Page 1 of 8 Is there a safe level of radiation exposure ? – The Petkau effect Dr GOURI GOUTAM BORTHAKUR Department of Physics, Jorhat Institute of Science and Technology Jorhat-785010, Assam Mail
[email protected] Summary : Exposure of human body to ionizing electromagnetic radiation was thought to be severe from high-level exposures only , But in 1972, Dr. Abram Petkau showed that pow level exposure for prolonged period have the same effects, and hence there is so safe lower limit to ionizing radiation exposure . Introduction : Radiation or electromagnetic radiation is broadly classified into two classes- ioninsing radiation and nonionising radiation. This classification actually stems from the effect of human body when it is exposed to the radiation. The low frequency or long wavelength radiations, such as radio or microwaves, carry low energy, and hence they cant ionize the chemicals in the cells of the body, on passing through them. Such waves are called nonionising radiation.The other types, that is the high frequency or short wavelength radiations, such as alpha, beta, gamma, or X rays- can ionize the chemicals, in the cells of the body,on passing through them.These ionized chemicals become reactive, in unusual ways and produce new chemicals which are either toxic, or harmful. Thus their incarnation can alter the metabolism of bidy in certain ways that can be Page 2 of 8 carcinogenic, pathetic, or lethal. Each of us is exposed every day to certain quantities of background radiation that are naturally produced. Some of this comes from cosmic radiation from outer space. Two forms of this radiation are speeding protons and neutrons, which enter the earth's atmosphere and collide with the air we breathe.