ISBURY VOL. 20. , WICOMICO COUNTY, MD., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1886. NO. 5. legal Notices. Notice*. fSUsttttmeous. future holds only the endless, nameless pain CUBED, WHH.K BHB PRATED. ITEMS OF nfTKBKST. Salisburg or m mm, her song conveys. It is late in the night when he turns to­ A Paralytic BMtorod to Health la tbe Clippings Cnrioni and Quaint Gathered Monastrjr of St. Paul of th* HEADQUARTERS! PUBLIC SALE BY X. K1LKEN HOLAHAH. ward the bouse, wearied by the mental bat­ from the Newcpmper*. . REGISTRATION tle he has fought; and Miss Neill meets him OK ^ At the very summit of the big hill that test of the quality of leather "Draw yow wrap closer aronnd yon, in the corridor. A simple For ftne Liquors. 3STOTIOE 1 lies just west of the city of Hoboken and belts is thus given by the London Mechani­ deur," says Miss {Catherine Neill, caressing "Poor child I" she said softly, "I have that gives its name Union Hill to the cal World: A small piece 'of the belt is the graceful shoulders of her beautiful sent her to bed she is so frail I But all straggling village built upon it, stands the cut out of the strap and put into vinegar. To the Officer* of Regittration and Le­ HEAL ESTATE! niece. "I do not think you are looking my prayers are of no avail. She is going Roman Catholic Monastery of St. Paul of If the leather is thoroughly tanned and of gal Voter» of Wicomico Co. quite so well as last week. Robert and I" to start of Saratoga to-morrow !" 4 CO., gay, gentle way "must take good the Cross. This monastery is known as good quality it will remain unaltered, and A. F. PARSONS in her Rudely, without a word, he passes her I will nell at public *nle in front of the ho­ the Passionist Monastery. Within its even show, after some mouths, only a some* Defers In all Kind* of care of society's pet, mustn't we, Robert ?" by, and again reaches the open air going OTICE U heieiiv gtvm In the cIlKcnn of tel In the town of Qu intleo on cathedral-like church last Wednesday af­ what darker color, while if it has been in­ Leigh Arndale smiles a beautiful, blindly onward almost mad with pain and N Wlcomlcn . ounty, that the October ternoon there occured a wonderful faith sufficiently prepared with tannin the fibres Billing of thfOnWrxoi KeglxlnvUnn for the dreamy sort of smile, that softens and desolation. WHISKEYS, everal pled Inn dlstrlcloof oald county will SATURDAY, cure that has set the Union Hill people all swell and are converted into a. gelatinous oomraeucc In ervch district on sweetens into wondrous beauty all the the moonlit path he goes toward Down agog*. On Wednesday afternoon while mass in a short time. BRANDIES, RUMS, WINES, ETC. proud, exquisite curves of her dainty face. the lake, then suddenly he becomes aware MONDAY and TUESDAY, Almost involuntarily Robert Grey lifts Father Albino, the old priest whose duty it that some one is there before him some A strange story comes from North Caro­ Oct. 2d, 1886, his handsome head and encounters that rare is to care for those who come into the one in a soft, white robe who turns toward church, was praying at the altar a party of lina in refutation of the popular theory ^,. OTTO LARGE STOCK OP OCT. 4TH AND 5TH., ALL MY smile, but his dark eyes only grow sterner him with great, started eyes, and the whit­ eight entered and knelt at tbe door. One that it is the woman who cannot hold her yet as they again turn from that exquisite est, loveliest face in the wide worfd. Foreign And Domestic Liquors is complete for the purpooeof revising the registries and of the party, a young woman, Mrs. Cather­ tongue and live. N. D. Monroe, who was in every respect, and for sujieriority in poll books ofKaldKevrrHl electloiirdlstrlci* to —M-REAL ESTATE, living picture, framed in roses and lilies, "Ah, it is you!" she says, with a little a man of property before the war, served wli : The undersigned f.fflci»n« of n>Bl*tra- beauty on the ine Murphy, of Pottsville, Pa., went into Qn»':ty and Cheapness cannot be excelled tlon trill Nil for the purpose of rceli-lerl'-K to the picture growing into laugh, moving nearer to him. "I feared it in the army and went back to his home to nil letral voters not registered, and lor cor­ the church, walking with the aid of crutch­ easel before him. an his only sister with >fy ON THE SHORE. recting the registry of voter* ftn<1 poll ItookK CONSISTING OF 250 ACRES, was Aunt Kathie. She sent me to bed es. She had suffered many years with par­ find it in ruins. Taking of their SSV«THI election rlNtrlcts of Wlcom- "No wonder," he thinks bitterly, "that hour ago, but there was a witchery in the him he retired to a mountain, where he Ico county at Ihexcverai places stated below, Adjoining the said Town. tial paralysis of both legs, and, having WHISKETS. Prom the lowest price rec­ «n men have been fools enough to blight all moonlight, and I could not sleep, so I stole built two small log huts -one for his sister, heard of the miraculous cures effected in tified to the highest gra d e? of n re Old Rye. their lives for one smile like that from her 1 down, and here I" the other for himself and there they have • MONDAY and TUESDAY, This Tract lieu* been divided and will be No wonder, when bewildered by its spell, the Passionlse church, she had come to BRANDIES. Apple, each, French, Black­ rold In the following Parcels : POWDER "You are rash," he says sternly, "to lived without speaking to each' other or to that thsy have been misled into believing pray. On this Wednesday, her first prayers berry, &c. WINES. Port, Sherry, Malaga Alton tbe right hand glde of the new coun­ court death in this way. Your neck and anybody else'for twenty years. Tbe sister OCT. 4TH AND 5THM Absolutely Pure. over, she entered the confessional that Madeira, Catawba, &c. Gixs. Imported ty road, lately surveyed lo run from tbe M. that she possessed a heart. Bah 1 she knows arms'' gloating over their perfect beauty seems to have stood it very well, bnt MOB- P. Church to the Spring Hill road, through This powder never varies. A marvel of her power and uses it!" stands on the right-hand side of the lobby Old Tom and Holland Gins and the lower The re*peotlveo(Bcer»orreRl8tratlon In the purity, strength and wholesomenes*. More "are exposed to the night-wind. The dew roe himself broke down the other day, went neveral districts will ite kept open In each aid land, will be so'd n» tbe Farm. This economical than the ordinary kinds, and his thought, a crimson of the church, near the door. She went grades. Ruirs. New England, Jamaica. day daring the raid October KlUintfs between As if she divines u falling, too 1" over and spoke to his sister, and returned portion of the tract is cannot be sold in competition with the mul­ into this confessional box with her crutches the hour* of 8 o'clock, a, m. and 7 o'clock, p. titude of low test, short weight alum or phos­ stain dyes all her pure, pale face; but in a "Let it fall," she says, with a shrug of to bis own cabin and hanged himself. He ru., dorlng which hourx the voters of Wlcom- phate powders,. Sold only in Oant. and came out leaning heavily on them. Ico county are entitled to apply 'for registra­ moment it is gone, leaving her, if possible, her shoulders. "Death comes but once left no apology for not having done this be­ tion, correction and changed. WELL IMPROVED LAND ROYAL BAKING POWDEB Co., She went to the front of the church then ALSO IN STOCK more pallid than before; the old, proud what matter when!" fore. The places selected by the Office of Regln- 106 Wall Street, N. Y. and knelt again, this time not far from High and well Drained. Tbe soli la RED calm comes back to her eyes, and she bends She does not look toward him, but across trallou for the different districts of Wlcoml- where there is a font dedicated to St..Paul The Connecticut papers record a rather co county where they vllf «lt. daring these CLAY. Ills Improved with n good TWO- her head slowly above the brilliant, odorous the lake where the moon flings a path of present sluing, are a« tbllowa: of the Cross, the patron saint of the monas­ peculiar marriage which was recently sol­ DTJFPY'S MALT STORY FRAME BUILDING, with Colon­ flowers in her white hands. gold. In to his dark eyes creeps a wistful, Creek) at. the store of nade, Kitchen, Porches, t Mo. 4 fPltUhurg) at the office of The balance of the Farm lying between Uie out the whirl, excitement, and dissipation terness -'have you no pity for the man Dr. Lttlelon. In