SJ police connect suicide, robbery by Cyndee Fontana These two factors and the San Jose city police believe closeness in time and location of the 16-year-old boy who shot and the two incidents are why police killed himself on Fifth Street late believe Vasques also committed Tuesday morning is the same the robbery, Moir said. youth who committed an armed According to police reports, a robbery at a nearby market youth entered the market earlier that day, according to U. brandishing a gun and forced the Robert Moir. clerk to open the cash register. Dead is Frank David The youth fled on foot with about Vasques of 442 S. Fifth St., Apt. 5. $20 in cash, the reports said. Vasques was announced dead at Moir said witnesses told San Jose Hospital following the officers they saw the youth run 11:43 a.m. shooting. northbound on Sixth Street before A motive for the suicide has he ducked between buildings at not been established, according 461 and 465 Sixth St. to Moir, an officer in the robbery- Officers were searching the homicide-assault division. area for the robbery when they Moir said Vasques matched heard a gunshot, Moir said. the physical description of the Officers traced the gunshot youth who held up the College sound to the apartment complex Market at 502 S. Sixth St. at 11:20 where Vasques lived and found a.m. Tuesday. him lying on the sidewalk with a A clerk at the market said gunshot wound to the neck and she was threatened with either a head, Moir said. photo by Don Smith rifle or a shotgun in the robbery, Moir said witnesses at the FRESH AIR STUDYING -- was in vogue outside Moulder Hall peacefully protest the pinning of first floor windows so that Moir said. Vasques was shot with scene told officers Vasques' wound was self-inflicted. Tuesday as students (left to right) Ron Meza, Juan Abia, Robert they won't open more than 10 inches. The students said the a 20-gauge shotgun, Moir said. Gallardo, Bob McClure, Allison Appleby and James Hendrix rooms were stuffy Spartan Daily Volume 76, Number 17 Serving the San Jose State Community Since 1934 Thursday, February 19,1981 CSUC schools to share burden Students 'pinned' in Moulder

by Doug Kelley Bob McClure, a Moulder Hall be afire hazard. Money problems may limit Dormitory residents in Moulder resident, said there were three "Now to get out you have to Hall think crime prevention major reasons students opposed the break the window which will in- measures have gone too far. pins. crease the change of someone The students are angry about First, he said, if someone getting hurt," McClure said. number enrolled at SJSU pins being placed in all first- and wanted to get in all they would have Third, he said, the ventilation in by Russ Fung Fullerton said she presumed Askea how enrollment limits some second-floor windows which to do would be jerk the window and it the already "stuffy" rooms will be prevent them from would pop open. decreased. SJSU President Gail Fullerton that, if the CSUC budget was would help the budget situation, opening more than 10 McClure said, it would "Most people on the floor have said she expects the university's reduced by a "large enough Fullerton said the mount of money inches. Second, pulled the pins out," he admissions policy may have to amount," the enrollment limits available to hire instructors already change to limit the number of would be divided among all the determines how many students can added. students students accepted into certain campuses. be accepted. "We've discouraged from pulling the pins out but it's programs. "It's conceivable they could say "If the state says this is all the difficult to enforce," resident ad- In a recent press converence, your allocation is lowered to 17,000 dollars you're going to get, then viser Ron Speers said. Fullerton discussed the entrance (full time equivalent students) and what you need to do is ratchet down "We know they're doing it for limits as well as future student- when you reach that point, you just the enrollment to match the dollars our own protection," Speers said, teacher ratios and the 1981-1982 stop accepting applications," she or somehow reduce the quality of the we're able to take on the budget for the California State said. education that you're giving," "but we feel responsibility of policing our- University and Colleges ( CSUC I Fullerton said SJSU could not Fullerton said. selves." system. increase general admission "If you're not given that money, Koehn, head of dormitory Entrance limits are already in then you're going to have to reduce Will security, said at first he was opposed effect for some CSUC campuses, the number of students in that to installing the pins but an at- such as San Luis Obispo, where a program." tempted break-in at Moulder Hall ceiling on enrollment was The $ 10 million budget Fullerton said raising the through a first floor window and two established due to a lack of housing teacher-student ratio would risk rapes which occurred because for students, according to Fullerton. will be divided among accreditation in some programs. windows were left open at California Fullerton said an "impacted" SJSU's 16-17 students per teacher all CSUC campuses State University at Sacramento program, or one that sets a limit on proportion, she said, is already caused him to change his mind. those admitted, may require stricter higher than desired by the ac- "What we're trying to do is admissions policies, higher grade creditation board. prevent access when students are point averages (GPAs) and a first- requirements unless the system as a Fullerton said the governor's asleep," he said. come, first-served arrangement in whole does so. proposal for the CSUC 1981-82 budget Koehn said the best way to choosing students. "I think to have a GPA will now be sent to the legislature. protect residents was through One example she cited was requirement and not a course The $10 million budget reduction prevention and "pinning the win- SJSU's nursing program, which had requirement in fact nudges students will be divided among all the dows was a preventative measure." required a 2.50 GPA for enrollment, into taking whatever is easiest to get campuses in the system, she said. "Eventually too much security rather than the university-wide 2.00 a good grade in and not necessarily The reduction is required to will make it like a prison," Moulder GPA criterion for transfer students. to come well-prepared to undertake balance the 1981-1982 budget. Hal! resident Robert Gallardo said. Whatever arrangement is used, most of our majors," Fullerton said. She reiterated that most of the "A fire or an earthquake could make Fullerton said, no more applications A student who had nut made a permanent funding for SJSU It a real dangerous situation." accepted after the number of decision until his junior or senior campus security had survived in the are Allison APpleby, whose room reaches the limit a year in high school of whether to governor's proposal. students was the site of the attempted break- can hold. attend a state university and lacked "My assumption is since it is one program in at Moulder Hall, also objected to Fullerton added that any further the necessary courses for of the few program change the window pins. CSUC entrance limits will depend on enrollment could make it up at a proposals that survived in the budget requests. community college, Fullerton said. governor's budget probably means "Just because we didn't heed it has a pretty good chance," the dorm security precautions. I Fullerton said. don't think everyone should have to Fullerton said it was unlikely pay for our mistake," Appleby said. Spartans' sign superstar that a 17 percent pay hike requested A petition signed by 30 to 40 by the trustees on behalf of the Moulder Hall residents was faculty would be approved by the delivered to the Housing Office, but ... maybe: legislature. no action was taken on the petition She added this was not a large because Housing Director Cordell page 4 amount considering the rate of in- Koland is on vacation until Monday. flation during the last 10 or 12 years. The cost of installing the pins Fullerton said the bail-out was estimated at $400 by Tom money given to state and local McGinley of Auxiliary Enterprises, governments after Proposition B which is doing the work. has been "drained." "The state is really in very dire The state fire marshall and ENTERTAINER financial straits this year," health department approved the Fullerton said. plan, McGinley said. Special Section "Unless there are additional photo by Don Smith The job is expected to be resources found, certain programs Guido Palermo of Buildings and Grounds installs a window pin as completed on all dorms by the end of are going to be hit very hard," Interior Design senior Seong No looks on. the week, he said. Workers face job burnout

by Russ Fling fatigue and insomnia. curs when someone experiences Job burnout is a problem en- Anderson, a lecturer in the SJSU complete physical, emotional and dbr. countered by many different Counselor Education Department, attitudinal exhaustion. professionals and in response has been conducting the job burnout She compared the problem of workshop focusing on the problem workshop for two-and -one-half burnout to a rubber band which and how to solve it was held here years. when slack, is not performing at its earlier this month. She got the idea after reading level and when too taut, loses its The next two-day workshop will about job burnout and applying it to elasticity. meet April 3 and 4. her specialty of career development. "If you break it, no matter how While the SJSU workshop is "One of the central issues about much you make a knot in it, you open to everyone, there are usually job burnout is having control," have a bad rubberband," Anderson more educators than any other Anderson said. said. single group, according to Anderson. "ASA lot of people think the only This explains, Anderson said Workshop instructor Elaine thing they can do is put up with Ika why it is hard for an Individual to Anderson said the program offers a job) or leave it, and there is some "bounce back" after he has run out constructive format for dealing with middle ground." of resources or energy. problems like stress, anxiety, Anderson said job burnout oc- SEE STRESS, page 3 Viewpoints expressed by cartoons, letters and columns are those of the authors Editorials appearing on this page Thursday, February 19, 1981 opinion represent the opinion of the Spartan Daily Long-range defense commitment needed Ronald Reagan s victory last comparisons, putting Soviet defense November shouldn't have been so spending in 1979 at $165 billion, or 50 surprising. Something similar percent above United States happened in 1972 when Richard outlays." George McGovern. Nixon skunked In an article by Jay C. Lowndes Both GOP victories were at least that appeared in Aviation Week, he partially the result of the public's Bruce Bucklans said "The Soviet Union will compete concern about the U.S. defense Staff Writer with the United States this decade in posture. sophistication of weapons." That concern is well founded. Lownoos quoted Deputy Under During the last 15 years or so, Secreta. of Defense Arden L. the Soviet Union has surpassed or By 1990, according to a Berner r. as saying "The Soviets drawn even with the United States in Soviet Union. developed by will lenge the U.S. lead in nearly every category of military table of projections of the American defem technology while main- hardware. This massive military Lawrence Korb Institute, the United taining their numerical advantage." buildup has changed the balance of Enterprise 1,935, compared to power in the world. States will have The United States cannot ignore 2,850 missiles and bombers in the these facts, any more than it can In a recent interview with U.S. Soviet inventory. ignore the fact that the Soviet Union News and World Report magazine, That's a difference of 915 invaded Hungary in 1956, Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, chair- nuclear missiles and bombers. Czechoslovakia in 1968 and man of the Senate Armed Services Although the United States now Afghanistan in 1979. the dangers Committee, described has a lead of 2,000 in the total States by the posed for the United number of warheads ( 9,000 vs. What is needed is a commitment

