January 27 – January 31, 2020

School Name: Champion Elementary

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Dear Time (instead of Morning News)

Tuesday, January 28 Word Hat Day: kids can wear a word hat that they made at home (anyone with a hat gets a book eraser)

Wednesday, Book Fair and turn in character bag contest paper to media. January 29 All the kids get the paper in media the week before with examples.

Thursday, January 30 Book Fair Be a Reading Star and wear sunglasses

Friday, January 31 Book Fair Any child on level 2 for RC will get a mystery prize

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020

School Name: Chisholm Elementary

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Introduce weekly events on the a.m. news including: *Door Decorating contest (judging on Friday) *Storybook parade ( Friday) *Connect Ed: announcing events of the week & encourage families to read together

Tuesday, * Announce Teacher & Student Book Swap ( teacher swap in workroom, student swap in location January 28 to be determined with tickets for donated books

Wednesday, * Idiom/vivid vocabulary dress up (?) January 29 * Book chat on a.m. news

Thursday, January 30 * Reading Marathon (teachers keep track of minutes read/# sent to district) with book buddies * Guest reader on a.m. news reads favorite book

Friday, Storybook Parade- assembly in the cafe' with prizes for each grade level January 31 *Choose winner of door decorating contest


Community Guest Readers: Teachers arrange/schedule guest readers on their own (Kona Ice, Firefighters, Police Officers, Mrs.Cuthbert, Mr. McGuirk)

Faculty/Staff Twitter Shout Out: Share favorite books on Twitter ( Madison & Nicole) OR thank an author on Twitter!

In Media for all classes: * Bookmark Contest * Graphic T- shirt designs for favorite book/author/text quote Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31, 2020 School Name: Citrus Grove

Monday, January 27 Kick up your heels for reading! Students & staff will wear silly socks to school to kick off Literacy Week.

Tuesday, January 28 Techie Tuesday: Teachers will encourage literacy using a variety of technology resources throughout the school day such as Epic, Storyline Online, The International Children’s Digital Library, etc.

Wednesday, January 29 Reading Buddies: Classes with pair up to read and/or complete a literacy activity.

Thursday, January 30 Hungry for Reading! All students will listen to a read aloud during their lunchtime in the cafeteria.

Friday, January 31 Flashlight Friday: Bring a flashlight for a special time of reading

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31, 2020 School Name: Coronado Beach Elementary School

Ongoing School Events Door Decorating Displays – classroom doors decorated to highlight an author or genre. Mystery Book – questions announced on the morning news every day; students guess the book title for a chance to win a prize.

Monday, Crazy for Books! – wear your uniform inside out or backwards January 27 Mystery Book Door Decorating Display – classes begin working on their doors

Tuesday, Be a Star – READ! – wear sunglasses January 28 Mystery Book – drawing and new question Door Decorating Display – continue working on doors

Wednesday, Hats Off to Reading – wear your favorite hat January 29 Buddy Reading – buddy up with another class and read together. Mystery Book – drawing and new question

Thursday, Reading Knocks Our Socks Off! – wear crazy socks January 30 Mystery Book – drawing and new question Door Decorating Displays – highlight on morning news

Friday, Find Yourself in a Book (dress up as your favorite storybook character) January 31 Mystery Book – drawing Storybook Character Parade – 1:00-1:30pm – students and staff dress up as their favorite storybook character and parade around the campus.

Kickoff for One School One Book (skit shown on news)

The Miraaculous Journey of Edward Tulane

Readers’ Café evening event in media center


Trivia question drawings on news

Trivia question drawings on news

January Literacy Calendars due

Winners announced on the news on Monday

jidjfjfjijd Volusia County Schools

j January 27 - January 31, 2020 ~ School Name: Oe.&l.f'IO ~leMenta.r:i

Date School Activity Monday, Ot\~ ~b~ 101'\e, '&:hoo\ Uc.-'t--off ' January 27 "\N~ (\o c,t.ku'I ~( 'ooo'CI> •• -we.u.f c:X'O.""CA.\ Mc-~s. .. u~.1\-.\t. \? M1·n. l 1.\o(ar1. M\,\-0.Wflj laoo'C o" l'\t\N'O - cno.nc:-e.. hi \/\HY'\ a \o~\l tv(\,\Oll( dass .. Tuesday, rDint--\-o \.Jo()ctt-e -•t"°-s ...ouc;.e.- occ.l'\Cj1:. c.-ldf ·. · January28 ~

Wednesday, J:c;\iolV\ 1'a.'I- \Xe.,77 \J() o.S Cl.<\ T.c\.WVV\ January 29 17.~.vi,..<2.. \'f> M.1'11 N\'f.r\'d~ 'ocoL00 >'\-e\/\/c;.-0'rlal"\C.-e.-h:i \Niv"I a 'ooo'l. few '<\oi.>< c,\o.s.s hlovcu.

Thursday, ~ea\"/\JP ""'~ \.oO- Vfil'V'o.fv\ Glo.'ifo-e.S po.1r up V'll-tr1 1'<'1"'1'\'\rt: • January 30 o.<;,se"b -i:- <-ta · ~t> we,o.r o. -k~ i\I\ <;7\rirr+. · v.e.Pr.i. 1'>'Mio, N\\.\*-'"\ 'ooo"-d\f\ ne~ -ch:>.nc.e- to w.-r1 o. ~\C. ~( ~t>Jr c\o.s.s \ ,\o f'q~,

Friday, ~f-tbOil\l d\ara.clv ~O.{O.d.-i-1/Ct~ O(> (,lS 'f.l>J(fa..J(J(i'rf. &-lv(4~IL CJ'll(ac¥ ('. January 31 1).\a'.fl<.e. \<;'M\'tl.-fw ~tlvf cJc1.;s ldo1 a

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020

School Name: Detona Lakes Elementary

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 DEAR Time

Story book potato contest

Tuesday, January 28 Decorate a book mark

Wednesday, Reading Buddies January 29

Thursday, Family Literacy Night January 30

Friday, Vocabulary Parade January 31

Volusia County Schools

' January 27 - January 31, 2020

School Name: \)\::.co~ \,\~°")

·'·'' .·. Date·

Tuesday, January 28 ~~'\(:)\ (),_ ~~~'>\'Qi ~\~·(',N\\)\-11{\ \."'-. ~~ (9 l\'o'l'll-J ~if . °' ~\<..Q.; b"G~ {" "-' ~ Wednesday, January 29

,'.,: i '{\·\\~ Thursday, January 30

Friday, January 31 Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31, 2020 Please schedule DEAR time each day in your classroom

Monday, Teachers and students featured on the morning news January 27 Bookmark contest - library Administrators will pass out bookmarks to students caught reading. Kick off the book Wishtree! Tuesday, Teachers and students featured on the morning news January 28 Bookmark contest - library Administrators will pass out bookmarks to students caught reading. Reading Buddies – arrange a good time for your class to read with another class Wednesday, Teachers and students featured on the morning news January 29 Bookmark contest - library Administrators will pass out bookmarks to students caught reading. Meet the Author -https://www.wishtreebook.com/#author

Thursday, Teachers and students featured on the morning news January 30 Bookmark contest - library Administrators will pass out bookmarks to students caught reading. Have students write a poem. An acrostic using their name is always fun 😊😊 https://www.kidzone.ws/poetry/acrostic.htm

Friday, Teachers and students featured on the morning news January 31 Bookmark Contest - library Administrators will pass out bookmarks to students caught reading. 100th Day of School! University High School Students will be around to read to classes. See Schedule Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27 - 31, 2020 School Name: Forest Lake Elementary

ALL WEEK • Door Decorating Fun: As a class, students will pick their favorite class book. The teacher and students will decorate doors based on their class' selection. • Turn in Books for Book Swap Tickets • PNN Book/Author Spotlights • Guest Readers on PNN-TBD • School Wide Read – The Spiffiest Giant in Town • School Wide Community Project to support School wide Read: Coat/Jacket Drive • Get Caught Reading Pictures-students that are caught reading throughout the week by faculty staff or admin will have pictures taken and displayed on the morning news. • Teachers Read Too-Can You Guess Who? Bulletin Board-pictures of faculty and staff. Monday, KICK OFF January 27 • Million Minute Reading Challenge • I “Mustache ” you to Read – Entire school wears fake mustaches to kick off the week • Read School Wide Read Book for pleasure

Tuesday, VOCABULARY DAY January 28 • Classes read/discuss School Wide Read focusing on vocabulary • High School ROTC members will visit classrooms and read to our students.

Wednesday, LEADERS ARE READERS January 29 • Classes read/discuss School Wide Read focus on Theme • Students are invited to wear a selected word (school appropriate) either pinned to their shirt, as a necklace tag, or as a headband. It will be their job to tell others about their Vocabulary Word when asked about it. Students may also dress to match their word if they’d like. Example: word is Frazzled – have the word frazzled pinned to shirt and dress to look like a frazzled person.

Thursday, BOOK SWAP January 30 • School Wide Read discussion/ Kahoot • Students that have tickets from bringing in gently used/grade appropriate books will come to media center to select a book (or books) at the book swap.

Friday, BOOK CHARACTER PARADE January 31 • Staff and students are encouraged to dress as their favorite book character as we have a fun parade around the school. • View Decorated Doors

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020

Monday, “Reading is SPUD-tacular” January 27th • Teachers, please share/read aloud a favorite picture book • Potato Patch Character Potatoes due • 2nd Grade Chapter Book Challenge begins!!

Tuesday, “GROW Your Brain – READ!” th January 28 • Teachers, please read aloud a favorite nonfiction text

Wednesday, “Dig into Reading” th January 29 • Door decorating contest (favorite picture books) • Students write/respond about their favorite book

Thursday, “Later TATER” th January 30 • Teachers, please share a favorite poem with your students

Friday, “FRY” Day st January 31 • Book buddies – classes/students pair-up and share their favorite books with each other

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: George Marks Elementary Theme: BOOK Your Trip! Adventure Awaits!

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 • >ŝƚĞƌĂƌLJͲdŚĞŵĞĚtŝŶĚŽǁsdĞĐŽƌĂƚed by end of day • BOOK Your Trip Kickoff Day Dress like you are taking a trip (Wear your tourist attire, suitcases, sunglasses and more)!

Tuesday, • Library Card Drive in media center January 28 • Hats Off to Reading Day (Wear your favorite hat, cap or headband)!

Wednesday, • Buddy Reading - Intermediate and Primary students pair up to share their favorite stories January 29 • Storybook Character Dress Up Day (Wear the clothing of your favorite book character)!

Thursday, • Free Book Delivery - The FL Alumnae Club of PŝĞƚĂWŚŝƐƉŽŶƐŽƌĞĚĂƐĐŚŽůĂƌƐŚŝƉƚŚĂƚ͕ĂůŽŶŐǁŝƚŚ January 30 ĂĚŵŝŶŝƐƚƌĂƚŝŽŶ͕ĂůůŽǁedĞĂĐŚƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƚŽƌĞĐĞŝǀĞĂĨƌĞĞŬ. • BOOK a Safari Day (Wear what makes you WILD ABOUT BOOKS - animal print, camouflage, etc.)!

Friday, • Literacy in Science Day (Wear your "Mad Scientist" attire)! January 31 • WĂƚĞƌsĞŶƚƵƌĞƐ^ĐŝĞŶĐĞƵƐĨŽƌ'ƌĂĚĞƐϰͲϱ


Photographs of decorated windows on morning news


Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Holly Hill K-8

Date School Activity Monday, • Flat Knight Literacy Project – Each elementary and ELA classroom in the middle school will receive a “Flat January 27 Knight” template to decorate. Take “Flat Knight” on a reading trip across campus and take a selfie with him. Tweet your selfie to #HHSFlatKnight. Next, each teacher will send their “Flat Knight” on an adventure (another school, city official, family member, or anyone of interest) along with a letter. More details to follow. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 6th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Tuesday, • Adventure Over to the Elementary side – Buddy Reading: Middle School and Elementary classes “buddy January 28 up” to read or do a reading activity. ELA Coaches will provide a schedule. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 7th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Wednesday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 29 • Crazy About Books! – Wear Crazy Socks! • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades PK - 2nd will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in grades 4-8 will write a letter to their future selves. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Thursday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 30 • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades 3rd – 5th will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based activities to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • LITERACY NIGHT BOOK BINGO! 5:00 – 6:30 Pizza and Bingo to win books! Family Literacy Night! Friday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 31 • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • Amazing Race Around the World - 8th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in PK-2 will complete the “When I Grow Up” activity. o Students in grade 3 will complete “When I am a Grown Up” activity.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Horizon Elementary

Monday, Monday – Friday – Book Tasting at the Horizon Café January 27 Literature trivia contest on morning announcements

Tuesday, Staff book favorites video posted on school YouTube channel January 28

Wednesday, Door-decorating contest begins, "Wild About Reading” January 29

Thursday, DEAR January 30

Friday, Book Fair opens January 31 Book Fair Family Night with Winter Festival

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Manatee Cove Elementary

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Poetry Day *Poetry contest-poems turned in Thursday to the Media Center, winners will have their poem read in th emorning school news.

