Electoral Registration Officer & Director of Corporate Services Claire Shand


Jolyon Jackson CBE From Claire Shand Local Government Boundary County Hall, Newport, , PO30 1UD Commission for st 1 Floor, Windsor House Tel 50 Victoria Street Email [email protected] London DX Newport (Isle of Wight) SW1H 0TL Web iwight.com Date Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Dear Mr Jackson

RE: Electoral Review of the Isle of Wight : Further Limited Consultation

Thank you for your letter of 5th March 2019 detailing the further limited consultation which the Local Government Boundary Commission for England is undertaking in the Freshwater & Totland, & Wroxall and areas.

Given the limited period of time over which this further consultation is running, it has not been possible to consider your revised Draft Recommendations for these areas at a meeting of our Full Council. The revised proposals have, however, been circulated to all members of the Council, and those in the areas directly affected have been asked if they have any specific comments which they wished to be included in this letter.

In short, the Council is entirely content with the revised proposals for the three areas under consideration, and is grateful that the LGBCE have listened to the views not only of the Isle of Wight Council, but also of the local Town and Parish Councils, and the majority of residents who took the time to respond last year.

As a result, the Council does not have any further submission to make to the LGBCE in respect of this further consultation, other than to confirm that it supports entirely the proposals in their current form, and that it would not wish to see any further alterations in these three areas.

Yours sincerely

Claire Shand Director of Corporate Services Electoral Registration Officer