Soviet military buildup. 7,0001, Korb projects that if present to long range procurement programs to counter the adverse "We stand to lose equivalence in trends continue, by 1990 the Soviets will have 21,000 warheads, com- trends in the world balance of strategic nuclear weapons," he said. power. -The American Navy may be pared to 12,800 in the American neutralized on the oceans." arsenal. That means an ambitious That's a difference of 8,200 shipbuilding program, improved That is a distinct possibility. warheads. It is nearly equal to the ICBM forces and sufficient pay for U.S. News said recently that "Today total number now deployed by the service personnel to maintain a Russia has about 800 ships, and the United States. decent standard of living and U.S. Navy has dwindled,from a force motivate them to remain in the terms of overall destructive of roughly 900 ships in the Vietnam In service. arsenal now War era to about 460 ships. In major power, the U.S. nuclear also means that some surface ships, Russia outnumbers has a total of 3,300 megatcns. I ought to do a little the United States by 289 to 173, and in The Soviet nuclear arsenal now Americans who style them- attack submarines by 257 to 81." contains 5,500 megatons. Korb rethinking. Many a projects that by 1990, the Soviets will selves "antiwar" are indulging in The report also noted that the have 10,000 megatons vs. 5,000 for naive delusion that equates com- "Red Army totals more than 1.8 the U.S. munism with altruism. million men. That is almost twice In other words, the Soviets will Others seem to feel that their the 963,000 soldiers and marines the "antiwar" sentiments give them a 1967, have double the striking power U.S. can put in the field. Since monopoly on morality and that those than 50,000 available to the U.S. Russia has added more who do not subscribe to their brand forces con- troops to its combat The U.S. News report summed of reasoning are "pro-war." fronting Western Europe." up: "Current trends point toward an increasing military advantage for No one is pro-war unless they IY U.S. News goes on to say that 15 114ERE. ROOM IN -1)-IE ILJES ORNi.? the Soviets. From 1977 to 1980, have a diseased mind. Some, "In weaponry, the picture is equally Russia outbuilt the United States by however, fail to see how allowing the sombre. Russia has 50.000 tanks a yearly margin of 2,000 to 650 in Soviets to amass a huge military compared to America's 12,875. In tanks, 500 to 275 in warplanes, and advantage can promote peace. aircraft, Moscow has 5,775 combat six to three in submarines. to Washington's 5,316." Asked in a recent Time Procrastination,a useful craft Avaition Week and Space Magazine interview how she felt But the most ominous disparity Technology magazine noted in a about President Reagan's proposed is in the trends that portend future recent article "Soviet defense arms buildup, British Prime Barbara Wyman My distant friends have learned to expect an annual developments in the strategic spending has grown 4 to 5 percent a Minister Margaret Thatcher Simi Writer card or phone call just about the middle of May. There is balance. year in real terms since 1965 and will replied: nothing like a lengthy phone call with an old friend to ease According to the same U.S. continue to increase at least through "It) the Soviet Union) does not the tension of mounting deadlines. News report, the United States now 1985, the Central Intelligence need such a big, big navy. It does not And think of all the wars throughout history that has 2,058 missiles and bombers Agency estimates. need so many submarines. Why then For centuries, procrastination would not have been fought had either of the leaders compared to 2,582 deployed by the "The CIA also provided dollar is it doing these things" has been looked down upon by men procrastinated. Had Romeo waited but a few moments and women alike. Children are longer before drinking poison ( "his untimely death") he warned not to "put off until and Juliet may have lived out their lives in love's ecstasy. Daily Policy tomorrow what you can do today." "Haste makes waste" is sage old advice. And "he who hesitates is lost" seems The Spartan Daily reserves the The Daily encourages reader But one must be careful about how he or she uses this The policy of the Spartan Daily to be common advice. craft. Like caffeine, procrastination can be addicting. regarding letters and material right to limit the number of letters comments regarding editorials, I think it's time for a change. on a given topic after a sufficient opinions or news stories. Sometimes I even procrastinate the diversion which I submitted from individuals or as the beneficial amount of comment has appeared. Procrastination should be viewed chose to procrastinate with. In careful doses, however, the organizations outside of the Spartan craft that it is. Daily staff is as follows: Releases craft is harmless. How many other crafts spur sieges of relentless Opinion Releases should be submitted as Procrastination, like any skill, takes time and energy that result in cleaned rooms, washed dishes, Letters The intent of the Spartan early as possible to the City Editor dedication to acquire. Beginners should start by vacuumed floors, long-awaited phone calls or letters and Daily Opinion Page is to present a at the Spartan Daily office or by vegetating in front of the television for hours before Letters should be submitted to the even artistic achievements? Spartan Daily office ( JC 2081 bet- variety of viewpoints on issues af- mail. The sooner the release is moving on to more productive outlets. ween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, or fecting the university community. received, the better coverage the Procrastination can accomplish all of these and more. Weekday afternoons offer five straight hours of soap by mail to the Opinion Page, c/o the Comments, columns and topic may receive. A student's room is rarely cleaner than a week before operas, the best form of useless procrastination available. Spartan Daily, San Jose State editorials will discuss local, state, All releases should include a finals or the day he has a 20-page paper to type. Watching Rick and Alan fight over who is the father of University, 125 S.Seventh St., San national and international affairs. telephone number that can be called Dirty dishes or rugs and unmade beds also assume a Monica's baby will boost any beginning procrastinator up Jose, CA 95192. Editorials reflect the position of in case further information is certain urgency when 15 chapters in a dry chemistry book to a more productive level. All letters must include the the Daily. Opinion columns express needed. are on the day's agenda. Remember, the art of procrastination takes time to writer's signature, major, class the views of the writer or The Spartan Daily reserves the Some students even choose creative outlets to divert develop. But freshmen who can't seem to convince standing, address and telephone organization and will appear with a right to limit, rewrite and edit press their energy. How many paintings or poems would never themselves that a clean room is more important than an number. Only the name, major and byline attributing the article ac- releases for length, style, invasion of have been finished had they not been alternatives to other "A" on a final shouldn't worry. With practice, by the end class standing will be printed. cordingly. privacy or libel. pressing work? of their senior year they'll have it down pat. letters

Why not boycott Rolm, Hewlett-Packard, and all the pass. $18 ain't free, get on with it! justify my statements. - at least not in most of the world others must be boycotted. At no time did I suggest the Bilingual education where many people speak more than refuses to do Gary Purdum The A.S. also hanging of anybody, nor do I feel any one language. IBM as well? Business Administration, anything about the $500,000 con- such suggestion, however 'not a bad word' senior fiscated from SJSU students every exaggerated, should be made. I am a professor of bilingual year for the A.S. treasury. One small education with an Anglo background Editor: I am all in favor of freedom of step has been taken - we're going to Editor: and a graduate degree in Spanish Onward and forward with the speech, provided that freedom is get to choose if we, the members of from a prestigious institution, and it boycott of Coors. What a great idea lawfully used. However, as I said With reference to Greg AS., want to be able to direct $1 to seems to me that my bilingualism to boycott a company because of its before, the Constitution does not Robertson's opinion piece on our 'favorite' campus group. Ap- has always been regarded as a mark demonic anti -union activities. Boycott prevails; grant the right to advocate violent bilingualism: parently economic democracy, the of culture. However, I must chastise the only true democracy, has the A.S. overthrow of the U.S. government. First, get your facts straight. Associated Students for its failure to needs unnoticed scared to death. Will we get to This was proven by the 1940 Smith Education Secretary Bell has an- Racism, on the other hand, is a purge the campus of other anti-union choose where $1 goes? Don't count Act, which prohibits the organizing nounced, you say, "The scrapping of bad word. Racism says that when companies. on it. Remember what happened of a group for the purpose of the federal government's bilingual people are brown, or have names Editor: teaching and advocating the that end in -ez, the fact that they Take IBM for example. IBM is when A.S. members "chose" to use education rules." Sorry, not quite. Enough is enough!! overthrow and destruction of the speak Spanish is a problem. Racism so expert at its anti-union activities $1 of the A.S. fee for the Spartan The federal go- 2rnment has The Associated Students U.S. government by force and ignores the fact that many people in that it is one of the few large non- board Daily? The AS. Judiciary ruled the scrapped rules which were proposed of directors says it is violence. This act was tested in the this country are born here, natives, union firms. How can we let the boycotting choice was unconstitutional, so we by the Department of Education Coors in support of Supreme Court in the case of Dennis citizens and native speakers of satanic forces of IBM infiltrate our some damn had no choice at all, just a bunch of under the previous administration union's demands. Never mind that v. United States, 341 U.S. 494 (1951), Spanish. campus with its business forms, crumpled ballots. and which were never approved or the union is not a member of and several correlating cases. In implemented. computers, and copy machine? Let's go AS., stop the They were, in fact, Bilingual education is a way of Associated Students and hasn't paid writing the majority opinion on the rules which Let's not be hypocrites. The A.S. ideological masturbation of the many bilingual allowing children who have been a dime in dues. If the A.S. is going to case, former Chief Justice Fred M. educators considered board should ban the sale of any of Coors issue and get on with the task cumbersome characteristically denied the right to be led around by the nose by a union, Vinson said: "Whatever theoretical and in need of these wicked products. constituents. revision. They never equal education opportunity a why do members of serving your merit there may be to the argument of the A.S. have to represented a mandate for bilingual chance to have success in school. go that there is a 'right' to rebellion Nor can we allow any IBM off on a junket to Colorado to Michael Dutton education, rather they were Bilingual education is a way of "visit" the brewery? against dictatorial government is recruiters on our holy campus. History Grad guidelines for program im- teaching children English without without force where the existing plementation. Imagine a member of our student I'm really surprised that the deilyin. them the chance to learn to body actually employed by these structure of government provides A.S. feeLs it has the time and The read and do arithmetic along the servants of Lucifer We don't need for peaceful and orderly change." Lau Guidelines, which resources to spare on the Coors currently way. Bilingual education as you, IBM. You can keep your delineate implementation issue. There are more than 5,000 Mr. Hendrix, I have read the procedures for enrichment allows us all to un- $20,000-a -year jobs. We don't need bilingual programs night students at SJSU who need Criticized letter; Constitution many times. Perhaps are still in effect, as are the various derwrite and share in a Hispano- your paid medical plans. We don't university offices open in the you should read the Supreme Court's American heritage of which we can profit state legislative mandates. Dr. want your year-end bonus and evening hours. The AS. apparently ideas 'justified' interpretations of the document. By all be proud. sharing. We have our principles. forgot to remember its promise to the way, my fraternity brother's Bell's action seems to be more an have more offices open. There is still name is not Robert, but Ted attempt to limit federal action in an Racism and misinformation seem to travel hand in hand. They a parking problem to be solved with Editor: Brassinga. area of state concern than to abolish Of course, we can't stop with free carpool parking. Again, the A.S. bilingual education. are equally unforgivable. IBM. Practically all the electronic Due to the heavy amount of Robert Musil firms in Silicon Valley are non- forget to do anything after the initial criticism received by my letter in Political Science, Secondly, get your attitudes Judith Lenow-Hurie union. National Semiconductor, publicity given to the $18 carpool last Wednesday's Daily, I feel I must freshman straight. Bilingual is not a bad word Bilingual Progra Thursday February 19. 1981, Page 3 STRESS -continued from page 1 professional challenge if workshop, individuals first names. ployers to see them." things, and in some ways, and "not letting the forces unchangeable?" Eventually, the stress they'll study, come to class learn how to problem- "Once Channel 11 burst Anderson said one of we're as beset by dragons work on you." Those interested in reflects not only one's job prepared and raise good solve, find alternatives and in with cameras and said the biggest problems as any medieval kind of "Too many people attending the April performance, but one's ego questions that are manage time through they were going to tape it," people have is coping with person," Anderson said. thing they have to change workshop can sign up with as well. stimulating to the class." group discussion and role- Anderson said. forces beyond their control, The feeling of being a what's out there," An- the Counselor Education While all job burnout is Professors suffering playing. "I said 'hey, leave,' such as the economy and helpless victim can best be derson said. Department ( 277-2781). stress-oriented and has to from burnout, Anderson Learning how to assess because I got some feelings bureaucracy, remedied by a new at- "Why beat your head The cost of the seminar is do with the amount of explained, will often show a one's stress level with the from the students that they "Nobody is able to do titude, Anderson against something that is $40. control an individual has, lack of flexibility and be aim of finding more didn't want their em- anything about these suggested, involving action everyone is affected in unwilling to discuss new choices is another aspect of Chinese Language and Cultural :;iuclies different ways and ideas. the workshop. C [CS degrees. A change in behavior "We look at alter- Reasonable expenses Travel Given the same cir- caused by job burnout can natives," Anderson said. Concentrated study in Taiwan cumstances, not everyone also show up in an overall "What are some of the Extensive ourse listing will burn out, according to irritability ay those ways you can do that again Full university credit Anderson. professors not being so with the issue being in ENTRY DATES: 4/14/12: 6/IS-9/4: 9/21-12/1E "It isn't always just the accessible, kind or patient control." First Quarter: Tuition $780; Housing 1200 job, it's really kind of one's to students' needs. Anderson said one of Accepting applications for all quarter, life experiences," An- Anderson said the the advantages of the derson said. workshop is participants For Free Pamphlet and Information: Anderson said con- learn they are not unique in Chinese language and Cultural Studies tinued high levels of stress their suffering from job P.O Bus 1SS6 I, lung Beach, C A 90815 will cause a breakdown Participants learn burnout. Telephone:1213)597-3351 somehwere in the body. they aren't unique "You think everyone is "Some people will find handling the situation that it is coming out in in their suffering better than you are," depression, headaches, Anderson said. Associated Upper Level gastrointestinalproblems, "A lot of times people backaches and those kinds feel alone, like it's only my Students Student Union of things," Anderson said. feeling of having to keep up problem and again blame Bicycle OPEN Anderson said that in one's field may also themselves, which adds to Shop burnout and the term cause undue stress which your own stress and makes 10:30-4:30 "nervous breakdown" are may lead to faculty job the burnout come along a similar only because an burnout. little bit faster." Specializing in low-cost individual will be unable to Our work is being Anderson said the "two Maintenance and Repairs cope in the last stages of knowledgeable," Anderson heads are better than one" both. said. "It's always one step approach allows par- Winter Special Reasons for faculty job ahead and you're never ticipants to bring up an burnout include the need to there. issue that is important to Complete Tune-up prove oneself, failure to "You literally work them and get help from one includes meet personal expectations around the clock and there another. and not getting enough is that pressure to always This gives people the Repack front and rear hubs support from students. improve." advantage of not only Adjust brakes 7 deraileurs Support in this way is Anderson said other getting support, but ad- Check and adjust bottom bracket interpreted as providing faculty job stress problems ditional ideas and en- & headset finding some challenge to the in- include not being able to couragement in Overall safety check and lubrication structor. communicate effectively meaning in their work. "I don't think students with colleagues, an Because individuals understand how much their inability to detach oneself may feel inhibited and $ 1 2 . 9 5 feedback can affect from committees that don't reluctant to admit job Minor repairs done professors," Anderson work well and not having burnout, strict anonymity while-u-wait said. enough staff or equipment. is observed with par- "Students can provide During the two-day ticipants using only their Business School to honor semiconductor executive by Arlene Stenger given annually since 1976. He holds 16 patents on A pioneer in the Students and faculty semiconductor methods, The San Jose State Bike Club & Racing Team electronics field and a both submit nominations to devices and structures, is looking for new members. First rolling major contributer to Dean George Halverson for including application of meeting is Friday 12:00 in front of the Santa Clara Valley's persons they consider to be photoengraving to Student Union semiconductor industry outstanding executives and semiconductors. will be honored today at major contributors to the Noyce will begin the SPONSORED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS photo Oy Ted Thurgdte SJSU by the School of business community. day with a coffee reception Business. at 9:30 this morning in the Elaine Anderson Rober Noyce, one of S.U. Loma Prieta Room. It the founders, former Dean Halverson will be open to anyone on chairman and now vice campus who would like to chairman of the board of to present award meet and talk with him. directors at Intel Cor- A question and answer poration, is this year's session will follow at 11 in Next MONDAY, Feb. 23 recipient of the Business SJSU students, the same room. 1 Nature Burgers School's distinguished Bay taculty and staff are in- Halverson will present Area executive award. vited by the business school Noyce with an honors Monday Movies This award has been to meet with Noyce during plaque at a luncheon with selected people from the presents Macs?... his day-long visit here. ? Big Prior to Noyce's work School of Business. *BAY AREA PREMIERE* Engineering with Intel beginning in Another public from India 1968, he served for 11 years question and answer school offers as co-founder and director session in the S.U. Loma of research for Fairchild Prieta Room is scheduled inside look Semiconductor. for 2 p.m. Anyone who's won- dered what exactly they do Get the edge' Prepare to take the in the School of Engineering can find out at an open house in the MAT Engineering Building on Friday, Feb. 27, from 10:30 Graduate Management a.m. until 9 p.m. Admissions Test We don't know how many According to Saturdays. FeO 28. March 7, 14, 1981 Big Macs you would have to eat to equal Mechanical Engineering 9 a m -3 30 p m . Business Classroom 111. SJSU camp; the Total including materials Professor Donald cost is S80 nutritional value of one Nature Burger because we Myronuk, each department For further Information: don't know what's in a Big Mac. But we do know will present lab displays what's in a Nature Burger and we're proud of it. For and demonstrations. Office ot Continuing Education Journalism Classroom Bldg 1368 GAMAN a change of pace try a Nature Burger . . . it's not Student-escorted tours San Jose State University "Powerful. Uncompromising." only nutritious but it's delicious. Take advantage of will start in the building's San Jose, CA 95192 -- L.A. TIMES lobby and there will be (408) 277-2182 our special 1/2 price offer. Start a healthy habit Subtitles) special buses to the On Hindi, with English 41.00 have a Nature Burger. (Regular price $1.86 with tax. aeronautics facility near 7 & 10 p.m. Morris Dailey Auditorium One per customer, please.) the San Jose Muniipal Airport. San Jose State University UNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS INIMML OMR EINI MI IMO Mr MiMs MN IMO Imo Starting at 11:00 a.m., in room 132, there will be a contest, open to all SPECIAL OFFER students, in which calculators will be used to 20% OFF Expires solve various problems. I 1/2 PRICE Feb. 28 ANY HAIR CARE SERVICE WITH THIS COUPON tax Spartan Daily Serving the Sall Jeer State all you have to liollnemitimminitmENNMEMMIMIINNINtomeil. University Community do is show us