Tuesday, Book Swap January 28 *students bring in a book to swap out

Wednesday, January 29 DEAR Flashlight read

Thursday, January 30 Readers Theatre Day *preform a short Readers Theatre and invite another class to come watch

Friday, January 31 What's Your Idiom Day *Dress up as an idiom

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31, 2020 School Name: McInnis Elementary BOOK Your Trip! Adventure Awaits!

Monday, Creating a showcase of teacher-favorite books by displaying the book jackets in both January 27 the Media Center and School Office.

Tuesday, Schoolwide Adventure Tale bookmarks – Each student will receive a bookmark to January 28 design around a character from an adventure book such as Magic Tree House and Flat Stanley.

Wednesday, Create Your Own Adventure – Students will begin writing stories that ‘end’ with January 29 multiple endings. Other students will read these stories and will be able to choose one of the ending adventures.

Thursday, Dress Up Day – Students and teachers will dress up to emulate their favorite character January 30 in an adventure book or series.

Friday, There will be ‘100th Day of School’ activities during the Math Block for Grades K and 1. January 31 Literacy encompasses all subject areas and math literacy is just another perspective. Children’s literature developing the concept of 100 will be shared throughout the day. And students would each write and share about what they would do if they found $100.

Volusia County Schools January 27-January 31, 2020 School Name: Orange City Elementary School

Monday, SEL Book of the Quarter, “Crown an Ode to the Fresh Cut,” will January 27 be read by a fifth-grade student and recorded for all students to watch and listen to. Teachers will follow the curriculum guide and discussion guide after the story is complete. Tuesday, Book Swap January 28 Students will bring in gently used books to swap out during their special area rotations. Books should be grade level appropriate.

Wednesday, Story Book Character Parade January 29 Students will dress as a character from their favorite book. Students will parade across the stage and say who their character is and what book they are from. Class picture at the end. K-1st 8:15-8:45 2nd-3rd 9:00-9:30 4th-5th 10:00-10:30 Thursday, Guest Readers - Safety Patrols will read to grades K-2 and lead January 30 discussion questions. VPK Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade

Reader’s Theater Grades 3-5 Staff members will perform a Reader’s Theater for students in each classroom for grades 3-5.

FSA/Literacy Night Grades 3-5 and Book Fair 5:30-7:00 Friday, Buddy Read January 31 Intermediate students will go to a scheduled primary classroom and students will read together. Grades 3-5 will go to VPK-2 1:30-2:00.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! “Book A Trip – Your Passport For Adventure” January 27- February 1, 2019 Ormond Beach Elementary One Book One School Kick-Off: Class starts “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl Monday, You may choose a mystery reader to come read the first chapter of the book.

January 27 Book Swap 4th-5th Grade: Students meet in the science lab with a gently used book and then may “swap out” for another book. *Each student will receive a new book to add to their home library. (During Special Area rotation)

Poster Competition: Students create their own poster titled, “Book a Trip-Your Passport For Adventure”. All posters are due January 30th to the media center. (at home, before or after school, EDEP, Special Area)

Daily Book Trivia Questions: Students watch the news daily to hear the trivia question. Drop off your answer to the media center to enter a drawing for a prize. Reading Rocks…Wear CRAZY Socks: Wear silly socks to support our love for reading. Tuesday, Book Swap 2nd-3rd Grade: Students meet in the science lab with a gently used book and then may “swap January 28 out” for another book. *Each student will receive a new book to add to their home library. (During Special Area rotation)

Daily Book Trivia Questions: Students watch the news daily to hear the trivia question. Drop off your answer to the media center to enter a drawing for a prize. Lost in a Book: D.R.O.P everything and read. Students bring your book to special area where you will enjoy Wednesday, quiet reading time.

January 29 Daily Book Trivia Questions: Students watch the news daily to hear the trivia question. Drop off your answer to the media center to enter a drawing for a prize.

Reading is Your Superpower: Wear your favorite superhero shirt to show that reading is your SUPERPOWER. Also, make sure to take a picture with the “superpower” man located in the hallway near the front office. (Please note: no masks, costumes or props) Visual Vocabulary Day: Dress as your favorite vocabulary word. Prizes will be awarded to the top three Thursday, students in each grade level.

January 30 Book Swap Kinder-1st Grade: Students meet in the science lab with a gently used book and then may “swap out” for another book. *Each student will receive a new book to add to their home library. (During Special Area rotation)

Daily Book Trivia Questions: Students watch the news daily to hear the trivia question. Drop off your answer to the media center to enter a drawing for a prize. Book Swap: Students who might have been absent may come to the science lab with a gently used book Friday, and then may “swap out” for another book. *Each student will receive a new book to add to their home library. January 31 Announcement: Announce the winner of the poster competition on the morning news.

Daily Book Trivia Questions: Students watch the news daily to hear the trivia question. Drop off your answer to the media center to enter a drawing for a prize.

Reading Under the Stars: During the scheduled reading block students may read a book of choice. Students: bring in your favorite blanket and flashlight and read in a cozy place with the lights dimmed.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida!

January 27-31, 2020

Monday, Positive Message Day! – Wear a shirt with a positive message January 27 Teachers begin to decorate their classroom doors with their students. Theme: Science Vocabulary (examples: parts of a flower, space, weather, rocks, scientific method) Doors must be complete by Science Night (Jan. 30th) K/1 Book Give away-each student will be able select several books to add to their home library – Teachers will be given a box of books to go through with their students Did you know (morning news) – Book/Reading Trivia/Fact Get caught reading – Teachers please send any photos to Angela Miller for News Tuesday, Idiom Day! - Dress up like your favorite idiom January 28 Guest Readers in Media – Mrs. Lastinger will coordinate 2/3 Book Give away- each student will be able select several books to add to their home library – Teachers will be given a box of books to go through with their students Did you know (morning news) – Book/Reading Trivia/Fact Get caught reading – Teachers please send any photos to Angela Miller for News Wednesday, Vocabulary hat day! -Create a hat with your favorite word January 29 (DEAR) Drop Everything and Read – IDR time in classrooms 4/5 Book Give away- each student will be able select several books to add to their home library – Teachers will be given a box of books to go through with their students Did you know (morning news) – Book/Reading Trivia/Fact Get caught reading – Teachers please send any photos to Angela Miller for News Thursday, Creative Character Day! - Dress up as your favorite book character January 30 Last day to complete your classroom door for Science Night! Book Swap – bring in a book to swap during lunch time! Did you know (morning news) – Book/Reading Trivia/Fact Get caught reading – Teachers please send any photos to Angela Miller for News Friday, I Love coming to school and reading Day! – Wear your school spirit shirt January 31 Mrs. Bruner reads a book on morning news. Did you know (morning news) – Book/Reading Trivia/Fact Get caught reading – Teachers please send any photos to Angela Miller for News

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! BOOK Your Trip! Adventure Awaits January 27- January 31, 2020 Pine Trail Elementary

Monday, Literacy is Fun Day! Get Caught Reading Daily January 27 D.E.A.R. (“Drop Everything and Read”); Daily Book Trivia Question Winners Selected and Announced (receive prizes)! Daily Poetry readings during morning announcements (all week). “Look Who Grew Up Reading” bulletin board (childhood photos of teachers/staff-ongoing; daily prize drawn for teacher participants. Follett Bookfair! Racing To Read--All classes compete daily to accumulate the most RC Points (winning classes from each grade level will receive a prize at the end of the competition!) Judges begin judging class poster competition. Tuesday, Dress Up as Your Favorite Character Day! January 28 Get Caught Reading Daily D.E.A.R. Time;); Daily Book Trivia Question Winners Selected and Announced (receive prizes)! Daily Poetry readings during morning announcements (all week). “Look Who Grew Up Reading” bulletin board (childhood photos of teachers/staff- ongoing; daily prize drawn for teacher participants. Follett Book Fair! Racing To Read--All classes compete daily to accumulate the most RC Points. Winning classes from each grade level will receive a prize at the end of the competition! Get Those Posters Finished! Wednesday, It Takes A Village Day! Community and school volunteers come in to read to January 29 students in the classrooms. Daily Get Caught Reading D.E.A.R. Time; Poster Decorating Contest (Judging Complete by noon).Daily Book Trivia Question Winners Selected and Announced (receive prizes)! Daily Poetry readings during morning announcements (all week). “Look Who Grew Up Reading” bulletin board (childhood photos of teachers/staff-ongoing; daily prize drawn for teacher participants). Follett Book Fair! Racing To Read-- classes compete daily to accumulate the most RC Points. Winning classes from each grade level will receive a prize at the end of the competition! Thursday, Thematic Shirt or Hat That Advertises Your Favorite Book Day! January 30 (Dress Code, please!) Students, faculty and staff wear a tee shirt or hat that promotes or celebrates their favorite author; Daily Get Caught Reading D.E.A.R. Time; Poster Contest Winners Announced Daily Book Trivia Question Winners Selected and Announced (receive prizes)! Daily Poetry readings during morning announcements (all week). “Look Who Grew Up Reading” bulletin board (childhood photos of teachers/staff-ongoing; daily prize drawn for teacher participants. Follett Book Fair! Racing To Read--All classes compete daily to accumulate the most RC Points. Winning classes from each grade level will receive a prize at the end of the competition! Friday, Reading Counts Day! All students who pass a quiz at their reading level January 31 receive a special bookmark. Each class competes daily to accumulate the most RC Points (Winner to be announced at the end of the day!) Daily Get Caught Reading D.E.A.R. Time; Announce Poster Decorating Contest Winners (K-2; 3-5); Daily Book Trivia Question Winners Selected and Announced (receive prizes)! Daily Poetry readings during morning announcements (all week). “Look Who Grew Up Reading” bulletin board (childhood photos of teachers/staff-ongoing; daily prize drawn for teacher participants.

Celebration Details:

I Got Caught Reading Tickets will be given to students who upon completing classwork or during any “down time” opt to read voluntarily without being prompted by their teacher. Teachers may award an “I Got Caught Reading” Ticket to students throughout the day. Students should write their full name and grade on the back of the ticket and turn it in to the media center “I Got Caught Reading” Box. Daily names will be drawn and students will be awarded prizes.

Teachers who participate in the “Look Who Grew Up Reading” activity will provide childhood pictures for display in the media center and be eligible for our daily drawing for both faculty and staff.

Students and teachers may work together to create character hats or t-shirts to celebrate their favorite books. Teachers may elect to celebrate books they have read with and to their students. Feel free to take photos so that we may share them on our media website and on the morning announcements.

Get super Creative! Parents and students are encouraged to work together to create their favorite character costumes.

IT TAKES A VILLAGE DAY! Is an awesome way to extend the celebration by including our community! Teachers please invite volunteers and friends from our local law enforcement and civic organizations to come in and read with your students! Start making phone calls now and get ready for a fun- filled day of reading!

The Reading Counts “RC” Competition will be throughout the ENTIRE week. Classes will compete throughout the week to earn the most Reading Counts points for their grade level. Go, Pine Trail, GOOOOO!!

Our first ever follett Book Fair will be running throughout the week beginning on Thursday of the previous week! Students and teachers: Stock up on some good reads for the second half of the school year!

