fortunate not to have seriously ill kids but we can all relate to how difficult it is for them and their parents. The summer programs at Camp Simcha and Camp Simcha Special help restore the spirit of children who have experienced far too much suffering at a tender age. I hope that the Montreal Chapter and the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada organization continue to grow until their ability to help exceeds the need.

I also extend congratulations to tonight’s honouree, Laura. Her perseverance and spirit are an inspiration to all of us. I wish all of you a very enjoyable evening and a successful fundraiser.

Bill Steinberg Mayor, Town of Hampstead בס״ד Ville de Dollard-des-Ormeaux

Mickey Max Guttman Conseiller / Councillor

12001, boul. De Salaberry Dollard-des-Ormeaux (QC) H9B 2A7 Tel.: 514-684-0879 Cell.: 514-943-0006 Work: 514-483-2303 #333 [email protected]

June 6, 2016

Dear friends,

On behalf of the City of Dollard Des Ormeaux, I am pleased to extend greetings to everyone attending this incredible Hope Couture Fashion Event.

When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, it affects the entire family. Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada is dedicated to helping children and their families through a variety of programs including counselling, tutoring, peer and professional support and summer camps geared to kids fighting the most serious diseases.

It is inspiring to see how the power of love and positive energy can provide much needed hope in a time of need. Your presence here tonight is another example of how good thoughts and deeds can significantly improve the lives of people affected by illness.

I would like to commend tonight’s Hope Couture committee on such a wonderful event, as well as tonight’s honourees, Dr. Abish and Laura Loebenberg. I would also like to express how proud I am of my son Stuart and his team for their incredible dedication to helping fight illness with hope.

With my sincerest support, I am proud to add my voice to those congratulating Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada for its incredible contribution.

Congratulations and enjoy your evening,

Mickey Max Guttman, B.Comm., C.A.M., MBA

בס״ד [Type here]

May 24, 2016 16 Iyar 5776 6825 Decarie Blvd, Montreal, Quebec, H3W 3E4 Dear Friend, Tel: (514) 739-6363 Fax: (514) 739-7024 Web: www.mk.ca The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada organization have dedicated

themselves to supporting children as well as their families, in all times of Rabbi Saul Emanuel need. Assisting those suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses, their Executive Director volunteers go out of their way to lighten the load of those who are undergoing

the most unfortunate of circumstances.

PRAESIDIUM With their good work, it is incumbent upon all of us to assist this great Leibi Goldberger organization in their ongoing work on behalf of mankind. Adding the human Alan Katznelson Leonard Mintz touch and being so supportive during testing times is just some of what the Juda Leib Pal Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada family do. Nothing is too much for this Yoel Weber organization, be it hospital visits, spending a day with the family of a sick

parent/child, bringing over gifts, food and goodies for siblings, as well as assisting children with their homework. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Yochanan Kuhnreich We salute their efforts and encourage them to continue doing the great work Martin Labow which they do on behalf of our community and beyond. May they go from strength to strength in the pursuit of kindness on behalf of all.

CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Saul Deitcher With Torah Blessings,


Rabbi Saul Emanuel SECRETARY Executive Director Chaim Fruchter

TREASURER Yehuda Pfeiffer


En tant que Juifs, L’U N P O U R L’AUTR E nous sommes FOR ONE ANOTHER tous responsables les uns des autres

As Jews, each of us À la Fédération CJA, nous accordons une importance At Federation CJA, we place tremendous is responsible capitale au principe talmudique Kol Yisrael arevim importance on the Talmudic phrase Kol Yisrael — כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה — Tous les Juifs arevim zeh la zeh — כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה — for each other zeh la zeh sont responsables les uns des autres. Nous formons All Jews are responsible for one another. We une grande famille et nous nous préoccupons are a extended family, and we take care of de tous nos membres, particulièrement pendant each other, particularly during difficult times. les périodes difficiles. Lorsqu’un enfant de la When a child in our community is sick, it is our communauté est malade, il est de notre devoir en duty as Jews, and as human beings, to do all tant que Juif et être humain, de faire tout notre we can to help. possible pour lui venir en aide. We applaud the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Nous félicitons l’équipe du Donald Berman Chai for going above and beyond this mandate, Lifeline, qui va bien au-delà de son mandat en offrant offering social, emotional and financial support un soutien social, émotionnel et financier aux familles to families of children diagnosed with life dont un enfant souffre d’une maladie grave ou threatening or chronic illnesses. chronique. Federation CJA is proud to support the Chai La Fédération CJA est fière d’appuyer le programme Lifeline Big Brother and Big Sister program, des Grands frères et des Grandes sœurs de Chai which provides our community’s ill children Lifeline, qui fournit du mentorat et un accès à des and their siblings with mentorship and access activités à des enfants malades de la communauté to ongoing activities, playing a pivotal role ainsi qu’à leurs frères et sœurs. Le programme joue in developing much needed psycho-social ainsi un rôle majeur dans le soutien psychosocial, dont support systems during difficult times in these les familles ne peuvent pas se passer à ce moment families’ lives. critique de leur vie. We wish the Chai Lifeline continued success, Nous souhaitons longue vie à Chai Lifeline. Nous and offer the utmost thanks for creating lui sommes extrêmement reconnaissants pour la programs which provide support and assistance, création de programmes qui soutiennent et assistent and ultimately, hope and optimism to our les enfants et les familles les plus vulnérables de notre community’s most vulnerable children and communauté tout en suscitant, chez eux, l'espoir et their families. l'optimisme. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Puissiez-vous connaître sans cesse le succès.

