FLASHES Companied by S(>Arta High School's ROTARY AUCTION by Sandy Allen Uniformed Band
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BELOVED SPARTA MOTHER OBSERVES 90TH BIRTHDAY 1 8 7 6 - 1 9 6 8 -s- 82nd ANNIVERSARY The Sentinel - Leader YOUR GUIDE FOR THE MOST WIDELY READ NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN KENT COUNTY'S MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR FRUIT BELT BETTER LIVING Covering All of the Best New* of Sparta, Kent City, Casnovia, and All Adjacent Rural Territory VOLUME 81 — ESTABLISHED 1876 SPARTA, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1958 NUMBER 38 THIS SHOULD BE FUN! Spartan Warriors Jack Davis told the Sentinel- Four Children Shot To Death By LAST MINUTE leader Tuesday that he has ar- ranged a HULA HOOP demonstra- Crumble Wyoming tion at next Friday's football game EDITORIAL during the half-time period. Ex- Father In Pine Island Road Home hibitors will include members of the 4th. 5th and 6th grades, who In Grid Opener will put on the performance, ac- SEVERELY BEATEN MOTHER AND SON FLASHES companied by S(>arta High School's ROTARY AUCTION by Sandy Allen uniformed band. Just want to tell you In a few- HOSPITALIZED; SLAYER IS JAILED The Spartans completely out- words al this time that the annual LONG DISTANCE CALIFS shown the Wyoming Park Vikings auction, sponsored by the Sparta A major tragedy occurred in the suffering with head injuries, nlong The story of the murder of four Friday night at Balyeat Field as CASNOVIA P.TA. Rotary Club, will be held Saturday, vicinity of S[wrta on the Pine Is- with his mother, Edith McMillan, fhlMi*n In n nearby area Wednes- they emerged from the scrap vic- October 18, hours 1:00 p.m. and land Road when an unemployed .16. Hospital authorities later said day covered the world soon after torious by a score of 14 to 0. The first meeting of the Cas- 7:30 p.m. .The auction committee factory worker shot his four chil- that Mrs. McMillan had been se- It happened. Police Chief Gene Quarterback Dick Maycroft went novia P.T.A. will be held at the Is Sherry Olin and Herb New house dren to death early Wednesday verely beaten, but her condition Heugei received a long distance .across from the one-yard stripe in school at 8:00 p.m. on September Much will be said in later editions, morning. The badly beaten mother was not considered serious, and call from London. England, re- the first period. Fullback Jhv 29. This ojiening meeting will be of the Senlinel-Lcader. but this is and her eight-year-old boy are In that Orland was suffering with questing further details of the Dood scored on a 6-yard jaunt +• a chnnce for you to meet the two to tel» all of our friends having Butterworlh hospital. head Injuries. Orland, Ronald and giuauMK crime The call was assure the victory in the 3rd quar- new faculty members, Mr. Norvel new or used items to contribute Orlan" McMillan, 41 years old. Bonnie have been attending Chal transferred to the office of Kent ter. Both runs for extra points Hubbel nnd Mrs. Janet Dame, and to the sale, to get In touch with was found in a parked car a short niers School. County Sheriff Arnold Plgcrsh. failed. In the final minutes. End to say "hello" again to the teach- Sherry or Herb as soon as possible. tune later by Eii Itoberts, a Kent From police reports at hand, it The Sentinel-Leader also received Jim Lyai» blocked a punt for a ers who were with us last year. Phone numbers are TU 7-0181 or City deputy sheriff. seems thnt Mrs. McMillan had a call from a large Detroit daily safety. Miss Susan Nyblad will he with TU 7-0971. These men will be The dead children are: Ronald. started proceedings for divorce and concerning details of the Incident. The Spartans tried only one un- us to show some slides and tell us glad to pick up your contributions. 7 years old; Bonnie. 6. Dickie, 2. thnt Mr. McMillan had been served While the people of Sparta regret successful pass, but covered 2S5 of her trip to Denmark this sum- All funds arc for tht student loan and Michelle, 10 months old. Or- an injunction to keep away fnrm that such a thing had to occur in yards on the ground while allowing mer. fund. Innd. 8, was taken to the hospital his wife. Police officers also said nenrby territory, it should be stat- the Vikings 125. Sparta got :5 that it ap[»cared that an attempt ed that the family involved in this first downs and Wyoming three. had been made by 'he father to tragedy were not residents of Spar- Sparked by the fine running of set the house on fire. ta. This community for many Dood and speedy halfback Jim Sheriff Pigoi'sh