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31 2020 School Name: Port Orange Elementary

Monday, Ms. Polite reads “We Are All Wonders” on the News. January

Tuesday, Literacy Night 6:00-7:30 January Book Marks Reading Area Bingo for Books Cookies and Cocoa Social Studies Fair Door Judging for grade levels

Wednesday, School wide book talk. Teachers share favorite book with students @1:00 January

Thursday, Celebration of Achievement/Literacy January Book Face

Friday, Character walk parade. Dress as your favorite literacy character and parade around the January school with book cover.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31, 2020 Pride Elementary

Monday, Read Along with the Pine Ridge Panthers’ Basketball Team- Players January 27 will read aloud classic children’s books to select classes. This event coincides with Pride Spirit Night at Pine Ridge.

Tuesday, Human Scrabble Game Day- Teachers and students will create T- January 28 shirt featuring their favorite letter of the alphabet. Throughout the day different combinations of letter will unite to create words and phrases! Photos may be entered to win a prize for the most unique words.

Wednesday, Storybook Character (PK-3)/ I’m an Idiom (4-5) Parade- January 29 Begins at 8:05

Thursday, Million Minute Reading Challenge- 20 mins. of reading January 30 independently or a teacher read-aloud. School-wide total will be tallied by Ms. Harvey via email.

SSYRA Book Trailers- Which book gets your vote? Create a class graph. Grades K-2 (6 mins.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgIGnVcwGl8 Grades 3-5 (8 mins.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yVpVG5t-jM

Friday, January 31 Faculty & Staff Book Swap- Bring a gently used book to the swap table in the office. Books may be for adult enjoyment or a favorite read-aloud for class. Start your weekend with a fresh read!

Special Pride News Events: What’s Library Lion reading today? Use the clues to guess the title and author. Enter your answer into a raffle for daily prizes. Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020 School Name: Read-Pattillo Elementary

Monday, During the last week of January, Read-Pattillo Elementary School will “Celebrate January 27 Literacy” along with schools from around the state! Throughout the week, we will celebrate our accomplishments in reading and encourage students to become lifelong readers. We selected a theme of “Be a Character in 2020: Envision a Bright Future for Yourself!”. Staff members will share some of their favorite books with students each day! Students will have the opportunity throughout the week to “Get Caught” reading as well as enjoy special events throughout the week!

We will kick off literacy week with special guest readers! Our annual “Read to the Rockets” will take place each morning via shared videos. Special guests will also make surprise appearances throughout the week!

In class, students will brainstorm the character they want to be at the Storybook parade via a class discussion. Students will make “Character Glasses” with the name of the character and title of the book. Tuesday, Students will all come through the library to locate their character in the book! January 28 They will have an opportunity to check the book out from the Media Center and then participate in a character mingle---introduce yourself and give two facts about your character! Wednesday, Students will create “Character Selfies” in class and display them on the door or January 29 outside bulletin board! Primary classes will create one poster size selfie!

Thursday, Literacy Event in the Library! Each grade level will come to the library for a January 30 special event that celebrates literacy and school comradery! Friday, Our 6th annual STORYBOOK PARADE! Students are encouraged to come to January 31 school DRESSED as a CHARACTER from a storybook and PARADE around the school to show their love of literacy! We will begin at 8:30 am. Parents are welcome but must check in through the office. Be creative and HAVE FUN! Guidelines for costumes: Students should come to school dressed in their costume but may bring a change of clothes with them. Costumes should be modeled after STORYBOOK CHARACTERS but not depict violence, blood, or gore nor should there be any weapons (i.e. bows/arrows, toy guns. etc.). Shoes must be worn. Hats are allowable but must be removed for the remainder of the school day. Please bring the book that corresponds with your character. If you don’t own the book, check it out from our Media Center or the local library.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name:

Date School Activity Monday, • Book Tasting in the Media Center (Grades 2nd – 5th) January 27 o Introduction of Chapter Book Challenge with passports • Read-In BINGO o Introduce Read-In BINGO on the news. o BINGO contains numerous Literacy activities that can be done over the course of the week. Classes will work to successfully earn a BINGO. Classes that successfully earn a BINGO will be entered in a drawing for a class set of FREE books Tuesday, • Spirit Pen Pals January 28 o What is your favorite book? Convince your pen pal that he or she should read this book! Completed letters should be delivered to paired teacher’s mailbox. . Check the above activity off on your class Bingo Board Wednesday, • Adventure Awaits Online! (Choose one) January 29 o Invite a guest reader to share a story via Skype. o Listen to actors read aloud a story of your choice on Storyline Online at http://storylineonline.net. . Check the above activity off on your class Bingo Board Thursday, • One Book One School Kickoff event January 30 o Guest readers visit classrooms to read the first chapter of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

Friday, • Storybook Character and Idiom Parade January 31 o Primary grades (K-2) will dress up as their favorite character from a book, and intermediate grades (3-5) will dress up as their favorite idiom.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-January 31st, 2020

Spruce Creek Elementary

Monday, Buddy Reading Monday! January 27 All students drop everything sometime during the day and read with a buddy. Buddy Read- SCES students will pair up in teams: Intermediate grades with primary grades, another class in the same grade level, or within their own class and read together. Tuesday, Reading rocks, so wear your crazy socks! January 28 Teachers and students please wear your silliest and craziest socks today. Students are encouraged to spend some time today reading humorous picture books, short stories, or poems.

Wednesday, Wordy Wednesday. Teachers and students please wear clothes January 29 with words on them to promote reading. Students are encouraged to read and then discuss their favorite character or book with a classmate. Thursday, Hats Off to Readers! Teachers and students please wear your January 30 favorite hat today. Teachers will read aloud a favorite book to emphasize to students that reading helps you to become leaders in the future. Students will read at home as part of their nightly homework. Friday, Reading is our superpower! January 31 Wear your favorite superhero shirt today to show that reading is your superpower! Teachers will read tall tales or books about “superheroes” as part of World Read Aloud Day.





Wishtree by Katherine Applegate SCHEDULE FOR MENTOR Mentor Readers for each classroom on Monday. READING KICK-OFF ON MONDAY Readers please arrive for Welcome at 8:00 in the 8-8:20 Welcome/Preview Media Center. Teachers please use the book as a class 8:20-8:40 Rotation 1 8:45-9:05 Rotation 2 read-aloud throughout the weeks that follow. 9:10-9:30 Rotation 3 (if needed)

Volusia County Schools

Date School Activity Monday, il?oot IJertJ/ctfitiq (Jt!'Jn"fesf - '5 C? tI/kss/i~K 't'l'r -c;vCJ/'1/e Jciat.. January 27 TIJe 1eac1Jel'St;;;;dsluden'ls /f,I///dt'CcJl'a-le ~~/S /Ja.k;/ t!Jl1 ~6r tlA.ss .5tlt:t"l;t!J/J,

Tuesday, January 28

~W~d~d=-f~µ_L-~~~~~~f---4LJ~2-C_LfL!.~.EL~~~~'lE!!_=-t!:!_~'J!!fmq5hi:/, e nes ay, January 29

Thursday, January 30

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Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020

School Name: Sunrise Elementary

Date School Activity Monday, One Book, One School – Kickoff January 27 Walking With Miss Millie by Tamara Bundy (2nd - 5th grade) Brave Enough for Two by Jonathan D. Voss (Pre K - 1st grade)

Poetry reading during morning news.

Open the Door to Reading – Begin to decorate classroom door as a book. Tuesday, January 28 Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) Everyone on campus reads for 20 minutes (1:50 – 2:20).

Poetry reading during morning news.

Open the Door to Reading – Decorate classroom door as a book.

Wednesday, “Share the Love of Reading.” January 29 Teachers will read their favorite childhood book to class then share what made the book special to them. Wacky Wednesday – Wear a wacky hairstyle or a groovy hat. Poetry reading during morning news. Open the Door to Reading – Decorate classroom door as a book.

Thursday, January 30 “Buddy up with a Good Book” – Partner up with other classrooms to read together (intermediate with primary).

Reading Rocks, Wear Funky Socks! Poetry reading during morning news. Complete decorating classroom doors.

Friday, Parade: January 31 8:05 – 8:35 VPK – 2 will dress up as their favorite storybook character. 8:40 – 9:10 students in grades 3 – 5 will dress up as a vocabulary word. Designated area for families to watch the parade will be in the courtyard between Buildings #2 and #3.

Celebrate Literacy EVERYDAY, but especially during 1/27-1/31

Sweetwater Elementary

Schoolwide What do you Extra Fun during Plan need to do? the Week! Campfire Chat- Have a “Booknic” Bookmarks Read in your room with –Drop Everything Color it, return to Monday, and Read outside flashlights! OR library, get it January for 30 mins. at laminated, keep it your leisure. 27th forever! Hunting for a Good Book Show how you Blackout Poems Tuesday, All grade levels wear would “hunt” for Come to the library camouflage/adventure a good book! to “create” a poem using old book January gear! pages. 28th Wander In Wednesday Book Donations? Come to the library to Bring a book that Accepted all week. All Wednesday, Give a Book and Get a you have read to books will go back to January SWAP for another the community through Book! book! FFEA! 29th Buddy Read – Bring a book that Family Literacy Night! Primary classrooms pair you want to read Dress like a Hunter or Thursday, and share with Tourist and bring your up with an intermediate family and a book to another student! January classroom to read! swap as you “Book Your Trip on this Reading 30th Adventure!” K-2 - Fairy Tale Friday – 3rd- 5th – Wild Words Come Idiom Day! Friday, Character Parade! Understand the Dress as your favorite dressed to January literal and figurative storybook character and impress! meanings of idioms 31st parade around the campus by creating your after the news. own idiom outfit! Celebrate Literacy EVERYDAY, but especially during 1/27-1/31

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020 School Name:

Monday, Reading Under the Stars – During the school day, students will read a book of choice. January 27 Students may bring a favorite blanket and flashlight as they will be reading with the lights off!

Book Talk on the morning news with teacher volunteer!

Media Night & Book Fair – 5:30-7:00 Rotations with teacher volunteers

Tuesday, Visual Vocabulary Day – Teachers and students will dress up as a vocabulary word of January 28 their choice and will have an index card displaying the word they are dressed as. Prizes will be awarded to the top three students in each grade level! (see attached images)

Grade level parade at pavilion during special area

Book Talk on the morning news with teacher volunteer! Wednesday, SUPER HERO DAY! January 29 Wear your favorite superhero shirt today to show that reading is your super power. Teachers can read about superheroes or a book with a superhero. Celebrations can be linked to Superheroes for today! NO COSTUMES

Book Talk on the morning news with teacher volunteer! Thursday, Reading Rocks – Wear Crazy Socks!!! Teachers and students will wear silly socks to January 30 celebrate Literacy! Teachers can listen to actors read aloud on Storyline Online at http://storylineonline.net

Book Talk on the morning news with teacher volunteer! Friday, READ ALOUD/GUEST READER DAY - Teachers can choose to read a book aloud to their January 31 class, or may sign up to have a guest reader come and read a book to their class. Ms. McKinney, Ms. Miles, Ms. Cinkosky, Ms. Kuches, office clerks, and other volunteers from the community will be available to come read. Teachers can choose to sign up for a Guest Reader or do the job themselves if they prefer.

Book Talk on the morning news with teacher volunteer!

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! Book Your Trip! Adventure Awaits! January 27- 31, 2020

School Name: Tomoka Elementary Monday, • Kick off Celebrate Literacy Week and your first adventure with January 27 Reading Fun in the Sun. Bring your shades, beach blanket, and hat. Pick 30 minutes to read under the sun • Dr. Roseboom reads a snippet of her favorite book on the morning announcements • Draw the winning class for the 1st mystery reader • Teachers introduce the poster competition to their students. Students create their own poster titled “Book Your Trip, Adventure Awaits!” Teachers may choose to do this in class, assign at home, or make optional. All posters are due by Thursday, January 31st.

