E W E 5 YYYeeeaaarrrsss ofofof TTTiiitttllleee IIIXX A 222555 IXX Equity 2 Resource Center Title IX: A Brief History By Iram Valentin, Research Fellow, Education Development Center

“Women now make up the majority of The modern women’s movement achieved a students in America’s colleges and universi- historic victory on June 23, 1972, when Title IX ties in addition to making up the majority of was enacted as part of the Education Amend- recipients of master’s degrees. Indeed, the ments. The preamble to Title IX states: “No per- United States has become a world leader in son in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the ben- giving women the opportunity to receive a efits of, or be subject to discrimination under any Specifically, higher education.” educational programs or activity receiving federal it prohibits financial assistance.” With this act, the role of —From the introduction to discrimination Title IX: 25 Years of Progress, A Report of the women and girls in education and the work on the basis of U.S. Department of Education, June 1997. force began to change significantly. Title IX en- sures legal protection against discrimination for in students and employees, which includes pro- educational “Too many girls and women still confront tection against . Specifically, institutions ‘No Trespassing’ signs throughout educa- it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gen- receiving tional institutions. Women remain der* in educational institutions receiving fed- federal financial underrepresented in critical areas such as eral financial assistance. The act applies to pub- lic and private** schools, from kindergarten assistance. math and science. Colleges and universities continue to give short shrift to women’s through graduate schools, and covers admis- athletics, spending the lion’s share of money sions, recruitment, educational programs and activities, course offerings and access, counsel- on men’s programming. Scoring gaps persist ing, financial aid, employment assistance, fa- in standardized testing, limiting women’s cilities and housing, health and insurance ben- access to educational institutions, financial efits and services, scholarships, and athletics. aid, and careers. Non-traditional job training It also protects from discrimination against programs leading to high-skill, high-wage marital and parental status.1 jobs are still hostile places for women, where they confront the most severe forms of Origins harassment. Few women, particularly women Title IX’s origin lies in the 1965 presidential Ex- of color, have broken the glass ceiling that ecutive Order 11246 prohibiting federal contrac- keeps the top ranks of positions in colleges tors from discrimination in employment on the and universities primarily the preserve of basis of race, color, religion, or national origin. men. . . . We owe it to our daughters to improve our performance on Title IX by * I use the biological term sex only when distinguishing removing these obstacles.” from the socially constructed concept of gender. Where the literature has used sex, however, I have used the term —From the introduction to in order to keep the language in its context. Report Card on Gender Equity, A Report of the ** Most private elementary and secondary schools do not National Coalition for Women and Girls in Education, receive federal funds, although most private postsecond- June 1997. ary institutions do.

August 1997 Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 2

Executive Order 11246 was amended by Presi- ate conference committee took several months dent Johnson, effective October 13, 1968, to in- to settle differences between the House and clude discrimination based on sex and was re- Senate education bill. Honoring the requests of named “Executive Order 11246 (1965) as African American leaders and their supporters, amended by (1967).” who feared that the process of amending Title Bernice R. Sandler, at the time a part-time lec- VI could weaken its coverage, Rep. Green pro- turer at the University of Maryland and cur- posed a separate and new title, which became rently a senior scholar in residence at the Na- the now famous Title IX. tional Association for Women in Education, was Not imagining The technical wording of the bill made it the first to use the order for the benefit of difficult to understand at a quick glance and the potential women. “I had made the connection,” she discussion on the Senate floor included whether impact of Title IX noted, “that, since most universities and col- the bill would require educational institutions on athletics, leges had federal contracts, they were forbid- to allow women to play football. Not imagin- den from discriminating in employment on the ing the potential impact of Title IX on athletics, when their basis of sex.” Ignited by Sandler’s efforts, on concerns about when their concerns about football were al- March 9, 1970, Rep. Martha Griffiths (D-Michi- layed, higher education did not lobby for or football were gan) gave the first speech in the U.S. Congress against the bill. Sandler and the bill’s other sup- allayed, higher concerning discrimination against women in porters did not lobby on its behalf either in or- education did education. Three weeks later, the first contract der to avoid attracting adverse attention. The compliance investigation involving sex dis- elementary and secondary education commu- not lobby for or crimination began at Harvard University. against the bill. nity remained for the most part unaware of it In June and July 1970, Rep. (D- because it was attached to a higher education Ohio), who chaired the subcommittee that dealt measure. with higher education, drafted legislation pro- The bill also included the amendment to hibiting sex discrimination in education and the Equal Pay Act—enforced by the Depart- held the first congressional hearings on the ment of Labor—extending protection against education and employment of women. The sex discrimination to administrators, profes- hearings that Rep. Green held were the first leg- sionals, and executives. Although Title IX islative step toward the enactment of Title IX. largely slipped by its potential detractors, it The original version of the bill, which was part would significantly expand the jurisdiction of of a larger measure on higher education, pro- the Department of Labor—a fact that was not posed to amend Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights realized until after passage of the bill. Congress Act (prohibiting discrimination in employment passed the bill on June 8, 1972. President Nixon on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or na- signed Title IX into law on June 23, and it be- tional origin) to cover employees in educational came effective on July 1, 1972. Earlier that same institutions. The measure also proposed to year, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act was amend Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (prohib- amended in a separate action to cover all em- iting discrimination on the basis of race, color, ployees in educational institutions.2 or national origin in any program receiving fed- eral financial assistance) to cover sex discrimi- Stipulations nation, and to extend the Equal Pay Act to cover executives, administrators, and professionals. The Department of Health, Education, and When the hearings were finished, Rep. Green Welfare took three years (1972–75) to translate 3 asked Sandler to join the committee staff to put Title IX into specific regulations. President Ford together the written record of the hearings. signed the Title IX regulations on May 27, 1975. Sandler thus became the first person ever ap- According to these regulations: pointed to the staff of a congressional commit- • School systems or other recipients of fed- tee to work specifically in the area of women’s eral funds must designate at least one em- rights. ployee as the Title IX coordinator to over- The bill was managed in the Senate by see compliance efforts and investigate any Senators (D-) and George complaints of sex discrimination. McGovern (D-South Dakota). The House-Sen- • All students and employees must be noti- fied of the names, office address(es), and

