


He was released, I knfiw not how, and PORTLAND DAILY us. FOR LET. OFFICIAL. PRESS, placed among This officer was the victim SALE & TO •LEGAL & MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. JOHN T. OILMAN. Editor. of irresponsible authority and fiendish cruelty as wielded by this prison inspector. While Counting Kooiu to Let. STATE OF MAIXE. L published >t No. 82 J EXCHANGE STREET confined in MORE TESTIMONIALS! the cell, the Colonel, who is a ROOM over No. 90 Commercial St. I NOYES, HOWARD & CO., AMIDON’S IN FOX Christian, asked in twice for a COUNTINGThomas Block, to let. Apply to BLOCK, by writing Bible, N. J. but no-notice was taken of the One MILLER, Mo. 33 Latest N.'a. FOSTER* CO. request. mch31 dt f Over 92 Commercial Street. Exchange Street. Improved taken at was in m officer, Gettysburg, slapped SSS SS tlie face tins for that he MRS. by inspector, saying To Let SSS SSSS CLOTHES WRINGER! MANCHESTER 'i'erms: thought he had no to take from him a SSS SS la constantly receiving unsolicited taaUaMWi of right commodious Chamber in the northerly cor is smalt 888 SS the cures teK Portland Daily Press published every iragmeut of shell which he had in his TiiEner of the new brick block, corner of Lime and lutonitktng performed by her. Among at $6.00 in Milk S8S morning (Sundays excepted), per year pocket as a relic. His acts of brutality are Streets, directly facing the market. Rent low. many recently received are the following, which are advance, to which will be added twenty-five cents at office of 888 numberless. Enquire commended to the notioe of the afflicted. tor each three months’ delay, aud if not paid for at OCEAN INSURANCE SSS Mm. Man- CO., 888 • the end of the year the paper will be discontinued. lllSl TAl. TREATMENT OF ENLISTED MEN. Sept.16,1862. dtf No.27 cheater may be eonaaitad at three cento. ExchangeSt 8SS Single copies I have so far an outline of the No. 11 The Maine Static Press is Thurs- only given 88 888 Clapp’d Black,Me ana No. ft. published every treatment and condition of the which day morning.at f2.00 per annum, iu advance; $2.26 officers, Office to Let. v SB 888 in a A CASK OF SPIXAL DISKASK CVKKD if paid within six months; aud $2.50, if payment he comparison was favored one. I cannot second floor, Middle Street, centrally situated SSSS SSS delayed beyond the year. describe the condition of the enlisted men, as ONand easy of access. Apply at No. 72 Exchange IIKAU QUARTERS, j 88 88S This ia to certify that I went to eee Mm. Maaobee- Advertisements inserted in the Maine Adjutant Uknuuai.'* 8tatk seen by the officers aud learned from sources 8treet. Jyl7 tf Okkiuk, J ter last March with* daughter of atiao troubled with Press (which has a large circulation in every part o August*, October 24,1863. ) Mo. 3*1 Exchange Street. the State) for GO cento iu addition at present nameless. Hunger, bad treatment, spinal disease, for which she had beea doctored for per square to the To be Let. [ Circular. 1 above rates for each insertion. and exposure, have done their work too surely T fTTTTT nTTTTT live years, and by a number of ef all in the second over Store 98 phytielaae Transient advertisements most be paid for in ad- for souls to story, Pr«aidrat'a Call af October rrrrnTTnTrrr and many brave who have gone up Middlestroct—Mitchell’s Possession 17, 1803, for kinds; she has had twenty-one ol vance CHAMBERS Building. 300,000 Volunteers! rr TITT TT at the bar of God to the barbarities given of bat all to no testify immediately. Inquire it tttt rr The of this over others electricity applied, edbet; an- them. of jan2tf A. T. DOLE. as some days must necessarily elapse superior points Wringer practised upou Many them, also, before rrrr are: tiauatly grew worse, leaaae to the aa Rate» of Advertising: INASMUCHarrangements can be porlected for settling n-rr were shot by the guard upon the most frivo- the basis of 1. Simplicity of construction. the laat te fir»t definitely quotas, and making the ap- retort, go aad aoe Mrs. Kaaeheeter, ad $1.26 square daily week ; 76 cents per week lous To Let. TTTT 2. It has no iron that can ever rust the Clothes. per pretences. Belle Isle, our place of con- portionment of of this Slate, it is did so; and to after; three insertions or less, $1.00; coutiuuiug eve- or troops required TTTT 3. It is Of or- my great surprise she toid me the Irst is with tents sufficient OFFICES, single in suites, over Stores deemed essential that the work of very strong and not liable to get out other after first week, 50 cents. finement, supplied only Nos. volunteering ITTT came of the ry day IilOUR 152 and 154 Exchange street, opposite the iu the menu der, wringing anything from a laco collar to a bed disease, aad how.sbe had beea (iBfbs for a of the men the rest were coin should, time, progress with all possible part ; International House*. ou the to rrrr quilt, easier than other to Half square, three insertions or less, 75 ceuts; one Apply premise's celerity* Tbe following principles are announced working any Wringer. time, which encouraged me to try her midlirtais the cold to and oc2dtf T. S. HATCH. as TTTT We warrant this in week, $1.00; 60 cento week after. pelled, during nights, pace up governing future action in this behalf Wiinger every particular. I did so. now per :| rrrrrrrr nts aad my daughter Is able to ho around down the island to keep warm, and while the 1. The call of the President for 300.000 Volunteers »-Age wanted in overy section of the coun- Under head of Amusements, $2.00 is made without A liberal discount made to the trade. the house allot the time. She also rides tea or af- per square per sun was the would regard to the deficiencies of States — try. week ; three iusertions or shining during day, they Mo. S3 Street. For sale at the old stand, 229 Con- n less, $1,60. For Sale or to Let. or localities upon former calls and apportionments Exchange Wringer’s ter miles without nay trouble or inooareaiaoeeaad sleep. 1 have seep them marched through gress street. Special Notices, $1.76 first week, No computations can therefore be entered into, with 1 think in a short time she per square the without CLIFF COTTAGE, containing over 20 OOOOO K. will be restored to perfoet $1,00 after; three insertions or $1.26: city barefooted, bareheaded, coat*, the respective Cities, Towns and Plantations in ti is CHAPMAN, Jr., Agent. per square less, rpoms,large stable and slic'd*—situated two OOO OOO health. Since hat beea half a three one and with the remnants of other articles State, for an alleged or of oeOdtw my daughter doctoring, 1 square, insertions, $1.00;4 week, only and one-half miles from Portland, and the deficiency surplus (if any) ooo ooo $1.26. voluutcers furnished to the date when hare heard of a aaay cases that Mrs. a.s.s. , of clothing. finest situation in Cape Elizabeth for a wa- prior the Gov- ooo ooo great ernment draft was or of Legal Notices at usual rates. I have seen them from this island _tering and summer boarders. For ordered, men or commuta- ooo ooo ter has eared. 1 think Ifaay parson gnat is brought place, tions obtained under the same. A CARD. pat. communications for particulars enquire of GEO. OWEN, ooo ^ ooo it is the one who tries to Ur-Ail intended the paper in the evening, to ship them in the morning, II. In the oi this State under rouge, preserve the health should be directed to the “Editor the ap7 dtf 31 Winter Street. Portland. apportioning quota ooo ooo qf Pres*," aud for Point, so weak from and dis- the present call. Col. Farit, the Provost Marshal of tbs sick and aadbrlng; aad 1 know that she sees those of a business character to the Publishers. City hunger ooo ooo DR. S. C. ease that were unable Geueral of the United States, says, “this is exclusive FERNALD, every effort which lies la her Business Notices, iu reading columns, 12 cents they to stand upon their ooo ooo power to bearndt her For Sale. ot any you may have on present or ooo line for oue insertion. less feet. Never have I witnessed such deficiency draft, ooo patients. tuisl. per Nocharge than fifty misery former calls, and these w ill be considered in Knowvs, cents. and A nearly nf!W, on© and a halt storv only OOO OOO want among any class of human beings. House, case another draft is necessary iu locitod on Hill street. 7 well fiu- January/' if, OOOOO DENTIST, Anar E. cy\Fou Printing of ©very description executed pleasantly therefore* the State fails to furnish and have muster- Known, NORTHERN NEOItOKS WHIPPED. is lied rooms, a good well of water; a wood So. 175 Middl Street. Bwwa with dispatch; and all business pcrtaiuiug to the of- &nji! ed into tm United States service, its due of Known. There are also there about one free she1 attached. Tin lot 2904 feet quota Mo. 3*1 Street. Brunswick, Jfusue, gib. fice or paper promptly transacted on application as hundred containing ♦lie troops under this call, it is that Exchange August ot land. For particulars enquire of the required probable RaraBincu.. Drv Bacon aad Ruaaux. above. negroes of the officers’ servants from subscriber, the Draft which may he ordered iu WVVV North, or ALLEN HAINES, of Portland. January next, WVVV OXK OP THK ORKATEST the Esq., w ill iucludo not the under this vvv tf CUMKM onMKCOKIt. F. Tracy, Traveling Agent. army and navy. They are used at the dtf ISAIAII VICKERY. only deficiency requi- vvv ■Portland, May 25.1363. sepl2 sition, but also tlie State's deficiency, as claimed vvv Mas. MAaowasTaa Hear a present about the or the fortifi- by vvv Madam.—TMnktag prisons upon the War Department upon former calls. vvv of cations vvv Dr. J. H. Statement my ease may bo of aarviao to others around Richmond. One of the many For Sale 111. All enlistments made since the V. vvv HEALD Cheap, voluntary vvv I hasten to it Wednesday Morning, November fl, 1863. in is S. draft was ordered, of that have been vvv similarly afflicted, give to yon. nights spent Libby deeply engraven upon applied for immediate! r, LOT No. 47 troops duly vvv disponed of hi. entire interedl in Ilia mustered into the United States service, whether for vvv This is brieiy my case—I wae taken tick about II my mind. A free negro of Philadelphia, cap- Spring street, with two Ilou-es and vvv HAVINGOBce to Or. S. C FERNALD. would cheerfully Dwelliug regimeuts or coips in the field, or for the Veteran WWW months with Brutal Treatment of tured in the a Stable on the same. rcccommend him to hia iOrmer patient, and the pun- ago the Liver Complaint la a very bod Tiiion Prisoner* in navy, nearly white, received three Regiments now in of enlistment and milFor terms, Ac., to process organi- WVVV lie. Dr. Fkrnald, from long experience, I. prepar- form. I to four dldbreat hundred and lashes in a room im- apply zation, constitute a of this State's applied physicians, but re- Richmond. twenty-five ii. Winchester, portion qu ta of vvvv ed to iiuert Artificial Teeth on the "Vulcanite Haw." beneath his the present cal?, and those which have vvv ceived no benefit until I called oa yea. At thatttam Itev. H. mediately us, loud cries and oc9 dtf ou the placid pro and all other method, known to thc^rofosulon. George Hammer, Chaplain ol the premises. cured such volunteers or them are en- pleadings penetrating every part of the build- paid bounty, vv Portland, May 25.1863. tf 1 had given ap business, and was in a vary hod fflata, Twelfth titled to credit for them upon the quota to be an- Pennsylvania Cavalry, who was re- as blow was House and bnt alter a ing, followed blow. He then Land For Sale. nounced. Mo. 3*1 Exchange Street. taking your medicine for short time I be- cently released from Libby Pt%on, furnishes wrapped in a blanket saturated with salt wa- Hons No. 179, corner of Cumberland and IV. While the 4'ommander in-Chief, Gov. Co- gan to recover, and in two months I was aatiraly and cast ••! Elm streets. Lot about 60 100 foot. House hukn, and Maj. Gaudikkk, Actiug Assistant Pro- EEEKKEKKEEKK Office of Collector of Internal and had the a account of ter, into one of the dungeons for a by Revenue, well, gained several pounds of dmh, and Philadelphia Inquirer long SIL may be examined at any time. For particu- vost Marshal Geueral. direct and control the work ot KKEEKKKKEKKK month or more. Such scenes and cries were Itfk First Collection District State can truly say that by your skill 1 am a heal* his captivity and of the sufferings of our sol- lars call at 1G0 Middle street, (up stairs) or N. I-. recruiting, the respective municipal authorities of EKE EE qf qf Maine, perfoetly frequent. Those of our number who entered Woodbury, or G. W, Woodbury, or the various cities, towus and plantations, are earnest- EEK l non a Darts. diers who iall into the rebel clutch. In refer- * D there as advocates of slavery, or at least sym- JOHN C. PROCTER, Lime Street. ly requested to co-opiate iu this labor, so vital in EEE EachaiigeStreet, Boston | Maine Me. to tbe Government and Depot. Boy-Wond, ence to their treatment in Libby Prison, he pathizers, are sueli no more. Portland. Sept. 10. 1868. octi tf importance tbemselve*,until EEK K Portland, July 17th, 1861. iu completion. Their suggestions and rccommcnda- KKEEKEK A ItKMARKABLK CDMK OKA CASK says: tiops touching Kccruitiug Officers lor their vicinities, EEE E ojDROP- rur snirt SrcL RKD Mr MBS. The Old Soi.im.it and the Neuko Skx- are invited, and will receive most respectful consid- EEE Internal Revenue MAXCMKSTKB AMOUNT OK A FARM in Elizabeth.about KOOK ALLOWED TO I'ltlSOXERS. tixei..—The Nashville is Cape vniMon. EEE Stamps. This to to certify that I have bean aared ef the Union says: There 4i miles from Portland, containing V. The Premiums and Bounties the “-*— Do ask me as to the amouut a office on Cedar st Nash- provided by EKE EE once been made a of Dropsy of lllesa years Mrs. you of food re- negro recruiting reet, about 170 acres, with two dwelling- Government and having depository standing by General 8tate for all volunteer en- kkekeeekkeke Revenue the will be nt ceived each officer? The ville. at the ddor of which stands a seu- houses, baru and THIS Stamp., pabiic .applied ter. I have been to la daily by question negro out-buildiuga.— listments. are on a scale of such munificence, that EEEEEEKEKEEK the physicians BaBeo, New York of fence* stone- following rate.: is answered. One-fourth of tiuel with ills musket. A number of _Large proportion while all who can. enter the service should and Philadelphia. They all toid me ttet scald easily pound very persons \ or the dq, so, Lew than *50 at par. they part whole will be sold. Inquire of those who from or raw beef aud little over ten on the ;id a con- age infirmity are ineligi- Mo. 3.1 •50 to 91000, 4 discount. do for as* cubes tough hones, very standing around, inst., took CLEMENT JORDAN, on the premises, near South physical Exchange Street. percent, nothing they tapped me, Md as- ble to enlistment, may find it for their iuterest, as •1000and discount. ounces of bread and a little siderable interest in the conductor white Congregational w4m* upwards, 6per oont. sued me that 1 eoold lira (very heavy sour), noting meetiug-house. jy21d2aw well as honor, to suspend their ordinary avocations 888 88 by tapping hot « short and infinitesimal of salt and officers who The sentinel saluted for the work of soldiers tor XATH'L J MILLER. Colioctoi. time. I had made salad to rice, quantities passed by. obtaining the Govern- 8S8 8888 _ ap my go heme sard live until the full vinegar. This was the amount of rations re- every officer who caine along, and received the For Sale. ment, number required from this State SSS SS as long ae I eould with the disease, aad thaw Me. On usual is furnished. SSS 88 ceived, though I will do the authorities the recognition. At last Gen. Granger was New Barque UNION, 300 ton* measured a* home I over 2 to the Government, and to on Jell support pav interest ever been applied for controlling the Draft and reg- FRESH. SALT AND SMOKED FISM* Color, Scarlet. Magenta, Brows, Biassed Green. Stllclicd, 3 the public debt," approved 1, and the The treatment received the officers dur- Rrey deep, July 1862, ulating the lieat to the Ovens. By an entirely new Of and to had by amendments thereto March every description, Lobsters, be at this Alto, a foil assortment of Plain this approved 3, 1868; that arrangement wc have slide* to be used for or establishment. Doeaktas. Beavere, iug trying time was bad and only bad Residence tor Sale. the several duties, plate Brown Stitehed Brim, Country taxes, (on iucotnc, carriages and warmers. This Ilaugo is heavier than will answered One seemed to vie and pie any other, Orders be and taadc to those Spangled Beavere, be., he., la all the aew shades. continually. with the oth- The FARM owned the Arte licenses, assessed, enumerated and con- of smooth and beautiftil orna- delivery __ by plate,] castings, design,being who desire. until 8 P. M. er in their endeavors tained in said Second Annual Collection may Open o’olock to annoy us and make Hon. R. K. Goodenow*, -situated List, have mented with bright finish; and the directions,which f Scarlet aad Bine Broadcloth in Blue Stitched Panama, become due and that 1 will in Je341 English aad Am- our situation intolerable. one within one hundred rods of the payable; person or by are are cast on the face of the Did under this attend to simple, Range, always at Paris, Oxford deputy collecting and receiving the afore- before the of the cook, when it. We erican (foods, which they are to anka to debilitating process stretch himself the County Buildings said taxes and eyes using say, prepaid upon Water-Proof Slitchod- is offered at a duties, licenses assessed aod payable that it will do more _ County, Me., for sale unhesitatingly, work, with the floor the his unless within tbe of Cumberland in said order In the latest during day upon blanket, .} that she has THEed, been duly appointed aud taken We have in store and for sale Sheat Lead. Lead the arts ofLetter-press,Copperplate and Lithograph- Steam offence, with the additional fact that lie as- herself the trust of Steam N. B. Highest cash price* paid for Country Pro- upon Administratrix of the es- Tin, Iron, Copper and Zinc. Cowing k Co.’s ic Printiug, Bookbinding, and Electro- Engines, Boilers, sumed the name tate of Daniel late of Pipe, Stereotyping of another. Capt. Litchfield, MILLINERY duce of all kinds. octl d3m Fox. Portland, in the County PNMl'S, all size* aud kind*. typing, always on hand or furnished at short notice. AND FANCY GOODS. of A new m nm mairtMi h (I am not certain of the name) of the (i7th Cumberland, deceased, by giving bond as the law CV»fo/ol>- was ^ and alter November Mails tor the South prepared supply Jld, ana at the answered, “Ood-you, you will soon O.,and West will as may bo desired, lowest market prices. Re-opened. No. 3.1 Exchange Street, Pori land. find out.’ close at 11 o'clock P. M., and the I'pperaal Sole Lea User, Here, with a Lull iu Ids back, he livening Mail for the Kennebec will be discontinued. -NOW IN MAGAZINE- Photograph Galleries, No. 80 Middle street, Oct.22 liu remained five weeks ****** THEPortland, having boon relitted aud and four days, part of A. T. POLK. P M. 700 kegs Blasting and Common Sporting. thoroughly with all the latest are now Coats! FINDINGS. SHOE TOOLS, &«. the tune without a 100 wholes,halves and quarter Rifle aud Duck supplied improvements, blanket, rarely receiving kegs open for the accommodation or tho English Walking any medical and 50cases(in cans) Rifle aud Duck. publie. care, sometimes his rations bkidoton academy, The proprietor ia prepared to supply his former Fall and Winter Mado exclusively by men,and sold at a low figure. I. 146 Middls 8t PortlARd. • RUFUS CUSHMAN, Opening! withheld. customers and all who may give him a call, with AT NORTH Me. oc29 Gw 173 Fore Street. pic- V. O. UAXSOX. ELIJAH TiUlT. A was stationed BKIDOTON, tures of every description, executed iu the bo t man- guard at the on 10 dtr constantly Winter Term of ner and at reasonable door of ids cell to eleven weeks will oommonce prices. A. 1). prevent either escape ot rPHK Particular attention to REEVES, 1 have also received large culdilions to my order the continued ALBERT WEBB & HP* given copying. communication with others. While o,ll.l!r.di?'J,J0?.of W/,11?