28 YEARS OF SERVING THE COMMUNITY OldOld BrooklynBrooklyn NewsNews A Publication of the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio www.oldbrooklyn.com November 2006, Volume 28 Number 9 Hook & Ladder Co. #42 returns home Fulton Rd. Bridge closed and by Jay Gardner
[email protected] perhaps, by continuing public pressure from waiting to be demolished; Old Brooklyn residents, the mayor deter- Amid bells, whistles and sirens, well mined that safety concerns mandated the re- new bridge to be built on same site over 50 Old Brooklyn residents celebrated staffing of Ladder Co. # 42. the return of firefighters who are once again On October 5th, therefore, Ladder Co. # by Jay Gardner & Judith Pindell ticularly along Denison Ave. and Pearl Rd. It’s going to be a headache for a while, but Over past decades, countless cars and ultimately when the project is completed, it pedestrians — as well as some lingering will be a huge asset to the neighborhood.” horse-drawn conveyances — have passed Councilman Cummins also noted that over the historic Fulton Rd. Bridge. For 74 every effort will be made to incorporate years, its graceful arches have framed both usable parts of the bridge in the final land- the MetroParks Zoo and Brookside Park. scape plan and that $1.5 million of the $46 Just a few weeks ago, on Thursday, million budget had been set aside for an all- October 5th, the last car made that crossing. purpose trail alongside the bridge. Despite its architectural beauty, the Fulton The design of the new bridge will mimic Road Bridge has been crumbling for many the arched structural supports of the old years.