Rural Roundup

School/Pre school/Term dates A Moon Halo (moonlight reflecting off ice crystals high in the atmosphere) Pictured by Claire Inglin of

Kingsdown Beach, taken by Joanne Turpin

Issue Number 52 April, 2015

The Community Magazine for Kingsdown -w-Oxney Ripple Sutton, Ashley, Studdal &



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2 Hello All, Here I am back again. I must say a big thank you to Joe for doing last month’s issue. It was really good to have a short break. I’ve been wondering what to mention this month. Sunflowers come to mind. It is about the time to start thinking about planting your sunflower seeds again as I will be keeping my eye open for the tallest blooms again this year. Staying on the flower subject, Kingsdown & Ringwould ‘Front Gardens in Bloom’ will be launched at the Parish Council AGM at Kingsdown Village Hall on Thursday 16th April, from 6.00pm. Come and register your interest or pick up your entry form. This year plans are afoot to work in conjunc- tion with the Kingsdown Garden Society to have a ‘Back Garden’ category ending up with ‘An Open Garden Sunday’ in September. All will be revealed on the 16th. Something is worrying me! Every month I receive emails or phone calls asking me when the closing date is for copy for Rural Roundup, often too late to include an item. The closing date is ALWAYS listed in the calendar of events (in bold) and also on page 19 under the Church Services, so please make sure you note it and get copy in on time. It is particularly important for the May issue as I will have to get the issue to the printer before being indisposed for a few weeks (going to have a new knee). I am well aware that not all events and activities are always listed in the monthly calendar. It would help if you could send your dates in for the year so that we can refer to them each month. If you arrange one off events, please send the details well in advance to gain maximum publicity. You will see on page 5 that a new group has been set up, Friends of Kingsdown Play Park. This is a group of parents and friends who are keen to fund -raise (with the support of Ringwould -w-Kingsdown Parish Council) to create a super play area for all ages to enjoy, Please support their enthusiasm if you can. With my Parish Council hat on, I must say it is very encouraging to see there are several new people putting their names forward for the coming local elections. This is a very healthy situation to be in. Now it will be up to all of you to cast your votes on Thursday 7th May. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had a record turn-out in our area. All the best, Doreen.

Editor:- Doreen Clark, Popinjay Balmoral Road, Kingsdown. CT14 8DB Tel:- 01304 362 333 - Email:- [email protected] Treasurers:- Mr Martin & Mrs Helen Rodney-Smith 2 Ringwould Cottage, Back Street, Ringwould, Deal, Kent CT14 8HN Tel:- 01304 373 795 - Email:- [email protected]. Rates for advertising - Copy to Editor. (accepted providing space is available) Whole-page single edition £35.25 - Whole-page Annual (10 issues) £325.00 Half-page single edition £19.00 - Half-page Annual (10 issues) £165.00 Third-page single edition £14.00 - Third-page Annual (10 issues) £115.00 Quarter-page single edition £11.00 - Quarter-Page Annual (10 issues) £ 85.00 Sixth-page single edition £ 8.00 - Sixth-page Annual (10 issues) £ 55.00 Colour 10% extra Payment :- All cheques to be made out to “Rural Roundup” and sent to the treasurer please The Editor reserves the right to edit or omit submissions without referral. Articles may not always reflect opinion of the Church, Parish or Editor. © Rural Roundup 2010 3 BROADSTAIRS GLASS

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4 Kingsdown News correspondent:- Barbara Brooker 51 Balmoral Road. Kingsdown CT14 8BY Tel:- 01304 369 537 or Email the editor direct to [email protected] Rural Roundup Distributor - Lesley Dobby Spring Cottage, The Avenue, Kingsdown, CT14 8DX Tel:- 01304 373 331

Sixth Kingsdown Garage Safari - Sunday 10th May from 9am To have a stall outside your house is £10 If interested you must register and pay by Friday 1st May. Ring Rita or Rex Martin on 01304 375 766

Kingsdown Rocks Events 2015 April 18th Race Night Cake Off in May - date to be announced. Music Quiz July 11th Last year the festival cost in the region of £8000 to stage, so we need your support at the fund raisers which also help to keep the ticket price down. Kingsdown Community Survey

The Meeting was very well attended. The working group would like to thank everyone who came, the volunteers who helped make the event such a great success, and Trevor Skelton for his support. The winning raffle ticket was 68 pink, please contact us before the 14th April 2015 to collect the £100 prize. If you would like a copy of the Survey Results contact [email protected] Barbara Hansom

Friends of Kingsdown Play Park is a new community group set up by local parents to improve the village play area. With the support of the Parish Council, we’re planning to completely rejuvenate the park with lots of new children’s play equipment, extra seating areas and outdoor gym equipment for all ages to enjoy. We’ve a lot to achieve to make this a reality, so if you’d like to help in any way, we’d love to hear from you. A really simple way to help us would be to sign the sheets dotted around the village to demonstrate your support for the redevelopment. These can be found in most of the shops and businesses in the village, including the Post Office, The King’s Head, Del’s Village Shop, the Ox-Tale Butchers, Indigo Hair, Kingsdown Holiday Park, Pre-School and the Primary School. As well as applying for grants from a variety of local and national funding bodies, we will also hold various fundraising events, starting with a stall at the Garage Safari on the 10th May. If you have any fundraising ideas, offers of help or you would like to know more, you can contact us via our website at kingsdownfriends, e-mail us at [email protected] or find us on facebook. Lisa Dennison

5 Deal KINGSDOWN PRE-SCHOOL Physiotherapy

Clinic We offer a caring stimulating environment Back/Neck Pain for children aged 2¼ to 5 years   Arthritis During Term Time Monday - Friday 9.15am – 12.15pm  Sports Injuries

Lunch sessions available on 87, Blenheim Road Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday Deal, for further details call Kent (01304) 379 727 or 07968 263 185 CT14 7DE Tel: (01304) 373 229