Tuesday, • Another adventure awaits! What will it be? Dress up so we will see! January 28 Dress up for your dream adventure! • Mrs. O’Quinn reads a snippet of her favorite book on the morning announcements • Pocket poetry- each student carries their favorite poem of their own creation or that they read. If approached by a faculty or staff member, the student will be asked to read it • Draw the winning class of the 2nd mystery reader • 1st Grade “Fun with Writing” in the media center Wednesday, • Braves READ- Everyone dresses in a Tomoka Tee- Shirt January 29 • Mrs. Railsback will read a snippet of her favorite book on the morning announcements • Draw the winner of the 3rd mystery reader. • DEAR time school wide

Thursday, • Walking Words. Vocabulary comes to life as students choose a January 30 school appropriate vocabulary word to depict with their dress attire or accessories. (The word must be displayed as well). • Mrs. Cintron reads a snippet of her favorite book on the morning announcements • Book Buddy Reading Bash- Intermediate grades team up with primary grades to share the joy of reading • Draw the winner of the 4th mystery reader. Friday, • Dress up as your favorite book character. You must have the story January book and the outfit must be school appropriate 31 • Mrs. Stephenson reads a snippet of her favorite book on the morning announcements • Mystery readers in the classrooms • Poster Winner will be announced

Turie T. Small Elementary Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020

Monday, Poetry Day- Share a favorite poem with your students today or have them read and January 27th share poems with each other.

Tuesday, Buddy Reading Day- Choose a class to be your buddy and have fun reading books, January 28th poems, etc.

Wednesday, Vocabulary Hat Day- Design a hat with a favorite word. January 29th

Thursday, Fresh Air – Enjoy reading outside today. Have your students grab their favorite January 30th book and find a place outside to read.

Friday, Storybook Character Day- Dress up as a favorite storybook character to end January 31st Literacy Week and participate in the parade.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name:

Date School Activity Monday, Kickoff with Westside 12,000 Minute Challenge! January 27 Book Trailer on the News (Honor Student)

Tuesday, Book Trailer on the News (Honor Student) January 28 Guest Readers (Sign up with Ms. Crawford)

Wednesday, January 29 Book Trailer on the News (Honor Student) Cross Age Buddy Meet “Read to Your Buddy”

Thursday, Book Trailer on the News (Honor Student) January 30 Literacy Night – Celebrating Lola Levine

Friday, January 31 Book Trailer on the News (Honor Student) Reader’s Theater (By the News Crew) – video played during special area Closeout with Poem in Your Pocket!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 Atlantic High School--Kris Smith, Media Specialist, Stacie Rich, Literacy Coach

Date School Activity Monday, Flipgrid about your favorite book, due end of day- Sponsor: K. Smith January 27 At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsored by Rich and Smith) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor!)

Tuesday, Drop Everything and Read- 10 min. during 2nd period January 28 Shakespearean Scrabble Tournament in Media during Lunch (ELA teacher to sponsor?)

At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsor) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor?)

Wednesday, At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day January 29 Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsor) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor?)

All projects due to Media by end of day! Thursday, Choreopoem Performances (outside stage or auditorium) January 30 Viewing of Story Stones, Bookmarks, Literary Sculptures, Life in Six Words poems in Media, all day, classes to tour as desired

Friday, Judging of/Viewing of Story Stones, Bookmarks, Literary Sculptures, Life in Six Words poems in January 31 Media, all morning, classes to tour as desired

Pajama Party (Invitation only)- Lunch to the end of the day

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Campbell MS

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Wear Red and be “Well Read” Day

Wear red to show that we know that reading is the key to success!

Teachers will read/recite one of their favorite poems to students. (Bell Ringer)

Tuesday, January 28 “Reading Fanatics Day”

Wear your favorite team t-shirt, jersey, hoodie, jacket, or sweater show which team produces the BEST readers.

Teachers will share with students their favorite books/authors/genres to read. (Bell Ringer) Wednesday, January 29 “Hats off to Reading”

Wear your favorite hat.

Students/teachers will read quietly for (10) minutes in celebration of Literacy Week (DEAR) Drop Everything And Read (Bell Ringer) Thursday, January 30 Celebrate Literacy Night (Family Event)

“Sock it to Literacy with a Good Book!”

Wear your CRAZIEST/WILDEST socks to show how much you love reading!

Teachers and students will do a book exchange. Bring a book you’ve read to exchange with a buddy. (Bell Ringer) (Teacher-to-teacher and student-to-student) Friday, January 31 “Reading Makes Bright”

Wear your favorite sunglasses to “reflect” how bright reading has made you.

Teachers will read some kid-friendly interesting facts about their content areas. (Bell Ringer) (EX. Science—Why is snot green? This is because your immune system kicks into high gear to fight infection. The color comes from dead white blood cells and other waste products…

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Creekside Middle

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Book Your Trip—Adventure Awaits! (Literacy Week Theme) Have a favorite place you’ve visited? Dreaming of a destination you read about in a book? Wear a school- appropriate shirt representing one of these special places!

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Have students find a quote about their destination, whether from a novel, from a travel slogan, or from a writer native to the location. Share with classmates.

Tuesday, January 28 We’re Crazy about Literacy! Bust out your crazy socks to show you’re crazy about reading.

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Pink Flamingos? Flaming Jalapenos? Dancing Pomeranians? Write a creative short poem or story about the characters on your socks. Share with classmates.

Wednesday, January 29 Scrabble Scramble! Students wear shirts with alphabet letters attached that bear true Scrabble point values. (Sticky note letters distributed during first period ELA.) Have fun creating appropriate words with friends!

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Compete to see who can create a word earning the highest point value. Teacher lists words formed in class. Students break into small groups to write a funny story using all the words. Share with classmates.

Thursday, January 30 Dr. Seuss Day (or Favorite Childhood Book) Students bring in their favorite Dr. Seuss or childhood book to share with classes.

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Teachers share Oh the Places You Will Go! and have students discuss the story’s relevance throughout the different stages of their lives. (Compare/contrast)

Friday, January 31 Spread the Word! Show your love of reading by wearing a shirt with a message written on it that others can read! (Remember: It must be school-appropriate.) 😊😊

Optional ELAL/Rdg. Activity: Create t-shirt worthy messages or find a favorite online. Share with classmates by explaining the personal importance of the choice.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DeLand High School

Date School Activity Monday, Dress Up: January 27 Wear your Words: Kick off Literacy Week by wearing a shirt with a positive statement or quote. (Please make sure it is positive and school appropriate).

Daily Activity: Staff Baby Picture & Favorite Children’s Book: Can you match the baby picture and favorite book with the teacher or staff member? Come visit the Media Center throughout the day and enter your submission. Prizes will be given for select winning submissions.

Door Decorating Contest: Dress up your classroom door to represent a novel or literacy theme. Door submissions will be judged on Friday and the winner will be announced by the end of the day, Friday 1/31.

Tuesday, Dress Up: January 28 Don’t Be Tacky-Keep Calm & Read: Don your tackiest and gaudiest attire to show your love of reading.

Daily Activity: Book Swap in Media Center: Browse our book selection, explore new topics, and bring in a used to book to exchange for another you get to love and take home. ❤📖📖 Wednesday, Dress Up: January 29 Head to Toe, We Support Literacy: Wear your wildest hat and socks to show you are crazy about literacy.

Daily Activity: Non-Stop Read Aloud: Come listen to an engaging, dramatic, and on-going read-aloud of a novel in the Media Center throughout the day. Thursday, Dress Up: January 30 Readers are Leaders: Model how literacy can help you accomplish your goals. Dress for success or your future job.

Daily Activity: Get Caught Reading: Be a book worm! Get caught reading throughout the day to earn a prize. Friday, Dress Up: January 31 Storybook Character: Dress up as your favorite author or storybook character.

Daily Activity: Literacy Tournament & Challenges: Are you good at Scrabble, Boggle, or Scattergories? Ready to accept a literary challenge? Come to the Media Center at lunch or throughout the day to visit literacy stations, do lyrical analyses, and identify famous first lines of literature. Prizes given to winning participants. (Sign up for game tournaments in your ELA class; stations open to all students).

Door Decorating Contest: Judging will take place 1st-3rd today, January 31st and will be announced by 6th period.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DeLand Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Book Cover Design – January 27 Students will create a design on a poster board based on their favorite character, author, or novel. Students will submit their design to their ELA/Reading teacher for a chance to win a prize. Poster Design winner will be announced during Literacy Night event.

Tuesday, Favorite Character Day – January 28 Teachers & students dress up as their favorite character from a novel.

Wednesday, Teacher's Favorite Book Contest – January 29 Photos of teachers are taken and displayed in the Cafeteria. Student that correctly matches a teacher to their favorite book is entered into a drawing to win a prize.

Words with Friends Contest – Students dress up as a letter and will team up with their peers to form a word. ELA/Reading teachers will take note of the longest word created by their students to be entered to win a prize.

Literacy Night*** - Media Center 5:30 – 6:30

Thursday, Photo Booth during Grade Level Lunch – January 30 Space dedicated for students to take pictures with friends in the cafeteria. Area will include decorations of "giant" books with "titles" such as Live Your Own Story, or You Are the Author of Your Own Story, as well as Live a Great Story. Yearbook students will be involved to take pictures of students.

Idiom of the Day – Teachers and students will dress up as a common idiom.

Friday, Book Swap during Grade Level Lunch – January 31 Students will bring a gently used or new novel to school and receive a ticket. Those that have a ticket will be able to exchange their novel for another during their grade level lunch.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DELTONA HIGH

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 – PE– Students choose a famous athlete from an identified list, then write a newspaper article Friday , about that athlete that includes the athlete’s history. January 31 Algebra 1 PLC: a. Create a book i. 1B – Summary of Functions – Pick a function type and write a story that models that relationship ii. 1 – Exponential Function – Write a story that models an exponential function b. Whole Group Read Aloud and Reflect(A math based story book)

Geometry PLC: Each group of students will be given a trigonometry word problem. They will create a poster/chart on how to break apart and analyze the problem. After posters are created the students will do a gallery walk to view the various word problems in the class. Algebra 2 PLC: Research a mathematician and create a presentation. Continue writing explanations for processes

Advance Math PLC: Presentation/game/project on the history of trigonometry, polynomials, rational, radicals, etc. They will research a topic and create some type of presentation. For Math for College Readiness – they will research the math needed once they graduate from high school. AP courses will be working on FRQs.

English 2 – students will be working with symbolism by making Lady Macbeth Pandora charms associated with a quote from the text

English 1 – students will be making “playing cards” using “textual evidence” of various Greek gods and characters from the epic poem with “stats”

JROTC - Each JROTC Cadet will select their FAVORITE piece of literature; Students will present to the class a very brief summary of their favorite literature and why they like that specific piece of literature best -----highlighting key elements of the literature, characters etc. In addition, each student will be dressed in a custom emulating the main or their favorite character from their chosen piece of literature.

All Drawing 1, 2, 3 Creating 2D and 3D classes- Students must read and write Essays about different artists

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DELTONA MIDDLE

Date School Activity Monday, Tongue Twister Bee! January 27 In homeroom, think of a tongue twister, like "Unique New York," "Don't Drop Double Drum Sticks," or "Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore". The first person says the twister once. The next person has to say it twice, the third person three times, and so on. Keep going until someone's tongue gets twisted. Think of another twister and start again. Tuesday, How many books are in the media center? January 28 Take a guess of how many books are in the media center! On the stage during lunch, write the number of books you think are in the media center and place it in the box! Don’t forget to write your name. You can win a prize for guessing the closest without going over! GOOD LUCK! Wednesday, Idiom Day January 29 Don’t chase your tail! There’s a whole bag of tricks for you to use. So, get your ducks in a row and dress as an idiom!

Use this site to come up with an idea.

www.examplesof.com/idioms Thursday, Spelling Bee January 30 Dress in Black & Yellow

Friday, Dress Up as Your Favorite Literacy Character January 31 Get creative and dress as a character from your favorite book! You can team up with your friends to be a group of characters from a book, or you can pick a character just for you! Happy Fri-Yay!!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Galaxy Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Mrs. Chenoweth will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 27 announcements.

Kick off Literacy Week by wearing crazy socks and/or shoes!

Literacy Trivia in the café during all 3 lunches Tuesday, Dr. Pough will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 28 announcements.

Book Character Dress-up Day!

Prize awarded to most creative student for each lunch Wednesday, Mr. Goodin will read a snippet of his favorite book during the morning January 29 announcements.

“Oh, the places you’ll go!” -Dr. Seuss Wear your favorite college t-shirt!

