Johnson Urges Effort to Trim Jobless Rate
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A ttragt DaOy N«t Prtm Rua For th« Week Biuled Hw March «, 1964 hi 19 13,919 ■ICM. Low 91 he 46. VMtf Member of the Audit Bureau of ClrcuUtkm Monehmattr ^" A City of ViBagm Charm VOL. LXXXm, NO. 185 (EIG H TEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, MARCH •, 1954 (OlaarffM Adrartialac aa Paco 16) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Malcolm to Form Libel Verdict Events R ejected by In State Johnson Urges Effort rt.ll Own Muslim Unit High Court NEW YORK (AP) — WASHINGTON (AP) — Dempsey Ready Malcolm X, outspoken The Supremt Ckiurt unani- To Call Session Black Muslim advocate of mously threw out today a To Trim Jobless Rate racial separation, has de- 8600,()00 libel Judgment If Views Jibe fected from the parent or- awarded a Montgomery, ganization to form his own Ala., city official in a suit HARTFORD (AP) — If mosque to promote “active against The New York Republicans and Democra* ^ V VV/\ ) . ^ ‘ 't- ■' Seeks Laws self-defense against white Times and four Negro min- can agree on a plan. Gov. supremacists in all parts of isters. John N. Dempsey says he the country.” . And, In so doing, the court In Message Malcolm told The Associated laid down a constituUonal stan- would not hesitate to call Press: dard that a. public official may the General Assembly into “I am still a Muslim. I Intend not recover damages for a de- special session to act on To Congress to work on my own among famatory falsehood relating to congressional redistricting. America’s 22 million non-Mus- his official conduct without a lim Negroes to convert them showing of actual malice, of The weekend development ^ WASHINGTON (AP) — from non-violence to active self- knowledge the statement was found favor with at President Johnson (^led on defense against white suprema- false or reckless disregard of one Republican legislative the nation today to mobilizB cists in all parts of the country. whether or not It was false. leader. Rep. Ixiuis Padula of and upgrade its manpower "I want it clearly understood Justice William J. Brennan that my advice to an Muslima wrote the opinion on the court’s Norwalk, House majority skills in a major effort to la that they,stay In the naUon decision. While the decision was leader, said an assembly wipe out grimly persistent of Islam under the spiritual unanimous, three justices said session on congressional re- unemployment. iidance of the honorable KH- 41 did not go far enough. "Overcoming that unemploy- Justices Hugo L. Black and districting might prove Sh Muhammad. fmitful. ment is the greatest immediate *Tt Is not my desire to en- Arthur J. Ooldberg, In separate manpower challenge before us" concurring opinions, expressed Padula said he would be will- Johnson said in asking Congress courage them to follow me." regret that the court did not' to talk with Democratic | Malcolm once was considered MALCOLM X for a broad range of legislation heir apparent to Muhammad, lay down a doctrine of uncondi-' leadeni aa soon aa poaaible to i to create jobs and train work- who makes his headquarters In tional freedom of the public | ■«« there are grounds for ers. Chicago. He was head of the of the naUon of Islam and con- and press to criticise official I agreement. He added there ap- The federal government can- sect’s New York City mosque Unulng to work on my own.” conduct. I reared to be a meeting of the not do the job alone, Johnson and the group’s leading spokes- He said he will call a news Justice William 0. 'Oot^las minds among Republicans and said in his annual manpower man. conference this week to an- noted that he agreed with both Democrats on the question of report to Congress. nounce his plans. concurring opinions. Congressional rcdistricting. Calling on business, labor and Noted for his bitter verbal at- ’The Oovemor made the sug- tacks on white people, Malcolm Malcolm said that In forming ’The suit was based on pub- state and local governments to was suspended by Muhammad his new . Muslim group he will lication of an advertisement in gestion in a letter Saturday to cooperate In creating an "ac- the ’Times of March 29, 1940. Republican State Chairman A. Airliner rests with its nose embedded in house in northwest Chicago suburb. tive manpower poUcy,” the last November after he said In accept InvitaUons to speak to Searle Plnney. a speech that President John F. civil rights groups. The advertisement had state- Six persons who were asleep on the second floor, in the part of the house at the President said; "These pro- ments critical at the handling He told Plnney that if Repub- grams will take hold and suc- Kennedy's death was a case of "I shall tell them what a real of racial demonstrations in left, were unhurt by the crash