Also a Shaun Roper BSc (Hons), MCSP, PARENT & TODDLER GROUP SRP (Chartered Physiotherapist) Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.30pm

Two offices serving the Deal & area

* * *

1, Cliffe Road Kingsdown, Deal CT14 8AJ Telephone: (01304) 381 622 Email: [email protected]

* * * High Street St. Margaret’s-at-Cliffe, Dover CT15 6AT Telephone: (01304) 852 960 Email: [email protected]

6 Ringwould-w-Kingsdown Parish Council Clerk:- Katie Amaouche, Inglewood, Dover Road, Ringwould CT14 8BP Tel:- 01304 729 081 Email: [email protected]

 Despite one councillor in hospital, another struck down with flu, a third on holiday and a fourth having to work, the parish council meeting in March still managed to complete its business.  Members welcomed around fifteen members of the public who heard a shortened presentation of the results of the Kingsdown survey, which was presented by Trevor Skelton of CASE on behalf of the Kingsdown Survey Working Group.  Members pointed out that one of the suggested new amenities - a cash point – was already in existence in the village Post Office during opening hours.  A member of the public protested on behalf of North Road residents that the PC are consulting with DDC about possible solutions to the problem caused by litter and other rubbish dumped at household rubbish bins positioned at the public toilets in Undercliffe Rd.  Members reassured those present that this was not the case and the chairman said that there would be a full consultation at the appropriate time.  The Council discussed an offer to site a Defibrillator in a prominent position within the parish. Members asked for more information about the effectiveness of such equipment in a spread out rural environment.  Members approved funding for the next year for the Kingsdown public toilets after being told that the Service Level Agreement to maintain this facility had been renegotiated from around £6,500 to around £4,500.  Community Warden Malcolm Wells told the meeting that he was retiring from his post shortly and that he was unlikely to be replaced. Members thanked him for his support of the village and wished him well in the future.  Members approved a contract for grass cutting and general maintenance on parish council owned land for the next year.  The chair informed the meeting that the statutory declaration for the adverse possession of land adjacent to Kingsdown Recreation Ground had now been completed and submitted to the Land Registry.  Members heard of issues raised in a number of letters sent in by residents this month including dangerous parking at the entrance to North Rd. in Kingsdown, progress with the survey of the Kingsdown Playground, and an appeal to improve the care of the Freedown woods. After some discussion they referred them to the appropriate members/committee for further action.

The Council welcomed the information that a number of individuals had expressed an interest in standing for the Parish Council in the elections in May. Members were reminded that the Annual Parish Meeting will be held at Kingsdown Village Hall on Thurs 16th April from 6.00pm. Cllr. James Murray

7 Marlborough Road, Deal, CT14 9LE Tel:- (01304) 380 492 Fax:- (01304) 381 909

JOHN NEAL Ben Thomas Spray, Painter & Decorator ELECTRICIAN Fully Insured, Free Estimates, Members of, Dulux Select Decorators & Government Trust Mark




01304 213 440 Tel: 01304 367 521 07850 192 146 Mob: 07964 977 268 QUEENSDOWN ROAD E: [email protected] KINGSDOWN DEAL KENT CT14 8EF Web:


For the next Funday Sunday!

The theme is WEATHER!

Come and make a kite or a rainmaker learn about Jesus and the storm Kingsdown & Ringwould at April at 9.30a.m.

Quilt and Craft Show. Funday Sunday is a lively service for all the family, with crafts, games, stories Spring Bank Holiday and much more – including ringing the rd th bells! 23 - 25 May Services are held the third Sunday of every month, to be held at Please do join us, we’re looking St John`s Church, Kingsdown. forward to seeing you. please contact:- For more details contact John Gray at Masheeda Downing 01304 360 850 jmgray2505@ Prue Bell 01304 367 701 or or Catherine Stone on Pat Macfarlane 01304 373 997 [email protected]

Please help us solve the mystery of the missing teaspoons!!

Hire St John’s (Kingsdown) Village Hall

Registered Charity Number 302777

For all social occasions, parties, receptions & meetings.

Large Main Hall (for up to100) with well equipped kitchen 100 teaspoons in a box Lower Hall (for up to 24) have disappeared with tea-making facilities From Kingsdown Village Hall

Booking Secretary: Jane Banks If anyone can throw some light Tel:- 01304 373 774 on their where-abouts. kingsdownvil- Please contact Jane 01304 373 774


Telephone: 01304 369 678 mobile: 07974 763 121

Regency P.R. DEVESON Light Removals House Clearance Decorator House to House & Painter

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Call Pat (01304) 827 847 Mobile: 07597 448 704 Email:- [email protected]

10 Head teacher - Jo Hygate Glen Road, Kingsdown, CT14 8DD Tel: 01304 373 734 Secretary - Email: [email protected]

We have had a busy start to Term 4 with a visit from a War Horse, World Book Day and a handful of sports matches and tournaments.

On the first Friday back we were visited by a beautiful shire horse, who was a direct descendent of a horse used in World War I. The children learnt so much from the visit about horses both from a historical and modern day per- spective.

Last week the children dressed up as their favourite book character to celebrate World Book Day. On the same day the children also participated in a skipping workshop, which has sparked off a skipping craze across the school.

Our sports teams have been very busy competing in several football matches and a cross country tournament.

