AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By LARASHINTA INDAH PRAWESTI Student Number: 144214013




AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By LARASHINTA INDAH PRAWESTI Student Number: 144214013




You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.



For myself who succeed in going through this drama year and the pressures on making this





First, I'd like to thank the God for his blessings which enabled me to complete this thesis. Second, I thank my family, Ayah, Ibu, and my sister Dinda, who support me financially and emotionally.

Third, I thank Ibu Putu as my thesis advisor and Pak Tatang as my co- thesis advisor who supported and helped me to complete this thesis. I thank you for being patient and critical while guiding me working on this thesis. I also would like to thank mbak Ninik for the help during my study in English Letters


Fourth, I'm grateful for my girls, Abah's Ladies (Nadia, Maura, Sinta,

Cicilia, Helena, Olyvia, Vania, Putri, and Deby) who always give me support and never leave me in any condition.

Fifth, I'm grateful for Raditya, who contributes in formatting and supporting me emotionally even though he is far away. Sixth goes to Aldo

Theodorus, a friend who helps me a lot in making this research and always have time to help me even though he is busy. Eighth, my close friends during my college life, Bagas, Joy, Clara, Dona, Teo, Amel, Theo,who support me and show me that they care.





CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 9 1. Theory of Character and Characterization ...... 9 2. Theory of Conflict ...... 10 3. Theory of Patriarchy ...... 11 4. Theory of Feminism ...... 14 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 16

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 18 A. Object of the Study ...... 18 B. Approach of the Study ...... 19



C. Method of the Study...... 20

CHAPTER IV ...... 22 A. The Depiction of Female Characters ...... 22 1. Gilbert’s Mother ...... 24 2. Wayan ...... 25 3. Nyomo ...... 26 4. Wayan’s Patients ...... 27 B. The Practice of Patriarchy Undergone by Female Characters in Eat, Pray, Love ...... 28 1. Male Superiority...... 28 2. The violence of the male toward the female ...... 32 C. Feminism Reflected Through Elizabeth Gilbert's Responses Toward Patriarchy ...... 38 1. Gilbert's Responses Toward Male Superiority ...... 38 2. Gilbert Responses Toward Domestic Violence Which Experienced By Female ...... 44





PRAWESTI, LARASHINTA INDAH (2018). Feminism as Seen Through Gilbert's Responses In Confronting The Patriarchal Practices In Eat, Pray, Love: Yogyakarta Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

The aim of this research is to explore feminism through Gilbert's response in dealing with patriarchal practices in Eat, Pray, Love novel by Elizabeth Gilbert. The researcher formulates theree problems to guide the analysis. The first formulated problems discusses about the description of the female characters who experienced practice of patriarchy in the story. Second, the formulated problem discusses about the practice of patriarchy which happens in the story. And the last formulated problems discusses about the actions and thought taken by Gilbert which shows the feminism and leads to reveal the characteristic of Gilbert.

To answer the question, this research applied the feminism approach. The theory which are used in this research are theory of character and characterization, by Robert and Jacob, the theory of conflict by Guth and Rico, the theory of feminism by Maggie Humm, and theory of patriarchy by Slabbrert and Green. The researcher used a library research method to obtain either the theory or the data. These data consist of primary and secondary data. The primary data is the novel Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert while the secondary data are taken from essays, journals, dictionary, internet, and some other books.

The results of this research are first, the characteristic of female characters in Eat, Pray, Love who are not financially independent are inferior, while the female characters who are financially independent are independent and can stand on their own feet. Second, the patriarchal practice contained in the story are male superiority and domestic violence toward the wives. The domestic violence consists of economic, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. The other, Gilbert shows her feminism spirit by walking out from an unhappy marriage, knows her worth and refuses to be inferior, and helping fellow divorcee woman to have a proper living space.

Keyword: patriarchal practice, feminism




PRAWESTI, LARASHINTA INDAH (2018). Feminism as Seen Through Gilbert's Responses In Confronting The Patriarchal Practices In Eat, Pray, Love: Yogyakarta: Program Study Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi feminisme melalui respon Gilbert dalam menghadapi praktik patriarki dalam novel Eat, Pray, Love karya Elizabeth Gilbert. Peneliti merumuskan tiga masalah untuk memandu analisis. Masalah pertama yang dirumuskan membahas deskripsi karakter wanita yang mengalami praktik patriarki dalam cerita. Kedua, masalah yang dirumuskan membahas tentang praktik patriarki yang terjadi dalam cerita. Dan masalah terakhir yang dirumuskan membahas tentang tindakan dan pemikiran yang diambil oleh Gilbert menunjukkan feminisme dan mengarah untuk mengungkapkan karakteristik Gilbert.

Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, penelitian ini mengaplikasikan pendekatan feminisme. Teori-teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori karakter dan karakterisasi, oleh Robert dan Jacob, teori konflik oleh Guth dan Rico, teori feminisme oleh Maggie Humm, dan teori patriarki oleh Slabbrert dan Green. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian pustaka untuk memperoleh teori atau data. Data ini terdiri dari data primer dan sekunder. Data primer adalah novel Eat, Pray, Love oleh Elizabeth Gilbert sedangkan data sekunder diambil dari esai, jurnal, kamus, internet, dan beberapa buku lainnya.

Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, karakteristik karakter wanita dalam Eat, Pray, Love yang tidak mandiri secara finansial adalah lemah, sedangkan karakter wanita yang mandiri secara finansial adalah mandiri dan dapat berdiri sendiri. Kedua, praktik patriarkal yang terkandung dalam cerita adalah superioritas laki-laki dan kekerasan domestik terhadap para istri. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga terdiri dari kekerasan ekonomi, fisik, emosional, dan seksual. Yang lain, Gilbert menunjukkan semangat feminismenya dengan berjalan keluar dari pernikahan yang tidak bahagia, sadar bahwa dirinya berharga dan menolak untuk menjadi lemah, dan membantu sesama janda untuk memiliki ruang hidup yang layak.

Kata kunci: praktik patriarkal, feminisme





A. Background of the Study

Literature is technically anything spoken or written (Roberts & Jacobs,

1987, p.1). Literature is made into many forms, such as drama, prose, and poetry.

Literary work always contains meaning so that the message from the author can be received by the reader.

Literary works usually portray the issues which happen in society, for examples, cultural, economic, politic, gender, class, and psychological issues.

These issues might portray the condition in society.

The issue which discussed in this research is the gender issue which contained in the novel Eat, Pray, Love. Elizabeth Gilbert is the writer and the major character in the novel Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything

Across Italy, India, and Indonesia.

The novel is about the journey of Elizabeth Gilbert which is done after her divorce. Her failure of marriage teaches her a lot of experiences about life. She loses herself after the divorce, and she commits to celibate for a whole year and tries to find the balance of life by traveling to three countries, Italy, India, and

Indonesia. Luckily, in her journey, Liz meets a lot of wonderful friends who share so many experiences,




and it makes her learn a lot of things about life, and slowly her life becomes balance again.

Gilbert, at the beginning of the story, is a married woman to a man whose name is not mentioned. According to the story, Gilbert is unhappy with her marriage. From her point of view, her husband does not make the same effort as her in running their household. Therefore, Gilbert decides to split up with her husband. The divorce goes hard, and Gilbert is willing to do anything in order to liberate herself from the marriage, even when she has to share her retirement saving to her husband. Gilbert does everything to detach from the superiority of her husband in the marriage.

After her husband finally agreed to divorce, Gilbert decides to take a journey to Italy, India, and Indonesia in order to find life balance. In those countries, Gilbert meets a lot of wonderful people who help her to discover the life balance. It turns out that Gilbert is not alone in fighting patriarchy. There are a lot of patriarchal practice happens out there. The experiences that happen to her friends whom she meets on the journey influence Gilbert in her way of thinking toward life.

The topic chosen in this study is Gilbert's effort in fighting patriarchy in

Eat, Pray, Love. Gilbert and the other female characters experience problems related to patriarchy. The topic is chosen by the researcher because even in this modern era, patriarchal practice is still happening everywhere. Sometimes people do not realize that patriarchal practice still rife in society, and it makes the researcher interested to discuss it.



Eat, Pray, Love is chosen by the researcher as the object of this study.

