Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

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Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu Join this site with Google Friend Connect

I was very graciously sent a complementary copy of the book Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu written by Jack Members (221) More » Churchward, owner of the My-Mu internet site advertised on this blog's pages at the bottom. It is a very good book in that it contientiously documents what was drawing from when he originally created the Lost Continent of Mu books, starting in the 1920s.

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Some of the key elements are missing, in that incidents pertaining to James Churchward personally are to be handled in a Popular Posts separate biographical work, and hence there will be no involved explanations about the so-called Tablets James Churchward was supposed to have examined in . We do however see two pertinent facts:listed under "Naacal Tablets" in In order to be fair and have more choices, Appendix 2: the first being that the term "Naacal" derives from the works of August Le Plongeon and the second being "Other there are now two Popular Posts lists: the first than the 'Rishi', no person has seen any copy of the tablets" one is for the last 7 days and the second one is for all-time favorites. Some posts may I do not doubt personally that there COULD have been tablets and such a person as this 'Rishi'-my comment would then be that appear on both lists temporarily. we have absolutely no guarantee thatr Churchward's translations of them were anywhere near accurate. Other sources are considerably harsher than my statement on the matter, and they aver that Churchward could not have been in India at that time, that there actually was no Rishi and that there were no tablets. But the gist of the general opinion is that the translations from the Popular Posts tablets (if any) do not actually go to PROVE anything in particular. Giant Warrior Strain Continues to Present Day Churchward is very fond of two sources in particular and quotes from them regularly: the works of Le Plongeon and the I was in the middle of two or three other newspaper hoax about "How I Found Atlantis, the Source of all Civilization" by "Paul Schleimann"-Le Plongeon may have been things and then this matter came up again, Page 1 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

sincere but he was decidedly wrong about just about everything he wrote, and the newspaper article was a complete fraud. but this time I had a more Churchward frequently quotes "Translations" of sections out of the Codex Cortesianus which are now known to have been complete statement on the ma... completely false. Many of these passages come directly from Le Plongeon. Churchward even quotes Le Plongeon in the matters pertaining to Valmiki and the Ramayana. And there was not even a real "Paul Schleimann" according to the Schleimann family, who issued statements to that effect at the time. Atlantis And Post Flood In just about every instance where Churchward refers to ruins of or the native peoples of the Pacific islands or North, Central, Survivor Cultures and South America, his statements are not accepted by later authorities and would be deemed false by all modern sources- Putting it all together-Sketch mostly on the grounds that NONE of these peoples or their cultural remains would be anywhere near that old. Most of the map adding the Gateway to Atlantis and Atlantis in the structures which he cites as being 16000 years old or more are less than 2000 years old (in the AD years and not even BC at Carribean theory together all). This eliminates his constructions of a Naacal Empire in Southern Asia, an Uighir Empire of Central Asia (run by European with D. Crisp's ... "Aryan" whites as based on actual remains of the historical Tocharians-which were essentially far-Eastern settlements of European CELTS, oddlty enough, and the same peoples as left the "Redheaded mummies" in that area.) or even his "Mayax" Redheaded Tocharian Mummies of the Uyghir Area, empire based on Le Plongeon's Queen Moo and the Egyptian Sphynx. James Churchward had made a great deal out of an All of which is freely pointed out in this new book as well and for people that did not know these things at the time they read the "Inner Asian Empire ruled by Lost Continent of Mu books, they are valuable things to know. I am not entirely against the notion of there being Lost Continents White People" and made it one of the most import... or even large Lost Islands in the Pacific [in particular I suspect that a large landmass around the area of might have gone down a few thousand years BC and might have given rise to the Flood and Lost Continent myths of the later Pacific Islanders- Toba Bottleneck especially since it seems to have been connected with the makers of the Lapita Ware (impresso pottery)] However, I feel I must Toba catastrophe theory say that James Churchward did not choose the best sources and for that reason the greater portion From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia of the material written in the Lost Continent of Mu books is misleading and untrustworthy at the very least, and completely fraudulent at the worst. e_theory The Toba... There are several saving graces to Churchward and I was surprised to see in the "People of Note" section that Jame's brother Albert espoused the theory that Mu was not the Mother of Mankind, but that East Africa was. According to Appendix I, Albert Bronze Age Giants of and 2 Churchward published The Origin and Evolution of the Human Race in 1921. In this book, he theorised that humanity arose in the region of the Great Lakes and migrated outward into the rest of the world at different times with different levels of early /update-prehistoric-giants-of-france-and- spain-part-2/ ← Douglas fir trees of Mt. civilisations. He felt the symbols used by various peoples all over the world related to these migrations. His contemporaries Tabor Park, ... largely disagreed with his views and he wrote contemptuously of his critics. And yet I would have to agree with him, the general outline of his thesis sounds right to me, and it is basically a version of the "Out of Africa" Hypothesis which incorporates also "Peking Man" Upper some of James Churchward's ideas. and the Ethnic Variety of Lemurians, Part II At the famous "Peking Man" Haekel's History of Creation: Original Idea of Humanity site of , China, Arising in Lemuria: the Theosophic theory of evolving there were fossil humans at Root-races came out of this idea. It also resembles two levels: the lower cave finds were the mor... Churchward's Children of Mu. The theory is connected to WHY there was even a need for a "Lemuria" in the American Cromagnons, first place. In this case, if there is a route by way of Archaics and Hopewell Southern Arabia and India to and Moundbuilders "", an thence out to the Pacific, then the need for a mid- Archaic burial of Indian Ocean "Lemuria" vanishes. Genetic studies "Paleoindian" type Or, Dale support a version of the movements of early humanity Does The Skulls Some More During the that much resembles this map. earl... ​ Megalithic Giants of France and Spain Part ​ 1 ​ ​ ​​​ /prehistoric-giants-of-france-and-spain/? relatedposts_exclude=1183 Prehistoric ​ ​ ​​​ Giants of France... ​ Coneheads again, And more on Adena Giant Warriors in Continuing on Coneheads Reprint of a December 2011 Bones Don't Lie Blog: Not Aliens, Just Humans with Modified Crania This ...