Million Minute Reading Challenge: How many minutes can we read at Galaxy Middle School? Students will receive a new book to keep from their LA teacher! Thursday, Mrs. Stemberger-LaRussa will read a snippet of her favorite book during the January 30 morning announcements.

Dress up as a vocabulary word!

Door Decorating Contest Judging – Decorate your door like a Book Friday, Mrs. Bynum will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 31 announcements.

Hats off to Reading! Wear a hat!

Student Book Swap in the café during all 3 lunches

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: HERITAGE MIDDLE

Date School Activity Monday, Read. Dream. Share. January 27 Schoolwide drop everything and read the 15 minutes of class first period. *Door contest – decorate classroom doors like a favorite book character OR a with something to promote reading that goes along with the theme of “Read. Dream. Share.”

Tuesday, Dress up: “Sock it To Reading” today: Wear bright, colorful, and/or silly socks to school in January 28 support of literacy

Wednesday, Dress up: “Book Character Day” today: Dress like a favorite book character in support of literacy January 29

Thursday, ELA: Students will discuss their favorite books in ELA. January 30 Look for guest readers from the local community to read to various classes.

Friday, Team Up with a good book. Wear your favorite team jersey. January 31 D.E.A.R. the first or last 15 minutes of class today.

We would like to invite any administrators and any other interest staff read to the ELA classes to read their favorite children’s book, or the first chapter of a young adult book which is a favorite.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2019 School Name: Hinson Middle School

Monday, January 27 Crazy about LITERACY: Wear Crazy Socks

Tuesday, January 28 Reading Gives us Superhero Powers: Dress Like a Superhero

Wednesday, January 29 SCORE BIG FOR LITERACY: Wear a Team Jersey or T-Shirt

Thursday, January 30 SCRABBLE DAY: Organize a large group of friends to spell out something using letters on your shirts.

Friday, January 31 Idiom Day: Dress up as an Idiom

(See back for examples)

**Bookmark Competition: Students can stop by the Media Center during the week and make a bookmark. Scholastic Spring Book Fair Gift Certificates will be awarded to 1st place= $15, 2nd place= $10, and 3rd place= $5. All bookmarks will be displayed on the front bulletin board in the media cent

Everyday Idioms

• A grey area - Something unclear • A rip-off - Too expensive • Add fuel to the fire - To add more to an existing problem • As easy as ABC - Something is very easy • Call it a day - Time to quit • Cool as a cucumber - To be very calm under stress • Crack a book - Open up a book and study • Down to the wire - At the last minute • Draw a blank - Can't remember • Fill in the blanks - Provide more information • Get a kick out of it - Really enjoy/like something • Get your act together - Behave properly • Give it a shot - To try to do something • Have mixed feelings - Be unsure of how you feel • Have second thoughts - Have doubts • In hot water - Be in trouble • In the same boat - Be in the same situation

• It's in the bag - It's a certainty • I've got your number - To say you can't be fooled by someone since you have them figured out • Miss the boat - You missed your chance • Mumbo jumbo - To call something total nonsense • Out of the blue - With no warning • Pass with flying colors - To succeed at something easily Animal Idioms Cont. • Piece of cake - Something very easy • Doggy bag - A bag to take home leftovers from a • Read between the lines - Find the hidden meaning restaurant • Second to none - The best • Fish out of water - Being somewhere you don't belong • The icing on the cake - Something additional that turns good into great • For the birds - Something that is not worth anything Body Idioms • Get off your high horse - Quit thinking you are better than others • Cross your fingers - For good luck • Goose is cooked - Now you're in trouble • Fell on deaf ears - People wouldn't listen to something • Hold your horses - Wait a minute • Get cold feet - Be nervous • Horse of a different color - Something that is quite • Giving the cold shoulder - Ignore someone different, a separate issue • Have a change of heart - Changed your mind • Hot dog - A person doing athletic stunts that are dangerous • I'm all ears - You have my full attention • Let the cat out of the bag - Tell a secret • It cost an arm and a leg - It was expensive • Make a mountain out of a molehill - Make something • Play it by ear - Improvise unimportant into a big deal • See eye to eye - Agree • Night owl - Someone who stays up late • Slipped my mind - I forgot • Pig out - To eat a lot • Speak your mind - Say what you really feel • Put a bug in his ear - Make a suggestion Animal Idioms • Raining cats and dogs - It is raining very hard • Snail's pace - To move extremely slow • A bull in a china shop - Someone who is very clumsy • Stir a hornet's nest - To cause a lot of trouble • A little birdie told me - Someone told me a secret • Teacher's pet - The teacher's favorite student • Bee in her bonnet - She is upset • The world is your oyster - You can achieve whatever/go • Birdbrain - Someone who is not very smart wherever you want • Busy as a bee - To be very active and working hard at something • When pigs fly - To say something is impossible • Cat got your tongue? - Why aren't you talking? Wolf in sheep's clothing - A person who pretends to be nice but • Cry crocodile tears - To pretend to be upset is not • Curiosity killed the cat - Asking too many questions may get you in • You can't teach an old dog new tricks - It's harder for older trouble people to learn new things

• Different kettle of fish - Something completely different

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Holly Hill K-8

Date School Activity Monday, • Flat Knight Literacy Project – Each elementary and ELA classroom in the middle school will receive a “Flat January 27 Knight” template to decorate. Take “Flat Knight” on a reading trip across campus and take a selfie with him. Tweet your selfie to #HHSFlatKnight. Next, each teacher will send their “Flat Knight” on an adventure (another school, city official, family member, or anyone of interest) along with a letter. More details to follow. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 6th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Tuesday, • Adventure Over to the Elementary side – Buddy Reading: Middle School and Elementary classes “buddy January 28 up” to read or do a reading activity. ELA Coaches will provide a schedule. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 7th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Wednesday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 29 • Crazy About Books! – Wear Crazy Socks! • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades PK - 2nd will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in grades 4-8 will write a letter to their future selves. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Thursday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 30 • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades 3rd – 5th will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based activities to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • LITERACY NIGHT BOOK BINGO! 5:00 – 6:30 Pizza and Bingo to win books! Family Literacy Night! Friday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 31 • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • Amazing Race Around the World - 8th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in PK-2 will complete the “When I Grow Up” activity. o Students in 3 grade will complete “When I am a Grown Up” activity.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: New Smyrna Beach High School

Date School Activity Monday, Door decorating begins. Teachers and students decorate their classroom doors to reflect a favorite January 27 book. Voting will be on Friday and the winning door will earn a prize!

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: Reading for 6 minutes a day reduces stress by 68%! Tuesday, Teen Reads Day: Students who have been reading Florida Teens Reads books (or who are interested in January 28 learning about them) will be invited to lunch in the Media Center to share their favorite book on the list and meet other students who have been reading them. Students who read 5 or more will receive a Varsity Reader t-shirt.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: When children have a home library of 20 books or more, they achieve 3 more years of schooling than children who don’t have books at home. Wednesday, Bookmark Contest during lunch in Media Center. Students will create bookmarks and then vote on the January 29 best one. The winning bookmark will be reproduced and available to anyone in the Media Center.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: If you read 20 minutes a day, that equals 1,800,000 words per year! Children who read 1,000,000 words per year are in the top 2% of reading achievement. Thursday, Teachers are encouraged to read an excerpt from their favorite book to their class. Teachers then take January 30 a picture of their class reading in the most creative way and submit to win a $50 gift card for their classroom.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: There are over 129 million books in existence. The longest sentence ever published has 823 words! Friday, Book Swap during lunch. Committee will go around and judge door decorating contest during 1st January 31 period and announce winner on Cuda News. Winning door earns a prize!

Novel Facts in Cuda News: The three most read books are The Holy Bible, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, and Harry Potter.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: New Smyrna Beach Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Sock it to reading- crazy sock day

Tuesday, January 28

Hats off to reading- wear your favorite hat to school

Wednesday, January 29 Read “IN” students read in all homeroom classes-

Thursday, January 30 Spell it out- Wear your favorite tee shirt that we can read

Spelling Bee

Friday, Taco bout books January 31 Sign up for Book Taco in the media center and get a free taco!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Ormond Beach Middle School Date School Activity Monday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 27 Team Up for Literacy- Wear your favorite sports jersey.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Tuesday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 28 Our Superpower is Reading- Wear your favorite superhero T-shirt.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Wednesday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 29 Crazy About Reading- Wear your favorite crazy socks.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Thursday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 30 Better to Be a Bookworm- Dress like a nerd day.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Friday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 31 Panther Spirit Day- Wear a Panther Spirit shirt Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and swap to pick a book on Friday morning.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Principal: Dr. Nehrig Coordinators: Literacy Coach- Edwena Timpson & Media Specialist-Tina Hackey ELA-Traci Carroll ESE - ELL-NAIA COLON

Objective: Pine Ridge High School is dedicated to improving reading comprehension for all our students. The activities planned are designed to help students practice diverse literacy strategies for common words, subject content areas, state and collegiate assessments. Every teacher has the responsibility to promote and encourage literacy in their classes, and through collaborative practices such as these, we provide opportunities for students to acquire and rehearse words. Date School Activity Monday, MAKEOVER MONDAY- (Media Location for books found in section 741.5) January 27 STUDENTS/Literacy-Students can come in their favorite Comic Book Superhero or Graphic Novel Character. Support Literacy by being able to name, describe, and identify one-character trait of your chosen character. When asked during school day, if student can identify character’s name and purpose, name of book, theme of book, in 30 seconds, they win ticket to put in ticket drawing. Instructional Teachers: Discuss your favorite book and its impact on you. You may want to have students cover a scene from one of your favorite books. *Begin Assembly of “Book-Covered” Door Decoration. Suggestion: Teachers could gather all the materials and have students from their class complete door assembly. *Ticket drawing at 3:00 on intercom. Tuesday, TAKE-A-CHANCE TUESDAY (Spelling Bee) January 28 Students/ELA Only: ELA teachers will lead their class periods in a competitive S.A.T. spelling Bee per Period. Top two competitors from each class period advance to Semi- Finals. 12 students per teacher. The teacher’s semi-finals will be held on Thursday during Teacher’s office hours. Instructional Teachers: Using subject content vocab, teachers play a round of spelling games per class period using words from learned vocabulary lists. *DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY- Reading, ELL/ESE inclusion classes will use FSA Vocabulary Word List and participate in an alternative, written academic spelling contest. Teachers will give a paper spelling quiz rather than a verbal assessment for the initial class round. Top 2 students will advance to semifinals during office hours on Thursday. 12 students in total. *Important: All ELA teachers will be provided with a copy of S.A.T. Spelling List or FSA Spelling list to give to students prior to leaving for Winter Break. Wednesday, WORD OFF- WEDNESDAY January 29 Students/Literacy- HEADS UP APP GAME- Students pick a category, then hold their device up to their head, screen facing outward, and guess the words using your friends' clues. Instructional Teachers- Teachers play games of words using subject content words/academic games. Thursday, THOUGHTFUL Words-THURSDAY January 30 Students/Literacy: Students participate in a short research using their phone/class computer to find either a “pithy” saying, proverb, or motto that speaks to their goals, ideals, or identity. Students write their new saying on copier paper, decorating it appropriately. *Teachers approve final artwork and have students post their work in a special area in the classroom. Teachers: Teachers and students share out their chosen remarks to the class.

Spelling Bee continues- *ELA CLASSES SEMI FINALS ARE HELD IN Teacher’s Office Hours. Top 2 students for each teacher qualifies for finals. Their names are forwarded to Literacy Coach. Finals to be held in auditorium. Date/Time: TBA Location: Media Center, back room ** DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY (SPELLING BEE)- ELL/ESE/READING CLASSESS WILL HOLD (Oral)SEMI FINAL SPELLING BEE IN Teacher’s Office Hours. Top 6 students for each teacher advances to quarter finals. Students must perform finals in an oral spelling competition. This will be held in Media Center, back room or the teacher work room next to cafeteria.

