$POUJOFOU6SPTUPNZ(VJEF "QVCMJDBUJPOPGUIF6OJUFE0TUPNZ"TTPDJBUJPOTPG"NFSJDB *OD i4FJ[FUIF 0QQPSUVOJUZw CONTINENT UROSTOMY GUIDE Ilene Fleischer, MSN, RN, CWOCN, Author Patti Wise, BSN, RN, CWOCN, Author Reviewed by: Authors and Victoria A.Weaver, RN, MSN, CETN Revised 2009 by Barbara J. Hocevar, BSN,RN,CWOCN, Manager, ET/WOC Nursing, Cleveland Clinic © 1985 Ilene Fleischer and Patti Wise This guidebook is available for free, in electronic form, from United Ostomy Associations of America (UOAA). UOAA may be contacted at: www.ostomy.org •
[email protected] • 800-826-0826 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION . 3 WHAT IS A CONTINENT UROSTOMY? . 4 THE URINARY TRACT . 4 BEFORE THE SURGERY . .5 THE SURGERY . .5 THE STOMA . 7 AFTER THE SURGERY . 7 Irrigation of the catheter(s) 8 Care of the drainage receptacles 9 Care of the stoma 9 Other important information 10 ROUTINE CARE AT HOME . 10 Catheterization schedule 11 How to catheterize your pouch 11 Special considerations when catheterizing 11 Care of the catheter 12 Other routine care 12 HELPFUL HINTS . .13 SUPPLIES FOR YOUR CONTINENT UROSTOMY . 14 LIFE WITH YOUR CONTINENT UROSTOMY . 15 Clothing 15 Diet 15 Activity and exercise 15 Work 16 Travel 16 Telling others 17 Social relationships 17 Sexual relations and intimacy 17 RESOURCES . .19 GLOSSARY OF TERMS . 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY . .21 1 INTRODUCTION Many people have ostomies and lead full and active lives. Ostomy surgery is the main treatment for bypassing or replacing intestinal or urinary organs that have become diseased or dysfunctional. “Ostomy” means opening. It refers to a number of ways that bodily wastes are re-routed from your body. A urostomy specifi cally redirects urine.