Point Loma Nazarene University Intramural Department Rules

1. Each roster may carry a maximum of 20 players and no less than 15 players. The co-captains are to assist with game management, communications and rule enforcement. The co-captains are the ~jy players who should be talking with the officials.

2. If a team does not have at least seven (7) players within 10 minutes of the scheduled game time, the game shall be ruled a forfeit.

3. Free substitution when the is not in play.

4. The playing field shall be 80 yards by 40 yards.

5. Starting the game:

A. Choice of goals and 1st possession. A coin is tossed and the winner gets his choice of goals or starting the game on offense or defense. The loser of the toss gets his choice of the remaining options. The choice of goals shall be reversed at the beginning of the second half.

B. Putting the ball in play. The team which has chosen to begin on offense starts with the ball on their own 20 yard line. This format applies after any score in addition to starting the 1st and 2nd half.

6. Number of players: (Eight constitute a complete team).

On offensive five, and only five, players may be on the (within one yard of the line of scrimmage). Failure to do so will result in a five yard penalty.

7. Equipment of players:

Shoulder pads, helmets, armguards, and pads, etc. shall not be worn. Rubber or short plastic cleats will be allowed as will bare feet. No steel cleats or spikes will be permitted. Teams are encouraged to obtain some sort of team jersey. Mouthguards will be required.

8. Length of game:

Two periods of 20 minutes each with a four (4) minute half-time. The first 18 minutes of each half will be running time. The last two (2) minutes of each half will be stopped time with the clock stopping on all dead balls.

9. Time-outs:

Each team is entitled to two (2) time-outs during each half. The time-outs not used in the first half may not be used in the second half. Each time-out will consist of one (1) minute.

10. Yards and downs:

When the ball is first in a zone, the team in possession of it is allowed four (4) downs in which to move it from that point into the next zone.

II. Out of Bounds = As marked:

A player catching a pass on the must have one foot in bounds and must have control of the ball to be legal. If a player is pushed out of bounds while catching a pass, it is up to the referee’s judgment as to whether the receiver would have had one foot in bounds if he had not been pushed.

12. :

Only the ends and backs are eligible. All passes must be thrown from behind the line of scrimmage. may be called if the receiver is more than 10 yards away from the thrown pass or to the side of the field with no recievers.

13. Passes on punts:

A forward pass will be permitted on all returns. The receiver of the kicked ball has no more than three (3) steps after catching the ball in which to decide whether to pass or not. IF the ball carrier makes a pass after taking more than three (3) steps, the ball is down at that point, If the attempted pass is incomplete, the ball is down at the point from where it was thrown.

14. Runs from scrimmacie:

All runs from scrimmage must be preceded by a or hand-off before the runner has crossed the line-of-scrimmage.

A. It is a penalty for the ball carrier to stiff-arm, charge into, knee, kick, or try to knock over a player at any time. C. It is a violation when the ball carrier jumps to avoid a defender. The ball carrier may spin.

D. Direct runs will be allowed.

E. Direct snaps to anyone but the quarterback are illegal.

15. Blocking:

In all instances a player must have both feet in contact with the ground during and after contact is made with the opponent. The hands must be in a legal blocking position: Elbow flippers and forearm shivers will not be allowed. Cross-body blocks of any type aren’t allowed.

Down field blocking is not permitted on any running plays from scrimmage or on any plays after a pass is completed. Ineligible receivers are not permitted to block past 5 yards down field on a pass play. No down field blocking at any time.

No down field blocking is allowed while the ball is in the air. Defensive players are allowed only one block on potential pass receivers. All blocks of this nature must be initiated at or on the line-of-scrimmage.

A. It is a penalty for any offensive player to grab, hold, pull, elbow, kick, trip, push and shove using the hands. An offensive player may not block an opponent above the shoulder.

B. Any blocks around the head of the opponent shall be an automatic violation, resulting in a 15 yard penalty.

16. Tackling or downed ball carrier:

When a player’s flag is pulled, the ball shall be placed directly beneath the position where the flag has been seized.

A. Defensive players may not use their hands to push or pull an opponent to get to the ball carrier.

B. Defensive players may leave their feet to block a pass or catch a ball. You may NOT dive and leave your feet to pull the flag.

C. It is illegal to pull the flags of a player who does not have the ball.

D. It is unsportsmanlike to , trip, kick, shove, elbow.

E. Roughing the passer is not allowed. When the passer’s arm is in motion to throw the ball he will NOT be considered down if his flag is pulled. F. If the ball carrier’s flag is inadvertently lost, he shall be considered tackled at the spot where, in the judgment of the referee, he would have been tackled had the flag not been lost.