PltUvllle. box, bound with gold, containing dust of name of Crandall, and farther in­ proposed new county road and the public of fashionable life!" you are going to marry ?" bore the road from Quantlco to Rewastloo Mill*, has the bone of St. Paul of the Cross. This quiry developed the fact that she was the CHEAP. DiRlrlct No. 5 (Parsons) at the store of W. Miss Neill clasps her hands with a cry of With great, dilated eyes she turns to­ W. Gordy, In Salisbury. been divided Into 16 Lots, containing from box he rubbed gently over the woman's divorced wife of the anxious groom's broth­ We also hare a complete line of CIGARS alarm. ward him. District No. 6 (Dennis) at the store of John side and exhorted her to have faith and th« home of the bride expectant had and TOBACCO, selected to meet the wants of "Dear child," she says reproachfully, "I do not know him yet," she says soft­ er. The W. Uavls in Powellsvllle. saint might help her. As he rubbed the Alfred pent re, N. Y., where but a oar customers. >^"0rders by Mail re­ 1 to 10 Acres. "yon must not think of it; it would be sure ly. "If you mean Alan Lester Last been in ceive prompt attention. rice-List sent on District No. 7 (Trappe) at the residence of priest slowly removed one crutch from the short time before the decree of separation W.F. Alien, at Alien. All these lotsadjoiu the public road. death. Do you find Bob and me such poor week I asked him for my freedom, and to­ application. Satisfaction guaranteed. woman, who was now standing. Still en­ had been issued by a court. Fearing possi­ The Timber or 8>nrg.) CONSTABLE'S SAT.-TC. best remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bron­ Ia1d~j9 a little heap of canes and crutches later, divorce. They separated, married as any responsible person WHOLESALE & RETAIL For some time Leigh watches him in AP chitis, etc. ? That "Swiss Balsam" will that others cured of their diseases in the again and for twenty-five yean did not or* firm. I am selling hand-made harness WILLIAM W. OOBDT, silence, and a dreamy, pathetic look creeps cure that neglected cold ? Delays are dan­ meet, bat a few days ago were called to By virtue of two writs of fieri facias is- DXALXB8 IH into her freat, beautiful eyes. same wonderful way have left. ,.,, - Offlcor of Registration for District No- 5, jued by Win. J. Wailes, one tbe Justices of gerous. That "Swiss Balsam" contains no their early home to attend the funeral of From $8.00 Up. (Parson*'.) Below*he long line of terraces lies the the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and morphia or opium, thus making it the best A Gkastly Struggle. their only child a son. When the casket, This includes a hand-made saddle. Then JOHN W. DA VIS, for Wicomico county, both at the suit of lake, glinting in the last rays of sunlight and safest cough remedy for children.? jn pursuance of thes old. ..custom, James W. Denson, against the goods and Lumber, Shingles, Samuel Reedy, of Louisville, Ky., was is a dollar's difference between a hand and Officer of Registration for District No. 8, flung from the west; beyond the smooth Pleasant to take. That this valuable reme­ should have been .abolished long ago, was machine-made saddle. Machine-made har­ (Dennis.) chatties, lands and tenements of George SASH, DOORS, &c. lawn lies tbe cool, keep forest, from the re­ fortunate enough to win considerable money ness from $6 up. Also carry in stock a fine Dashiell, to me directed I have seized and dy only costs 25 cents a bottle and can be on the recent election and a large, amount opened at the brink of the grave, the fath­ line of Riding and Cart Saddles, Whips, WILLIAM F. ALLAN. taken in execution, all the right, title, cesses of which come faintly the song of an had at Dr. Collier, Salisbury, and Country er tenderly stroked the dead, boy's hair, of it was paid to him. On his way home - . Curry Combs, etc. Thanking the public for Officer of Registration for District No. 7, claim, interest, and estate, at law and in We have made extensive pre­ early nightingale; the air is heavy with the Dealers. mother kissed his equity, of the said George Dashiell, in and to and when near the old western cemetery at while the gray-haired ,;* past patronage, I hope by merit to enjoy a (Trappe.) parations for the Spring Trade, odor of roses and lilies, yet to Leigh Arn­ cold lips again and again. But not a sin­ aontinnance of the same. ALONZO DYKES. dale it brings only a yearning pain a sense Sixteenth and Jefferson streets, he was to offer a The late Commander Morrison, Boyal met by two men who trld him ghouls had gle word was spoken between them. As Officer 'Of Registration fdV District Ho. 8, and are prepared of loneliness and loss. Navy, in 1884 published the following ob­ the sextan began covering the lowered cas­ L. W. TAYLOB, (Natter's.) or Parcel of Land lying and being in Tyas- She shivers as if from a chilling draught, opened one of the large vaults and dese­ kin district, in said county, and lying be­ LARGE and carefully selected servations on earthquakes: "Earthquakes ket with ground the father turned on his Next to R. K. Trnitt & Sons' Drug Store. LEVIN M. DASHIELL, draws her white wrap about her shoulders, crated it. Reedy was induced to go and tween Wetipqnin Creek and the village of stock of Dressed Flooring, Sid­ generally follow close on the heels of eclip­ inspect the vault. When they reached tbe heel, while the weeping mother .dropped on Registration for DlMrlet No. 9, Waltersville, it being the same land the and rises slowly from her swinging willow Officer of ses. At the period of tbe earthquake many west end of the cemetery Reedy saw* that her knees and began to play. Yet men call (Salisbury.) said Dashiell purchased from the said J. W. ing, Finishing Boards, North chair. aspects will be found between the planets this an unromantic age. ':- JAMES P. MARINE, Denson, containing FOUR AND ONE- "May I look at your work, Mr. Grey?" a vault was standing open and from it came HALF ACRES, more or less. Carolina Heart and Sap Shin­ in the heavens." In the present instance a damp, moldy odor. He entered with his iRICKS. Officer of Registration f jr District No. 10, she asks softly, surveying the picture while sun occurred on Aug. 39, Mr. Romilly, her Majesty's Commissioner an eclipse o; the (Sbarptown.) gles, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moul­ she speaks; and with a cold bow be steps guides and felt for some matches with for the Western Pacific, tells a good story JubiUr and Uranus were in conjunction which to make a light, when he was seized I am making all grades of Bricks at my And I hereby give notice that on the 25TH dings, etc.. at very low figures. aside. with the moon on Aug. 81. On the same of the early days of the Fiji settlements. A and will deliver them DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1886, at 8 "If it will interest you for one poor mom­ from behind and tbe muzzle of a pistol white man while wandering over one of the near Salisbury, o'clock, p. m., at George D. Insley's day there were important aspects between TRUSTEE'S SALE We think we can make it to ent," he says, a latent mockery in his deep pressed to his ear. A cool, low voice inform­ islands was taken prisoner by an inla*d store, I will offer for sale the said proper­ the sun and Jupiter and between Man and ed him that he must give up his money or OF VALUABLE ty so seized and taken in execution by pub­ your interest to place your or­ voice, "certainly. She told me to amuse tribe. He had a cork leg. He didn't Kfc» Uranus. Mare is at present in Scorpio, have his brains blown out. Reedy was fora lic auction to tbe highest bidder for cash to you, and I have wofully neglected her com­ which has been supposed to be another cir­ the looks of his captors, and he was greatly satisfy the above writs and costs. ders with us. moment paralyzed with fear and a cold sweat .that they were mands. A treacherous memory is my only cumstance favoring the production of earth­ exercised when he noticed broke out on his brow. A hand was placed oven. Trying hard as Any O&v Firm, TOWN PROPERTY!! A. F. ROBBBTSON, excuse. Now I am at your service, Miss quakes. fixing up a neighboring in his pocket to relieve him of what money not to show his agitation, ht- called for AND GUARANTEE THEM TO Arndale. I am quite aware that a flirta­ By virtue of a decree of the Orphans' sept. 4-ts. Constable. he might have, and this action aroused something to eat. Food was set before him, tion a conquest would amuse you most, Harrison H. Oliver of Bolton, Texas, is Court for Wicomico county, the under­ LE.WILLIAMSKO, him. Feeling that the pistol had moved and he used his large jackknife to cut it up. will sell at tho Penin­ but it U quite out of my line I" noted for having one hundred and one bul­ t. OUTWEAR signed, as Trustee, PfUI. Clr. Court. SALISBURY, MD. away from his head, he began a struggle Every mouthful or two he stack the jack- sula House, in Salisbury, on Not one curve of her flawless face changes let wounds on his body. When he was a and STAND MORE than any Brick on the working-men's Loan Association, vs. Jame* with the would-be robbers. Orer and over knife into his cork leg with such force that, D PbilllpH, and other*. under the fire of his sarcasm. boy a friend thought he was a deer and Shore. For further particulars apply to the floor the struggling men rolled, and it stood erect. The native^ looked on in SATURDAY, A moment her eyes meet bis in haughty fired thirty-seven buckshot into him; he In equity In the Circuit Court for Wicomico everything in the interior of the vault was great astonishment and evident, alarm. ^r— ' THOS. B. LATFIELD. 