Index: Turn Your Established Business Into an Innovation
INDEX Aarhus 105 Wing project 238, 239 academies 204 X (Experimental Laboratory) 87, accelerator programs 202, 236, 237–9 16, 21 Altman, Sam 18 Accenture 115 Amabile, Teresa 85 Acierno, Kyle 215 Amazon 4, 18, 34, 35, 38, 95, 145, Adams, Douglas 67 147, 161, 198, 199, 201, 202, agile working methods 137, 156, 212, 225 180, 191–2 Lab 126 225 AI first 7, 161 Amazon Studios 37 Airbnb 27, 46 Amazon Web Services (AWS) Airbus 199 35–6 Alexa 37 Amazon Wind Power 36 Alibaba 18 Amidi, Saeed 148, 149 All Nippon Airways (ANA) 4, 231, Apple 4, 27 232–3, 234 iPhone 39, 47 ANA Avatar 232, 233, 235 iPods 39, 116 ANA Holdings 235 Arla Foods 192, 193 Avatar XPRIZECOPYRIGHTED 233 artificial MATERIAL intelligence 18, 112, 130 Alpha Go 18 Astro Teller 237 Alphabet 38, 236 augmented reality 129–30, 200, 221 Founders’ Letter 17 augmented reality glasses 199, 237 Get Weird Award 202 augmenting innovation 7–8, 10, Loon project 238 129–30, 131–61, 212, 213 249 Oestergaard583509_bindex.indd 249 4/26/2019 2:52:30 PM INDEX ‘back to the present’ method 214–17 Cola 60 Baidu 4, 145 confirmation bias 25 Baird, John Logie 210 conscientiousness 72 BE better motivation 42–8, 52 coordination problem 78 Be My Eyes 45–6 corporate entrepreneurship 153 Bell, Alexander Graham 210 creative skills, toolsfor developing Beyond Meat 241 180 Bezos, Jeff 2, 215 CRISPR-Cas9 20, 110 biases 23–4, 26 Cruise, Tom 219 BIG (Business Innovation Growth) Cruise Automation 240 195 cultural hacks 163–214 Bing, Asger Trier 111 ‘culture of camaraderie’ 30 Bitcoin 108 Blackberry 241 Daimler 97 blockchains 130, 228 DARE2 119 brain DeepMind 236 biases 24–5 Deloitte 115 dopamine receptors, DevOps software development type–2 (D2R) 70 method 129 Branson, Richard 215, 231 Dietz, Doug 48, 49 Brin, Sergey 17 Digifunds194 ‘bromance cultures’ in startups 188 Digital Factories 86, 135–8 Bush, George W.
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