17. Punts:

If a punt is to be made, the punting team must announce it to the officials and

the opposing team. Neither team may cross the line of scrimmage until the ball is punted.

18. Punt returns:

Punts may be returned by the receiver if the ball hits the ground first. The ball is dead upon touching the ground after being touched by any player. A. If the receiver the ball, the ball is dead as soon as it touches the ground.

B. A forward pass will be permitted on all punt returns.

C. Both teams must have five (5) men on the line of scrimmage.

19. Line-of-scrimmage and backfield player positioning:

Five (5) players must position themselves on the designated line-of- scrimmage.

All offensive players (with the exception of a back-in-motion) must be set one second prior to the from center.

20. Man-in-motion:

Only one (1) member of the offensive backfield may be in motion at any one time. A man-in-motion must be aligned in a backfield position and must run parallel to or away from the line-of-scrimmage.

21. :

A live ball becomes dead as a result of the following acts, and any official may declare the ball dead by signal of whistle. A. When the ball goes out of bounds.

B. When a , , safety, or extra point is made.

C. When a ball is fumbled and hits the ground (including hikes).

D. When an incomplete forward pass hits the ground.

E. Fair catch on punts.

F. Between scrimmage plays and change in possession. 22. Unnecessary roughness/

The penalty is 15 yards and sit out the next series. A second violation in the game will be an automatic ejection. Ejection from TWO games will result in being kicked out of the league.

23. Ball in play:

A team gets 25 seconds to put the ball in play after signaled ready by the referees. (Five yard penalty).

24. Sleeper plays:

All players must return to the huddle after each play. The sleeper play is not legal.

25. Scoring:

A touchdown will be worth 6 points. A safety will be worth 2 points. A conversion from 3 yards out will be worth I point. A conversion from 7 yards out will be worth 2 points.

26. Wearing of flags:

A. All players must wear 3 flags while on the field.

B. The flags are to hang down vertically along the side seam of the pants, and in the middle of the back.

C. Shirts must be tucked in.

D. Flag belts that are tied on will be assessed an unsportsman- like conduct penalty.

27. Summary of Denalties:

A. 5 yard penalties: 1. Less than 5 players on line of scrimmage (offensive) 2. 3. Illegal forward pass (loss of down) 4. Intentional grounding (loss of down) 5. Infraction of formation rules 6. Illegal motion 7. Illegal pitch 8. Offsides (not encroachment) 9. More than 8 players on the field for each team. 10. Improper equipment (mouth guard, flags, etc.)

B. 10 yard penalties: 1. Infraction when running the ball (stiff-arming, charging) 2. Illegal blocking 3. Illegal tackling 4. Failure to announce a punt 5. Offensive (loss of down) 6. Interfering with man receiving punt or pass 7. Illegal use of hands 8. Roughing the passer 9. Down-field punt blocking when the ball is in the air (marked from point of infraction) 10. Clipping 11. Protecting flags (marked from point of infraction) 12. Crossing line of scrimmage before ball is punted 13. Hurdling (loss of down)

C. 15 yard penalties (possible disqualification) 1. Any block made in the area above the shoulder or below the knees 2. Unnecessary roughness 3. Unsportsman-Iike conduct 4. Spearing, kneeing, kicking, tripping, and striking

D. Defensive pass interference

For this infraction the ball will be marked at the point of the foul or on the one yard line if the foul occurred in the . The offensive team receives an automatic first down.

E. All penalties are marked from the line of scrimmage except for the following:

1. Infractions against or by the ball carrier (occurring beyond the line of scrimmage) will be marked from point of infraction.

2. Defensive pass interference.

3. A clip or illegal block on a punt return or an return will be marked from the succeeding spot or from the point of infraction if infraction occurs behind the end of the run. 28. Suspensions:

Whenever, in the judgment of any official or field supervisor, a player or players may be involved in deliberate or flagrant violation of the rules, he or they will be suspended from the game and their team will be penalized 15 yards. This includes foul, dirty, or abusive language or violent protest by either word or action against any official or other players. Unspoitsmanlike conduct will be treated in the same manner.

29. Postponements:

Should a postponement be necessary due to inclement weather, the captains must contact the intramural director in regard to make-up time and place.

30. The head referee has the right to make any judgment call pertaining to the interpretation of rules, or any situation not covered in the official rules. The officials will speak only with the designated captains of each team.