And finally we wish our Years 3 and 4 Spelling Bee team (Jamie, Emily, Charlotte and Sebastian) when they represent the school in the finals of the Deal Schools first tournament. I will let you know how they get on next month. Jo Hygate TERM DATES 2015 Term 5 Start:- Monday 20th April Finish:- Fri 22nd May School closed Mon 4th May (Bank Holiday) Term 6 Start:- Tuesday 2nd June Finish:- Friday 24th July

Save the Children has set up health centres where Ebola suffers can be isolated and treated. Children are traumatised by the spread of the disease; many have been orphaned as a result of the virus. Schools play a crucial role in ensuring that children return to a normal life. Two weeks ago, schools in Liberia welcomed back students more than six months after they were forced to close. With the number of Ebola cases in Liberia falling from a peak of more than 300 cases per week to a total of 11 cases in the past three weeks, it has now been deemed safe for children to return to school. While this is good news, the process must be done carefully to ensure the safety of children. The Liberian government has established strict guidelines including space for temporary isolation of any suspected Ebola case, and a robust referral system with a nearby health facility. Save the Children is playing a key role in helping schools re-open, including training teachers at 932 schools on how they can ensure that the learning environment remains safe. To date, we have completed training at 532 schools and 783 schools have received a range of infection prevention items. Over the last six months, while more than 1 million children in Liberia were without access to education, we have been working with communities affected by the crisis to develop innovative approaches to learning, including teacher training, radio-based lessons, and the distribution of learning materials to children in their homes. You can support our campaign by donation now 0800 8148 148 or visit The next quiz run by Save the Children Deal Branch on 30th April 2015 is at the Deal Vics Cricket Club CT14 7RQ 7 for 7.30 pm will be in aid of the appeal. All teams welcome £2 per person. Sarah Spong (Chair Deal and District Branch Save the Children) 11 Colin McKee Maintenance Mate Painting and Decorating, Handyman work, Laminate flooring, Ceramic Tiling, Picture/Mirror hanging, Property Maintenance and repair, Flat pack assembly, No job too small. Quality and satisfaction guaranteed Tel : 01304 364 444 Mob : 07745 191 412 Email:[email protected]

Based in Kingsdown

12 Ringwould News correspondent:- Jean Winn Tel:- 01304 361 030 Email: [email protected]

Tea and Chat meets this month on Thurs- ST NICHOLAS day 9th April at 2pm 100 CLUB in the church social space . Homemade cakes and a cuppa not to mention a good chat! £1 There are still a few numbers left Last month saw us playing a and remember the more people game of Beetle, much hilarity all who join the greater the prizes! round! We will have a quiz this month. Everyone welcome March Winners were: Mrs Rutherford (£20) Mrs Vian (£10) Mr Bailey (£5).

Belated Congratulations If you want to join, contact Jean to George and Jan Bailey Winn.

Email: [email protected] or phone 01304 361 030


George and Jan celebrated their For that Special Occasion Golden Wedding at the end of Family parties Christenings Weddings Birthdays February. They would like to thank Seating up to 120, all those who gave cards and excellent kitchen facilities, presents. Happy Birthday to staging and Disabled Access th George who will be 80 on 29 Contact: Bookings Mr Patrick MacWilliam April 01304 373 888 Mobile: 07813 098 571 or visit:

13 Susan Fairley G.O.s.C Eastling Wood Firewood

Structural and Cranial Logs – Available for delivery from April to December Osteopath All our 8”, 10” and 12” logs are ready for delivery.

£90.00 for 1.5 cubic meter load, half 01304 364 879 load for £55.00

Call Bruce Hill on

07901 515 806

to arrange delivery

Google We are DEFRA grant aided and have a The Sandown Clinic ten year forestry commission 171 Sandown Road, Deal CT14 6NX management plan.

14 Police Community Support Surgeries Please see the below dates and venues for residents to attend and speak with the PCSO

Surgery Date and time: Sunday 19 April 2015 10.00 am - 11.00 am Venue: Kingsdown Village Hall

Neighbourhood panel meeting Date and time: Sunday 24 May 2015 10.00 am - 11.00 am Venue: Kingsdown Village Hall

Surgery Date and time: Sunday 14 June 2015 10.00 am- 11.00 am Venue: Kingsdown Village Hall

St Nicholas Players The players are having fun rehearsing for their next show, the well-known west end French farce, Boeing Boeing. Self-styled Parisian lothario Bernard has three fiancées, each beautiful airline hostesses with frequent ‘layovers’. There’s American Gloria, German Gretchen and Italian Gabriella. He keeps ‘one up, one down and one pending’, until unexpected schedule changes bring all three to Paris and his apartment at the same time. Bernard’s old school friend, visiting from the provinces, and his housekeeper Bertha, attempt to defuse the inevitable chaos. The performance dates are 20th to 23rd May at Ringwould Village Hall, curtain-up at 7.30.Tickets £5.00 available from the box office which opens on 20th April Telephone 01304 852 560.


The beautiful and historic building of St Nicholas Church is much admired and has been at the heart of our village for 850 years. Whether a churchgoer or a villager we all have the pleasure of seeing it every day and let us hope it will continue to be a constant part of the village scene for many generations to come. The Friends of St Nicholas is one way in which everyone can play their part in preserving this building, as so many Ringwould folk have done before us. This year because of regular donations made and some fund raising, the Friends will be able to make a significant contribution to the essential repairs to the church tower, so a big thank you to all of you who have helped make this happen. So will you become a friend of St Nicholas Church? It is not about donating huge sums of money, but if you can commit to making an annual donation of as little as £10 a year, or a small monthly one, this will make a real difference and ensure that funds continue to grow. All money raised will only be spent on the church or churchyard. Leaflets are available in the church or you can visit the website Please do join and make your mark in the history of the village. For any existing friends who do not make their donation by standing order please remember to let Jean or Sarah have your contribution for 2015. Sarah on [email protected] or Jean on [email protected]

15 BAY GAS Carpet Cleaning SERVICES Over 7,910 Local Clients Have Trusted Us To Safely Clean Their 6.5 Million Sq 22 years Feet of Carpets And 1000,s of Chairs British Gas Experience and Sofas in Our 24 Years As Interna- tionally Qualified Cleaning Specialists.

Gas appliances and heating Our cleaning system, seen on TV’s ’How installed, repaired and serviced clean is your house’, safely removes dirt, including LPG and oily soils, most everyday stains and stale Landlord Certificates odours, leaving just soft, clean, fresh car- pets, usable in under an hour.