*13- €©., A. S. confined cure CHARLES E. HILTON, A. M 1‘rinciiml DAVIS, Proprietor. Tailor tfc J. A. E. m. there the entry way was THOMAS II. D8ALEBB IK- Portland, July 30,1803 jtf Draper, RAIVB, frequently blocked ■ MKADuteeV Stock of uovd eod.wJu21 Cloths, up with dead bodies, remaining there severe NOTICE. NO. 98 EXCHANGE STREET, assortment which will be days, and this during the heat of summer Corn, Flour and Grain making my complete, Counsellors A Attorneys at Lew, This performed another have admitted ANDREW J. CHASE as a returned from Boston and New York entry important part Highland Boarding School for Boy. OF MERRILL'S just HEAD WHARF, WE in our firm, in the with a RICH and FASHIONABLE assort- MADE UP TO ORDER 1»3 being the place where men and women wer« IN BETHEL, MAINE. partner HAS MIDDLE STREET, C.mnrcl.1 Siren. Portland. Me. ment of daily brought to receive their lawful allowanci rilHK Winter Term of this School will commence Je23tf 8hip Chandlery and Grocery Bminess, IN THE VERY BEST STYLE, PORTLAND. of lashes at the hands of the Prison A on tlie llrut Tuesday iu December, and continue Inspector under the Arm A letter was sent to Gen. Wiuder by th< eleven week.. Send for a Circular to name of Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings «t short notice, .nil .a LOW u can be purcluued aoua RAID. IDWAU *. tAn. N T. TRUE, A M.. eltetrhere. Colonel, the am YEATON & HALE. asking charges against him, oe20eod4w Proprietor and Priuoipa BARLE Y WANTED. Qf every variety and style, which he purchased for dept. 1,1888. sepSadta protesting against his treatment. He deniet | YEATON fc HALE. 'tasu, and consequently cau give an elegant “lit for Portland, Oct. 20,1868. oc22d3w out” at tho lowest cash prices. any knowledge of the matter, and suggestet 1 Cold Found. The highest price paid Barley by that Gen. Jones was He invites his old friends and customers, aud the Maryland Oak TtaRhcr. perhaps acquainted witl quantity of gold ooin was picked up in the street the JOHN Yellow Corn. generally, to call on him. Grateful for the CARGO now consist. facts. He also denied any o A The owner can have it by calling BRADLEY, P.B. landing per brig Trenton, knowledge at theonJ*onday. iberal patronage he has reooived since he establish- Merchant stocks, windless the aDd office of the City Marshal, proving {mblic FROST, Tailor, A ini or plonk please, atm. matter, coolly asked to know tin and property 17 York Street, Portland. Yellow Corn, for sale by ed himself here, he solicits a continuance, and wil) for sola paying for this advertisement •4 STREET. transom*, risers, bo., by charges. oct7 PRIME P. F. VARNUM, spare no efforts to give general satisfaction. EXCHANGE RYAN A dkwU JOHN 8. HKALI). Sept28 d&wtf MsGlLYERY, DAVIS, trl* Commercial afreet, head Widgery 'a wharl oc9tt ociift lined octl dtr in Commereial street

/ % 1 ■MHMBaaaaHMaH^HaaaMBaHHBMMaM| ■ —!L- -_—————— a Letter from the State Capital. ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. Headings remain for soil « /• steady at23«23« aud 20 roni the New England Eat ntcr. THE DAILY PRESS. 28c for hard pine 32 inch. BOSTON BROKERS' BOARD Augusta, Nov. 10,I80d. The i utile Market" Sale of NEW r«)l‘FU: Prices remain at tho recent ad- Slocks, Nuv. lu, 18#y. ADVERTISEMENTS. POKTLANO MAINE jy Ou the Urst page— Brutal Treatment 3*ca:|y A I To the Editor of the Pms: vance, though tho demuud is comparatively 1 ght in IllUXililON, CAMBUIDUE AND MLL>H*Ul>. *1.*JW American (Jold_ — ---■..»■--—— of Union Prisoners in the old 'Vo continue to Java 10.0W.do. A monthly return from (lie 1st Maine Cav- Richmond; *“arac,L quote 39fti0c, Rio M’KUKKSDiY, Nov. 4, 1803. ItMMice of 33ft3o, and bt. Domingo 31 «3ic p It.. J 7.090.do.*" Forcflo»arv. soldier and the sentinel. 'rices, wen I8A3. alry, dated November 1, reports the negro U. 8. Kiv®.'Jf ties inr,- > IPUBLIC No] K Wednesday Morniug, November 11, regiment V *!rices roma,’*‘ Hrnr^ag the stock in mar- JJ'-cres —|*t *7,76a8,00 l*er 100 lbs on the K i-hereby given, that on the ket is sales of quality United Staten 7 3-lOths E. a« then being near Fayetteville, The On the fourth — Corrected light; choice dairies X. Y. atfd Vcr- 2d do total weight ot Loan...... ".'mi eighth day of March, A D. eighteen hundred —- ---- Virginia. ay page mar- * ,,ow 0.75. llliams, of I ortland iu the the Prexx ix Kxtra !<«8.26;a8,50. couutv ol < umberiaud, Cht circulation of Daily larger th by their deed of that the is ol whom 429 were CANDLES—Have advanced; we now- Working en—*70a'15b, or according to their val- mortgage date, recorded iu than that other in the regiment, 870, pres- Jiy The United States Marshal lias confis- recently Cuiuber|ai»d book of any daily city. quote mould 15@l5}c, and Sperm 3’3a38c. ue as beef. _IMPORTS. Registry, 8UB, page 148, conveyed ent aud :I82 tit for Colouel Smith ! to the subscribers a certain lot duty. writes cated and sold the Orleans Commercial Stores—Yearling* SI0&H; two-year olds *1*^27; orfaud situated on a within three montht New CEMENT—Prices continue to rule firm at 91 60a} tb# aide of Tanas,—M.00 year if paid that I i5 three-year old;* Windsor NS. Sch Tho* Dickson—125 ton* plaster. WMteriy Clark ,lr«-l in .aid at the “severe service of late, with the per cask, with a steady moderate demaud. “rU.Dd fro.n the date of tubscriptioH, or *7.00 endqf together Bulletin. Sheep—64&tfc lb ou live weight; in lots 50 bbl* potato*1*, to order. raealuring torly loot on .aid «tr ii 4,26 eac h. Annauoli* N8. Sell Resident— 25 cord* wood,order nwucd by Them*. “greased Ash, and andind'timtM’' Dial the fori,,7rlr Worcester* 2y Thirty-t wo thousand nine hundred Lehigh Franklin Irom the yards. Mitch Gats—*26, *>, 40c§56. *IHu2<). Menan. Sell Helen—2492 boxes lierriug, 20‘ couilition of aaid mortgaga lia> b«m mounted a number of the Ordinary bbl* : large regiment. A none. Live fat do, 1 bbl dried tish, 1 ca*k oil, whereof the T-^ and tons of coal ai rived in Boston further advance has taken plaee Swine—Stores, hogs.corn-led txa,04Jc. mackerel,.54 qtl* o±,,: bV""°“ .mj.ltir. forty-six oil a to Dana & < o. *f°reraid. claim a foreclosure Pratemiounl Dignity. One hundred of them us last Mam which we now quote al and Hide*, Slab. (a/j Skin*, He. Tat loir, SaB t\ 51K ti” ol .aid murt joined again Manilla lTj&ldjc; !U,u,e iu in three days of'last week. Rolf rope 10} ^2t>c sp lb. American cordage fe/ts, »1,T5 0^2,00. ! »0> Ud of made evening, but they arrived too late to be mark- has also advanced to {JRUST" Who in this human world ours, up 10aJ7e, In consequence of the Tho following is the amount of stock reported at John Governor elect of Ohio, advance in labor and MIXIAflRE almanac. *•»«•>*• day of November of have failed to ob- ed present on the return. More will us ay Brough, material. Other kiuds of market: A U. eighteen hundred of all varieties character, rejoin C ordage are without aud .latv-tfiree is a ami lias been one of the a*y material change since the Cattle. Sheep. Shoteg. Cat Hot/s. Wrdursday,. Nuvruakertt. in a few printer hy trade, date ot onr J- serve to no days.” last. This — I ***TII, that spirit, peculiar sect, week.43S6 7021 tsiiii rl«».6 43 m) .. .10.32 21 vrfliv ?■ dignified g"0 High water, (a J B. BKlMVX. editorst)f that State. I Last hun __ The State has reason to be of leading REAM 1 ART Alt—Limited sales to be made at weak..'t!>77 7H9S aat 3, tun aria.4 42 I Ig*ngth of days. 9 67 party or caste, which turns up its nasal organ proud this b*c for 1 pure Crystals, and 40c for Pulverized. year ago, (Nov. 6). .4430 63*8 225 25u0 At a regiment and the record it has made for £jf-An exchange thinks that an Indian CoonT or l>i:...*Tt held wlv.rtland at the slightest invasion of its domain, and it- A4>K\ GOOD8—Trade Cattle and from several States. and for the of VitWn continues quite active and Sheep bounty Cumberland, on the ftr.t self. It is as and his down tlte sales are for the season. are of iu the lilts its bead in disdain when asked regarded second to no one in squaw paddling Mississippi, large Prices stcadv and tattle. Sheep. t attle rue«!ay Nov.vnber, year of our *I ra lofty proud firm for most Sheep NEWS. ord descriptions of fabrics. Medium prints Maine.1238 676 NorthernN. Y.174 42» eighteen hundred aud sixty-three, the service. are of canoebial are a MARINE Id do an act before its interesting specimens felicity little and we now which, judgment-seat, easier, quote 17ftl9c. We N. Hampshire.645 IntK) Western States 735 276 M. STAPLES, Sarah quote all wool formerly M V merv The veteran is heavy cassimeros Union Vermont-1218 3881 Canada 274 loe.'j PORT OF named Executor iu a certaiu Is not considered in accord with pro- cavalry regiment making ay The lately elected Governor of 92tftl20; PORTLAND. SARAH instrument our- strictly Iowa, Meltons all wool — .oftbdo; do 87,ftl \2'. Massachusetts 123 Total 4345 7021 porting to be the last will and testament of in meas- Rebecca fessional or ? satisfactory progress recruiting and when law twelve years ago, worked is a < Burn late courtesy professional self-respect studying continued active demand for Maine Cattle at Market. lO. hem, of Scarborough iu said a.I,.Di.V< kinds KT, lJere Turaduy.Nwsrauker couuty.Uv- ures have been the a duck. Portland Duck Co are about con- ceased, havi.ig presented the same for Tire parson is not wholly free from already arranged for pur- eight hours day for the purpose of earning .1 I) Willis 207, liideon Wells 140, .1 A York 80 ARRIVED. probate. good pious tracting to till heavy orders at prices higher than It tra$ Ordered, That the said Executor chase of the horses. Spencer i Hcxlcr 80. Amos 06, II Jackson Steamer New St give and is found bis Recruits for this regi- money t* pay his board and tuition. ever before realized. The Co. continue to sell small Donning Brunswick, Winchester, John. notice to all person* interested, it, occasionally drawing dig- 54. John llusscll 58, Darker Daniel Wells KB, for Bo,ton. 4y caudug notice hits No. •» at and No. Piper 48, to Ik- three ment may, if furnish their own 91.10, 10 76c; navy superior 3i. (ieo Drew 2n. Isa.c I. Steamer .Hontt.nl. published weeks,successively, iu the Maine nified garments mote closely around him they prefer file thinks the Xo.3 1.09and No. 10 Spencer 24, O Tricke'v 19, Priuec, Bo,ton. State at ay Buigur Wuig surplus 74c. Uaveu* remain steady " liilticr Si Davis F. hell Keaident. Press, printed Portland, that they may ap- horses and 17, Hovnton 14, Hunt & Long- (Kr) Anthony, Annapolis Ks. at a when to some second on upon their bciug passed by the ato-jcpyd. pear Prohate Court to beheld at said invited perform part potato crop of Maine will sell for $500,000. fellow 14, D linn man 13, Munch Miller 10, C 11 Law- hch Titos Dickaoii. (Br) Xlacombi r, Windsor XS. Portland, on tlie first of December at ten of the receive the value of not ex- DRUOSAND DYES—Trade remains and rence 8, 8 M 6, J Abbott J Frost 5. A-a- hch Helen, (Br) Sueil.Grand Mei.au XU. Tue*lay next, a fuueral or when another man tres- inspectors, them, The sales at that amount to quiet, Simpson 8, clock iu the forenoon, and occasion, city from 5000 to prices generally rule steady. has hel Howard C It Welch 4. Sch Ellen show cause, if any they Opium again ad- 4, S Chick 100. Mines fc Fiancee, (Br) Holmes, St John KB for nave,Whir the said instrument his field ceeding the government price. They can thus, vanced, our quotations Weston C k C K Frost J Providence. should not be proved, Ilasses upon legitimate either to 10,000 bushels a day. being 810.75@1L Sulphur 61, :n. Jclli*otr26, Shaw &. and ha> advnueed to Osborn sell approved allowed, as the last will aud testameat to the old sell their horse aud recently Gft6}c, and Hi ( arb Soda 22,J F Connor 18,B W Davis 12,CI1 Whiter,. Northern Light, Lane, Frankfort. of the to the to contrary adage, Alcohol is said deceased. preach truth, bury dead, sprinkle a 6ift»c. quiet and ; sales are now' Sch Willi* Putnam, Cook, t alaia lor Now ay Benjamin Barker, farmer in Ecxter, steady Vork. JOHN A. him loo. Barracks arc now made Cream Tartar dealers Sch WATERMAN, * an infant or to solemnize a keep being put at_91.26ftl.35. now hold Imbriui, Darla, Ea, Inert for ltostou. A true Judge. marriage. N. H., seventy years of commited suicide at 40ft<»5. Woods remaiu hch KC Brown, copy, Attest, order for their age, Dye steady and unchang- SPECIAL. NOTICES. Uariics.Th.umisfoti for Cambridge. w3w* The so free from and in reception. ed at tormcr Sch 2* ELGKNE HUMPHREY Register. lawyer, usually envy on Tuesday morning,ltd iust.,by hanging him- quotations. Sibel, Hammond, Gould,boro lor Boston. Informal notice lias been received of the ERbIT—Lemons area is nevertheless and little lower; we now quote CLKAItKD. At a Court ot petty jealousy, human, self in a shed attached to his Havana Probate held at Portland witbin and premises. 90ft.. Oranges are at 94 hundred. Parsons' Celebrated Brig Knuna Ivea, (Br) Watom, Matauzas — resignation of Colonel Francis E. Heath' of selling p Cough Chaac lor the County of Cumberland, ou the first Tues- sometimes delicately twirls his moustache, or Raisins remain at and Candy Uroa & Co. It is steady 94.25ft 1.60, layers 94.60 ails 12 clt day of November, iu the the 19th All well-wishers to ay” reported that fears are enter- ft4.«5pbox. he 11 fret only per package, )for ilie cure of llron- year of our Lord eight- his or elevates the extreme end of regiment. the Paper * Almonds are higher, and Brig Ortolan, Gooding, Matauzas—E Churchill A een hundred aud lip, we now' sixty-three: cti^s tained in Cuba of a slave quote 2Bft3dc. There are no shelled in mar- chit..,, Ittargeneee, Cou./ltg, Cohtg, and Iritation of Co. in view of ids as insurrection, iu eon- A his nose when the is made n service, unsurpassed abilities ket. Chestnuts are at 90 Sch Bramhall, Bo, I LFRED C. GRAVE.*, Executor of the last will suggestion by scdliug p bushel, and wal- the Throat. Being wholly free from all disagreeable Ricker, on-J B Brown A Sons. a sequence of the small number of in the nuts 50 k> bbl, and ttie iu Sch William A and testament of Moses A. Graves,late of Brun- commander, hope that this may troops 97ft7 quality market is su- Tabathy, Thompson, I'riendaliip—y client llutt some other man should the report < raubei taste, it is peculiarly adapted to the above diseases in Dans A Co. swick iu said present Island. perior. ric* arc quite almudaut at *10 50« county, deceased, having presented his untrue. Children as as first account of case the or prove II p bbl, or 93 76^4 p bushel. well adults. Prepared by Short fc administration of said estate for pro- tp jury, take ciiarge of legal ques- bate : Governor Flbll—l’he market has been Watkrhoubk, corner of Free and Aline ship oT 950 called Coburn has been requested to call $y“The Boston and Maine Railroad has less animated for sev- Apothecaries, tons, the “Dumbarton'' It trait tions before the full court. was launched from Ordered, That the said Executor no- eral days past, and the demand has considerably Middle streets, Me. The the yard of J T Tewksbury at give an extra session of the for leased the Portland, highest testimon- tice to all persons interested, notice to be The if legislature the Dover and Rail- lalleu oft lor all kiuds Hsh, and have undoubt- Brewer, no the 10th iuat. by causiug physician—human also—knows, and Wiiinipisscogce prices ials cau be given of the of published three weeks in the Maine edly reached the highest point for the auperior ,|italilic. Ihla ex- successively he his purpose of establishing a uniform system of road for fifty years, for the present.though State Press printed at Portland, that don't many of patients do, how wise paying annually the stocks are too light to material cellent Cough Kennedy, For sale all DOMESTIC PORTS. they may ap- expect any con- by Druggists. pear at a Probate Court to be held at said Portland bounties In the cities and towns aud use of ol and all its cession in prices, and wccoutinuc our last Oct. 27. aud profoundly dignified he can look, and through- it'$‘i0,000, buying rolling quotations Portland, 18U3. 3incdAweow HAL11AIORK—ArHtli, sch Leroy, Jobnaan from ou the first Tmftday of December next, at teu of the without change. Havana; II Loach, Griudle, UlueUill out the State. He has had the matter under stock. clock in the forenoon, aud show causes if With what a stately air he cau shrug his shoul- Cld 7th, ache Drink auy they TLOUR—transactions have been heavy during Da. J. W. Kkllky will be in attendance at bis Christina, water, Portland have, why the same should not be allowed. consideration and it is that the ses- the aud PHILADELPHIA-Ar Hth. ders when he discovers a slight lack of im- probable iy rhe late Union in past week, sales have been made at some au- Medical Office, 214 Congress street, opposite the Un- .hip New f’ngi.nd, JOHN A. WATERMAN. Judge. victory I^wa surpass- vanee over our w«': bark St James. sion will notdic called. The action of cities previoui quotations. WeViow quote iversalis! Church, to give advice aed prescribe in all Wayne, N Orleans! A true copy, attest, plicit confidence Ills or or es all precedent. Out of about UJO members Extras 97 25, Double form* of Ilrc"*,r' 21 w3w- in. knowledge skill, ft" Extra 7 fi0&8 00. Extra Su- disca*c, Tuesday ami Wcducsdir, the lot Ii n mn v u Draut, Aapinwall; sch El’GENE HUMPHREY, 8 St R Hill, Smith,btfk Boston.UV Register. a on and towns thus far seems to render it use- of the perior ftS 75. Louis Favorite fraud* 8 6t»a9 and lltli ol November. The sick are invited to call. desire the part of or their friends the return 50, viu imin patients Legislature, copperheads Southern Illinois do 8ft9 75, and Advice free. iin, ung noon*-, tucker, rortIai.il- acha less. Patapaco Family uov7 dfcwlw Matauzas, At a Court of Probate hel * at Portland, withiu and that less 10 Hutchinson, Portland: G W ... a another physician should beinviled.to look than 10, scarcely enough to raise a de- 75ftll. Receipts continue to be aboii^equal hr Lewis Ma- fur III* I'minlv of 1...... 1 T the demand, aim, as will be observed bv son. Bostou: Siak. Ingalls, Marblehead into the sick room. l esterday t obtained possession of the fol- cont fnnAr-il huinn comparison It paved my life.—Id Coe’s day of November, in the of our l-ord tho of our speakingof Cough Cld 8th. brigs Forrester, Muriav. year eighteen quotations market are still lower than Bui-am, if I tell the Bath; Marv K hundred and which I think cannot fail other you whole truth, you will doubt Millikeu, Brock. Port sixty-ttircc: comae tuc most cons lowing letter, to be many seaport market*. because Royal 80; IsaacCarverShutc cantors—oj pcriect Efiorts are made to my word, nine-tenths of the believe Boston; sch LAI RA » Guanliau Clara jy being render passa- Git people Paragon, Hatch, Boston. KRXALD. of to your as it will them VIN—Corn ha* ruled very firm at ??1.08«,1.10 Consumption cannot bo cured, and those who do J 1. T«*rnald and • live, and the one least troubled with the weak- interesting readers, give At Delaware Breakwater 7th, brig Concord, for 1/LLIX others, minor childreu aud heirs ble this winter, the road that has been laid out tor Western Mixed, aud 81.10© 1.12 for Southern believe this, will not avail themselves of this tilla- ot Samuel ideas of the of the Port ltoyal SC; sch Valetta, Lord, from Cardenas R. l>Yrnaid. latent Portland iu said coul- nesses that afflict other men—even editors are power governor, which Yellow. Sale* lui\ © been mad© at ble will have more from Milford to Princeton. This route will freely these price*. remedy. They confidence in it,if for Philadelphia. t> deceased, hav iug presented his petition tor license Oats are very linn at ti2«/J5c \* bush, and hut little I only claim that I have been bene lit ted to not immaculate. I.et a subscriber ever so del- they their ignorance, have not heretofore greatly in NEW 1 OKK—Ar 8th, bark 8ebra Crocker, sell and convey certaiu real estate of said minor* shorten the distance from doiug. ltarley is iu active demand at 81.15 view or this I am to write a whole w hen Segur, liangor to Calais 4> bush, willing pare, •l.vaiia. (with .aU» »piit. 4c); III as described iu said petition, na advantageous ofter dreamed of his Not tft and choice lot* about 1.21*. Kve is in the fact be stated in three bri*, Lacy vwSod. icately intimate to one of the most amiable of possessing. wishing moderate •de- may words, giving you a (Br Dutniciatrr, M seb having been made therefor: some or with railroad mand at statement lUiaora-; Janie A Urol, u twenty thirty miles, facil- 81 li>{g}1.15 bush. Shorts are we of my case. is iu Collins. Htvauu. It ir/ts implicate myself by that I re- higher; Consumption hereditary Ordered, That the said Petitioner give no- the corps, that improvement is desirable iu the acknowledging now quote i the family, two brothers aud one sister beeu tice to ities for nearly half the distance. 