25th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1886, county. No. 588. July Term, 1888. scorn, then pass him by to rest wearily on was shot all to pieces in the war, and in THE GREAT upset. Coffins crashed to the floor, boxes After the meal was over be began to un­ Ordered by the subscriber. Clerk of the Cir­ the tender, purple hills beyond. 1873 a Bolton dentist took him for an ene­ Or L. E. WILLIAM & Co., Salisbury. at 3 o'clock, P.M.,' cuit Court for Wlcomloo county. Maryland. were upset in the scuffle, and an unearthly screw his leg. That was too much for the Eighteen hundred "When Aunt Katherine was here," she my and pnt fifty one duck-shot into his this 3rd day of Sept. racket was raised. The noise attracted poor savages. They hadn't the slightest all tbe real estate of Nathan T. Parsons, and Eighty-nix, that the report of Jamea E. says calmly, "yon were judging me. Al­ back, perforating his liver and kidneys. Ellegood. Trustee, to make sale of the passors-by, and on their approach the what he would do next, but late of Wicomico county, dec'd. The real estate mentioned In the above en­ SACRIFICE though every one should have chance to curiosity to see Sixty bullets, ranging in size from a duck wonld-be felons suddenly decamped, leav­ WILLOUGHBY'BROS. . property has been surveyed and will be sold titled cause and the sale by him reported, clear himself, I will not ask to hear your opened a passage for him and let him walk NEW in three lots. be and tame is hereby ratified and con­ shot to an ounce ball, remains in his body. ing Reedy on the floor of the vault ex­ firmed unless cause to tbe contrary appear Sale of $150,000 worth of verdict; it is not necessary. Let us calmly away unmolested. When he reached bis NO. 1. The Dwelling House and Lot in by exceptions filed before the 1st day of hausted, but still in possession of his money. Salisbury at tbe intersection of the Snow Nov. term, provided a copy of this order be stare facts in the face. Years ago yon horse, some little distance away, the natives Livery and Boarding Hill road and/the road to Shoemaker's mill. Inserted In some newspaper printed In Wl- fine Elegant and Reliable It grows more and more evident that in began to gather around, bnt after mounting oomteo eoaatyyonee In each of three luoces- saved my life*. I was not ungrateful; but Preferred tbe Thirty Days. NO. 8. Vacant Lot adjoining, 90 feet slve weeks before the 27th day of Sept. next, Baltimore since then you have made me regret that I tbe English Post Office Department they he made a motion aa if to unscrewhishead, front oif the* road to Shoemaker's mill. Tbe report state* tbe amount of sales to be very lively times of it. According to "I am getting tired of continuing this and the spectators fled in dismay. , . . I in rear of the Salisbury Hotel, oppo- NO. &. —Adjoining No. 2, containing tbe I9M.OO. ever owed you gratitude. Did yon follow have bekCoort House. Good Teams F. M. 8LEMON8. Clerk- the official records published the other day, case for want of an important witness," slaughter house and stable, fronting 45 ft. True Copy Teat: F. M. Siemens, Clerk. me to Bed Oak to torture and insult me ?" murmurous voices of the ocean always on hand. Agent* taken to any on the above road. live geese, snakes and other creeping reptiles said the Jndge, impatiently. "If Mrs. Bar- If the A hot wave of color crosses his high browt could sylable intelligible sounds what part of the Shore at reasonable rates. Lots 2 and 8 will be sold clear of widow's CLOTHING in were sent through is, and now here is an kins isn't in court this afternoon when the dower. -No. 1 will be sold subject to dower. /^Vrder HUl.-Cir. Cvnrt. an angry, passionate vehemence flashes weird tales .they would tell of the Hack meets all trains, night and day. account of a whole family of birds being case is called it will go to trial without her. strange, A plat of the land may be seen at the of­ Archer C. Holloway, etal. vs. is now in progress. his eyes, and he bites the long ends of his fateful, bnt fleeting years. , It is something .Orders left at office or the Hotel will fice of the Trustee and on tbe day of sale. mustache before replying. hatched out and reared in one of their road- Mr. Barkins, I shall expect you to produce No. 561. In Equity in tbe Circuit Court for your wife at two o'clock in this court." less than four years ago that a youthful receive prompt attention. Wicomico Co. July Term 1888. "The object is not worth so much con­ tide letter boxes. Want of space forbids a "Me?" grasped Mr. Barkins.>"Judge, couple in a far Western city met and loved, sideration," he answers, with a little sneer­ WILLOUGHBY BROS. TERMS OF SALE: Ordered by the subscriber, Clerk of tbe Cir­ you don't know my wife, Produce her I" as youthful couples will. The stars they cuit Court for Wicomico county, Md., this long list but a call and in­ ing laugh. "But the fact is, Miss Arndale, SALISBURY. MD. 4lh day of Sept. 1886, that the report of Tbe Seventh Day Adrentists in Maine And he groaned, "I'd like to see any gazed at in presumably speechless rapture $150.00 cash on the day of sale, balance Jas. E. Bllegood. Trustee, to make sale of tbe that when I accepted Hiss Neill's invita­ in three equal installments of one, two and are getting ready for the termination of all living man produce her if she didn't want were those which light tbe .mariners' way real estate mentioned in the above entitled spection of 15 minutes will even dreamed of meeting three years, the purchaser or purchasers cause, and the sale by him reported, and tbe tion, I bad not things terrestial. They quote from tbe to be produced." as he plows the peaceful Pacific. Bnt the statement distributing tbe same, be and yon here. She is kind enough to make me HOTEL STABLES giving bond with security approved by the the same Is hereby ratified and confirmed, Bible that "there shall be earthquakes in "I shall send yon to jail for thirty days lady's parents suddenly objected to her Trustee, bearing interest from day of sale. convince that you can save you know. Yon wen unless cause to tbe contrary appear by excep­ her favorite friend, divers.places in -the last days," and from for contempt of court if yon don't bring suitor and the lovers were forced apart. I. H. WHITE tions filed before the first day of Nov. term, never here on any of my previous visits. TBOS. HUMPHREYS, provided a copy of this order be Inserted In entire cost of trip by buy­ this deduce that the earthquake in Charles­ her here and I'll settle with her afterward," Vows, of course, were interchanged, for in Having now tb« management or the ababore some newspaper printed In Salisbury, Wl­ Why should I expect you now? How named Stable*, otfen to the pabllc comloo county, once In each of three suc­ ton is an omen and a fulfillment of the pro­ sain the Jndge, sternly. what courtship are they not? Swearing at h« lowest prices. sept. 4-ts. i-liWfrl^'3 - Trustee. should a poor devil of an artist dare oven cessive weeks before tbe 4th day of Oet, ing your Men's and Boys' phecy. "Make out the mittimus, Judge," said eternal fidelity they separated to meet next. beauty and The report states tbe amount of sales to be to think of the world-worshiped Mr. Barkins, shaking hit head sadly. again, as they fondly hoped, beneath tbe FIRST CLASS TEAMS $2136.00. Clothing from us right now. , heiress f I suppose yon were, of course, light of more propitious skies. They never TRUSTEE'S SALE F. M. 8LEMON8, CIJCRK. Evangelist George O. Barnes, who has "Yon don't know. her. Thirty days ain't True Copy, Test X. M. Buxovs, Clerk. with the brilliant world to which yon be­ did. Every letter the ardent lover penned '' Of Every Description. OF VALUABLE So donlt forget 'i just completed a tour of the world, started nnthin." longed, with your fiance, young Lester." his love the obdurate parents intercepted Former patron* and Mend* will find tbetr out without funds or friends, but says he bone* and carriages carefully attend- A momentary pause, during which they and burned. Tbe lady's, too, were stolen ed to by competent never wanted fdr anything daring his en­ A load Off His Mind. . 