1934 1 block from campus \. 1 I , / 6th & Santa Clara streets 509480 UCPS \ \ I Second class postage paid at San your student I.D. card! HI Jose, California. Member of Cal- Fantastic savings for students and teachers at San Jose State! Just . ' i show your I.D. card and we'll take 20% \ \ 1 f ' I ifornia Newspaper Publishers off our already affordable prices, our perms are regularly $35 to $55 (including haircut and style) and Association and the Associated precision haircuts are regularly \ `k. Press Published daily by San $12 to $16 including shampoo and style). We want you to discover the Jose State University, during quality, service, convenience and value at Fantastic Sam's! w. - ,,--- the college year. The opinions , expressed in the paper are not necessarily those of the Ikpart- ment of Journalism and Mass FANTASTIC SAM'S FANTASTIC SAM'S Communications, the University 2591-0 South EilltlCOT .022 E El Camino Real Sant:§ Administration or my student CAMPBELL, CA 95008 SUNNYVALE, CA 94087 OcFarltastic or faculty organization. Sub- 1408) 3714892 1408) 748-0880 scriptions accepted ova remain- the original Family Haircutters der of semester basis Full aca- demic year, $15 Each semester, YOU NEVER NEED AN APPOINTMENT $7 50 Off-campus price per We've got locations coast -to-coast copy, 15 cents. Phone Editorial OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY and one near you' 277-3181 Advertising 777-3171. SUN'N SOIL Printed by Independent Publica- tions. NATURAL FOOD STORE AND RESTURANT Fps 4 sports Thursday February 19. 1981 Spartans dump Santa Claia by Billy Thomas "We have to score in that beat the University of keep our kids out of foul trouble and cut down on the A strong range to be successful," California at Berkeley second half fouls," she said. performance by Elinor Chatman said. when they meet this Friday According to Chatman, night in Berkeley. KSJS (90.7 FM) will Banks gave SJSU's broadcast the game at 7:50 women's basketball team the Spartans are shooting "We have a good we p.m. Friday. more than it needed to better in the last three chance of winning if down the University of games than they did earlier Santa Clara 81-58, Tuesday in the season. night in the men's gym. "We have been shooting 45 percent for the DENEVI S In defeating Santa last three games," Chat- Clara, the Spartans im- man said. proved their overall record Chatman attributes the to 14-10 and their NorCal teams improved shooting CAMERA SALE conference record to 8-2, to a combination of things. while Santa Clara fell to 14- "Most of it ( the points) 13 on the season and 4-6 in photo by Ted Thurgate comes from our fast break, NorCal. and Karen Ward and Sheila SJSU's Wanda Thompson (25) passes to Karen Mason (3 1 ) in the Lady Spartans' 81-58 win over The Spartans got off to Brown have really helped Santa Clara Tuesday night. a slow start in the first half out," Chatman said. "They of play but managed to are good perimeter shoot- take a nine point lead into ers." the locker room at half- Chatman feels that the It's either SJSU or Hartnell time, as they lead Santa Spartans can control their Clara 39-30. own destiny if they can Wanda Thompson got for high school star Toney things started in the second half for the Spartans when she stole the ball and raced 50 mm Terra Linda. performers. by Jerry McDonald at wide receiver. the distance of the court for 12 LENS 4013995 Sporta Friltor The crop of junior Defensively, nose His combination of a score. college players recruited guard Jessie Green DENEVI SJSU football coahces receiving and rushing by SJSU is unmatched, (Compton JC) and inside The Spartans in- capped off what they con- skills makes him ideal to SUPER according to the coaches. linebacker Kerry Ford creased their lead to 49-36 sider to be a superb recruit- the SJSU attack, which PRICE "We (Santa Monica JC) were on a basket by freshman ing season yesterday with probably had the stresses both points, as greatest All-America last season. Karen Ward. the signing of North Salinas junior college DENEVI BONUS COUPON Gerald Willhite exhibited recruiting The quarterback battle With 11:45 remaining High School running back year of any ASTOR'S last season. school in the country," that will be waged between in the contest, Anthony Toney to a na- Elinor Elway said. Steve Clarkson and Jack Banks was sent COIN -OP tional letter of intent. "He's perfectly suited into the for our offense," Elway The Spartans greabbed Overstreet could become a game. 112 OFF 25 from the junior three-way battle if highly AUTO WASH THE REGULAR PRICE OF DENEVI However, despite the said. college During the brief eleven DEVELOPING AND PRINTING, ONE ROLL signing, SJSU coaches still regarded freshman quar- minute span, Banks was wash 75t OF PRINT, SLIDE OR MOVIE FILM, COLOR must wait for Toney's final terback Rick Sloan shows the most dominating force wax 50it OR BLACK AND WHITE, LIMIT ONE decision on whether to go to he needs a minimum of COUPON PER CUSTOMER Six J.C. All -America's recruited on the floor. 50C or Hartnell seasoning. vac SERVICE school at SJSU She scored eight LOW PRIC PERSONAL Junior College. An extremely accurate consecutive points in the ranks, six of them thrower, he is regarded by OPEN 24 t 4 Jose He still has the option Also signed yesterday last five minutes of play recopized as All-America. Elway as one of the top five First to go to Hartnell, we by Kerr were a pair of and 18 for the half. HOURS 40 South For the offense, the quarterback prospects in ENEV1San discussed that," Spartan identical twins, Brett and Banks and Karen loss of Mark Nichols to the the country. 732 S. First head coach Jack Elway Brian Grauss from Terra Mason were the leading 279-1681 National Football A former quarterback CAMERA STORES said. Linda High in San Rafael. League scorers of the game with 24 near Virginia will hopefully be offset by at Washington State, SUNDAYS 12 -4PNI Both are 6-foot-2 and 205 points each. 804 Lincoln ALL STORES OPEN pounds, with the potential pnother touchdown Elway returned to his Toney's high school "Banks had an out- corner of Lonus to get much heavier, ac- machine, Chabot College's native area to get Sloan football coach, Marvin standing game," said head Beguhl, stressed that his cording to Kerr. Ken Taylor. Taylor scored from Central Valley High School in Spokane. coach Sharon Chatman. star isn't in a Spartan an inside 17 touchdowns for the Kerr had A 6-foot-3, 190 pounder, "She has been having a uniform yet. the Grauss Golden Gate Conference track on he completed 57 percent of good week of practice, and he also attended champs last season. "I don't think it's brothers; his passes for 1,428 yards it carried over into the Terra Linda. Tight end Bill Nicholas definite," Beguhl said of ( West Valley), offensive and 13 scores last season. game," Chatman said in Toney's attending SJSU. "I've got a pipeline tackle Ken Delgado A total of six players explaining Banks per- "He told me this morning going," Kerr said, ( Chabot and kicker from Chabot College in formance. he was thinking of going to Present Spartans Phillippe Reboah ( West Hayward were recruited The Spartans have Martha." Stacey Bailey and Frank Valley) round out the of- by defensive backfield scored more than 70 points fensive All -America coach Greg McMakin. in their last three contests. Toney was unavailable Ratto also graduated from for Loiament. While Toney's future status as a Spartan is in doubt, what is not in doubt is his talent.