Atlantis and Civilizations Flow Chart This chart illustrating the various factors that feed into and then flow out of the state of Civilization was posted to my wall at Faceb...

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Mitochondrial DNA map 3. This one came off the internet this way, I did not add the red arrows. "Atlantis-Like" submerged Landscape Nr Scotland All of which tends to reinforce the same basic idea that Albert Churchward had while completely sidestepping the need for Discovered (Internet News Churchward's Mu. There is still very good evidence for a major landmass in the area of during the Pleistocene Ice Item) Age, an area of higher culture and agricultural development (a separate Neolithic from the Mideastern version relying on different ....A Lost World? Atlantis- Like Landscape Discovered products) and which extended its influence and colonies over the widths of both the Indian and Pacific Oceans while the Ice Age [Map, Geology of Scotland-DD] By Wynne still prevailed upon the Earth.​ It is permissable to call this area "Lemuria" if you still prefer the term, but there is no reason to call Parry it "Mu". That name does not occur in Myth or Folklore as identifying and sunken area of the Pacific. Better to call the Lost Land "Po" although that is still an ambiguous term an not specifically linked to any one geographic location. As to the mid-Pacific area Churchward identifies as "Mu"- the islands of the pacific are supposed to have been disconnected from one another and building up coral reefs around themselves for millions of years. It takes a long time to build a coral reef. That was what the theory about the Pacific islands had been in the first place. There is the separate issue of cultural connections between the Old and New Worlds across the Indian and Pacific Oceans in the Lost Continent of Mu seres and the cultural connections would still be there. However the culktural connections must have arisen much more recently, during what was already the historical period in the Old World. They would have been in the same geographic region but coming along much later, such as the Malayo-Polynesian is supposed to have done.The crucial difference is in the chronology, and James Churchward is particularly bad at that. Viewing Audience For This Blog For readers that would like to examine the book in question, here is a link to the My-Mu orders page: Blog Archive

► 2014 (30) Best Wishes, Dale D. ► 2013 (225) ► 2012 (154) Posted by Dale Drinnon at 8:36 AM +1 Recommend this on Google ▼ 2011 (127) Page 3 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