August 1997 • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 August 1997 3

Desegregation Assistance Centers Region V: IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI Programs for Educational Opportunity 1005 School of Education The Desegregation Assistance Centers (DACs) University of Michigan provide a wide range of technical assistance for Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1259 School systems equity, race, gender, language, and ethnicity is- 313-763-9910 www.umich.edu/~eqtynet may take sues to public schools in their region. The DACs remedial and are funded by the U.S. Department of Educa- Region VI: AR, LA, NM, OK, TX tion under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Intercultural Development Research Association affirmative to help schools ensure that students are treated 5835 Callaghan Road, Suite 350 steps to equally regardless of race, gender, or national San Antonio, TX 78210 origin. 210-684-8180 increase the www.idra.org participation of Region 1: CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT Brown University Region VII: IA, KS, MO, NE students in 144 Wayland Avenue Midwest Desegregation Center programs or Providence, RI 02906 Kansas State University, Bluemont Hall 401-274-9548 Manhattan, KS 66506-5327 activities where www.brown.edu/Research/The_Education_ 913-532-6408 bias has Alliance/DAC/dac.html mdac.educ.ksu.edu occurred. Region II: NJ, NY, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands Region VIII: CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY New York University Metropolitan State College—Denver Metropolitan Center for Urban Education 1100 Stout Street, Suite 800 32 Washington Place, Room 72 Denver, CO 80204 New York, NY 10003 303-556-8494 212-998-5100 www.nyu.edu/education/metroce Region IX: AZ, CA, NV Southwest Regional Laboratory Region III: DC, DE, MD, PA, VA, WV 4665 Lampson Avenue Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, Inc. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 655 310-598-7661 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 www.swrl.org 301-657-7741 www.nicom.com/~maec/index.html Region X: AK, HI, ID, OR, WA, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Region IV: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN Republic of Palau Southeastern Equity Center Center for National Origin, Race and Sex Equity Kendall One Plaza Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory 8603 South Dixie Highway, Suite 304 101 S.W. Main Street, Suite 500 Miami, FL 33143 Portland, OR 97204 305-669-0114 503-275-9507 www.nwrel.org/cnorse

telephone number(s) of the designated Although at least one employee is required to coordinator(s) of Title IX. be designated to coordinate compliance with • Grievance procedures and nondiscrimina- Title IX, it is the shared responsibility of an en- tion policies must be made public. tire school district, from top-level administra- tion to individual staff, to foster compliance. • Recipient school systems had to perform a one-time self-evaluation, with obligations Adjunct Equal Rights Legislation to modify practices that did not comply with Title IX. Although the actual development of Title IX was spurred on by the presidential Executive • School systems may take remedial and af- Order 11246, Title IX grew out of the Civil firmative steps to increase the participation Rights and feminist movements of the late of students in programs or activities where 1950s, , and early 1970s. Beginning in the bias has occurred.