"I hate to call any one Pr player a 'franchise', but that may be what he is," El SCIENCE GRADUATES 6: assistant coach Larry Kerr 1980-1981 EE's AND COMPUTER At said. CS

Toney stands 6-foot-1- ST inch and weighs 198 ca pounds, and Spartan Mi for coaches expect him to be Today, in Of closer to 220 during football season. WI boe During his senior year Calif. au Sunnyvale, me at North Salinas, Toney rushed for 1,299 yards on La 137 168 carries and scored 22 touchdowns. He also NCR means being A caught 18 passes for 343 yards and saw some duty be po PH in the vanguard of 2361 ST Stanley H. Kaplan ... env

Our 42 Years of Experience 9'3 is Your Best Teacher me industrial data 435 chu 3125 acquisition. SIE MO' GOI":4C,Vt Roo On-Campus trip VSc . G.c&C'S New, space-age alloy Nem Interviews: that looks as good as gold, It also means an optimum learning situation and THURSDAY, good as gold, OP" yc,0 ;003 an optimum living environment. We are a fast - wears as costs about half as much. expanding NCR Engineering 8 Manufacturing MARCH SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER: Save $10 'r) organization that specializes in developing and 1401/410. off the regular price. (Offer valid through February tam producing dedicated computer systems for indus- 27 Sian trial data collection. We're in Sunnyvale, adjacent ONLY.) GOOC 03'COC)* to San Jose and about 35 miles from San Francisco. 5 Rate Yellow Lustrium rings hy Josten's available daily Pion We've created working solutions for some 200 at your bookstore. tt Fortune 500 companies. Probably no other single 'pea NCR operation serves such a breadth of U.S. band Learn about other factors that make light industry so directly. ... or offers more diversity or us an exciting place to begin your long term growth potential. The integrated hard- career. Schedule anon-campus '46 ware -software solutions you'll be developing are Interview through your Placement abou irkthtEDUCATIONAL Office, or write: Mr. Hal Burton, alit complete turnkey systems that will involve you CENTER IMeH NCR Corporation, 370 San Aleso FOR TEST ION in the very latest distributed network architecture. Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. Owne SPECIALISTS SINCE 1931 data communications, microprocessors, input- 277 2/ 911If Any Center output devices, terminals, controllers and CPU's. And See For Yourself '71 G Why Yla Mahe The Difference And, finally, you'll be in a high -demand "specialty" where every problem is different., and stimulating. dition SAN FRANCISCO Merle (415) 433-1763 PALO ALTO Ii57Spacton An equal opportunity employer Complete Computer Systems (415) 327-0841 DAVIS Bookstore (916) 753-4800 San Jose State University For information About Other Centers In More than IS Major U S Cities II Abroad SERVICE IS OUR MAJOR- Outwit It Y State CALL TOLL FREE 800-223-1782 sports 1 hursdhy Vutituary 19 1981 Page 5 Santa Barbara seeking revenge in rematch with Spartans Gaucho cagers hope to reverse 'disappointing loss' tonight

by Tim Truax called on the Gauchos for he said. "We played them Gaucho threat will be 6- rebounds. UCSB is 9-14 and 3-7 in UCSB travels to Utah game and the Saturday The Gauchos of UC- not playing the Spartans very well last time and foot-10 center Richard Berry said the Spar- conference action. The State, while SJSU faced game will be broadcast on Santa Barbara will be close enough on defense. hope to again." Anderson, who is the tans would have to continue Gauchos are coming off a Cal-State Fullerton on KSJS 90.7 FM) and KCBS looking for revenge when The same call was made in De Lacy said rebound- leading UCSB scorer and to play overall good team loss to Fresno State and a Saturday. (740 AM). Air-time on they come to the Civic SJSU's loss to UC-Irvine ing will be the key to the rebounder, averaging 14.9 defense, and he said he victory over the University Tonight's tip-off is set KSJS will be 7:20, while Auditorium tonight. Saturday night. game. He is hoping the points and 9.7 rebounds per would like to see a "little of the Pacific. for 7:30. Both tonight's KCBS broadcasts at 7'25. game. more offense. According to head team will be able to stop The Gauchos are not The Gauchos were eligible for the coach Bill Berry, if a team Sid Williams, the Spartans' "He's an excellent "I don't exactly know PCAA triple overtime losers to tournament due to a one SJSU when the Spartans is behind or tied, they must leading rebounder, with 7.4 outside shooter," Berry how we're going to do REP 'O' C year probation placed on put two defenders "in a per game, and is also their said. "We have to contain that," Berry said. "But Our Xerox 9400 will allow you to reproduce made the trip to Santa the school for recruiting defensive stance" on the leading scorer, averaging him to do well." we're going to try." for 4C Barbara almost a month violations and extra- a page. ,And our overnight rates are just 3'7C offense's guards. Irvine 14.9 points per game. ago, and they feel they The Spartans will be The Spartans are benef it violations. had only one defender in Dissertations copied on thesis quality cotton played more than well They are a very fine looking to shut-down 6-foot- currently 16-6 and 7-3 in the backcourt and was De Lacy said his team rag for only 8C. We'd() all the work! enough to win the game. offensive rebounding 3 guard Walter Evans and PCAA play. They are tied is not worried called for a technical. about the No minimums "It was a very team," De Lacy said. Most 6-foot-5 forward York for second place with Cal- probation and it doesn't disappointing loss," Despite the fact De of Williams points of late Gross also. Evans is State Long Beach and UC- cause them to take games Gaucho head coach Ed De Lacy feels he deserved to have come on offensive averaging 13.9 points per Irvine. Fresno State is any easier just because KIN KO' S COPIES Lacy said. "And it came off win, he is not predicting rebounds. game, and Gross is netting leading the conference with they won't be in the tour- 481 E. SAN CARLOS ST (408)'2955511 a wrong call." victory for the Gauchos Berry said the math 12.7 points and 9.5 an 8-2 record. nament. 12350 THIRD ST. (408) 2954336 tonight. That wrong call was a lack of action technical "I'm not an optimist," h(Sitles (Snob IJIb3Fuoi1ion THE SPARTAN HOOPSTERS PRESENT: Aarnott's BETTER LIVING LET'S DO IT n It's possible for you. . . ON THE ROAD! ANIMA. The rent you are paying today could be Marrlott's GREAT AMERICA, the Bay Area's center SUPPORT THE SPARTANS AT for entortelnment located in Santa Clara, currently used as an investment in your future.

has the following openings: Today's students plan ahead. FRESNO AND STOCKTON! * ACCOUNTING CLERKS FOOD HOST/HOSTESS Thurs., Feb. 26, Bus to Fresno - $25 Let ANTIQUE CASHIERS RIDE OPERATORS REALTY show you how. Leave SJSU Men's Gym at 3:30 p.m. CLERICAL SECURITY HOSTS Back in San Jose by 12:30 a.m. ROBERT EMANI INVESTMENT CONSULTANT Sat., Feb. 28, Bus to Stockton -$20 These positions are available Leave SJSU Men's Gym at 5:00 p.m. now for spring weekends and Back in San Jose by midnight summer full time. So call today 268-1150 and make an appointment to be part of the GREAT AMERICA GAME TICKETS INCLUDED! excitement. Personnel Dept., Marriott's GREAT AMERICA, FREE REFRESHMENTS ON BUS! (408) 496-0141. Monday - Friday antique teattp between 8:30 AM and 8:00 PM or SIGN UP NOW - PAY ON BUS! Saturdays and Sundays between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM. ANYONE CAN GO! Call Ted Gehrke 277-2807 or 353-3087 or Jack Mogg 277-3241 for reservations. EOE M/F/H/V classifieds