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History Propaganda (1) Hoabinhian (1) Hoabinhians (1) Holarctic Postglacial Astrology (1) Holly Oak Gorget (1) Holocene (1) Hominids (1) Homo erectus (7) Homo erectus in America (2) Homo habilis (3) Homo heidelbergensis (5) Homo sapiens (8) Homonins (1) Hongshan Jades (1) Hongshan Neolithic (1) Hookworms (1) Hopewell (5) Horse Racing (2) Horses (2) (1) Human Giants (3) Human Migrations DNA evidence (13) Human parasites (1) Human Races (1) Human Sacrifice (1) Huns (1) Huns and Cranial Deformation (3) Hunter-Gatherer Animal Calendars (1) Hunter-Gatherers (1) Hyperborea (2) Hyperboreans (1) Hyperboria (5) hypogea (1) Iberia (3) Iberians (4) Ice Age (1) Ice Age Astronomy (1) Ice Age Civilizations (3) Ice Age Megalithics (2) Ice Age Sea Levels (1) Ice Age Trade (2) Ice Free World (1) Ice-Age Civilisations (5) Ideograms (1) Idrisi (1) Ignatius Donnelly (17) Immanuel Velikovsky (6) Immediate Postglacial (8000 BC) (1) Inbred Giant Mutants (4) Incas (3) India (11) India. Kali (2) Indian and Pacific Oceans (5) Indian Megalithic (1) Indian Ocean (2) Indo-European languages (1) Indo-Europeans (1) Indonesia (9) Indonesian Megalithic. Lapita (1) Indopacific Crocodile (1) Indus (1) Indus Civilisation (6) Indus Civilization (7) Indus Script (1) Indus Unicorn (1) Indus Valley Civilization (5) Indus Valley Seals (2) Institutionalized Sadism (3) Page 14 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Insular Dwarfism (1) Interbreeding between Homo sapiens and other hominids (3) Interglacial (1) Interrelatedness of ancient scripts (1) Interrelatedness of Languages (2) (1) Ireland (1) Irish (1) Irish Giants (2) Iron Oxide (1) Iroquois (1) Ishar (1) Ishtar (3) Ishtar. Easter (1) Islamic Traditions. Mu as Sundaland (1) Island Syndrome (1) Isle Royale (1) Isostatic Adjustment (1) Isostatic Equilibrium (2) Itsas (1) Ivan T Sanderson (2) Ivory Tablets (1) Jade (4) Jade Trade (4) jadeite (3) Jambudwipa (1) James Churchward (5) (5) Japan Minatogawa (1) Java (6) Javan (1) Jayasree Saranathan (28) Jean-Pierre Lacroix and Robert Bywater (1) Jerret Gardner (1) John L. Sorenson (4) Jomon (2) Jurgen Spanuth (6) Kakha Margiani (9) Kali (1) Kama Sutra (2) Karl J. Hepke (2) (1) Keilor Skull (1) (1) Khoisan (1) King Tut (1) Kiore (1) Knots (1) Kon Tiki (3) Korea (1) Kukulcan (1) Kumarikhandam (3) Kundalini (1) L. Sprague DeCamp (2) L3 Haplogroups (1) Laacher See (1) Lacandon Mayas (1) Lacquer (2) Lagoa Santa (1) Lake Michigan (1) Lake Superior (1) Lake Titicaca (1) Lake Winnemucca (1) Land of Nod (1) Landbridge Evidence (8) Language Families (3) Languages of the Old World (1) Lapedo Child (1) Page 15 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Lapita Ware People (4) Lapps (1) Largescale Superquakes (1) Last Ice Age (2) Last Neanderthals of Europe (1) Last Wave of Immigrants Out of Atlantis (1) Late Stone Age (1) Le Puy (1) League (1) Leaky Replacement Hypothesis (1) Lemuria (9) Lemuria in the Ice Age (1) Lemuria=Sundaland (5) Lemurian=Sundaland Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1) Levant (1) Lewis Spence (9) Lilith (1) Linguistics (4) Lion King (1) Lion Man (1) Lion Man Sculpture (1) Lion-Tiger-Jaguar thrones (1) Little Ice Age (1) Little People (1) Liujiang skull (1) LL Cavalli-Sforza (2) Lloyd Pye (1) Loess (1) Loess Man (1) Loge (1) Logic (1) Loki (1) Lonar crater (3) Long-Ears (4) Longears (1) Longlin Skull (1) Loss of Native Lands (2) Lost Civilizations (1) Lost Continent of Mu (3) Lost Continent of the Pacific (2) Lost Continents (2) Lost Races (1) Lost Survivors of the Deluge (1) Lubbock Cave (1) Lunar Calendar (1) M M Gerasimov (1) Mabinogion (1) Madagascar (1) (2) (2) Magic Mushrooms (7) Maglemosian (1) Magma Chambers (1) Magma plumes (1) Mahabharata (4) Mahabhrata (2) Mahabhrata and Ramayana (3) Major Volcanic Hotspots (1) Makaras (1) Mal'ta (1) Malay-Mayas (1) Malayo-Polynesian Languages (7) Malays (1) (1) Mammoths (3) Mandala (1) Mandalas (2) Page 16 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Mano and Metate (1) Manu (1) Maori (1) Maps of Antarctica (1) Maps of Columbus (3) Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (25) Maricoxi. Neanderthals (1) Marine Resources Exploitation (1) Marsh Elder (1) Maruts (1) Masked Dances (1) Mass Extinction (4) Mastabahs (1) (1) Mathilda's Anthropology Blog (2) Matriarchy (2) Matrism (1) Maurya Empire (2) Max Muller (1) Maya Shipping Across the Gulf of Mexico (1) Mayan Calendar (1) Mayan sculpted stone skulls (1) Mayans (7) Mayas (18) Mealworm (1) Mechta type (2) Mediterranean Atlantis (1) Megafauna Extinctions (1) Megafloods (1) Megalith Builders (15) Megalithic (7) Megalithic Culture (8) Megalithic Europe (14) Megalithic Giants (4) Megalithic Yard (1) Megalithis Culture (1) Megaliths (1) Megaliths in Oceania (1) (1) Meiolania (1) Melanesia (1) Melanesians (5) Men Out of Asia (1) Meso-Indian (1) (5) Mesoamericans (1) Mesolithic (19) Mesolithic Zodiac (2) Mesopotamia (2) meteor (1) Meteor Showers (5) Meteorites (5) Meteors (1) Mexico (23) Micah E. Giantology (1) Microcontinents (2) Microliths (5) Mid Atlantic Ride collapse (2) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (3) Mid-Ocean Ridge (1) MIddle Stone Age (10) Mighty Men of Old (1) Military Organization (1) Mindstep 1 (2) Mindsteps to the Cosmos (2) Minerals of Atlantis (1) Minoans (1) Miocene Apes (1) Page 17 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Missing Link (1) Mississippian (2) Mississippians (2) Mitochondrial DNA Lineages (6) Mitochondrial Eve (1) Mitochondrial Lineage X (1) Mohenjo-Daro (5) Monkey Trickster (1) Monkeys (3) Monolith of Pokotia (1) Monotheism (1) Monte Brasil (1) Monte Verde Chile (1) (1) Mother Goddess (1) Mother Goddess Figurines (4) (22) Mound dwellers (1) Mound Giant Skeletons (6) Mount Meru (1) Mount Meru Lotus Map (1) Mounte Verde (1) mt DNA (1) mtDNA (6) Mu (3) Muck (2) Multiregionalism (2) Mummies (1) Mushroom clouds (1) Mushroom cult (6) Mushroom stones (1) Mushroom Symbolism (4) My-Mu (2) Mythology (1) N. Zhirov (2) Na-Dene (2) Na-Dene (Athabacans) (1) (1) Nabta Plateau (1) Nacaal Tablets (1) Naftufians (1) Nagas (1) Nahua (1) Nanodiamonds (2) Napier and Clube (1) Narakasura (1) National Geographic (1) Native American Zodiac (2) Native Americans (10) Native Minerals (2) Neanderthal coexistance (1) Neanderthal Crossbreeds (6) Neanderthal Hybrids (4) Neanderthals (12) Neanthropic Man (1) Near East (1) Near-Earth Asteroids (3) Nebraska (1) Negritos (1) Neith=Athena (1) Neolithic (11) Neolithic Expansion (2) Neolithic in (1) Neolithic Revolution (1) Nephilim (5) Nephrite (2) nephrite celts (1) Nevada (1) Page 18 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