Evan Feldman David Amiel Deborah Corber, LL.M. Président Premier vice-président Chef de la direction President First Vice President Chief Executive Ofcer

www.federationcja.org בס״ד ADATH Judaism for the next generation

29 Iyar, 5776 – June 6, 2016


It would be impossible to overstate the significance and depth of purpose that Chai Lifeline provides to our community. Dedicated to providing many different kinds of service to those who are seriously ill, Chai Lifeline follows the example of no less than God Himself, who teaches us to assist and help those who are sick, when He visits Abraham in distress.

Two features of Chai Lifeline make it a unique organization. First is the sheer multiplicity, breadth, and creativity of the services they offer. The way in which they attempt to pre- empt any possible need or service to someone who is ill, is astounding. From providing rides, regular visits, tickets to hockey games, and so much more, it seems there is nothing they don’t anticipate that will comfort, ease, and assist those in pain.

Second is the remarkable achievement of creating a culture of wanting to help. Chai Lifeline has made it fashionable for an ever widening circle of people to want to help, in any way possible. In effect, Chai Lifeline is teaching our community how to help others.

When one faces serious illness, there is often pain and a lack of ability to live life fully. Only the best medical intervention – and prayer – can help. But a major part of any serious illness is the feeling of being alone, cut off from others, and unappreciated. Here is where Chai Lifeline comes to the rescue – with enthusiasm, spirit, respect, and sensitivity – providing dignity and belonging to every single individual it reaches.

For us at the ADATH, it is a privilege to work together with Chai Lifeline on a variety of projects and events. When we do so, we know we are associating with one of the most prestigious and effective groups in our community. We wish Refuah Sheleimah – a complete healing – to those who are ill. And we wish continued success and achievement to everyone associated with Chai Lifeline, in their holy and valuable work.

Michael Whitman, RABBI Adath Israel Poale Zedek Anshei Ozeroff [email protected] www.adath.ca t: 514.482.4252 f: 514.482.6216 223 Harrow Crescent, Hampstead Quebec H3X 3X7 CANADA בס״ד

Akiva School offers its heartfelt support to the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Charity and the important work that it does for our community. In only three years of operation, the Montreal chapter of Chai Lifeline has provided invaluable hope, support and essential services to families with seriously ill children and to children whose parents are undergoing their own treatments and need relief as caregivers. While we hope and pray that most of us never require the help of Chai Lifeline, our community is stronger for the programs, assistance, and kindness they offer those who unfortunately do. We salute and congratulate the organizers and sponsors of tonight’s Hope Couture Event. Our greatest wish is that the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Charity Canada’s operational resources will far exceed the needs of our families and our community.

With best wishes for a successful event,


Jennifer Fraenkel Head of School בס״ד


June 6th 2016 / 29th of Iyar, 5776

To the organizers of the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada program and to the organizers of the Hope Couture Fashion Event, The Montreal Jewish community is unfortunately not immune, just like other cities around the world, to the difficult challenges and significant burdens of struggling with illness and its effects upon the family. Yet where Montreal is unique is in terms of being blessed with the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline organization.

In my professional interactions with Stu Guttman and Chai Lifeline, the level of care, dedication and warmth with which Chai Lifeline brings to every situation and scenario has consistently impressed me. While the difficult effects of struggling with serious illnesses need the greatest medical attention, so too do the family and everyone connected with those struggling require additional support, both, emotional, financial and spiritual. It is this labour of love that Chai Lifeline is able to provide and we as a community are truly the beneficiaries of such attention to detail and care. It is my greatest pleasure and humble honour to be able to write well wishes of success and continued growth to Chai Lifeline and may we all look forward to the day when no longer will such services be needed. In the meantime, we can rest assured that for those fighting against sickness, they are supported and embraced in the loving care of all that Chai Lifeline is able to perform.

