Derbyshire Parish Registers. Marriages
^iiii iii! mwmm mmm: 'mm m^ iilili! U 942-51019 ^. Aalp V.8 1379096 GENEAUO^JY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 00727 4282 DERBYSHIRE PARISH REGISTERS. riDarrtages. VIII. PHILLIMORES PARISH REGISTER SERIES. VOL. CLXIV (DERBYSHIRE, VOL. VIII.) One hundred and fifty printed. uf-ecj.^. Derbyshire Parish Registers. (IDarriaoes. Edited by W. P. W. PHILLIMORE, M.A., B.C.L., AND Ll. Ll. SIMPSON. VOL. VIII. yJ HonOon: Issued to the Subscribers by Phillimore & Co., Ltd., 124, Chancery Lane. — PREFACE This volume of Marriage Registers, the eighth of the Derbyshire series, contains the Registers of nine parishes, besides an odd Register for Ilkeston parish, omitted from the last volume. 1379096 It has not been thought needful to print the entries verbatim. They are reduced to a common form, and the following con- tractions, as before, have been freely used : w. = widower or widow. p. = of the parish of. co. = in the county of. dioc.= in the diocese of. lie. = marriage licence. It should be remembered that previous to 1752 the year was calculated as beginning on the 25th March, instead of the I St of January, so that a Marriage taking place on say 20th February, 1625, would be on that date in 1626 according to our reckoning ; but as the civil and ecclesiastical year were both used, this is sometimes expressed by 20th February, i62f. In all cases where the marriage is stated to have taken place by Licence, that fact is recorded, as the searcher thereby knows that further information as to age, parentage, and voca- tion of the parties is probably recoverable from the Allegations in the Archdeaconry or other ofifice from which the Licence was issued.
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