18 to give notice that the unbecrlber survey each other, and then: ; and destroyed, and hen comes in the dra­ Real Estate bath obtained from' tbe Orphan*' court tire journey. He took his wife and three Twenty-two yean ago Patric Driscoll tor Wloomloo county letters of Administra­ OEHM & SOU, "Had I known that you were to be here,. matic climax of the tale. Suspecting the children with him. Evangelist Barnes seems just arrived from Ireland, found a pocket- tion on tbe personal estate of Robert Grey," she almost whispers, stretch* tactics her parents had employed the hero-j PASSENGERS + COUVfYED WIDE-AWAKE CLOTHIERS, entitled to the ribbon as the champ­ book containing over $160, in Salem, X. J. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court 1 EL18HA HOL1JOWAT, ing out her slim, jeweled hands and speak­ to be ine conceived a violent hatnd for them. A] Use for Wicomico county in No. 007 Equity, ion deadhead. He told his employer, who advised aim to To any point on PEATTAKD HAHOTIK STB., BALTIMOU. ing with a touch of passion foreign to her the same time she formed ;tie.nsolntion1 the undersigned, H Trustee, will sell at the of Wicomico county, dec'd. All persons keep it until the owijer appeared. The Orders left at the Peninsula Hou or at tin Peninsula House Jn Salisbury on elalms against said dee*!!., are hereby nature, "I would have remained in my own to touch food again. Vainly ftte' will be promptly atteaded to exhibit the same. With voaehen other day Charles W. Dnnn happened to to tbe subscriber on or before Samples by Mafl on Application. world, despite all the doctors in Christen- George Augustas Sala says that on his solve was combated by those who speak in the presence of Mr/Drisooll, now dom, and taken the consequences. What father's aide his ancestors were Roman her misery. When food was offered March 14th, 1887, prosperous merchant, about his brother, >R ji SEPT. 35TE, 1886, I have done to win your hate your sarcasm, gens, whose names are to be found inscribed turned her face to the wall and would icy may otherwise be excluded from all Samuel Dnnn, now dead, losing a pocket- jeflt of said estate, I do not know. Some nature* are born on tbe marble tables of the Fasti Oonsnlares eat for love or gold. The last words at the honr of 3 p. m., all that Tra«t of (liven nnder my band this Utb day of book years before. Mr. Driscoll at once JEY BTjLLL, antagoniitle. In yoai( supercilious mockery in the Capitol at Rome. His family has parent Land belonging to the heirs of Poirpoint Sept. 1886. - MERCHANT took a book from his pocket, and handed it spoie were those of soon for her Price, lying in Natter's district, in Wtoom- J. A. D. HOLLOWAY, yon have given me good reason to bate and given two Cardinals to tbe Church in Italy just before dying,- after a month's drear OF to Mr. Dann, who identified it as the on* ieo county, adjoining the lands of Bobu F. Administrator. scorn you. Yon yon -" one Grand Inquisitor to Spain. : >',.. ll«3 A.J..C G.H.R.) On JCT FABM- and fast Come, lives there the poet fitted Coulbourn. B. Sydney Morris and others, L.J.0ALE, Re*. Wills. He bows coldly, and offers her his arm. bit brother had lost. He was asked to called "ROBINSON'S HOPE," and con­ *—— -«»- > . ring her constancy ? If so, KBAR 8A.CISSCBT. TAILOR ! Don't eioite yourself," he jays. "It count the money. There was Just 9151.78. taining The story comes from White Sulphur Bat first, TO CKEDITOBM. would >*a pity if Letter should fcee you af­ Mr..Dunn tried to get XT. Driscoll to keep returned to SALISBURY, Springs,&pnng*, Va.,va., thattnat at a champagneonarapagn* party the robqty, but he refused. He Alack the has you know. The dew is , but he refused. He said it was »nb*crlb*r hstfc fo£the MrpoM of oonductiag tbe ter all our osre, then a youn* married lady of fa«W««- JtSfoBhfa-fiflnd to gtt rid:* -I|3l5 Acres, Court «n Wloovios must go in." falling, and you pulled o* ber slipper and, filling it with I . Mot* or Lem ~" Bnt when he has delivered her to the 78. JOBEPHlJg A. TAYLOB. ohampafne, gave it to a yoanf lawyer in tender care of Miss Nefll. and goes oat on tbe party, and b* quaffed iVdown. A Havnr V*a a* : teto sf Wkonlco county, d*cM. AH ponoa* the terrace to smoke a cigar, he tells him­ TMBMS OF SALS: elalBi tcsloit Mid d*e*s^, an i ___ LM , ___ Motwr Jot, Pa., Jnftr %kiMtMt th*Mae,vlth TMeksis the self that the fair, fragfle (ace into which be 9100.40 Mb oCibe da? of sale, tbe 1 , «o tbr bscriber en or baton I invite the attention of flfr.*-lrortlrt benefit of 1 public to my line of looked so soornfutly, will haunt him until In hit new novel Bobert Grant makes aace wooealti two yean from th» day March Uth, 18W, lire to relate my caw. Attj sak, with Interest from the day af.sate, Jast hoar of his life, shutting out the beauty his romantic young lady hurl a/ box con­ ortbvv mtf otterwU* be ezel«d«d from all bss*» and worth of every other face.. taining $100,000 into tin seething wrfrfoe aiiy warner I suffered froin «HSl4. exceedingly annoying ikinc ««4tr n>y bind UU 14tb d»y of Bept , Acruaj the bwath of the June rose* her Ithe M in order to relief* hwr low of in THOS. HTJMPHKRB, JOHK E. TATLOB, voice, accompanied by the guitar, comes to th* mpkrioa of bdog mefoenary. out which will be. found at complete and a* and on ofac parttof atf body.. sept. 4-ts, /Ttwsfa Administrator. weU aalwttd M any diaplaj of similar him and awakes more mad eomw in hit •y • ' • .-*~4j *»i. . O A.LE. Hex- Wills. . almost to intolerance when I good* erjr Aown k tbb town. All heart a* it blends with tbef beauty off the Tt» reoordi the LL kinds ofJob Printingl= ,the good* ore New and of the moonlit night. " rsssa'ri -if office~ffi™ in**.wita'Wa — "J-^'«•«. - «» • ..___ _ ^ THB HKW8 IN OBNEBAL. MABYZ.AND, POLITICS. SALISBURY ADVERTISER -Made imuuuu) WBICLT AT BveaU Tnuuplrlnff la Various Farte of Democratic and Republican Nomination* m IT'S TRUEf thi» CooBtrjr, Boiled Down. In the Sixth Dlttrlct. SAU5B8RT, flCOKCO COUITY, ID, j|i,ooo,ooa Oak Hall. HAVE NEVER RUN A LARGER STOCK OF FURNITURE Daring a he*ry rain squall in ship chan HAQKBSTOw>|'Sept. 82. The democrats ttrtata M., On. OmtlNM. . THAN WE ARE DOING THIS SEASON oel in Boston harbor, Sunday, a sloop yacht of the ^ctnoongressional district are jnbi- .. . ' was seen bottom up. She subsequently They have unanimously nominated In'Conducting our business, we are distinct Furniture has advanced 15 per cent., but we are going to give coir" cus­ TH06. PERRY, EOITOK AKD sank. Two men in a boat, who had . L. Victor Banghman as their candi­ and apart from all other clothing houses in this: tomers the benefit of our early and large purchases her capsiM, said that she date, and they say they are going to elect find such inducements anywhere else. vt We mark upon the goods what- they are, what ADVERTISING RATES! of passenger*. Prof. SLJgjnt and him. The delegates and other prominent the materials consist of, and give with it a ''. Ai*r1ltem**ti will tt intent* at O* rale tf Off troaomer Smith .^tL^flawa, Ont., are re­ men of the district gathered at the Balwin Dtltmr a» IiuAfor iktfrtl itutrtltn, «<* Afly etmU ported t-yrfre* predicted a terrible earth- House early in the morning and seemed 'guarantee that will get you back your money if •I a* fnekftr eaeA nktiquext toutrfc*. Atibenldit- qnaV j6n September 29 through the South very enthusiastic over the prospects of the not satisfied. 