828©30. having ArStli, Wm WilaoD, Ptammcr. Sea all persous interested, by causiug notion to be sort to means to takeu from me this disease. bark; Malaga; mode of his and how any unjustifiable procure im- GUNPOWDER.—Prices remain and un- by alarming Kan»r, Hall, l'royiUetice; IV A Drwwr. published three week* iu the Maine Statu conducting paper, quick- steady Iu case our family bri* Hatch, successively information for S5T- Several towns and cities have offered changed at for Rifle aud aud #5] my physician “oncurring with New Haven for Bliiladclphia; «ehs A J Press, print* d at Portlaud. that they may appear at the is and the portant your columns, I think Sporting, otheis eminent for their success, L>*er.iio«>n. ly professional dignity touched, @0 (or Blasting. decided that 1 must Uacl“a»: luiou. Fum, Fr.ukliu; Frolic, a Probate Court to be held at said Portland, on tho bounties of (200 for which fall bv the same 1 never to Kennedy, the least that is said Aoic I the let- volunteers, among destroyer. expected get Hallow ell; Albert .fume sou, New J F first Tuesday ot December next, at ten of the clock a moment before ail wreathed in procured HIDES AND SKI NS—The market is and had no Bedford; Car- countenance, quiet relief, faith iu inedieineg, especially ver, in the forenoon, and show if are and some but little We now patent Kumri,l. FroYidcnce; U M M.vo, Ward, New- cause, any they have, ter the belter, aud I shall therefoie it Portland, Belfast, Rockland, doing. quote Western 20 medicines, and it was w ith no idea of suushiue and o'er-arched with bows of prom- give beiug benefited port; Thoa Mix, Hall, Kondout for Portland: why the same sibuld not be grauted. is ©21c, aud Slaughter 70@84e. We quote Buenos that I tried Coe’s. I had heard it well Anjre- without further remark: others. It very desirable that these bounties spoken of bv line, Uix. do for Portsmouth; Johu Me Adam YVH- JOHN A. WATERMAN, Judge. darkness and Incomes encircled Ayres 27©2Sc. Calf-skins 18 j© 17c; Green Salted all who had w ithin ise, gather* my knowledge tried it, but it was lard aud Castilliaa, do for Bostou A true copy, attest. should lie and will be and Calcutta Cow Bellstty, Kaale^ Ext. AMPMF.XT OF THE 17t1I Me. RKO. unifonn, (200 probably 81.8>©*2: slaughter $1.90©2.10. not till I was overpowered the entreaties of do for do. 21 w3w EC GENE HP MPI! UK with clouds 'from which thunder ( Pelts are nominal. by my Hall, Y, Register. portentious Sheep wile, that I was to use it. The near Healton, Va., Nov. 2, lSll'i. ) the maximum amount, making the bounties willing relief I ob- Cld 9th .hips Top Gallant,Phillip., San Franeiaco.' if not be to reveal it- HAY.—Prices are and sales are more tained from the first two or three satisfied me lightning may expected GovkknoI! Com kn — easier, freely doses, Stephen Crowell,Bowman. At a Court of Probate held at Dear !>irAs I for new recruits and that it was no IJverpool: KveuiaiStar Portlaud, within and • (000 for veterans (700. made at the decline. We now quote humbug. Mv friends soon to self. have been good pressed !>egau Kobiuiou. New Urleana; brie L k strout, William.’ for the of Cumberland, outlie first Tues- against my will drafted and sent to 9 toil,and Loos© which hu- been ill say, •‘Hughes, you look be'tter. What are vou us- Couuty 918©18] coming Port,mouth; «ch Sarah. Iloldea, of November, iu the of our Lord Co. 17lli Me. 1 this JJ"A correspondent from is now at ing?” 1 said "Coe’s Balsam." Buck,port Sapc! day year eight- Well, in all and C, Keg., by apply to you writing Ilalifax, quite freely, selling 8I8]%19. Cough They replied rior, liobinaoD, and Johu McAdaui Willard Bo- een hundred trades, professions callings Eastern "that the article Was and to audsixty-three, to have the time of my service shortened to Township, Canada under date of the 1101*8—The market is active for of 1863 good, wished know what ton, Haunah Baker, Webber, and we find the same manifestation inoue form or good hops I of it.” I tola them “that I Hattie, Staple., M. KYKLETH, Administrator with the will six months. I have 20th, srys an awful look in Wolf- growth at 23©25c. thought wished to do; Mary Jaue, do. been once discharged from tragedy place it a fair trial then I would JOHNannexed or the estate of John Eveleth, late or another. few iu to stown last give report.” Sid 8th, barki Alamo, Tycoon, and J A Biahoc A. mornings since, coining the service on account of night. The wife of one James INDIGO—Remains iirmat 81.50© 1.75 for Manilla This is what I am uowr Windham iu said disability. about to do. Iff can be- PKOV.DENCK-Ar 9th, ,Lh county.deceased. having preseuti d while in a state Hue, with steady moderate sales to the trade. eminent Hannah, Me.?., frn his 2d account of our office, we saw a poorly clad man, evident- 1 want you to instruct the Colonel to do Sheridan, of insanity, killed 4 lieve physicians—if I can ltave confidence Philadelphia. administration of said estate tor in the of a of her children —the eldest a Hue I RON—The market rules quiet and at our opinion ray family and friends—if I know Off Hands Point 8tb, probate: a son and a child of away with part of the being girl steady brig Robin, of Chcrrytieid; It teas ly of toil, perhaps pover- inspections. They ouotation*. Dealer* are still the difference between and then three •cha F Ordered.That the said A M ; Scantlings 812a 13. Hack- great 7th, brig Manlius. Norton. A and has been for the last three a resi- relief, if not a certain cure. And even alter Windsor NH tor trneaopy, attest, that he had no other on aud tlm£ lie so are is, years, matack Timber $10.00©20.00 p ton. writing Baltimore; schs Dr Rogers, Adam* hand, terests vital involved. 1 have not Clapboards. this if I find that I must die and 21 w3w* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. dent of Heart Extra are selling at 833; Clear do | by consumption, though Ageuoria, lligaiu*. Kondout for Boston; Cob- was anxious lobe we asked if lie Boston, where he has paid taxes, and $28©3Q; I have uo fears in the matter, employed, learned what action His Excellency has decid- No. 1. 813© 15; Sap, Clear 823 ©25; do 2ds my kn^rledge of the vert. l’eudleton, hlizabetlipori fordo; 8 II Htebbiu* where he $2d©21, others have received. w ill me that iu of- At ▲ Court nr Prorate held at Portland, within could and a of cords of was regularly enrolled and stood his aud No. 1 8lo©13. Spruce Extra are worth 914 ©hi. j satisfy Thompson, Georgetown DC fordo; Cniou. Hamlin split pile couple very ed to take in the matter, hut as soon as I as- feritig this 1 do in thus 4 Kiver Tor aud for the Couuty of Cumberland, on the ttrst aud No. 1 912« 13. Shingles, Extra Pine are quoted testimony, only my duty urg- hoptauk Newbury port; T It llammond. draft. We have seen a certificate from the ing the afflicted to It. Cram. New York for of November, in the of our Lord nice aud straight wood, and if so at tvhat price certain 1 shall make it the of a at 84i50.©5 00. aud Clear l*inc $2 50©3 75. Extra try Eastport. Tuesday year subject special ALBERT W. Hid schlda L hundred and Provost Marshal's office iu shaved Cedar Shingle* are worth 93 37; do 2d HUGHES. 7th, Howard. eighteeu sixty-three, “Do you wish me to saw it?" said he. “No," letter. Boston, slating 75-©3 The above is correct. MARY A. HUGUE3. Ar S 83 25©3 50 M. Laths,Pine are at 81 50 8th, brig* Billow. Reed. Kondout for Boston: M\ RICK, Guardian or Frances H. these facts. It is in to him selling ^ No 221 Franklin New we “another man is and Official notice only justice and 2 25. aud Spruce at #137©150 p M. Our St., Executive, Gorham, York Ibr Bangor: sch* F SOLOMONWoodard, minor child and heir of Xcragc For sale all C. by Saturday night if he don't stop ignation of Assistant L. E. elsewhere. by Druggists. G. CLARK It CO, G Fogg. Newcomb. Wellfleet for Tangier. iug presented hi* petition for license to sell aud con- Surgeon Norris, New Haven. Conn.. Hid 8th, Orison to it.” to his full statement. LEATHER.—There lias been a moderate demand Proprietors. brigs Adam*. Manliu*; sch* Chro- certaiu real estate of said minor, as described iu split Straightening up 17th the lor Agent iu Portland, W. F. 149 Middle Cameo, vey regiment,and discliarge disability for leather for the country trade. N. Y. Mediums PHILLIPS. nometer, Cui*ou, Harah Louisa, Elizabeth said petition, an advantageous offer hav iug been aud all his nov8eod2wAwlw Sea Gull. E G aud otlu-r*. m ad*- bight, concentrating professional of the following officers: elP”A larger amount oi money will be paid aud Slaughter ren.aiu firm at recent advances. We j Segur. Fogg, therefor: Ar 8th, brig* Martha Leland. Matau- It tru Ordered. That the said Petitioner se- iu an honest he to the fanners in this notice that the demand for French aud American YVaahlugton, give dignity looking face, replied, Colonel 4tb state, this year, for neat Made the zas for Boston; Tornado. Ibr ller to all notice to bo Elijah Walker, regiment. Calf-skins iu New York i* moderate without any from pure Balsams of Vermont. Dodg*. Washington do; persous interested, by causiug Trenton. Atherton. for three weeks in measured and emphatic*accents, “I neter 1st Lieut. stock, sheep aud horses, than iu change of prices. Slaughter Upper is scarce and firm Philadelphia do; Hudson, published successively in the Maiau Henry Peuuiinan, Co. K, lid regt. any previous Griffin. for sell* State at that at former prices. N. H. Downs’s Balsamic Elixir. Elizabethport do; Tilt. Nyo. N York Press, printed Portlaud. they may ap- aplit wood of other men's aaxcing! I xrould 2d Lieut. Daniel L. Co. 10th year. Xearly (200,000 will lie required to Vegetable for Eastport; U 8 Boynton, llerrkk, Sullitan ror pear at a Probate < ourt to be held at said* Portland, Warren, F, regt. LIME.—Another advance has taken This honest, standard old Couoh made New Bedford. sooner recently place Remedy, ou the first Tuesday of December next, at tea ot. remain idle!'1 purchase the number of horses needed for the on lime, and dealer* are now 1.06 in Vermont, has been u-ed with entire for IIki.ios. asking 1.00® 4> | success NEW BEDFOKD-Sld 8th, sch I. W Pierce, Lor* the clock in the forenoon, and show cause. If any cask for New Rockland. : It is warranted as usual Portland. The question, it was evident at a cavalry regiments. The farmers are a thirty-three years. for iug. they have, why the same should not be grauted. glance, finding C nigh .<, Colds, W 1 for LARD—The market remains firm at recent advance. J lumping Cough, 'roup. Asthma, BOSTON—Ar 9th, sch* Ellen Merriman.Hamilton, JOHN A. WATERMAN. Jttdge. was closed The Bounty Volunteers. market aud the for and all disease* the Chest against argument. language ready get highest prices We now quote for bbl* ami tre.s 12al2Jc, ami tubs j of Throat, and Lnuys, and Oriana, Higgins, Elizabeth port; Volant, Cous- A true copy, attest. ; and all diseases to was but To the Editor qf the Preset 12] ©12 tc 4> lb. We report sale 2d trc*. uu at tending Consumption. in*. do: T B Ilodgman. Freuch. Bangor: New York, 21 w3W EUGENE HUMPHREY. Registt r. emphatic, the dignity—so everything they have to dispose ami gen- Friday We have testimonials innocently of, 12c cash. Market closed buoyant. from many of the best physi- .sparrow. Bristol; 8y Ipli. 8oub-, Wbe asset; Fruity, aud At a meeting of lbe citizeus of Eliza- cian* and gentlemen of whom we Norwood. Portsmouth. unexpectedly provoked into activity—was Cape erally have the ready money to pay for what- METALS—Remain and stamliug,among At a Court of Probate held at Portland, withiu and quiet hiendv. and prices mention the Hon. Paul Dilliugham, Lieut. Gov. ol Ar loth, bark Jeasie beth, hidden for the of without material fluctuation. Chart \ Tin we now Campbell. (Br) Crosby, from for the of Pnmberlau i, ou the drst Tues- still more emphatic. Au hour later, when yesterday purpose ever they have to purchase. Vermont; Hou. Bates Turner. late of the Su- Ardrossan: sell* Harah Louisa, Cooftty quote 814 75©15 2-'»; I < 812 and Coke Judge Newcomb. Klizabeth- of November, in the of our Lord a for volunteers under the call 25©13.25. Court of Vermont; Dr. J. B. Woodward, oort; Ocean Wave, Veazie. do: day )car eight- auotiser less was his raising bounty has 80.25 10.25. Zinc is firm at for Sheet preme Zina. Bradbury, een hundred aud man, dignified, earning 4tr- It been suited in several papers © $11] ©12 Surgeon U. S. Macbias; sixty-three: of tlie issued Mosseluiaii. There is continued Brigade Army. Christiana, Cbato, Ellsworth: Oroute*, President Oct. 17lh for 500,000 activity iu sheet F. ST Rot r, widow of Eliai of two dollars.for a work in doing that in case the of a town or JOHN HENRY & CO Proprietors, Whitmore, aud Champion. Leavitt. : Fran- VfAin Strout, latu single days's quota city is not Iron at present prices. Bangor ivl. in said additional troops, it was voted unanimously Successors to N. H. Downs. conia. Hill, audCherrv, Coomb*, do: Maiiel. Kaler, Raymond county, deceased, having pre- what he had spurned to do, we saw him upou filled volunteers on or before the 5th of Jan- MOLASSES.—Price* remain firm and Vt. sented her petition that administration on the estate to by unchanged Watkubury, Waidoboro; Johu. Kelley, Jnuesport; Gloucester. pay eacli man on the town's from our quotations of la^t week. There lias been I4Tt’rice 25 50 and Deer J of said deceased may be granted to Oliver P. Jor- the saw in hand, like Ml- enlisting quota such town or will cents, cents, 91 per bottle. Evans, late: li Morriam, Clark, Belfast; EG woodstand, waiting uary, city not only be called no transaction* from first hands to 11. II. and J. W. dan of aforesaid: exclusive of State or yur knowledge. Hay Pcikins & Co., Portland, Buxton. Titeomb. Saco. Raymond $250, United States It tens That c.iwbcr for something to turn up that would upon to raise its quota of the last call draft, The stock iu iiu]K>rter«’ hands is light, although one Me., wholesale agents lor Maiue. oc5 edltewOw" SALEM-Ar 8th, ticlia 8 D Hart. Havre do Grace Ordered, the said Petitioner giro A by or two have a notice to all interested, notice to him without violence bounty. very pleasing feature of tlie meet- cargoes arrived, large portion of for Bowdoiuham: 8 It Jameson, tin Philadelphia for persons by causiug give employment doing but the deficiency on the call. Such which is tart, however. Jobbers arc be published three week* iu the Maine was tlie previous holding Cuba Kocklaud; T If Thompson. New York: Fred llahu, successively ing entire unanimity of men, of all at .Muscovado 43 State Press, at Portlaud. that to hi* keen sense of professional dignity. may be the fact, hut we see authorita- Clayed 4j©48c. ©50, aud Trinidad G REAT I)ISCOVEItY.—An adhcsiv< prenaratioi Waidoboro; Cynosure. Kocklaud; Mary Whitney, printed they may ap- nothing Portland has been at a Probate Court to be held at said' Portlaud. parties, to give the Government a cordial, 53©55c. Byrap advanced. Tin* that will STICK Boston for Lincolny ille. pear tive on which the statement is now are for hlids and for bbls on the first Tuesday of December next, at ten of based. Our factory price* 34c, 3fic. Patches aud Linings to Boots and Shoes sufficient PORTSMOUTH—Ar 5th, brig Froutier, Littlefield, The Position and Movements ol our support, the number of the clock in the forenoon, and show cause if hearty by hirnisliing is that the NAVAL STORES.—Turpentine remain* firm at y stroug without Philadelphia. any they impression :iu0,ft00 men called for stitching; have, why the same should not he irr.iuted. Armies. men as 83.38©3 50 $> gal. Foreign tar remains quiet at 915 1 hat will required (fifty-one) voluntarily and Gflcctually mend Furniture, Crockery JOHN A. WAIERMAN, by the President are all he to raise p bbl, ami sales Oakum, American re- aud all articles FOREIGN PORTS. Judge. soon as expects ©18 light. Toys, ot household use. A true attest: While we were expecting but little to be practical. mains firm at 10©11]. Beit At 8th copy, under this call. Makers, Faya] ult, ship Mcrrimac. Woods, from Liv- 21 w8w* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register. accomplished by the Army of the Potomac at The citizeus ol,this town, aware that rebel- NAILS—Remain steady at receut reductions, and Boot and Shoe Makers, erpool for Boston. The we coutinue to 84.75 cask. Manufacturers and At Mataiuora.t U‘th ult. bark Marv Bentlev, Clark, lion and treason can be Copperhead journals of Pennsyl- quote ©5 4> Machinists, At a Court or Pkouatk heid at l’ortlaud within present, the public attention having been fur conquered ouly by the And Families, for New York 8 days; brig Lydia D Cole, Oardiuer. vania are down our ONIONS—Have further advanced. We now quote ami for the County of Cuuihcrlaud. ou tho drat arm of upon fellow citizen Wal- wrilfind it invaluable! It for do. some time directed to the Army of the Cum- strong military force, have uniformly liver skins 84.87@5 4* bbl, or &2©2.1<* 4> bushel. willeffectuallystopth7 v Tuesday of Xovembcr. in the year of our Lord ter him leakage of Coal Oil. Hid prev to the loth, bark Aberdeen, for N York; met the calls of tlie Wells, characterizing os an Abolition OILS—We notice a reduction on Kerosene oil.— eighteen hundred and sixty-threc. berland, it has made one of the mosUhrillaut Government for more It is insoluble in water or oil. brig 8 B Thompson, for do. orator from ami The factory prices now are tor Urge lot* 60c. 6 bbl It is a and At Havana Slat ult. baiks M A W. POX. Widow of Dank-I Pox. late of men with and stump Maine, him liquid, as easily applied as Lewi*. (Br) Lew:*, and succcssfhl of the alacrity cheerfulness; charging lot* aud bbl* 65c Linseed oils paste. in dashes campaign. Muj. and, by 02], siuglc p gal. have It will adhere oily substances. for New York: Emma F llarrimau, llarrimau, lor SUSANPortland said connty, deceased, having pre- with and the con- declined ; we now ouote raw 91.42a 1.44. ami boiled tier for an allowance Gen. the 5th and Olh the liberal liouuties which they pay to volun- advocating “amalgamation'’ | It is Boston; brig* Tlio* Connor. Y'ork, tor do: Weuoua. sented |M-tit»oii out of the pvr- Sedgwick, commanding 1.40© 1.50 |> gal. Whale Oils have receutlv advanc- soal estate of which he died of the distinctions of race. The fact HILTON’S INSOLUBLE CEMENT ! llarrimau, Ibr Bostou. K 8 llassell. Shute, for Phil- possessed: teers and the aid extended to the founding we uow Refine ! Winter $1.22a trot army corps, met the enemy at Rappahannock generous ed; quote 1.26; Sperm Hilton Buotuaeh. adelphia. It Ordered, That the Mdd Petitioner give no- that in a discussion the “White Wiuter $2«il0, ami l*rd Oil 81.20© 1.22. Wo also Proprietors. Chartered—bark* Brewer, 22f*> for tice to all persous interested, by notice to bo about 1 o'clock on the 7tli while families of the same, it will be seen that those being, upon K. I. Angclia boxes, causing Station, inst, notice au advance on Newt*foot oil, and $1.20 Providence, New York direct. *1‘ box; E F Wished three week* in the Maine State Man and the Black Mr. quote per llarrimau. for successively who remain at home are not unmindful of Mau”, Wells takes a ©1.30 |> gal. Fi*h Oils remain Shore, Bostou direct. box; 4Urt lihd* css. at l’ortlaud, tliat at a Gen. French made au attack at Kelley's Ford, steady,except Supplied in packagesfrom 2 oz. to 100/5s.. bY |»er brig* Kaaax. K printed they may appear which has advanced. (at for Probate (’ourt to be held at said ou the more favorable view of the of the slightly CHAS. RICHARDSON k uiolaAM**. Matanzas) Philadelphia, at 2i per Portland, about 0 miles below. The contest was their obligations to those of their fellow-citi- capacities CO., of December at sharp PAINTS.