Tel: 01304 852 852 With our ‘Try Before You Buy’ Guaran- Mob: 07900 194 773 tee, you can see how your carpets look BEFORE you commit to paying for our Email:- [email protected] service! If you’re not happy, we’ll leave and you’ll owe nothing, the cleaning is Geoff Ellis free! New House, With 24 years experience, if it will New Road, come out, we can get it out. Sholden, Deal. CT14 OAF Reg No 02860 01304 381 165

16 Services for April 2015

Date Kingsdown Ringwould Sutton Ripple 2nd April Holy Maundy Communion Thursday 7.30pm

3rd April 2.00pm 9.30am 11am 11am Good Friday Good Friday Good Friday Good Friday Good Friday Liturgy Liturgy Liturgy Liturgy

6.30am Dawn Service with 9.30am 11.00am 11.00am 5th April Communion* Holy Holy Holy Communion 9.30am Communion Communion Easter Day Holy Communion

9.30am Holy 12th April Communion 9.30am Matins 11.00am 8am Holy Communion 6.30pm Matins (BCP) Prayer and Praise

9.30am 11.00am 19th April 9.30am Holy Holy 6.00pm Funday Sunday Communion Communion Evensong

4pm 9.30am 9.30am 8.00am th Messy 26 April Holy Prayer and Church Holy Communion (BCP) Communion Praise at Studdal

For weekday services please check weekly news sheets or the website ’diary’ page. There are usually Friday – Sutton Parish Prayers @10am in Studdal Hall; Wednesday 10am, Kingsdown, Holy Communion (BCP)

Services using the Book of Common Prayer are marked (BCP) *Meet at Church Porch - Kingsdown

th Copy closing date Monday 13 April for May Issue Please make a note of this date as it will be strictly adhered to. Therefore any copy received after this date will not be included. Please email copy to [email protected] 17 The PLOUGH INN Ripple Church Lane Ripple Deal CT14 8JH 01304 360209 em: [email protected]


Ales available now: Local Brew-Ripple Best Bitter Ales coming soon: (Gold Award Winners CAMRA) Good Home Cooking Daily B&B from £25pppn AA**** Family Flat Car Classic Vintage Display (Last Sunday every Month Noon)

of Walmer We also stock light bulbs, kettles, STATES irons, toasters Roberts radios and Free delivery and installation all your electrical in this area on requirements TVs, DVD recorders, etc

SPECIAL OFFERS 32 Dover Road ON SOME Walmer LCD TVs Tel/Fax In stock 01304 381 858 HD READY BUILT-IN FREEVIEW

18 Benefice Contacts

The Reverend Cathy Sigrist BA Hons The Rectory, Upper Street , Kingsdown CT14 8BJ 01304 373 951 Email: [email protected] Reader Mr Norman Gilliland 9 Addelam Close, Deal CT14 9LT 01304 381 589 Email: [email protected] ALM Mr John Gray Email: [email protected] 01304 379 941 ALM Ann Ford Email: [email protected] 01304 364 989

St John the Evangelist Church, Kingsdown

Churchwardens Mr Brian Maynard and Mr Peter Dodkins 01304 381 075 Mr Bob Wiseman Email: [email protected] 01304 371 619

Parochial Church Council (Secretary) Mrs Sarah Spanner 01304 364 222

Parochial Church Council (Treasurer) Mrs Jean Winn Email: [email protected] 01034 361 030

St Nicholas Church, Ringwould

Churchwardens Miss Ursula Bailey 01304 360 149 Mr Patrick MacWilliam 01304 373 888 Parochial Church Council (Secretary) Mrs Lyn Dourthe 01304 360 097 Parochial Church Council (Treasurer) Mrs Jean Winn Email: [email protected] 01034 361 030

St Mary the Virgin Church, Ripple

Churchwarden Dr Laurence Davey 01304 374 512 Parochial Church Council (Secretary) Mrs Rosemary Davey 01304 374 512 Parochial Church Council (Treasurer) Dr Laurence Davey Email: [email protected] 01304 374 512

St Peter & St Paul Church Sutton-by-Dover

Churchwardens Mr J Boardman 01304 389 402 Mrs Maggie Crawley Email: [email protected] 01304 372 856 Parochial Church Council (Secretary) Mr P Mold 01304 371 738 Parochial Church Council (Treasurer) Mr A Ford 01304 364 989

19 Ringwould Alpines Plant Centre Dover Road, Ringwould Tel: 01304 360 034

 Friendly, helpful, knowledgeable Also Garden Design staff  Landscaping  Wide range of hardy plants  Ponds  Shrubs & Trees  Patios & Drives  Alpines & Heathers  Maintenance  Herbs & Fruit  Planting etc.  Seasonal Bedding

Available for Hire SUTTON PARISH COMMUNITY CENTRE, Downs Rd., East Studdal Good-Sized Hall with Stage, Kitchen, Committee Room

Good Off-Road Parking All Occasions Catered For

Contact Booking Clerk - 01304 363 361

20 Dear Friends………. Red Nose Day I do hope that you had a chance to watch some of the incredible events that took place on TV in order to raise money for Red Nose Day. It seems incredible that this is the 30th year since Lenny Henry organised the first Red Nose Day and since then, more than a billion pounds has been raised to help those less fortunate than ourselves. While I was watching I started to jot down just some of the comments that were made about many of the individuals and organisations that took part in the event and they included: “You can change people’s lives”, “You have power to give”, “Extraordinary men and brave volunteers working together”, “kids helping kids”, “The changes you make last a lifetime”, “we are not asking you to risk your life”, “amazing people working at the cutting edge”, “Good neighbours across the world”…these were just some of the phrases that really affected me. And the money raised on Red Nose Day goes to help those who are infected with Aids, HIV, children carers, service men and women injured when they were trying to help others, orphans and those without homes or the chance of receiving some education, and whole communities affected by genocide, to name but a few. Over 2000 years ago, a lawyer asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbour?’ Jesus replied, ‘A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell into the hands of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, and went away, leaving him half dead. Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan while travelling came near him; and when he saw him, he was moved with pity. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, having poured oil and wine on them. Then he put him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.” During the broadcast last night, one little ten year old boy who searches the rubbish dump near to where he lives every day was asked “what is the best thing that you have ever found” and his answer, to my astonishment and to the presenter’s was “a handful of rice of eat”. I have just returned from a visit to India and unfortunately for many who live in that country and too many other countries in the world, very little has changed for them in 2,000 years. No sanitation, filthy water, little if any food, no education … and the list goes on… if you have already donated to Red Nose Day, then I would like to say “thank you”. If you haven’t donated as yet, then I would plead with you to consider giving whatever you can afford. I couldn’t help thinking last night as I watched the programme, wouldn’t it be great if we, as a community, could do something to have some fun and also raise money for Red Nose Day, so if you think it might be possible for us to come together to help support this event next year, please let me know. Give me a call or send me an e-mail (my details are in Rural Roundup) – because as the presenter said last night: “You can change people’s lives”. Yours in Christ Cathy Yours in Christ, Cathy.