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Call 265-9196 get to Alaska, best values on guided HAYMOND and TYSON SECRET'', at P.M.; Roman Catholic and Protestant Roman Catholic, Sundays at p.m.: CENTER, 4975 Stevens Creek Blvd., Horseback vaulting instructors, backcountry trips, travel trips and TYPING: Theses, reports, etc, R iAL SERVICE Fast. accurate. campus mini rrr ies offer religious IBM Episcopal,' irst and third Sundays at 1 blk. east of Lawrence Expwy. Call ARC swimming, canoeing, sailing, more. Send only 52 to Alaska Travel Selectric. SI per 11J11 double proole0. Typing edited tor spelling. services, study groups, soc lel events spaced, 9835598 WEDDING SPECIAL 10 p.m., and Lutheran, Thursdays crafts. music, gardening and kit Bargains. P.O. Box 6021, Anchorage, typed page Live near Cam- IBM Sethctroc Call Sharon a/ 923 and counseling at 300 S. 10th St.. call chow 70 COLORPR 'NTS Album, 5 hours at 7 p.m. at the Campus Christian help. $40/wk salary nd rm, be AK 99502. brian/Los Gatos area. CON' 0224 between 9:20 and 10:30P.m 191-0204. Fr. Dan Derry, Sr. Joan of photography Bride 300 S. 10th St. and laundry. 10:wk season, June 20- keeps the SCIENT IOUS. Center. Partella, Ms. Lynda DeManti, Rev. Call Pate 354-2011S. Aug. 29. negatives 5250 plus TAX To reserve Norb F irnhaber Rev Peter TYPING - Fast, accurate and your wedding date, call 240 37th DENTAL PLAN Take EAS Day/Eves. STUDENT Koopman. rrrrr TYPING SERVICE Metessienal. 0l Wee. Quality wedding Photography thre 0 your mouth and teeth. SAVE Help Wanted for 10 Fast, , professional Word Call KEY WACKERS, 847-1423 or years by Douglas MONEY. ENROLL NOW!! In- Schwartz. Typing precessine available A complete 312-4555. formation and brochures at AS. Housing Looking for a typing service. Call 2494413. Noce or Into desk, or Call 3714811. wedding photographer? TYPING/ Experienced Sm'y types COMPANIONS: Hourly maw. Work LADIES! LET ME ENTERTAIN _ images by TYPING THAT'S TOPS all! Reports, resumes, theses, low with retarded persons in their homes TOUT Male stripper for your next TYPING ACCURACY. NEAT- WANTED: Baseball cards. year- JOHN PAULSON PHOTOGRAPHY Experienced typist for term papers, cost, accurate, fast, high quality. afternoons, evenings, or weekends bridal shower or bachelorette party. NESS, DEADLINES GUARAN books and World Series programs, SAN JOSE RESIDENCE CLUB and expressions of love Soft, elegant theses, etc. Santa Clara area CII Pam 247.2681, ilvati. (Santa Clara fir. NO experience needed We train are Call Rick at 2411114 after 6 p.m. TEED Experienced in masters, autographs, statues, sports MOTHER OLSON'S LODGING universally understood For the Tony at 79120117. San Tomas Kap.) Call 964.2259 or 04 081 1 and reports and do rrrrr a lions Approved mentorabili . QUICK CASH Se* Dr. HOUSES. Great guys and gals. finest award winning photography, by SJSU Graduate Office IBM Lapin, Staines, Tower 703, or call Kitchen, TV, linen, Maid service, call John at 441 2311. LOS ALTOS/PALO ALTO WEEKEND TYPING w/c weekday. MANDARIN Chinese tutor wanted. Satoshi< II, SJ/Slossom Hill Area. 1370191. fireplace, courtyard and parking. Select, ic II typing Own office. 51.71 IBM Electric. SI per pees, Maine, Write Jay Vocal at 1450 Koh Circle, Cab Janet at 227411S. 550 to 560 per week shared, 17110 US Per double.spathd page. 20 years phone 1744427. Suite 111, San Jose, CA 95112. Travel TYPING Done in A THING of beauty is a ley forever per week single. 202 S. 11111 St. 01. TAXES DONE WHILE YOU WAIT my home esperience for SJSU students. Call Reasonable Call Lynn at Gine Ill, gift enlY YOU Can give, lice, 122 N. 1th. St, Call 99110911. for 10400 and 50A Reliable, former 7311.1914. Irene at 9414015. CRUISES: Club Med TYPING BY A PROFESMONAL.te beautiful, award-winning colter business student. Call 2131559. sailing expeditions! Needed, Sports TYPING: One letter to large mail years experience. Neat, accurate. portrait by JOHN PAULSON FUR N. STUDIO COTTAGE. 1 TYPING: I'll type anything. Ex. 1 AAAAA CtOrs, Office Personnel, lists, manuals or resumes All formats Theses, resumes, PHOTOGRAPHY. Call John at 441- person (male prof). 6245, including FREE COUNSELING FOR Prl dependable, COunsalors. Europe, Caribbean, HOLISTIC YOGA w/Swami Clualoty work at reasonable prices reports, dnserta lions Deadlines 251111. utilities. Call 2544111. STUDENT TRAVEL professional North Valley area. Call Worldwide! Summer, Career Send Call THE EXECUTIVES guaranteed So. San Jose Call Niranjan. M Thru Th. 7-9 p.m. Europe, Asia, Mexico, Hawaii, Mary Lou at 243-1159. ST. PAUL'S METHODIST CHURCH S5.95 plus SI handling for ap- Lecture, satsang, discussion, Sun. 7- ASSISTANT 0 200 11411 Kathie al 1711-1114 FURNISHED I bdrm, apt for rent, 3 Africa, USA, InternationI Identity invites you to worship on Sundays, plication, openings guide to TYPING 9 p.m 330 5 3rd, Suite C 12nd Neer). Card, Euraol, 10001 hostel card, .next to the campus at 405 bibs from thrnpus Well maintained guality 9 30 a.m CR UISEWOR LD, 3535 Watt And., For information regarding other Tot, rrrrr meed. IBM building Rent S295 per month with camping tours, iob S 10th St The Young Adult group Sacramento, CA 95860. Correcting Selectric II. All work activities and workshops, call 287- placement, student ship. wide Map on pm at tots of extras Call 294 7332 or 393 meets on Sundays from 5931. proofed and edited for spelling. MP eves selection. books, backpacks and 435 S. 10th St. For more info about SUMMER RAFTING JOSSI Rates 51.50 tor double sp. page, 53 voltage converters. Trip and Trathl, church activities, call Steve at 29? 51,300 to 534001 Training providedl for sing'e sla page; 53 per page for MALE ROOMMATE to share condo. 140 W San Carlos (the to Main 3425.0,' the church office at 294.4564. G.-and Canyon, Hawaii, Attica. APP rr , c.o.. designed letters, 0 per page for resumes Need cash? 200/mo. Incl. otil. 6 mi. from SJSU, Public Library), 7 blocks from _ Ser,d$4.95 for application, in. Invitations for weddings, parties or 11001 help w/set up) CASH ONLY near Deane forearm Ave Call Bob, campus Open 7 days- Mon..Fth., 9- SIERRA CLUB MTO Thurs., Feb. formation guide (plus free lob guide business occasions Calligraphy our NO CHECKS PLEASE Remember 244 4463er 277.1315, 6, Sal , 10 S. Sun . noon -5. Call 292- Get quick results... It at 7: 30 p.m. in the S U Guadalupe to Luke Tahoe, Ct to specialty Invitations Ink C11 The bitterness of poor quality 1611. Room. Sign up for whale watching WHITEWATER, 1535 Watt Ave . Colleen or Terri at 2833444 or 287. remains long after the sweetness of trip Feb VI, Ski trip March 22, 23, Sacramento. CA 900. 501. a low price is forgotten. C11, KITTY Advertise in the Newcomers Walconthol at 338.3099 between Sand 10 gm. and SUMMER STUDY,. Peru Earn up 301115 IN ALASKA! Summer, year- on weekends. to 7 units next thmester A total Spartan Daily FAST, professional resumes -- round. High pay, $400 to 112,004 per Personals immersion 7 week experience WILLOW GLEN/ALMADEN dsign, phototype and print. In Month All fields , Fisheries, Peruvian Quality typing and DAY/EVENING AND SATURDAY Culture Contact Or, editing 00 Classifieds Industry and morel For 1981 Hamilton, Foreign Research papers, resumes, etc. Ask SERVICE (Ad Writers). Call 213 Language, at 277. Automotive employer listings and into guldg TNYA, Marianna and Hew) for Marcia Morton tnto 1576. at 364.9441 send 54 to ALASCO, PO Box 9327, You're 11 on thit highway to HO!. - - San Jost, CA. 13261 Sobey Rd., but it In t no big deal, cause you re '71 PLYMOUTH DUSTER. Ono Saratoga, CA 95070. one step closer and you'll never be owner family Excellent condition. ?ha sam again Slant six angina 1.60 14 tires, OVERSEAS JOBS: Summer or Polyglass American Goodyear Year . Europe. South America, MINI" WOMINI SPARTAN DAILY Print Your Ad Hem: Racing rims Custom snow chains. Australia, Asia. All fields. S1410 to JOGS ON SHIPSI Initricn. (Count approkornately 30 tenors and spaces In' each no Pioneer in dash AM/FM stereo SI ,200 par mg Sightseeing. Per hoe Persian. Pe 00000 ierthe reoutred CLASSIFIED AD RATES cassette deck. Four Ja nthn Into, write 1J C, 110. $2.0 ANL llocollont pay Woo- Idw ode travI (Effective: Fall speakers JSL 4! dash 60 man. 7 Corona Del Mar, CA t2625. Summer Mb or career Send 53 tor 1980) band grophor equaliser. Warren fog Information to SE AF A X, Dept I o. TEACHERS AIDE Each 269.4041. hoists. 5i,950 cash. Call First and Laurel. Port Angeles, WA Three and one-half hours int add ployment daily Assist in Special 9062. One Iwo 71rns Sew yen none, '66 DODGE VAN: Illveryllsing good Education classrooms, primarily day days days days days day about this MC 0IA14/110. Call Joe A GRADUATE and a eke person with feeding and tooleing. From Perry Jonas $280 oast, $380 $405 $421) $ 70 6114111 651-11592, eves. sveuk1 like Is meet a MM. Coll $349 per month. Good benefits' at 1441)282-1441. 400.. $3.80 9420 P455 $4 Pb $400 10 FOR SALE, RED VW SUG. Org. Santa Clara County Schools, Per- Sun., 1440 94 90 $525 $045 $ Excelftnt. SIAM) $060 70 Owner. New Ens. sonnel Commission, 100 nyder, Dr.. SKY DIVE: Our complete first lump It? 21711 or 241'1241. 6 Imes $490 $560 $595 S6 It $630 $70 San Jose. CA 91110. Call 299.371111. SHIM is 155, group rate, 111 All lltStruCters locenthd Falcon Enclosed'. Days GREMLIN, 6 Cyl. (Seed call' It ParChule School Call OM 116 Each adAien.i 1,n add dollelt. 52,499 Or Ent Offer. Call only. Pleb 1344, $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 $ 70 Marlene, 229-9412,1v. measage. Restaurants Contact Reel Hunt at SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER 491 1744 WANTED- Close relationship svott1 Mmlmiun woman Mane/Rapped n1en Three line. One Dar OR CASH TO: CAMPUS REP friendship with caring female Very Semester Rate let ithuitsi SPARTAN POSITION DAILY CLASSIFIEDS deed benefits. Cali "Irian at 21111011 5 lin. $30 00 10101. 145 For Sale Valley Parachute Center 00 15 line. $(10 00 San Jose State University 11191 1134 1544 San Jose. California 95192 Happy 2104 SWIM'S. You San Francisco IZWHI Chock a Classeercat'on 277-3175 finally made it. Thanks Nth being the EISEN MAKING KIT Airport, C IMO Ames 4 cafe., 612.90. Boer Makers best roommte ever. Sharell . America, 3040 N. 4th. Call 244- 0e411101 Two devil emu Ii, PUb../11IfOl Need ./ Open Wirdliat. . Call Wien at 375:261 Announcement. Hein WIFIIIfi Pthnthoi M/F %setae leads ter InSulatiOn Ce. Consecutive pubbcation dates onis Automotive Housing MOVING! No exp., we train. Flex hrs. Salary No refunds on cancelled ads LOOKING FOR A SF., would . ITILITY TRAILER. Enclesed Sky Abe ws needed. For Sale Lost nd Found Stefan Phil bonus. T.P. Ask Mr Nesbitt Coll mornine valights. SM. Call 395-14311. Coll Dora. ler spot.. 562.6446. often or night 192.69911. MEM 1

TI,,,,. day February 19 1981 Page 03

BY CHuCK BECKUm Hi, MY NAME'S MARTY I'm SORRY, I CANT BUT WHEN MY STEREO I JUST MO/ED NEXT ,COME, IVE 6:10TTA sitaTs lb VIBRATE 012 ..spartaguide WANT ;f0U DCOR, AND M Wtvf N OH NO, I DIDN'T wAuS, I ITS NM THE A LITTLE PARTY WANT 'ICU 10 cOmE ID KNOW CF THE vCRLD/_, The American the S.U. Almaden Room Roxanne Reza at 292-3482 tomorrow in the S.0 , Meteorological Society will today at 12:30p.m or Elena Urbina at 297-5884 Montalvo Room. hold a joint Student and . for further information. Northern California AMS Phi Delta Theta ATTENTION: Spar- meeting today at 4 p.m. in Fraternity will have a Campus Ambassadors taguide announcements DH 615. Call Rose at 277- Little Sister Rush Party will hold a Bible study will run on a space- 2311 for further in- tonight at 8 at Reed and session at 11:30 a.m. available basis. formation. 10th streets. Call Rich at . 947-1099 for further in- Career Planning and formation. NEED A NEW IMAGE? Placement will present Televised Practice In- CREATE ONE ALL YOUR OWN! terviews from 2 to 4 p.m. The Akbayan Filipino today in AV 308. Club will hold a meeting