—Prices are firm at some advance l*road 110 gals; II 8 Emery, 1800 boxes tor Boston direct, drst Tuesday next, ten of the clock than is to very a Street, Boston, zens who endure the Ethiopian, palatable the on Lead in winch we at #11 each. in tho tdrenoon, aud show cause, if havo and decisive. The enemy was completely hardships of military negro-hat- Portland oil. quote 1‘i.OXg 12.50, Sole Agents for New Euglaud. any they do 811 Bostou aud At Mutauzas 28th ult. for Phila- why the same should not he granted. life for tlie welfare. ing faction. Cumberland 50®12; Lewi* Leads feblTdly brig* Eaaex, Bain, routed aud some 1800 prisoners, witli several public have also advanced, nnd we uow quote delphia; L T Knight. Perry, for Portland; Hattie E JOHN A. WATERMAN, Judge, j $12; ©12] A true £ir- Several mistakes occurred in our no- 100. American Zinc has also we now Wheeler, Tarr, uuc; Georgia, Lowell, do. copy, attest, Ac., 'APK ErtZADFTH. 44 advanced: batteries, camp equipage, captured. 9 are 21 w3\v* EUGENE HUMPHREY, Register. tice of the jjuote ©10c. Other paints steady and price* A Beautiful Complexion, free from Pim- The credit of this brilliant achievement is yesterday morning Anniversary Tan, SPOKEN. uuchaugcd. ples aud Freckles, may easily b procured bv u*ing Fib* is Cbari.khtowk, Mass. The fol- Festival of the Men's Christian Asso- Nov off J At a court oi rronate nt-iu m romana. within anti to Gen. Russell and Young PRODUCE—The produce market has ruled quiet the "BALM OF A T/IOCSAX /> FLOWEK&.” For il. (’ape llatteras, brig P Ellicott. from •warded principally Brig. it is Demarnrm for New York. lor of Cumberland, ou the hr*! Tues- lowing item we clip from a received but one ol which we deem of sufficient aud price* *teadv for the past week. Potatoes are a shaving unsurpassed—a single drop making a iheCouuty newly ciation, a of November, iu the year of our Lord his lie led in person his main little liigher, aud in fair demand. are firm at fine lather. It is of aud day eighteen gallant troops, letter from our Boston Egg* composed palm-oil. honey hundred and regular correspondent, to need a correction and that a further we uow other valuable articles, sixty-three, of the 5th 5th importance is, advance; qujte 25 ©27c 4» dozen, highly perfumed by its own brigade, composed Wisconsin, aud still ingredients, aud when used for MAURY. Guardian of Martha E. “Arlington,'’ as we are obliged to deler the atUichiug Itev. to the name of Geo. H. price* tending up, Chickcu* are lower,and washing, night aud Maine and 121st iu a Stewart, begin to come iu ; ive uow quote 12© 14c morning, renders the skin soil aud white, and free NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JEFFERSONMabry and others, minors and heirs of Charles New.York regiments, remainder of his plentifully from excellent letter till to-nar- Esq., of Philadelphia. We have no 4> tt> Other poultry remains unchanged, ami but blemish. Price 50 cents. For sale by II. II. C. Sweat,'late of Westbrook iu said eouuty, deceas- zallant charzc noon both flanks of the eue- apology 1IAY'. tor hi* for : little offering as vet. Lamb ha* recently decline J; Agent Maiue, aud all druggists. ed, having presented petition license to sell row to ofier for that mistake, for oue who rifle and every we now quote 0®Sc 4* lb. augl2 doodle oew.’ftu* and convey certaiu real estate.of said minora, as de- my'* pits earthworks, occupied by a lire JUST RECEIVED scribed iu' said an otter hav- liirge occurred in Charlestown on listened to his eloquent and remarks > ■■■■■■■ petitiou. advantageous tlie I/Ouisiaua ail affecting ing bccu made therefor: Brigade, taking prisoners Friday evening, which to prices, aud dealers are very firm at our advanced -AT- destroyed property on that evening will bear us out in if It mu Onlrrrtl, That the said Petitioner give notice the of saying, Wo sales of extra clear *21 a22e ; MARRIED. who were not killed. The 5th Maine regi- value nearly $100,000. A large furni- quotations. report to ail interested, notice to be he is not a he one clear 19 mesa 916 l2.6Gal3. persons by causing ture storehouses and clergyman ought to be of <4*20; 50® 17.50; prime 11*4 three weeks in the Maine ment alone 550 Tlie Clli manufactory, dwellings Round are iu Mitiaio Street, published successively captured prisoners. tiogs light supply, and are held tinulv lu thin Nov. were burned to tbe u that city, H, by Uev. L». Moore Joe State Press, print'd at Portfoud, that may ap- ground, making bril- profession. at 7j®8c. Smoked llains have undergone some ad- Ilrury they Maine was also in the front rank II. Hulti'll unit Mien Mtlimla llabb, both of thie citv A large assortment of at a Probate Court to be held at said doing gallant liant light. The lireineu of Charlestown had vance; City smoked are quoted at ami West- peal )\>rtlaad, nm. oavcy, oi Diaaeioru, is puunsiieu 11^12, lu Bridittoii, Nov. 3. by Ilcv. I. W. Harris, John ou the lirst Tuesdav of December next, at feu of the service, and .suffered very in tlie loss more than could do to it under con- ern ll®lljc—stocks limited and sales light. severely they get 1\ Vi rub and Mary C. (roes, both of H. clock iu the (forenoon. an«F show cause. If any in the list of as a Watches, Clocks, thej of officers and privates. Maine lias reason to trol, and an alarm was sounded in this city non-reftpon'!iug conscripts PLASTER—We note some decline ou rock Plaster, ; lu Brunswick, Au* F Spolk-t mud Miss (icnrcuna Jewelry. Fancy have, why the same should not bo granted. and three steamers sent to their aid. A “deserter.” A letter received from his father as tho supply has ot laic exceeded the demand. We Hubbard; also, Jo»v|>h VV Sliumou aud Miss Lydia Goods, Toys and Dolls. JOHN A. WATERMAN. Judge. lie of tlie briliiaut achievements of large now soit $2.87 a3 ton. Ground is Arm II Davie, all of U Talking A true atsost, proud number of men were quote very copv, thrown out of desires to have it stated in our columus—and at 97 tou. 11 these two The thus employ- k> ; Biddrdord, Oct. 29, Kdwiu Turner and Miss Also a large assortment of 21 w3w• EUGENE HUMPHREY, Ragbtej. regiments. advantage ment, uud many families made homeless. Lliza M. Dennett; Nov 4, Jot ham good we accommodate him—that his son SUGARS—‘The market has ruled more and Davis and Mi*# the of the Potomac is ruins cheerfully quiet Adalaide Tarbox. all of B. gained by Army being The are still burning. .Some of the tlre- prices are easier. We now quote (Trashed, granulat- LADIES* A\D GEAT.S* SKATES! At a Court or Probate held at Portland, within is not a but has beeu and now is iu lu Saco. Oct. 20, Lemuel Boothhav. of S., and Mias have reason to that men had narrow from death from fall- deserter, ed aud 17c, at which prices dealers amt tor the Coiiutv ol Cumberland, ou the MrsC followed up, and we hope escapes powdered 16'® Nancy D. of Scarboro. IVORY INITIAL 8LEEYK BUT TON 8 k SUDS. the were firmly at the close of the week. Hav- Taylor, Tuesday of November, iu the year of our Lord ing walls. As usual but a small of the service of his country; that he is a mem- holding 75 cents each It will not for a this side of part ana and Muscovado rule and at --S---- pair. hundred aud tarry, only night, loss is covered insurance. sugars qaiet steady eighteen sixty-three, by ber of Co. I2tli Mass, was wounded some Guardian of Richmond. A, liegt.; advance. Port’aud A A was held ut the facto- PEARL INITIAL SLEEVE BUTTONS * STUDS. P. HASKELL, Melina E. at limited and DIED. 81.00 each Vsrnev and N. minor children at was ry yesterday 12je—stocks demaud _ pair. OLIVER Joseph Varney, Autietam; fought and captured at iu An has sailed from New Orleans Ocb C’.\t si£ and Unman Elections.— active. neat of Klleu Varney, late of Windham said expedition AMERICAN FLAYING CARDS, put up in 1 county. and Is uow a at Rich- SALT—We notice an advance on all kiuds of rock In this city, Nov. lo. Mr*. Harriet or deceased, and heirs of Joseph Legrow, lat»of WIng- the command of Gen. to The London ot the Gettysburg, prisoner K., wile the Boxes, 50 cents % pack. under Dana, co-op- correspondent Philadel- salt of 25c.aud we now quote Turk’s Island, I late Jacob A. Card, iio Year*. ham aforesaid, deceased, having presented his peti- is as Cagliari aged mond, Va.—He therefore, he has a aud IF" Will be scut tree* by mail ou receipt of' price. tion for license to sell and couv certain real estate erate with tlie land ftirce that is now on its phia Inquirer reports the right Liverpool, $3.5(ka4. In this city, Nov. 9, Robert Ross, aged 10 years and ey following gratifying said as described iu said to be, exceedingly sensitive to the charge of STARCH.—Prices remain steady and quiet at G| j 8 mouth*. rilAS. DAY, Jr., of minors, petitiou march towards Texas. Gen. Banks com- fact: lu Woxtbrook. Oct. It mi* Ortl-ml, That the said Guardian give no- @8c fbr Pearl, and 4@4jc p lb for Potatoe Starch. 2u, Hannah Roger*,.aged 43 novll codCw 114 Middle Street. desertion. vearR. (Brunswick ! lice to all interested, by causing notice to mands that and no fear* need lie “There have been several new elections dur- for Grass Seeds remain at Telegraph please copy.} persons Department SEEDS.—1Quotations In Gorhain, Nov. 8, I bo published three weeks iu the Maino nomiual. Marshall, ouly child of the lato successively ing the past ten days hi diUereut of the Skk s woman in another column picking Sambuc present wholly Canary Seed remains Arm Marshall \1 aud li. State Press at Portland, that may entertained for its ultimate success. parts at Sophia Mosher, aged 7 mouth*, WANTED—A Loan by Hit- Town printed they ap- for Wiue. It i* an admirable 91.50v47c. Ginger, Rice and African,we at 26 In Alfred. Oct. 27. Mr. Sant'! 92 Al.oaii twenty years percent, ! have, why the saiuo should uot be grauted. quote FrieiuL aged years Canal Port- shot and shell upon it. Block Island didates have gone belore the con- tlon. dec22dly a'iSc. Nutmegs remain steady at and In Saco. Oct. 81, Freddie interest, payablesetui-anuiiaily at Bank, JOHN A. WATERMAN. pouring respective 90£jt2o, Pep- Mount, aged 3] years: land. Judge. stituencies almost 2S®30c, and Pimento 24 u 26c. Nov. 5. infant child of Jesse A true copy. Attest. 1* now our which is near- solely on the American per ; Wingate, aged 1 year occupied by troops, t will be received at the office of the Se- 21 wSw* EUGENE Both have been SHOT—We have increased Mill, 'ha*. E.. son of Charles Wilson, a*ged 1 year 2 Proposals HUMPHREY. Register. question. compelled to de- Review ol the recently ourquotutions lectmen or the Town Treasurer in said town, on er Charleston than other held us. Market, for both aud buck and now mouths. by any point by clare in advance their sentiments and drop shot, quote $12® | the 10th inst .or address Portland Post opinions 100 lbs Saturday, At a Court or Probate held at Portfoud, within It to he the determination of Gen. "“For the week euding Nov. 11, 1803, prepared 12J, p Office, box 376, until the 3*>tli iust. Parties will appears on this subject, and to pledge themselves as to express- aud for the of Cumberland, on the Aral ly for the Phkss, by Mr. M. N. Rich. TEAS—The market remains Arm but at the SAILING OF OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. state the amouut wish to take. County Gilmore to coutinue their course it if elected. quiet please they Persons or November, in the year ol our Lord knocking at the door of upou And, singu- advance noticed, and we continue to whose' be will be uotified I Tuesday recently quote proposals may accepted hundred aud larly enough, in every instance, the man who Nsle.-We wish it to be understood that Oolongs 79«v84c, and choice do $9«94c. STEAMER FROM FOR BAILS eighteen sixty-three. Sumter and Charleston until he gains admis- ourquo- Souchong. immediately. BAKER, surviving of tLc late Ira has avowed himself a of the South ation* at prisss of large lot* from tir*t hands, Ankoi and lower grades 59«07c. remains Edinburg.Liverpool.New York_Oct 28 JAMES TRICKKY. \ Selectmen of partner partisan raprof Hyson SM.• of Isaiah II. k Seward M. Baker, of Windham sion. unle*s otherwise fluted, and that iu small or- steady at 75c lb. liansa York.. .Oct28 CHARLES I Elizabeth. and in favor of has been tilling <41.00 p .Southampton.New PEABLEJ, Cape in the of Cumberland, of which the said intervention, signally der*, rate* ha\c to be Bohemian.Liverpool.Quebec.Oct 29 E 1863. dlw j county ot the Cumberland higher charged. TlIBACCO-Tlis market continues to rule and Cape i/abeth, Nov. 11, Isaiah II Baker is his The Army still main- defeated, while bis opponent, who has taken quiet Asia.Liverpool.Boston.Oct 31 deceased, having presented Arm at ourquotutions. Wo extract the follow- first accouut a* for ■% tlie the has been A.silE8.— Roth Pots and Pearl* remain nt prices Glasgow.Liverpool.New York....Oct 31 surviving partuor probate: tains Its position, Although repmt that opposite stand, triumphantly steady ing from Messrs. T. & 11. Messer's Tobacco Circu- 4c Railroad It mm* tin said surv iv recent York .. Nov 3 Portland Kcnncbtc Ordered,That lug partner give elected." advances.aud we continue to quote Pot* 7(aS, lar: “For the demand at the loutouia.Southampton.New (left. Hooker had driven the rebel* from Look- aud Pearls manufactured, open- York...Nov 3 j notice to all persons interested, by causiug notice to 8J'®9c. of the mouth was and Sidou.Liverpool.New Company. ing decidedly active, large of Loudon York Nov 4 be published tbrw weeks successively iu the Maino APPLES.—The wore City Liverpool.New j out Mountain is untrue. Finns in Conway.—On Thursday night stock of fall fruit ha* linen unusu- contracts entered into lor hall-pounds aud meeting of the Stockholders of the Portland k State Pres.', at t'ortlaud, that they tu-. aud to Persia.Liverpool.New York. Nov 7 printed may ally light, there are very few ordinary tens, subject draw buck, lor future delivery, *or Keuuebcc Railroad will be held at a t ourt to be held at said' latest accounts from Gen. Burn- last at about 10 1-il o'clock, tbe large barns of green Anglia.Galway.. Boston.Nov 10 V Couipauy I pear at Probate Portland, The in market, and price* a little which very full priee* are The business for the in ou the 23d uesdav of the en- apples range higher. paid. City of Baltimore. York.. Nov 11 Angtt'ta, Monday, day of on the first l December next, at teu o! the* Hon. Joel Eastman,of Conway, were We now 2«2.76 bid. for *ouud fruit. the has tho market Liverpool.New Depot side’* command indicate a movement of tlie quote p Dried past fortnight proved moderate, 14 November, 1S6S, at 4 o'clock P. M.. to act upon the clock in the foreuoou. and show causa. U any they with all their con- are we uow Miccd and dull. Aiabia.Liverpool.Boston.Nov tirely destroyed by Are, Apples higher; quote cored closing ol York ..Nov 14 subject of a lease of the Somerset A Keuuebcc Rail- have, whv the same should uot be allowed. in numbers North Eastern hard wood continues to command City Limerick..Liverpool.New enemy large upon tents, consisting of sixty tons of hay, two 7®8cptt>. WOOD—Dry Borussia York.. Nov 17 road : also to take any action that may be deemed JOUN A. WATERMAN. Judge. and tho market is not .Southampton.New 1 Tennessee. The rebel Gen. Stuart lias cap- hundred bushels of corn, or of REANS—We notice an advance on beaus, and the high prices, very liberally City of New York, New York. Nov 18 neccsrary in relation to the extension of the bonds A true copy, attest. seventy eighty stocked. We now 50 cord for beat Liverpool.... demand is more active. Choice Pea bean* are now quote $9<§.9 p York .Nov 21 issued by the keuncltcc & Portland Railioad Com- 21 w8w* EUGENE HUMPHREY. Register with barley, with bis mowing machine and all bis aud 95.6')«*> for soft wood. Scotia.Liverpool.New tured one of Gen. Burnside’s outposts held at #2 76i®2 87, Marrow* 00a2 75, aud blue quality, Canada.Liv erpool.Bostou.Nov 28 pany, dated Oct. 15th, 1861; also to make such alter- farming tools and four cattle. Loss about 02 bushel. to oA**r atious in the of said as mav be half of two A movement Pods #2 ‘IS,0.2 p FREIGHTS—'Tonnage continues freelv, By-Laws Comftauy ► At a Court of Probate held at PotUaud. within and regiments. general •*100. On at 7 the and rates have deemed R. D. President. tlrst Friday evening o'clock, RUTTER—Prices are firm for choice dairies at bccti|ycll sustained, com-ideiing the Canada.Boston.Liverpool.Nov 11 expedient. RICE. for the County of Cumberland, on the Tues- of our armies now l»e barn of L. number of vessels for t uba Tho El Augusta, Nov. 9.1863. novll dtd our Lord may S. Morton. Esq., Mr. Eastman's some advance. Dealer* are firm at 22®26c; smull offering freights. Cid. New York Havana.Nov 11 day of November, in the year of eighteen expected. vessels hav e been taken since the date nearest with all his selected lots have sold even higher. Country ball following up Illinois.New York. Aspiuwall-Nov 13 hundred aud sixty -three, neighbor, was-destroyed of our la^t New n Ginu to load at ol Ihn C. Oet. num- and butter is commanding better pricts for desirable lots; report. brig Kvel) Evening Star.New \ ork.. Havana.Nov 14 Gorham / I E<>U(,K j a8HOT. l.uar,l.an J. Westminsteii Review.—Tlie bay tools. Loss about $500. Botli of” for llavaua with aud Sfiiiiiiury. beiraot .Nichol.a we 22a24c, 8tore Rutter remains scarce and Haugor spruce scantling plank Germaniu. New York Hamburg.Nov 14 \T Abbot »n,l otb»ra,iuiiia»»aud these Ares were quote at 912 and box Winter Term of this Institution will com- ber of this popular British has been undoubtedly the work of the at p M, soooks for storage at 32c; bark Nova Scotian .Quebec.Liverpool.Nov 14 late of Cortland In »ald county, dceem-ed Quarterly quiet 18®l0c. mence ou Dec 1st. and continue Kmerv, Boston Journal. Cniou for Havana with box shook* at 39c; brig Ab- City of New York. 14 THE TUESDAY. Iiaviur his lor llroBae to ,ell «m1 from tlie office of incendiary.—j ROX SIIOOKS- continue to be Washing'll. Liverpool.Nov ten week*. ,WDtol petiliop received repuhlic&lion shipment* quite bv <' Titcontb (uew) for Havana at.the round sum of Adriatic. New York .Galway.Nov 17 J. A. WATERMAN, Secretary, rMlealate of Mid minoi., ««d«.- and the demand is good for choice Saco River novll eodCw cuutvy certain Scott 5c Sale* of Eastern Piuc boxes are petitiou, toward tbe su- piue Havana at 30c. Iu European ami South Anieiican Tuba! Caiu .New York West Indies Nov 18 be«u made therefor: 1. The French made at from 04®*»6c. For Spruce there i* no de- of contents consists of, Con- a freights we notice the following chattels: Dr hatk China...New York 18 II Onlrretl. Thai the .aid l.uardian aatloa preme being by British Nobleman is to be maud and aud are noiniual at Liverpool.Nov Wumed. mu jit* nothing doing, price* Kingston, f>4otons, to load deal* at St. George for Haling.New York Bremen- Nov 91 to all iutereated. b* cauniUK ik>U*» »o bo in 2. Homola; S. Miracles; 4. 