There are three reasons why the researcher picks this novel as the object of this research. The first one is because the story shows women's power in encouraging each other, it can be seen in Gilbert's actions. She encourages women who are unfortunate because of the patriarchal society. Second, shows the courage of a woman in making the decision. And the last one, the story depicts the cultural values and identities from each country which are visited by Gilbert in the journey. Thus, there are three reasons why the researcher chooses this novel as the object of this thesis.

The goal of this thesis is to discover the feminism as seen through Gilbert's actions and thoughts. The researcher takes the data about what the patriarchal practices which happen in Gilbert's life experiences, the researcher identifies the actions and thoughts of Gilbert which reflect feminism.

B. Problem Formulation

Referring to the background, the problem can be summarized into three questions as follows:

1. How are the female characters described in Eat, Pray, Love?

2. What are the practices of patriarchy experienced by female characters in Eat,

Pray, Love?

3. How do the responses of Elizabeth Gilbert toward patriarchy reflect the feminism in Eat, Pray, Love?



C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the formulated problems above, this research has three objectives. The first objective is to analyze the depiction of the female characters who experiences patriarchal practices in Eat, Pray, Love. Second objective is to analyze the practice of patriarchal experienced in by the female characters.

Researcher identifies the life experience of Elizabeth Gilbert and sees the practices of patriarchy which experienced by Elizabeth Gilbert and others characters in the literary work. The third objective is to reveal the way Gilbert's responses toward patriarchy which reflect feminism.

D. Definition of Terms

This part contains the key of terms related to this thesis. This part aims to avoid some misunderstandings on certain terms and make the term more understandable.

There are two terms which are explained in this section. Those words are mentioned in the title and formulated problems. To make it clearer, the researcher explains in this part.

The first term is Feminism. Feminism according to Maggie Humm, "The word feminism can stand for a belief in sexual equality combined with a commitment to eradicate sexist domination and to transform society" (1992, p. 1).

The second term is patriarchy. Patriarchy refers to the male domination both in public and private spheres (Sultana, 2011, p. 2). Learner (1989), as cited in



Sultana also states that patriarchy implies that “men hold power in all the important institutions of society” and that “women are deprived of access to such power”. However, it does not imply that “women are either totally powerless or totally deprived of rights, influence, and resources” (p. 3).




A. Review of Related Studies

There are many theses about Eat Pray Love. In this part, the researcher reviews three theses and one journal related to this study.

The first one is the thesis of Felisia Fanny Kirana from Sanata Dharma

University titled “Happiness as Seen through the Symbols of Eating, Prayer, and

Love in Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat Pray Love.” Similar to this thesis, Kirana researches the novel of Eat Pray Love. In her thesis, Kirana uses qualitative methods and structuralism approach to reveal the symbols that contained in the elements mentioned before.

There are three major symbols analyzed from the three countries: eating, prayer, and love. In Italy where the symbol of eating is dominant and the Italian language as a minor symbol found in Italy. In India where the symbol of prayer becomes the most significant symbol found in the story, through meditation and yoga activities that Gilbert has done there. And in Indonesia, with the love that Gilbert found there, it is the love that she met for people there becomes the important symbol of the story (Kirana, 2016, p. 53).

Kirana discusses the symbols of happiness found in the story. The differences between this researcher and Kirana's thesis is, the obvious one is the approaches. This research uses feminism approach, while Kirana's uses structuralism approach.




The second thesis is written by Adhisti Vega from Gajah Mada University, titled

“Elisabeth Gilbert's relationship as seen in Eat, Pray, Love.” Different from this thesis, Vega uses an objective approach for her thesis. Different from Kirana,

Vega analyzes the stages of love of Elizabeth Gilbert that contained in the novel.

Discussing the relationships of Elizabeth Gilbert, one should also consider how each relationship is built. Based on the analysis, it can be seen that among the three relationships, it is Gilbert’s relationship with David which shows how it develops from the beginning until the end. Both Gilbert’s relationships which are with Stephen and Felipe do not show the complete process from the beginning until the end. Her relationship with Stephen is told from the middle until it really ended marked by the divorce. Gilbert’s relationship with Felipe develops from the beginning, but the writer does not have any data which show whether the relationship ends (Vega, 2013, p. 63).

Vega's thesis identifies Elisabeth Gilbert's relationship in the literary work. The differences between this research and Vega's is first, this research identifies the novel of Eat, Pray, Love, while Vega identifies the movie of Eat, Pray, Love.

Second, Vega identifies the relationship development of Gilbert and her spouses, this research identifies the way Elizabeth Gilbert fights all of the forms of patriarchy which happens in the book.

The third study that is related with this thesis is Emily Scherberth's thesis from California State University, Northridge titled “Eat, Pray, Love: Confronting and Reconstructing Female Identity.” Similar to this thesis, Scherberth uses feminism theory to analyze her thesis.

In order to provide an understanding for the larger historical and cultural context in which Eat, Pray, Love (Gilbert, 2006) was created, I first explore the dominant characteristic of postmodernism, and its influence



on individual subjectivity, which reveals the external forces placed on women in the early 2000s when Gilbert's narrative takes place. Next, I will show how the third wave feminist thought more specifically shapes the individual female subject as well as how she might navigate identity crisis. I then discuss recent research on the ways in which people can reconstruct their reality and identity in the face of a crisis or other perceived exigency, which provides a bridge for how Gilbert reconstructs a new identity at the end of her narrative (Scherberth, 2018, p. 4).

The conclusion of Scherberth's thesis is Eat, Pray, Love acts as vehicles for presenting women with new identity possibilities as well as new ways of thinking and being in the world. Actually, Scherberth's research is similar to this research because Scherbert's research also discusses feminism and patriarchy. The difference of Scherberth's and this research is Scerberth's research uses Gilbert's journey to reveal feminism, while this research uses patriarchal practices which happens in the literary work to reveal the feminism aspect in Eat, Pray, Love, while Scherbert shows the way Gilbert reconstructs her new identity after everything which happens to her.

Those researches above helps the researcher to see the content of Eat,

Pray, Love from a different point of view. The different point of view is needed in order to understand the literary work deeper.



B. Review of Related Theories

In this section, the researcher provides the theories which are useful in order to answer the problem formulation. There are three theories which considered fit to be applied in the analysis.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Theory of character and characterization is useful in order to analyze the first formulated problem. In the first formulated problem, the researcher tries to reveal how the main character described in Eat, Pray, Love. There are two theories of characterization which are used in this research. The first theory is from Roberts and Jacobs, and the second one is from Holman and Harmon.

Roberts and Jacobs explain how are characters disclosed in fiction. There are four ways to know the characteristic of the characters. First is from what the characters themselves say. The speech which comes out of the characters' mouth can be used as a tool to identify the characteristic of the characters themselves.

The second is from what the characters do. The actions taken by the characters can be the reflection of the characteristic of the characters. From the action, the reader can distinguish what kind of person the character is. The third one is from what other characters says about them. The trait of a character can be analyzed from what other characters says about them. So the writer uses other characters to acquaint another. And the last is from what the author says about them. It is the author themselves who explains the characteristic of the character created by them

(Roberts and Jacobs, 1989, pp. 147-148).



The second theory of characterization is from Holman and Harmon (1986).

There are three methods of characterization.

(1). The explicit presentation by the author through the direct exposition, either in an introductory block or more often piecemeal throughout the work, illustrated by action.; (2). the presentation of the character in actions; and (3) the representation from within a CHARACTER, without comment on the character by the author, of the impact of actions and emotions on the character's inner self, with the expectation that the reader will come to a clear understanding of the attributes of the character (Holman and Harmond, 1986, p. 81).

Both theories are similar. How the author shows the characteristic of the character basically from the action and speech of the character themselves, also what other character says about them, and the last by how the author explains about the characters themselves.

2. Theory of Conflict

Second theory which is used in this research is theory of conflict. Theory of conflict helps the researcher to identify the problems which experienced by the characters in the literary work, which shows the patriarchal practice contained in the book. There are two theory of conflict which used in this research. The first one is from Roberts and Jacobs, and he other one from Guth and Rico.

In most elemental form, a conflict is opposition of two people. The may fight, argue, enlist help against each other, and otherwise carry on their opposition. Conflicts may exist between larger groups of people, although in fiction conflicts between individual are more identifiable and therefore more interesting. Conflict may also exist between an individual and larger forces, such as natural objects, ideas, modes of behavior, public opinion, and the



like. The existence of difficult choices within an individual's mind may also be presented as conflict, or dilemma (Roberts & Jacobs, 1987, pp. 87-88).