today at 130 p.m. in the S.U. Guadalupe Room. Call Career Planning and Ray Sera at 298-3752 for 4..L.a. Placement will also further information. present an Orientation to Cooperative Education in The University Committee in Solidarity with El Salvador will Disabled to be accomodated present speakers, music and a film on revolution or wear hair cuts death today from 7 to 10 Wash & p.m. in the S.U. Loma Perms Colors Prieta Room. Call Lisa at For Men & Women Parcourse plans approved 923-8901 for further in- formation. The Hair Garden by Hilary K. Hann Association at SJSU, thinks exercise cluster, said he is designed with an option for had to be added for struc- Special to air CraIly the disabled option offered pleased that, after a year of the disabled. tural adaptations. Hours: Tues.-Sat., 8 a.m. The Ballet Primavera by the cluster is a "good wrangling through Cognetta sees the Evenings by appointment After months of taking For months Cognetta de SJSU will present a deal" for handicapped bureaucratic red tape to cluster as aesthetically a back seat to other tried unsuccessfully to dance performance 1104 Malone Rd. get it approved, the since it is in one administrative confirma students like himself. garner funding from pleasing Saturday at 8 p.m. in the San Jose, CA 95125 267-0361 proposal has finally because an Lions, SJSU President Gail private corporations like place. But S.U. Ballroom. Call Although Thayer said passed. individual would have to Fullerton has approved all physical education Perrier Water Company plans for a $9,200 exercise He had originally in- and Bank of America to keep coming back to one classes on campus are open area should they want to course on campus that to SJSU's 300 disabled tended for the course to run buy the exercise course. for a mile through campus, break up their running or would accommodate the students, almost none can SJSU's Spartan Shops GOING SKIING? from Fourth to Seventh jogging with exercises," It disabled. accomodate the physically donated $5,200 for the streets, with several will take a more motivated TIME TO CHECK YOUR ANTI -FREEZE! handicapped. project. The additional John Cognetta, exercise stations person," he said. $4,000 was secured from coordinator of Leisure "You will be able to use positioned along the When the parcourse way. the Chancellor's Office by Services, hopes builders it anytime and at your own made of steel, redwood and G.B. AUTOMOTIVE That idea ran into Mary Rodgers, coordinator will begin constructing the pace," he said. asphalt is erected, ac- trouble with the Campus of Disabled Services. structure this month. cording to Cognetta, it will Thayer, a self-avowed Facility Planning Com- 41)r The fitness square The initial price tag for be the first exercise course fitness enthusiast, said he mittee, .0401, measuring 36 feet by 36 feet currently takes a the cluster was set at $7,200 accomodating the disabled will incorporate an option weightlifting class at De Members voiced last February, but Cog- on any major campus in FLUSH & FILL concerns about heavy foot Califonria. enabling disabled as well Anza College because they netta said an extra $2,000 MOST IMPORTS $27.50 as able-bodied persons to provide special adap- traffic in areas where take advantage of 15 dif- tations on machines that joggers would have to pass, AMERICAN AUTOS SLIGHTLY MORE ferent exercises aimed at make it easier for him to the possibility of the course Brown speaks tonight stretching, strengthening work out. attracting undesirables to Ask for GREG moo 400- 15 S. Autumn St, and conditioning. campus and being a threat State Assembly funds from the Black 998-5 3 30 iIsIIi San Jose, CA 95 1 1 3 Thayer added that the to campus aesthetics. Speaker Willie Brown, D- Student Union and the. Builders will assemble exercise pad would help Cognetta set aside the San Francisco, will speak Associated Students board the four-section cluster on disabled students not only committees doubts about tonight at 8 in Morris of directors. the grass area between the physically, but psychologi- the first plan by presenting Dailey Auditorium. Old Science Building and cally, too. C1981 Cahforrea Milk AdvInory Board the Men's Gym. them with Parcourse Alpha Phi Alpha, a He explained that Ltd.'s Fitness Cluster, a black fraternity, is spon- "One of the advantages many disabled people, self-contained exercise pad soring the speech with of the cluster is the dis- because of their handicaps, abled option," Cognetta tend to withdraw socially. said. "Now disabled per- a girl Having a place they could KIRKISH When you invite sons, too, will be able to use to to exercise, he said, it. They've always been might break that social WESTERN WEAR for potluck dinner and she brings an separated in physical acti- isolation. vities, but now we're main- STETSON HATS "Just streaming both disabled because you're LEVIS/WRANGLERS All-Conference and able-bodied people in a I wheel) chair doesn't together." mean you don't want to be 736-6243 physically fit," said Peggy linebacker... He added the exercise Grodhaus, who represents 198 S. MURPHY, SUNNYVALE will be an open, non- Disabled Services. supervised activity that (ACROSS FROM MACY'S) could be used by students Cognetta, who any time of day or night. proposed the plan for the MTWF 10-6 THURS 10-9 SAT 10-5:30 Ron Thayer, president of the Disabled Students

Dance, poetry on tap Friday

Scenes from the play "Big Time Buck White," dance and poetry will be presented Friday in the Dining Commons as part of the SJSU residence halls' contribution to the com- memoration of Black History Month. The performance will be presented by the San Jose Black Theater Workshop. This is the first of what resident hall adviser Walter Keenan hopes will be a series of free cultural events taking place at the dorms. "We're trying to get out of the mystique that dorms only have dances," Kcznan said. The performance will NOW be held at 9 p.m. in the SJSU Dining Commons at Complete exercise machines don't 375 S. Ninth St. have to cost a bundle. Weather Nor do they require lots of space. Just your luck. The In-Door-Gym TM $ 79.95 You long for a goddess and you're left with Godzilla. C'mon. Get it together. Try one out at: Sooth that injured ego with home cooking CONTINENTAL ATHLETICS REED'S SPORT SHOP and a tall, cold glass of milk. 1424 Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd 3020 Alum Rock Ave Milk's a welcome companion to any repast. From banquets 255 31390 926 3020 to barbecues. Potlucks to picnics. Even when you're eating your heart out. Increasing clouds FONTANETTI'S SPORTING GOODS RUSS WARNER EXERCISE EQUIP today with a chance of 1111 Saratoga Ave 1223 The Alameda rain by tonight. Highs in 252 0600 293 9966 the upper 60s, lows in there's nothing like something the mid-40s Winds from LOS GATOS EXERCISE EQUIP the southwest at 5 to 10 14850 Los Gatos Blvd with Milk. miles per hour 358 3641 Ibis seal is your as:uram e 49. Forecast by the of a real dairy fo.1 SJSU Meterology Department.

a space-


E] - Concert Review ThE El 'Footlight Frenzy' -- comical treat ENTERTAiNER 'Fort Apache. The Bronx' - Movie Review

A Weekly Entertainment Supplement to the Spartan Daily-- Second Edition --February 19, 1981


In St. 3113

Isory Board

Activist Dick Gregory: 'Universities are put together to reduce you down to cheat' See page 5 Page 2. The Entertainer. Thursday. February 19, 1981

Sterre Refowl Molly Hatchet belts out "Flirtin' with Disaster" at the Oakland Auditorium (left). Lead guitarist Dave Hlubek (above) wades into the crowd armed with nothing but his Jeff Beck t-shirt and his Flying V electric guitar. Molly Hatchet battles, wins Oakland crowd by Steve Relova covers of each of their albums. They were coordinated but was overlooked and perhaps unappreciated due to What is "Flirtin with Disaster?" so that the appropriate album cover was displayed the overly exuberant and impatient anticipation of the How about playing to an Oakland Auditorium center stage during the performance of the various die-hard Molly Hatchet fans. packed with rowdy fans, firecrackers, cowboy hats cuts from that album. Leading off the night was a relatively new local and rebel flags on a Valentine's Day Saturday night? So. backlit by the Viking Warrior that appears on group called 415. The band is rumored to have Sound rough? It was... on the crowd. each of their album covers and has more or less formed from musicians from the record company The thousands of rowdy fans proved to be no become their logo, the rest of their show simply '415., which operates within the 415 area code. match for those six street-tough. extremely macho featured the absence of flashy clothes, synthesizer. The musical interest conflict was great, but the Southern boys from Jacksonville. Fla. pedals and unfiltered, no preservatives-added. rock- concert was somehow pulled together by the great From one of their opening songs. "Jumpin' City," 'n 'roll. sounds of all three groups to their encore. "Beatin' the Odds," Molly Hatchet Warming up the crowd for Molly Hatchet was Les axed its way into the eardrums of the wild crowd with Dudek, another southern rock-type band on its way EXCITEMENT AND LAUGHTER AS their blistering version of southern-fried rock. up, who scored a more than competent performance, GENEVIEVE BUJOLD OUT-CONS The crowd got rough after Molly Hatchet ground. A SUPER CON-MAN! Your Friends At Concert review Meet out their rendition of "." So what? Sc Molly Hatchet got rougher. Lead guitarist and Allman Brother look-alike %was , and lead singer , an overweight version of the late Ronnie Van Zant of Happy Hour JEAN-PAUL BELMONDO GENEVIEVE BUJOLD Lynyrd Skynyrd, each grabbed a bottle of Jack 44 Daniels and after a long swig, hurled the half- filled 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. PHILIPNPAE DEBYBROCA bottles into the screaming audience. Pitcher of beer $2.30 mug 55 Such crowd enthusiasm seems to suggest that Litre of wine $2.95 glass 65('