New Guinea (4) Coconuts (1) New World Monkeys (1) (1) news stories (1) Ngandong (1) Nikolai Valuev (1) Nilgiri Tahr (1) No-Kill Policy (1) Noah's Arks (1) Noah's Flood (1) Noahs Ark (1) Non-Random Thoughts (2) North Africa (4) (4) North American Neanderthal (2) North American Rock Art (1) North Atlantic (1) North Atlantic Archaeology (1) North Atlantic Land Bridge (1) North Atlantic Landbridge (2) North Atlantic tephra (1) North Sea (3) Northern Atlantis (7) Northern Bronze Age (1) Northern Pygmys (1) Northwest Coastal Cultures (1) (6) Nubia (1) Nuclear (3) Nuclear War in Ancient Times (1) Nuclear Warfare in Early times (2) Nuno Ribeiro (1) Obercassel (1) Ocean Bed Subsidence (1) Octads of Gods (1) Oculados (1) Oestara (1) Ohio Valley (1) Ojibwa (1) Okinawa (1) Old Copper Culture (2) Old Europe (1) Old Kingdom Crises (2) Older Migration Out of Africa (4) Oldest Human Footprints in North America (1) (4) OM (1) Omo skulls Ethiopia (1) Omphalos (1) Onset of Ice Age (5) Ontario (1) Orejones (2) Oriental Australopithecines (1) Origin of Blue Eyes (2) Origin of Native Americans (1) Origins of Astrology (1) Origins of Metallurgy (1) Origins of Writing (1) Oronteus Finaeus map (1) Otto Muck (10) Out of Africa (30) Out of Africa theory (1) Out of Africa Tribe (2) Owl faced urns (1) Pacific Islanders (1) Pacific Ring of Fire (1) Pacific sailings during the Ice Age (2) Page 19 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Paddler Gods (1) Palawan (1) Paleoindians (6) Paracas Culture (2) Paracas Necropolis (1) Paradise (1) Paranthropus (3) Parietal bones (1) Partanthropus boisei (1) partially-groundstone choppers (1) Pascal Gente et al Geological Reality of Atlantis (1) Patagonian Giants (1) Patala (1) Patoli (1) Patriarchy (4) Patrism (2) Pedro the Casper Wyoming Pygmy (1) Peking Man Upper Cave (3) Pelasgian Origin Myth (1) Penutian Languages (1) People of the Sea (4) Peoples of the Sea (2) Peopling of the New World (1) Persephone (1) Perseus and Andromeda (1) Peru (14) Peruvian Pharaohs (2) Petroglyph maps (4) Petroglyphs (1) Phaethon (9) Phillipines (2) Phrygian cap (1) Physical Anthropology (1) Picts=Pechs=Pixies (1) Pidgin Languages (1) Pig Ceremonialism (1) Piri Reis Map (6) Pit-Comb Ware (1) Pit-Houses (1) Pituitary gigantism; Acromegaly; pituitary; Giza; Egypt (1) Planetary Gods (1) Plant Life in Atlantis (1) Plate Tectonics (1) Plato (5) Plato's Critias (8) Plato's Timaeus (1) Pleistocene Pyramids (1) Pleistocene Volcanoes (6) Pleistocene Volcanoes in Azores area (2) Polar Theory (1) Polynesia (3) Polynesians (5) Polytheism (1) Pona Delgada (1) Popul Vuh (1) Portolan charts (1) Portolans (1) (1) Poseidon (2) Post Ice Age Genetics (2) Post-Flood World (2) Post-Toba Population (3) Postglacial Human Races (1) Pottery (2) Praileaitz I (1) Pre-Clovis (2) Pre-Inca (1) Page 20 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Pre-Olmecs (1) Pre- (1) pre-rice agriculture (1) Pre-Sanscrit (1) Pre-Toba-population (4) Precession of Equinoxes (2) PreColonial Apocalypse (1) Preflood North America (1) Premature development of African Technology (5) Prof. Keith Rowbotham (1) Prof. Noah Zark (3) Protective Mother Goddesses (3) Protoneolithic Southeast Asia (1) Pumice (1) Puranas (1) Pygmies (3) Pyramids (8) Pyramids on the Azores (1) Q Complex Pottery (1) Q group Y-DNA (1) Quebec (2) Quest For Atlantis (1) Quetzalcoatl (3) Quick clays (1) (1) R. Gordon Wasson (5) R1 DNA in America (9) R1 DNA in Europe (6) Radiation (4) Radioactive isotope dating 'Irresponsibility' (1) Radiocarbon-Readjustment (1) Ragnarok (2) Rainbow Snake (1) Rama (1) Ramapithecines (1) Rapid increase and decrease of Volcanic altitude (1) Rats (1) Rattus exulans (1) Real Atlantis (1) Recent Neanderthals (4) Recent Rhodesioids (1) Reconstructions (3) Red Cloud (1) Red People (1) Red Haired Giants (1) Red Headed Mummies (1) Red ochre (1) Red Ochre mining (2) Red Ochre processing (Chemistry) (1) Red-Headed Giants (8) Redheaded gene (1) Redheaded mummies (2) Religious use of Hallucinogens (1) Relocation by Human Agency (1) Rene Malaise (1) Rephaim (5) Revised Chronology (1) Reynard the Fox (1) Richard Cassaro (2) Richard