EASTER SUNDAY † APRIL 21, 2019 2926 Beaver Avenue Des Moines, IA 50310 515.255.3162 www.holytrinitydm.org www.htschool.org Parish email:
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[email protected] WEEKLY THOUGHTS APRIL 21, 2019 Greetings….Happy Easter! Plaza Project Begins! In the Gospel today, we hear of Mary Magdalene This is an exciting time at Holy Trinity! This week we arriving at the tomb of Jesus and finding it empty. We began construction on the Plaza Project that will totally hear her say, “They have taken the Lord from the transform the outside front of the church. This is the first tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” She is major construction project on our campus since 1985. The confused, what has happened to Jesus, where has he end result will change the front landscape of our campus, been taken? When Peter and the other apostle arrive, creating an open and welcoming environment. We hope we hear one believes but we don’t know about the you will follow the progress as we transform this section others. More confusion? of our campus. We will post updates to Facebook (facebook.com/htschooldm) as major changes are Aren’t we sometimes confused in our own lives and happening. Thank you for your support during this time. unsure of how to proceed as we try to move forward? Don’t we sometimes doubt ourselves and the decisions we have made in life? On Good Friday, we heard Jesus cry out “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” However, moments later, we hear him say with his dying breath, “Into your hands, I commend my spirit.” The scriptures tell that Jesus was like us in all things except sin.