Molly Hatchet is filling the void left by the wake of the Mon. - Thurs. 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m ALSO STARRING JULIEN GUIOMAR CHARLES GERARD DANIEL CECCALIN Allman Brothers and Lynyrd Skynyrd, who are Friday 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. i WITH CAPUCINE SCREENPLAY BY MICHEL AUDIARD considered the founders of -redneck rock'n'roll." 61. SAN JOSE PREMIERE Now open Saturdays 7:30 a.m. The only special effects incorporated into Molly 7:30 End 9:30 275 E. San Fernando 998-9778 294.1no4 Hatchet's act were three backdrops depicting the 566 SO. FIRST ST. SAN JOSE PHONE Thursday. February 19. 1981, The Entertainer, Page 3 ThE ENTERTAINER CALENdAR Theater Headliners "Turn to the Right" -- A musical comedy. Now Back in the Saddle -- Tonight, 9:30 at Barney through March 1 at the Orpheum Theatre, Steele's, Redwood City. San Francisco. Aura-- Tonight at 9 at The Cellar. Los Altos "Three High" -- Now through February at C.P. Krunt plus Air Guitar Competition -- ACT. 's Marines' Memorial Theater, San Tonight at 9 at The Country Store. Sun- Francisco. nyvale. "Much Ado About Love"-- Now through March Silver Morning -- Tonight at 7 at Fargos Pizzo. Comedy 8 at the Actor's Ark Theatre. Building "F", The Old Mill, Mountain View. Fort Mason Center, San Francisco. Peter But and the Expressions -- Tonight at 9 Open Mike Comedy -- Show begins at 8 and 11 "Camelot" -- Now through March 8 at the at The Keystone, Berkeley. p m at The Boarding House, San Francisco. Golden Gate Theatre. San Francisco. Jules Broussard -- Tonight at 9 at Mr. Hyde's. "Footlight Frenzy"-- Now through March 29 at San Francisco. Concert the Alcazar Theatre. San Francisco. Easy Street-- Tonight at 9 at The Princeton Inn, War Will Not Take Place"-- Now Santana-- Saturday, Feb. 21, 7:30 p.m. at the "The Trojan Capistrano Road, Princeton. through the Geary Theatre. San Santa Cruz Civic Auditorium. Tickets $10 Feb. 28 at The Pace -- Tonight at 9 at the Smokey Francisco. advance. $11.50 day of the show: also Mountain. Campbell. "Stompin' at the Savoy" -- Continues through Wednesday. Feb. 25, 8 p.m. at the San Jose Chaser -- Tonight at 9 at The Wooden Nickel, -Broadway Theater. San Civic Auditorium, San Jose. Tickets $9 February at the On Santa Clara. advance, $11 day of the show. Francisco. The Ensemble -- Friday, Feb. 20, 9 p.m. at "Asparagus Valley Cultural Society" -- Now Barney Steele's, Redwood City. playing at the Phoenix Theater, San Fran- Pat Dailey -- Friday, Feb. 20 and Saturday. Entertainment cisco. Feb. 21. 9 p.m. at The Cellar, Los Altos. Doug Henning and his World of Magic -- "A Memory for Saturday" -- Now through Uncle Rainbow -- Friday, Feb. 20 and Opens Wednesday, Feb. 25, continuing March 1 at the Berkeley Stage. Berkeley. Saturday. Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at The Country through March 1 at the San Francisco War "The Story and Mr. Smith is Dying" -- Now Store, Sunnyvale. Memorial Opera House, San Francisco. through March 8 at the Magic Theater, San Night Flight -- Friday, Feb. 20 and Saturday. Francisco. Feb. 21. 7 p.m. at Fargos Pizza, The Old Mill, Music Art Exhibitions Mountain View. David Haskell -- Friday, Feb. 20, 9 p.m. at Saxophone Workshop -- Saturday, Feb. 21 Moodie -- Corten Steel sculpture. Now through .Lambo's, San Francisco. with direction by William Trimble at the SJSU May 6, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Harrison Paul Steelehouse Friday, Feb. 20, 9 p.m. at the Music Department. The workshop will last all Gallery, San Francisco. Princeton Inn, Capistrano, Princeton. day. For further information, contact the Continental and English Ceramics (1725- The Heats -- Friday, Feb. 20 and Saturday, SJSU Music Department at 277-2905. 1850) -- Continues through February at the 21, 9 p.m. at the Smokey Mountain, Daniel Morris, Baritone recital -- Sunday, California Palace Legion of Honor, San Feb. Campbell. Feb. 22, 3:30 p.m. at the SJSU Music Francisco. Feb. 20, 9 p.m. at The Department. Sarah Tamar -- Kinetic sculpture installation Stronger -- Friday, Wooden Nickel, Santa Clara. Steve Hanson, sound composer, with guest and a concurrent exhibition of recent color Merlin Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at Barney, artist -- Sunday, Feb. 23, 8:15 p.m. at the and Xerox work. Final days. Now through Steele, Redwood City. SJSU Music Department. Admission is free. Feb. 28 at the Student Union Gallery. J The Association --Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at The Keystone, Berkeley. Greg Kihn Band -- Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at The Keystone, Palo Alto. The Ensemble -- Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at Lembo's, San Francisco. Hellman and Grove -- Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at Mr. Hyde's, San Francisco. Go for Broke -- Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at The Princeton Inn, Capistrano Road, Princeton. The Pace -- Saturday, Feb. 21, 9 p.m. at The Wooden Nickel, Santa Clara. Mean Street -- Sunday, Feb. 22, 9 p.m. at The Bodega, Campbell. The Association -- Sunday, Feb. 22, 9 p.m. at The Keystone, Palo Alto. Super Session Jazz Jam featuring Herb Gibson Sunday, Feb. 22, 3 p.m. at Lembo's, San Francisco. The Pub Jazz on Fridays -- Featuring the Sammy Cohen Trio with guest artist Greg Yasinitsky on sax city p oto A lively parody. "Footlight Frenzy" is now playing at the Alcazar Theater in San Friday, Feb. 20, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Francisco through March 29. Spartan Pub. Page 4, The Entertainer. Thursday, February 19. 198 I Lack offocus causes 'Fort Apache' to fall by John McNicholas approached, but settles across the scarred land- "Fort Apache--The on none of them. scape of rubble-filled lots, Bronx." with Paul It begins promisingly decaying tenements and Newman and Edward with tight shots, quick human lives, never Asner, is a movie about a cuts, wry humor and pausing to view any part policeman in New York good action, but quickly critically zn in depth. City's blighted and be- turns into a series of Ultimately, the . film sieged 41st Precinct, minor expositions that fails as the solid crime where citizens spend their drama it might have days in the shadow of the been, or as the heroic station house, fearing the Movie Review tragedy it attempts to be. crime and savage brutal- by touching on too much. ity that lies just beyond it. introduce subplot after and concentrating upon Newman plays subplot. none of it. Murphy, an Irish cop The movie begins The photography ************************** ***************** entangled in his love for a with a cop-killing, which and color is so bright it Puerto Rican nurse; his appears for a time to be lends a sort of festive air sympdthy for those the main plot device, but to the ruined moonscape TONIGHT whom he protects and turns out to be only one of the Bronx. pursues; his sense of duty of many. With this film, as to his fellow officers and Murphy falls in love with Newman's "Slap KANO his own sense of right and with a nurse, there is a Shot," there is a feeling "I'm Ready" wrong. racial riot, and the film that a really good film Had the film con- takes on a Serpico-like may have been left on the Live on Stage centrated on any one of twist when Murphy and cutting room floor. It's these aspects, it might his partner see a young difficult to understand have worked passably boy thrown from a roof why the talent that made Studio 47 Adults: $3.00 well. As it is, however, it by two cops. All of these the characters of Hud. Notre Dame Avenue Minors: $5.00 suffers badly from a lack elements, instead of Fast Eddie and Butch San Jose Advance Tickets of focus. It meanders being used to give Cassidy come to life is Available at Star Records through a number of viewers insight into the being wasted in a second- 17 & Over Welcome 926-5200 situations and gives a nod characters or enlarge rate film. in passing to a number of upon the story, are either ******************************************* characters, but doesn't neatly tied-up and tossed develop them. It touches aside or simply left in the FOOTHILL COLLEGE COMMUNITY SERVICES upon many angles or dust of a charge in a new points of view from which direction. SPECIAL SPEAKER SERIES the film might have been The camera pans PRESENTS Music students BOB HOPE Bob Hope is Thf NEXT scheduled celebeiTy is FooThill perform for free College's Special SpEAkER SERiES. Hope, The DEAN OF STANd-Up COMiCS, will APPEAR AT RiNT CENTER FOR The PERFORMiNg ARTS "Let me entertain forming junior and senior ON The DE ANC* COFFIN( Campus ON FeidAy, Maack 6, 1981 AT you" is the refrain recitals. 8:00 PM. students in the SJSU Graduate student Hope is expecTed TO ENTERTAiN usiNc, his iNimiTable stryle of Music Department are Ross Sears said he will be PATTER ANd ONE-FiNERS, AS well AS A liTTle song And &ace. singing and playing this composing and per- Hope, AT Act 77, IS A NON-STOp ENTERTAiNER, ANci SAYS ThAT hE semester. forming two concerts does NOT plAN TO Slow dOXVN. HE is CURRENTLY ;Amercing TO A series of concerts instead of writing the PORTRAY WAFTER WiNthEFF iN A film biogaaphy, AS well AS AlAkE and recitals has been thesis required to obtain ANOThER "ROAd" film, This Time wiTle Ctortge BURNS subbiNg scheduled by the his masters degree. FOR The FATE BiNc, Ceosby. department for this spring The calendar of IN addiTioN To Hope, PATRiCiA NEAF ANd ANdy Roomy semester. The concerts concerts for February (Nom 60 Misuses) will speak is The sulks, ON ApRil 3Rd ANd will be performed by features a guest per- MAY 13Th, RESpECTiVtly. SfASON TiCkETS ARE STill AVAdAblE FOR music students for the formance on the 19th by $18, arrd space peastissisci, individual Tickers will be AVAdAbit entertainment of the MuPhi Epsilon, a AT ThE dOOR FOR $6.50. FOR isfnamasios call 948-2587. general public free of saxophone workshop on ow charge. the 21st, baritone Daniel Foothill College Special Speakers Series 1980-81 Mail To The schedule of Morris' senior recital on Foothill College Please send me series tickets at 518" $ Mike Check Payable to events includes musical the 22nd and sound Foothill College Speakers Series pieces ranging from composer Sten Hanson Name Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 opera to big band jazz. on the 23rd. Method of payment Sheet = Most of the concerts will For more in- ch..k n Bank of Ameroca VISA 0 Mastercharge be used by the students to formation music lovers Coy and Zto C.11(1 Fintratton Date graudation and listeners can call the fulfill the Please enclose a stamped. self-addressed envelope. requirement of per- music office at 277-2905. Thursday. February 19, 1981, The Entertainer, Page 5 Gregory provides racial humor think the only way out of by Eric Stroh, this mess is to be a gladi- 'The true learning ator." center has nothing to do Even religion is not with these colleges and immune to Dick Gregory. universities,- activist, ' "The most brutal and vic- comedian Dick Gregory ious violence on this planet is religion," he said in all seriousness. Gregory's con- Review victions reflected a dedi- cated man, deeply com- mitted to his beliefs. told a student audience at However, he failed in his Morris Dailey Auditorium attempt to win a following Thursday night. from the audience. If Gregory provided anything, his disciples the packed crowd with should have diminished energy and cynical hu- in number after his Thurs- mor. however, he lacked day night performance. substantiation and com- mon sense in his per- formance. photo by Minh Bol The result was a ra- Radical activist and actor Dick Gregory gestures to reporters in a press conference before speaking to a 1191 t SANTA C111RAST 293 1552 full house in Morris Dailey Auditorium Thursday night. ther offensive, unenjoy- When Stranwn CIls able barrage aimed at hostages and black ath- tions -- the "cesspools of caine will kill you!" got just a few more years BRUCE LEE AG.,,,. 01 Dsath every side of American letes. hatred." "Black athletes, you to be in your place. You Rtuln of the Dragon life. Rhetorical jokes "The highest suicide Gregory geared his drew occasional support- rate is you black folks go- entire speech toward the ive laughter from the ing to white institutions. 75 percent of the audi- crowd, and ovations rose Don't go to college -- go ence which was black. only on forceful deliver- to God." "My problem is the ies, but were always from From education. white racist system.- he the same groups within Gregory moved on to declared. "How long are the audience. other topics. "Black child- you going to let that Many others who ren in Atlanta. Who is it? handful of greedy, old paid up to $5 to see Gre- Gotta be the govern- white men manipulate gory sat stoically as he ment. They gotta pattern you? spoke. of doing crazy things. Gregory attacked He spent much of "I don't hear you universities, food preser- his time tearing away at philosophizing about how vatives, "Star Wars." the our educational institu white cocaine is, and co- New show at S. U. Gallery by Doug Kelley her art by using the Xerox ranging from political A new exhibit color copier. The Xerox commentary to plain silly. featuring unusual fashion technique has been used The exhibition will photography and Xerox for 10 years, Carlson run from March 9 art is coming to the said. through April 3. The Student Union Gallery The show will gallery is open from next month. present wide variety, 10:30 a. m . to 4 p.m. The featured artists are Tom Bonauro, editor for Jet Lag Magazine. Nicole Bengiveno, a photographer, and Ginny BALLET PRIMA VERA Finally. the excitement of Journey on stage is cap- Lloyd, a "copy artist' DE SANJOSE STATE tured on record With four who specializes in FOLKLORICO DANCERS power-packed sides of your reproducing prints on a favorite Journey classics, plus two new songs never Xerox machine. Live Live before recorded photogr- Bonauro's Jarocho Mariachi aphs are influenced by Russian Constructionists who use simple lines and Saturday, Feb. 21st CAPVLIFIED geometric shapes in their 8 p.m. . JOURNEY. 'CAPTURED': THE LIVE TWO-RECORD SET art. INCLUDING. THE PARTY'S OVER (HOPELESSLY IN LOVE- Student Union Ballroom ON COLUMBIA RECORDS AND TAPES Gonny Lloyd uses San Jose State Produced by Kevin Elson Columba, MEI If edema of CBS Inc ,C 1981 CBS Inc .0mik the relatively new technique of In corporadng technology in FUNDED BY ASSOCIATED STUDENTS Comedy film 'enjoyable' from start to finish

