Localizing Japanese Video Games Le Plaisir Avant Tout : La Localisation Des Jeux Vidéo Japonais Minako O’Hagan
Document generated on 09/30/2021 1:33 p.m. TTR Traduction, terminologie, rédaction Putting Pleasure First: Localizing Japanese Video Games Le plaisir avant tout : la localisation des jeux vidéo japonais Minako O’Hagan La traduction au Japon Article abstract Translation in Japan Since their humble beginnings, video games have undergone huge Volume 22, Number 1, 1er semestre 2009 technological advances, becoming a significant global industry today and highlighting the role played by translation and localization. Despite the URI: https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/044785ar continuing localization activities undertaken in the industry, translation DOI: https://doi.org/10.7202/044785ar studies (TS) have not paid much attention to video games as a research domain. Drawing on the author’s previous work on the Japanese Role Playing Game (RPG) Final Fantasy titles, this paper attempts to demonstrate the ample See table of contents research scope that this domain presents for TS scholars. In particular, it discusses the unique localization model used by Final Fantasy’s Japanese publisher, illustrating how the games’ new digital platform allows the Publisher(s) (re)creation of a new gameplaying pleasure directly through the localization process itself. In this model, the original game merely sets off a chain of Association canadienne de traductologie improvements through localization. In turn, understanding the different pleasures drawn from different localized versions of games will contribute ISSN useful insights into emerging games research. 0835-8443 (print) 1708-2188 (digital) Explore this journal Cite this article O’Hagan, M. (2009). Putting Pleasure First: Localizing Japanese Video Games. TTR, 22(1), 147–165. https://doi.org/10.7202/044785ar Tous droits réservés © TTR: traduction, terminologie, rédaction — Les auteurs, This document is protected by copyright law.
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