The Intelligent Gamblergambler
The Intelligent GamblerGambler © 1995 ConJelCo, All Rights Reserved Number 3, May 1995 Street (Plaza, Golden Gate, Las Vegas PUBLISHER’S CORNER DOWNTOWN BLACKJACK Club, Pioneer, Golden Nugget, Binion’s Chuck Weinstock Anthony Curtis Horseshoe, Four Queens, Fremont, Fitzgeralds, El Cortez, and Western) and Welcome to the third issue of Con- Late last year I received a call from the those located one block north on Ogden JelCo’s The Intelligent Gambler. In this publisher of Casino Player magazine. (California, Lady Luck, and Gold issue we have articles by Anthony Curtis, The Player had just run a story naming Spike). These are the 14 casinos that are Ken Elliott, Arnold Snyder, Lee Jones, downtown Las Vegas as having the loos- banking on the success of the Fremont Lenny Frome, and Bob Wilson on every- est slots of any gambling area in Amer- Street Experience, due to open in late thing from blackjack to video poker. ica. It was a big feather in the cap of the 1995. Since the last issue has come out we’ve downtowners. So big, in fact, that they While conducting this investigation, I released the book Winning Low-Limit built a major print-media and billboard had in mind players with skill levels Hold’em, by Lee Jones. This book, advertising campaign around it. “It's offi- ranging from rank novice (no blackjack which Card Player has said is “destined cial,” the ads trumpeted. “Downtown is training at all) to high intermediate (per- to become a classic” has sold so well that loosest for slots.” fect basic strategy), because everyone in by the time you receive this issue it will The campaign was a big hit and the this group can improve results simply by be in it’s second printing.
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