WEEA Digest • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 4

1950s with the Supreme Court decision in Women’s Educational Programs (NACWEP); Brown v. Board of Education (1954) outlawing and the WEEA Publishing Center, now the racial segregation in public schools, African WEEA Equity Resource Center. American communities had begun to win con- Congress established NACWEP to advise cessions in the struggle for equal rights. In 1964, the secretary of education on recommendations African Americans achieved another major vic- concerning sex equity legislation and to evalu- tory when Congress passed the Civil Rights Act. ate actual WEEA-funded programs. Originally Title VII of the act prohibits employment dis- a bipartisan body, it published key reports such crimination on the basis of race, color, religion, as The Half Full, Half Empty Glass (1981). By 1982, sex, or national origin. In addition, Title IV pro- however, it was dominated by Reagan appoin- vides support to schools working to comply The key tees, and in 1988 it was eliminated by the WEEA with the nondiscrimination mandate by provid- Reauthorization Act. For over 20 years, the priorities in the ing federal funding for regional assistance cen- WEEA Equity Resource Center, which is early years of ters and state education agencies in order to housed at Education Development Center, Inc. the grant allow these agencies to provide free technical (EDC), has supported gender equity initiatives program were assistance and materials to elementary and sec- through the marketing and development of ondary schools to ensure that students receive gender-fair materials and maintenance of an Title IX 4 equal educational opportunities. In the fall of on-line resource. The center has also provided compliance by 1996, Congress eliminated state funds for Title technical assistance to thousands of individu- educational IV, reducing the resources available to local als and has published over 300 titles, thereby institutions and school districts, and federal funding is currently creating a knowledge base that continues to educational under debate. guide the field. Its support and leadership have equity for racial As a civil rights statute, Title IX is prima- helped to frame the current discourse concern- rily enforced by the ing gender equity. In the last few years, con- or ethnic (OCR), which has enforced racial discrimina- gressional budget cuts have reduced the re- minorities and tion laws since 1964. Three other pieces of civil sources available to WEEA and have eliminated women and girls rights legislation followed Title IX: Section 504 most grants. However, in 1996 and 1997, un- with disabilities. of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, prohibiting der the direction of Secretary of Education Ri- disability discrimination; the Age Discrimina- chard W. Riley, WEEA and the WEEA Equity tion Act of 1975; and Title II of the Americans Resource Center received separate funds en- with Disabilities Act of 1990, prohibiting dis- abling them to continue operations. ability discrimination by public entities. Legislative support for Title IX is also de- In addition, the Women’s Educational Eq- rived from the 1976 amendments to the Voca- uity Act (WEEA) was passed in 1974. The pur- tional Equity Act of 1963, which require states pose of the law is to make education more eq- receiving federal funding for vocational edu- uitable for girls and women by providing in- cation to develop and carry out activities and centives and guidance to schools and commu- programs to eliminate sex bias, stereotyping, nity groups. It was extended in 1978, amended and discrimination in vocational education. The in 1984, and reauthorized in 1988.5 In contrast amendments also permit the allocation of fed- to Title IX, which provides sanctions for non- eral funds to programs for single heads of compliance with the sex equity legislation, households, homemakers, part-time workers WEEA represents the supportive component: seeking full-time jobs, and persons seeking jobs providing funding at all levels of education for in areas nontraditional for their sex.7 Further, programs of national, statewide, or general sig- under the amendments, many states are re- nificance to overcome sex stereotyping and quired to name state vocational education sex achieve educational equity for girls and equity coordinators who provide training and women.6 The key priorities in the early years produce materials aimed at making vocational of the grant program were Title IX compliance education more equitable and less gender seg- by educational institutions and educational eq- regated. The Carl D. Perkins Act of 1984 allows uity for racial or ethnic minorities and women the coordinator to administer funds for projects and girls with disabilities. WEEA funded to eliminate sex bias and for programs aimed grants; the National Advisory Council on at single parents and programs according to the discretion of the states.8