Friday, FICTION Friday January 31 Students/Literacy- -Students participate in diverse types of fictional writing, including but not limited to: bio poems or personification poetry, short stories, make a book, alternate or extended endings to popular stories, or prequels to introduce a new story. Instructional Teachers- Take a break from studies. Students love to hear their teachers read! Take the last 15 min. of class to read a favorite poem, a chapter from a novel, or an informational article; use text that will inspire, encourage, or mesmerize your students with things they didn’t know. Spelling Bee Finals: ELA Location: Auditorium Date/time: TBD Spelling Bee Finals: Ela (Differentiation) Location: auditorium date/Time: TBD

Major Standards: Many of these standards are identical to 11th/12th standard set. Not all standards are listed. (READING) LAFS.910.RL.1.2-Determine a theme or central idea of a text. LAFS.910.RI.1.1-Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says LAFS.910.RL.1.3- Analyze how complex characters …and advance the plot or develop the theme. LAFS.910.RI.2.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. (WRITING) LAFS.910.W.1.2-Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas LAFS.910.W.1.3-Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events LAFS.910.W.2.4-Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. LAFS.910.W.2.6-Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. LAFS.910.W.3.7-Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects… synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. LAFS.910.W.3.8-Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources. (Speaking and Listening) LAFS.910.SL.2.4-Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically as such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. (Spelling) LAFS.910.L.1.2c- Spell correctly. (Language ) LAFS.910.L.3.4d-Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: River Springs Middle School of Technology & Innovation

Date School Activity Monday, • DRESS UP DAY: Reading gives you superpowers: Dress like a superhero January 27 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Creation of grade-level favorite book banners

Kick-off: • Reading buddies with Manatee Cove ES • Teacher Door Decorating Contest

Tuesday, • DRESS UP DAY: Reading Buddies: Twin with a friend January 28 • In-class planning for idiom day • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • School-wide spelling bee

Wednesday, • DRESS UP DAY: That’s so punny!: Dress like an idiom January 29 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements

Thursday, • DRESS UP DAY: Imagination Creates New Worlds: Create and dress up like your created characters January 30 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Judging for Door Decorating Contest • Family Literacy Night o Student Thematic Display Contest (class party as a prize) o Door prizes of literacy-BOOKS! o Literacy Scavenger Hunt o Breakout rooms o Bookmark making event • Friday, • DRESS UP DAY: Symbolism: Show your True Colors: Dress in your favorite color January 31 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Announcements of Door Decorating Contest Winners

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name:

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Bolt’s Class – Sidewalk chalk Haiku poems

Tuesday, January 28 • 6-word stories with Art • Quote of the Day on Announcements

Wednesday, January 29 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Book Swap in Media Center

Thursday, January 30 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Sidewalk chalk – books that changed your life

Friday, January 31 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Literacy Scavenger Hunt

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Silver Sands Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Door Decorating Contest. Teachers and students decorate their door based on a book. January 27 ELA Teachers read aloud a quote from their favorite book or author.

Tuesday, January 28 Spelling Bee

Wednesday, January 29 Literacy Club reads quotes from their favorite book over the morning announcements.

Family Read Night – encourage families to read together for at least 15 minutes.

Thursday, January 30 Poetry – students select words from the text. Using the words selected, students write a poem.

Friday, January 31 Teachers and students wear a “readable” shirt to school.

Door Judging.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020

School Name: Southwestern Middle School Monday, • Celebrate Visual Literacy! Statement T-shirt Dress-Up Day January 27

Tuesday, • Celebrate Non-fiction Day! Visual Vocabulary Dress-Up January 28 Day • School-wide Spelling Bee

Wednesday, • Celebrate Fiction Day! Character Dress-Up Day January 29 • Non-Stop Read Aloud- The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

Thursday, • Celebrate Poetry Day! Figurative Language Dress-Up Day January 30 • Poem in Your Pocket Day • Poetry Caroling 😊😊

Friday, • Celebrate Comic Books/Graphic Novels Day! Comic Book January 31 Character Dress-Up Day • Winter Book Swap

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Spruce Creek High

Date School Activity Monday, Celebrate Literacy Week is here again. Book your Trip! Adventure Awaits! Join the fun in a January 27 S-C-Avenger Hunt (Spruce Creek “Avenger” Hunt). Everyday on the morning announcements there will be a literacy clue provided based on one superhero and a passage in a book. The student who finds the passage and submits the answer in the Avenger Hunt Literacy box o win a prize at the end of the day. Reading Adventures around the School. Pictures of Faculty and Staff posted reading their favorite book to kick off the importance of reading. Tuesday, Reading Around the World Teachers can submit the name of one student caught reading January 28 personal reading material in class or in the hallway. The student will earn a gift card while supplies last. Book Cover Door Decorating Contest. SSR Leading classes posted to the “Reader Board”

Wednesday, Adventures in Reading: Teachers are encouraged to spend 5 minutes of each class all day January 29 reading aloud their favorite poem or a section from their favorite book and engage in a brief discussion about how that book impacted them.

Thursday, Book Character Bingo! Stop by the Media Center to pick up a Bingo sheet, figure out the title of January 30 each book based on the character and score bingo to have your name entered in a drawing for a prize at the end of the day. SSR Leading classes posted to the “Reader Board”

Friday, Literacy Celebration Pajama Party! This is an all-day in-school field trip. Our 100 most frequent January 31 readers will be invited to come to the media center for a day of reading, snacks and fun activities! You are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows, pajamas, and a book to read for the celebration. The library will be closed for all other students. Want an invite? Stop by to see Mrs. Murray, Mrs. DeCarlo or Mrs. Howard in the media center to see what you need to do to get on the list!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Taylor Middle High School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Kick off the week with: • Club Door Decorating Contest

Tuesday, January 28 Literacy Games in the Media Center – Before School

Wednesday, January 29 BETA & NHS officers visit local elementary school to read to the students

Thursday, January 30 School Spelling Bee

Friday, January 31 Book Swap in the Media Center During all 3 lunches

• Hunt for a Good Book – Come dressed in Camo

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: University High School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Jurassic Park Theme week Movie scenes performed by our drama students in the media center. Teachers will sign up to bring their classes. 2 classes per period.

Tuesday, January 28 Science gone wrong day. Science teachers will conduct “mad” experiments with students.

Read a-thon of Jurassic Park in the media center by guest readers each class period.

Wednesday, January 29 The “book is always better” day. Teachers and students share their favorite book that was made into a movie. Discuss how the book was different/like the movie.

Teachers will wear shirts made that say The Book was Better. (pre-order)

Thursday, January 30 Sci-fi character dress up. Students must stay within the dress code.

Friday, January 31 Door decoration contest sponsored by National English Honor Society. Prize will be book fair gifts.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 Atlantic High School--Kris Smith, Media Specialist, Stacie Rich, Literacy Coach

Date School Activity Monday, Flipgrid about your favorite book, due end of day- Sponsor: K. Smith January 27 At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsored by Rich and Smith) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor!)

Tuesday, Drop Everything and Read- 10 min. during 2nd period January 28 Shakespearean Scrabble Tournament in Media during Lunch (ELA teacher to sponsor?)

At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsor) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor?)

Wednesday, At lunch--Students work on activities due by Wednesday, End of Day January 29 Literary Sculptures (Loulousis) Story Stones (Triplett) Bookmarks (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Your Life in Six Words (ELA Teacher sponsor?) Door Decorating (Individual Teachers- whole school- sponsor) Choreopoem (Romeo to sponsor?)

All projects due to Media by end of day! Thursday, Choreopoem Performances (outside stage or auditorium) January 30 Viewing of Story Stones, Bookmarks, Literary Sculptures, Life in Six Words poems in Media, all day, classes to tour as desired

Friday, Judging of/Viewing of Story Stones, Bookmarks, Literary Sculptures, Life in Six Words poems in January 31 Media, all morning, classes to tour as desired

Pajama Party (Invitation only)- Lunch to the end of the day

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Campbell MS

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Wear Red and be “Well Read” Day

Wear red to show that we know that reading is the key to success!

Teachers will read/recite one of their favorite poems to students. (Bell Ringer)

Tuesday, January 28 “Reading Fanatics Day”

Wear your favorite team t-shirt, jersey, hoodie, jacket, or sweater show which team produces the BEST readers.

Teachers will share with students their favorite books/authors/genres to read. (Bell Ringer) Wednesday, January 29 “Hats off to Reading”

Wear your favorite hat.

Students/teachers will read quietly for (10) minutes in celebration of Literacy Week (DEAR) Drop Everything And Read (Bell Ringer) Thursday, January 30 Celebrate Literacy Night (Family Event)

“Sock it to Literacy with a Good Book!”

Wear your CRAZIEST/WILDEST socks to show how much you love reading!

Teachers and students will do a book exchange. Bring a book you’ve read to exchange with a buddy. (Bell Ringer) (Teacher-to-teacher and student-to-student) Friday, January 31 “Reading Makes Bright”

Wear your favorite sunglasses to “reflect” how bright reading has made you.

Teachers will read some kid-friendly interesting facts about their content areas. (Bell Ringer) (EX. Science—Why is snot green? This is because your immune system kicks into high gear to fight infection. The color comes from dead white blood cells and other waste products…

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Creekside Middle

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Book Your Trip—Adventure Awaits! (Literacy Week Theme) Have a favorite place you’ve visited? Dreaming of a destination you read about in a book? Wear a school- appropriate shirt representing one of these special places!

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Have students find a quote about their destination, whether from a novel, from a travel slogan, or from a writer native to the location. Share with classmates.

Tuesday, January 28 We’re Crazy about Literacy! Bust out your crazy socks to show you’re crazy about reading.

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Pink Flamingos? Flaming Jalapenos? Dancing Pomeranians? Write a creative short poem or story about the characters on your socks. Share with classmates.

Wednesday, January 29 Scrabble Scramble! Students wear shirts with alphabet letters attached that bear true Scrabble point values. (Sticky note letters distributed during first period ELA.) Have fun creating appropriate words with friends!

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Compete to see who can create a word earning the highest point value. Teacher lists words formed in class. Students break into small groups to write a funny story using all the words. Share with classmates.

Thursday, January 30 Dr. Seuss Day (or Favorite Childhood Book) Students bring in their favorite Dr. Seuss or childhood book to share with classes.

Optional ELA/Rdg. Activity: Teachers share Oh the Places You Will Go! and have students discuss the story’s relevance throughout the different stages of their lives. (Compare/contrast)

Friday, January 31 Spread the Word! Show your love of reading by wearing a shirt with a message written on it that others can read! (Remember: It must be school-appropriate.) 😊😊

Optional ELAL/Rdg. Activity: Create t-shirt worthy messages or find a favorite online. Share with classmates by explaining the personal importance of the choice.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DeLand High School

Date School Activity Monday, Dress Up: January 27 Wear your Words: Kick off Literacy Week by wearing a shirt with a positive statement or quote. (Please make sure it is positive and school appropriate).

Daily Activity: Staff Baby Picture & Favorite Children’s Book: Can you match the baby picture and favorite book with the teacher or staff member? Come visit the Media Center throughout the day and enter your submission. Prizes will be given for select winning submissions.

Door Decorating Contest: Dress up your classroom door to represent a novel or literacy theme. Door submissions will be judged on Friday and the winner will be announced by the end of the day, Friday 1/31.

Tuesday, Dress Up: January 28 Don’t Be Tacky-Keep Calm & Read: Don your tackiest and gaudiest attire to show your love of reading.

Daily Activity: Book Swap in Media Center: Browse our book selection, explore new topics, and bring in a used to book to exchange for another you get to love and take home. ❤📖📖 Wednesday, Dress Up: January 29 Head to Toe, We Support Literacy: Wear your wildest hat and socks to show you are crazy about literacy.

Daily Activity: Non-Stop Read Aloud: Come listen to an engaging, dramatic, and on-going read-aloud of a novel in the Media Center throughout the day. Thursday, Dress Up: January 30 Readers are Leaders: Model how literacy can help you accomplish your goals. Dress for success or your future job.

Daily Activity: Get Caught Reading: Be a book worm! Get caught reading throughout the day to earn a prize. Friday, Dress Up: January 31 Storybook Character: Dress up as your favorite author or storybook character.

Daily Activity: Literacy Tournament & Challenges: Are you good at Scrabble, Boggle, or Scattergories? Ready to accept a literary challenge? Come to the Media Center at lunch or throughout the day to visit literacy stations, do lyrical analyses, and identify famous first lines of literature. Prizes given to winning participants. (Sign up for game tournaments in your ELA class; stations open to all students).

