1 We will spend most of the meeting discussing projects in and your answering questions.

Before we do that, I’d like to start the meeting by bringing you up to speed on some of the waterfront revitalization efforts we’ve undertaken across the waterfront.

2 • The last couple of years have brought unprecedented transformation along ’s waterfront.

• This map shows many of our revitalization areas where we are working – I’ll walk you through some of those projects now.

3 • ’s work in the Central Waterfront is focused on improving the most heavily used part of the downtown waterfront.

• Unlike the and East Bayfront, where we are building new communities from the ground up, in the Central Waterfront, we are making improvements to an already highly developed area.

• Our goal is to transform the area in the world-class waterfront Toronto deserves by linking major waterfront destinations, creating new public spaces and giving the city the grand waterfront boulevard it deserves.

4 • The QQ revitalization is transforming Toronto’s main waterfront street – from just west of Spadina to Bay.

• The design, by West 8 + DTAH is rebalancing the street bringing a generous pedestrian promenade and much needed connection to the through the Central Waterfront. It’s designed to make QQ a place where people want to spend time – not just pass though.

• From a construction perspective, it’s an incredibly complex project that is completely rebuilding the street both above and below ground.

5 • Despite the complexities, is on schedule for completion in time for the 2015 PanAm Games.

5 • This summer, in partnership with Harbourfront Centre, we completed and opened two new public spaces -- Canada Square and Square.

• This multi-phased project completely revitalized the area around HFC and included the construction of a new underground garage which allowed us to replace the surface parking lot with public space.

• More than 500 trees were planted at Canada/Ontario Square which was designed by MVVA.

• The squares are owned and operated by HFC. They provide open public space in this dense part of the

6 waterfront and are also used for HFC programming.

6 • Construction is complete on a new stretch of water’s edge promenade at the Portland Slip just east of Bathurst Street.

• This project is a good news story. The City needed to rebuild the dockwall in the area so we worked together to install a new stretch of promenade at the same time.

• The promenade provides a new access point to Park from the east. Access to the park has been from the west in the past.

• Before we can be officially open the promenade, a Record of Site Condition is required from the Ministry of the Environment. An RSC is required whenever a land use designation changes to a more sensitive use (e.g, industrial use to park space)

7 • It will open as soon as RSC is complete (expected early next year)

7 • WT and the City of Toronto are undertaking two studies in the Lower Yonge Precinct: Urban Design Guidelines and a Transportation Master Plan EA.

• This area is currently home to the Toronto Star building, the LCBO warehouse/store, Loblaws and several parking lots.

• When complete, the Urban Design Guidelines and Transportation Master Plan will be used to develop a Precinct Plan for the Lower Yonge led by the City of Toronto.

• The goal is to establish the planning context required to guide the future development of this important waterfront area.

8 • The West Don Lands is one of the first new communities that Waterfront Toronto is building.

• The area is currently a very busy construction site, with several large projects under construction.

• Located west of the , this is a 32 hectare (80-acre) area that runs from Parliament Street in the west to the Don River in the east, from King Street south to the rail corridor.

• Development of the area has been accelerated because a portion of the West Don Lands will be used for the 2015 Pan Am Athletes’ Village.

9 • opened in June 2013, following completion of construction on the western side of the park.

• Construction of the wet side continues and once completed, the park (wet and dry side) will be turned over to the City for operation.

• The spectacular new 7.3 hectare (18 acre) park is fast becoming the heart of the emerging West Don Lands neighbourhood and is already drawing visitors from across the city.

• The park occupies the south eastern portion of the neighbourhood and will run along the Don River from King Street to the rail corridor in the south.

10 • Waterfront revitalization reached a significant milestone last Spring when residents began moving into the first phase of the River City condominiums.

• This marked the first residential occupancy in the revitalized waterfront.

• Construction of Phase Two – the stunning three glass mini-towers – got underway in January with work progressing well.

• River City is being developed by Urban Capital and is designed by renowned Canadian architects Saucier and Perrotte.

11 • Construction of the West Don Lands first affordable rental housing development by TCHC is progressing well.

• Located on King Street south to the middle block of between St. Lawrence and Lower River Street.

• There are 243 affordable rental units for seniors and families in three buildings.

• The Toronto Community Housing buildings in the West Don Lands are nearly ready for occupancy with pre-delivery inspections having begun in

12 anticipation of residents beginning to occupy the building.