In literary work, conflicts are not only caused by the opposition between two people, but also the individual versus themselves, nature, and everything which not accordance with what they expect.

Second, according to Guth and Rico, there are two types of conflict. The first one is internal conflict and the second one is external conflict. Internal conflict means “a character may be at war with himself or herself, with divided loyalties or contradictory motives pulling the character in different directions”

(1997, p. 1828). While external conflict is “a central character maybe in conflict with another person, with a system of beliefs or value, with the gods or with natural forces” (1997, p. 1828).

3. Theory of Patriarchy

Theory of patriarchy is used in order to identify the form of patriarchy reflected through the life experience of Elizabeth Gilbert. Patriarchy itself can be defined as “a social system in which family systems or entire societies are organized around the idea of father-rule, where males are the primary authority figures“ (Crossman, 2017, para. 1). The term patriarchy originally used to describe the power of the father as head of household.

This research uses two forms of patriarchy. The first one is male superiority. Walby (1990) as cited in Sultana states "patriarchy as a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress and exploit



women" (p. 20). Walby considers patriarchy as a system because it helps us to reject the idea which says that the notion that every individual man is always in a dominant position and every woman in a subordinate one (2010, p. 2). The domination of man is caused by the differentiation of biological sex of male and female, where the male one is considered more superior.

Not only from Walby, but Learner also states about his theory about male superiority. Learner (1989) as cited in Sultana, mentions that patriarchy is the ideology where "men are superior to women and women are part of men's property, so women should be controlled by men and this produces women’s subordination”. Patriarchal ideology exaggerates biological differences between men and women, make sure that men always have the dominant or masculine roles and women always have the subordinate or feminine ones.

Besides male-superiority, domestic violence toward women is also considered a form of patriarchy. Slabbret and Green say in their journal there are four types of domestic violence experienced by the woman in the abusive relationship. a. Physical abuse

There are two kinds of physical abuse. Leaves physical and no physical evidence. The first type of physical abuse usually results in injuries ranging from bruising, scalding, burning and stabbing to internal injuries, cracked ribs or broken bones, while the second one does not leave any marks but it makes the women suffer for example when a head is forced into the toilet or ice cold baths



and locking up is used. Physical neglect, such as withholding or eliminating food, shelter, and clothing may also form part of physical abuse (2013, p. 237 b. Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can be verbal or non-verbal. It is destroying self-worth and self-esteem. This type of abuse usually includes the use of ridicule, insults, accusations, infidelity and ignoring one's partner, all of which result in the breaking down of the victim's self-esteem and self-worth. (2013, p. 238) c. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse occurs when the perpetrator demands sexual activity without the woman’s consent. It is also referred to as marital rape, whereby the male assumes that it is his right and privilege to have sex whenever he wishes and in any form he desires, without taking his female partner’s feelings into consideration (2013, p. 240). d. Economic Abuse

Economic abuse varies from irresponsible behavior such as squandering money on chemical substances to refusing to contribute financially to the living expenses. There often is a false perception that women are solely responsible for the housekeeping, child-rearing and have to be the breadwinner, which exposes them to economic abuse (2013, p. 241).

Some abused women do not have control over their money, as their partners control all the finances. It was also found that some abused women who worked had to hand over their salaries to their partners.



4. Theory of Feminism

There are many feminism theories. Feminism is basically an ideology that focuses on gender equality between men and women. Referring to history, there are three waves of feminism. It begins with the first wave of feminism. First wave feminism is concerned about the equality. Then, it continued with the second wave of feminism. Second wave feminism is concerned about the women to oppose the legalities of the patriarchal world. (Humm, 1992, p. 11). It is followed by third waves of feminism which is dedicated to supporting group and individuals working toward gender, racial, economic, and social justice.

The researcher observes the response which shows feminism referring to the discussion before, about male superiority and domestic violence toward the female. There is a stereotype that biological sex and social gender keeps women’s lower position than men in social life. In fact, biological sex and social gender are separable concepts as it stated by Enstein:

Sex meant the biological sex of a child—was it born anatomically a male or a female member of the human species? Gender was the culturally and socially shaped cluster of expectations, attributes, and behaviors assigned to that category of the human being by the society into which the child was born (1983, p. 7).

As the result of that stereotype, the women undergo social injustice that they do not have equal opportunity in social life. Besides, this stereotype makes the society views women as less intellectually and physically capable than men.

As the result, it tends to lead to discrimination against women.



Not only that, Montagu (1953) states "women have been formed to believe that they are inferior to men, and they have assumed that what everyone believes is a fact of nature. Since men occupy the superior positions in almost all societies, such superiority is taken to be a natural one" (p. 23). Montagu shows a concern for this superior power of men as follows:

Why is that, in most of the cultures of which we have any knowledge, women are considered to be a sort of lower being, a creature human enough, but not quite so human as the male; certainly not as wise, nor as intelligent; and lacking in most of the capacities and abilities with which the male is so plentifully endowed? (p.27)

Women do not only experience social injustice due to that stereotype, but they are also made to believe that the stereotype is true.

Both theories above are about the superiority of male. The next theories are about violence which experienced by women, Humm, states that feminism concerns about the women who are working and experience oppression in their marriage (1992, p. 185). The oppression of the working woman is being concerned because it undermines the ideology of liberal individualism in feminism. The working women are independent financially and the oppression toward them is not appropriate because women who earn income should be free because they are not dependent on anyone.

According to Humm in her other book titled “The Dictionary Feminist

Theory Second Edition”, the goal of feminist theory is to liberate woman.

"Contemporary women's liberation or feminist action is consciously revolutionary.



It breaks with reformism; it is internationalist and it simultaneously attacks the state, cultural ideology and the economy" (1994, p. 151).

Feminism also talks about the abused wife. In Eat, Pray, Love, the one who experiences violence is the wife. Jackson and Faulkner (1993) state

"Although important social class and race differences exist among men, all men can potentially use violence as a powerful means of subordinating woman" (p.

197). Basically, violence and superiority are related because men use violence in order to show their superiority toward the woman.

Jackson and Faulkner also added that violence is the most overt and effective means of social control. "Even if individual men refrain from employing physical force against their partner, men as a class benefit from how women's lives are restricted and limited because of their fear of violence by husbands and lovers as well as by strangers" (p. 197).

Besides liberation and violence, feminism also talks about inequality. In the “Women's Studies: A Reader”, on the 6th chapter, Jackson and Faulkner writes that women are responsible for many things in family includes organizing, managing and executing the work of reproduction in all its aspects. Not only that but women also economically exploited by the men they live with. This is the unfairness which experienced by some women, and it becomes the concern of the feminist (1993, p. 185).

C. Theoretical Framework

In order to observe the feminism as seen through Gilbert's actions and thoughts in Eat, Pray, Love novel, the researcher formulates three problems.



Those problems are answered by applying four theories. The first theory is the theory of character and characterization. The second one is the theory of conflict.

The third is feminism theory, and the last theory is the theory of patriarchy.

The first formulated problem is about the depiction of female characters who experience patriarchal practice. Theory of character and characterization are used in order to analyze the characteristic of those characters. The female characters are analyzed in order to give the reader background knowledge about the characters whose experiences later are analyzed in the second formulated problem.

The second formulated problem is about patriarchal practice experienced by the female characters in Eat, Pray, Love. Theory of patriarchy is used in order to analyze what forms of patriarchy happen in the story. The theory of conflict is used in order to identify why patriarchy is considered as conflict. The intrinsic element of the patriarchal practice in this research is conflict.

The third formulated problem is about the actions and thoughts of

Elizabeth Gilbert which reflects the feminism in literary work. In second formulated problems, the researcher uses the theory of character and characterization written by Edgar V. Roberts and Henry E. Jacobs and by Holman and Harmon to explore the personality of Gilbert which makes her have that kind of actions and thoughts. Besides that, the researcher also uses the theory of feminism in order to identify the way of actions and thought of Gilbert can reflect the feminism.




A. Object of the Study

In this part, the researcher explains the object that is used in the study. As it was mentioned previously, the object of this study is from a novel entitled Eat,

Pray, Love. Eat, Pray, Love is a novel written by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book the most iconic book written by Gilbert. This novel is published in 2006, by Penguin

Books. The story has the first-person point of view because the content is about

Gilbert's journey, the writer and the major character. So "I" is the storyteller.