With blessings for continued success,

Rabbi Mark Fishman

בס״ד בס"דבס״ד

June 3, 2016

Dear Stu,

On behalf of Hebrew Academy’s Board of Directors and Administration, I am truly delighted to express our gratitude and praise for the exceptional work of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada.

Over the years, our institution has personally benefitted from the incredible services and support that Chai Lifeline has provided to a number of our students and their families. Whether through emotional, physical or financial assistance, Chai Lifeline has enabled our children to continue to lead meaningful, active and fulfilling lives together with their friends and relatives, both in and out of school. There is no greater joy than walking through the halls and seeing a child touched by cancer with a smile on his or her face – a smile that radiates optimism, hope and security; a smile largely attributed to Chai Lifeline’s embrace.

Just as Chai Lifeline actively supports members of the Hebrew Academy family, we at Hebrew Academy are proud to actively support Chai Lifeline. Whether through our Kindergarten Chanukah cookbook fundraiser last year, our parents’ and alumni’s participation in the Miami Half Marathon in January, or our Grade 10 students’ $5,000 win for the organization in April as part of the Youth Philanthropy Initiative, Hebrew Academy is proud to call itself a loyal friend and steadfast supporter of Chai Lifeline.

And so, it is with the utmost pleasure that we wish you and your organization a hearty Yasher Koach and Mazel Tov on your incredible achievements to date. May you continue to be a source of light and inspiration for our community for years to come, and may Hashem continue to bless your avodat hakodesh, holy work.

Best wishes,

Linda Lehrer Executive Director

לתורה ולמעשים טובים

ALVIN SUISSA, PRESIDENT — LINDA LEHRER, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 5700 Avenue Kellert, Côte St.-Luc, Québec, Canada H4W 1T4 Tél: (514) 489-5321 Fax: (514) 489-8607 www.ha-mtl.org בס״ד בס״ד

June 6, 2016

Dear Mr. Guttman,

On behalf of Solomon Schechter Academy’s Board of Directors and Administration, we are overjoyed to support the many important and vital initiatives that Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada provides our community.

It has been our honour to have such a strong partnership with Chai Lifeline. Since 1987, Chai Lifeline's mission has been to restore the light of childhood to children whose innocence ended when life-threatening or lifelong illness was diagnosed. Through programs that address the emotional, social, and financial needs of seriously ill children, their families, and communities, Chai Lifeline restores normalcy to family life, and better enables families to withstand the crises and challenges of serious pediatric illness.

Solomon Schechter Academy believes that performing the act of “Tikkun Olam” is vital to being a responsible Jewish citizen from a very young age. We were so privileged that we were able to partner with Chai Lifeline for our Share-a-Bear community activity. This not only gave our community an opportunity to give back, but also brought welcomed awareness to the important work of Chai Lifeline. We have already begun planning next year’s event.

We wish you “Alu ve’hatzlichu” continued success. May God guide you to strength “Me chayil el chayil.”

Best wishes,

Steven Erdelyi Lisa Singer Jonathan Kuczer Head of School President – Board of Directors Executive Director

Académie Solomon Schechter Academy Amiel Early Childhood Centre Amiel de la Petite Enfance 5555 chemin de la Côte St-Luc, Montréal, Qc. H3X 2C9 4940 avenue MacDonald, Montréal, Qc. H3X 2V3 514.485.0866 514.486.0866 www.solomonschechter.ca בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Who could have imagined all those late night meetng on you couch would lead to up to this day.


From Our frst weekend retreat; our frst Mother’s Day event; our frst spa day; our frst 500 mile Bike4Chai; our frst Elon Gold event; to our frst hope couture fashion show.

Look at how much further we’ve goten than just “frsts.” Tonight we look around and see the empire you built from the strength of your will and the belief in your dreams. It is a privilege to work with you every day.

Chevy and Riki בס״ד Hope Couture

Dear Dr. Abish,

When the world turns on us upside down, When the prognosis is solemn news, When the medical labyrinth is frightening and confusing, When there are very few optons to choose. When in every word of a doctor hangs life’s balance, As well as feeling of families who bear the load, Then, though the technicalites and medical guidance is vital, Even more crucial is implementng the emotonal mode. Dr. Abish, you made all the diference to us, Your personality is a tremendous part of the cure, Each consultaton infused us with some lightness, That helped us forge ahead and endure. With your dedicaton and patence, Your smile, understanding and consideraton, You have earned our greatest respect, And greatly improved our situaton. Thank you for being their for us, We wish good health and shower blessings on you, May you be a beacon of life also to others.

And may you succeed in all that you do.

The Kahan Family, The Glick Family & Rabinowitz Family THANK YOU for your support

Pharmacie de SPÉCIALISÉS Pharmacie Michael Assaraf בס״ד Hope Couture

בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד

In 2015, The Donald Berman Chai Lifeline partnered with Jack and Jill to create the Blossom Project.