Firestone (1) Ring Mounds (2) Ritual Combat (2) Ritual use of Hallucinogenic Drugs (1) Robert Klein (1) Robert Kline (2) Robert Sepehr (1) Page 21 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Robust Australopithecine (1) Rock Art (3) Roman (1) Rome (1) Rondels (1) Roots of Civilization (1) Rope Bridges (1) Runes (1) Runestones (1) (4) Russian Literature on Atlantis (1) Russian literature on Vedas (1) Saddle-Roofed Huts (1) Sago (1) Sago Palm (1) Sahara (3) Saharan cultures (1) Saharan Origin for Egyptians (6) Saharan Rock Art (8) Sambaquis (1) Samson (1) Sandia Culture (2) Santa Monica (1) Sao Miguel (1) Sardinia (1) Scientific Atlantis Authors of the Later 20th Century (2) Scientific Evidence for Pre-Columbian Transoceanic Voyages to and from the Americas (5) Scotland (3) Scripts (1) Sea Level fluctuations (1) Sea Peoples (2) Sea Serpent People (1) Sekhmet (1) Semi-Domesticated Cassowaries (1) Serpent cults (1) Serpent in the Sky (2) Set (1) Shamanism (1) Shardana (1) Shark's Teeth (2) Sheep (1) Shell jewelry (1) Shellmounds (4) Shells (1) Shield and Armour (1) Shining Ones (1) Ship-houses (2) Ships of Tarshish (1) Shiva (1) Si-Te-Cah (1) (1) Siberian Proglacial Lakes (1) Silbury Hill (1) Silenus (1) Sindaland (1) Single-species Homo theory (2) Sino-Tibetan Languages (1) Skull 8 (1) Skull Cult (1) Skullcap Drinking Cups (1) Solar Lion (1) Solar symbolism (1) Solo Man (1) Solo Men (1) Solon (1) (3) Page 22 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Solutrean Crossing (16) (10) (5) Soma (4) Sonora (2) Sons of Noah (1) Sothic Calendar (1) (5) South America (12) South Uist (1) Southeast Asia (1) Southeast Asia Solo Man (1) Southern African Stone Circles (1) Southern China (1) Spain (2) (1) Spence Lemuria II (1) Spences Lemuria (1) (2) Mummy (1) Stacy-Judd (1) Standing Stones. American Stonehenge (1) Starfish (1) starfish-stars (1) Stars and constellations in Ancient art (1) Step Pyramids (1) Stephen Oppenheimer (2) Stepped Pyramid Cities (2) Stepped Pyramids (1) Stone Circles (1) Stone Giants (2) Stonehenge (5) Subboreal (1) Subincision (1) Submerged Canals and Harbours (1) Submerged Cities (2) Submerged Former Land Areas (3) Subterranean Labyrinths (1) Sudden Cooling (1) Sumatra (7) Sumer (1) Sumerian records (1) Sumpweed (1) Sun Worship (3) Sundaland (32) Sundaland Protoagriculture (3) Sundaland Temple Mounds (2) Sundaland=Lemuria (8) Sundalanr (1) Sunflowers (1) Sunken Cities (4) Sunken Coral reefs (1) Sunken Lands of the North Atlantic (5) Sunken Pyramids (4) Sunken World (1) Supposed Atlantean Nuclear War (1) Surveys of Atlantis (3) Swastikas (2) Syllabary (1) Tabon skull (1) Taino (1) Taiwan (1) Talent (Weight) (1) Tamil Links to Australia (1) Tamil Links to New Zealand (1) Tamil Sources (2) Tamils (14) Tarshish (2) Page 23 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Tartessians (1) Tartessos (8) Tassili (2) Tau-Cross (1) Taureg (1) Taurid Metoorites (1) Taxonomy (1) Tektites (3) Temple Mounds (1) Temple Platforms (1) Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis (4) Teocallis (1) (2) Terceira (1) Termier's Tachylite (3) Terra Australis Incognita (1) Terraces (1) Terrestrial Paradise (1) Texas (1) Thanksgiving (1) The American Indian (1) The Antediluvian World. Baalbek (1) The Beasts that Hide From Men (1) The Birds and the Bees (1) The concept of human races (1) The Cosmic Serpent (1) The Jade Trade (1) The name Atlantis (1) The World At 8500 BC (1) Theopompus (1) Thera Volcanic Erruption (3) Thor Heyerdahl (2) Thunderbolt (1) Thunderbolts (1) Thunderstones (1) Tiahuanaco (4) Tiamat=Tehom (1) TianYuan Man (1) Tibet (1) Tidal Wave (3) Tiwanaku (1) Tiwanucu (1) Tlaloc (1) Tlatilco (7) Tlatlico (1) Toba Erruption (2) Toba Explosion (8) Toba Volcano (8) Tobacco (1) Tocharians (1) Tokens (2) Tokhari (1) Tonga (1) Torino Scale (1) Toscanelli (1) Tower of Babel (2) Trade Languages (1) Traditions of Atlantis and Mu (1) Transatlantic Contact (21) Transpacific Contact (31) Trepanation (1) Tribes (1) Trickster (1) Tripura (1) Tripura Vedas (1) Trojan War (1) Troy (1) Tsunami (9) Page 24 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