August 1997 • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 August 1997 5

In the politically conservative 1980s, the • In 1994, 27 percent of women earned a U.S. Department of Justice challenged the broad bachelor’s degree, compared to 18 percent coverage of Title IX, and enforcement weakened in 1971. 9 within the Office for Civil Rights. The Supreme • In 1994, women received 38 percent of Court ruled in v. Bell (1984) medical degrees, compared with 9 percent that Title IX was program specific, and that, in 1972; 43 percent of law degrees, com- therefore, only those programs and activities pared with 7 percent in 1972; and 44 per- receiving direct federal funds needed to com- cent of all doctoral degrees, compared to Gender 10 ply. However, in 1988, Congress passed the 25 percent in 1977. differences in Civil Rights Restoration Act, which restored the liability for sanctions to an entire school sys- In recent years, the number of females areas tem or college if it receives federal education taking high school algebra, geometry, and cal- traditionally funds. The Supreme Court acknowledged in culus has increased and is now similar to the perceived as Franklin v. Gwinnet County Public Schools et al. percentage of males taking these courses. In ad- dition, gender differences in mathematics male, such as (1992) that institutions could be held liable for spatial individuals in those institutions who partici- achievement in most areas have continued to pated in discriminatory behavior toward fe- decline. The popularly held belief that males relations, have males. In this landmark case, the Supreme as a sex are predisposed to achievement in been eliminated Court also ruled that plaintiffs could sue for mathematics is being challenged by research il- by changing monetary damages. This ruling increased the lustrating the negative impact on females of ste- reotyping and lack of encouragement by teach- teaching willingness of lawyers to take on Title IX suits, practices. as well as issuing a wake-up call to school dis- ers and parents. Gender differences in areas tra- tricts about the possible consequences of non- ditionally perceived as male, such as spatial compliance. relations, have been eliminated by changing teaching practices, indicating that differences Progress to Date have more to do with socialization than with genes. Yet women continue to be underrepre- While there is much to be accomplished, there sented in areas such as computer science, engi- is also much to celebrate in this 25th anniver- neering, mathematics, and physical science and sary year. According to the latest report by the are less likely than men to earn a degree in these U.S. Department of Education, Title IX: 25 Years fields. For example, the Department of Educa- of Progress, in the quarter century since Title IX tion report11 states that women earn only came into existence, women have been granted • 17 percent of math and physical science greater opportunities to reach their full human Ph.D.’s potential. Much of the progress in athletics is well known. The report states that since 1971, • 14 percent of computer science Ph.D.’s there has been a fourfold increase in the par- • 7 percent of engineering Ph.D.’s ticipation of women in intercollegiate sports. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statis- • In 1995, women made up 37 percent of ath- tics, in 1996 women made up 98.6 percent of letes in college, compared to 15 percent in secretaries and 96.9 percent of receptionists, but 1972. only 9.2 percent of all engineers, architects, and • In 1996, girls constituted 39 percent of high surveyors, and only 4.1 percent of all mechan- 12 school athletes, compared to 7.5 percent in ics and repair technicians. Even women who 1971. do go on to earn a degree in mathematics or science still have to deal with inequity in the • Women won 19 Olympic medals in the 1996 labor market. For example, as the Department summer Olympic Games—more than in of Education report states any previous year’s Games. • In 1993, women who had majored in the Women have made similarly dramatic ad- natural sciences earned 15 percent less than vances in academics. male colleagues with the same majors. • In 1994, 63 percent of female high school • In 1993, women graduates of four-year graduates aged 16–24 were enrolled in col- colleges earned about 20 percent less than lege, compared to 43 percent in 1973. their male counterparts with the same education.

WEEA Digest • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 6

Making the Grade? viding equal access does not challenge either the many deep-seated social beliefs about fe- The national Report Card on Gender Equity re- males and males and their respective abilities leased on June 23, 1997, by the National Coali- or the widespread practices that perpetuate The report gave tion for Women and Girls in Education these stereotypes. Similarly, focusing only on the nation an (NCWGE) further demonstrates the mixed equal treatment may serve to discount the ex- overall C record of Title IX. The report grades particular istence of these prejudices by seeking to put the areas that Title IX was meant to address: access average, onus for change on the victims, thus serving to to higher education, athletics, career education, indicating that legitimize their oppression. A policy of ensur- employment, learning environment, math and some progress ing equitable outcomes, on the other hand, science, sexual harassment, standardized test- takes into consideration that victims have dif- has been made, ing, and treatment of pregnant and parenting ferent experiences and accordingly need di- but that more students. The report gave the nation an overall verse, innovative, and appropriate pedagogi- “C average,” indicating that some progress has improvement is cal approaches. If a young female has been con- been made, but that more improvement is nec- necessary. ditioned to believe that mathematics is inap- essary.13 According to the report: propriate for her, simply placing her in a math • Women earn more than half of the classroom with boys will not solve the prob- associate’s, bachelor’s, and master’s de- lem. In fact, it may actually accelerate the pro- grees awarded but still lag behind men at cess of alienation. the doctoral level, earning just 39 percent Sameness of opportunity has not resulted of doctoral degrees. in equity for women. Teachers, it has been • The number of women coaches coaching found, give boys more praise, more criticism, women’s teams has decreased over the past and more remediation and are more apt to ac- 25 years—from 90 percent to 48 percent. cept boys’ responses. In addition, they respond • Women make up 73 percent of elementary more frequently to boys’ requests and talk to and secondary school teachers, but only 35 boys more about ideas and concepts. Further, percent of principals. boys usually receive more encouragement from both teachers and parents. These realities have Equal Access and Equal Treatment to be taken into consideration by those who seek equitable outcomes. Sadker and Sadker Versus Equitable Outcomes argue that girls in school are subject to “subtle Unfair disadvantages experienced by girls in and insidious gender lessons, micro-inequali- the elementary through high school years may ties that appear seemingly insignificant when contribute to lowering their self-confidence, looked at individually but have a powerful cu- and consequently to discouraging them from mulative impact.”16 The focus should be on not pursuing certain subjects, such as math and only ensuring equal access for females but also science, which are required for entry into par- on developing policies, practices, and materials ticular fields. “According to the National Cen- to combat stereotyping, socialization, and other ter for Education Statistics, male students were systemic factors that deny equitable outcomes. more likely to increase their science proficiency level between 8th and 12th grades, 56 and 51 Emerging Issues percent respectively.”14 Research indicates that Sameness of As we move closer to the twenty-first century, self-confidence is a determinant of career con- it seems evident that limiting women and girls opportunity has siderations and influences the path that will also limits the nation as a whole. Gender ineq- not resulted in lead to the career.15 Therefore, both the factors uity prevents females from realizing their full that affect females’ self-confidence and other equity for human potential and gives males free rein over systemic barriers to achievement need to be women. the world. A closer examination of the lives of understood. males, however, reveals that falling short of A huge difference exists between provid- educational equity harms men as well as ing equal access and equal treatment to males women. bell hooks states, “Men are not ex- and females in education and ensuring equi- ploited or oppressed by sexism, but there are table outcomes for both . Simply pro- ways in which they suffer as a result of it. This