From the Benefice Registers Funeral Kingsdown: 18th March Joyce Perry

Funeral Ringwould: 23rd February Marion Willis

Funeral Sutton: 5th March Joyce Baker


Local to Kingsdown

 All domestic plumbing work  Central heating installations  Boiler Servicing  Landlord Gas Safety Certifi- cates  Emergency Call outs

For a Free quote: Contact: Fred Roberts Tel: 01304 369 264 07812 664 068

" Never put off till tomorrow what you do today" .indigo hair. At .indigo hair. We take pride in looking Upper Street after you and your hair. That's why we only use Kingsdown the best products on your hair. Our colours do 01304 366 266 not contain ammonia or PPDs one of the major causes for skin reactions. Our styling range are sulphate free using only natural ingredients to give your hair the maximum care it needs. So why not book in for your complimentary hair treatment and enjoy the infused natural aromas & ingredients for a pampering experience. Quote Rural Round Up for this exclusive offer. "We won't let your hair down"

22 Church of St John the Evangelist Kingsdown Flower Rota for April 2015 No flowers during Lent, until Holy Saturday 4th April

Saturday 4th – 16th April – The Parish

17th - 30th April Liz Deschamps & Sue Martin 1st - 14th May Masheeda Downing & Margaret Gilling Please come and help decorate the Church for Easter on Saturday 4th April from 9am: gifts of white and yellow flowers and greenery will be most welcome. If you would like to order lilies for Easter Sunday 5th April in memory of loved ones please contact Georgina Maude on 389 253 or Barbara Ridout on 361 019 The approximate cost of the lilies will be £2 to £2.50 a stem.

St. John’s Church, Kingsdown Some two plus years ago, I wrote an article in Rural Roundup saying that visitors found it very difficult to find St. John’s Church, Kingsdown, because there was no visible sign that we had a church in the village, as it is so well hidden behind the trees and can’t be seen from the road, and asking for comments/suggestions to try and solve the problem. We discussed a number of options and after various consultations it was agreed that the best option would be to erect a simple cross that could be seen from the road. Unfortunately, we were unable to go ahead with the project at that time, due to lack of finances and other priorities that needed to be addressed in the church. However, I am now delighted to say that due to an anonymous benefactor, we have now been able to complete the project and the cross, which we hope you like, is now in place. So I would just like to say a huge “thank you” to the person who has made this possible. Revd. Cathy Sigrist

St John’s Heritage Association, Kingsdown Summer Concert St John’s Heritage Association is holding a Summer Concert in St John’s Church on 5th June commencing at 7.30pm to raise further funds for the restoration of the building fabric. It will be an evening of light entertainment featuring two organists and the Kingsdown ‘Singing for Pleasure’ Choir. Further details will be announced nearer the date. Please make a note in your diaries; we look forward to your support. David L Dobby

Your Village Needs You……………. We are a small group researching various aspects of the village and people who have lived here. In the process of our research it is apparent that much of our material would be of interest to others. We aim is to archive our material and make it freely available. Now to the point; have you photos, ephemera, maps or memories of our village? If you have you can support our project by allowing us to make copies that can be archived for the future Please help us with this project. Sharon Morris Email: [email protected] Tel: 01304 271 128


Landscaping, Grounds Maintenance & Playground Equipment

All types of work carried out

Private & Commercial Small group classes and individual practices Please visit:- For more information and For details please examples of projects contact Tel:- 0797 1669 918 Nicky Hook Email:- [email protected]

01304 367584 Mark McGeehan BSc Hons [email protected]

ROGER CROWTHER Local qualified handyman, fully experienced in carpentry, painting & decorating, tiling, garden structures, miscelectrical & plumbing works, general building repairs. For free estimates call:- 01304 822 649 or 07543 852 682 [email protected] References available

BEEKEEPING Would you like to keep bees?

See our schedule of courses, talks and demonstrations for the coming year at For people of all ages interested in keeping bees. Contact Patrick for more information. This time next year you could be eating your own honey Interested? Contact:- [email protected] or Telephone:- 01227 833 807

24 Ripple Parish Council Clerk:- Mrs Kath Hastilow, 33, Charles Road, Deal, CT14 9AT Telephone:- 01304 372 235 Email:- [email protected]

Some Parish Council meeting dates for 2015 have changed and are not always on the second Thursday of the month. Please check the notice boards for the updated list.

Ripple News Correspondent:- Laurence Davey Fairmead, Church Lane, Ripple CT14 8JL Tel:- 01304 374 512 Email: [email protected]

The Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ripple

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting and the Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens will take place on Thursday, April 16th in Ripple Village Hall, commencing at 7.00pm.

Ripple Bingo Club will meet on April 14th and 28th in Ripple Village Hall.

Tea and Chat in Ripple

Tea and Chat met on March 9th to enjoy drinking tea, chatting and a quiz. They will next meet on at 2pm in the Village Hall on April 13th for a ‘Celebration of Easter’.