The story is about the journey of the life of a writer named Elizabeth

Gilbert (Liz) from New York. Liz is an educated woman, who has everything in her life. A nice house, a good career, a husband, and friends who support her. With all that she gets in her life, she is supposed to be happy, but instead, she experiences a midlife crisis, and also depression. At the beginning of the story,

Gilbert comes to to meet the old medicine man, Ketut Liyer. Ketut said that

Gilbert will have two marriage, one long and another is short. Not long after she comes back to New York, she divorces her husband because she is unhappy with her 8 years old marital life. After passing tough enmity, finally, the husband of

Gilbert finally agreed to be separated.

Before Gilbert's husband is finally agreed to be divorced, Gilbert is having a relationship with David, a man whose age is 8 years younger than Gilbert whose




age was 36 at that time. Unfortunately, the relationship also does not end up well because of the age gap.

Having no motivation in her life, Liz decided to search for her identity and recover her broken heart by traveling to three countries, Italy, India, and

Indonesia. Italy for her appetite, India for her God and Indonesia for the balance in her life. In those three countries, she often finds people asking for her marital status and mocking her for not being married. Some experiences give Gilbert flashbacks into her love life in the past. The journey of Gilbert makes her has different perception about marriage. Until finally, Gilbert meets Felipe from

Brazil, and she, at last, feels the feeling of being in love again after almost a year all she feels is emptiness.

B. Approach of the Study

In order to get the answers to the problem formulated, researcher chooses certain approach to analyze this research. The approach which is used in this study is feminist approach. Feminism approach is considered appropriate to be used in this study because this approach focuses on the struggle of women to avoid the existence of gender inequality

According to Barry in his book, women prefer to rely on men rather than fight by herself.

Feminist pointed out, for example, that in nineteenth-century fiction very few women work for a living unless they are driven to it by dire necessity. Instead, the focus of interest is on the heroine's choice of marriage partner, which will decide her ultimate social position and



exclusively determine her happiness and fulfillment in life, or her lack of these (Barry, 1995, p. 117).

This approach is related with the situation of Gilbert who chooses to work even though her husband also works and it makes her an independent woman.

Second, according to Maggie Humm in her book titled A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary Criticism, feminism is a synonym for women's emancipation (1994, p. 1). "Women become feminists by becoming conscious of, and criticizing, the power of symbolic misrepresentations of woman" (1994, p. 3). Humm also states that feminist literary critics are concerned with "the ways in which literary texts have the power to produce gender representations at odds with woman's experiences" (1994, p. ix).

It is also related with Gilbert's situation when she becomes aware that she should not be treated in a certain way by her husband, then finally she realizes that she can be freed from the patriarchy which undergone by her.

C. Method of the Study

This study used library research method. Meaning to say, the researcher gets the data from printed and electronic sources without going into the field and giving questionnaires. The primary source that was used is Eat, Pray, Love novel.

The secondary sources were books and articles which are related to this research.

The printed book used in this research was, first, A Reader's Guide to

Contemporary Feminist Literary Criticism by Maggie Humm. This book is used



in order to find the feminism approach which later is used to become the base research of this thesis. There were four steps which taken in order to analyze this study.

The first steps were reading and identifying the novel. Researcher reads the novel while listening to the audio book in order to understand the content better. Besides that, there are words which are not written in English, and by audio book, the researcher can understand the pronunciation of the words.

The second steps were making research questions then collecting the data in the novel, relating to the research question. Based on the content of the book

Eat, Pray, Love, researcher found the problems which considered interesting, then from the book also, the researcher found the data which later helps to analyze the formulated problems.

The third steps were finding the theories which were matched with the research questions, then the researcher analyzed the data collected before by applying with the theories which were found before.

The fourth step was making the conclusion after answering all of the research questions.




In this part of the study, researcher answers the two formulated problems.

This analysis is divided into two sections. The first section answers the first formulated problem, about patriarchal practice reflected through life experience of

Elizabeth Gilbert in. The next section answers the second formulated problems, about the response of Elizabeth Gilbert reflects feminism.

Before researcher dives into the analysis, researcher explains about the major and minor female characters who experience practice of patriarchy.

A. The Depiction of Female Characters

There are five characters who experiences the practices of patriarchy in

Eat, Pray, Love. One of those characters is the major character and the rest are minor. The major character of Eat, Pray, Love is Elizabeth Gilbert. Researcher analyzes the characteristic of Gilbert further in thrid formulated problems, but in this section, researcher writes how Gilbert is described in the novel to introduce the character toward the reader.

1. Elizabeth Gilbert is described as an independent woman. Gilbert can do everything by herself, including finances herself and her own husband. Gilbert is also confident. She believes in herself. “The Bhagavad Gita-that ancient Indian

Yogic text-says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.




So now I have started living my own life. Imperfect and clumsy as it may look, it is resembling me now, thoroughly” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 108).

Strong woman is also the appropriate word which describes Gilbert. She goes through the unhappy marriage to the tough depressing divorce life and she still manages. She does not give up on life, instead, she is motivated to build a new better life by doing the journey through Italy, India, and Indonesia.

So I stopped trying to choose-Italy? India? Or Indonesia?-and eventually just admitted that I wanted to travel to all of them. Four months in each place. A year in total. Of course this was a slightly more ambitious dream than “I want to buy myself a new pencil box.” But this is what I wanted. And I knew that I wanted to write about it (Gilbert, 2006, p. 41).

Gilbert is also described as a wise lady in seeing her problem. She does not blame anyone but she considers this situation as the way of transformation.

I look at the Augusteum, and I think that perhaps my life has not actually been so chaotic, after all. It is merely this world that is chaotic, bringing changes to us that nobody could have anticipated. The Augusteum warns me not to get attached to any obstole ideas about who I am, what I represent, whom I belong to, or what function I may once have intended to serve. Yesterday I might have been a glorious monument to somebody, true enough-but tomorrow I could be a fireworks depository. Even in the Eternal City, says the silent Augusteum, one must always be prepared for riotous and endless waves of transformation. (Gilbert, 2006, p. 88)

In her journey, Gilbert learns a lot of things from everybody and everything, even from abandoned building like Augusteum. The wisdom of

Gilbert plays a big role in helping her recover from her broken heart. Indeed,

Gilbert is the one who wants to break free from her marriage, but feelings of guilt often haunt her. “The tragedies in my life have been a personal and largely self-



created nature, not epically oppressive. I went thorugh a divorce and a depression, not a few centuries of murderous tyranny. I had crisis of identity, but I also had the resources (financial, artistic and emotional) with which try to work it out”

(Gilbert, 2006, p. 128). Gilbert is able to see the positive value of her divorce, and it helps her to recover from the wound caused by her divorce.

Gilbert is also described as an educated woman, it can be seen from her successful life being a writer.

As what has been mentioned before, there are four minor characters in Eat,

Pray, Love who undergo practice of patriarchy. The characters are:

2.Gilbert’s Mother

Mrs Gilbert’s characteristic can be disclosed from her conversation with

Gilbert and what Gilbert said about her. Referring to what Gilbert said about her mother, researcher can conclude that the characteristic of Mrs. Gilbert is that she is independent. “To my eye, there was nothing this woman could not do on her own” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 96).

Gilbert’s mother is also inferior. Her husband is ignorant, but she can manage the household well and does not complain about anything..

“My mother has made choices in her life, as we all must, and she is at peace with them. I can see her peace. She did not cop out on herself. The benefits of choices are massive-a long, stable marriage to a man she still calls her best friend; a family that has extended now into grandchildren who adore her; a certainty in her own strength. Maybe somethings were



sacrified, … - but who amongst us lives without sacrifice? (Gilbert, 2006, p. 97).

Different with Gilbert, her mother tends to accept everything just the way it is. Eventhough her husband is ignorant, she chooses to keep quiet and keep living life as usual. She does not demand her husband to give her more attention eventhough deep inside, she wants to be cared about.

3. Wayan

Wayan is the Balinese medicine woman who lately becomes the best friend of Elizabeth Gilbert. Wayan was a married woman with a daughter. Similar with Gilbert, Wayan was inferior but she takes an action to walk away from her unhealthy marriage. Her husband was abusive and jobless, but in Bali, if a woman married to a man, then the man holds the power over the woman. “I did everything before I got a divorce, praying everyday. But I had to go away from him” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 275).