August 1997 • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 August 1997 7

suffering should not be ignored.”17 National cultural, social dynamics of racism and classism National crime crime statistics illustrate the damaging effects play themselves out in the consistent under- statistics 20 of rigid gender boundaries on the lives of males, achievement of these students.” How Schools illustrate the who disproportionately act out physically Shortchange Girls reports that there are differ- against themselves, women, and other men.18 ences in the concentration of women from dif- damaging Yet this realization also brings hope. Since males ferent racial and ethnic backgrounds in certain effects of rigid do control much of the power in our society, a sectors of the work force—a phenomenon that gender realization by men of the adverse affects of gen- has as much to do with class as with race and boundaries on der inequity on them may lead to the yielding ethnicity. In addition, the report illustrates dif- the lives of of male privilege and the creation of male-fe- ferences in levels of self-esteem between girls male alliances, on which the achievement of true who are different racially, ethnically, and physi- males. gender equity in this modern world depends. cally but are at similar educational stages, again The conversation on gender equity must demonstrating the interrelatedness between also include multicultural and diverse perspec- these variables in determining different expe- tives. For too long, women in the United States riences. However, care must be taken not to have been considered a homogeneous group perpetuate the biases that already exist about that benefits uniformly from the struggle for women of color and women with disabilities gender equity. However, often lost in this view simply by focusing on the stereotypes. The chal- are the voices of African American, Asian lenge will be to balance acknowledgment of dif- American, Latina, Native American, poor and ferences with a vision for the common goal of other marginalized women, including women gender equity. with disabilities. In addition, differences in class, culture, and ethnicity cut across and Future Expectations within these groups. Further, special educators Since Title IX was enacted on June 23, 1972, too often forget that students with disabilities many women have made substantial progress have a gender and are subject to gender bias, in education, employment, and athletics. This like their non-disabled counterparts. Under 25th anniversary affords us the opportunity to Title IX, females of all races and abilities should reflect on what has been done and, more im- have access to the same schools and instruction portant, what still needs to be done to secure as white middle- and upper-class male stu- genuine gender equity for everyone in our The challenge dents. However, compared to poor females and schools and our society. We hope to continue will be to females of color, white middle-and upper-class the conversation surrounding gender equity in balance females apparently receive the most benefits. education—recognizing that the dialogue acknowledgment Statistics often fail to take into consideration the needs to go beyond merely acknowledging the of differences variables of class, culture, and race that signifi- inequalities between females and males to de- cantly influence access to education and accom- manding the implementation of gender-fair with a vision for panying support. The American Association of educational and social practices. We also real- the common University Women’s 1992 report, How Schools ize that for true equity to exist, there must be a goal of gender Shortchange Girls, states that socioeconomic sta- renewed commitment to the enforcement of equity. tus, more than any other variable, predicts edu- Title IX. The future of Title IX and its support- cational outcomes. However, socioeconomic ing sex equity legislation is both hopeful and status should not be isolated, as the report uncertain, as federal budget constraints have “ . . . suggests that closer attention should be reduced the funding for such initiatives. paid to the combined impact of gender and social Federal support may be increased as on the class, as well as race, on educational outcomes.”19 anniversary of Title IX President Clinton or- Gender, race, and class are interrelated in a dered all heads of executive departments and complex dynamic. Gender is a concept that is agencies that provide financial assistance to culturally constructed in a sociohistorical con- education programs or activities to consult with text. “Similarly, race and class carry with them the attorney general and “to report . . . within socially constructed roles, beliefs, and expecta- 90 days on measures to ensure effective enforce- tions. Students of color and poor students are ment of Title IX.”21 In addition, he asked the often assigned lower status in schools, and the heads of the departments to “take appropriate