40c. A Body Maker, to whom the Idgb- peraou. )>«b- quest Mexico; regarded in the light of patronage. At least 38® Liverpool at 75s V standard: aud a new bark at Edinburg.New York.. Liverpool.Nov 21 good Carriage lished tbrer week, auceeaalvelv la ft, Jlaiuo Statu est steailv emplovment will 5. Tlie of COOPERAGE—Sales of city made shook* have Stogktqu to load lumber at Ellsworth for Buenos .Nov wage*and begiveu. at l'ortlaud. IU»I tbev may at ai Uewlnus on Shakespeare; Treaty we infer as much from the remarks of a wri- Bohemian.Uueboc.Liverpool..., 92 MARTIN A PENNELL Prea*. priutrd appear beeu quite large of late, and the stock at this time is Ayres qt $2l) M, currency--*port charges iu gold. Sldtju.New York.. Liverpool.Nov 25 1‘rubatr Court to be held aud Portland, ou tba 6. Wit and Humor; 7. The novll ©od2w* Federal Street. Vienna: Poland; ter in the London Times, who, refering to the light. The kale* have beeu within the range of our Coastwise freights continue a tive. Brig A. J. Asia..Boston.Liverpool..., Nov25 drat Tuwday of Deeaatber u»xt. at teu at tbo clock head* has been taken for with if Critical Character: 8. Victor Hugo; 9. quotation*. On Wednesday 1900 sugar hhd Ross up Philadelphia mack- Teutonia.New York Hamburg .... Nov 29 iu the forenoon. iMdabowcauw. any they bar., devotion of the late Lord for there erel at 20c sch Lost. uot be retiring I.yudhurst. sold $2 46. Country shook* are dull, aud p bbl; Campbell for Philadelphia, Ahglia.Boston.Galway,.Dec 1 whvy the it»* aliould itrautod School:' 10. is hut little at are with at 4c aud tou JOHN A Mackey’a Ferhiugeu Contempo- says: Great as he was, he bowed before the demaiid present. Hoop* scarce barley p bushel, hav at $4.60 4* ; Persia.New York Liverpool.Dec 2 A Jet Cross Piu, with Gold tips If the Ituder WATKBMAX. Jud*e aud iu good demand at full price*. We uow quote new *ch II at lie E. Sampson to load lumber for the Arabia .Bostuii— Liverpool.Dec 9 will leave it at Mr Packard's Bookstore he A true copy atteat, Literature. of the #6 rary greatness supreme beiug.” Loug Ash 935®4) and Red Oak p gross M, Potomac at ^ JR. ttoriuda.New York Hamburg_ Dec 3 shall be suitably rewarded. no* 11 dJl "1 "jw* Kl IrfcNK Ul MPUKkV, Hcft.t.t, \ ABOUT MATTERS TOWN. The Vetekan Cavalry Regiment.— j Various Items, One of the 2d i- to Ire MISCELLANEOUS. ENTERTAINMENTS. company cavaliy raised | New York, N'ov. 10. AUCTION SALES. Supreme Judicial I’uuit. in.the County of Cumberland by order of Gov. BY TELEGRAPH The machine shops generally arc acceding MAVIS, J., PKKBIMIMI. j to the demands of the strikers for E. M. Coburn. J.ieut. G. O. Gosse ami Mr. R. L. ; higher M e c a I'AITEN, Auctioneer—Office 37 8t. TO THE umler the of work for THVJiLW STYLE! li n i e w’ I £ all. Exchange Rice detained at have wages, great pressure Tuesday.—Judge being Dodge been appointed recruiting officer* tlie 0*>n|p*-l government. and very Desirable Bril, Judge Davis caine in and held the by Col. Woodman for the of tiOTTSC.lt Al.K ! Augusta, purpose raising Ai.raxv, Xov. 10. dem-e. earner of Dear and Win. STKAkOSCif informs the citi- Court. this company. Lieut. Gosse was formerly of ; Portland Press. Gov. lias issed a respectfully ler Streets, at A union. Daily Seymour proclamation, MAXzens of Portland and vicinity, that Mr. L. M. Vo. v. inhabitants *— the 20th of as a -Old without 13S—Ellery II. StarUrd the 25th, and is at present filling his old posi- designating Thursday, Xov., lioTrSCHALK will give, in tills city, his reserve on Wednesday. Wrir.beilth Noi’eiubt-r. at lb *>h of School District No. 7 in Falmouth. In day of Thanksgiving and Prayer. AM. the irwn.it tion on the Argus as city editor. regard O N LY GRAND CONCKRT corner of Gray amt Winter •tuft*, the wrV Utaiill FROM THE ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Baltimore, Xov. 10. bie residence now \V. In this case the opinion of the Law Court to his military ability we nerd only say that occupied by u. ki.;w l**. j Tlie a start- On Friday Evening, Nov. The House is two aud a half stories, was for the Evening Transcript, newspaper 13, contain# tea announced—judgement plaintiff he attained his position iu the 25th from the ed here weeks since THE good sized rooms, couvcnientJy arranged; with hard piome .two by Win. H. LATEST FASHION ! svlien lie will intiodu<£ several of hiila'ctt f composi- and soil water, together with all modern for amount of tax interest and cost. and that Fessenden l-'eileral tint I r>/ firm mih-K lieyoml one tlie former ions convenien- paid, ranks, Col. tendered him tulfifji- Xelson, of proprietors of the never before )ietformed in thb city. Arrange- ce- The in her I trit i ii ix n Hattie— f Irr 11 linn building complete for immediate /«•*— pa of ments have been made with the celebiated Prima repair Drummond. E. it- F. Fox. — Gazette, lias been order -AT- incut* the a commission in Ids veteran regiment of infan- 1‘nnrf/ .Mountain hy flea. Kilpatrick 1 .re Daily suppressed by occupancy. Pa) easy for purchaser. of Gen. Donna, No. 373—Michael Jordan v. William OatycaernleH hy Hen. Meaile. Schenck. Camp- try, which he declined, preferring a ditfcrviit Haunt'lioM * Nov. 10. MLLK. W.IOLIM iOKIMKK. Finliart. bell. branch of the service. If Lieut. G. eiders the Washington, ANDERSON’S h roin thp Immediately after the above, one onarter let From information which reached Washing- Cirand (>|H*ra, Paris,and the principal ope- | putt Tried lieforc the service we shall miss his From San Jt'rancl,co— tireat Fire al Xreaila ra houses in the United o’clock, will commence the sale of all the Household presiding Judge. Judg- cavalry greatly pleas- ton the the States, to appear jointly with Furniture to-night, messenger leaving army Flit/. Hr. I.OI IHCIIALK consisting in part ot f ard. Pem- ment for for ant in the Work, plaintiff #48.00. pencil “local’’ department. of the l’ntoinuc at 10 o'clock this forenoon, it HOOP SKIRT AND CORSET broke, loih-t ami Extension Tables; clrairs, roekeft, Sax Xov. 10. sofas, Stetson. that (ien. ltuford a Francisco, OOTTSCHALKand MLLE. CORDIER lounge*, ottomans, book-case, bureaus, with- M linger. appears yesterday readmit will A Arc at Nevada City yesterday destroyed be assisted by the young and talented Violinist, stands, bedstead*.bed*. mattresses,stair, straw 3 The friends of Temperance, without ; point two miles norlh of ply No. 063. O. P. ct als v. Samuel Culpepper, drmng ail tlie on Broad live and Bruisclls earpets; rug*, mirror*, erccl* .Shepherd the rebel nearly buddings street, . DEPOT, chin*. regard to to hold a con- cavalry and infautry belbre him. SIGNOR CARLO erv, and stone ware B. organizations, propose brick on Main tlie PATTI, glass .stoves, portable furraev. Webber. j (ien. Fee's building street, Episcopal, kitchen ftirniture, aud in fact vention in the headquarters Saturday night brother of every article usually7 city o| Augusta, some time in j ist and Catholic Adelina and Carlo*ta Patti), who will found in the Tried before the Judge. Judg- were at Station on the Methodist, Congregational Under Mechanics’ Hall. make his first houic-keepcr’* department. presiding the month of Brandy Kappahaimoek. the Court appearance on this occasion. At li I'iauo aud January, for the purpose of awaL- I This refutes the Churches, theatre, House, express o'clock, Stool. ment for for #70.16. belief current in some quar- MUiK AL blRKcroR 4 H. plaintiff and oltices, Hie gas works, 1’. S. CesiH'cloa, UKIIKKNS. Should the weather storrav on the ening a new interest in the cause, and ters that lie bad South to advise with telegraph Admission prove dav ad- Sherman. Evans A Putnam. taking gone tlie 50cents; Reserved Seats25 cents extra vertised, the sale will take ihe first hotel and many stores iu neighborhood. The attention of the ladies is invited to the UF.LLK Seats be secured at W. place fair day measures to urge upou the Legislature the im- Bragg. may Paine's Music Store, following. oe»>7 No. 73—John A. Holmes v. F. O. J. Smith. Tlie County records were saved. The loss is MONTH which for and tinisti* ronimeticiug Wednesday, from !> to 12 M.. and front Our army lay in line of battle all yes- SKIKT, style,quality portance of the act that day estimated at 1 to 5 P. M. ^g^Doors open at to commence at 8 at the passing explanatory hut to $200,000. is une.jualiid. 7J, This case w«- tried April term, 1861, terday, Lee declined accept the issue o’clock. novi* House hi Auction. has been so called for aud so rendered for | loudly clearly of an and a verdict for plaintiff #14,- engagement. \VTE shall sell at public auction on Thursday, Kor. demanded by all who have a for the Snow fell yesterday afternoon the ▼ f 12th. at 3 o’clock P. M House No 1ft L**- 368.60. Exceptions were filed by defendant, | regard along From IYaghint/ton. 3t. lines of the the of f gA ieuce strict. It is a two-story wooden house with I moral and pecuniary position ol our young mountains, covering peaks which were sustained by the Law Court, and the Blue Washington, Xov. 10. Corsets, Corsets. basement, twenty finished room*, and fine cltfsli. liidgc. Corsets, 11 oust- finished men. all our throughout. There I* a the verdict was set aside and a new trial (Jen. Mountain The reports from nearly departments MR. A. J. LOCKE, GX. twostory Kilpatrick occupied Pony wood-bouae. 18 x 83 feel, a fine cUfern in cellar, aad as to the amount of money will respec- One Hundred Dozen at SI ■ AdXtstciT^G abundance ^.t the October term, the case Dance.—The first of the Irish yesterday afternoon. Last night lie discov- they pair. Will commence hi« full tenn for new beginner* in filtered water. Lot 80x78 feet. Situa- granted, 1863, Assembly for Hie next AsetU have tion j ered a area of camp fires south of the tively require year Walfting. Polka Kedowa, Varsoviana, Waltz pleasant, neighborhood good, prospect Sue. caine tor trial when not American Relief Association will be ! large aud Polka at Sale title up defendant, being given between Raccoon Ford and been received at tlie Treasury Department. WARRANTER\WHAl.EBOSR. (juadrilles, etc., positive, clear, terms satlsfhctory. Kapidan, Rapidan For particulars enquire of for withdrew his former this at Lancaster and on the railroad. Those of Hie War uud luteiior ready trial, pleadings evening Hall, arrange- Station, Departments MECHANICS* 11 A I. I,, IIENUY BAILEY k (o. Auctioneers will be scut in the — and demurred to declaration. The ments have been made for a social time. N'o fires of maguitude were discovered in probably during present no\6dtd* plaintiff's good week. M bud ay Evening, Nov. 16, 1H63. and around Culpepper. Tills leads to the in- This will enable the Secretary of thu RtRC.UXS I\ MISSES SKIRTS. demurrer was overruled and plaintiff's declar- Tickets for the evening, or for the course of than ference that Lee Inis declined to risk a Treasury, sooner heretofore, to make up The term to consist of twelve lessons. Ladies' class Huh*** mm. Lot at three general X AmUm. ation adjudged good. Defendant assemblies, can be Imd of cither of the his estimates for tlie consideration of eta. will meet at 7 o'clock ; tientlemens' at o'clock. excepted, engagement in the open Held, and withdrawn Congress. 8SPRING DIAMOND.20 shall sell on Friday, Nor. 13, at 3 o'clock bis were or at the door. Chandler will furuish •• “ INDIES. WK1*. k... a one wooden House on but overruled the Law managers his a small to his former ...._ a 10 Tkuus i 63.00 story Ham- exceptions by lo'rees, except squad, 28 eta. lKUvts, mond the All j KNTLKMK^_63.00 street, nearly now, and finished throughout. aud the declaration the music for occasion. strong post. the evidence tends to prove 12 " A convenient aud Court, adjudged good.— Xnc 30 eta. neat, desirable bouse. Lot inx 7d that Meade has York Market. to the class will at- feet. was (Jen. again outgeneraled I.cc rhos%wi»hing join please Possession given Sale Judgement then entered for plaintiff, de- first immediately. positive, ST" A sou of Mr. Levi Harrell, of C'a|>c hy leading him to believe it was his intention Nkw York,Xov. 10. tend the evening. novft-dtd title clear, term* easy. For particulars call on fendant to be heard in damages. so linn ut 84 a Stic fur middling HENRY BAILEY k CO., Auctioneers. was to move down the neck opposite to Freder- Cottou—scarcely Elizabeth, badly injured yesterday, by uplands. 6 SPRING TAPK eta. nov6dtd» The case came up at tills term, for a hearing thus the latter to weaken SKliys.17 icksburg, inducing Flour -Stale amt Western didl. heavy and 7 « toe DAN Cl AG 11 being kicked by a horse. His lower 8 .. " jaw-bone his frout here to that ", to dot; 0 23 ota, IL^I'U in before tile strengthen point.. lower; Supvr State ft 5 07; Extra 07 ft 10; -BV THE- [damages, presiding Judge.— was fractured aud a severe flesh wound iuflict- choice do 0 to ti 27; Round Ohio 710 7 " A gentleman, who arrived here to-night, ft lloop ft 27; 10 •< ...... 30 eta. Counsel for defendant moved for a jury to choice do 7 81 It Suttt rrilie W estern 7 77 7 27: We learn from Dr. who was call- our line of battle crossed A ft 27; ft WANTS....LOST. ,ed. Lamb, says tbe Orange .* estimate the This was Commuu to good extra Western 7 10 ft 7 4U; South- 12 .87 eta. A. U. A. damages. refused hy Alexandria Railroad to a where it is 1. ed, that the boy is doing us well as could be point ern less active uud scarcely so linn; mixed to good the Judge on account of the agreement as supposed Lee lias a full force on our front. 7t0ft777; 1-aucy and Extra 780 ft lOSO: Canada CLAPPED AND RlrETKD. Wanted. will a course expected. dull anti 7 ft 10c lower; commuu extra 007 ft 020; This association give of entered on the docket, that the in for TIM NATIONAL MA SNA ft hearing extra good to ctioice ti 27 ft 8 77. Wo understand Mr. Esteban J. C1AKVA88EUS/ ami Journal of Ihc Inatuuie w litawiM Or- was to be before tlie Court. that Additional Sc a4 a Wheal—opened heavy uud closed dull aud 2c low- damages Foreign by the Ateaniahip IVo THREE ASSEMBLIES, I’bnua of I'alrioU. for Maine. Mavaacbuanfla and er; Chicago spring 1 34 ft 1 30; Miluaukir Club 1 34 keep coLattntly on hand • Tull assortment of The in the case then wcut on and Kisecli, who lost his life so suddenly on Mon- Adriatic. -fOMVE.1CIIO- New Hampshire. Immediate application abu«M ba hearing # I 3-i; Winter Red Western 1 42 ft 1 71; old do 1 40 the Lowest aud boat loa of ft atj • made to S. L. CAKLETON 80 St. had a for on hi* life at New 1 Amber 1 1 73. Emi .No. Middla was continued to the adjournment—di-feud- dry last, policy $1,000 VoitK, Nov. 10. ft 42]; Michigan 72ft no\ li) dlw Corn—-lew active aud lower; mixed Western llie Mr. W. D. iu this and Steamship Adriatic, from 27th ship- Nov. IT, ’63, aut objecting to every paper agency Little, city, Glasgow nit., 1 07 I 07 Wednesday Evening, presented by arrived at 5 with 700 ping ft J. Hoop Skirts anil -AT- o’clock, passengers. The Oats—le Canada a S3. Corsets, Wasted. plaintiff'. • that the policy, witli the accumulations there- lower; 82] following is the latest news received by ter: Reef—quiet; Country Mess 7 oo ft 7 Oft. LANCASTER HALL. 1 Ult 30 lira! rata SHOOK HAkKKSJta whom K. * on, will now his about a F. Fox. F. O. J. Smith. give family $1,200. 1‘arix, Oct. 24//,.—La France, of this eve- Pork—opened quiet and closed -badeeasier. AND WII.LSF.LLTHKM J.O good a-agea and «teady employment a ill ba Muscovado 13. to & Dana. T. M. notices with regret England and Aus- Sugars—steady ; 12; ft COMMITTEE OF AKUAMiKMEBT8. given. Apply Shepley Hayes. 1’arsous’ a ning, Tltomas A. r. C3F” Cough Candy is genuine aud s Coflee—steady. James McMaiu. Patrick Tobin. Parker. MORSE. tria want of decision with regard to Poland. notft 9 20 Per Cent. John Keuey, William Dyer. dim* No. India Wbarf, Boston, Ma*< reliable remedy. Sec special notice column. France, it says, has clearly dellued her views, Cheaper VI.oOR M a m a »• t as. Municipal Court—Xov. 10. and for the efficacious tbrm of united * d2m. actions, Slock Market. * than they can be had cleewhere. James McMaiu. John Me Konev. P. E. Mullowny, rirkfd up A«rm. she wants and an James Conroy, a lad of some 12 or 14 years, England Austria to conic to New York, Nov. 10. 1*. 8. Doyle, J. Daley. 6th, a two ninuled PLEASURE BOAT The at J o’clock this morn' The owner can bate Thermometer, understanding. % SeconJ H hiril.—Stock.* lower with lair business. NOV. the same by {roving owe* for making a disturbance on Sunday, by shout- for the £1.50: Tickets. 75cts. ing, stood at 29 London, Oct. 20eopie in Europe Unsdiug.121) EVE.VLVG united 1881 PAPERS. is more tilted for the republican than State* G’s coupou*.109 ( HOICK OK paid. sceptre State* G’s 1881 KATTKgNS dear United registered,. 9G) Oatmeal. — my Danish GOOD BOOT MAKER at M Michael for drunkenness and dis- people.’’ Treasury 7 3-loth#.10G) McCarthy’* No McCary, Oct. 21th.—The ol Mar- d i\ BARRELS fresh Cai&da Mr eel. Also a man IS work an London, mission United State* one year certificates new. 98) BreakfaNl Shawls and Capes, luperior ground A Exchange a fine of Untmeal, ior sale Ladies' Curturn work, that ran make doable Mice turbance, paid imposed three dollars ( Movement on Richmond by way of the I*en- shal Neil to St. Petersburg is to lx: American Gold.146’ Avr by presumed GEORGE II. STARR. aud welts. To such men, and inttula Meade's Army South the a on Cumberland Coal 37) tteady employment and coats. of last attempt the part ol the Emperor Company. N't. .'*> Street. the Rappahannock, Napo- Michigan .. 81) Exchange highest wage, paid in the city will bo leon to the Czar to the Poles Soarfs, o., November7, iti3. dlw James Mills, a iad of 12 years, persuade grant Michigan Southern guaranteed.Ito Portland, complained New Nov. 10. the octlbdtf Ko. W street. York, the concession which diplomacy ol Europe Michigan Centra),.121} AT Exchange of as an habitual l' X US V ALL I' LOW PRICKS. being truant, was sentenced The World's Washington dispatch says it is lias railed to obtain from him. It is, however, Illinois Central scrip,.117) Mackerel. to the hinted that a force has Reform School during Ids minority. considerable Union surmissed that tiie of the French Krie.102) 3 fur «LA«iS WORKS. Emperor Quicksilver Miuiug Co,. G2 BARRELS Medium No, Mackerel, started, or is about to the Peniusiila or Charles B. Randall, on a search and seizure start, up would not he displeased greatly disappoint- Pacific Mall. 223 IfF/A•>U sale by (iKO. II. STARR. let value for broken glass by the toward No. paid package; Richmond. It is staled that the artil- ed if the Poles maintained themselves in in- 3>> Exchange Street. Ft*ir broken tine it rvdnce* the valne. Do not process, to winch lie the Skirts and Corsets 1W3. dlw pleaded guilty, paid lery roads constructed by McClellan are in su- surrection. Hoop Portland, November T, want window or colored glass. usual flue of and costs. dim Send to rOftTtAXD (itASS CO. $20 perb condition, aud will greatly facilitate a Made to order at the shortest notice. t*ur4 Mess Fork. co-operative movement against the enemy. Front Fortreaa Monroe— Contraband Trade— NEW ARRIVALS There cun be no doubt that (ten. llalleck Fjrern/iona. KfkTk BBLS. IIBAV Y MFVIS PORK, for .ale by Store Wautrd Bnowx’s Coiuierciai. Coi.i.koe.— This -BY THE- HUSKY. FLETCHER k CO.. lias been so far as Re me in her e)UU VlTirH * good Trent, of medium deplh, between superseded by Getp. Grant, Foktuk&s Nov. 10. dT" the address. Find it out and yoii Mead Union Wharf. Institution, established in Is in full tide Momioe, ocIMw >* the Puct office mud tho Preble Home, on Kid- 1H.V1, the movements of the great armies operating ean save at Major General Butler and start'arrived this MIDDLE STREET money by buying dle street, south ride prettied Willing to any a of success. The rooms in Hanson block are in and Tennessee are concerned.