late last niglit. (AP Photofax.) "the chickens coming home to revolution means — the French licans and Democrats could get ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - ceed only when we become de- Montgomery. together on a plan to correct I 'termined that nothing is to take roost." Revolution, the American Rev- L. B. Sullivan, police com- CommenUng on his suspen- olution. Algeria, to name a few. congressional districting inequi- priority over people." missioner of Montromery, won ties, "I would act swiftly to call 1 Johnson's report was accom- sion, Malcolm said, "I have Thera can he no revolution with- the award in the Circuit Court reached the conclusion that I out bloodshed, and it Is non- a special session of the General Shea Tries to Struek panied by Labor Department of Montgomery County with a Assembly to consider this mat- statisUcs emphasising the p ll^ t ean best spread Mr. Muham- contention that several para- mad’s message by staying out .(See Page meven) ter alone.” of the poorly educated worker graphs In the advertisement But Dempsey slammed the c • \By A i r l i n e r , in an increasingly technical would be taken as reflecting door on a Plnney proposal that economy, and the alarmingly on him. a special session consider state Uarwin Confession Family Safe high rate of youths who can’t An organisation called "The senate redistricting in addition find work. Committee to Defend Martin to congressional redistricting "What is at stake is whether Write-Ins Seen Key Luther King and the Struggle while avoiding the questiotwbf By A. J. CHEMASl CHICAGO (API—A chartered a free democratic economy can for FVeedom in the ScuUi" attain well-being for the less placed the advertisement. It Hmse reapporUonment. Defense attorney for Roy F. Darwin, accused of DC3 airplane with 28 passengers trying to make a landing at fortunate as well as the more solicited funds for the defense win ap*)i^a^“ fSderi?*Murt 1 * Bolton teen-age girl Sept. 18, today started fortunate of its people," John- To Primary Outcome of King, Negro minister and cislon that the House’s system! & expected fight to keep two alleged confessions O’Hare International Airport in son said, "and whether it can civil rl^ ts leader who was then misty weather, crashed into a make population growth and under charges of falsifying his of apportionment on a unit, o r. from being admitted Into the first degree murder trial house late Sunday night, killing technological advance fruitful OONC»RD, N.H. (AP) — Lodge and former Vice Presi- town, basis is unconstitutional at Tolland County Superior^ At As a result. Republicans have the copilot. for all rather than fateful for cloud of indecision which could dent Richard M. Nixon, the 1940 (Bee Page Bight) Court. • The coroner said the attor- The pilot, who with the copilotsom e.” )Mvo .a telling affect on the prealdential nemlnae, wesf ■V ! ' iiwi'' refused to consider a special ses- Defense Atty. John F. Shea neya asked permission to coun' ; waa trapped in the cockpit Johnson’s message was un- ehoice of the Republican presl- resented in write-in cam] •ion that would take up Uie promptly objected when the ■el Darwin on his rights. He about two hours, was reported derscored by latest government entlal nominee hung heavily to- If these were sucoessful status of the House. • | state tried to introduce the al- said he permitted this although ' In critical condition in a hospital. figures showing that 800,000 new Say over the outcome of ’Tues- ing a substantial share of the Dempsey said the GOP plan leged confessions into the trial Darwin at ..the time had only The passengers, returning from jobs In February did nothing to day’s New Hampshire Primary. nearly 100,000 Republican votes Drop Sought to consider state Senate and ' now heading into its third week, been called as a witness. | a day of skiing iq Michigan, ys- dent the nation's 4.6'million job- Thera waa widespread evi- e x p s i^ ; It eould projeet them ^ngreasloi^ districting was He said there was iw> proof that less total. ’*p(ecemeal.’',__ . J the allegjd . contmions were The next iftoming Darwin; caped without serious injuries. dence (hat a aigntlieaiit-iMimber foreefttlly into the preeiklentlal In Draft Age waa- served with a The two-engiiie plane crashed The reason is the steadily of Republleana who will go to nomination qontest. made* voRtajkarily, and said they warrant outside the Pratt A through utility lines and into a growing flow of new wotkers the polls to mark one M the • Nixon predicted Sunday.lilint Toums Join Suit were obtained in violation of house in suburban Hoffman Es- into the labor market, particu- Public Act 126 allowing the Whitney division in East Hart- more complex ballots in presi- that the total write-in vote m l NBVV HAVEN (AP) — The ford, where he works.