Door Decorating Contest: Judging will take place 1st-3rd today, January 31st and will be announced by 6th period.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DeLand Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Book Cover Design – January 27 Students will create a design on a poster board based on their favorite character, author, or novel. Students will submit their design to their ELA/Reading teacher for a chance to win a prize. Poster Design winner will be announced during Literacy Night event.

Tuesday, Favorite Character Day – January 28 Teachers & students dress up as their favorite character from a novel.

Wednesday, Teacher's Favorite Book Contest – January 29 Photos of teachers are taken and displayed in the Cafeteria. Student that correctly matches a teacher to their favorite book is entered into a drawing to win a prize.

Words with Friends Contest – Students dress up as a letter and will team up with their peers to form a word. ELA/Reading teachers will take note of the longest word created by their students to be entered to win a prize.

Literacy Night*** - Media Center 5:30 – 6:30

Thursday, Photo Booth during Grade Level Lunch – January 30 Space dedicated for students to take pictures with friends in the cafeteria. Area will include decorations of "giant" books with "titles" such as Live Your Own Story, or You Are the Author of Your Own Story, as well as Live a Great Story. Yearbook students will be involved to take pictures of students.

Idiom of the Day – Teachers and students will dress up as a common idiom.

Friday, Book Swap during Grade Level Lunch – January 31 Students will bring a gently used or new novel to school and receive a ticket. Those that have a ticket will be able to exchange their novel for another during their grade level lunch.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DELTONA HIGH

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 – PE– Students choose a famous athlete from an identified list, then write a newspaper article Friday , about that athlete that includes the athlete’s history. January 31 Algebra 1 PLC: a. Create a book i. 1B – Summary of Functions – Pick a function type and write a story that models that relationship ii. 1 – Exponential Function – Write a story that models an exponential function b. Whole Group Read Aloud and Reflect(A math based story book)

Geometry PLC: Each group of students will be given a trigonometry word problem. They will create a poster/chart on how to break apart and analyze the problem. After posters are created the students will do a gallery walk to view the various word problems in the class. Algebra 2 PLC: Research a mathematician and create a presentation. Continue writing explanations for processes

Advance Math PLC: Presentation/game/project on the history of trigonometry, polynomials, rational, radicals, etc. They will research a topic and create some type of presentation. For Math for College Readiness – they will research the math needed once they graduate from high school. AP courses will be working on FRQs.

English 2 – students will be working with symbolism by making Lady Macbeth Pandora charms associated with a quote from the text

English 1 – students will be making “playing cards” using “textual evidence” of various Greek gods and characters from the epic poem with “stats”

JROTC - Each JROTC Cadet will select their FAVORITE piece of literature; Students will present to the class a very brief summary of their favorite literature and why they like that specific piece of literature best -----highlighting key elements of the literature, characters etc. In addition, each student will be dressed in a custom emulating the main or their favorite character from their chosen piece of literature.

All Drawing 1, 2, 3 Creating 2D and 3D classes- Students must read and write Essays about different artists

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: DELTONA MIDDLE

Date School Activity Monday, Tongue Twister Bee! January 27 In homeroom, think of a tongue twister, like "Unique New York," "Don't Drop Double Drum Sticks," or "Sally Sells Seashells by the Seashore". The first person says the twister once. The next person has to say it twice, the third person three times, and so on. Keep going until someone's tongue gets twisted. Think of another twister and start again. Tuesday, How many books are in the media center? January 28 Take a guess of how many books are in the media center! On the stage during lunch, write the number of books you think are in the media center and place it in the box! Don’t forget to write your name. You can win a prize for guessing the closest without going over! GOOD LUCK! Wednesday, Idiom Day January 29 Don’t chase your tail! There’s a whole bag of tricks for you to use. So, get your ducks in a row and dress as an idiom!

Use this site to come up with an idea.

www.examplesof.com/idioms Thursday, Spelling Bee January 30 Dress in Black & Yellow

Friday, Dress Up as Your Favorite Literacy Character January 31 Get creative and dress as a character from your favorite book! You can team up with your friends to be a group of characters from a book, or you can pick a character just for you! Happy Fri-Yay!!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Galaxy Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Mrs. Chenoweth will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 27 announcements.

Kick off Literacy Week by wearing crazy socks and/or shoes!

Literacy Trivia in the café during all 3 lunches Tuesday, Dr. Pough will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 28 announcements.

Book Character Dress-up Day!

Prize awarded to most creative student for each lunch Wednesday, Mr. Goodin will read a snippet of his favorite book during the morning January 29 announcements.

“Oh, the places you’ll go!” -Dr. Seuss Wear your favorite college t-shirt!

Million Minute Reading Challenge: How many minutes can we read at Galaxy Middle School? Students will receive a new book to keep from their LA teacher! Thursday, Mrs. Stemberger-LaRussa will read a snippet of her favorite book during the January 30 morning announcements.

Dress up as a vocabulary word!

Door Decorating Contest Judging – Decorate your door like a Book Friday, Mrs. Bynum will read a snippet of her favorite book during the morning January 31 announcements.

Hats off to Reading! Wear a hat!

Student Book Swap in the café during all 3 lunches

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: HERITAGE MIDDLE

Date School Activity Monday, Read. Dream. Share. January 27 Schoolwide drop everything and read the 15 minutes of class first period. *Door contest – decorate classroom doors like a favorite book character OR a with something to promote reading that goes along with the theme of “Read. Dream. Share.”

Tuesday, Dress up: “Sock it To Reading” today: Wear bright, colorful, and/or silly socks to school in January 28 support of literacy

Wednesday, Dress up: “Book Character Day” today: Dress like a favorite book character in support of literacy January 29

Thursday, ELA: Students will discuss their favorite books in ELA. January 30 Look for guest readers from the local community to read to various classes.

Friday, Team Up with a good book. Wear your favorite team jersey. January 31 D.E.A.R. the first or last 15 minutes of class today.

We would like to invite any administrators and any other interest staff read to the ELA classes to read their favorite children’s book, or the first chapter of a young adult book which is a favorite.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2019 School Name: Hinson Middle School

Monday, January 27 Crazy about LITERACY: Wear Crazy Socks

Tuesday, January 28 Reading Gives us Superhero Powers: Dress Like a Superhero

Wednesday, January 29 SCORE BIG FOR LITERACY: Wear a Team Jersey or T-Shirt

Thursday, January 30 SCRABBLE DAY: Organize a large group of friends to spell out something using letters on your shirts.

Friday, January 31 Idiom Day: Dress up as an Idiom

(See back for examples)

**Bookmark Competition: Students can stop by the Media Center during the week and make a bookmark. Scholastic Spring Book Fair Gift Certificates will be awarded to 1st place= $15, 2nd place= $10, and 3rd place= $5. All bookmarks will be displayed on the front bulletin board in the media cent

Everyday Idioms

• A grey area - Something unclear • A rip-off - Too expensive • Add fuel to the fire - To add more to an existing problem • As easy as ABC - Something is very easy • Call it a day - Time to quit • Cool as a cucumber - To be very calm under stress • Crack a book - Open up a book and study • Down to the wire - At the last minute • Draw a blank - Can't remember • Fill in the blanks - Provide more information • Get a kick out of it - Really enjoy/like something • Get your act together - Behave properly • Give it a shot - To try to do something • Have mixed feelings - Be unsure of how you feel • Have second thoughts - Have doubts • In hot water - Be in trouble • In the same boat - Be in the same situation

• It's in the bag - It's a certainty • I've got your number - To say you can't be fooled by someone since you have them figured out • Miss the boat - You missed your chance • Mumbo jumbo - To call something total nonsense • Out of the blue - With no warning • Pass with flying colors - To succeed at something easily Animal Idioms Cont. • Piece of cake - Something very easy • Doggy bag - A bag to take home leftovers from a • Read between the lines - Find the hidden meaning restaurant • Second to none - The best • Fish out of water - Being somewhere you don't belong • The icing on the cake - Something additional that turns good into great • For the birds - Something that is not worth anything Body Idioms • Get off your high horse - Quit thinking you are better than others • Cross your fingers - For good luck • Goose is cooked - Now you're in trouble • Fell on deaf ears - People wouldn't listen to something • Hold your horses - Wait a minute • Get cold feet - Be nervous • Horse of a different color - Something that is quite • Giving the cold shoulder - Ignore someone different, a separate issue • Have a change of heart - Changed your mind • Hot dog - A person doing athletic stunts that are dangerous • I'm all ears - You have my full attention • Let the cat out of the bag - Tell a secret • It cost an arm and a leg - It was expensive • Make a mountain out of a molehill - Make something • Play it by ear - Improvise unimportant into a big deal • See eye to eye - Agree • Night owl - Someone who stays up late • Slipped my mind - I forgot • Pig out - To eat a lot • Speak your mind - Say what you really feel • Put a bug in his ear - Make a suggestion Animal Idioms • Raining cats and dogs - It is raining very hard • Snail's pace - To move extremely slow • A bull in a china shop - Someone who is very clumsy • Stir a hornet's nest - To cause a lot of trouble • A little birdie told me - Someone told me a secret • Teacher's pet - The teacher's favorite student • Bee in her bonnet - She is upset • The world is your oyster - You can achieve whatever/go • Birdbrain - Someone who is not very smart wherever you want • Busy as a bee - To be very active and working hard at something • When pigs fly - To say something is impossible • Cat got your tongue? - Why aren't you talking? Wolf in sheep's clothing - A person who pretends to be nice but • Cry crocodile tears - To pretend to be upset is not • Curiosity killed the cat - Asking too many questions may get you in • You can't teach an old dog new tricks - It's harder for older trouble people to learn new things

• Different kettle of fish - Something completely different

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Holly Hill K-8

Date School Activity Monday, • Flat Knight Literacy Project – Each elementary and ELA classroom in the middle school will receive a “Flat January 27 Knight” template to decorate. Take “Flat Knight” on a reading trip across campus and take a selfie with him. Tweet your selfie to #HHSFlatKnight. Next, each teacher will send their “Flat Knight” on an adventure (another school, city official, family member, or anyone of interest) along with a letter. More details to follow. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 6th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Tuesday, • Adventure Over to the Elementary side – Buddy Reading: Middle School and Elementary classes “buddy January 28 up” to read or do a reading activity. ELA Coaches will provide a schedule. • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. • Amazing Race Around the World - 7th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Wednesday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 29 • Crazy About Books! – Wear Crazy Socks! • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades PK - 2nd will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in grades 4-8 will write a letter to their future selves. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. Thursday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 30 • Amazing Race Around the World - Grades 3rd – 5th will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based activities to earn stamps for their passports. • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • LITERACY NIGHT BOOK BINGO! 5:00 – 6:30 Pizza and Bingo to win books! Family Literacy Night! Friday, • Adventure Picture Prompts – Picture This! Creative writing using an image each day from a PowerPoint. January 31 • Reading is an Exciting Journey! – Teacher Challenge: 10 minute read aloud of a book or chapter(s) of your choice. • Amazing Race Around the World - 8th Grade ELA classes will travel through the 7 continents (in media center) where they will participate in literacy based centers to earn stamps for their passports. • Oh, the Places You’ll Go! o Students in PK-2 will complete the “When I Grow Up” activity. o Students in 3 grade will complete “When I am a Grown Up” activity.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: New Smyrna Beach High School

Date School Activity Monday, Door decorating begins. Teachers and students decorate their classroom doors to reflect a favorite January 27 book. Voting will be on Friday and the winning door will earn a prize!

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: Reading for 6 minutes a day reduces stress by 68%! Tuesday, Teen Reads Day: Students who have been reading Florida Teens Reads books (or who are interested in January 28 learning about them) will be invited to lunch in the Media Center to share their favorite book on the list and meet other students who have been reading them. Students who read 5 or more will receive a Varsity Reader t-shirt.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: When children have a home library of 20 books or more, they achieve 3 more years of schooling than children who don’t have books at home. Wednesday, Bookmark Contest during lunch in Media Center. Students will create bookmarks and then vote on the January 29 best one. The winning bookmark will be reproduced and available to anyone in the Media Center.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: If you read 20 minutes a day, that equals 1,800,000 words per year! Children who read 1,000,000 words per year are in the top 2% of reading achievement. Thursday, Teachers are encouraged to read an excerpt from their favorite book to their class. Teachers then take January 30 a picture of their class reading in the most creative way and submit to win a $50 gift card for their classroom.