— Virginia evening on the steamer Carrie Martin from boutis. Ac. Enquire at thli office. oct27i!3w* From the to Tuscumbiu but a St. Louis Flour. spacious and commodious, and are open day Rappahannock Held is Washington. LOUIS FLOUR, for sale by single embraced, Gen. .Sherman form- A of truce ANm,ttS(WS and evening. The system Mr- Hag boat left to-day for City NEW DRY GOODS STORE. F. > AKNLM. Commercial street. pursued by one of our Ibrces, and Gen. Meade ST. P. ing wing Point with a large lot of clothing and other nec- jyl3di.tr bead Widgery's wharf. TO THE AFFLICTED I Brown lias proved efficient, as can be testified the other. Jt would Gen. appear that Grant essaries for tiie I'uion prisoners at Kiclimond. No. St .Middle Street, Skirt and Corset to by hundreds of our first class business men is his nearer and lie Hoop Depot drawing wiugs together, About twepty-tive refugees, men, Women Flour aud Pilot Bread. DR. W. IV. and others who have availed themselves of Ids seems to consider the close investment, if not and NEARLY OPPOSITE POST OFPICE. -A HD- • WM1NO, children, mostly from Kiclimond, arrived -| 4 \4 \ 1IBLS. Washington Mills Flour, made capture of Richmond, an essential step in the instruction. Separate rooms arefappropriated here last evening. They came into our lines AUU from Whit** Wheat, Medical struggle to hold our in Tennessee. auu Boxes Pilot Bread, Electrician, for advantages at Portsmouth, and had been several days on MANUFACTORY the instruction of females in penmanship, The most is to by the liberal patronage bestowed F'or 1). T. CHASE. desperate lighting expected their left on sale*by No. II journey, having Kiclimond Tues- A upon u-* tlie of Portland aud vicinilx. oc9 dtf Clapp's Stock. and such other branches of education a« take I^XCOl-RACEDby people they place immediately. day last. thereby leaving our pertnauent stay iu this city w ith- The Herald lia-s the cor.xF.n ofcoxhhmss axd elm stmeets. may elect. With snch an instituion among us toliowiug: The propeller John Kicc lias arrived from out any doubt, we again most respectfully call the 317—Congress st.-Jl? Station, Nor. y.—The third army atteution of the ladies uml gentlemen t<» our large there is no excuse for not ltraiuty Moreheud aooouucc to the cHlaras or any young persons after the city. additions of new and desirable goods just received; respectfully corps, brilliant action of Saturday, M KCll AN IIALL SAPONIFIBR, Port land and that bo baa baca to this a Her captain reports that, while passing False (UNDKU ICS’ ) WOULD vicinity, commercial and under- — writing good hand, camped on the south side, resting till -art it as four months. that time we have treated daylight Cape, 20 miles north of Henry, 5th sep3 3iu till CONCENTRATED city During alt the of when took the lead in the Cape inst., a large number of patients with aonderlW Mores*, standing principles bo<^-kecping yesterday, they he discovered a schooner of about 20n Dress tons, Ovxxla, Linens, and curing persons In .ueb a short of time that Ixitli and pursuit of the the llrst and space by single double entry. rebels^Toliowed by discharging freight and landing it in small Cotton, Woolen & Domestic Goods, Ure question is often naked do they atay eased. To second corps in order. About noon came WIRE FACTORY I L YE. they boats. On discovering the propcllor.shc hove Cassimeres, Flannels, tide question we will say that all that do not stay upon a strong force of relwl cavalry and light anchor and about four cured we will doctor the second lima toe nothing. an official up proceeded miles Broadcloths! Beavers, J&m' By notice under the adver- in on a hill near the rail- This, with the success we bare mot with. Ie w sets artillery posted line anchor once soutii. dropped again and at com- >ealakins for Cloakings, &c. that our service* are There- it will lie seen that Rice road, aud two miles east ol Station.— Family Soap-Maker. guarantee appreciated. tising head, Judge Brandy menced It was dark PENNELL & fore, lest should comlt tor tear wo landing freight. nearly — patients delay g The third under Gen. were in -ai.so WARREN, CO.* lias lieeu made President of the Portland & division, Carr, and she was lost sight of. ECONOMY! ECONOMY! (i.all not stay long enough to give tho taut, ww Wilt the advance, and.Col. Keefer's b ft say that we shall stay In thl* city at tonal aatil Kennebec Railroad lias enter- brigade, sup- Geo. Vaudall and James Wales, of the Nth SACCABAPPA, ME., Corporation,and the two of lids next April. ported by brigades division, Conn, were executed near ed regiment, Ports- 800 BALMORAL SKIRTS can make ltd from Dr. li has been a practical Electrician tor twaaty- upon tlie discharge of his duties. Report and soon drove Having purchased the Wire Factory formerly occu-s Every family own Soap waste iuimediately charged upon mouth, at -1 o’clock this for desertion. one years, «)d is also a regular morning pie d by kitchen at a cost of four cents graduated phystainu. says lie will resign ids seat upon the Supreme them from their position. This division fol- JITHT RECEIVED, grease only per Electricity i* perfectly adapted to ehreai* Olssaa s. lowed them some 1 AUT/KY pound with Saponifler. n'dcli Is three times the" iu ’he term of owrrous or sick Iran dan ha; neuralgia, bench in a few days, and become the leisurely, inflicting punish- BHOTHKRS, f Superin- ment on as Of the choicest selection*, aud at the for which of Potash. in the head, usvrk.ar a* tread tint; naaaomptloa.whow them retreated up the rail- from H'cttrcu 1 — prict# strength they irpheiu Official Report oe the are tendent of the road as well as the President of we ofler them, will give au inducement to anybody Will manufacture and keep constantly on hand every in the acu.‘*>tegu trfaore lung, ant IhIly- road to a point two miles beyond Brandy Sta- the ftyhi with Hen. Jark.ou. QTfiiU direction* aceo any each one-pound '* to buy one. description of ln rol red acu w chnM'ie rhrniaatWm, sureteto. hi|s of the Corporation. We hope no changes are tion. The lighting continued until alter dark. iitoN can. disesme*. ewrcaiaro New Yoiik, Nov. 10. Our stock of Brown and Bleached diseases, wlutes«.''u“f*'V***1, be that The casualties oil our side were not Sled au«l Iron o! the Emhe, to made will disconnect Mr. Cushman very light, Tiie Wheeling Intelligencer of yesterday Wire, NOTICE. spine, contra."'8**™?**®*- ‘****®^**^ exceeding seven or eight wounded. tiie palsy or paralysis, St. »7*-» »•% from the road, for he has become a publishes Ibllowing dispatch: COTTON GOODS! BUi'H AS. is public We find the whole so The genuiu3 Saponifier only put up in 1-lb. Iretf merfugor of country gone over far aI*i*Ml form to move the btamlshbs of hut the details are not upright; the Gough of Canada, and comes among us emy, known, though with his infantry ami attacked liiiii iu front FliAMNELS ! Clark Street and Grand Trunk Depot HAIR DRESSING youth are obliterated; the *ccuU*ta of mature lit# the results uro to us disas- SALOON! the calamities of old aud — — prevented age obviated, and with recommendations from the Tem- satisfactory with dismounted cavalry. The victory was EVERT leading trous to tlie rebels. Received of every description. RLAt'kKTU! A ! At an active circulation maintained. decisive, the enemy being totally muted, the Central House. perance men of Xorlh America. The meeting The North Carolinians and Louisiana very heavy stock aud very superior aiticle. Shawl* Fifteen Minute* during the Day* Tigers throwing away their arms and in of the latest a stock. ili: Peat Is ABIES had a scattering styles; heavy Oppeaiir Oftrc, Lime Street. will commence at 2 o’clock P. instead of (prisoners) tight in the ears on their direction. The Cloak* made to order at our M., every cavalry pursued them up establishment at the first Car leaving Clark Street at 7.17 A. M. anraml Truuk Depot at 7.40 A. M. The last car aU back*; and atok headache o'clock, mi well as cut M|^>reviously were heartily siek of the war, and did not of Ac. miugs cloaking, to mea»UQ>, when night, will leave Clark Street, at 9.32, and CramL dtaduess and swimming in the head, with Indiges- large quantity arms, The enemy’s of u*. F. -W. wish to he The latter called them bought Trunk Depot 9.^. NICHOLS tion and conttlpatkm of the bowels: pain to tho side The Stabiuso Affair.—-John exchanged. wounded have all fallen into our hands. Our and back: leecorrhma, Matthews, aud at the two iri‘lease call aud examine, at (or white*); telling of th, poltroons, leugth parties came > loss ill killed and wounded is about 100. FARE—Five rents respectfully announce to hi* former womb with internal caaeora; who stabbed his fellow seaman ns pat- tomors, polyp*,, and Downey, to blows. J. J. OEKKISII, rou» and the B. F. Gen. Superintendent. WOULD public generally, that be ha* tak- all that long train os diseases will dud iu Electric- (Signed) Kelly, Brig. No. HI Middle Oct. 20. 1803. dtf en the room mentioned in our issue of Tuesday, was yester- Tlie Times’ dispatch says our cavalry have Street, in the Central House, formerly occupied ity a sure means of cure. For painful meaatraatioa by Ell well Brother*, where ho strict atten- too meustrna*ion, and all of those released from the gone as far as the Hapidau without hope* by profuse long Hue day lockup, together with meeting tion to business, to merit a share of the public pat- of troubles with young ladies. is a certain much Tltc Strike the Laborer* Iu & Electricity opposition. The impression among of the Charlr*- FEUCHTWANGER ZUNDER, ronage. specitio. and will, Iu a short time, restore the sudhrer Downey. They were seamen on board the towii hint. public men is that Lee's entire army is in Aary PEAR TREES. CST-Particular attention given to Dying Hair aud to the vigor of health. same Near the Post Ollier, Whiskers. vessel, and as she was to suil yesterday, Richmond, and that it will make no effort to Boston, Nov. 10. ocfiT distf IT" II e *«t ss Klectro-Ckemical .fnwarn/v, for Those in want of ean Mineral Foisoa frvm the system, a* were released the the retard our advance this s;de of that About 1500 Yard workmen assembled oc3tf PUItr LAND. Pell Trees, And! extracting snob they upon application of city. Navy all the choice var.eties recommended Mercury. Antimony. Arsenic, Ao. Hundred* who on _k hjr* Latent.—A received here Bunker Hill lliis when tin- Com- Coal mid Wootfl are troubled w ith stiff officers of the ship, and upon promise to keep dispatcli to-night afternoon, Ir. Mersey, Freddeiit of the Horticultural Society* Joints, weak backs, tad vari- from tlie mittee of Conference with at ous other the direct cause of Irout, says that heavy cavalry skir- the Commodore of PICTURES—27 Market J. W. ADAMS* NURSERY, -AT TUK- difficulties, which. In the peace each other hereafter. Square. niue cases out of ten. Is the effect of boards mishing was going on all the afternoon south- the yard made a report. Near Morrill’s Corner. potsuaows dregs, LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH. can be restored to a turn] and west of iu -also- strength vigor bv lac The rebel force this The report was, that the Commo- e We are Culpepper. only effect, Viri: would inform our frieud* aud the public DELIVERED TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. use of lYota di to eight Baths. Of~ requested to call attention of of the dore said liis instructions side ltapiduu is Stuart’s cavalry, who \ from Washington rr gene:ally, that we are »till at .VO. 27 3I.4H- Crape Vines, Currants, *ud other Fruit Trees. A T SHOR T NOTICE. Office hoars from 8 o'clock A. a. to ) r.x.; lit* business uicn to the A few (JAltbKS ROYAL Trees. liict that this is the last are covering the rebel retreat. "were, Unit the men should go to work at stiu- A'ET sQVARM, where wecoutinue to make the Apple 8: aud 7 to IM. uovS 2wd& w*s20 Our Coal is of the very BEST quality, and war- L'oureltatloB Free. toodtr stay in which the of Cumberland Coun- rise, whenever there were hut ten (fit people working Best ---.---- j ranted to give satisfaction. hours between sunrise and and lie Pictures, can their Internal tax—.Sec- .4Mother Bread Riot in Richmond — sunset, ty puy Revenue THotrett in all the latest and warrant them to -ALSO. FOB SALL- at the South. could not go behind tbat order. Also, that he styles, give REMOVAL. Notioe. ond annual assessment—without an perfect satisfaction. Npecial increased nau appointed a Committee to into All Kind* of Hard and New Youk, Nov. 10. einjuire tr Pictures finished iu nil or Ink at the lowest Soft Wood. expense of ten per cent. Sec advertisement the operations of outside and commun- to former announcement, The Tribune's dispatch says a letter yards, prices. DR. NEWTON Agreeably of private icate the result to He TRASK & Collector Miller, iu this paper. front an inmate ol the dated Washington. said he DAVIS, The Public are iuvited to us a call, as we are Libby prison, 1 removed bis residence to .Vo. .’12 M'uhH,- give would receive such men as would come to bound to satisfaction to all who lavor us with HUMPHREY T. Oct. 1:1th, states that the Union re- No. 27 Market over Morrison's Picture Street, corner of Eranklin street. give DU. PACKER, prisoners work at roll-call in the Speu till 9 I*. M. oc31 d3w In tin* selection of remedies. Dr. Packer has no city, Chasp, CHARLES ROGERS k CO. Ark., tin the :!lst, resolutions were ex- ing. or with H. O. J. passed of the cabinet iiad been dismissed because 18o3. Commission special hobby, one-idea style of practise, Mitchell, Hall Royd, E. M. Mitchell, of Port laud, Nor. 2d, nov 10 dA vv3w Country Produce and will ha pressive cordial support and to the were in favor of which he expects to cure all disease*. Nor Alexander loyalty they peace with the Christian H ATS K to bo hell, Ucorgc H.Chadwell, Alexan- United States, aad the utmost STOCK reject anything that expaiieaw has proved pledging sup- nations. REEVES, f ashionable Naval but the truth wher- der P. to * Military, For Sale. MERCHANTS, useful, wilFcudeavor to reorive Haskell, Robert Williams. port uphold the of the • aud Civic supremacy govern- The authorities ordered all to Al). Tailor, ever found, ou i'kri.*itan or ou *•«/*<’« ment. A foreigners KA SHAKES Casco Bank -l.fc A number of 9i Street. Stock. mu, m- ■ trout to A spirited ami ad- leave but Exchange Oltice open from lo lo 1-j A. M and 2J loyal Nagasaki, they refused, and the Jap- 40 Manufacturers A Traders. diesses were and a *• IV M. Also from 7 till 9•“vaaiag- tjP Yesterday morning, our paper had to made, committee was ap- anese 4o Bank of governor resigned. \KKSS l OATS, i'ANTS ami VK.STS. ami llu.i- Cumberland. 111 MI’IIKfct I PACkKK. M. D. be worked out of the jiomted to draft a constitution and | 10 Canal Butler. Emu*, Bruns, Ac. office, the by-laws for The Mikado had issued an order that ness Suits made to Potato*., upon Courier po ! A" order, at the short notice of •• Nov. 9. lJittS. the (’enlral Union Club. | 10 International. Portland. in damio should 12 at A. 1>. REEVES, ‘.«8 St. press, consequence of a defect iu the steam purchase any foreign vessel. hours, Exchange j 2*) Merchants. No. 2 LIME STREET,Portland, Me. which furnishes our 5 Mechanic*. PARKS HOI'9K. boiler, power. This caus- fl. D. DO\2dtf H. lari out limit. The Fraud*. RIDING HABITS. ZOUAVE JACKETS, and 5000 State of Maine Bonds MNIOUT, A.PROMT. Schuyler J.\ Waists tor cut and ed the delay in the which It was not Fancy Ladies, made to or- 5003 At. k St. Lawrence K. II Houd-. issue, v Boston, to tha PAHA8 New Youk, Nov. 10. N kw Nov. 10. der, at A. D. REEVES’, OS Exchange St. When ott isit go within human possibility to prevent. The Times' Yokk, nov6 lwed By WM. H. WOOD. Washington dispatch sa^s the Judge of the Supreme Court, lias JUST RECEIVED _jtloCSF. enlistment of in Ingraham, DSSCBIPTIOX <»i Mm negroes Maryland alone is at a decision in the case of the linn oils Qiraeiiii (br -AT TUt- {Norfolk Avenue,1187 Washington 8t., house given -A and cut at short notice, at and Fosl OMrc. EfjP“The dwelling occupied by W. II. the rate of two a week. 14^VER1Boys Itlunjoy been 1 ou Will Had regiments frauds in the New Haven A. D. 98 It has recently enlarged. good .Schuyler liailroad, REEVES’, Exchange Street. Oiooibu. will I.*., l* Hilbert', Store on at. Law Shaw, corner of Gray and Winter will Gen. Butler weul to Fortress Monroe this which the whole matter rooms and a quiet housv for ladies and gentlemen, sheets, brings befoie the ANfence Street and the Pu.t lldic, a. foib.n.: NEW KITCHEN be WAREHOUSE, or the business man. and prices reasonable. sold at auction, by E. M. Fatten, at lo evening. December term of the Court Ibr IImil action. 1II1NG in the shape of Clothing Ibr Men Hilbert . Store Pu.t offlie JOHN A 1WKKS. Ageaf. hundred and rebel J and s * M. i\ si. a. 8 o'clock Eighteen forty-six pris- The decision, w hich is couched in legal phrase, J^VEKYBoy made to order with neatness aud dis- si. si. NO. 4 I'UEE STREET, Formerly Proprietor of the MarlboroVHetel. to-day. oners marched the streets this morn- patch, at A. 1). REEVES’, 99 St. 8.15 12.10 8.05 LUO dWASAwdm through is understood to Ire an attirmatiou of a Exchange extensive Assortment of Woodt-u and Willow Bo-ton, Nov.lWtf. uov7 after the sale of the house the six previ- 0.40 1.30 lo.uo 1.60 Immediately ing, abreast, to prison. Other arrivals will ous and to Ware, Door Mats and Also Ladies’ and decision, considered favorable the OF ( 10.30 2 15 11 (MS 2.35 AN Uugt. furniture in swell the LOTUS, Cassiuieres and Vest- Gents’ it will be sold. number to two thousand. holders of the so called and 11 30 3.0o 12.(a) 3 20 Skates; Coasting Slctla, Ire. Hiirrali! Hurrah ! ! spurious stuck, \rARJETYings always on baud at our Hurrah 3.45 4.05 Gcutlemcu and Ladies are invited toexamine which allowed to actions for dam- A. D. REEVES', 08 St. lliei^ bring Exchange 4 30 Kitchen Furniture. LANK k TOLMAX. Sale of Real Estate.—E. M. Fatten sold tlte 4.50 Rrotn Porto Cabdio. ages against company. 6.15 6 35 uovT dlw* 4 Free Street. at MILITARY aud Naval TOP i auction the estate No. 31 Dan- Officer can be 8 00 0.16. TXAT FLYIMO yesterday, PHILADELPHIA, NOV. 10. 1*VEK\A fitted out at the Tailoring Establishment ot 1 lie 7.00 .7.20 Wottee. ! If want to make your Son forte sheet, residence of the late Mr. barque John from Porto Oabel- Financial. A. I). 98 St, Copartnership you Daniel Holton, REEVES, Exchange 8.00 S 2o Brother or Sister, or lo Oct. all A. It. MOULTON, formerly AAM DKLIGilTFl'Lor Daughter. NayvAew Fox. It -4th, reports quiet. Produce was Nov. It). 8 50 3.15 offiriu of< for them one of those brought SHtfOO. Mr. E. H. Gillespie Fiih.Uiki.PHIA, MKMoiiakh A Co., and Mr. GKOltGh MILL1KK.N Niece, laugh joy. just carry arriving I*aer and attention thitligetting up 5 or Patent Ft. tOP!*. and realize the old was lively. his party having The sales of C-'.'o's to amounted to Boy*' Fare ceula. Railroad Packare ticket a 271> | are iu our Hriu from this date. Ff.V" adage tei.- purchaser. day SpecialJackets, Pants aud Overcoats at * admitted ^partners left tor t'uiacoa, the blockade was ended. Oue dollar. J J OtKRlsH, W 1 l U MILL1KK.V that “it is more blessed to give than receive." *1,047,400. uovU'dtf 4 U vs St. BEEVES’, Exchange ociaotdtl Supl. P. k F. A. R. B L November'id. 1961. uovtf dla THE MARKETS: Portland Drv Goods Market. BUSINESS CARDS. LEGAL & OFFICIAL. Expressly corrected for the Tress to Nov. 11, by STEAMBOATS. RAILROADS. Portland Wholesale Prices Current. At. N. Rich. NOTICE. corrected fbr the Press to Xov.,11 COTTON GOODS. WAR CLAIM AGENCY. OK AND THINK KAIL W'A Y Kxprsuly Joint Committee on Side For the Mr. M. N. Kich. Inches. Trice Standing Street*, Penobscot River. by Bark walks and to whom was referred the Of Cimadfi. Heavv .87.374 40 8100 Ronn(v Money, Pay, TilK Bridge*, Sleeting-. 0 of Ryan and others, that the The new aud fast steamer HAR- Fine 36.30 33 petition Washington da additional duly of Leather. 0 And Pensions. grade of Spring Street from Thomas to VEST MOON, Capt. Wm. R. Roix, on all mer- 30 ad vat. 40. 