12 • The Village is approximately 35 acres bordered by in the west, the new Bayview Ave extension in the east, north of to the rail corridor.

• The Village is more than 60% complete and includes: • the next phase of West Don Lands infrastructure • the construction of ’s first student residence, a new full service YMCA, two affordable rental housing buildings; and the Canary District

• All of the components of the Village will first be used by the athletes and officials competing in the Games, then converted for permanent use and occupancy following the Games.

13 • Construction of the Athletes’ Village is on schedule to be completed for the 2015 Pan/Parapan American Games.

13 • WT and the City of Toronto are moving forward on the next phase of redeveloping the following the extensive analysis undertaken as part of the Port Lands Acceleration Initiative to make redevelopment more achievable.

• Just last week (Nov 28) we held a public meeting with the City to launch consultation on the Port Lands Planning Framework and Precinct Plans for Cousins Quay and the Film Studio precincts.

14 • In addition to the new communities we are building in East Bayfront and the West Don Lands, Waterfront Toronto is undertaking several other important initiatives across the waterfront area

15 • Work is underway to transform approximately 7.5 acres of Ontario Place’s east island into a vibrant urban park and . The new park and trail will provide access to part of the waterfront that has been closed to the public for more than 40 years.

• While the Province is leading this revitalization effort, Waterfront Toronto will manage the design process and public consultations for the new park and trail project.

• A public meeting will be held tomorrow night (Dec. 4) at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. At that meeting you can share your ideas, comments or questions with the project team and designers and learn more about the project.

16 • Yesterday, a Special Meeting of Waterfront Toronto’s Board of Directors was held to discuss the Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport expansion.

• At the meeting, the Board stated that while we have co-existed with the airport to date there are potential risks with expansion as it relates to scale and balance.

• Given the findings of the City of Toronto’s review, the current problematic conditions for transportation and traffic created by the airport’s current operations, WT believes expansion creates potential risks to waterfront revitalization

• No decision on expansion should proceed without the information required to make this generational

17 decision

17 • The Environmental Assessment (EA) on the future of the East, from approximately Jarvis to approximately Leslie is currently underway.

• We are now in the second phase of the EA. During this phase, the team is undertaking a detailed evaluation of the four alternatives: maintain, replace, improve or remove.

• We have undertaken extensive public consultation to date. At the next public meeting in January/Feb 2014, the team will present its evaluation of the alternatives

• Timing is for City Council approval of a preferred alternative is Spring 2014

18 • Our work is not limited to the downtown area.

• This summer we opened Phase two of Waterfront Park and Phase two Port Union Waterfront Park

• Both of these new parks provide new trails and access to the water’s edge where none existed previously

19 Before we move to our detailed presentations, I’d like to provide a general update on progress in East Bayfront in a few areas:

• Parks and Public Space • Construction Activities • Development Progress

20 • In July, we opened a new stretch of Martin Goodman Trail and sidewalk on the south side of Queens Quay between Yonge Street and Lower

• We also made improvements to on-street bike lanes between Jarvis and Parliament Street

• The goal of this project was to improve pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure along Queens Quay East – and to provide a safe pedestrian and cycling connection into East Bayfront

• Brian from West 8 + DTAH will speak more about this during his presentation

21 • Pavilion was officially certified LEED® Gold by the Canada Green Building Council this year, making it the first building in a Waterfront Toronto park to achieve this distinction.

• In addition, the City of Toronto has announced an operator for the Pavilion Café.

• Hero Certified Burger was the successful proponent of a City-issued RFP

• In addition to gourmet burgers, Hero also plans to sell speciality coffees, hot chocolate, etc.

• The licence agreement with the City begins on January 1, 2014

22 • Sherbourne Common was used for several major festivals this summer and will continue to become more popular as the community grows around it.

• Unfortunately, due to several acts of vandalism resulting from the river stones in the channel, the water in the Sherbourne Common channel was turned off for the latter part of the summer.

• To resolve this issue, a retrofit is planned for the channel which will remove the river stones and raise the height of the concrete in the channel.

• We expect this work to be complete and the

23 channel fully operational again next summer.

23 • The skating rink at Sherbourne Common is now open for the season

• It is open 7 days a week and operated by Parks and Rec staff

• Washrooms are available from 10am to 10pm

24 • Some Construction Updates:

• Most of Toronto’s aging dockwalls require extensive repairs. In July, we completed a major project to reinforce the aging north dockwall at the Jarvis Slip.