This incredible initatve allows our organizaton to truly welcome hospital patents into our “family” with a plush pillow, feece blanket and cute “smiling” bag.

This colourful and comfy gif helps brighten their hospital room and eases their stay.

We would like to thank and recognize Barbara and Jack and Jill for their incredible generosity in establishing this initatve, and for all the other gifs they supply. בס״ד Hope Couture

THANK YOU for your support

Dessertsby bydesign Design



Our Centre

Our centre was built with our children in mind. We have a tutoring area, library, fat screen TV, Pool table and even a stage for performances.

Thanks to generous supporters, we also have a full inventory of toys for our case managers to bring to hospitals and homes on their visits בס״ד Hope Couture

Jennifer Campbell

A graduate of McGill law school, Jennifer aka “Jenn” Campbell discovered early on she’d rather wield a stylish mike than a gavel. She has since pursued her passion for media with a vengeance, kicking of her career as host/producer of a popular fashion segment on CTV. Regular stnts on Global and Canada.com soon followed, where she elaborated upon trends, profled the country’s leading designers, covered internatonal fashion weeks and generally immersed viewers in the hotest and hippest. When not wielding the mike, Jennifer contnued to wield a pen (fguratvely speaking) as Social Columnist for Quebec’s leading English daily, The Montreal Gazete and as an ofcial Montreal Contributor to the country’s best selling celebrity mag, Hello! Canada. (She also exercised her ample love of the schmooze and chat as a weekly entertainment / scene reporter for the much-beloved Tommy Schnurmacher Show on top talk radio channel CJAD 800 AM). Along the way, the self-proclaimed “lover of all things pop culture” has received rave reviews for her uniquely individual style that, to date, serves her well in coup interviews with notables like supermodels Karlie Kloss and Coco Rocha, celebutante turned designer Nicole Richie, academy award-winning French actress Juliete Binoche, Cirque du Soleil top man Guy Laliberté and legendary king of talkTV Larry King. Jennifer contnues to take on fresh creatve and professional challenges and, most recently, realized a lifelong dream with the successful launch of her very own luxury lifestyle party brand - DIARY OF A SOCIAL GAL Magazine and Website almost four years ago. No, sleep is not high on this social scribe’s aJENNda. ;) בס״ד Hope Couture

Nikki Yanofsky

From her auspicious start as the youngest headliner in the history of the Montreal Internatonal Festval at 12, Nikki Y has covered plenty of territory over the last eight years. She has topped both jazz and pop charts, performed with orchestras and big bands, and sold out festvals and major theatres around the world; in 2010, she sang to 3.2 billion people – half the world’s populaton – at the Vancouver Olympic and Paralympic Games. She has worked with luminaries such as , , Will.i.am, , and .

In 2014, Nikki had her highest album debut with her sophomore release Litle Secret. Executve produced by legend , Litle Secret combines pop-song structures with sophistcated harmonies, club-ready beats with punchy big-band horns, and earworm hooks with scat singing solos. It’s all held together by her powerful delivery, as well as a newfound sass. In 2015, Litle Secret was Juno nominated for Pop Album of the Year and received Gold certfcaton in Canada.

Litle Secret’s frst two hit singles “Something New” and “Necessary Evil” has earned her huge acclaim globally including appearances on Dancing with the Stars and CBS’ The Talk and tours through Europe, Japan and Canada.

Nikki is currently working on new music with the mult-platnum, award winning singer and producer Wyclef Jean with music to be released in this year. בס״ד Hope Couture


One of Tyler Anne School of Dance’s elite hip hop crews, Barcode has been together since the incepton of the school in 2012. With countless performances and compettons under their belts, Barcode brings energy, enthusiasm and professionalism to every stage they step on. They are the recipients of many prestgious awards and scholarships and are all instructors at Tyler Anne School of Dance. Barcode is the embodiment of female power, hard work, and passion for dance. Look out for these girls, they are not to be missed!

Dancers: Sydney Wajcman Jamie Wajcman Rachel Mendelson Mor Argaman Jillian Weinberger Tracey Schwartz Tyler Wajcman Mel Weinstein Devin Goldstein בס״ד Hope Couture

Mia Drazin

Mia is currently a grade 7 student at Hebrew Academy. She has been singing since she was 2 years old and recently performed at Carnegie Hall as a 2nd place winner of the American Protégé Internatonal competton.

Last year Mia was honoured to celebrate her Bat Mitzvah together with Chai Lifeline, and this year she couldn’t be more excited to be part of Hope Couture! בס״ד


We would like to commend our honouree Dr Abish. Your dedicaton, devoton and warmth show no bounds.