28 85 Vaughan WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 10 |?e it levied Duty pc @ streets, may be determined aud established, leaves Grand Trunk Wharf, Port- not di- New 27 424 from the hereby chanmte imported York, light. @XK 5-4.371 0 undersigned is prepared to obtain give notice that they will meet at the corner of land, every from the do. md. wts... 30 31 Medium 37.28 On and after rect place of pro- @ 0 32} THEUnited States Government, 1100Bounty Money, Spriugaud Thomas streets, on Wednesday, the 11th Monday, Nov. ». 1861. a Tuesday, Thursday and rnn duction or growth. do. heavy.81 @32 Light 37.21 26 Back Pay. & c., for heirs of Officers or Soldiers dying day of November inst., at 3 o'clock 1*. M., to inves- Snttirdu) iNBSHBS train* will dally, (Sunday* except- do. .36 42 to 20 at6 ed) until further notice, a* follow* alaughter. @ Shirting.27 30.18] @ n the U. S.service. tigate the case and hear all parties interested, as re- mornings, o’clock, lOVc ad vat. Amer. Calfskins 76 86 Duty: @ BLEACHED SHEETING. quired an Ordinance of the in such cases Or ou the arrival of the Boston for Train*. Wax Leath.21 23 by City steamers, Up Sl'ter @ Good Bleached Sheeting 86.30 % 32* provided. Invalid Pension*, ROCKLAND, BELFAST aud all Leave Portland for South Pari* at 7.40 a. u. l.rud. 9-8.324 85 FREDERICK (i. MESSER, BANCOR,making For lie lb 0 the landings except Searsport. leland Pond at 1.10 r. n. Duty. Pig p 40 for and Soldiers, wounded or Chairman of Committee on Streets, 76 100 5-4.87j 0 Established Officers Sidewalks, ensaHbM....3 00@3 Ad. Pig p lb.38 @81 Medium 36.25 274 while in the service and Returning-Will leave Down Train*. and 0 disabled by sickness contracted Bridges. Bangor every Siloed? B.7 @8c Sheet Pipe llj@llj Shirting.27 to 32.18 20 line of l'ortland, Nov. 3d, 1S03. nov6 dtd g of the United States, in the duty. Monday, aud Leare Inland Pond for Portland, at 6 a. M. Cored p B.7 @8 Linar. Wednesday Friday Leave South 10 ad rat DRILLING. Pari* for Portland at 6 46 A. a. Uncored p B.3@ *1 Duty: pc morning*, and making all the a* above. cask. Heavy Drilling.30.37 @ 40 CITY OF PORTLAND, landings Bread. Rockland, 100@10£ aiedium Pensions °F .30. 321 *>a'M"*c P*eJW® »Pl>ly *t the < iffice on The are not Leeaher—From yard 37} In Board of Mayor and Aldermen, i the'ls<1,f A. SOM ICR BY, sonal, unless notice I* do. No.2 86 @ Cotton 45 died, On the petition of Messrs. Rumery & Burnham, Agent. given, and paid for at the rate Heavy Flannels.42} 0 of one Cnekero do. No.3. .26 28 Medium ed State*. for license to erect and use a steam and boil- LIFE INSURANCE. passenger lor *6U) additional value. 'perbwi. @ ••••.30 0 8T> col- engine every 36 16 Prize Pensons Bounty aud Back Pay ers in their on near BB' Creeken, 100 @*0c Lumber. @16 Money, Franklin street, Com- II U ir OGES, Mauagiug Director. ? Shipping STRIPED SHIRTING. buildings International 11. Batter. Spruce. .12 111 lected for Seamen aud theirheir*. mercial street; Co. BAILE1, Superintendent Heavy Striped Shirting.30.374 <§> 40 for each Pension obtained,Five lar*. New Steamship Nov. 4.1863. Duty *c p B. Hemlock.8 @10 Fees, Ordered, That Saturday, the 21st day of Novem- England Life Insurance nov6 27.22j <1 35 All Claims against the Government %iII eceive at the Box Sh’ka,(plno).04 @65c •* ber inst., at 4 o'clock f\ M.. Aldermen's EASTPORT, CALAIS & aiedium 27.25 0 27} attention. COMPANY. s'r. jollN. K?’.Tv.;:::iig Clapb’ds, S ext .314 @16 prompt Room, be assigned as the time and place tor the con- PORTLAND, SACO dr PORTN.WOITH do. P 80 TICKING. Post Office address sideration of said and that said @32 petition, applicants BSTAIU.MHgD.IJECEMBEK 1,1843 RAILROAD. bub S3 Ced. ext notice this order iu one Harrow p 60®7£ Shingles, 31@8( Heavy Ticking.40 0 45 SETH E. HE EDI give thereof by publishing Fee..3 75*3 87 do. aiedium of the of this city four times, the tirst Two Trips a Week! No.l.2|@2 .32} 0 37} daily papei* Boston. WtSTKH ARR*y l. KM RSTH, BlU Pod.*38*2 02 do. ext. Pine 41@ 5 Augusta, Me publication to be at least fourteen days beforehand, On and after COTTONADES. Ki Thursday, April nth, Commencing Nov. 2d, 1863. Caadlee. Laths, Spruce. 13T@16Q (OfficeNo.9 State House.) that all persons interested may be present and be C AS CAPITAL. 43,3 7 8,94 5 74. INVESTED the Steamer New ( do. England, apt. Duty: Sperm and Wax Sc. Pine.160@2 2I Heavy donLle and twist.65 0 62 heard thereon. E. Field, and Steamer New Bruns- Passenger Train* will leave the Ste- Allow Bed Oak Staves 26 RKFKaKNCKS Canal Stearine 6c, 3Je @30 Attest; J. M. HKATIi. City Clerk. Company dividesits net caruiugsto the life wick, Capt. E. B. Winchester, will leave Railroad tion. street, deily, (Sunday* ex- Mol. Hhd. DENIMS. Attest; rpHIS eenieiliu, lollow*: Shgoks Copy A holders, (not in scrip a§ some companies \S harf, foot of State St., every Monday aud Thurs- fc 7£ Heavy 40 Hon .Lot M. Hon B. Hall, no vf J. M. HEATH, Clerk. policy at 5 o’clock P. Lreve Portland for Beaton, at a a. and 2 30 Heads,city 262@2 Denims.37} 0 Morrill, .Joseph City do,) In cash, every five years. day, M., for Eastport and St. John. ^ H.*t do. Medium of State Sugar city 262@27£ .•.17 @ 19 U.S. Senate, Sec'y Amount of Cash Dividend paid by his Company Ckeeee. do. do. 7£ Hon.James G. Blaine, Hon .Nathan Dane, FARES. Boston for Portland at 7.® A. a. And 2.® c’try.l50@l CAMBRIC 8 AND PRINTS. CITY OF PORTLAND. in 1858 to Life Members was ^ l^ave Arte, tc #» B, Green Co’ysa’d. 80@1 (A sepaOdftwHtf StateTreasurer To St.Johu,by steamer,#6.00 | To St. Audrew*. #4.60 Colored Cambrics.144 164 •* Vermont O B—1318131 Country Biff Mol. @ hereby given, that it is the intention Eastport, 4.MI | Calais, 4.76 f*r Portland, at 10.® a. a. and Best Prints, .19 21 6 (gJeJV^l'0,,"mo“,l‘ Country.13®13 Hhd. Shooks. 150 a, 1 0 >fOTICEisI of the City Council to lay out a new street or $335,000. Machias, 6.00 Medium .18 2<» Digby. W,1‘ Ceal—(Hetall.) Slash.lotMwiar 0 GOAL & public w ay for the use of the city—beginning at the aud stage, 5.001 Monckton, 7.00 '*k* *“d l“vc WOOD, Premiums may be paid iu cash, or in or SUtioe“.lr*iM F—auRtvaat’way Zloty From Br. Produc- @40 DELAINE. westerly terminus of Chestnut street, and continu- quarterly Windsor, 7.50 I hhediac, 7.00 Hoops.333 CHEAP FOK CASH, semi-annual or when for whole life, Freight trains laave Portland er free, otherforeign Si- Hackmetack Tim- ing to Preble street—to be a continuation of Lincoln payments; they Halifax, 8.501 Bedeque, H.26 and BoRm daily DeLaincs.27j 0 80 v may be paid half cash, and the balauce in cash on tumcnom tl 10, all oth- ber, p tun.10@2i OELIVERE1) TO ANY PART OK THE Cl I street. Fredericton. 6.00 Charlottetown, 8.60 five with interest. Amount taken in one Portiand, er Unde 60e ton. Mela sera. CRASH. And the Joint Standing Committee of the years, Houlton&W Piet p City risk, is oodatocM.OO | oar; 11.26 Duty 6c p SPRING MOUNTAIN LEHIGH. Council on laying out new streets, in nursuauce of The above Steamers connect at St. John with Leblfb..11® gal. Crash.12} @ Eu- Cedes. Cienftiers.none. 16} HAZ ELTON LEHIGH. an order of the City Council passed on the second day $15,000. ropean and North American Railroad for all stations Vork * « uinkerland Railroad. to. of November, will meet for said on to aud Duty: hop Trinidad,.„58 @ 65 BATTING, W'ADDING k<\ COLERAINE LEHIGH. purpose Friday, FREE Shediac, from theuce with Steamer West- Java B.89 @40o Cuba LOCUST the 13th day of November, at 3 o’clock iu the afte’r- POLICIES. moreland for and p clayed.46@48 (Jot ton Batting,.20 30 MOUNTAIN, Bodeque Charlottetown. P. E. I. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. St. @33 do. do.tart".. 40@44 0 JOHN’S. noou. at the westerly terminus of Chestnut street, Premiums be iu ten forfeiture and Pictou, N.8., and with the Steamer Domiafo.81 Cotton Wadding.45 % 50lb may paid years—no Emperor for Bio.7.._33 @ 36 do.Muscovado" 48 GENUINE LORRE It Y the °f beginning, and then and there proceed after. Windsor and Nova and @50 Cotton Warp. 90c lb T.THE place Halifax, Scotia, with steam- on and after 4* _ Uct. 26. 18.-1 New Orleans.none to view and out said uew street. WILLARD PHILLIPS. President. ers for Fredericton Also at with for BBBB Monday, Wit-king, unbleached.60 @ (»5 lay Eastport stage Train* will leave ea follow*: Duty: TarredSlc,Manil- PortlandSyrup.hhds. @34 Pore and Free flaming. All persons interested will take notice and govern Bknj. F. Stkvkks, Secretary. Machias, aud with Stoauter Queen for Calais and St 87} A.M. V. M YU laSi. all other 31 p B. do. bbls @ 3t bleached.0 themselves accordingly. Andrews, and at the latter with N. B. k Policies are issued on the life, or for a term of years, place c! Portland tor Saco River, at 8 00 100 5.3' dmerican? B. .16 @17 Nalla. WOOLEN GOODS. Given under our bauds this 5th day of November, Railroad for Houlton and Wioodstock stations. CUMBERLAND COAL or on certain contingencies. Creditors may insure Morrill'* do 8.11 2.16 6 42 Bueia Duty: Cutlc, .40 A D 1*63. Through tickets will be sold ou board the clerk, Heap.19*194 n'roughtic Jeans,. 0 02} their debtors on time. ■s-vn by Cumberland Mills, do 8.18 2 23 6IV Haailla.171*18* Assorted 3c p lb. Satinets..00 75 FOR SMITHS’ U8E. JACOB McLELLAN, or at the agent’s office. 0 “My object is to call attention to the fact that a Saccarappa, do 8 23 2® 6 64 STEVENS ... Bolt rope. Bends ltgSO Cask. 34 76 @6 Union Meltons.75 ia 90 SMITH, _ Returning, will leave St. John for Port- Coals are strictly of the best quality, an < on policy ol Life Insurance Is the cheapest and safest Eastport. Gorham, do 8 36 2.46 U.«6 do. Haailla. 19j @20 Navel Stores. All Wool 1 fJIHKSK WM. II. STEWART, land and Boston, every Monday aud mom- do.87} 0 12} X warranted to satisfaction. ommjttee modeof making a provision for one’s family."—Ben- Thursday Buxton Centre, do 8 62 3.06 6 22 Turpentine, Rosin, Black Union Casimeres .85 100 give SAM L WATERHOUSE ma, at 8 o'clock. Duty: 0 8,rc,'t*-on,' jamin Franklin. Arrive at do #.00 3.16 6 Si »1 «0@170 Pitch, Tar 20 p cad vat., Black all wool Cassimarcs..1 10 1 CYRC8 K. LADD, No oil of or other 0 37} The undersigned will wait upon persous campheue, turpentine, vitriol, aad Dyes. S. Turnentiue 16c Black Doeskins. 1 in Also, for sale, best quality of Nova Scotia and other ■INO. D. SNOWMAN, desiring or Drue Pgat. @1 37} to effect Life Insurance, at his or at their own explosive burning fluid, materials which ignite by Is novf* td oflice, taken this * Saco River for Portland, at *6 Sj Duty Tp to—Dydriodate Tar(('oreign)P|bbl.31.7a. Fancy Doeskins.—86 0 2 26 of and them Iriction, by line. Van s'® Pitch place business, assist in making applica- Buxton Centre. do 0A0 8 40 Potathlbe.Oantharidee, (Coal Tar). .33j@ 4 Gentian Black Doeskins.1 50 m 2 00 Hard and Moll Wood. freight not received after 4 ». M. Mon- #® tions. Positively do Botin.46 (@60 German Broadcloths.2 00 0 5 00 days and 1 hursilay*. For further information Gorham, 7.00 10 00 3 66 NOTICE. References iu Portland may be made to the follow- ap- do 7 12 Iodine 60c, Tolu and Turpentine pgal 3 3S@8 6( Overcoating, all wool 6 4. 2 50 (a: 5 00 ply to C. C. EATON. Saccarappa, 10 18 407 The are requested to call, as we are deter fllllF. Joint Standing Committee on Streets, 8ide- ing parties: Messrs. II. J. Libby k Co., Steele k Agent, Cumberland do Crude 80c, Re- URMHMi union 6-4. 2 00 8 00 public Railroad Mill*, 7.17 10 22 4 11 Camphor 0 mined to good to those who cash. JL walks and to whom was referred the Kara Carter, Jr., Messrs. Howard k Strout, »epl Wharf, Portland, Me. ined do. 40c. Tartaric Duty Free. 6-4. 1 75 00 give bargains pay Bridges, Hayes, Morrill's, do 7.24 10® 4 18 Repellant. jl petition of Freeman c ad Blue No. 1GG Fore bend ol I are* 6 cents leva when ticket* are at .474 0 57} the 11th inst., at 4 o’clock 1*. M.. to in- Street, Look Wharf, purchased Prnsliate Potash and val., Linseed, White, .45 Wednesday, Forest Lewiston and Montreal the office tliau when in the cart. Hempseed plain, 0 75* tiie case, and hear ail interested declM PORTLAND. ME. eodlye City, paid Med do. 10c, and p gal., Printed •• vestigate parties Oct. 22. 1863 dtf DAN Liqiorice, Jiapcseed2iic .45 0 55 Without a • FREDERICK Will, until further uotice, run as CARPENTER, Sup't. Oxalic Acid and Sugar Olive 23c, Salad 60c, Chimney! G. MESSER. Seal and Chairman Committee on Streets. Sidewalks, ^follows: Lead ie. Epsom Salts. Palm, Cocoa- Leave Atlantic MAINE Caustic nut 10c lull III* K hLKUSiftillh IU IHliK : and Bridges. Wharf, Portland, CENTRAL RAILROAD. Bi-Garb- Soda, p gal. every aud 82 Portland Kerosene l’ortland. Nov.4th, 1863. novS dtd Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday Soda le; Morphine BURNER is the best of its kind now in tlie at 7o clock P. and India III U U L' D a »u A wr'rui ue- Illuminat Oil A Friday, M., Wharf, Boston, V os., Alum80op cut., e (XK&. C.. August 15. 1853. A. M. ssng 20 fe, Bleaching Bay (® ami for lanterns, it is invaluable. The Company are not for baggage to 7.45 80c cut.. Shore.31 -AND- are solicited and will be received at responsible For and all intermediate Powders f §33 For economy and convenience it commends itself any amount exceeding *50 in value, aud that person- Bangor stations at 1 10 r. Sal So- Linseed.*142fel 44 PROPOSALSthis office lor the of CAVALRY M. Sago bOcfcwt., to all furnishing al, unless notice is and for at the rate ol on arrival of traius from Boston. Boiled.1 6f house-keepers. HORSES, to lx* delivered at Pa., Phila- given paid da and Soda Ash lepib. 40§1 dealers throughout tlie can Pittsburg, one for *500 additional value. Ketarniug trains leave Lewiston and Auburn Tor liamp country supply delphia. N. oj Indi- passenger every 6o Lard Oil.120§1 25 WILLIAM C. themselves on to Washington City. Syracuse, Y.. Portland at tLDl) A M. ▲lump B).4J@ BECKETT, application anapolis. I nd. Feb. 1*. 1863. dtf L. 1J1LLING8, Agent. ▲loee.T.80 1 87 Olive Oil.200®2 8C CHARLES K JOSE, l&S Fore St., Portland. Leave Bangor for Portland at 7 3# a. x Both will be considered for the of Arrow Hoot.17 Castor Oil.215§2 2» MERCHANT oc23 for State of Maine Proposals furnishing traius connect with trains to Boston and @40 TAILOR, Agent Horses in lots ol not less than Portland and through Borax.32 @36 Scute foot Oil. ... 120§13C twenty-five (25). The New Vork Steamers* Lowell. Horses to be from fifteen to sixteen hands Brloutooe (roll).. .41 @5 Oaisaa- NO. 137 MIDDLE STREET, (15) (16) Freight train leaves Portland daily for all stations 0C ~J. A. DAVIS & high, from live (5) to nine old, well Bi-Carb. Soda.6} @7 pbbl.$4 87@6 CO., (9) years brqfcrn SEMIWEEKLY LINE. on line of this road at 3 A. M. Is accessions to his re- to the saddle, built, iu aud free 6j pibush.$2 00§2 10 prepared, by large stock, compactly good flesh, Tickets sold at the depot of the Grand Trunk Kail- 8alphar.6® to meet this For from alldefects. The and fast Sal < Paluts. cently purchased, requisite. m _ splendid Steamships road in Portland for alt stations on this road. Soda.Si® The of the bidder to fulfil his Camphor.1803140 Duty On White Lead dry Commission Merchants. ability agreement "CHESAPEAKE," Capt. Willktt, EDWIN NoYES, Sol Tartar.40 or ground in oil and lied Autumual and Winter Overcoats, For the of must be guaranteed by two persons, JOHN W. MTJNGER & “POTOMAC," Captain .Shks- June 1,1SS) it Oimm @66 purchase whose must rcsponisblo SON, ^^^^^^V*and Logwood ox.14@16 Lead $2 40 p 100 tt>*, signatures be appended to the guarantee. ziBflBvooD, will,until further uotice, run 2ic, Oxide he has a selection of the latest and best o! The of the guarantors must besliowu as follows: Munetii.28 @42 Litharge oj styles GRAIN & PROVISIONS responsibility MARINE, FIRE * LIFE kJIBtlOSCOGGIH Zinc Sic p lb, Prussian fabrics that the markets afford. FLOUR, by the official certificate of the Clerk of the nearest Leave Browns Wharf, Portland, every WEDNES- RAILROAD. His assortment ofroods lor FROCKS and DRESS District Court, or of the United State* District Attor- DAY, aud SATURDAY, at 4 P. M.. and leave Blue, Vermilion, Chrome FOB EASTERN MARKETS. Pier Yellow, Venetian Bed 26, CO A fS and PA K TA LOOK'S, also includes every- INSURANCE, 9 North River, New York, every WEDNESDAY SPRING ARRANGEMENT. Spanish Brown dry 20, thing comprised in the latest importations and fash- l'roposal- must be addressed to Lieutenant-Colonel and SATURDAY, at 3 o’clock, F M. KSutarb.'. 220 West Water St., Milwaukee, Wis. G. aro On and after •n oil 30 pc ad val., Yel- ions, in Blacx, Blue, Mixed and Famct Colors. C. Sawtelle. Chief Quartermaster, Cavalry Bu- \o. Fore Street, I'ortlaud. These vessels fitted np with fine accommodations HenQ Monday, April is. ImU. low and other Ochres 60c The selection of styles for reau, aud bo endorsed on th* envelope “Proposals for passengers, making this the most speedy, safe and ffl^^SBitrains will leave Portland for Lewiston 84 South Water St., 111. via at 1.00 @26 100 lbs, Paris White Chicago, far Horses.” (’. II. PI A M Braitt Wood.18 1 Lead, §12 U and Woolkv—all varieties that are now for TWELFTH ANNUAL REPORT / '* and Counsellors at Frebch sought Attorneys Law, goes and Freights per voyage, at current rates, to Shippers arrrequested to send their freight to the staoi conxacTtoxa. Camwood.41® 4] Zinc, 10}®12j wear. He is also with a select stock of supplied any the world. Parties Insurance steamers as P. Amer. Zinc, ..9 -OF THE- part of desiring asearly 8 M.. on the day that tbep Stage leaves Strickland’s Ferry Tuesdavs. Thors, Vat tic, Cabo.H§ §10 PORTLAND. wifi find it for their interest to CALL. SavanriUa 2 @21 Rochelle Yellow.. 3§ 3i LADIES’ leave Portland. days and Satardaya, for Livermore, Canton, Peru CLOAK GOODS! For freight or to and Dixltrld: OFFICE-117 Middle HULL RISKS passage applv returning opposite duye. Ry^Ven. jy PI.EASK EXAMINE. «cp24e2 :im O. C. (Sunday* excepted) as follows: Plata Pork. Prime. ill ®1J A the “Great Prize Medal" at the World’* Fair, is RPLJJTS, Proprietor. NEW HAVEN, CONN. Augusta for Bath. Vortland and Boston. at 6.89aad For 100 Me Round Uoga.74* 8c he will contiuuo to manufacture fiist regarded as the only reliable Artificial Leg now $721,028 60 Dutg: foreign 11.16 A. JL, connecting at Branswiek with train# on — S1. Hama.41 class made. It is worn by upwards of six thousand DISBURSEMENTS. caught Herring *11) WHEREwork of all kiuds for Gentlemen’s and per- Cash Capital and Surplus Doc.1.1.862.$293,000 THE the Railroad for Lewiston, Smok'd Ladies’ sons, embracing all classes, ages and it AHEjRICiT HOUSE, AndNacoggin Farming- Mackerel 82. Salmon Bt; City Rams.11*12 wear. Also Military work of all kinds, such profession*, Paid for Claims by Death, on ton. Ac. add all other in Prodace. as Dress is too well known to require extended description, as 26 pickled Killing. Marching, Parade, Fatigue, and Policies. $54,400 00 l'ortlaud for Bath And Augusta at 1.00 P. If., con- other- Beef V qu'r R lb Garrison all be all information concerning it is embraced iu the de- Howard Fire Insurance ver Strec- Boston, hhie. SlbO pbbi., 7*9 Boots, of which will made of the Balance of distribution to Pol- Company, necting at Brunswick with the K. K. From ^ dot.26 *28 best anil made scriptive pamphlet, which is sent free to all who jlipiHano Androscoggin wise 60c fowl. Eggs, imported stock, by the best workmen ap- Holders,. 2,06107 trains for all stations oa that road; and at Potatoes, 71 in icy BOSTON, MASS. Aagasta Provinces free. ¥>bbl.Sl 68*1 the city. Mr. M. iuteuds that his work shall not P Paid for Salaries. Kents, Med- with the Somerset k Kennebec Railroad for water- do sweet bbl be Aecond to of all the New'England States Cash aud Nov. 1, Cod large pqnt..S6i@ 6J p S4f®6 any in the United States. Special at- &F*SOLDIER8 ical Examinations. Ac. 15,545 45 Capital Surplus 1862.$152,924 The Best Hotel ville. Kendall's Mills and Si and at Kaa- " 14 tention to Tjadiea' Root supplied without charge large numbers of T.nrfe»t .and Arranged began; mail.(m6 Chickens.12* given Walking a. In connec- Very Paid Commissions to Agents,. 15.268 78 dall’s Mills for k s Lamb. 8 sofuiers are at the Boston 19 Bangor, Pollock.3I@4 6* tion wish the above will constantly be found a stock being supplied House, Paid Dividend to Guarantee IX NEW ENGLAND. Portland for Bath and at 8.16 P. M. l urk ifs.14 of first Green street. to PALMER & CO.. Augusta Baddoek,.1753236 *16 class Apply Stockholders,. 