The Scottish Zoological Park; and Other Editorial Notes
CO NT EN T S The Scottish Zoological Park; and other Editorial Notes An Account of the Destruction of Methil Dock Gates by Marine Organisms (I llustrated)- J ames Ritcltie, 1J£. A., D .Sc. O n the Decrease of Blackgame in Scotland-L eonora J effrey Rinto1tl and Evelyn V. Baxter ( Contimted from p. r 3) Bird Notes from Fair Isle, r 92 6- Surgeon Rear-Admiral .f. I:!. Stmlwu se Notes on the Coccidce of Scotland- E. Ernest Green, F E .S., FZ. S. (Concluded) Notes : A Large Dog Otter- Donald Ross, 44 ; Risso's Dolphin stranded in Caithness-Dr J ames Rite/tie, 6o ; Records of large Foxes-riarry fl. Bootlt, 6o; Eastern Les s~ r vVhitethroat on Hyskeir-J olm Bain, 44 ; Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel in D umfriesshire - riuglt S. Gladstone, 44 ; Wild Geese alightin g on Trees-Alec. T. Crmvjord, 6o; Further Records of breeding of Pochard at Dudclingston Loch- Dr J. Jl£. Dewar, 6r ; The Golden Eagle in Galloway-Sir Herbe1·t Ll£axwell, 62 ; Sweden to Britain : Migration of Rough legged Duzzard- Einar Lonnberg, Stocldwlm, 63 ; Young John Dory off \tV estern Inverness·shire-A. C. S tepltm, 44 ; Unusual Colour Variety of Haddock- Dr J as. Rite/tie, 62. Book Notices I PUB LISHERS' NOTE. 1 The Annual Subscription for 1927, payable in advance, 12s, 6d, post free,. l should be addressed to the Publishers, Oliver and Boyd, Tweeddale Court, . ) Edinburgh. 1 COVERS FOR BINDING "THE SCOTTISH NATURALIST.•• I Special Cloth Cases for Binding the 1926 Volume can be supplied at Is.
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