(B) Methods/Sources Py' (2)(G) Foreign Relations CI
41$ TX 4, 41 15;(4. V 1,1 .1 444, 11-.144,t 4 "..Y;w4 <IP 4, )bt45 6 . .; • ./..01b4 CLEAR lIKT2 CnICEXO SEtiRLT 4adaci, ZINag,BEFORE INITIATING*Cke A TION BASED ON THIS MEMORANUDir 8TRA1EGIC SERVICES UNIT, ma DEPARIMIT Washington, D.C. 30 September 1946 COUNTRY: Japan, Northern Europe. SUBJECT: Japanese Wartime Intelligence Activitie orthern Europe, DATE OF INFORMATION: 1940-1946, with earlier bac • EVALUATION: B-2, sept_as Viere noted; • REFKiENCES: ( :-:ea.,, Major General Makoto -- Biographical Sketch : SU, 25 September 1946, DB 41226. (b) .• OUCUI, Major General Birose, and BIROSE, Colonel Eiichi -- Biographical Sketches or: SSU, 25 September 1946, DB i1229. (o) INOUE, Yoichi; ITO, Colonel Kiyokazu; KIGOSHI. Major Taeukazu; SO; Kichinosuk44 and SATO, Major iateuya -- Biographical Sketches of: SSU, 27 Sept. 1946, DB #1246. (d) 0there..-aa:.indidifria7 The following survey is based on information obtained from N. : linterrogation of subjects of References (a), 01) and (c) at Sugamo Prison, Tokyo, by ) a representative of SSU. caamumas under interrogation fraa 6 May to 20 Jay 1946, the others from 3 June to 20 July. • , (_ ntents I. Introduction. II. Development and Objectives of the Offices of Military Attache at Stockholm and Helsinki. III. Intelligence Aids and Methods. 1, Finances N, • 2. Communications 3. Methods 'Used in the Gathering of Intelli- gence and the Maintenance of Security. IV. Contacts and Sources 1. Polish 2. Finnish and Baltic • S. German 4, Hungarian 5. Smedish 6. Relations with Other Japanese Missions in Europe
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