Her struggle of having a divorce is huge. After the divorce, her husband keeps the daughter, Tutti. Wayan have done everything in order to get Tutti back.

She sells everything that she had even her bath matt to pay a lawyer. Her occupation of being a medicine woman is not enough to afford her divorce and lawyer. Now, Wayan is very poor. She moves from place to place. She does not have her own home.

The poverty of Wayan does not stop her from being kind. In the middle of misery, Wayan adopts two little beggars and takes care of them as if her own



children. “How a Balinese single mother facing eviction found it in her heart to take in two extra homeless children is something that reaches far beyond any understanding I’ve ever had about the meaning of compassion” (Gilbert, 2006, p.


Wayan is a brave woman because Balinese mostly are unhappy if they found out that a woman is a divorcee,

When I told her I wasn’t married (“Not yet!”) she looked taken aback.

“Never been married?” she asked.

“No,” I lied. I don’t like lying, but generally have found it’s easier not to mention divorce to the Balinese because they get so upset about it (Gilbert, 2006, p. 275).

The conversation between Wayan and Gilbert shows that Balinese are upset toward divorces. But Wayan did divorce her husband to escape the patriarchy.

4. Nyomo

Nyomo is the wife of Gilbert’s medicine man, Ketut Liyer. In the novel,

Nyomo is described as a fierce but kind lady. She is not friendly, but she is kind.

Also, in Eat, Pray, Love, Nyomo has two husband, Ketut Liyer and his brother. It is not because she married to both men, but because the real wife of Ketut had passed away, so Nyomo takes care of both house hold.

“Nyomo not really my wife, Liss. She the wife of my brother.” Seeing my confused expression, he added, “This typical Bali,” and explained. Ketut’s older brother, who is a rice farmer, lives next door to Ketut and is married to Nyomo. They had three children together. Ketut and his wife, on the



other hand, were unable to have any children at all, so they adopted one of Ketut’s brother’s sons in order to have an heir” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 299).

It is the beginning of Nyomo becomes the wife of both brothers. After

Ketut’s wife died, Nyomo starts to taking care of both household. Nyomo treats

Ketut as if Ketut is her own husband, unless they do not have sex together. “Then he called Nyomo over to relay the question to her, to let her know that the

American lady wants to know why they don’t have sex with each other. Nyomo about died laughing at the very thought of it. She came over and punched me in the arm, hard” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 299).

5. Wayan’s Patients

Balinese women who are pointed out in this section is Wayan’s patient who undergo violence by their husband. Wayan said that most of Balinese women are afraid of their man so that if their family have no child, then it will be a problem for the woman because the woman will be blamed no matter what. Then

Wayan will hire drivers in Bali to impregnate her patients. That is how she saves her patients. “ This treatment is only neccesary because it’s not possible to tell a

Balinese man that he is infertile without risking that he will go home and do something terrible to his wife” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 323).

Most of Balinese women are inferior. Being afraid with their husband, makes Balinese women are willing to be impregnated by stranger, as long as their cfcxnot know how to make love with her wife. They do it roughly like rooster, said Wayan.



The practices of patriarchy in Eat, Pray, Love are portrayed through male superiority and domestic violence toward women refer to the issues in the formulated problem (Gilbert, 2006, p. 323).

B. The Practice of Patriarchy Undergone by Female Characters in Eat,

Pray, Love

There are two conflicts which experienced by female characters.The first one is male superiority and the second one is the violence toward female. Every characters experience internal conflict, and some characters such as Gilbert and

Wayan have external conflict. The internal conflict happens because the female characters are overwhelmed with the patriacrchy system. While external conflict happens because the characters have some conflicts with their husband.

1. Male Superiority

The superiority of male obviously seen in this novel. Gilbert, before doing the journey, was going through a hard time due to her divorce. She cannot stand her husband because she is exhausted from becoming the breadwinner and being responsible for the household tasks. Unfortunately, her husband refuses to separate and insist to be together.

I had actively participated in every moment of the creation in this life-so why did I feel like none of it resembled me? Why did I feel so overwhelmed with duty, tired of being the primary breadwinner and the housekeeper and the social coordinator and the dog-walker and the wife and the soon-to-be mother, and somewhere in my stolen moments-a writer?(Gilbert,2006,p.21)



The husband of Gilbert tends to do fewer responsibilities than Gilbert, and he tends to think that it is not a problem to do that kind of thing. At the beginning of their marital life, Gilbert was fine with that situation, but after their marriage has lasted for eight years, Gilbert thinks that it is not a right thing to do.

Gilbert is overwhelmed with all the responsibilities that burdened her. As the result, she divorces her husband. Based on the novel, her husband finally agreed to be separated. He demands Gilbert's money and makes Gilbert pay a lot of money as the condition to let her go. At this point, Gilbert has to do what her husband said in order to get what she wants. This situation shows the dominance of the husband toward the wife because whether she wants it or not, she has to do the husband's order. According to patriarchy theory by Learner, "men are superior to women and women are part of men's property, so women should be controlled by men and this produces woman's subordination".

Related to the previous explanation, in Gilbert's situation, she cannot solely make the decision to divorce her husband even though she is unhappy with her marriage. It is because her husband's power authority prevent her from making the decision. Her husband agreed to divorce but on the condition that Gilbert had to give him a lot of money. Gilbert is still being controlled by her husband even though they are in the process of divorce, and she has no choice but obeying her husband's order. She has to obey her husband because the only way to get a divorce is following what her husband wants, such as giving him the money she earned including royalties and retirement. Reffering to this situation, Gilbert



experiences internal conflict because she have a conflict with herself who feels overwhelmed with her husband.

A year and a half after I left, my husband was finally ready to discuss terms of a settlement. Yes, he wanted cash and the house and the lease on the Manhattan apartment-everything I'd been offering the whole while. But he was also asking for things I'd never even considered (a stake in the royalties of books I'd written during the marriage, a cut of possible future movie rights to my work, a share of my retirement accounts, etc). (Gilbert, 2006, p. 41)

Besides the male superiority experienced by Gilbert, there are many of

Wayan's patients which also undergo male superiority. When Gilbert stays in Bali, she finds out that Balinese women also undergo patriarchal practice. Wayan is a

Balinese medicine woman who becomes the best friend of Gilbert in Bali. Wayan tells a lot about Balinese culture to Gilbert. She says when a couple has no children, so the one who is blamed is the female for sure.

She said that if a couple is not having luck conceiving a child, she will examine both the man and the woman to determine who is, as they say, to blame. If it is the woman, no problem-Wayan can fix this with ancient healing techniques. But if it is the man-well, this presents a delicate situation here in the patriarchy of Bali (Gilbert, 2006, p. 322)

As stated also in the novel, In Bali, even though it is proven that the man is the one who is sterile, people tend to blame the woman for not having children.

Wayan claims that she often handles the infertile couple. If the woman is the one who is infertile, Wayan gives them a treatment to cure infertility. But, it becomes the problem when the one who is infertile is the male. Men cannot accept the reality that they are infertile and they will abuse their wives to express their anger.



Referring to Walby, as cited in Sultana (2010), "patriarchy as a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress and exploit women" (p. 20). Referring to the statement of Walby that when women are dominated, oppressed, and exploited by men can be considered as patriarchy.

Wayan and her patients undergo what is stated by Walby about patriarchy. The oppression here happens due to the gender differentiation in which male is more dominant than female, and as the result, men feel more superior.

It is beyond the pale of safety to inform a Balinese man that he is sterile; it cannot possibly be true. Men are men, after all. If no pregnancy is occurring, it has to be the woman's fault. And if the woman doesn't provide her husband with a baby soon, she could be in big trouble- beaten, shamed or divorced ( Gilbert, 2006, p. 322).

If men are considered superior, it will be ashamed if he is sterile. Related to the quotation above, men in Bali are embarrassed if their reproductive organs do not work properly so that they might do certain actions mentioned above such as beating, shaming, and divorcing the woman.

