Jet Lag Sequence

In July, 1988, BKS Iyengar gave a sequence to help the students traveling to RIMYI from afar on their first few days. He later revised the sequence in October, 2005. During one of my first trips to Pune, as I woke the first night at 1 am, I did the full sequence with the timings recommended and felt so refreshed afterward. I repeated it the next day as well but in the practice hall.

In parentheses, I’ve added the translations and in italics, alternatives for those who might not yet know the pose or need something different for their body. When you travel, you may not have more than your mat and a belt with you, so improvise with what’s available to you where you are staying.

Virasana (Hero’s pose) 2 minutes

Supta (Reclined Hero’s Pose) – on bolster – 5 minutes

Adho Mukha Virasana (downward facing hero’s pose) – blankets or bolster under abdomen. Rest head, arms, etc. Notice effects…how groins soften, ribcage relaxes. 2 minutes

Padmasana (Lotus Pose) – Swastikasana (simple cross legs) 1 minute per side

Supta Padmasana (Reclined Lotus Pose) - strap around legs, or Ardha Padmasana, strap thigh to shin. 3 min/side. Supta Swastikasana (reclined crossed legs pose)

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose) – take height as needed. 1 minute

Supta (Reclined Bound Angle Pose) – over bolster, support head. 5 min.

Uttanasana (Standing forward bend) – 3 min. Do with head supported, so if hamstrings tight, place head on a table or chair)

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) – Head supported 3 min.

Sirsasana (Head Stand) – to your capacity up to 5 minutes, then variations below -- (Wide- legged forward bend) 2 minutes with head supported)

Parsva Sirsasana (with a twist) Baddha Konasana (Bound angle pose) Upavistha Konasana (legs wide, knees and feet facing forward)

Adho Mukha Virasana – to recover from Sirsasana

Rope 1 – 8 times slowly to open shoulders, release neck. If ropes aren’t available, do Downward Dog and Upward dog 8 times with hands on the seat of a chair or a countertop.

Dwi Pada Viparita (Two footed inverted staff pose) – on chair, crown of head on bolster, legs parallel to floor, feet on wall, arms rest overhead or hold back chair legs. Place hands on abdomen if nauseated or flushed. 5 min.

Malasana (Garland Pose) – on chair – modify to your capacity and available furniture Adapted by Rosie Richardson August, 2020

• Straddle/sit on chair, facing back of chair. Press buttocks back press chest to chair back/bar. • Sit on chair, facing forward. Support the head. Hold back chair legs. Rest frontal ribcage on seat of chair.

Niralamba (Shoulder stand without support) – this is an advanced pose, so if this isn’t in your practice, skip ahead.

Salamba Sarvangasana (supported shoulder stand) – up to 10 minutes, may do other arm positions if in your practice. Alternative: (Legs Up the Wall) for 10 minutes and skip ahead to Seated Forward Bends

Halasana (Plow pose) – 5 min. hands overhead

Salamba Sarvangasana – variations: Virasana Setubandha – one leg to touch floor then go back up. Repeat/other leg. Then both legs. Eka Pada Setu Sarvangasana – from the previous if in your practice. Viparita Karani

Seated forward bends with eyes wrapped (one could use a bandana in a pinch): Practice with head support – 1-2 minutes per side

Paschimottanasana – 5 min. with legs apart and head supported at your capacity.

Savasana – keep eyes wrapped. Back of the chest on one pillow and bolster on the head (like a weight for the forehead).

Adapted by Rosie Richardson August, 2020