4ra States. John Liptrot Hat ton, the campaign. Among those present was ex- MATTINGS, Etc. Lot»l XoKeti n» Omit »U»e fir Jb-iHntertir. English composer, is dead. Mr. William Gov, Hamilton, who said openly that he Every one concedes that we sell our Mattings, J*w Onto for eoe* additional iiuerfj*«r UjoiA r yraiitjd Scams and buttons are tightly put on. We will be glad to have you come and sign in Trimming our Rotary Wood Trimming. It's unique and novel. last Sunday. The youngest one was seized determination to pull together with a will. lucik :vt the cireful way we do these thir.jjs. Come and look at it. fbr Rrprtttniatife i» QHtgnti from Uu flrtt Cb»- with cramps and The convention met in the Opera House We keep no shoddy grades of cl:>: timer at any price. They may be sold by other stores. gnttitaud Dutrict : sank. The two brothers tried to rescue him, when all three went at 11 o'clock, and transacted the business We regard them as unreliable, and don't.keep them. down. Envoy Sedgwick has returned of the meeting with promptness. It was Send a postal card for samples, r.n :1 \v .* will .send you styles of a storeful of clothing. E E. POWELL & Ca, HON, CHARLES H, GIBSON, home from his displomatic mission to Mexi­ called to order by Col. Buobanan Schley on We trade on the old planks still, yiuds exchanged, if unsatisfactory. Money refunded. OF TALBOT COUNTY. co. The mother of Mayor Conrtenay of the part of the State central committee. One lowest price, and our guarantee. » Dry G-oods, Notions, Clothing, Furniture, &c Charleston, S. C., died last Sunday, aged On motion af Senator Biowning, of Gar- The New York Stor celebrated its first 81 years. The Hon. James R. Ludlow, rett, Mr. C. V. S. Levy, of Frederick, was MAIN STREET, SALISBURY, MD. made temporary chairman, and Mr. Brown­ anniversary under its new management on president judge of the court of common WANAMAKER & BROWN, pleas No. 3, Philadelphia, died Monday ing and Capt. James McSherry escorted the fifteenth of Sept. bj enlarging to an morniug. Over 400,000 tons of iron ore him to the chair. Mr. Levy said: "We OAK HALL, S eight-page journal. The Star is becoming have been unloaded at the port of Phila­ are here as the democracy of Western POWDER! one of the best journals in New York and delphia, so far this year, the bulk of it Maryland for the purpose of naming the S. E. Cor. Sir' - -ml Market Streets. in fact in the country, under the manage­ coming from the Mediterranean. A ter­ next Congressman. The people have deter­ rific wind-storm at Joliet, Ills., Saturday mined to redeem the district, arid to send a ment of Hon. Win. Dorsheimer. It is a The Hazard Kentucky Rifle Powder evening, blew down a number of buildings solid delegation to Congress." [Applause.] fifia Stofoertteements. 'E CAN now show you in straight-out Democratic' paper nml advo­ and injured several persons. The com­ Each counly was then called upon to Is Conceded by all Sportsmen cates the principal of its party. mittee u|)|xiinte<) to notify Hon. Chauncey name its candidate. 'Mr. R. T. Semines our NEW STORE, next F. Black of his nomination by the demo­ said: "Allegany names as the candidate to E. T. Fowler's, (op­ to he the BEST RIFLE POWDER now on the market. Deal­ posite the Post Office) Mayor Smith of Philadelphia has been cratic convention for the governorship of they propose to elect, and for whom they the largest ers can be supplied at Pennsylvania has received his formal letter propose to give a majority, Col. L. Victor most complete assorment, and impeached by the Common Council of that of acceptance. Mr. Black reviews the is­ Baughman, of Frederick. [Applause.] cheapest line of SHOES in every city and recommended to the Select Coun­ sues involved in the campaign, and makes Mr. W. R. Getty, of Garrctt, said: "I size, shown on the Shore. Come cil for removal. A strong effort was made a strong appeal to the people to support the shall I* glad to return to Garrett and say and see for yourself. AND SAVE FREIGHT, by his political friends to save him. He principles which be represents. During that I seconded the nomination of Col. PRICE! the thunder storm on Friday night a Our HAND-MADE Shoes for mast now make his defense before the Select cow | Baughman, for his name has lieu led nil dis- By sending your orders belonging to Jas. Johnson of Lower Peen's sensions. Ladies aud Men fit beautifully, to Council. The principal charge against him Having secured many novel­ Neck. X. J., was struck and killed by light­ The vote was as follows: For Bangh- and every pair guaranteed. B. L. G-illis & Son, is that he deposited the city's funds to his ties late in the season from the ning. A negro who was milking h?r was inan Allegany, 5; Washington. 5; Frwler- Remember the place : private account, and used them as such till paralyzed by the shock, and the milk in tho ick, 0; Garrelt.3 making 19. Kor Bouci leading Mills and importers at S. F. Toadvine, detected, and in so doing was compelled to pail was itpunruutly frozen, beini; hard and Montgomery, 5. Mr. Jones, of Montgom­ a great sacri6ce to them, we PHILADA. cold. It w.-is over an alter checks paid by pawn-brokers and oth­ hour before it became ery, then moved thftt the nomination of can afford to share the saving F. O. & H. S. Todd, liquid again. Then it tasted bitter as gall. Col. Biiugliiiimi be made ununiinoiis, anil with our patrons, and sell these ers for license. The Times, his implacable It was sent to Philadelphia to be examined the motion was carried with a prolonged Boot and Shoe foe, made the charges first, sometime last gems of Clothing for Men and Toadvine & Dorman, by an expert chemist. Ladies who have shout, in which everyboily took part. After HOUSE, July. They were so specific that anyone our Ladies' Book find it replete with inter­ ap[K>inting a committee to wait upon Gil. Boys at one-half to two-thirds L. W. G-unby. * could ascertain the truthfullness of them. esting, amusing and instructive informa­ Baughman at Frederick the convention ad­ usual prices. Every seasona­ S. P. WOODCOCK tion. Hints for Young Ladies, Hints on journed with cheers. & CO., An investigation was necessary, which will ble garment represented. House-furnishing, Facts for House-keepers, HAOKRSTOWN, MD., Sept. 21. The re­ MAIN STREK'f, (Nest :., E. T. Fowler's) SALISBURY, MP result in the probable, downfall of the How to entertain a small company and oth­ publicans of the sixth district ronnminated Mayor. er attractive matter be found iu it. Send Congressman McComas to-day. The con­ ACME HALL, FARMER'S FAVORITE two cent stamp to R. H. McDonald Drug vention met in the Opera House, which had Peach Trees The Kent Nev>» of hist week contained Co., 538 Washington Street, New York. been decorated for the occasion with flags "THE GLASS OF FASHION" Grain and Fertilizer Drill! The total number of cholera cases and with portraits of Blaine and Garfield. FOR SALE BY THE a gloomy article on the peach crop of Kent throughout Japan this year is 59.000, of There WAS also a likeness of Mr. McComas, These are AH First -Class Trees, The Best Drill in the World. Ex­ county. It estimates that the income from which 37,000 resulted fatally. The epi­ which was hidden from sight until he ap­ 209 W. BALTO, ST., Salisbury, Wicoico Co. Nursery. Well Crown and True to Name. amine circular describing the superior the crop this year will not exceed one-half demic is now abating. At Seoul, Corea, it peared in the hall, when it was suddenly (Near Charles) J, G, PHILLIPS & SON, construction of the machine. Steel ax­ of its estimated vafce at the beginning of is still raging. The fatal cases for July, suspended from the stage, so as to take the STANDARD PEAKS, $20 to $35 per 100 this year, were audience by PROPRIETORS. les, Double Reversible Points, Broad the season. Many of the late varieties, 98,600 out of a population surprise and thus create addi­ of 250,000. Outside of the capital the epi­ tional applause. Mr. Charles W. Adams We have on hum) » very fllne «lork of the DWARF PKARS, $15 to $'25 per 100 Tire, Tuba Shifter and Doable Force says the Newt, rotted on the trees, caused choicest varieties »l Trees .oj this Kull which demic is equally fatal. At Shinshn, prov­ called the convention to order. Hon Mil­ we can rcconiint-ml -ts flr-t-HHs.s In ovi-rv re­ KKIFER PEAKS, $35 to $40 per 100 ft is supposed from the excessive rains early ince of Keishodo, 5,000 and at Toral 6,000 ton 6. LTrner was chosen president aud Mr. spect, and guarann-.. all lree« true to nnme, Feed Grain Distributor. HH wesell uo iiilifr tit-px hut our own. For APPLE $ 9 to $15 per 100 in the season and drought later. Kent was deaths occurred in one month... John