There could not be a more beftng honouree for the hope couture event than Laura. Laura, you are a true warrior who epitomizes strength in the darkest of tmes. You personify hope and are an inspiraton to us all.

Sari, Tova and Estee – working with you has been humbling. Your passion, enthusiasm and tenacity are to be envied. May we contnue our new friendship and contnue fghtng illness with love.

Avi & Reitzu Iczkovits בס״ד


Established in Toronto, Tapis Homa has been a retailer of antque, semi-antque, as well as new Persian and oriental rugs for over 40 years. Our inventory includes a wide variety of paterns, colors, and sizes.

Tapis Homa announces an incredible spring sale of up to 70% of original retail prices. We welcome you to visit our showroom and look forward to doing business with you.

Chai Lifeline is an incredible organizaton that contnues to support Montreal families in various ways and we are truly honoured to support such a foundaton.

7163 Côte-des-Neiges Montréal, Québec H3R-2M2

Tel: (514) 735 – 5525

Mon - Fri: 11 AM – 7 PM Weekends: 11 Am – 5 PM בס״ד Hope Couture

Thank you to the entre commitee for your hard work and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline!

Mazel Tov to all the beautful Chai Lifeline warriors. We wish you much success and a complete recovery.

We are so proud and honoured to be a part of this incredible organizaton!

Tova and Scott Garber בס״ד Hope Couture

To Avi and Reitzu Iczkovits – Montreal credits YOU for bringing Chai Lifeline to our city and for keeping it going! Your treless eforts are NOT lost on anyone! Tizku L’mitzvot!

To event chairs Tova Garber, Sari Hasen and Estee Rossdeutscher – Yashar Koach to you all on a job well done! What a difcult yet amazing endeavor! Bravo!

To our beloved niece Rikki Drazin – We are so proud to call you our own! You give to the Chai Lifeline family with your whole heart and for that OUR hearts burst with pride.

To our daughter Mia – Congrats on a job well done! We love you so very much and couldn’t possibly be more proud of you!

Adrianne and Shlomo Drazin בס״ד Hope Couture

Thank you to the entre commitee for all of their hard work and dedicaton to Hope Couture!

Mazal Tov to Dr. Abish & Laura on such well-deserved honours! Thank you to everyone at Chai Lifeline for all that you do!

Sari & Albert Arazi בס״ד

Pharmacie de SPÉCIALISÉS

Pharmacie Michael Assaraf בס״ד Hope Couture

To the entre chai lifeline family, the co-chairs and the entre commitee,

Mazel tov on the most beautful evening!

We are honoured to have been part of your team!

Keep on fghtng illness with love and helping these amazing families!

Love, Estee & Eric Rossdeutscher בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

In honour of Rabbi Mordechai Rothman for his treless dedicaton and commitment to the children and families of Chai Lifeline Canada.

And to the staf of Chai Lifeline Canada who compassionately give of themselves for this worthy cause.

The Montreal Community בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Mazel Tov to Tova, Estee, and Sari on an incredible and amazing event!

We are so inspired by all of your heartelt eforts, creatvity and hard work which have come shining through this evening!

May you always contnue to be role “models” and true leaders in our community.

Yashar koach to Reitzu and Avi for being the true pillars of Chai Lifeline. May you always contnue to go from strength to strength. We are in awe of all that you do!

And to all the fantastc models tonight, May you always shine bright to everyone around you!

We are so proud of you all!

With Love, Susan Lieberman Nadine and Benny Lieberman Renee and Marty Lieberman Helene and David Donath Chaya and Lorne Lieberman בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Compliments from בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons to our daughter Sari on such a beautful night!

We are so proud of all our children and their commitment to Chai Lifeline. They are a source of inspiraton to us.

We wish Chai Lifeline much success in their mission and a complete recovery to the children.

Pascale & Jack Hasen בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Dearest Tova,

We are so very proud of your dedicaton and commitment to Chai Lifeline. Your family as well as the Jewish community are fortunate to have you back in Montreal.

Yasher Koach to the dream team – Estee Fagen and Sari Hasen, and to Sarah and Dina Lieberman.

May your hard work help those in need and may you contnue from strength to strength.

With all our love, Mommy and Daddy בס״ד

emma is proud to honour all the brave and beautiful children as well as the wonderful doctors who surround them.

Congratulations to Chai Lifeline and to all the participants and honorees of tonight’s special event.

#bestrong #bebrave #bebeautiful #neverstop #warriors #longlife #childrenareeverything

1350 Greene Avenue, Westmount, H3Z 2B1 www.emmaboutique.com | [email protected] 514-935-8389 @emma.westmount @emma_boutique בס״ד Hope Couture

With Compliments

The Cons Family בס״ד

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Marina and her team from

Without your treless efort and generosity, tonight’s event would not have the incredible artwork that it does.

www.m-inspiraton.net בס״ד Hope Couture

To Mom,

We could not be more proud of you!