WEEA Digest • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 8

action against discrimination in education pro- 12 U.S. Department of Labor Statistics, Economic grams or activities conducted by the Federal Analysis and Information Unit, Boston Regional Of- government.” “I believe,” the president stated fice. The use of these data is explained well by this I surely hope in his address to celebrate the anniversary, “and passage: “Since national data on enrollments by sex, race, or ethnicity are not complied [sic] nationally that every I surely hope that every American would agree (only state by state), we have to look at national em- American would that the national government must hold itself ployment figures to help assess the impact of what agree that the to the same high standards it expects from ev- is (or is not) happening at the local school district national eryone else—especially when it comes to dis- level. In doing so, we recognize the limitations of crimination in education.”22 The recommitment the data collection documenting vocational educa- government by the president to the enforcement of Title IX tion and training and labor market outcomes for must hold itself may serve to strengthen the support that is women and men in traditional occupations. We also to the same high needed in the struggle to eradicate gender dis- know that the proportion of students enrolled in non- crimination and other types of inequalities in traditional vocational programs is likely to increase standards it more rapidly than their representation in related oc- education and society. expects from cupations.” Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium, Inc., everyone and Network, Inc., Beyond Title IX: Gender Equity Is- Notes sues in Schools (Report No. SO 024 862). (ERIC Docu- else 1 Women’s Educational Equity Act (WEEA) Publish- ment Reproduction Service No. ED 387 367, 1993). 13 especially when ing Center, Gender Equity for Educators, Parents, and National Coalition for Women and Girls in Educa- it comes to Community (Newton, Mass.: Education Development tion, Title IX at 25: Report Card on Gender Equity (Washington, D.C.: National Women’s Law Center, discrimination in Center, 1995). 2 B. R. Sandler, “Too Strong for a Woman,” About 1997). 14 education. Women on Campus (Spring 1997): 6, No. 2. U.S. Department of Education. 15 3 N. P. Stromquist, “Sex-Equity Legislation in Edu- S. Flansburg, Building Self: Adolescent Girls and Is- cation: The State as Promoter of Women’s Rights.” sues of Self-Esteem (Newton, Mass.: WEEA Publish- Review of (Winter 1993): 63, No. ing Center/EDC, 1991). 16 4: 379–407. M. Sadker and D. Sadker, Failing at Fairness: How 4 P. A. Schmuck et al. “Administrative Strategies for America’s Schools Cheat Girls (New York: Charles Institutionalizing Sex Equity in Education and the Scribner and Sons, 1994). 17 Role of Government,” in Handbook for Achieving Sex b. hooks, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center Equity Through Education, ed. by S. S. Klein (Balti- (Boston: South End Press, 1984). 18 more: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985). M. Miedzian, Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link 5 Stromquist. Between Masculinity and Violence (New York: 6 Ibid. Doubleday, 1991) 325–326. 19 7 Schmuck. Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 8 Stromquist. The AAUW Report: How Schools Shortchange Girls 9 S. Flansburg and K. Hanson, Legislation for Change: (Washington D.C.: American Association of Univer- A Case Study of Title IX and the Women’s Educational sity Women Educational Foundation, 1992). 20 Equity Act Program (Newton, Mass.: WEEA Publish- K. Hanson, Gender, Discourse, and Technology (New- ing Center/EDC, 1993). ton, Mass.: WEEA Equity Resource Center/EDC, 10 Flansburg and Hanson. 1997). 21 11 U.S. Department of Education, Title IX: 25 Years of President Clinton, Memorandum for the Heads of Progress (Washington, D.C.: Office of Educational Executive Departments and Agencies, June 17, 1997. 22 Research and Improvement, 1997). Remarks by President Clinton at Title IX Event, June 17, 1997. ✦

