בס“ד Toronto Torah Beit Midrash Zichron Dov Parshat Emor 20 Iyyar 5772/May 12, 2012 / 35 Omer Vol.3 Num. 30 To sponsor an issue of Toronto Torah, please contact
[email protected] or 416-783-6960 A Kohen and a Levite Hillel Horovitz Fresh from reading Acharei Mot and guarding the Beit haMikdash rather than As described by Moshe in his blessing to Kedoshim, with their focus upon the performing the priestly service. The the tribe of Levi (Devarim 33:10), the sanctity of the Jewish people and its Haftorah then continues to describe the Kohanim are charged with two tasks: individuation from the rest of the family demands placed upon the Kohen and the "They will teach Your laws to Yaakov, of nations, we continue to discuss gifts he would receive from the Israelites, and Your Torah to Israel; they will place matters of holiness in Parshat Emor. matters which appropriately complement incense before You and whole offerings This portion presents laws related to the the contents of our Torah portion. upon Your altar." The first task, sanctity of Kohanim, and the sanctity of teaching Israel, is assigned to the entire Let us focus on Yechezkel's interesting Time as expressed via the holidays. tribe of Levi; the second task, service in turn of phrase, "the Kohanim the the Beit haMikdash, is assigned to the The connection between the two Levites." Are there Kohanim who are not Kohanim, sons of Aharon. The sanctities described in our portion is Levites? This expression first appears in expression, "The Kohanim the Levites", profound in meaning and message.