We love you so much and are honoured to have you as our mother. While we are excited to fnally have homemade suppers again, we know that all the tme and efort you put in to tonight is worth more.

Thank you for being the most devoted, caring, and AWESOME mother ever!

Love Esti, Minky, Ahuva, & Shimmy בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד


With all our love, Show & Tell proudly supports Chai Lifeline בס״ד בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

In honour of our dear daughter Reitzu,

Congratulatons on an amazing event “once again!”

You make us proud!!!

Ma & Ta בס״ד

We’re tied to good causes

Browns is proud to support the excellent work of Chai Lifeline and the vital services Chai offers to families coping with a child’s illness.

We also salute tonight’s honourees: Laura Loebenberg for her grace and courage, and Dr. Sharon Abish for her compassionate care and professional achievements.


We are proud to support Donald Berman Chai Lifeline and are honoured to take part in such a meaningful cause.

Thank you to everyone at Chai Lifeline who make dreams come true! Your selfess acts are remarkable and inspiring.

Mazal Tov to Dr. Abish on a well-deserved honour. The love that these families and children have for you speaks volumes!

Laura, you are a star tonight! May you contnue to shine bright to all those around you.

To the commitee and co-chairs – Congratulatons on putng together this incredible event!

Naomi & Sam Fayer בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

We pay tribute to the three marvelous chairpersons of this event; Estee Fagen Rossdeutcher, Tova Lieberman Garber, and Sari Hasen Arazi.

May you all go from strength to strength!

Brenda and Samuel Gewurz Julia and Ilan Gewurz בס״ד Hope Couture

Mazel Tov to Michelle and the whole commitee on their hard work and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline.

The Cola Family בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons to the commitee & co-chairs on tonight’s beautful event honouring Dr. Abish & Laura Loebenberg. Mazal tov to Sari, Tova & Estee on your chairmanship!

We are so proud to support Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Montreal & the courageous children that are fghtng illness with hope.

Orly & Philip Fayer בס״ד Hope Couture

Adrianne and Shlomo Drazin, Riki Drazin, Mia Drazin,

How fortunate we are to have such special children and grandchildren who are so wonderful, both inside and outside.

Who are so talented and accomplished who devote so much of their tme and energy to Chai Lifeline, an organizaton which is entrely Chessed.

Who shower us contnuously with love, concern & compassion.

Whom we are so, so proud of.

With all our Love, Bubby and Zaidy

בס״ד Hope Couture


Mazel tov on this wonderful achievement.

We wish you contnued success in all of your endeavours and may we all contnue to learn by your example and leadership.

Harriette Garber and Stacey Mordowitz בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons to our daughter Estee and co-chairs Tova and Sari for an incredible evening!

Mazel tov to the entre commitee for achieving great success for such a worthy cause.

We are very proud of you!

Mom, Dad, Aliza & Sammy Thank You

From the Children and Families of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada בס״ד Hope Couture

To our Sister Tova,

We are so proud of your dedicaton to Chai Lifeline. Contnue being a role model and an inspiraton to all of us. We love you.

Mazel Tov!

With lots of love, Alissa, Stefan, Ricky, Sarah, Mimi, Ben and Avi Thank You

From the Children and Families of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada BARBER SALON SPA SHOP


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4048 Rue Jean-Talon O, Mtl, QC H4P 1V5 Tel.: (514) 735-4432 Desserts by Design Exquisite cookies,by cakesdesign & miniatures for your special occasion

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dessertsbydesign514 בס״ד Hope Couture

To our dear friends at Chai Lifeline, We are in awe of your constant availability to others, In admiraton of your contnuous generosity, In reverence for all you inspire.

Your Chessed is boundless Your devoton is endless Your reward is priceless

Thank you for all the love and support you show to so many Jewish communites around the world.

Yossi & Devorie Moskovitz

בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

We dedicate this page in honour of our brother and sister,

Shlomo and Adrianne Drazin, and our niece Riki Drazin. We are so proud of your commitment and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline.

Your acts of care and kindness make a diference in the lives of those you help.

Congratulatons to our niece Mia Drazin on her upcoming performance at the Chai Lifeline fashion show.

We know you will be amazing!

All our love, Tamara & Joe Berkowitz, Shulamit & Avram Holzer And Family בס״ד

Dear Reitzu,

Having worked by your side with the privilege of watching you in acton since the incepton of Chai Lifeline in Montreal, I am honestly at a loss for words when I see what ‘Hope Couture’ has turned out to be. Wow! ‎ Your devoton and endless eforts to further grow Chai Lifeline, not only as an organizaton but also as a family, are truly remarkable and a real inspiraton. It is an honour to work together with you for such a worthy cause, and even more so, to count you as a true friend!