by Greg Robertson will which names him as one of 16 heirs Hollywood has been lost in the to the Hughes estate. darkness lately when it comes to pro- But what makes "Melvin & How- ducing light comedies. Not since ard" so good is that director Jonathan "Breaking Away" in the summer of Demme and writer Bo Goldman do not 1979 has there been a glitter. try to convince anyone as to the validity Good news, there's light at the end of the will. of the tunnel. Demme opens with Howard "Melvin & Howard" is a warm. Hughes and then forgets him until the friendly, wonderful film. It features ex- final moments of the picture. In be- cellent performances, a terrific, witty. tween, Demme presents a witty, per- sensitive script, fine direction and highly sonal film. professional jobs by the people behind Paul LeMat gives a fine perform- the camera ance as Melvin Dummar. He brings fresh energy to a simple character whose childlike naivety dominates him. Movie review But it is Mary Steenburgen, who plays Melvin's wife Lynda, that steals the movie. A certain choice for an Os- The film opens at Christmas 1967. car. Steenburgen, last seen in the equal- when Melvin Dummar (Paul LeMat) ly good "Time After Time," gives a picks up an old codger (Jason Robards) spunky performance filled with infectu- from the Nevada desert roadside. Dum- ous wit. mar gives him a ride to Las Vegas. Jason Robards gives a fine per- along with all his change when he gets formance as Howard Hughes. In only there. 15 minutes of screen time, Robards de- During the ride, the old man identi- livers a wonderfully mysterious charac- fies himself as Howard Hughes. Of terization of Hughes. course. Dummar doesn't believe him and tells the man he can call himself "Melvin & Howard" proves that it whatever he wants. doesn't take big name stars or a big bud- When the real Howard Hughes get to be successful, just a fine script and dies seven years later. Dummar finds a real professionals. Half-filled house enjoys full show 'Footlight Frenzy': lively and comical treat by Bruce Buckland curtain time that two of liant, neurotic director but a cheap one. light Frenzy'. was a fine characteristically fast-pa- Otherwise, "Foot. show artful, witty and "Footlight Frenzy," a his actors have quit with- Tony Langdon. ced. -lively parody of amateur out notice. Special note should theater in suburbia, Forced to improvise, also be made of John Ac - played to a half-filled he replaces one of them home's performance as house at the Alcazar with a telephone, the the nefarious blackmailer, other with a reluctant arch-womanizer and bon stage-hand. vivant, Chas Courtney. "Lp's at Cost" Play review Complications ens- There was only one ue, as one blunder after blot on an otherwise per another throws the cast fect show. Theatre in San Francisco into a whirl of confusion, In one scene. Rich- the man- St. Valentine's Day Massacre Sale recently. But if the director into a state of ard Murray-Ure, in the agement was disap- apoplexy and the audi- role of Johnny, finds that Feb. 14-Mar. 1 the size of pointed with ence into a state of hilar- apiece of a prop from the the audience the crowd, ity. staircase has come off in Store Wide Sale! certainly wasn't disap- The innovative set is his hand. pointed with the show. Most "New" Domestic LP's It is a play within a designed to give the audi- In an effort to con- play, as the action centers ence the actor's eye-view ceal this minor foul-up On Sale at Cost around the misadven- by showing the stage and from the mock audience, Gigantic Savings, up to $4/Lp tures of a New York thea- backstage from the rear, he places the 18-inch ter group trying to pro- while the real audience piece of wood down his We are reducing our "New" Stock bizarre duce a hit called "Tar- views a rather pants. He then contrives nished Silver" in order to mannequin audience, for the piece of wood to For expansion of our mechani- save the proverbial complete with emerge, phallus -like, school cal clapping hands. from the front of his Used, Collectors, Specials, Imports The play begins on a The entire cast ren- pants. and Paraphernalia frenzied note, as "Tar- dered thoroughly electric - It wasn't that it was nished Silver" director performances. Special "nasty," but it was unne- Tony Langdon (played laurels go to Paul Lora - cessary and below the UNDERGROUND RECORDS by Paul Laramore) dis- more for his performance show's general level of 19 S. 3rd St. 286-8303 covers a minute before as the aging, but still bril- humor. It did get a laugh, Thursday, February 19, 1981, The Entertainer, Page 7 Stars save The Competition' Oliansky film off-key by Greg Robertson doesn't make it so simple. ment forces a delay in the "The Competition" Dreyfuss is concerned competition, as the girl has certainly been titled that a relationship might becomes distraught. distract his concentration. correctly. Writer 'director prob- and furthermore is both- But the biggest Joel Oliansky spends his lem of all is Lee Remick. ered by his male ego time competing with him- to say some when he discovers that She is forced self, not sure which direc- of the dumbest lines ever Irving just might be as tion to take his film. He delivered on film. Con- good as him. ends up with a nice cerned that lryiny's rela- Dreyfuss and frying movie that is lacking a fi- tionship with Dreyfuss have a terrific chemistry will take away her com- between them and when petitive edge. Remick they share the screen, the bellows at her pupil. Movie film is truly enjoyable. "You marry the piano But it seems as if Oli- Review like a nun marries Jesus." ansky was not sure of his characters, and to be safe But despite these he continually inserts sub- problems, this is still a fine nal ingredient to make it plots that surround the movie because of Amy completely successful. competition. These plots Irving, in particular. and Richard Dreyfuss are ridiculous, as Olian- Richard Dreyfuss. and Amy Irving are sim- sky doesn't center in on Instead, Oliansky ply terrific as two of six any of them long enough stops short, time and time photo by Brenda Flowers finalists competing for top to create interest, but again. Each scene when Approximately 200 people watch as Brazilian dancers show their expertise prize in a prestigious San does manage to insert Irving and Dreyfuss begin as they demonstrate Brazil's national dance, the Samba. Francisco classical piano enough of them to take to take off, in walks the competition. away from Dreyfuss and plague or off goes one of But Oliansky inserts Irving. the finalists to practice. a supporting cast of The most ridiculous Oliansky needs to Students offered taste stereotypical buffoons of these plots involves a watch another directors that take away from young Russian finalist work. After a little prac- Dreyfuss and Irving and and her teacher. Early tice of his own, maybe he of Portuguese culture turn a potentially excel- on, the teacher defects won't compete against lent -film into one that and the State Depart- himself anymore. never quite takes off. by Stacey Stevens economy and the songs played by Corpo Dreyfuss plays a Portuguese-Brazilian business aspects of Brazil Santo basically conveyed man on the last legs of his to the settlement of the culture activities held at one theme: "Be happy piano career. This com SJSU last week turned Portuguese people in and have a good time." petition will decide for California. HELP out to be more of a The message him whether he can do or The attendance refresher course to those seemed to generate to teach. Winning means levels for these lectures of Portuguese descent the 250 people that more to him than any- YOURSELF were low, as 30 people than a Portuguese culture attended the dance thing. ... to the Spartan Daily at most awareness time for the showed up Friday night. Irving, on the other lectures and many general student body. were Margaret Leichester, hand, isn't sure why she from the Portuguese The week was put on by president of the Portu- is there. Pushed along by community in San Jose. the Portuguese-Brazilian guese-Brazilian Club at her teacher (Lee Rem- "Dona hoped Club of SJSU. Flor and Her SJSU, said she ick). Irving cannot under- en- Most of the week's Two Husbands," the the week would stand the consequences other film, is other culture activities consisted of based on the courage of competitive victory. story to join music, lectures, dances of a woman who groups on campus Of course, Irving was haunted by forces and plan a multi- and movies depicting the her first and Dreyfuss fall for each Portuguese culture playboy husband while culture awareness week. other, but Oliansky The week started off living with her second with a bang (in the literal husband. sense), as a 13-member Wednesday's events percussion group, ac- went smoothly, as ap- companied by eight proximately 250 people Wing's dancers, paraded around got a sneak preview of the lower level of the what the carnival ball, the Chinese 571f Student Union highlight of the week's Restaurant The incessant beat events, would be like. ADVERTISE grew louder as the group The art of Capoeira Mandarin & Szechuan Cuisine made its way to the upper was performed later in Lunch & Dinner In the pad of the Student the evening. Created by Closed Mondays Union. Africans in Brazil four 6 blocks north of Seven lectures were centuries ago, this style of Santa Clara St. between Spartan Daily given throughout the martial art appeared to be 3rd & 4th week describing the a combination of 294-3303 or 998-9427 277-3171 different aspects of gymnastics, modern Portuguese culture, with dance and self defense. 131 E. Jackson St. subjects ranging from the The messages in the TO1 ri(

by Eric Strait' A memorial service Psye 8 The Entertainer. Thursday February 19. 1981 Pierce, professor of anth will be held at 2:30 todi Spartan Chapel. musesseamiiraRAr.'s Prof. Harold DeBey Chemistry Department NEW 3-WAY dinating the service for Pi, died last Dec. 23. SPEAKER SYSTEM President Gail Fulled once shared an office witt (Model 985) will speak at the ceremon speakers inlcude Prof. With Sound Quality So Freeman and Robert JurmE Fantastic You Won't Believe Your Ears! Add per

Giant size cabinets give rich resonant closing sound to fill even the largest room The deadline for addir S149 sack I$291 ter Ills pawl without the instructor's ar today at 5 p.m. Origir Although these area vaarivaisirsills. deadline was last Friday, I systems are rather large for speaker extended one week. the average room, their beautiful walnut grain color blends weii with The deadline for offici, any decor ping a course, Feb. 13, ha passed. These speaker systems are one of Merentz's For students still n( This models. (So new that most stores is newest don't even have this new series In stock.) The drop, an instructor and de fine quality mikes tot great listening. The chairperson's signature it s strong durable vinyl veneer protective coat. and withdrawals are perm aim en Area wallz Ing helps protect against scratches and stuff for "serious and con marts. This new module an Incredible spookev system. reasons. It will also take the ar WITH TH/ MAJORITY the chairperson NEWEST ONE!!! SO POWERFUL THEY CAR SE 1)5E0 to add anC OT RECEIVERS ON THE MARKET cially enrolled in a class afti tended deadline. (Model SR200o) S YEAR SERVICE POLICY INCLUDED FREE .c1c1/drop forms can be or picked up at the Record At a price so low, Almaneih to b It will shock you, and Irarmal drive other Stereo Dealers Insane!!! Naser Almaneih 76 WATTS RMS,, wi guilty in a San Franciscr Court Wednesday of be This powerful AM-FM Receiver has an ample 38 RMS watts Berkeley high school las Per Channel (times 2 ch.) into 4 ohms minimum continuous and attempting to bomb S. power output from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz with less than Science Building last Octob 0.1% Total Harmonic Distortion. The jury deliberated minutes before reaching verdict on six counts, th from the Berkeley and But now you can buy cidents. He was, however, Go to Any Stereo Store in the City. this great Marantz of the charge of threatenin and ask it they will sell you this same Receiver, [Brand New of former President Jimmy receiver iBrand Newt tor less than [that's Almaneih will be the Manufacturer s list price of $325.00 in factory sealed carton], right, only March 25. He faces a n for only one dollar],

MrlIng when you buy one pair of Ousi Spoolw . Gyro Taunt, Tortoni the speaker systems shown above, Vgnoi AFIIFIN Si.'.. Vol at the price Advertised above. Coun Your cost for the Speaker systems above is $149.00 each, for a total by Greg Robertson of $298 for the pair. On Feb. 12, during a b her duties as driver of a Sa plus $1 for the Marantz Receiver. County Transit bus on a Thus, your complete cost for the serves SJSU, Maria Larsc complete 3 piece group don't feel safe at all on my Ova Power Non Saloom ANCIYATNIO is only $299 Little did she know t loteclo, afternoon she would be a assault while operating het After completing he South San Jose and heal toward SJSU, two ti boarded 'arson's empty Stereo Discount Centers, Inc. accused her of being an Ira The youths then allei Carlos Avenue San Jose the doughnuts they were 1795W. San over her and when she brush them off, slammed post in the bus and du contents of her purse all 292-3904 floor. One of the youths then the driver's seat while cornered Larson and thr( beat her up. At that time, somf static came over a transisl