David Walker secretary. The two contest­ the lavt lUyetiri w<- iinve bten builders and TKKES, ttrowerm ot tref >. iin.l we know the business Bead the Thousand Testimonials in Its Favor. looked to this year to supply the fruit of Wyatt and Demps Loftin are na^hbors in ing delegations from Allegany were present, FIKST-CLASS thoroughly and will give all who favor us PLUMB TREES, $15 to $25 per 100 ? Marshall county, Ky., who hav^Lot spo­ but it was soon made evident that the dis­ with their orders our personal experiences the Peninsula. Early in the season it pro­ with I IIK growth of the trefl, which every one ken for years. Loftin spoke to\Wyatt pute had been quietly settled, and that by xhoukl hnow before plnntluK. Ktr\\\ tresx Capt. S. W. Dolby, White Haven, says: The Fanner's Favorite Drill: budded on natural seed. Prices from $20 is. ev- mised as many peaches as the balance of Wednesday at'a funeral a clever avoidance of the usual rountine of to The KKIFER is entirely free from that I bought of you two years ago, is a perfect working machine,^ and the Utter DENTISTRY. $60 per thousand, naonliug to sice of tree. erything that the Peninsula perhaps. The complaint, knocked him down with a rock. Loftin primary convention the contention would Thanking the pnbllr lor punt luvom, we blight. It is as healthy and vigorous you claim for it No one can buy a better inac Drills are yours truly. in stock. Circulars and Prices given on application. Address •- however, has been general that the fruit then drew a knife and killed Wyatt, stab­ not be brought for formal settlement before J. (J. PHH.Lll'S 4 HON. as any tree that grows. Its fruit de­ v Dr. F. E. Brown, mands the best market prices, bing him seren times. The largest pen­ the public gaze. Mr. Francis Miller moved' Salisbury, Md. and will was imperfect on the Peninsula. There is late of Baltimore, Mend for Circular*. that the committee hna opened » Flrst-C'lftss keep all through winter. You cannot W. fiUNBY, SALisnuRT, the usual amount of despondency following sion ever paid in the United States was on credentials be dis­ Dental Purlor at SHABPTOWN, Wlcomlco Co. paid in Louisville yesterday to Marcus D. pensed with, and Mr. Adams moved that Md., and Invite the public to ryor me with be deceived in buying the Keifer Pear a failure. an early i-all. My chaives wHJFTi BN low UK The low prices obtained is due Richardson, an aged soldier living at Mil­ the resolutions be presented direct to the possible for first-das* DenilKtrp. Te<>tli ex­ Trees, as they can be easily told from tracted, wltu gas. Partial Me I*1., fro to $1 lo 58. any other variety. part to the scarcity of fruit, as canning ton, Ky. The cause for granting the pen­ convention. These motions prevented any Full Upper or Lower SeW irom *IO lo$!5. I The ADAMS will also practice In the town of QCANTICO VESSEL FOR 4lE. The PARSONS' JUNE PKACH THEK, g~ establishments were not sion is total blindness, brought on by an in­ bad feeling among the contesting delega­ every Saturday from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Office jury to the eyes received in the war in 1803. tions, as they practically admitted both. over Dr. Oaablell'B drag store; and at BAR- Y VIRTUE of nn order of tlie Orplmnfc' which has been selling-at $1.00 each, justified in opening for operation. BEN CRKK every other Thursday. All ope­ B Court for Wlcomlco County. I will sell WIND MILL ! The pension dated back to that year, and The Wellington delegation were then given ration* guaranteed togiveKallsi'acllon. Par- at private sale the vessel called the ' we now offer at the following low tie* wishing to make enuuKunient-s can do »o prices to put them in reach of all: $20 amounted to $11,500. Wm. E. Gould, prominence by being allowed to put Mr. by addressing me at Hharplown P. O., Wl- " JOHN B. TAYLOR" The Strongest, Simplest and, Most Now that the principal railroad and cashier of the First National Bank of Port­ McComas in nomination. This was done comloo county. per 100, $2.50 perdoz, 50ceach, with Durable. Every farmer should have F. E. Baow.v, D. D. S. She Is -II Tons Custom House Register, will labor troubles of the country seem to be at land, Maine, has been discovered to be a by Mr. D. W. Sloan, who first withdrew carry 45 cords of wood. U Iu talrly good con­ the same guarantee as before. one to Pump Water, Shell Corn, Cut dition, and well adapted to the business of an end, everything indicates a prosper­ defaulter. The directors believe, after an Mr. Wellington's name. He rnored that DredginK or Currying Oy»ters. The POPLAR PEACH TREE is a beau­ Feed. Saw Wood, Ktc. examination, that the loss to the bank will Mr. McComas be nominated by acclama­ RKFBRWCKS W. E. Barton. Queen Anne's This vessel Is ottered at private sale. If tiful and ornamental tree, as well as an Messrs. Randolph Humphreys and ous business era. Cotton and woollen fab­ Co.- W. J. UUrk-Carollne Co; Capt. Dukes. not »old before SATURDAY, not exceed $87,000. The entire hop crop tion, and the motion was accordingly car­ Talbot Co.; Jno. H. Smith. Wlcomlco Co.; J. abundant bearer. The fruit is yellow, A. A. Gillis, of Salisbury, each have rics are in brisk demand. There may be Boblnxon * Dro., SUarptowo; Hon. Wm. H. of New York State is reported as a com­ ried. Mr. McComas bad to contend at the L«8K. ftaeen Anne's Co.; Opt. Wheeler. Car­ November 13th, and ripens in August. Price, 50 cte. one, and speak of them in the highest HR OPERATING oline O». SNAIL CRMKLEVATlfl said to be a boom already in the iron indus­ plete failure. The loss, estimated by com­ primaries with some opposition in Frederick sept,35-ly. I will sell her at Public Snle nt 2 o'clock, p. eaclf; 4 to G ft. high. terms. Would also refer you to Mr. try. The revival would have come six petent judges, amounts to millions of dol­ county, proceeding from the fact that his rn.,iu KIVi-JUTUN, ->. For further information address Z. Hopkins, Farmington, Del., also /CAUTION. We. the undersigned, hereby Rev. Jonathan Willis, months ago had not the labor troubles in­ lars. It will be seriously felt by thousands predecessor, Mr. Urner, had been defeated TERMS OF SALE: Milford. Del. \j for»war»i all persons from trespassing Circulars and low estimates on ap­ terposed and checked its progress. of fanners, laborers and small shopkeepers. by him in the nominating convention on the on oor premise* with don or gnu, or carry- A credit of«, 12and 18 month* will IIP civ- The crop of 1885 is stated, in round figures, ground that it was not the practice to nomi­ Ing away anything of value, persons are en, the piirchMBer uivlnir bond with security plication to The country has passed through a trying peclally notified not to pick and carry off npproveil by the undersigned. to have amounted to 100,000 bales; this nate fora third term, the inference being Whortleberries without our permlsvlon. PERDUE depression since 1882. The manufacturing JOSHUA M. BKTHARDS, JOHN E. TAYLOR, & CO, year's, in favored sections of counties, will that the same rule should now apply to Mines B. BROWN. PARSONSBURG, MD. L. W. G-TJNBY. 'industry has as usual, under such depres­ not amount to 10,000 bales, of which two- Mr. McComas. In Allegany county, also, GEORGE L. PAKSONS sept IH-ta. Ex. of Jos. A. Taylor. sions, suffered most, being most sensitive. thirds are unfit for market. The last fail­ the friends of Mr. 0. L. Wellington made The thieadbare arguments of republican ure of the crop was in the memorable month an earnest contest, and it is therefore all of August, 1886, twenty years ago. In 1882 the more creditable to Mr. McComas that politicians that the country would go to the English farmers 'experienced a total the convention should finally have selected ruin under democratic rale will in the fu­ loss of their hop crop, at which time Amer­ him as the strongest and most available THE JUSTICE COOK STOVE! ture go for naught. The democratic party ican hops advanced to one dollar per pound. candidate. Balto. Sun. went in power under great financial de­ Lena Fry, the little daughter of David OUR NEW, LARG-E, HEAVY AND BEAUTIFUL COOK STOVE. pression. Many of the Wall street kings Pry, at Rumptown, Loudoun county, Va., A KUOK AWAKKNIMG. I hear it circulated who astonished the physicians aud people that I intend to quit the mercantile had just gone below the surface, unable to in that vicinity by her long sleep, is dead. Morn Earthquake Shock* Ch»rle»ton a- business. Such Ig NOT THE CASE. J ain