August 1997 • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 August 1997 9

WEEA Materials to Support Title IX Mandates

A-Gay-Yah: A Gender Equity Curriculum Equity in Education Series for Grades 6–12 The Equity in Education Series offers various ap- An exciting multicultural curriculum, A-Gay-Yah proaches to meet the needs of all students in today’s emphasizes critical thinking and cooperative learn- diverse classrooms. The series helps educators, par- To order WEEA ing. For Native American students, A-Gay-Yah af- ents, and community members understand their cru- materials call firms a long and vital cultural history while helping cial roles in furthering equity in the schools and in our distribution students discuss gender issues relating to traditional society. Also helps users identify bias and respond and modern culture. This curriculum is an outstand- to it with activities and other hands-on tools for use center at ing addition to social studies and history classrooms. in K–12 classrooms. Set includes: Gender Equity for 800-793-5076. (178 pp.) 1992•#2735•$25.00 Educators, Parents, and Community (26 pp.); Gender Stereotypes: The Links to Violence (25 pp.); School-to- Going Places: An Enrichment Program to Work: Equitable Outcomes (26 pp.); Gender-Fair Math Empower Students (22 pp.)•1995•#2761 (set of 4)•$13.00 Going Places, based on a project conducted in the San Diego City Schools, targets those middle school stu- Gender Equity for Educators, Parents, and dents most at risk of dropping out. Focuses on en- Community and La Igualdad de Género richment and hands-on, cooperative, group learn- para Educadores, Padres, y la Comunidad ing. Develops and builds self-esteem, improves prob- Challenge the thinking that limits your expectations lem-solving and decision-making skills, and devel- for girls and boys. This booklet will help you recog- ops leadership skills. (433 pp.)•1991•#2713 •$40.00 nize the limits of assumptions you didn’t know you had and offers new options to teachers, parents, and Just What the Doctor Should Have Ordered: community organizations. This bestselling booklet, A Prescription for Sex-Fair School just released in Spanish, is soon to be available in Health Services Vietnamese. Call the center at 800-225-3088 for more Provides the first civil rights view of sex discrimina- information. (26 pp.)•1995 tion in health services. Includes a step-by-step, easy- #2762•(English)•$4.00 to-manage method for evaluating student health ser- #2800•(Spanish)•$4.00 vices. This vital guide clearly defines the legal re- sponsibilities as required by Title IX and helps Legislation for Change: A Case Study of schools negotiate ethical dilemmas. (158 pp.)• Title IX and the Women’s Educational 1989•#2698• $17.00 Equity Act Program This working paper uses Title IX of the Education Equity Lessons Amendments of 1972 as a case study to explore the An innovative urban program designed to develop education field and the impact of civil rights legisla- an awareness of gender-role stereotyping. Equity Les- tion dealing with gender. Discusses what Title IX is, sons for Elementary School is a wonderful supplement its origins, and its context, and examines some suc- to any social studies curriculum. Activities help stu- cesses and failures of Title IX, closing with some dents to identify gender-role stereotyping on toy points to consider when legislating for equity. (22 packaging, in advertising, and in fairy tales. (38 pp.) pp.)•1993• #2749•$4.00 Equity Lessons for Secondary School presents activities based on personal assumptions and meaning in the lives of activist women. (60 pp.)•1982 #2432 Elementary•$8.00 #2433 Secondary•$8.50

WEEA Digest • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 10

Resource Organizations for Title IX

AACTE Committee on Women’s Issues The Education Trust One Dupont Circle Suite 200 Visit the Title IX Suite 610 1725 K Street, N.W. section of our Washington, DC 20036-1186 Washington, DC 20006 202-293-2450 202-293-1217 web site to find www.AACTE.org www.edtrust.org your state s educational American Association for the Advancement FairTest equity contact. of Science 342 Broadway Note the new 1200 New York Avenue, N.W. Cambridge, MA 02139 address for Washington, DC 20005 617-864-4810 202-326-6400 www.fairtest.org our expanded e-mail: [email protected] web site: www.aaas.org Girls Incorporated www.edc.org/ National Resource Center WomensEquity American Association of University Women 441 West Michigan Street 1111 16th Street, N.W. Indianapolis, IN 46202 Washington, DC 20036 317-634-7546 202-785-7700 www.girlsinc.org www.aauw.org Girl Scouts of the USA American Federation of Teachers 420 Fifth Avenue 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W. New York, NY 10018 Washington, DC 20001 800-223-0624 202-879-4400 www.gsusa.org www.aft.org Hispanic Policy Development Project The Center for Law and Education 36 East 22nd Street 1875 Avenue, N.W. 9th Floor Suite 510 New York, NY 10010 Washington, DC 20009 212-529-9323 202-986-3000 Myra Sadker Advocates for Gender Equity Center for Women Policy Studies Suite 300 2000 P Street, N.W. 1401 Rockville Pike Suite 508 Rockville, MD 20852 Washington, DC 20036 301-738-7113 202-872-1770 e-mail: [email protected]

Disabilities Unlimited Consulting Services National Association for Girls and Women 3 East Tenth Street in Sport Apartment 4B 1900 Association Drive New York, NY 10003 Reston, VA 22091 212-673-4284 703-476-3450 www.aahperd.org/nagws/nagws

August 1997 • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 August 1997 11

National Association for Women in NOW Legal Defense and Education Fund Education 99 Hudson Street 1325 18th Street, N.W. New York, NY 10013 Suite 210 212-925-6635 Washington, DC 20036-6511 www.nowldef.org