The third male domination is shown through Ketut Liyer's family, from

Bali. In Bali, Gilbert has a spiritual teacher named Ketut Liyer. Ketut Liyer is a

Balinese old medicine man. As what has been discussed in the preceding section, the society in Bali is dominated by the man. Ketut Liyer has a wife named

Nyomo. The wife of Ketut Liyer is actually not his real wife. She is the wife of

Ketut Liyer's brother. After Ketut's wife passed away, Nyomo takes care not only her husband but also her brother's husband. Ketut says that it is Balinese's characteristic.



When Ketut's wife died, Nyomo began living in both family compounds, splitting her time between the two households, taking care of both her husband and his brother, and tending to the two families of her children. She is in every way a wife to Ketut in the Balinese manner (cooking, cleaning, taking care of households religious ceremonies and rituals) except that they don't have sex together (Gilbert, 2006, p. 299).

In line with the theory by Learner, proposed that women are part of men's property. In this case, Nyomo is the property of both brothers, especially Ketut, because Ketut still needs a woman to take care of the households. Nyomo is willing to do all the hard work in taking care of two households even though

Nyomo and Ketut are not husband and wife. It is unequal because Nyomo is considered responsible for two brothers' households, and it is her duty to take care of both households just because she is a woman.

2. The violence of the male toward the female

Another form of patriarchy is violence of male toward the female. This practice also can be seen in Eat, Pray, Love. According to Slabbret and Green, there are four types of domestic violence toward women; physical, emotional, sexual, and economical abusive (2013, pp. 237-241). The violence becomes an external conflict of the female characters confront their husbands. Gilbert and

Wayan have external conflict because they do something about their marriage.

And, their husbands fight back. It’s called external conflict.

While the other characters such as Nyomo, Gilbert’s mother, and Wayan’s patients experience internal conflict because they do not express their feeling, but they are struggling emotionally.



The first domestic violence that is discussed is economic abuse. Economic abuse varies from irresponsible behavior such as squandering money on chemical substances to refusing to contribute financially to the living expenses. (2013, p.

241). The condition when Gilbert has to pay a lot of money including her retirement saving shows that she undergoes economical abuse.

Economical abuse occurs when the abused women do not have control over their money, as their partners control all the finances. It was also found that some abused women who worked had to hand over their salaries to their partners.

“But he was also asking for things I'd never even considered (a stake in the royalties of books I'd written during the marriage, a cut of possible future movie rights to my work, a share of my retirement accounts, etc)” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 41).

At the end of their marriage, the husband demands the money, royalties, retirement saving, and it is considered as economical abuse because the worked women had to hand over their salaries to their partners.

Economical abuse also happens to Wayan, the medicine woman from Bali who lately becomes Gilbert's best friend. Wayan, in the story, is told that her partner exploits her and the money earned by Wayan is taken by her husband for his gambling and drunk addict. "Wayan's Balinese husband, she told me, was a man who drinks all the time, always gamble, lose all their money, then beat her when she doesn't give him more money for to gamble and to drink" (Gilbert,

2006, p. 275). In this case, Wayan undergoes the economical abuse because she does not only have to hand over her salaries to her partners, but also the husband



also misused the money for his own interests which put his family into an unfavorable situation.

Different from Gilbert, Wayan's husband exploits her and misused the money. Wayan here is the breadwinner as well, but she is more unfortunate than

Gilbert because she cannot enjoy her own income, and her family cannot be prosperous even though she works so hard due to the misappropriation of money done by her husband.

There often is a false perception that women are solely responsible for the housekeeping, child-rearing and have to be the breadwinner, which exposes them to economic abuse. The situation where Gilbert becomes the breadwinner and responsible for the housekeeping cannot be categorized as economic abuse. In this case, Gilbert becomes the breadwinner, but the husband does not misuse the money, so it cannot be categorized as the economical abuse because economical abuse happens when the women are working, and they have to hand over their salary, and the husband misused the money. Wayan undergoes economical abuse in her entire marriage, while Gilbert undergoes economical abuse in her divorce process.

The second domestic violence which happens in Eat, Pray, Love is emotional abuse. Emotional abuse first happens to the mother of Gilbert. As it was mentioned before, Gilbert's mother is an obedient wife. She accepts her husband for who he is, and never complains even though he often ignores her.

What I grew up watching in my household was a mother who would receive her husband's love and affection whenever he thought to offer it, but would then step aside and take care of herself whenever he drifted



into his peculiar universe of low-grade oblivious neglect (Gilbert, 2006, p. 95).

The ignorance of Gilbert's father leads him into emotional abuse toward his wife. Referring to the theory of domestic violence by Slabbert and Green, there are two types of emotional abuse, they are verbal and non-verbal. In the case of Gilbert parents here, the father of Gilbert does non-verbal emotional abuse because he ignores one’s partner, which results in the breaking down of the victim’s self-esteem and self-worth.

"You have to understand how little I was raised to expect that I deserved in life, honey. Remember-I comes from a different time and place than you do"

(Gilbert, 2006, p. 96). From the line which said by Gilbert's mother to Gilbert, it can be seen that she feels not worthy. Her husband contributes to breaking down her self-esteem and self-worth.

Gilbert father is described as a man who is rigid and does not really care about his wife.

So many times I had wished with David that I could behave more as my mother does in her marriage-independent, strong, self-sufficient. A self- feeder. Able to exist without regular doses of romance or flattery from my solitary farmer of a father. Able to cheerfully plant gardens of daisies among the inexplicable stone walls of silence that my dad sometimes builds up around himself. My dad is quite simply my favorite person in the world, but he is a bit of an odd case. An ex-boyfriend of mine once described him this way: "Your father only has one foot on this earth. And really, really long legs . . ." (Gilbert, 2006, p. 95).

The quotation shows that Gilbert's father does not give enough affection toward her mother. Gilbert mother is patient and obedient so that she is fine with that. She



chooses to be someone who does not depend on her husband and does not take it as a big deal even though it hurts her.

Gilbert's father rarely shows his love toward his wife. It depends on his mood. Gilbert's mother does not ask for love whenever her husband does not feel to show any love. She does not complain but she admits that it hurts her. Gilbert's mother also tells Gilbert when Gilbert confides about her feeling toward her always-unhappy relationship, and Gilbert's mother confesses that she actually wants to always be loved. She said that "You have to understand how little I was raised to expect that I deserved in life, honey. Remember-I comes from a different time and place than you do" (Gilbert, 2006, p. 96).

This situation shows the violence of a male toward the female because the father of Gilbert can do whatever he wants, and her mother has to accept the attitude of her husband without complaining.

From the quotation above, it can be seen that Gilbert's mother does not feel free to do anything she likes. "... you have to understand how little I was raised to expect that I deserved in life" shows the submissive trait of her. Upbringing at the time Mrs. Gilbert taught her to be obedient and accept whatever happens to her.

The mother of Gilbert even restricts her feeling. She does not expect her husband to make her happy. She does it by herself, because her husband is superior, and she thinks it is forbidden for her to ask for affection from her husband because she is a woman. Deep inside, Gilbert's mother actually craves for affection. "All those things that you want from your relationship, Liz? I always wanted those things too" (Gilbert, 2006, p. 96).



Physical abuse also happens to Wayan. Wayan again undergoes domestic violence; physical abuse. As it was mentioned before, "Wayan's Balinese husband, she told me, was a man who drinks all the time, always gamble, lose all their money, then beat her when she doesn't give him more money to gamble and to drink” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 275). Wayan is beaten by her own husband if she does not give what he wants. Beating is obviously a physical abuse.

The physical abuse has undergone by Wayan also leaves marks on her body.

She parted her hair, showed me scars on her head and said, "This is from when he hit me with motorcycle helmet. Always, he was hitting me with this motorcycle helmet when he is drinking, when I don't make money. He hit me so much, I go unconscious, dizzy, can't see" (Gilbert, 2006, p. 276).

The physical abuse which experienced by Wayan is the type of physical abuse which leaves the evidence because the scars imprint on her body forever.

The last domestic violence which happens in Eat, Pray, Love is sexual abuse. Referring to what has been said by Wayan to Gilbert in page 323, that

"Men in Bali don't know how to make a love to a woman, anyway. Most husbands, it is like rooster, like goats" (Gilbert, 2006).

According to domestic violence theory, sexual abuse “referred to as marital rape, whereby the male assumes that it is his right and privilege to have sex whenever he wishes and in any form he desires, without taking his female partner’s feelings into consideration” (2013, p. 240). According to what Wayan said, the Balinese men ignore the feeling of the women when they make love to their spouses. Having sex should be pleasurable for both man and their spouses.