To Sari, Tova and Estée,

The dream team!!! It was such a pleasure working and getng to know all of you! In this short tme you have taught me so much about commitment to our community, and about helping out those in need! You are incredible, and we are lucky you have joined our Chai Lifeline family!

Kudos to all of you for an incredible evening!

On to bigger and better... Xoxo, Leah

בס״ד Hope Couture

With Compliments of

Moche and Jennifer Castiel בס״ד

בס״ד Hope Couture

Kol Hakavod to Estee and the entre commitee for a job well done!

Your treless work and total commitment to Chai Lifeline are rewarded by beneftng sick children and their families.

Contnue your wonderful work.

Fagey & Simon Rossdeutscher

Westmount Capital is proud to support the Donald Berman Chai Lifeline organization בס״ד Hope Couture

A special thank you from Chai Lifeline for your continued support

Wild Cherry Events

בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons to our daughter, Faye Rossdeutscher!

We are so proud of your commitment to the community and all your hard work in helping make this event a success.

Naomi and Howard Rossdeutscher בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons Jenny Hoppenheim and the entre team of Hope Couture volunteers.

Keep up the amazing work!

Mel, Rosemary, Matthew Caroline and Mel JR & David Congratulatons to Chai Lifeline for the incredible work you do for the community. May you go from strength to strength.

Rabbi Asher and Lieba Jacobson בס״ד Hope Couture

Wishing everyone at Chai Lifeline much success tonight and in all your future endeavours

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Congratulatons to our granddaughter Faye Rossdeutscher on your devoton and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline.

We Love You Judy and Harry Rossdeutscher

בס״ד Hope Couture

A big Kol hakavod to our wonderful Adrianne and Shlomo on their involvement and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline.

A Special Yashar Koach to Mia for partcipatng in this spectacular mitzvah.

And a fnal standing ovaton to Riki for all that she has done and accomplished and contnues to do for Chai Lifeline.

We are very, very proud.

Uncle Joe and Auntie Frances Moshe and Sharman Reuben and Shelley Netanel and Gitty בס״ד Hope Couture

Thank you to the entre commitee for your hard work and dedicaton to Chai Lifeline!

Mazel Tov to all the beautful Chai Lifeline warriors. We wish you much success and a complete recovery.

We are so proud and honoured to be a part of this incredible organizaton!

Tova and Scott Garber בס״ד Hope Couture


Osnat and Evan Feldman בס״ד Hope Couture

My frst involvement with Chai Lifeline Montreal was in the summer of 2012. I partcipated in a trip for teens with cancer to Niagara Falls. My camper was a 13 year old young man from the community. He was weak and frail and desperate for some much needed help. It was a great trip. He gained friends for life. Since then, for the last 4 years I’ve been going to Montreal and helping with their events. Every year the ofce has grown and become more efcient in helping families going through the roughest of tmes. Unfortunately the need exists. I’ve seen the fantastc work they’ve done and contnue to do. It’s not just about an ill child. It’s about the siblings, the parents and the entre community. They do weekends in hotels for families, fun events for the kids and most importantly they help families while in the hospitals going through something nobody should experience. It’s been very rewarding traveling in every tme. Most recently I got a call from that camper on the 2012 Niagara trip. I’ve kept in touch with him since then and we’ve become best of friends. I always looking forward to speaking with him, but this was a phone call I never wanted to receive. He told me he was back in the hospital. Two days earlier he came back from school to check something suspicious. The worst had been confrmed. He was about to begin another hell. Surgery, chemotherapy, hospitalizatons and whatever bad you can imagine. I was stuck in NY physically and emotonally. I needed to do something. My heart was pounding faster then it ever was. Right away I called anyone and everyone I knew in the Chai Lifeline Montreal ofce. I was told that they had already sent their best to the hospital and we’re arranging people from the community to get involved. Food would be delivered and help would be administered. I was content. I knew he is in good hands. I know now that he’ll be fne emotonally. God willing he will be safe medically as well. Yaakov Jeidel From the Children and Families of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada

בס״ד Hope Couture

Congratulatons to our sister Faye Rossdeutscher on this incredible event.

We are so proud of you!

All our love, Suzy and April Rossdeutscher


Congratulatons to the entre commitee on all your hard work! Thank you to Chai Lifeline for all you do!

Sabrina and Danny Dadoun

Linen Décor

Fine European & custom made beddings & home decor

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[email protected] בס״ד Hope Couture

To our dearest daughter and sister Chevy whose treless eforts on behalf of chai lifeline are superhuman.

You did it once again!!!