National Coalition for Sex Equity in Title IX Advocacy Project Education 140 Clarendon Street One Redwood Drive 7th Floor Clinton, NJ 08809 Boston, MA 02116 908-735-5045 617-247-6722

National Coalition for Women and Girls in U.S. Commission on Civil Rights Education Commission Headquarters National Women’s Law Center 624 9th Street, N.W. 11 Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20425 Suite 800 For information on publications contact: Washington, DC 20036 Library, USCCR 202-588-5180 202-376-8128 www.usccr.gov

The National Council for Research on Women U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 530 Broadway Customer Service Team 10th Floor Mary E. Switzer Building New York, NY 10012 330 C Street, S.W. 212-274-0730 Washington, DC 20202 202-205-5413 National Education Association e-mail: [email protected] 1201 16th Street, N.W. www.ed.gov/offices/OCR Washington, DC 20036 202-822-7346 U.S. Department of Justice www.nea.org Civil Rights Division Office of the Assistant Attorney General National Women’s Law Center P.O. Box 65808 11 Dupont Circle, N.W. Washington, DC 20035-5808 Suite 800 202-514-4609 Washington, DC 20036 www.usdoj.gov/crt 202-588-5180 www.essential.org/afj/nwlc.html Women’s Bureau U.S. Department of Labor New York State Occupational Education 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Equity Center Room S3002 Washington, DC 20210 The Equity Center 202-219-6667 8 British American Boulevard www.dol.gov/dol/wb Suite G Latham, NY 12210-1402 518-786-3236 Women’s Sports Foundation www.nysed.gov/workforce/equity.html Eisenhower Park East Meadow, NY 11554. 800-227-3988 e-mail: [email protected] www.lifetimetv.com/WoSport

WEEA Digest • WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC, 55 Chapel Street, Newton, MA 02158-1060 • 800-225-3088 History of Title IX 12

Visit WEEA s New Web Site

Link to an international network of education EDEQUITY and equity colleagues, locate your local Title We administrate the Educational Equity Dis- IX coordinator or regional Desegregation As- cussion List (EDEQUITY)—a forum to share in- sistance Center or Comprehensive Assistance formation about equity issues in education. Center, join the discussion on EDEQUITY, learn EDEQUITY is an international, electronic, In- about our resources, or print out previous is- ternet discussion list for educators, researchers, sues of the WEEA Digest. The complete Report We have policymakers, parents, and students. Discus- Card on Gender Equity from the National Coali- sion list members post messages via e-mail to updated and tion for Women and Girls in Education is also share information on best practice and innova- expanded the viewable on our web site. site in the past tive resources, explore educational theory, and WEEA’s web site presents information consult with practitioners from across the coun- few months, as about our current work, WEEA publications try. Subscribers can choose between reading well as changed (including on-line access to the WEEA Digest), each message individually or receiving mes- our address! and links to past WEEA grantees, as well as in- sages in a weekly digest. valuable links to other resources and organiza- To subscribe to the discussion list, send an tions working on equity around the world. Visit e-mail message with subscribe edequity in the the site to find WEEA’s Woman of the Week. body to Do not Amaze your friends with Title IX facts from U.S. use a subject line in this message. If you prefer Secretary of Education Richard W. Riley. We to receive messages in the digest format, send have updated and expanded the site tremen- the message as above, using subscribe edequity- dously in the past few months, as well as digest in the body. changed our address! To see what the discussion has covered in The newly revised site is found by point- the past, visit the web site at ing your browser to www.edc.org/WomensEquity/edequity ✦ www.edc.org/WomensEquity

WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC Nonprofit Organization 55 Chapel Street, D-897 U.S. Postage PAID Newton, MA 02158-1060 Boston, MA 617-969-7100 • 800-225-3088 Permit No. 58241 Fax: 617-332-4318 E-mail: [email protected] www.edc.org/WomensEquity

© 1997 WEEA Equity Resource Center at EDC The WEEA Digest is published by the WEEA Equity Resource Center, a project at Education Development Center, Inc., under contract #RP92136001 from the U.S. Department of Education. Opinions ex- pressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position of the U.S. Depart- ment of Education and no official endorsement should be inferred.

Katherine Hanson, Director Julia Potter, Managing Editor Anne McAuliffe, Senior Editor Susan J. Smith, Senior Research Associate Debra Whitcomb, Senior Research Associate Audrey Schulman, Web Designer Paula Fleming, Writer Melissa Holmes, Research Assistant Elizabeth Altman, Research Assistant Iram Valentin, Research Fellow Kimberly Sansoucy, Senior Administrative Assistant Liz Hiles, Administrative Assistant