Loose Fibres Craft Group in Ripple Meetings: Ripple Village Hall

9.30am - 12.30pm April 8th & 22nd Contact:- Rita Rhodes 01304 365 778

Vintage & Classic Car Meeting The Plough, Ripple (please note venue) Held on the last Sunday every month From 11.30am

25  Installation, servicing & repairs for desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones and many other gadgets

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Prebate UK Limited The Coach House, Kingsdown Hill, Kingsdown, Deal. CT14 8EA Services Professional Will writing Probate Assist Lasting Power of Attorney Prebate Living Wills Storage and Reviews Pre-paid Funeral Plans Lifetime Trusts Contact - Mike Seaward on 01304 362 417 / 07885 544 860 email: [email protected]

This Company complies with the IPW Code of Practice

26 Dover and Deal Decorative and Fine Arts Society Our Society is part of NADFAS – the National Association of Decorative and Fine Arts Societies, a registered charity since 1972 with over 90,000 members. We meet on the first Tuesday in the month (except July and August) in The Guildhall in Sandwich in the morning. After a convivial cup of coffee, we are treated to a lecture given by very professional speakers on topics under the umbrella of fine and decorative arts which are of interest to both men and women. Our programme is very varied and wide-reaching: April, Nazi Looting in Context May, Faber and Faber – 90 years of Excellence in Cover Design June, Pioneering Women Photographers 1840-1920 September, The Cult of the South Pacific – Cook to Gaugin We also organise outings, study days and visits. The annual subscriptions are £43 for a single membership and £78 per couple. If you would like to visit our society, do contact our Membership Secretary: 01227 728 518. The visitor’s fee is £5.00 per lecture. Our website is Elspeth McVey (Chairman)

************ On Sunday, the 1st March 2015, at approximately 11am, our dear cat, a year old tortoise- shell named Dotty, was knocked down outside our house in Stoneheap Road, East Studdal. The driver of a dark coloured small van, picked Dotty up, put her in the back of his van and drove away. A kind couple walking by knocked on our door and told us what had happened. If they had not done so we would still be out looking for Dotty. If you have any information on who the driver of this van is please be good enough to tele- phone 07764 287 473, or if you are the van driver reading this, please contact us and explain why you took our cat away. Many thanks, the Hockley family.

************ The Inner Wheel Club Deal is holding a Fashion Show in support of the Queen Mother’s Clothing Guild and Abigail’s Footsteps. Friday 1st May 2015 at St George’s Church, High Street, Deal/ Doors Open - 7.00pm Catwalk Show - 8.00pm Admission - £8 includes a glass of wine. Tickets from: Farsim, 33 Beach Street, Deal Tamarisk, 85 High Street, Deal Telephone 01304 362 181 (Or at the door if space allows)


All Building Work Undertaken Lime pointing & Plastering, Extensions & Conversions, Brickwork & Roofing, Groundwork

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28 Sutton, Ashley, Studdal & Little Mongeham

Drop in....for coffee, cake and chat Everyone is welcome!...... to join us for a drink and a chat. We meet on alternate Monday mornings 9:30 – 11 in Studdal Church Hall. April’s Meeting is on the 20th - we are not meeting on the bank holiday, April 6th We sometimes have to cancel if it is, or has been, snowing. If you would like to check if we are meeting, phone Liz on 07711 261 790 Do come and join us if you can!

Let’s be Sociable Sutton PCC 100 Club We are a very friendly group that meet from 10.30 ‘til 11.45am on the third Tuesday of every month, usually in the Church Hall, Downs Rd, Studdal. There is always a Bring and Buy stall, with home-made jams and local grown Lucky winners of the vegetables etc. and a Raffle. So come for a March draw were: chat and a hot drink. Everyone is welcome and all the proceeds go to charities. 1 Boardman, Tuesday 21st April 68 Crawley, Messy Church 45 Odell The Treasure Hidden in the Field The Pearl of Great Price We are welcoming new members every month so if you haven't Exploring Jesus’ Parables Sunday 26 April joined yet and would like to, 4 pm to 6 pm Church Hall Contact: - Maggie for details Downs Road, Studdal For adults and children of every age Come and join us for craft, games, stories & song, Tel: 01304 372 856 chat over a cuppa and enjoy a meal together. email [email protected] For more information tel: 364 989 or363 996 Children should be accompanied by an adult We look forward to seeing you 29 Sam Green ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE TEACHER PLASTERING & MAINTENANCE Regain control of SERVICES your body to Friendly alleviate pain, professional service improve posture

Inside or Out and enhance performance.

No job too small Madelene Webb BA(hons), MSTAT,

Free Estimates a member of The Society of Teachers of

Phone The Alexander Technique. (01304) 360 327 Mobile Tel: 07939 347 099 07729 690 985 Email: [email protected] Email:- sam.green2008 At The Astor Community Theatre Stanhope Road, Deal, CT14 6AB


 HOME VISITS ON REQUEST For an Appointment:-

IAN COCKERELL SRCh MChS Bsc Pod View by appointment only PODIATRY CLINIC 87 BLENHEIM ROAD DEAL KENT Tel: 01304 363 071 TEL: 01304 371 558

30 Sutton-by-Dover Parish Council Clerk: Veronica Harrop (Ronnie) Homestead Farm, Homestead Lane, East Studdal, Dover CT15 5BN 01304 375 142 Email: [email protected] Chairman: Barbara Merriman, Email: [email protected]

Some comments arising from Sutton-by-Dover Parish Council Meeting.