now anVex- stand the pressure any longer. She was fifteen years old. He first long KBln Sharply Khakrn. pect to continue to;keep a complete stock of Boots and Shoes The "rebel debt" has not ueen paid as sleep was two weeks ago, when she slum­ of the very best City and Eastern Makes, and will sell them CHARLESTON, S. C..Seut. 21. Charleston at was predicted; neither has the country gone bered sixty-six hours. Then she was thought was rudely »nil cruelly awakened from ft Lower Prices than any house on the Shore can sell Shoes o to ruin, or negroes into slavery. The pro­ to be dead. Her last and final sleep began the same quality and make. nine days ago and ended Thursday. She sense of fancied security mid returning hope babilities are that the next presidential begged those about her not to let her go to and confidence by an earthquake shock I have partly concluded' to discontinue Clothing after th election will take place in the midst of sleep, but they could not relieve her of the this morning, which was the must violent season, but for this fall and winter I will have some rare prosperity and plenty. drowsiness which took possession of her. since the commencement of her troubles. gains in that line. Call at No. 24 Main Street and see All efforts to awaken her were useless. The j The shock OBCurred at 0.15 A. M., These financial industries of the country an hour yourself what bargains at which very few peopln were out of their I have both in Shoes and Clothinj need simply to be let alone and they will doctors say she staived to death while asleep. beds, and it was followed by stampede in­ work out their own results. to the streets by many frightened persons. - —— The atmospheric The New Line Opened. conditions preceding and during the shock are worthy of note. Lltermry Note. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company The weather for tho preceding two days JAMES CANNON,- Harper't Magazine for October not only commenced running its trains between Bal­ and nights was hot and sultry. At inter­ maintains but re-enforces its claim to lead­ timore and Philadelphia Sunday. The vals during the days there were slight puffs M MAIN ST11EET, SALISBURY, MD. ' ership in literary itttd artistic excellence. Pennsylvania train that left New York of wind from the east, but on Sunday and The frontispiece if an engraving from a Saturday at midnight was the last on which Monday nights not u breath of itir appear­ masterly drawing by J. R. Wegnelin, illus­ Baltimore & Ohio passengers for the west R, K«. TRUITT &' SONS, ed to be stirring. The stillness of the air trating Horace's Ode, "Perscios OJi" a came through to Baltimore. After that was absolutely death-like, aed the nights DEALERS IN translation of which by Sir Stephen E. De the through passengers commenced coining were very oppressive. Last ni^'lit there Vere, Ban., is given in this Number. through by the Bound Brook road, taking were frequent flashes oT sheet lightning Two important articles of military and the Baltimore & Ohio trains at Puilndel in llio north and northeast, and at times dis­ oaral interest are contributed to tljis Num­ phia. The Qrst regular train left Philadel tant rolls of thunder, which bora a distinct ber "The National Home for Disabled phia at 7 a. in. and reached Baltimore 01 resemblance to the detonations that gener­ Volunteer Soldiers," by Maria B. Bailor. time. There was a fair number of passvn PATENT MEDICINES AND DYE STUFFS, ally precede the earth-waves here, and iind''Cnited States Naval Artillery," by gers, and on the several trains run the PEBFUMRRY, SOAPS. COMBS AND BRUSHES, TRUSSES, which many persons insisted were premoni­ SUPPORTERS, SHOUUIBR Rear-admi-al Edward Simpaon both amp- opening day the members of four theatric* . BRACKS. FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, &c. tions of another ' jy lUuatrated. companies were among the passenger* disturbance. At 11 o'clock P. M. the temperature was still very high, Proprietors of A. Anthony's Ext. of Jamaica Girnrer, 'Nelson's Toothache Drops, Tniftt*i| Mr. Warner's story, "Their Pilgrimage," Three trains left Baltimore for Philadel­ the atmosphere was close and sultry. Whf n " Infallible Ague Pills and Bed Bug Poifcn. Truitt's Challenge Include* RichStfld Spring*, Cooperatewn, phia. The trains each way have a coimec the city was awakened by the shock this '" ' ' " Florse, Uoe and Cnttle^Powders. aud Niagara Falls, with seven excellent il­ tion with New York in the East and the morning the whole atmospheric condition lustrations by Reiuhart. Mr. Blackrnore's principal cities in the west. The company was changed. The temperature had fallen R. K, TRUITT & SONS, 58 Mfain St., Salisbury, Md. at least 15 degrees, the sky was overcast "Springhaven" U coutinaed, illustrated by has officially announced its road open fur with leaden-hued clouds, and everything tAlfred Pareons and Frederick 'Barnard. passenger business to western and south seemingly indicate the appruach of winter. ,,JJHE NEW JEWELRY STORE. western points by way of Washington. The shock was very distinct and com­ Thomas Nelson Page contributes one of bis Upside down, but still it goes 5 characteristic Southern sketches, entitled paratively viol*nt. Opinion! differ a* to whether it was 'accompanied by the usual iaffer how you fix it. The reason "Ole'Stracted." illustrated by A. C. Red­ '•-&?'.. Wtat Can U« Done. "'/ ;£:"( detonations, bat ot the violence there can is) otii'.of HAMPER'S newjfatches. [»>y "get a going wood; aud a wry ctroug short story, enti­ By trying again and keeping up courage be no doubt. A large brick structure in which the Sun'i correspondent slept quiv­ watches I 'will tled, "The Rirer Floweth On/' is contrib­ many things seemingly impossible may be chfapas any one. Mind you, though uted by Ueten Gray Coue. ered for 3 or 4 seconds;,then oanie a violent attained. Hundreds of hopelew cases of shaking, which lasted five or six seconds, , . jpti't sell HIM*!; I can't afford Kidney and Lirer v/ompiaint have been and during which ttoe. house appeared to tmt-T do sell at'tmwtt profit. My stocl is nil new. lately purchased : in NeV cared by Electric Bitters, after everything rock to and fro. No damage appears to have been done beyond the shaking down York, aquyou can't help but he soiled] caused iu the elic- h». rode Inter- SALISBURY ADYERTteEE flfttewllatuou*. Baltimore Carts. ftrabeltt'* ffiuiit. &tm. $urr faints. ONLY fl.OO A 7KA& W.K.DCtM&CO. Phlla,, Wilm.^Jalto, Railroad -USE- cuss* LADIE-S! DELAWARE DIVISION. -USE- bnad 1TM7 S»tnrd»y Morning, are yxmreotieaienaai& to venture? If so send Booksellers I and I Stationers DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, twocsntsinstann«tolheJfoe«AiN(aW ~ Wholesale and Rtiail. On.and after Sept. l«th, 18*6, ^nndnr excep> WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVEM, t«d) trains will leave as follows: --USE- THOS. PERRY, PWLWHCT. MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, _ , _ .** Bfcaaofeivriqae, We invite attention SOUTHWARD. KIDNEY TROUBLES, k« work to every person ^^ PASS. On. receipt of ten cents EX P. PASH. PASS. SATURDAY, 8BPTEMBBRM,1886. NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. Ekli^send postpaid1 a- fnUeet of STATIONERY A.M. A.M. P.M. Pill. T to Imriforatl . 043 108V I :« Public • _. TT tfvss 7 40 Building Bsltiswra .11 *vr^:. __ ... t / In*; aad De- -^.TU UFB to th. for ten cents the* wffl also send s book containing 10 11 10 aw 882 ; complete words of "Tbe Mikado," snd Jnusk of BANK, INSURANCE, : : -866 043 n 85 985 STAT1 A2TD PEHH8UUL »**MJ!L!S»rK&lZ** 8YSTEM its most pojolsratBgs, togstber with ten eiqniatte and Commercial Blank Books made in all HaiVs «r .841 1325 625 ehrotuo carol. all styles of binding and ratings. Esti­ Hsw Cs«t !« -8SS 931 1220 a 10 Public Builc ing the 8UU Bosd -828 12 18 • 11 '*',- * '• -~-«»-4 HotasfroB XaryUad, Delaware an* East- mates given on application,. Check. Books .. 8 23 1207 • OS Lithographed and Printed on Safety.Paper' Porter1! —— . . .. 8 18, 0 19 1201 559 °* Virginia. Klrkweod. —— .- -•19 II M 554 a specialty. ' ' , ' . Mt.Plem»snt-_...... 808 II 46 644 Public Buildini M O8ICAI. GOODS-*och MM PlK,l,«r,|.li Al- ArmstonK_._ . .. 7 58 5-88 aUINEPTUS! lUDDLKTOWti-, -764 900 *' Tb« congregation of the Reformed Cbureh boms and Jewel Cases, In Le«llieruuil »'lu«li. 11 88 684 Used Herapand Aningrmph Albums. Towsiend ...... _ 746 X51 11 27 52S PAKSTTS I Union Bridge, Carroll county, dedicated ooopottud tot BOX PAPERS" n large Variety, IDc' Blsek Bird ...... — -740 11 22 517 their new church building with Appropri­ to $10. each. Handsome O (tire and Library Orssn>prli>c —— . 