Instead, it is mentioned that most husbands do it like an animal.



C. Feminism Reflected Through Elizabeth Gilbert's Responses Toward


In the second section of this chapter, researcher provides the responses of

Elizabeth Gilbert toward the practice of patriarchy which are discussed in the previous section, and the reasons why those responses are regarded as the reflection of feminism. Gilbert and the woman she met experienced abuses which are considered as the practice of patriarchy, Gilbert shows her responses toward the patriarchal practice. Gilbert's actions and thought reflects feminism, and it is the discussion of this section.

The practice of patriarchy is the conflict of this novel. It is considered as conflict because the mindset between the society and the female characters in Eat,

Pray, Love are different. Those differences lead those characters into conflict.

1. Gilbert's Responses Toward Male Superiority

In the first part of this chapter, it is said that men consider themselves as more superior because of the differentiation of biological sex. In the beginning,

Gilbert allows herself to be considered as inferior and lets her husband becomes superior by being the breadwinner and responsible for all of the households tasks.

Gilbert was fine with all the circumstances until she feels that she is exhausted and decides to change.



She realizes that being a wife does not mean that she has to be inferior and obedient, especially the reality that she can earn her own money and she is independent (meaning to say she is fine without her husband which burdened her at that time), aware her that she is superior.

Gilbert's characteristic actually shows that she is superior. There is some evidence that Gilbert is not supposed to be regarded as inferior. First, Gilbert is a woman who loves to learn something new. Gilbert is a writer. Of course, a writer has to know a lot of things. Gilbert in her book, tells that she loves learning something new and she always expands her knowledge in every occasion that she has. "I've been trying to read through one newspaper article every day, no matter how long it takes. I look up approximately every third word in my dictionary"

(Gilbert, 2006, p. 49).

Gilbert loves learning everything even when she was a child. This habit makes Gilbert clever so that she becomes a great writer. As the reader, the researcher considers Gilbert as an educated woman because she portrays her willingness to learn a certain knowledge she does not know before.

I wandered through, touching all the books, hoping that anyone watching me might think I was a native speaker. Oh, how I want Italian to open itself up to me! This feeling reminded me of when I was four years old and couldn't read yet, but was dying to learn (Gilbert, 2006, p. 49).

This curiosity is the one which brings Gilbert into the journey to the three countries, Italy, India, and Indonesia. In Italy, she wants to learn the Italian



language. For her, the Italian language is sexy. She even takes a class in Italy to learn Italy language from native Italian.

I am learning about twenty new Italian words a day. I'm always studying, flipping through my index cards while, I walk around the city, dodging local pedestrians. Where am I getting the brain space to store these words? I'm hoping that maybe my mind has decided to clear out some old negative thoughts and sad memories and replace them with these shiny new words (Gilbert, 2006, p. 84).

Even when she travels, Gilbert is willing to take a class in order to get a bit knowledge about the language in Italy which for her is beautiful. Liz also travels to India in order to meet Guru Gita, a spiritual teacher in an ashram in India. She comes to India in order to learn how to meditate and chant God's name in

Sanskrit. Last, she comes to Indonesia in order to meet a medicine man, Ketut

Liyer, who teaches her about the relationship between God and human so that the soul of her can be balanced.

I wanted to explore the art of pleasure in Italy, the art of devotion in India, and in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two. It was only later, after admitting this dream, that I noticed the happy coincidence that all these countries begin with letter I. A fairly auspicious sign, it seemed, on a voyage of self-discovery (Gilbert, 2006, p. 41).

Gilbert wants to try something new and she does not just surrender to the fate that she has to split with her husband in her 30s. The characteristic of Gilbert about how she loves to learn something new shows that she is an educated woman and being an educated woman, it means she is as powerful as she is supported by



her knowledge. Her knowledge also leads her to become a great writer which gives her many experiences and much money.

Besides being educated, Gilbert is also financially independent. By being financially independent, she does not have to depend on anyone. Instead, her husband depends on her because she is the primmer breadwinner. And as the results, her husband panicked when she decides to get a divorce.

As what is stated by Montagu, “women have been formed to believe that they are inferior to men, and they have assumed that what everyone believes is a fact of nature. Since men occupy the superior positions in almost all societies, such superiority is taken to be a natural one". Here, Gilbert breaks that stereotype.

She shows that she is not inferior, and she knows for sure that she is not inferior.

She knows her worth, and when her husband does not treat her the way she deserves, she chooses to leave.

Actually, Liz is independent in every way. It can be seen she also does not need any companion for traveling to Italy, India, and Indonesia.

I had actively participated in every moment of the creation in this life-so why did I feel like none of it resembled me? Why did I feel so overwhelmed with duty, tired of being the primary breadwinner and the housekeeper and the social coordinator and the dog-walker and the wife and the soon-to-be mother, and somewhere in my stolen moments-a writer? (Gilbert, 2006, p. 21).

Being a successful writer makes her have more income than her husband so that it makes her becomes the primer breadwinner in the household. Other than that,

Gilbert also has to do the most of the household tasks.



Gilbert aware that she could do anything by herself "How do the survivors of terminated relationship ever endure the pain of unfinished business? From that place of meditation, I found the answer-you can finish the business yourself, from within yourself. It's not only possible, but it's also essential' (Gilbert, 2006, p.

200). Gilbert's independence is her strength because that way, she is not dependent on men, and men cannot underestimate her.

Gilbert in here shows the feminism because according to the theory of feminism by Humm, the differentiation of biological sex forms a stereotype which makes the society views women as less intellectually and physically capable than men. But Gilbert proves that she is capable, even she is more capable than man, her husband, for example.

Second, Gilbert also shows that she can liberate herself from the marriage which leads her into unhappiness. The husband of Gilbert tends to be ignorant because he lets Gilbert does most of the hard work by herself. Realizing this situation, Gilbert does not just sit still and accept her fate. She makes a decision: divorces her husband. Gilbert chooses to liberate herself from her marital life rather than living in unhappiness.

Being separated from her husband is her final decision. "let it be sufficient to say that, on this night, he was still my lighthouse and albatross in equal measure. The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying. The only thing more impossible than staying was leaving" (Gilbert, 2006, p. 22).

The situation of Elizabeth Gilbert here is similar with Jackson and

Faulkner's writing in her book titled Women's Studies: A Reader, about women's



issue in facing the husbands which not doing anything in the households. Jackson and Faulkner state that women are responsible for many things in family includes organizing, managing and executing the work of reproduction in all its aspects.

And instead of being appreciated, women are still being financially exploited by their husband (1993, p. 185).

The action taken by Gilbert shows the spirit of feminism because she does not let herself to be treated unfairly. She has power, because she is financially independent, and get used to doing everything by herself and it makes her does not depend on her husband. Also, she has the courage to take the action; leaving her husband because she thinks she deserves better.

According to Humm, feminism is about liberating women "Contemporary women's liberation or feminist action is consciously revolutionary. It breaks with reformism; it is internationalist and it simultaneously attacks the state, cultural ideology and the economy" (1995, p. 151).

Gilbert succeeds to liberate herself from the shackles of unhealthy marriage. She refuses patriarchal practice which done by her husband.

Unfortunately, Gilbert is not the only victim of patriarchal practice. Her mother is also the victim of patriarchal practice.

The action taken by Gilbert shows her characteristic. She is independent and not obedient. Not obedient here is not that she against her husband. Gilbert had done her duty as a wife, even she has done everything for her family, but when her husband does not give her happiness, she takes action to leave.



The male superiority undergone by Balinese women who are Wayan's patients and Nyomo affects the way of thinking of Gilbert toward her divorce. Right after her divorce, Gilbert tends to feel guilty because it is her decision to be separated from her husband.