We love you Tatty, Mammy, Moishe, Breindy, Rochel, Aryeh, Esther, Nechama & Yiti

From the Children and Families of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada

בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture

Compliments Of

The Bratin Family בס״ד Hope Couture

Compliments Of

Paul Rossi Concept PVR Inc.

""The Credit Insurance Specialist". 433 Chabanel West, North Tower, Suite 1107, Montreal, QC, H2N 2J9 Tel: 514-939-6226| Fax: 514-939-5665 www.gsabroker.com

בס״ד Hope Couture

CHEVY!! What can we say?

With your warm smile, your caring heart and your genuine love for Chai Lifeline you make it a privilege to be able to give to this wonderful organizaton!

Much Hatzlocho! Moti and Elisheva Fischer בס״ד Hope Couture

Much Success and best of luck!

Le Groupe Montoni (1995) Division Construction Inc. בס״ד Hope Couture

Wishing Chai Lifeline contnued success in the wonderful work they do. Congratulatons to all the volunteers that made tonight happen. בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד בס״ד Hope Couture

Donald Berman Chai Lifeline would like to commend and thank Mehadrin for being such a dedicated and proud supporter of our cause בס״ד Hope Couture

We pay tribute to the devoted staf & volunteers of this incredible organizaton- To the families that fnd shelter under your umbrella.

May you always fnd the strength within yourselves to face every challenge with courage and dignity! בס״ד Hope Couture

Our Dearest Laura – A warrior is defned as “a person who fghts in batles and is known for having courage and skill”. How best to describe our Laura. You epitomize what it means to be a warrior.

It’s an honour to be your friend. Congratulatons, my beautful friend, on being the Guest of Honour at Hope Couture, an evening that showcases the warriors of our world & you are the Queen.

With lots of love, Esther Malka Thank You

From the Children and Families of Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Canada בס״ד Hope Couture

For the Toronto Chai Lifeline Ofce: Merci pour tout

Stu, Riki & Chevy בס״ד Hope Couture

Dear Dr. Abish,

It is truly a privilege to count you as a friend of Chai Lifeline.

On behalf of our children and families, we thank you for your dedicaton, compassion and expertse.

Chai Lifeline Montreal בס״ד Hope Couture

Dear Dr. Abish,

Congratulatons to Melissa Daniel Assaraf and the entre crew.

So proud of your accomplishment!

Love Always, Frank, Rebecca and Family

Make-overs for all occasions 15 years experience Hundreds of references available

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Thank You בס״ד Hope Couture

Wishing all the children of Chai Lifeline a speedy recovery.

To our dearest Tova and Sari, we are so proud of both of you and your big hearts.

We love you!

Aryeh & Daniella בס״ד Hope Couture

Congrats to everyone giving their tme for such an important cause. And especially to these litle soldiers fghtng every day!

Laura Sonego Assor בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture

Compliments Of

Jeffrey Bernstein RGC Coffee Inc.

The Model Shop is proud to support the Donald Berman Groupe Financier Chai Lifeline! Congratulatons Financial Group on this wonderful event! C H O K INC.

Hypothèques privées Private Mortgages

CLAUDIA CHOKRON www.chokfinance.ca [email protected] 3803 Jean-Talon O. Montreal (QC) H3R 2G4 T 733-5354 בס״ד Hope Couture

Compliments Of

Jody Cohen All Type Transport בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture בס״ד Hope Couture

Mazal Tov to Melissa Assaraf We wish Faye luck in her and the entre commitee on endeavor to raise funds for this such a wonderful event. very important cause.

Emile and Rita Fattal Susan, Stan, Gregory, & Family Ariella & Tory Rozansky

Compliments Of Compliments Of

David Gold Yael Alt

Congratulatons to our dear Dear Reitzu, keep up your niece, Faye Rossdeutscher, incredibly treless and selfess and the entre staf for all work for Chai! their hard work in organizing

this event. Love Your proud sibs, the Joanie & Larry Zeigermanns, Friedmans Lieberman and Schwartzs בס״ד Hope Couture

Tribute to the great work Compliments Of Chai is & has achieved against the fght against these crazy health issues. Klumak Family Mervyn Fried

Chevy – It is incredible how passionately you have devoted yourself to helping the children Compliments Of and families of Chai Lifeline. We’re proud of you and Love you. Daniella & Eddy Rogo Surie, Frady, Reitzy & Udi בס״ד Hope Couture

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To everyone in attendance tonight Thank you for your support בס״ד

Donald Berman Chai Lifeline Montreal needs to thank our incredible dedicated volunteers. You are the pulse of our organizaton and we could not functon without you. Thank you, thank you , thank you!

We would also like to thank the dedicated counsellors that come from all over to help us create our shabbatons and events. Your passion and energy are unrivalled!