 PCSO Tony Edwards who attended the PC meeting said there had been no crimes reported in the parish in the last month. In his report for March 2014-January 2015 have recorded 30 crimes in the Ward which includes Sutton Parish. He mentioned that there is a new Police Special Pro-active team who are covering antisocial behaviour incidences as these have increased in the area. PCSO Edwards said that he hoped to attend the Sutton Parish fete to meet the residents.  The date for the Town and Parish Council Elections is on Thursday 7th May 2015. If anyone is interested in becoming a Councillor please contact the Election Office on 01304 872 344. Prospective candidates will need to collect an Elections Nomination pack from this office.  It has been noticed that aerosol paint graffiti has been used on the teen shelter in Studdal Playing Field. It is good that the Playing Field is being used by all persons but would prefer it not to be spoilt by unsightly words PLEASE.  This is the time of year when sheep-worrying is at its highest and new lambs are becoming abundant. Even quiet dogs will become excited and should be kept on leads when in the vicinity of sheep. Any case of dogs sheep-worrying should be reported to the police by phoning 101.  It was suggested that a ‘No Horse Riding’ sign was put in place on the foot path at the top of Strakers Hill which joins Roman Rd. KCC Highways are to be contacted about this.  The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 7th April at 7.30pm. Please come and support your Parish. Veronica Harrop - Parish Clerk

Would you like to have time and space for contemplation and reflection?

If you need an opportunity to leave all distractions at home and have time to reflect, meditate or pray please join us.

All faiths or no faith are welcome.

There will be separate areas to allow real peace and you will not be approached without a clear indication that you would like to speak.

There will be the opportunity to post prayers and someone will be available to pray with, or for you, if that is your choice. beginning Friday 24th April church hall Studdal at 11.00am 31

Clever Clogs Pre-school EASTER BASKET COMPETITION AND OPEN DAY! Saturday 28th March 2015, 10am, Come and meet the staff and see our rural pre-school – meet the families of children who already attend Clever Clogs and why not make an Easter basket with your child to enter in our Easter Basket parade with the chance to win a prize!!

at Clever Clogs Pre-school,

Sutton Parish Community Centre, Downs Road, East Studdal, CT15 5BP (Just over 10 mins. from Sandwich, Deal and Dover!) 07885 865 936 [email protected]

32 Secretary: - Kathy Erridge Email:- [email protected]

We were treated to some slides of lovely Spring flowers at our meeting, when Jim Buttress gave us a most interesting talk about his work in the Royal Parks of London and beyond. We learnt all sorts of secrets about how the flowers of the Parks are kept looking in their prime, and also some amazing facts about the number of flowers grown for planting out in the glass houses in Hyde Park...... millions! London has the largest acreage of open space of any capital in the world; aren’t we lucky? Jim now has his fingers in a number of pies.. he works with Tom Hart Dyke at Lullingstone, and is a judge for prestigious garden shows such as Chelsea. There is surely another talk to look forward to from Jim! As for our future events, at least one, maybe two, members are going to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party in June; a trip to Bateman’s, the home of Rudyard Kipling, has been arranged for the middle of June. Our April meeting is our Spring Lunch in Kingsdown village Hall. If you would like to come, it is essential to book, as the committee needs to know how many to cater for! Telephone: Elizabeth Bembridge 374 630 for details. Christine Smith

Happy Birthday to Bernice Williams & Jacky Proctor Both on the same day, 26th April.

What an amazing time of the year this is, winter being pushed aside by an unstoppable advancing spring. The Head Gardener and I had an encouraging walk around our garden on the 1st March, a windy but clear and sunny day – not a cloud to be seen. The birds were singing; they sense a change. We saw the evidence, yellow primroses and crocuses in bloom, clumps of white snowdrops and the buds on the camellia looking full of promise. There is evidence of the roses stirring into life, the blue, cream, purple and pink flowers of the hellebores and pulmonarias, bringing a splash of colour to the shady areas. To make the plant sale and the 2015 show even better than last year, please accept this as a gentle reminder to start your planning now. Don’t forget the Society’s trip to Penshurst Place and Gardens on Sunday 5th July. A £10 deposit will secure you a seat on the coach. Please contact Barbara on: 01304 361 381. Katherine Lynn will be giving a talk entitled “How to love weeds” at the meeting on Monday 27th April. I look forward to seeing you all there. In the meantime be happy and healthy! Bob Perry




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34 Calendar of Events April 2015

Wed 1st Kingsdown Lunch Club, details from The Post Office Sun 5th Easter Day Mon 6th Bank Holiday Tues 7th Sutton-by-Dover Parish Council Meeting. 7.30pm Wed 8th Loose Fibres Craft Club, Ripple Village Hall, 9.30am - 12.30pm Thur 9th Tea & Chat, St Nicholas Church, Ringwould, 2.00pm Sun 12th Kingsdown Conservation Group - Talk & Walk at Samphire Hoe Sun 12th Sutton APCM, the Church 12noon Mon 13th Closing date for May edition of Rural Roundup Mon 13th WI Spring Lunch, Kingsdown Village Hall, 12.00 for 12.30pm Mon 13th Ripple Tea & Chat 2.00pm Ripple Village Hall Mon 13th R’would-w-K’down Parish Council Meeting, K’down, 7.30pm Tues 14th Bingo Club - Ripple Village Hall, 7.00pm Thur 16th Ripple APCM, Ripple Village Hall 7.00pm Thur 16th R-w-K Parish Council Annual Meeting K’down VH, 6.00pm Sat 18th Kingsdown Rocks, Race Night Sun 19th Funday Sunday, Kingsdown Church, 9.30am Sun 19th Ringwould APCM, St Nicholas Church, 11.00am Sun 19th Police Community Support Surgery, K’down VH, 10am - 11am Mon 20th Schools return Mon 20th Drop in…..Studdal Church Hall 9.30am - 11.00am Tues 21st Let’s be Sociable, Church Hall, Studal,10.30am - 11.45am Wed 22nd Loose Fibres Craft Club, Ripple Village Hall, 9.30am - 12.30pm Fri 24th A time for Reflection, Studdal Church Hall, 11am (see page 31) Sun 26th Kingsdown APCM, St John’s Church, 11.00am Sun 26th Messy Church, Studdal Hall, 4.00pm Sun 26th Vintage & Classic Car Meeting, The Plough, Ripple, from 11.30am Mon 27th Kingsdown Garden Society, Kingsdown School. 7.30pm Tues 28th Bingo Club - Ripple Village Hall, 7.00pm Thurs 30th Save the Children Quiz Deal, Vic's Cricket Club - 7pm May Fri 1st Inner Wheel Fashion Show, St George’s, Deal, 7.00pm