Tunnels (1) (3) Turkeys (1) Turkish Literature (1) Turning Castle (1) Turquoise mosaics (1) Turtle Island (1) Turvasu (1) Tutankhamen (3) Undersea Meteorite Craters (1) Undersea Volcanoes (2) Underwater Archaeology (3) Underworld (2) Uninity of Homo (1) UP Michigan (1) Upper Paleolithic (2) Upper Paleolithic Revolution (2) Ural Mountains (1) Uralic Languages (6) Urheimat (1) Uto-Aztecans (1) Uttar Kuru (1) Vajras (1) (1) Valley of Mexico. Pedrigal Lavas (1) Vanatu (1) Vara (1) Varaha (1) Vavilov (1) Vedas (15) Veddic Culture (2) Veddoids (1) Vedic Astrology (11) Vedic Geography (1) Vedic India (1) vegeculture (1) Vegetation of Atlantis (2) Vegetative Neolithic (1) Velikovsky (5) Venus (1) Vero Florida (2) Very Ancient Egypt (1) Very Old Africa (1) Vikings (1) Vimanas (1) Vinca script (1) Viracocha (1) (1) Virochana (1) Vishnu (1) Vitrified Forts (1) Volcanic bombs (3) Volcanic dust (1) Volcanic Hotspots (4) Volcano associated with forest fires (1) Volcano associated with Meteorites (1) Volcanoes (3) Voyages of the Pyramid-Builders (1) W. M. Napier (1) Wadjak Skull (2) Wales (1) Wampum (1) Waris (Huaris) (1) Warrior Culture (4) Water Erosion on Sphinx (1) Waves Before Ice (1) West Indies (2) Whaling (2) Page 25 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