later said thnt years has established and has held Tuylor. and the defense of center three of the slain children were Mrs. Orson N. Bradford a notable record of friendly and Jim Ritzenheln and tackle Dave found in an upstairs bedroom while law-abiding citizens. We regret Mutchler. the Spartans reacted to the baby was found dead In her Mrs. Orson N. Bradford observed her 90th birthday quietly In that such terrifying headlines im- their victory by carrying head crib. her home Tuesday. September 23. It was marked, however, by her mediately made top news and were conch Hilton Foster and assistant It was also reported that a sixth ability to be up In a chair for short periods after being confined by so widely covered by radio and TV John Carr off the field on their child In the family, a son of Mrs. stations across the country and shoulders. McMillan hy a former merrlage. illness lo her bed the last four months. world-wide areas. Big daily pho- escaped Injury because he was at As the child. Minnie Purdy, she came to this locality with her Friday night Sparta plays Coop- tographers called at the Hessel ersville al Balyeat Field. Game the home of his grandfather. parents from Huron County, Ohio, to live on what IK now known as Funer/.l Home where tbey made time is 7:30. Mr. McMillan was taken to But- the Manning Heft fnrm. corner of Ten-Mile road and Fruit Ridge. an attempt to photograph the bo-l- terworth hospltnl where It wa* ies of the four children, but Mr. 0 After the death of her father, the fnmily lived for a number of years said he was not badly Injured in Hessel refused permission to take KENT OTY TOPS the nffnlr and was taken tn the In what Is now the home of Forrest Field on Centennial Avenue. She the photos. "So you don't wnnt to county jail. was matried In 1890 to Orson N. Bradford and they lived at the cooperate," said the came-aman. HESPERIA ELEVEN The bodies of the four unfortu- Bradford Homestead two miles north of Sparta on M-37 for twenty- "Definitely not," said Mr. Hessel. Kent City opened lis 1958 fiKit- nate children are at Ihe Hessel All Sparta will appreciate this fun- five years (to the day), then moving to Sparta to the present home fall campaign by striking to a 28-0 Funeral Home but funeral nr ernl director's understanding ntt' triumph against Hcsperla In r rangemcnts were not made known nt 65 East Division, ncross from the Methodist church, nnd hns re- tude when such sorrow strikes a NCAA contest Friday night. by press time. sided there thirty-two yiars. home wherever it may be. To the Bob Inkarjrp tallied the winners' Her husband, Orson N. Bradford, a former Prrsldent and many distressed fai.dlv the people of opening .core in the second period Sparta join the Sentinel-LendCr in MEETING years director of the Sparta State Bank, passed away In 1947. She on a two-yard line plunge. A ,75- The Spartan Fnrm Bureau group an expression of deepest sympathy. yard pass Interception by Tom is the mother of 1-^nn and Carl Bradford, and two daughters. Mrs. will met! at the home of Mr. and Weston provided the second tally Mrs. Paul Barkow on Friday, Sep- Kenneth Kratz of Cadillac, and Mrs. Harold Raymond of Detroit. in 'he third jierlod.' tember 26. at H p.m., with pot- There are eight grandchildren nnd nine grent-grandchildren. 1ST GAME WINNERS RURS Armstrong tallied two luck lunch following Until recertly. when falling eyesight prevented, she has filled touchdowns in the final |ierlod for Every >iv Is urged to attend this Rock "em. soak 'em, play by the the winners. many hours villi various kind>< of needlework and hand wwlng for meeting as there will be election Spartans and Kent City Eagles of officers and other Imjiortant members of her family an.l friends. Sitting in her en.sy chair lit the proved to IK- a major factor in both business to transact. bay window, she has been a familiar figure to the many who dally leamx winning their first games o- pass by her home. last Friday nignt hy impressive scores. Both teams, without ex- Junior Police MEMBERS OF THE SPARTA NEWCOMERS CLUB CHICKEN Sl'l'PER ception, seemed to grow stronger Algoina Grange Is sponsoring a Fronl row. left to right, are Anne LaBarre, Whltaker, lien Cotton, llazel Jaeschke. Mrs. Erwin SPARTA RECEIVES K. OF C. CHARTER with ench slamming block and Jar- chicken sup|x-r. country style, at ring tackle. A fine team spirit of Patrol Graduates Edna Carboneau, Mary Strate, Cnrnet Hlndenach, Oestmnn, Peg Barclay. Yvonne Wlegelman, Mary their hall on Saturday, October 4, coordination was indicated In these Alice Poepke, Marie Reynolds and Lois Stein.