• After we completed the infrastructure work, we installed a 7.4 metre wide stretch of granite pavers and opened the area in time for the summer’s major festivals and events.

• The granite, a key design feature of the future Queens Quay promenade in East Bayfront, provides pedestrians with a seamless connection to the entrance of Canada’s

25 located on the east side of the Jarvis Slip.

25 • A new traffic signal at Queens Quay and Lower Sherbourne was installed and activated earlier this summer

• It provides safe crossing to Sherbourne Common and George Brown College

26 • Toronto Hydro is relocating and upgrading its aging infrastructure along Queens Quay

• Work is underway on Queens Quay West and will begin on Queens Quay East in January 2014 between Yonge and Dockside Drive

• Phase Two is Dockside Drive to Parliament Street

• Waterfront Toronto is not overseeing this work – Toronto Hydro will be communicating directly with businesses and residents in the area

27 This image cannot currently be displayed.

• Waterfront Toronto is undertaking much of the infrastructure construction required for the new Bayside development (which you’ll hear more about shortly)

• This includes: • Continuation of the water’s edge promenade east of Sherbourne Common (and dockwall reinforcement) • New public streets within Bayside and interim improvements to Queens Quay • Stormwater management infrastructure • Municipal services

• This work is being phased to meet the needs of the development. Crews are currently working on the

28 water’s edge promenade/dockwall and municipal services

28 This image cannot currently be displayed.

• We have released a request for qualifications for a developer to create a Waterfront Innovation Centre in East Bayfront

• This purpose-built facility is designed to help to establish the East Bayfront neighbourhood as a world- class innovation district with a cluster of high tech and digital media businesses

• The RFQ closes in December and we plan to issue an RFP to qualified proponents early next year.

29 This image cannot currently be displayed.

• Sales are underway for Monde, a residential condominium next to Sherbourne Common, developed by Great Gulf. • GG is proposing a minor re-design of their building which: • Narrows the podium and decreases its height from 11- storeys to 9-storeys AND • Increases the tower height from 40 to 44-storeys. • The re-design results in an overall decrease in total gross floor area. • GG presented the re-design to the Waterfront Design Review Panel and to a group of local stakeholders organized by Councillor McConnell. Both groups supported the re-design. • GG will go before the City’s Committee of Adjustment on Dec. 11 to request a minor variance for the proposed

30 changes to the building.

30 This image cannot currently be displayed.

As we saw in the West Don Lands, Waterfront Toronto sets aside enough land in our new communities to ensure that 20% of the residential development is for Affordable Rental Housing.

Setting aside these lands is consistent with City policy and zoning by-laws for public land. It’s also consistent with our mandate to build waterfront neighbourhoods with a wide variety of housing types for people of all ages and income levels.

Waterfront Toronto does not develop the land or build the affordable housing. As the Master developer, we reserve the land for Affordable Rental Housing and forego the potential revenue from that land.

The land is set aside until there is funding – which generally comes from the province and/or federal government – for a non-profit organization (e.g., Toronto Community Housing) to build the Affordable Rental Housing.

We are very excited that the first affordable housing for East Bayfront is

31 moving forward as part of the Bayside development which you will learn more about later this evening.

31 This image cannot currently be displayed.

• The full design for Queens Quay, which is currently being built in the Central Waterfront, is the long-term vision for Queens Quay in East Bayfront.

• Beginning in mid-2014, we are going to implement a series of interim improvements that will help set the groundwork for the full vision for Queens Quay.

• These improvements will bring an off-street Martin Goodman Trail through East Bayfront on the south side of Queens Quay. They also improve pedestrian access and beautify the area while construction continues in East Bayfront.

• We are pleased to have Yvonne Lam from West 8+DTAH here tonight to review the design for the interim improvements.

32 As many of you know, Bayside is the single largest development project undertaken to date by Waterfront Toronto.

When we launched the Bayside developer selection process we knew we needed an exceptional partner for this development.

We wanted a partner to help us build a remarkable waterfront neighbourhood.

Hines and Tridel fit that bill perfectly – one of the world’s premier real estate development firms and Canada’s leading condominium builder – working together to transform 13 acres of formerly industrial land into a thriving mixed use development.

33 We’re pleased to have Samidha Thakral from Hines and Jim Ritchie from Tridel here tonight for an update on Bayside progress.