White Huns (1) Wilhelm Reich (1) William Corliss (1) Wm. Perry (1) Woodhenge (3) World Grid (1) World Maps (1) World Tree (1) World Turtle (1) World View (1) Y Chromosome DNA (12) Y-DNA (10) Yams (2) Yavana (1) Yavanas (2) Yoga (1) Yogi (1) Yoldia (1) Yonaguni (2) Younger Dryas (9) Yowie (1) Zechariah Sitchin (3) zemis (2) Zeus (1) Ziggurats (1) Zinjanthropus (1) Zircons (1) Zodiac (2) Zodiacs (2)

Associated Links

Please also visit our sister blog, Frontiers of Zoology:

Austin Whittall's site, Patagonian Monsters

Robert Lindsay's Anthropology Blog:

And David Campbell's site, Anarchaeology

Also recommended, Mathilda's Anthropology Blog: m/

With an extension, Mathilda's Wierd World Blog:

http://mathildasweirdworldweblog.wordpress.c om/

And a general site on Prehistoric Giant Humans: Page 26 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM

PSICAN, Canadian Paranormal Research:

Kyle Germann's Vampire-Hunter Blog


Dale has also started a blog for his Fictional Projects:


Dale Drinnon

Kakha Margiani


My-Mu on the Internet

Jack Churchward is the great-grandson of James Churchward, author of the Lost Continent of Mu books and he has a site up about Mu and other things as pertaining to James Churchward:


Always Check Your Sources!

And they're lousy COMMIES Besides! Page 27 of 28 Frontiers of Anthropology: Lifting the Veil on the Lost Continent of Mu 3/2/14 8:33 PM


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