7,000 00 Eliot Fire Insurance Tickets sold in Boston for all the station* on the Geese. octl9 w&t»tf Mass. Company, Bake,.8003326 none Boston, Paid for re-insurauce. 393 82 Kennebec k Veal.6 BOSTON, MASS. LEWIS RICE, Portland. Androscoggin, and Somerset Barring, Shore p b 1.6 ®&i @7 Paid for Surrendered aud Can- Proprietor. k Kennebec Roads. none, Rice. • do. labrador., Ready-Made ork- celed Policies. 22.079 07 SI 16,728 19 Cash Capital aud Surplus Nov. 1, 1862.$332,078 ocl6 ly btaui ronvBCTiova. Cleaned 1 Pad W do. Saolodpbx 41@46c Duty: Jc, Stages leave Bath daily for Rockland at 9.00 A.M. dy lc *» ft. He would return thanks to his numerous and do. Mo. 1.31 @36 custom- Capita Surplu*.$604,898 41 “ELM HOUSE.” and 8.00 P. M. Miokllil p bbl„ Rice p »>.7j® 8J ers for their liberal patronage, and atrict Merchants’ Insurance Company, for hopes by Assets Leave Auguata Rockland at 9.00 A.M. Augus- Na. 1.»16@161 Ran. attention to business to still retain and make August 1, 1863, invested as follow*: Bar them, providence, n.i. UJUa THE inform# the ta for Belfast, at 4 00 P M. No. t.10 Portland distilled. 67®70c a host of new ones. done trlth neatneaaa undersigned respectfully Bar @101 Repairing s. 'V Mortgages on Real $213,350 00 that he ha# leased the above Be H. CUSHMAN, No. 1.6 Solrratas. and Estate,(unincumbered). Cash Capital aud Surplus Nov. 30,1862.$206,894 fJdUl public House, Bar @61 diapatch. Loan Note*, (with interest accrued,). 177,777 24 on Federal *nd invites Manager and Superintendent Saleratos p 94 N. B. No Disappointments. |]i| Street, Portland, BboraNo.l....l6@Uf ft_6J® Three Hundred aud Shares 1 ”1 the to call and Augusta. April 0. 1868. ap4tf " " 1.. ...10®10j Sail. Twenty-Three travelling community see it Bank Stock.. 27,629 25 he knows "how to a hotel." Pralt. Duty: In bulk 18c, and in American Insnrance keep Clean, m. McCarthy, Loans on Collateral* and personal securi- Company, rooms, a atten- Lemons. bags 24c » 100 tbs airy good beds, well-provided table, Dutg: Oranges, ties,. 31,10000 tive servaut# and moderate are the secured. m-and Plantains Turk’s Is |> hbd. No. 93 Portland, PROVIDENCE, U. 1. charges induce- I Copyright J Exchange Street, United States Treasury Securities,. 74.544 30 ment# he holds out to those whose business or (8 bus.).«3 50®4 0C eod2m Cash and Dec. 1862 pleas- seplT Michigan State Bond,. 1.000 00 Capital Surplus 31, $213,604 I 60*4 0C ure cal them to the “Forest City." Liverpool.8 THE POKTUND COl.LEOE, Real Estate, (at cost,). 9,632 24 Cadiz.none JONATHAN BUSS. The Great Indian titrate?! Deferred Premiums and Agents’ accounts. 51,992 46 Proprietor Remedy -LOCATEDIN- Atlantic Portland Auw 19 W;2 «ltt « ft, Curranti, Fiat, Cagliari.8j®4 Cash on hand, Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Grd Butter and Cut 17,972 92 FOR FEMALE*. Flume, Prune) and Sai- Salt .22 * Boquets Flowers, li'oek. Congress St. Citron SO Starch. T7HJNERAL WREATHS AND taste- Clapp’** PROVIDENCE, R. I. HuiePb, CROSSE8, $004 898 41 DR UATTISON’8 INDIAN EXMKN AbOU t K. Be ad cal Duty: 20 »c ad raI. been added to Bryant, Stratton & 17 fully arranged and made to order at my eatab just Whole number of Policies in force. Cash and Dec. Co.’a Chain of Commercial establish- .3,102. Capital Surplus 1; 1862.$204,684 SPKKR’S SAJIBld WIMt; Almonds—JordanP ft. rear!.6}@8 lishment. corner of North and Montreal streets, HAS Colleges, Amount at Thl* celebrated Female Medleine. ed iu New risk.$6,748,400. •oft Shell.28 ®30c Potato.4® 44 Muujoy Hill. Boquets may always be found at Lo- York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Albany, PUUivAKO FOL K YEARS OLD, pueeeminf virtue* uukuowu of ear- well & AH Buffalo, Cleaveland, St. Lou- C. RICE, President, *Im th* and BheUed.none ShM-piOOlbt 8**@10 Senter’s, Exchange street order- left Troy, Detroit,Chicago, Policies issued against loss or Fire, for thing of kind, proving there will attended to. is, and Toronto, C. W. F. B. BACON, damage by Or Choice Oporto effectual other* bar* Canaate.16*® 17 Drop.8 @I*i be promptly Providence, Secretary. aifv ainouut wanted. Risks takeu ou Grape, altar nil tkilod, new.40 Bucfc. ALBERT DIR WANG The object of thfte Co” is to to Dwelling rou FHYRiciAxa’ van. U for both morraed and mn- Citron, 342 @13 ER, Florist. gca impart Young Houses from one to tiveyears. designed Pen Nuts.MMM har> sept 19 eodSm Men and Ladies ttiorouga and practical instruction roil land Otli<<-. 106 Fore SI. laJit,. and 1* th* very best thing Pin*, common..,. 20 Duly 36 Be ail rat. iu BOOK-KEEPING, COMMERCIAL LAW.COM- For Females, Persons and Inv&lid*- Crtown for the purpose, u it will MKR( JAL AHITHME Weakly Him Berne. 3 22 Loathe It Gore’s, Trow- TIC,8 PE X CB HI AN BVSI JOHN W. MUNGER & LIFE INSURANCE. brine on tb* monthly sickness In eneee Lemons, p box M 37 bridge k Smith's Ex- NESS, PENMANSHIP. CORRESPONDENCE, SON, Agent*. %> of obstructions. from any cause, and tra IRA En- tf jmagss—Havana V10024 No. lp lb. ...10® WINN, Agent, PHONOGRAPHY, Higher Mathematics, Civil sept22 alter nil. other remedies of the hind Family do.8J@ gineering, Surveying, Navigation, fc., and to tit Mew England Mutual Life Ins. Co., 3 1 have bee* tried In vain. *Banofcpbox 4263460 No. 1.8} @ 1STo. 11 Union them for auy department of business they may OVER SUOO BolTLES have now Layer.46034 76 8oda. 10JS. St., choose. Scholarships issued in Portland w ill 'entitle OflicV of tin* Oc ean Insurance Co., BOSTON. been sold without ft single failure, tike student to complete his course in of when taken as directed, aud without atm.1043124 Oleine.10J@ Is prepared to furnish any College Nov. Assetts the chain, and vice additioual Portland, 4. 1888. over.$2,400,000 the least to health in case. Prases new.17320 Castile.12 @17 versa,without charge. fOIIE is 'Sfcj injury any The is Dav and following a statement of the affairs of this OT It is iu bottles of throe Ite-Portland insp. Crane's. @94 College opcu Evening. 1 < put ap STEAM ENGINES and BOILERS, R. M. Resident ompany, rendered in pursuance of the require- different with full direc- ... fo WORTHINGTON, v strengths, Snpartne 26 Spleen Principal. ments of 49, Sec. of the Revised Statutes Massachusetts Mutual Life Ins. 76^0 Root For further information call at the Chap. 21, Co., tions for using, aud sent Dufy: Dinner 6c, of various sires and patterns, please College, of the Stato of Maiue: u by express, Ground or solid f»r catalogue and circular, Utter SPRINGFIELD, MASS. sealed, to all of the country-. iSSrn....i oo i Dinner 8c, Pep- inclosing Stock in * g closely part# and Address Capital paid $140,000 PR It 'ES—Full tlO; half strength, tfi; Doable Extra 7 1 per Pimento 12c, Steam auti Gear ittunp. Bank and other Assetts over. $400,000 •a is strength. Cloret Pipe Fixture, Mill ins, Shafting kc. Stocks, 112,650 * narter *8 per bottle. 16c, (etttln loo, Pulleys, BRYANT,STRATTON & WORTHINGTON. Loans on C streugth, mortgages of real estate and This medicine is ex- Cattia Bwh 20c, China. stocks, WAR RINKS TAKEN. TJT*RRMEMBER— designed 6 76 mon 26c, Mace and Sut- Light Housk Work of all descriptions, and all feb2 "Portland, maink. d&wly 17,867 £ fbr obstinate cases, which al{ other remedies Oslo extra... l'remium Notes and Bills receivable on mch5 1 pressly meat 30c kinds of work required in building deodly the kind to cure; also that it is war- OnnadaNol 676 p lb. hand, qf hacsfaUled Cassia Fortifications. 5^,266 46 ranted as tu or the BtLoalaFavBrads 8, pt.46 @47< Real estate, sH represented every respect, pries Sonthern Cloves.46 SINCiER’S 20,uuo s will be lU.do do. I @47 iroustuir* auuother Architectural ork. Cash ou hand. oi ATLANTIC refunded. 28 7,702 o _* WARE OF l MIT A TIOSS l None genu- Ginger,(Race)-2C@ Whole amouut at risk. $754,505 (Africa) .26 SEWING MACHINES! ine nod warranted, unless purchased directly qf Dr. Ginger, @28 Houses, Stores, and other building*, fitted with of liabilities, 6,470 31 E5E&.:*iCom Meal.4 Mace.86 M at his Remedial Institute for Special Diseases, @R7 Gas and Steam in the best manner. uovodlw GEO. A. WRIGHT, Mutual Insurance BaokWt PPr 9 lb 3* Nutmegs .90@ 92 Secretary. Company, I! No. 88 Union street, Providence, K. 1. WOODMAN, TKl/E & CO.. embraces all disease* of a pri- Brain. Pepper.28 @30 In connection with the above*is an Irou 51 WaIIStM(cor.ofWillUm)New York, £ EJTThis Specialty Pimento Foundry, vate naturs, Doth of MEN and WOMEN, by a rag- Duty: OonaudOatelOc, .24 @26 with a large assortment of Patterns, to which the | 1863. educated of Mae and Barley 16e, and Sagar. attention of AGENTS, American January 27th, nlarly physician twenty years' practice, Machinists, Millwrights,and Ship-Build- Exchange them his whole attention. Wheat 20c p 6«. From Duty: Me.lado2c.ned 'abort ers is invited—and all kinds of furnished giving So. Castings Nok. 54 and 50 • .Middle Street. letter orotberwtee are strict- Br. Prorincee fret. 12 2JC, abore So. 13 at short notice. Iiisuritnce :igu)nst Marine and In* jjj > (^Consultation* by 16 andnotabove 16 3c.a6or< FIRE ly con Meat ial.und medicine* will be sent by expiate, By#.1 1031 for Machine Patterns and Needle*and Trimintiig*a]w>y* on hand INSURANCE COMPANY! Oats.62 ® 66 So. 16 and not abore 21. ty*Orders Jobbing, Itind Navigation Kink*. secure from observation, to nil parts of the United executed. oc2 mclilStf OF NEW for ladies from abroad 2oathYel.com.. 110® US 34c, abore So. 20 and re Forgings, promptly YORK. States. Also accommodations ~ for a secure and aniet retreat, with Cora, Nixed— lit fitted 4c P lb. over Seven wishing good 108® Assets, million Dollars. until to healtn. Barley.116®1 26 Portland A.none Capital $200,000, viz:— care, restored Baanewder. do. A A.12f@ CAUTION.—It has been estimated that over two L7>Ssm UusYieAs NEW FUNERAL CAR. Insure Buildings. Merchandise. House- United States and State of New if Valued at less than do. Yellow... none York 50 hundred thousand •lollars are paid to swiadllag Duty: hold Stock, Bank aud other Stocks, 42.626.960 58 in New alone. over 20c 6c Extra Yellow.none subscriber most respectfully leave to in- Furniture, Rents, Leases, Ves- City, quack* annually, England withoatMp SOepfede. rpilK begs Loans secured bv Stocks.andotherwise, 1,446.220 47 Every family, at this season,should usethe to thoee who it. All this cornea from PftnodlOPaodeal. Muscovado. 13@13j X form the citizens oi Portland and vicinity that sels on the Stocks, and other Per- benefit pay Real Estate and llonds and 233,760 00 without to men who are alike des- Blasting.264® 6 Havana Brown 14j@14; BEST BARLEY he has been an undertaker, with all tho Mortgages, SAMBUCI WINE. trusting, inquiry, QUALITY appointed sonal Pro;erty nt tne Low- Dividends on Stocks. Interest on Bonds titute of honor, character and skill, and whose RiSeand 8} do. White., none. ana to or remove the celebratedin forits mep23dtf as undertaker, at the same price that other under- EDWARD 102 Middle Street. It f as no an aud Hides.27® SHAW, Ageut, *7,130.794 64 equal, causing appetite building up sicians. iu'uine cases ou. of ten, are bogus, there U Western. .20 321 Hyson.79c®81 takers charge for the hearse, and nothing extra oct27 the a wine of a most val- city lyeod system, being eutirely pure no safety in any them, unless yon know Slaughter Hides 7 Young Hyson... .70 ® 1 tVom the old The always con- The whole Profits of the revert t trusting qf ®8c Copartnership Notice. price. poor liberally Company uable grape. who and what are. Calfskins.1SJ®17 Oolong .79 @84 sidered JAS. M. CURRIER, and are A they by the assured, divided annually, upon the AS DIURETIC. TMT Du M. will send runs, by enclosing one Caicotta Cow— do choice.... 89 @9( undersigned have till* day forme d a copart. Sexton of Kev. Dr. Shailer’s Church action of the (Hands. f|3HK Premiums terminated the year, and for which ltimpartsa healthy Kidneys, as above, a pamphlet on DISEASE# Ok WO- juadhlli id.. .1 10 8ouchong.69 @67 X uerehip under the name and style of 53T"Rl!:8U>KNrK No. 7 CBAPKL STIU'KT jy 23 d Gin MAINE INSURANCE during and stamp CO, Urinary Organs, very beueticialin Dropsy.(ioat MEN, and on Private Diseases giving foil Gross Salt.1 00 Tshaecs. Certificatesareissued, ukarinq interest, until re- generally, and Rheumatic Affections. information, with the most undoubted re/>rences and Shaap Pelts, Gfn *2 Leaverunmann or. Maine. 14® Duty: NOYES, HOWARD & CO., HUGHES’ Augusta, deemed. without which no Hope. lured 26, all other landt Die. STEER’S WINE testimonials, advertisingphysician lor the transaction of the Is not a mixture or but is or medicine of this kind is ef AA Y CON- Duty: tePft. 36 pc ad val. fitIIE Maine Insurance manufactured article, pure deserving Eclfdic medical Company insure against Dividend Jan. 27tli, 186:1, 40 per el. from the of the culti- WHATEVER. Pint Sort. 1803 23 6's A 10’s best br’ds.66 Infirmary. X loss or juice Portugal Sambuci grape, FIDENCE @26 @60c damage by Fire, Buildings, Merchan- mail attended to. Write ram. do. Slove and Furnace dize and The Profits of the ascertained vated in New Jersey, recommended by chemists and ^•Orders by promptly I medium .60 @65 Business, in Furniture, on terms as favorable as it cun Company, direotto DR. and Established for the treatment of those diseases from the 1st of to physicians as possessing medical properties superior yon r address plainly, and MATTISON, Duty: Pig Stare 6 do. common 40 @46 be done bv auy solvent Company Policies issued July, 1842. the lsf of AT NO. 36 EXC MANOR STREET. both sexes, requiring Experience, Skill, Honor and to any other wines in use, and an excellent article for as above. dec«dawly8n Bar not exceeding $601> half lbs best br'ds 60 @6.5 tor One, Three, or Five years. January, 1862. for which Certificates delicacy. all weak and debilita od and the and ton value S17 P Ion, ex- do. mod. good. 60 @66 N. W. NOYES. *Y- L- CUTLER, President. were issued, amount to *12,753,730 persons, aged CONSULTATIONS.—Dr. has it iiriT .... ceeding 260 p (on f 18, do. common 4Q@45 1. L HOWARD. Hughes J. U. WILLI AMS, Additional from 1st January, 1862, foist infirm, improving the appetite, and uenetittiugladies PRIVATEfor a number of confined bis attention to Secretary. Bailroad S1260, Boiler Natural Leaf, lbs 76 @ *1 Portland. 1, 1363. JyS dtf years January, 1863, 1,740,000 and childreu. Eclectic Ticqiciti lunruinry. July diseases of a certain class. his he an* Plate 286 p ton, 6( During practice EDWARD A LADIES WINE. Navy-pounds.66® has treated thousands of cases, ana in no instance SHAW-Agent, Sheet 23240 p ft and Wwwd, Total profits for 201 years, *14,493,780 Because it will not intoxicate as other wities, as it has he met with a failure. The remedies are mild, TO THE LADIES. Hard, retail.89 @91 No. 102 Middle Street. The Certificates previous to 1861, have contains no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is «* aud there is uo of business or change of ocl2 ULUHKS particularly invites ail Lad it** who 3 soft. .6@e JOHN CROCKETT & CO., interruption eodly been redeemed by cash, 10,278,560 admired for its rich, peculiar flavor, aud nutritive CmSof....’.44 diet. Dr. is in constaut attendance from 8 need a medical advisor, to call at his rooms. No. BeSned 6 ® Vsrsiih. Hughes properties, a healthy tone to the digestive DK -UUALEUe IS- in the until 10 at at his office, B Tem- imparting Street, which will flud arranged for Swede.74® 8 Furniture.83 IB> 81 morning night, T R IT ST EES. and a soft aud skin aud ft Temple they street. Charges moderate, and a cure guaranteed organs, blooming, healthy their accommodation Norway.9® Coach.8|@ 6' ple John D. Joues, A.P.Pillot, Jos. complexion. especial New an.I Second lluud I'liriilture, in all cases. Separate rooms, so that no one will be Home Insurance Gaiiiard, Jr., Dr. 11 s Eclectic Modicinesare unrival- Cast Steel. 26327 Damar. .2>@® 41 Charles Renovating ! seen but the Dr. himself. His remedies cure disease Company, Dennis, Leroy M.Wiley, J. Henr Hurgy, WE REFER TO led in and virtue iu regulating all German Steel —18 320 Wool. -1«D- W. II. II. Dan’lS. efficacy superior when all other remedies fail: cures without dictiug, OF NEW HAVEN, CT. Moore, Miller, CormliusGrinnell a few well known gentlemen aud physician’- s he Female Their action is specific and BUs.Steel.18 ®20 Duty Coiling 18c P It Thos. S. T. C. Irregularities. or restriction in the habits of the patient; cures with- Tile«ton, Nicoll, A. Hand, have tried the Wiue certain of relief in a short time. and under 6 Be, over 1S< FURNISHING GOODS. Josh'a produciujc out the disgusting aud sickening effects of most other fASIl CAPITAL *100,000. Henry’ Colt, J.Henry,Watts Sherniau, lieu. Winfield Scott.USA. Dr Wilson.lit!, st N Y LADIES will And it invaluable In all eaae* of ob- Engl. ! ro 24c p lb 3c, over 24< ; W.C. Geo.r Ward. Newark. N.J. structions after all other remedies have been tried la Sheet Iron,Rossis.18 ®22 9c p lb. Exchange Lewis Curtis, David H. J. out the dreadfhl consequent effects of mercury, but receive 7f) cent. net Lane, Howland, Dr. Dr. Dougherty Newark Tain. containing nothin. In do. Has im't.,14 Fleece. 55(@60 per qf profit*, (or Chas. II. Janies J.R.Chilton.N.Y.City. Itlapur.lv vegetable, ®16 maylldtf is sure to annihilate the rank and ixusonou* taint DKAI.EKSa cash discount made in lieu of Russell. Bryce, HenJ. Babcock, Dr. Barker, N.Y. N.J the leaet to tne health, and mar he taken lard. Pulled.72 @82. participation.) Lowell City. injurio..*" that the blood is sure to absorb, unless the proper Insures Holbrook, Wm.Sturgis.Jr., Fletcher Wcctray, Drs.DarcyA Nicholl.New- Dr Marcy. New \ ork with .afety at all timee. Bartel, p ft.123121 Buildings, Merchandise, Household Furni- P. A. H. K. H perfect Esehaigs- & is used. The are veget llargous, Bogert, R Mitturn.Jr., ark,N.J. Dr.('umntiugs,Portland Seat to of thecoaatrv with full direction . London—60 d. 1 61 FROST FRYE, remedy ingredients entirely ture, Rents, Leases,and other lusurable A. soy part JCegs.Pft.12^jl2j @162 and no effect, either constitutional] Property, Meyer Cans, A. Low, (i. W Burnham. Dr. Boston DR. auilnEe, ble, injurious against Loss or by Fire. Hayes, by addressing can be caused using them. Damage Royal l'htlps, Wm. E. Dodge, Fred. Street. corner of Middle. Portland -DKALKR8IN- locally, by D. R.SATTERLEK, President. Chauncey, iy"Xone genuine without the signature of “AL- Mo. t Temple who are troubled with seminal „r Caleb Barstow. Dennis Perkins. Jauies Low YOUNG MEN, C ha hi. es Wilson, Secretary. FRED SPEER, Passaic. N.J..** i* over the cork ot JOHN D. President. — one S. weakness, generally caused bad habits in youth, Sam'l L. JONES. N H LADIES ilealrlng may eonanlt of their U. NAVY. Grain and by TaIcott, Surveyor. CHARLES Vice each bottle. Flour, Meal, Feed, the effects of which are pain and dizziness in the DENNIS. President own eex A lady of experience In eonettat attend- W. 11. H. OXK TKIAL or THIS WLXK. ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, MOORE, 2d Vice Prea t. OTMAKK ance 'ulldawtr No. lOO CommeroialStreet. head, forgetful W. For sale and all first class dealers. weak in consumption oriu- J. MUNGER & SON, by Druggists eyes, etc., terminating Agents, town by the State Com " ▲ ADDIBON 7RTE. and Agents supplied — * MA.RIAH JTROBT. if are and warded aud OPEN POLICIE City “as-—s 1000 sanlty neglected, speedily permanently -VO. IGG FORK STREET. 44F~\P|‘Iicatioustor missioner*. WAITED, eodtf cured. procured by A Portland, February 4,1863. M WkF Gni j SPEER,Proprietor AlloorrespondencestrictlvoonfideutiuJaud will e Jy20 Portlamd, Mk. New JOHN W. VtwaTiBD- Passaic. Jersey. Book Card & Fansv Seaman,Ordinary Seamen ft Landsmen. returned!fdesired. Address fillNGER, Now York Printing J. B. HUGHES, ()rnclt-ll>«Broadwav. Vermont Butter* DK. DOLLARS will be for the detection JOHN LA FO Y, Paris, No. 5 Street,(corner of £T