Students can bring in gently used books and receive a ticket. Each ticket will earn them a book at the book swap in the Media Center on Friday during lunch.

Novel Facts in Cuda News: There are over 129 million books in existence. The longest sentence ever published has 823 words! Friday, Book Swap during lunch. Committee will go around and judge door decorating contest during 1st January 31 period and announce winner on Cuda News. Winning door earns a prize!

Novel Facts in Cuda News: The three most read books are The Holy Bible, Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, and Harry Potter.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: New Smyrna Beach Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Sock it to reading- crazy sock day

Tuesday, January 28

Hats off to reading- wear your favorite hat to school

Wednesday, January 29 Read “IN” students read in all homeroom classes-

Thursday, January 30 Spell it out- Wear your favorite tee shirt that we can read

Spelling Bee

Friday, Taco bout books January 31 Sign up for Book Taco in the media center and get a free taco!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Ormond Beach Middle School Date School Activity Monday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 27 Team Up for Literacy- Wear your favorite sports jersey.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Tuesday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 28 Our Superpower is Reading- Wear your favorite superhero T-shirt.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Wednesday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 29 Crazy About Reading- Wear your favorite crazy socks.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Thursday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 30 Better to Be a Bookworm- Dress like a nerd day.

Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and pick a new book on Friday morning. Friday, Quote of the Day/Literacy Facts- Morning announcements all week. January 31 Panther Spirit Day- Wear a Panther Spirit shirt Guess the number of fiction books in our library- students will come in and fill out a ticket for their guess. Winner will be closets without going over.

Book Swap- Give a book Monday-Thursday in the Media Center and get a ticket to the Celebration and swap to pick a book on Friday morning.

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: PINE RIDGE HIGH SCHOOL Principal: Dr. Nehrig Coordinators: Literacy Coach- Edwena Timpson & Media Specialist-Tina Hackey ELA-Traci Carroll ESE - ELL-NAIA COLON

Objective: Pine Ridge High School is dedicated to improving reading comprehension for all our students. The activities planned are designed to help students practice diverse literacy strategies for common words, subject content areas, state and collegiate assessments. Every teacher has the responsibility to promote and encourage literacy in their classes, and through collaborative practices such as these, we provide opportunities for students to acquire and rehearse words. Date School Activity Monday, MAKEOVER MONDAY- (Media Location for books found in section 741.5) January 27 STUDENTS/Literacy-Students can come in their favorite Comic Book Superhero or Graphic Novel Character. Support Literacy by being able to name, describe, and identify one-character trait of your chosen character. When asked during school day, if student can identify character’s name and purpose, name of book, theme of book, in 30 seconds, they win ticket to put in ticket drawing. Instructional Teachers: Discuss your favorite book and its impact on you. You may want to have students cover a scene from one of your favorite books. *Begin Assembly of “Book-Covered” Door Decoration. Suggestion: Teachers could gather all the materials and have students from their class complete door assembly. *Ticket drawing at 3:00 on intercom. Tuesday, TAKE-A-CHANCE TUESDAY (Spelling Bee) January 28 Students/ELA Only: ELA teachers will lead their class periods in a competitive S.A.T. spelling Bee per Period. Top two competitors from each class period advance to Semi- Finals. 12 students per teacher. The teacher’s semi-finals will be held on Thursday during Teacher’s office hours. Instructional Teachers: Using subject content vocab, teachers play a round of spelling games per class period using words from learned vocabulary lists. *DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY- Reading, ELL/ESE inclusion classes will use FSA Vocabulary Word List and participate in an alternative, written academic spelling contest. Teachers will give a paper spelling quiz rather than a verbal assessment for the initial class round. Top 2 students will advance to semifinals during office hours on Thursday. 12 students in total. *Important: All ELA teachers will be provided with a copy of S.A.T. Spelling List or FSA Spelling list to give to students prior to leaving for Winter Break. Wednesday, WORD OFF- WEDNESDAY January 29 Students/Literacy- HEADS UP APP GAME- Students pick a category, then hold their device up to their head, screen facing outward, and guess the words using your friends' clues. Instructional Teachers- Teachers play games of words using subject content words/academic games. Thursday, THOUGHTFUL Words-THURSDAY January 30 Students/Literacy: Students participate in a short research using their phone/class computer to find either a “pithy” saying, proverb, or motto that speaks to their goals, ideals, or identity. Students write their new saying on copier paper, decorating it appropriately. *Teachers approve final artwork and have students post their work in a special area in the classroom. Teachers: Teachers and students share out their chosen remarks to the class.

Spelling Bee continues- *ELA CLASSES SEMI FINALS ARE HELD IN Teacher’s Office Hours. Top 2 students for each teacher qualifies for finals. Their names are forwarded to Literacy Coach. Finals to be held in auditorium. Date/Time: TBA Location: Media Center, back room ** DIFFERENTIATION STRATEGY (SPELLING BEE)- ELL/ESE/READING CLASSESS WILL HOLD (Oral)SEMI FINAL SPELLING BEE IN Teacher’s Office Hours. Top 6 students for each teacher advances to quarter finals. Students must perform finals in an oral spelling competition. This will be held in Media Center, back room or the teacher work room next to cafeteria.

Friday, FICTION Friday January 31 Students/Literacy- -Students participate in diverse types of fictional writing, including but not limited to: bio poems or personification poetry, short stories, make a book, alternate or extended endings to popular stories, or prequels to introduce a new story. Instructional Teachers- Take a break from studies. Students love to hear their teachers read! Take the last 15 min. of class to read a favorite poem, a chapter from a novel, or an informational article; use text that will inspire, encourage, or mesmerize your students with things they didn’t know. Spelling Bee Finals: ELA Location: Auditorium Date/time: TBD Spelling Bee Finals: Ela (Differentiation) Location: auditorium date/Time: TBD

Major Standards: Many of these standards are identical to 11th/12th standard set. Not all standards are listed. (READING) LAFS.910.RL.1.2-Determine a theme or central idea of a text. LAFS.910.RI.1.1-Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says LAFS.910.RL.1.3- Analyze how complex characters …and advance the plot or develop the theme. LAFS.910.RI.2.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings. (WRITING) LAFS.910.W.1.2-Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas LAFS.910.W.1.3-Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events LAFS.910.W.2.4-Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. LAFS.910.W.2.6-Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products. LAFS.910.W.3.7-Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects… synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation. LAFS.910.W.3.8-Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources. (Speaking and Listening) LAFS.910.SL.2.4-Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically as such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning. (Spelling) LAFS.910.L.1.2c- Spell correctly. (Language ) LAFS.910.L.3.4d-Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: River Springs Middle School of Technology & Innovation

Date School Activity Monday, • DRESS UP DAY: Reading gives you superpowers: Dress like a superhero January 27 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Creation of grade-level favorite book banners

Kick-off: • Reading buddies with Manatee Cove ES • Teacher Door Decorating Contest

Tuesday, • DRESS UP DAY: Reading Buddies: Twin with a friend January 28 • In-class planning for idiom day • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • School-wide spelling bee

Wednesday, • DRESS UP DAY: That’s so punny!: Dress like an idiom January 29 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements

Thursday, • DRESS UP DAY: Imagination Creates New Worlds: Create and dress up like your created characters January 30 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Judging for Door Decorating Contest • Family Literacy Night o Student Thematic Display Contest (class party as a prize) o Door prizes of literacy-BOOKS! o Literacy Scavenger Hunt o Breakout rooms o Bookmark making event • Friday, • DRESS UP DAY: Symbolism: Show your True Colors: Dress in your favorite color January 31 • Guess the book excerpt contest on announcements • Announcements of Door Decorating Contest Winners

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Seabreeze High School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Bolt’s Class – Sidewalk chalk Haiku poems

Tuesday, January 28 • 6-word stories with Art • Quote of the Day on Announcements

Wednesday, January 29 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Book Swap in Media Center

Thursday, January 30 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Sidewalk chalk – books that changed your life

Friday, January 31 • Quote of the Day on Announcements • Literacy Scavenger Hunt

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Silver Sands Middle School

Date School Activity Monday, Door Decorating Contest. Teachers and students decorate their door based on a book. January 27 ELA Teachers read aloud a quote from their favorite book or author.

Tuesday, January 28 Spelling Bee

Wednesday, January 29 Literacy Club reads quotes from their favorite book over the morning announcements.

Family Read Night – encourage families to read together for at least 15 minutes.

Thursday, January 30 Poetry – students select words from the text. Using the words selected, students write a poem.

Friday, January 31 Teachers and students wear a “readable” shirt to school.

Door Judging.

Celebrate Literacy Week, Florida! January 27-31, 2020

School Name: Southwestern Middle School Monday, • Celebrate Visual Literacy! Statement T-shirt Dress-Up Day January 27

Tuesday, • Celebrate Non-fiction Day! Visual Vocabulary Dress-Up January 28 Day • School-wide Spelling Bee

Wednesday, • Celebrate Fiction Day! Character Dress-Up Day January 29 • Non-Stop Read Aloud- The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket

Thursday, • Celebrate Poetry Day! Figurative Language Dress-Up Day January 30 • Poem in Your Pocket Day • Poetry Caroling 😊😊

Friday, • Celebrate Comic Books/Graphic Novels Day! Comic Book January 31 Character Dress-Up Day • Winter Book Swap

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Spruce Creek High

Date School Activity Monday, Celebrate Literacy Week is here again. Book your Trip! Adventure Awaits! Join the fun in a January 27 S-C-Avenger Hunt (Spruce Creek “Avenger” Hunt). Everyday on the morning announcements there will be a literacy clue provided based on one superhero and a passage in a book. The student who finds the passage and submits the answer in the Avenger Hunt Literacy box o win a prize at the end of the day. Reading Adventures around the School. Pictures of Faculty and Staff posted reading their favorite book to kick off the importance of reading. Tuesday, Reading Around the World Teachers can submit the name of one student caught reading January 28 personal reading material in class or in the hallway. The student will earn a gift card while supplies last. Book Cover Door Decorating Contest. SSR Leading classes posted to the “Reader Board”

Wednesday, Adventures in Reading: Teachers are encouraged to spend 5 minutes of each class all day January 29 reading aloud their favorite poem or a section from their favorite book and engage in a brief discussion about how that book impacted them.

Thursday, Book Character Bingo! Stop by the Media Center to pick up a Bingo sheet, figure out the title of January 30 each book based on the character and score bingo to have your name entered in a drawing for a prize at the end of the day. SSR Leading classes posted to the “Reader Board”

Friday, Literacy Celebration Pajama Party! This is an all-day in-school field trip. Our 100 most frequent January 31 readers will be invited to come to the media center for a day of reading, snacks and fun activities! You are encouraged to bring blankets, pillows, pajamas, and a book to read for the celebration. The library will be closed for all other students. Want an invite? Stop by to see Mrs. Murray, Mrs. DeCarlo or Mrs. Howard in the media center to see what you need to do to get on the list!

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: Taylor Middle High School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Kick off the week with: • Club Door Decorating Contest

Tuesday, January 28 Literacy Games in the Media Center – Before School

Wednesday, January 29 BETA & NHS officers visit local elementary school to read to the students

Thursday, January 30 School Spelling Bee

Friday, January 31 Book Swap in the Media Center During all 3 lunches

• Hunt for a Good Book – Come dressed in Camo

Volusia County Schools January 27 – January 31, 2020 School Name: University High School

Date School Activity Monday, January 27 Jurassic Park Theme week Movie scenes performed by our drama students in the media center. Teachers will sign up to bring their classes. 2 classes per period.

Tuesday, January 28 Science gone wrong day. Science teachers will conduct “mad” experiments with students.

Read a-thon of Jurassic Park in the media center by guest readers each class period.

Wednesday, January 29 The “book is always better” day. Teachers and students share their favorite book that was made into a movie. Discuss how the book was different/like the movie.

Teachers will wear shirts made that say The Book was Better. (pre-order)

Thursday, January 30 Sci-fi character dress up. Students must stay within the dress code.

Friday, January 31 Door decoration contest sponsored by National English Honor Society. Prize will be book fair gifts.