E200 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 15, 2012 FIRST is an acronym for the organization ti- IN RECOGNITION OF JULIE I also rise to honor those prisoners of war tled, ‘‘For Inspiration and Recognition of CARUSO forced into the Bataan Death , a Science and Technology.’’ FIRST has been harrowing episode of dreadful suffering and working to help teams of students of all ages HON. WILLIAM R. KEATING immense casualties. The heroic resistance of understand the importance of Math, Science, OF MASSACHUSETTS these fighters engaged the Japanese Imperial and Technology academic disciplines and how Army for four months, preventing Japanese IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to best utilize them in real time problem solv- occupation of Australia. Wednesday, February 15, 2012 ing. On February 4, 2011, at Dr. Jose Rizal Park Mr. Speaker, please join me in commending Mr. KEATING. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to in Seattle, Washington, I joined the Associa- all students, mentors and teachers who partici- recognize and congratulate Julie Caruso, who tion of Bataan and Corregidor Survivors and pate in this program, especially FIRST Team was honored as the 2011 Citizen of the Year their families and friends for the unveiling of 93 and all the other teams competing in the by the Pembroke Express, in recognition of two bronze memorial plaques honoring the Fil- Wisconsin Regional in Milwaukee on March her tireless support of our troops serving over- ipino and Filipino-American veterans. These 22nd and 24th. I also rise to recognize those seas. permanent reminders of their extraordinary that will be at the World Championship in St. Julie started the Pembroke Military Support bravery and sacrifice will always speak of the Louis, Missouri from April 26–28th. These par- Group following the attacks of September strength of the Filipino and American spirit. ticipants can make a difference in our world 11th, and for the past ten years, she has been I am a proud cosponsor of H.R. 210, the Fil- and help change a culture. the moving force behind it. The group’s goal is ipino Veterans Fairness Act of 2011. This Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you join me in both simple and noble: support our service measure deems certain service performed be- congratulating all FIRST participants for their men and women and military families in tan- fore July 1, 1946, in the organized military accomplishments and for the efforts put forth gible ways. forces of the Philippines and the Philippine in the pursuit of their endeavors and achieve- Meeting every month, a core group of ap- Scouts, active military service eligible for vet- ments. proximately fifteen volunteers assemble care erans’ benefits from the United States Depart- packages for more than 120 Pembroke resi- ment of Veterans Affairs. f dents—or those connected to Pembroke—who are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Filipino World War II veterans, who fought A SALUTE TO WOMEN Members of the Military Support Group also so courageously alongside U.S. troops during provide support to the service members’ fami- critical engagements of World War II, have HON. WM. LACY CLAY lies living in Pembroke, Massachusetts. In waited far too long—almost 65 years—to re- 2009, the group received the Community Car- ceive what they were promised by our govern- OF MISSOURI ing Award presented by the Norwell Visiting ment. Most have now passed on. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nurse Association for outstanding service to Mr. Speaker, our debt to the surviving vet- Wednesday, February 15, 2012 the community. erans and their families is long overdue. We Many people would have become fatigued must fulfill our obligation to them now. Mr. CLAY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to give or worn out after a couple years supporting a distinct recognition to the 9th Annual Salute to military community, but not Julie. Julie is that f Women in Leadership Luncheon—an event rare individual with the imagination to dream paying tribute to women of diverse social stra- up this successful group, the dedication to get IN CELEBRATION OF JIMMY AND ta committed to strengthening professional, it off the ground and the perseverance to re- BILLIE METCALF’S 70TH WED- social and family institutions through dedicated main its backbone for over ten years. She not DING ANNIVERSARY responsibilities. only organizes fundraising, but collects and The St. Louis Community Empowerment packages the items and then works with mul- Foundation, Anheuser Busch and Worldwide tiple agencies to get the care packages to the HON. PETE SESSIONS Technologies will honor 14 distinguished troops overseas. Julie has said that she lives OF TEXAS women at the event, with the Lifetime by the belief that her door is always open for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Achievement Award bestowed upon Ms. family members of servicemen and service- Xernona Clayton, President and CEO of the women in need of a shoulder to lean on, and Wednesday, February 15, 2012 Trumpet Awards Foundation and originator of I doubt there is any resident in Pembroke, MA ‘‘Moments in History,’’ one-minute broadcasts Mr. SESSIONS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to who would disagree with her. ask the House of Representatives to join me on black televised during Black Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- History Month. in congratulating Jimmy and Billie Metcalf on lating Julie Caruso as she is honored for her their 70th wedding anniversary. Xernona Clayton deserves a broadcast de- generosity, drive and initiative. She is a model Jimmy Metcalf joined the U.S. Army Air picting her accomplishments as she actively of leadership and selflessness for us all. participated in the or- Corps in 1941 and married Billie Borchardt on ganizing events for the Southern Christian f February 14, 1942, just two months after the Leadership Conference under the direction of HONORING FILIPINO AND FILI- attack on Pearl Harbor. During World War II, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. She was also the PINO-AMERICAN WORLD WAR II Jimmy proudly served his country overseas, first African American female to host a prime VETERANS which kept him apart from his wife for over time talk show broadcast on WAGA–TV in At- three years. Despite this separation, their love lanta, and is credited with influencing a former HON. JIM McDERMOTT persevered. Grand Dragon of the to de- As family and friends join Jimmy and Billie OF WASHINGTON nounce the organization. to celebrate this joyous occasion, it is impor- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This year’s celebrated women will also in- tant to reflect upon the significance of this out- clude Adrian Bracy, Kathleen Brady, Jac- Wednesday, February 15, 2012 standing milestone. Over the past seventy queline Brock, Myrtle Dorsey, Shirley Drury, Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, today I rise years, they have shared many joys and faced Frankie Eichenberger, Robbie Montgomery, to give recognition to the stalwart Filipino and life’s trials together. Through all of life’s ups Sandra Moore, Valerie Patton, Mary Attyberry Filipino-American veterans who fought along- and downs, their love for each other and for Polk, Kacie Starr Triplett, Kimberly McKinney, side U.S. troops in the Battles of Bataan and their children has remained constant. This and Cindy Erickson. Corregidor following the Japanese invasion of platinum anniversary is a testament of their Mr. Speaker, the 9th Annual Salute to the Philippines in December 1941. By Execu- commitment to each other and to the wedding Women in Leadership Luncheon inspires ad- tive Order, the Filipino soldiers’ service entitled vows they took seventy years ago. vocacy for social justice through the works, them to U.S. veterans’ health benefits, pen- Mr. Speaker, I ask my esteemed colleagues accomplishments and deeds of the honored sions, and money for college. But when the to join me in congratulating Jimmy and Billie women. I urge my colleagues to join me in war ended, the VA benefits promised to the on seventy years of wedded bliss. May God recognizing this event slated to be held this Filipino soldiers were rescinded by Congress’ bless them with many more years of happi- May in the beautiful City of St. Louis. passage of the Recession Act of 1946. ness and health together!

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