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37 Clubs & Organisations e. Deal & Dist branch of Save the Children Chairman:- Sarah Spong 01304 363 942 Treasurer:- Gill Hughes 01304 364 188 12th Deal Scout Group Scout Leader:- Chairman Van de Merwe 01304 382 274 Kingsdown Angling Club Chairman:- Mr Richard Appleford 01304 368 804 Secretary:- Danny Bacon Mobile: 07815 134 658 1st Kingsdown Brownies & Guides Brown Owl & Unit Leader:- Miss S Griffiths 01034 367 124 Kingsdown Conservation Group Contact:- Secretary - Barbara Hansom 01304 761 431 Kingsdown Garden Society Chairman:- Mrs Barbara Peel 01304 361 384 Secretary:- Mr T Ridley-Ellis 01304 381 084 Kingsdown Parent & Toddler Group Contact:- Mrs Amy Bridges Mobile: 07841 702 249 Kingsdown Pre School Chairman:- Mrs Raeanne Nightingale 01304 360 330 Secretary:- Mrs Rossie Charnley 01304 361 387 Kingsdown & Ringwould Women's Institute President:- Mrs Elizabeth Bembridge 01304 374 630 Secretary:- Mrs Kathy Erridge 01304 373 402 Kingsdown Table Tennis Club Mike Thompson Mobile: 07719 041 240 01304 380 275 Kingsdown Village Hall Chairman:- Mrs Mary Fish 01304 361 862 Secretary:- Mrs Jane Banks 01304 373 774 Kingsdown Welcome Pack (for newcomers) Contact:- Sylvia Main 01304 373 651 Loose Fibres Craft Group Contact:- Rita Rhodes 01304 365 778 MS Society Thanet & Deal Helpline Mobile: 07968 123 059 Ringwould History Society Chairman:- Mrs Jennifer Van Lens 01304 371 289 Ripple Bingo Club Mrs Daphne Lee 01304 365 573 Ripple Tea & Chat Mrs Rosemary Davey 01304 374 512 Ripple Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator:- Mr Roger Chatfield 01304 363 912 St John’s Herritage Association Contact:- Norman Gilliland 01304 381 589 St Nicholas Players Chairman:- Mr B Munro 01304 372 065 Secretary:- Miss Janet Alcock 01304 367 453

38 Parish Contacts

Hall Bookings Kingsdown & Ringwould School Maggi Bowden (Sec) 01304 373 734 Kingsdown Village Hall Jane Banks 01304 373 774 Email: [email protected] Ringwould Village Hall Mr Patrick MacWilliam 01304 373 888 07813 098 571

Ripple Village Hall Mrs P Scott-Bradford mob: 07967 307 440 Studdal Church Hall Mrs Claire McLaren 01304 371 274 Sutton Community Centre Booking Clerk 01304 363 361 Ringwould-w-Kingsdown Parish Council Chairman: Patrick MacWilliam 01304 373 888 Email: [email protected] Clerk: Mrs Katie Amaouche 01304 729 081 Email:- [email protected] (Please visit our website: Kingsdown & Ringwould Community Warden & PCSO Community Warden, Malcolm Wells Mobile: 07969 584 181 PCSO, Gary Painter (new non-emergency number) 101 Ripple Parish Council Chairman: Mrs Daphne Lee Eastchurch, Sutton Rd., Ripple CT14 8JA 01304 365 573 Clerk: Mrs Kath Hastilow 01304 372 235 Email:- [email protected] Sutton-by-Dover Parish Council Chairman: Barbara Merriman 01304 369 256 Email: [email protected] Clerk: Veronica Harrop (Ronnie) 01304 375 142 Email: [email protected]

Index Editor/Advertising Rates Page 3 Ripple PC Page 25 Kingsdown Page 5 Ripple News Page 27 R’would-w-K’down PC Page 7 Sutton, Ashley, Studdal Kingsdown Page 9 and Little Mongeham Page 29 Kingsdown School Page 11 Sutton PC Page 31 Ringwould Page 13 K & R WI Page 33 DDC Energy Page 15 Kingsdown Garden Soc Page 33 Benefice Contacts Page 17 Calendar of Events Page 35 Church Services Page 19 Clubs & Organisations Page 38 Letter from Cathy Page 21 Parish Contacts Page 39 Parish Register Page 21 Index Page 39 Church Flower Rota Page 23 Conservation Society Page 40

39 What a great display of daffodils this year from Boundary Road up to the Avenue! Well done to all who planted them. Sunday 12 April: (not 19 April as previously advertised) An Illustrated Talk and Guided Walk at Samphire Hoe from 10am - 12noon The talk in the new Education Shelter will explain the history and development of the area. This will be followed by a guided walk on well defined footpaths (wheelchair accessibility). Members £5 Children accompanied by an adult Free Saturday 23 May: Dawn Chorus Walk and Breakfast from 6am - 8am meeting at the Zetland Car Park. The walk will be led by Ken Chapman of Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory. Breakfast will be in the Zetland . Members £5 (includes breakfast) Sunday 21 June: A visit to Old Bladbean Stud Gardens near from 2.30 - 4.30pm This is a private visit to a spectacular garden; designed, created and maintained by the owner. The garden is a magical place where all wildlife are welcome! We will be given a talk on the develop- ment of the garden and in particular the environmental ways in which it is sustained. For more information on the garden go to Members £7.50 (includes tea and cake). Own transport required but if any members without transport would like to go, it is possible we could arrange some lifts. (Regrettably the garden is not suitable for wheelchairs or pushchairs due to narrow paths) For booking all of the above events please download the relevant forms from the KCG website and post it with cash/cheque (payable to Kingsdown Conservation Group) in the KCG tin in the Post Office. For any enquiries or if you require a copy of a form please contact [email protected] or call 07973 842 286 Rosie Bolton