170 TREATY . WITH THE DELAWARES, 1818. of land each; but the land hereby granted shall not be conveyed or transfered to any person or persons, by the grantees aforesaid, or their heirs, or either of them, but with the consent of the President of the United States.. a ~~:n~f ?a.!':i_t1g~ ART. 4. The said Wea tribe of Indians accede to, and sanction, the theKickapoosinI809. cession of land made .. by the Kickapoo tribe of Indians, in the second article of a treaty concluded between the United States and th~ said Kickapoo ·tribe, on the ninth day of December, one thousand eight .hundred and nine. . Payment to Weas. ART, 5. In consideration of the cession made ih the foregoing arti- cles of this treaty, the United States agree to pay to the said Wea tribe of Indians, one thousand eight hundred and.fifty dollars annually, in addition to the sum of one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars, (the amount of their former annuity,) making a sum total of three thousand dollars; to be paid in silver, by the United States, annually, to the said tribe, on the reservatiort described by the second article of this treaty. - In testimony whereof~ the said , , and , commissioners as aforesaid, and the sachems, chiefs, and warriors, of the '\Vea tribe of Indians, have hereunto set their _hands, at St. Mary's, in the State of , this second day of October, :n the year of our Lord one thou.sand eight hundred and eighteen. _Jonathan Jennings, Pequiah, his x mark, Lewis Casa, Shingonsa, or Mink, hie x mark, B. Parke, _ SheJ?aqua, or Leaves, his x mark. .Jacco, his x mark, Ktckapoo chiefs: · ·~in~a, his x mark, _ Metagekoka, or Big Tree, his x mark, Sµeqm*-:ti, or Little Eyes, his X mark, Wako or Fox, his x mark. ·_Quenia, •or Young Man, his x mark, ·, ''.(n p1;e~~nce of- John Dill, secretary to the commissioners, J'Ohn Conner, William Turner, secretary, Joseph Barron, interpreter, John_Joh~n, Indian agent, John T. Chunn, major, Third·Infantry, William Prince, Indian agent J. Hackley, captain, Third Infantry, 13. F. Stfokney, S. I. A. BenedictTh. Flaget, Bishop of Bardstown.


Oct. 3, 1818- Articles of a treat11 ma.de and concluded at St. Mary's, in the state of 7 Stat., 188. Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, ana Benjamin Parke, 15~J'.""""tion, Jan. cornmusioners of the United States, atnd the .Delaware nation of Indian&

I!elawares ~e all ART. 1. The Delaware nation of Indians cede to the United States cla.im to land m In- f diana. a 11 t h e1r . c 1aim • to Ian d m• t h e state o I nd' 1ana. vi~:;i1;:1~=r~Pfcir ART. 2. In ~onsideration of the aforesaid cession, t~e (!nited States t?8!11 'Yest of the Mis- agree to provide for the Delawares a country to reside rn, upon the S1SS1pp1. west side of the Mississippi, and to guaranty to them the peaceable possession of the same. fo:'I~p~~rm~:-:ioo~ ART. 3. The United States also agree to pay the Delawares the full Delawares. value of their improvements in the country hereby ceded: which val- uation shall be made by persons to be appointed for that purpose by the President of the United States; and to furnish the Delawares with one hundred and twenty horses, not to exceed in value forty dollars each, and a sufficient num her of perogues, to aid in transporting them to·the west side of the Mississippi; and a quantity of provisions, pro- portioned to their numbers, and the extent of their journey. Delawares. allowed ART. 4. The Delawares shall be allowed the use and occupation of t.o occupy improve- th -. . f h f th h' • ments for three years. e1r 1mproveIJ1ents, or t e term o ree years from t _e date of this treaty if they .so long require it. · T&EA'l'Y WITH THE MIAMI, 1818. 171 ART. 5. The United States agree to pah to the Delawares a perpetual Perpetual annuity annui·t y o f f our thousan d d o11 ars; w h"_1c , togeth er wit • h a 11 annmt1es• . toDelawares. which the United 8tates, by any former treaty, engaged to pay to them, shall be paid in silver, at any place to which the Delawares may remove. ART. 6. The United States agree to provide and support a blacksmith AJJ~ksmith to be for the Dela wares, after their removal to the west side of the Mississippi. pro · ART. 7. One half section of land shall be granted to each of the fol- Grantsoflandtoin- 1owmg . persons,._ name Iy; I saac W o bby, S amue I Cassman, El•1za b et h ferabledlviduals-not without trans- con- Petchaka, and Jacob Dick; and one quarter of a section of land shall eent. be granted to each of the following persons, namely; Solomon Tindell, and Benoni Tindell; all of whom are Delawares; which tracts of land shall be located, after the country is surveyed, at the first creek above the old fort on White river, and running up the river; and shall be held by the persons herein named, respectively, and their heirs; but shall never be conveyed or transferred without the approbation of the Presi- dent of the United States. ART. 8. A sum, not exceeding thirteen thousand three hundred and ce~l~~falf!';' ;~ ~! twelve dollars and twenty-five cents, shall be paid by the United States, Delawares. to satisfy certain claims against the Delaware nation; and shall be expended by the Indian agent at Piqua and Fort Wayne, agreeably to a schedule this day examined and approved by the commissioners of the United States. ART. 9. This treaty, after the same shall be ratified by the President wi:;~tft1eiind111 g and Senate of the United States, shall be binding on the contracting · parties. , · In testimony whereof, the said ,Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, commissioners as aforesaid, and the chiefs and war- riors of the Delaware nation of Indians, have hereunto set their hands, at St. Mary's, in the State of Ohio, this third day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen. . . Jonathan Jennings, Captain Ket.chum, his x mark, Lew. Cass, The Cat, his x mark B. Parke, Ben Beaver, his x mark,. Kithteeleland, or Anderson, his x mark, The War Mallet, his x mark, Lapahnihe, or Big Bear, his x mark, Captain Caghkoo, his x mark, James Nanticoke, his x mark, The Buck, his x mark, Apacahund, or White Eyes, his x ·mark, Petchenanalas, his x mark, Captain Killbuck, his x mark, John Quake, his x mark, . The Beaver, his X mark, Quenaghtoothmait, his x mark, Netahopuna, his x mark, Little Jack, his x mark. Captain Tunis, his x mark, In the presence of- James Dill, secretary to the commis- John T. Chunn, major, Third U.S. In- sioners, . fantry, William Turner, secretary, J. Hackley, captain, Third Infantry, Jno. Johnston, Indian agent, William Olh-er, · B. F. Stickney, S. I. A. Hilary Brunot, lieutenant, Third Infan- John Conner, t17, . , interpreter, David Oliver, . John Kinzie, sub-agent, · R. A. Forsyth, jr., secretary Indian De- G. Godfroy, sub-agent partment. ·


.Article-8 of a trea~ rnade and conchtded, at St. JJfary's, in the State of Oct. 6, 1818• · Ohio, between Jonathan Jennings, Lewis Cass, and Benjamin Parke, 7Procstats., is~. J n • • ,~ z_ TT. • d 8 · d tl "JI' t· f lamat1on an. ,../ommisBU>ner8 OJ t,w unite tate8, an ue .D.Liame na ion 10, 1319. Indians.

ART. 1. The Miami nation of Indians cede to the United States the th~em~::ib~ lauds by following tract of country: Beginning at the Wabash river,where the present Indian boundary line crosses the same, near the mouth of