My guilt at having left him forbade me from thinking I should be allowed to keep even a dime of the money I'd made in the last decade. Moreover, my newfound spiritually made it essential to me that we, not battle. So this was my position-I would neither defend myself from him, nor I would fight him. For the longest time, against the counsel of all who cared about me, I resisted even consulting a lawyer, because I considered even that to be an act of war. (Gilbert, 2006, p. 28)

But, after she sees there are many practices of patriarchy out there which happen to women whom she meets in the journey, she realizes that she made the right decision back then. Gilbert cannot do anything about what happens to

Nyomo and Wayan's patients, but it affects her way of thinking. "And I was reassured, maybe my life hasn't been so chaotic, it's just the world that is, and the real trap is getting attached to any of it. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 88)

2. Gilbert Responses Toward Domestic Violence Which Experienced By


As a former patriarchal victim as well, Gilbert knows the struggle of the suffering which experienced. As it is stated above, Wayan, Gilbert's new best friend told her that she is a divorcee as well. She decides to separate from her husband because her husband is abusive, and unemployment. Worse, he exploits

Wayan financially for his gambling and drunk addict. Wayan cannot stand the



oppression anymore, so she chooses to split with her husband. Wayan had a lot of difficult times in order to be separated and reunited with her daughter.

Bali is a patriarchy to the end. In the rare case of a divorce, the children automatically belong to the father. To get Tutti back, Wayan had to hire a lawyer whom she paid with every single thing she had. I mean everything. She sold not only her furniture and jewelry but also her forks and spoons, her socks and shoes, her old washcloths and half-burned candles-everything went to pay that lawyer (Gilbert, 2006, p. 276). Similar to Gilbert, Wayan sacrifices everything in order to liberate herself from the unhappiness of marriage. Wayan refuses to be a patriarchal slave and does the action so that she can escape from the never-ending nightmare. Humm states in her theory, that feminist concerns about the women who are working and experience oppression in their marriage (1992, p. 185)

Feeling in the same boat, Gilbert is moved to help the poor Wayan in order to release her from misfortune. “Therefore, I explained a cheaper and more lovely way to help celebrate this birthday would be if my friends would care to make a donation to help a woman named Wayan Nuriyasih in Indonesia for herself and her children” (Gilbert, 2006, p.294).

Gilbert also gives emotional support to Wayan because she also has experienced the same thing as Wayan.

“I never tell anybody these things before about my divorce,” she told me. “But my life is heavy, too much sad, too much hard. I don't understand why life is so hard.”

Then I did a strange thing. I took both the healer's hands in mine and I said with the most powerful conviction, “The hardest part of your life is behind you now, Wayan.” (Gilbert, 2006, p. 278)



In here, the action taken by Elizabeth Gilbert shows feminism value because she helps Wayan to liberate her from state and economy difficulty. Even though

Wayan cannot afford a house for herself and her children. The action taken by

Gilbert shows her support toward a fellow woman

Second, this section discusses the emotional abuse which has undergone by Gilbert's mother. In Gilbert's family, her father is superior to her mother. As it was mentioned in section A, Gilbert's mother is an obedient woman and is not demanding a lot of things from her husband. She is fine with her husband who does not give enough affection, tends to be ignorant and she does not complain about having a husband like that.

Gilbert, in her discussion with her mother, responds to her mother's story about her father.

"The problem is, I'm not like my moment though her mother chooses to be obedient and submissive, Gilbert refuses to be that kind of woman. I'm not as though as you, Mom. There's a constant level of closeness that I really need from the person I love. I wish I could be more like you, but it just destroys me to not be able to count on that affection when I need it." she said, "All those things that you want from your relationship, Liz? I have always wanted those things too" (Gilbert, 2006, p. 96).

Gilbert's mother chooses to be strong and does not take her husband's attitude as a big deal. Mrs. Gilbert tends to divert her sadness by making herself busy instead of complaining to her husband. Even though her mother chooses to be obedient and submissive, Gilbert refuses to be that kind of woman.

On page 96, Mrs. Gilbert states that Elizabeth's relationship is similar to hers. But, in Gilbert's response, "I wish I could be more like you, but it just



destroys me to not be able to count on that affection when I needed." Gilbert emphasizes that she cannot be like her mother. She chooses to be happy.

In Humm's theory, Gilbert liberates herself not from the culture, not from the economy (because she is financially independent), but from the state. The circumstances which disadvantage her as a woman. Jackson and Faulkner mention all men can potentially use violence as a powerful means of subordinating woman.

Gilbert does not let herself to be subordinate, so she lets her husband go.

Gilbert is aware that she and her mother had experienced patriarchal practice, and it is unpleasant. So she decides to not have the same mistake. The decision of Gilbert and the state of Gilbert about she who have a needs of affection and cannot do what her mother does shows the feminism because she chooses her own way to live her own life.

Gilbert and Wayan are able to escape the patriarchy because they are financially independent. While Nyomo and Gilbert’s mother are incapable, because they both financially dependent.




This chapter concludes the analysis of the study. The goal of this thesis is to reveal the feminism as seen through Gilbert's response in confronting the patriarchal practice in Eat, Pray, Love. Researcher uses the experiences of some of the women who undergo patriarchal practice in Eat, Pray, Love to discover feminism. The responses of Elizabeth Gilbert toward the patriarchal practices, which are undergone by her and women she met in the journey, reveal the feminism.

There are two major discussions of this research. The first one is the practice of patriarchy reflected in Eat, Pray, Love., and the second is the responses of Gilbert toward patriarchy which reflect the feminism. Another discussion is used for the introduction of each female characters in order to ease the reader to understand the characters. The researcher analyzes the novel and answers the formulated problem provided in the first chapter.

In the first discussion, researcher gives the description about how the female characters which will be analyzed in second discussion are depicted. As the result, there are five female characters which analyzed. The first one is

Gilbert. Gilbert is described as an indeppendent, strong, confident, educated, and wise woman. The second character is Gilbert’s mother. Gilbert mother is described as strong, but inferior wife. Next, researcher analyze Wayan’




characteristic. As the result, Wayan is independent, kind, and hard worker woman.

Then the description about Nyomo is that she is an unfriendly but kind lady, and also she is inferior. And the last one is Wayan’s patients are discribed as inferior and submissive women.

In the second discussion, it is divided into two section. The practice of patriarchy in Eat, Pray, Love is divided into male superiority and domestic violence. In male superiority, there are four kinds of male superiority.

The first one is undergone by Gilbert, the major character. Her ignorance husband lets her be the breadwinner and responsible for the household as well.

Not only that, he makes Gilbert pays him a lot of money if she wants to be separated. The situations experienced by Gilbert shows that she is being controlled by her husband. The second one is undergone by Wayan's patients. If

Balinese women cannot have children, women are the one who takes the blame. It is caused by the differentiation of biological sex makes male feels more powerful, as the result, men might be ashamed to admit that they are infertile and will abuse, even worse, divorce their wives if people caught that they are infertile. The last one has undergone by Nyomo. The male superiority which is undergone by her is that she is responsible to two households, the household of her own and the household of her husband's brother. It is because her brother in law does not have a wife figure to take care of the household. That situation shows that women are part of men's property.



The second section of the first discussion is talking about the domestic violence. Not only male superiority, the female characters in Eat, Pray, Love also undergo domestic violence. The domestic violence is divided into four.

The first one is economic abuse. Economical abuse is experienced by

Gilbert and Wayan. Both women undergo economical abuse because their husband forces them to give money to their husband, while Gilbert and Wayan are being the breadwinner. The second one is emotional abuse. The emotional abuse is experienced by Gilbert's mother. She often being ignored by her husband, and her husband only gives her affection whenever he feels like to give it. The third one is physical abuse. Wayan is the one who experienced the physical abuse. The physical abuse happens when her husband asks her for some money but she refuses to give it, and she will be beaten. And the last one is sexual abuse. The sexual abuses are undergone by Balinese women. Wayan said that Balinese men do not know how to make love. They do it like an animal, without considering the feeling of their partner. That violence happens because by abusing, men can show their power and dominance, and it causes women to be submissive and obedient.

The second discussion talks about the responses of Gilbert toward patriarchy reflect feminism. Similar to the first discussion, it is also divided into two section.

The first one is Gilbert responses toward male superiority. Gilbert clearly refuses to be inferior. It is shown by how she left her husband who dominates her. Gilbert realizes that she is independent and able to earn her own income. She also does not want to be like her mother who suffers because her husband does not give enough affection. Gilbert knows her worth. And by seeing other females



experiences, she becomes more certain with her decision. Second, Gilbert responses toward domestic violence are that she helps Wayan who is also a divorcee to go through the hard life which experienced by her. Wayan's poverty makes Gilbert raises fund in order to help Wayan to have a house. Not only that, but Gilbert also support Wayan emotionally because she knows how it feels about going through the divorced life.



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