73S U 15 6 10 Ink BUnds. CIsyton....._ _. — , .. 7 a 8 .18 11 U ft 08 PAINTS. ate ceremonies Sunday morning. . ;£- % GOLD PENCILS, Pens and Charms nmke 8MYKHA- ——— . - 7 19 (C8 II ! 440 of eareftilly IV VM bow to treat 4ie- LOKBOV AHD »W YOKE. Wyomlsn... ——— . 7 04 8 15 !•• a 4 88 taken a house at 680 Fifth street Baltimore. •aieeted Vegtts- IVJCSl eases at HOME, LEATHER GOODS WoodildS...... 668 in 47 426 A COrST OF ABOTJX Ms Medlcfiiea, I VUf mailed, together WASHIN6TON ST., NEW YORK CITY, ODR SPECIALTY. In Card Cases. Ixuterdi- Viols-. __ . . _ .. 8 M ID ft 422 Her son, Mr. Beirne Lay, and daughter, combined aklll. &••• witbaaetaTband- Felton.... ——— ... . 6»> x w Id 27 fnllr making • ^^^^ es. Pocket Books, Shopping Bate*, etc . In 4 18 A COST Urns Louisa, will reside with her. soaae cards by new American, Bnssla, Alienator and jRpmiwte HsrrlDfton...... - R 4ft 758 10 16 4 08 OF- ABOUT *-•"——— ^> 5*2KW.t Leathers. Also in Plnsn. Fsrminft«i) -.... .-6J7 9 W 857 " K Eighteen hundred Banker's Cases,Toy Books, and Children'* Greenwood «™ — ...6 -£\ 950 »40 C^OST OF ABOUT and eighty-six oegan Books. A beantlfnl line of Red Line ra*t»- Bridtrville...... 6 14 *41 841 on a Friday, and will end on a Friday, irwssa^.saw-'fla- Inclndlng Longfellow and Whitiler, »t Unr Cannons- ...— ... ..60S 08,-) 886 and !• Will sM sMl, flatarVM fMald. _ 8 M I'BstlM' 1'** OVLT IT Dollar, Retail. Sunday HUiool Librurlenand S2i 829 contains fifty-three Fridays. Four months Premiums. Holiday BlblesIrom tok-.. lolll. Lanrel ... 9 IK 8 16 in the year contain five Fridays. Fire Volina Druf «td Chemical Company, 90.) 805 $lX)Otol.l5 changes of the moon occur on Friday, and SOUTHWARD.——

both the longest and shortest days in the or TH* PA88 PARS RXP PASS. A.M. A.M. I'M. P.M. twelve months are oa Fridays. This might M. P. Church, M. E. Church. M. E For Hen and Children. ttl.00 to 1.15 7 27 II AS 8 01 A 21 POSITIVE Baltimore » 40 10 l>> indeed, be termed a Friday year. PROOFS. Church Sth, Prot. E. Church. L' 30 520 ...... K : be round In a thorough­ State Ro»d ....._. . K .iL' I H a 4s pnsant some Postthr* Proofs i sult of over twentvifive years of noet ernhmit ly eqalppol Bmik mid HinUimery Kj«tHl)llitli- 1 19 (I.55 PER GALLON. ago, when, having killed a squirrel, he Could one ask anything more to the point than ineiit. Otfloi* Supplies nt Hll klndfi, li.rlml- SIXTH & CHESTNUT STS. Porter1*...... —— thu from MB. H. EXAXUXL, a prominent mer­ Approved by tbemfehestinedioslanihorttfae...... » fr I Z~> 7 (« threw it across his back. Samuel Ander- liili I^Hlg»-rH, I>HV llookK, CtitH-k Hookx, Driiltx Klrkwood _.——— » n I :•» 711 PER GALLON. chant of Brookfield, Ma, who writes Feb. 26/86 : In nee in the nospltatf in every part of Europe. NoifH. I*il*r HentNnnil Envelope. A Mt.PlesssDt..~ ...... u I--' I W 7 *l soii saw the squirrel through tl e woods, " Vhai to larope^ two T*n* am I tiled bard to Especially heteftil to ladles, duldren and peo­ A rmntronic...... V T, 7 'O. PER GALLON. bnyl" ple of sedentary habits. Mlddletows.— ... . V :u I IT ^ :tc 7 :m and thinking it was alive and climbing up Entirely vegetable ; free from harmful drags. W, J, C, Oulany &. Co., Townaend...... C -II I na 7 «) a tree, fired his gun, the shot taking effect In Handsome Packages, Blackbird...... B 48 2 MI 7 4S Price 50 Cts. BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS (ireenSpriog.—...... » .U 2 U7 7 SO in Mr. Chaney's neck, shoulders. l«ck and Clayion...... » :* 2 II I -V. 7 55 Prepared solely by 232-4 Baltimore St.. Smyrna. (Arrive.).... «* z t<\ j 53 7 45 face, but without dangerous effects. MANUFACTURERS OF Your house REPAINTED with an or nw tBio^" ncv 8-ly. BAr/riMi>P.r;. MD. Brenford_.»._...... -.l" fO -i'ti 8 04 The business men of Laurel a-e petitii n- WHITE tt a i««ver_.~~.... . -lo 19 2 *J 1 'ft 8 15 may select, at o ing the railroad company to place a draw rmrtiw*"l*''*Tmn'ltH""*>V1'' IHPROTED WOOD WORKING Wyoming...... '0 -.D '.' Mi :, 16 Kov. 24,1885, Ph^mtrf. by appointment to Her 8 21 in the bridge which spans Broad Creek lu. Wmw writes or Majesty tbe r-DR.HENLEY'S Woodiide_...———...10 *> t tt 828 expense, if not satisfactory. "Hsr« read your circular. Queen and to the Royal FsmOy. MACHINERY, &C. Viola...... _...-l» 41 2 ai 882 near town, so that when the Creek is deep­ of patent bnmbngi It U bard to m NEW YORK Kelton...... _...... 10 « '.' SO f. 28 887 axtynmedr hM merit nnffl It Is BRANCH: Harrlngton...... —..II i« »'H « 87 S 48 ened and made ready for navigation vessels btetosDChs snfleMr that be w tor a ti*gl* da*** raiiiAten ttmes ISO, 132, 134 Charlton St. Farmington...... -I I 09 S 17 853 is Our G-uarantee! can come np to the wharf. This is badly CUM. Hewfllfeltswwa J&~Machinery of Modern Design and Su­ Greenwood.-...... ~n I* n'.'« 902 yonr honse would keep a perior Quality Tor Bridcerille ———... .112* « *'• » 13 needed, and considering the company's My «rrmndf»Uierpronoonoei CnnnouK...... M »' » 18 9 18 is Our G-uarantee! »" n^ Kn* « to.Lel Seaford...... «——....II « » *l 928 readiness at all times tn make necessary im­ He Is not leUered one day only, bat . ROYALPILLS. Laurel...... -'I M < lk Rail­ We have plenty of it, however. U makes quite FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. road ExprexM'.-1..ave I'hllH.lfl) bla 11.10 p. book.. We send It free to all who ask. BLINDS, FURNITURE, m. dally. Italilinxrf 81* p.m.. \\llmington Mr. Ales. C. Lowery, a prominent farm­ 11^5 p. m. ...... As yet It 1* not to be found atthe stores., bat can Wagons, Agricultural Implements, Box MtopplnKiil r»>v-r» l.-mn Wllralng- suicide by hanging last Thursday morning. PFAELZER BR08. ft CO. REMEMBER THE BIG FOUR! ton and i>i>lnis Norili or ixkf mi passengers He was discovered in the carriage house l>y for (MilniM Houili »i l>«-lniHr. 50e. Correspondence Silicited. Address, Tim i Kip. in. iniln iils'»*io|is nt iJinrel to bis two daughters, from 14 to 15 years of Price «2.00. ( Hveiui-.H.-nic<-r>> Iroin Wlliiiinuli n or polnu B. L. Gillis & Son, ONB BOX DOK8 THE BUSINESS. Ttoftgw Mttan POWDXBJ, » do**, N»rtli. age. He was discovered about 9 o'clock in L. POWER & CO,, North him nil irniim lenv<> ln-'mar 1.15 a. the morning, suspended from a beam by a Ttoagar Btttata, new stjK { ^2S* [ tl -00 in. dully. Dover 2.%H. m. ntfiiliiily; arriving A Most Effective Combination, NO. 20 S. 23d. ST., WIlid.iiKtiiii t5"> » HI., HMilliiioie6.*5 a. m., B. L. Gillis h nuclei pn la IS" n. m. BEKF—Tb» Most BatdUrtand 8tni)fUi.flTia| Tli«t 1.15a. m. trwln U!MI HU>PK at Seaford, difficulty that the two girls released him. Food. Harrlnulnn. OH.VUIII, ami Mlrirlletown to SALISBURY, MD. At last accounts The World's Great Blood Purifier IBON-fPrropboiliV»t«)-TJi« Or»«t Bmtd/ to l«>MVe piiBiw-nirerM tnini point" m Ulh of I)«-l- he was in a fair way of re­ For Farmers. and Life Diving Principle. Enrich the Blood and NoorM> the BnUn. innr. o. 1'ikt-«'ii pH»sciig.TK lor Wllmlngton SALISBURY, MD. covery, and will, no doubt, recover There Tbta Preparation ha* proYto to U uceedinclr and rnilmn Vorth. valuable for tb< con of DELJLWAKK, MARYI.ANH JL VIRGINIA BE, is no canse assigned for the rash act. Cen- We have Utken the Aaency for IhP following Only Temperance Bitters Known. Nervous Exhaustion, Debilitr. PR- ULLRICH, TRAIMS. Leave Harrlntrton lor r,ewo» Improved Machinery for HOT­ Hlrrrlrmnina* BcstUMsnciw. SALISBURY, MD. trtrille Record. TER MAKING: The flftk of a Ceatnrr the 11.02 a m., 5.40 and S.45 p. m., rplurnlnt:, H«Bi*tela, DyspepiiUi. 683 V. Trilft St., leave Lewea 6.4o, 8.45 H. in., and £4.~> p. m. ae «f th« General ProatrmUon of Vital roroes, For Franklin and WHV MtHlloiiM 11.112 H. in. IXMS of Phrsleal Power. A reffalar s^utdnate with hospital «• Returning, trains leave Lewr* 6.5'xi. »n. For It is reported that the County Commis­ And all DEEANr,ElfKNT8con»em»ntupoBOTcr- p«rleate«. taxtd mind «ud bodr. IB tut, it flitf lone Guarantee* t« cure (a I no dy let­ Rflbohoth 11.08«. in. Returning IBIIVCH Ke- sioners will soon begin the erection of a new Mi Swing dim, to all the phytlcml ter) all Private, Blood. Mkln and Ner- hobotbrSOp. m. fnncUona, and vouw DlMSfUMtuVarlcoeel*. L«M of Pow­ A. W. WOODCOCK, bouyancy to the apirlu. CuKNECTlOHH- At Porter, with Newark and bridge over Kent Island Narrows. The PBZPABSD BY er. R«*altM or V»p»hful lmprnd