Lucy Dillon | 464 pages | 08 Dec 2016 | Hodder & Stoughton General Division | 9781444796049 | English | London, United Kingdom All I Ever Wanted by Lucy Dillon

All I Ever Wanted is considered a pop and pop rock , with influences of dance , rock and soul music. James Montgomery of MTV News noted that the album has "unabashed pop, big crunchy guitar chords and tear-tinged ballads," [18] while Evan Sawdey of PopMatters noted that " [t]hough some of the post-breakup bitterness of My December still lingers here, All I Ever Wanted remains a remarkably upbeat record. Lyrically, All I Ever Wanted talks generally about romantic relationships — the good, the bad and the dysfunctional [28] —with Clarkson defining it as "pretty personal". Can I open my eyes? On January 2, , The Wall Street Journal published an article about the upcoming of , and Clarkson's fourth studio album was among them. At the time, RCA general manager Tom Corson claimed she was "in a period where she wants to take on the pop world again. As Rolling Stone ' s Daniel Kreps described, "the cover depicts a shiny, happy Clarkson, one ready to step out of the shadows of the brooding My December and reclaim her pop throne. It's very colorful and they have definitely Photoshopped the crap out of me—but I don't care, haha! Whoever she is, she looks great, ha!. The album's first single, " My Life Would Suck Without You ", had its artwork revealed on January 5, , and it shows "Clarkson sporting a wide-eyed [ On January 28, , Billboard announced that the single went from number 97 to number one on the Billboard Hot , making the biggest leap to the top in the chart's history , as well as marking Clarkson's second US number-one single, and her first in seven years. But inside her head, every time she turns around, she's fantasizing. So she's hooking up in her fantasies, but never in real life. Kahn was dissatisfied with the end result of the video, which shows Clarkson "singing in various luxurious locations while violins play themselves. It was released as a digital download in Germany on March 12, [59] and sent to Australian radio on March 15, A 23 date mini-tour to promote the album, with all dates being at state fairs around the United States. All I Ever Wanted received positive reviews from critics. Freedom du Lac of The Washington Post called it "one of those rare pop albums that should resonate with the mainstream while also generating critical heat. Stephen Thomas Erlewine of AllMusic recognized that she "sounds impassioned and invested in these numbers, selling every one of the skyscraper hooks, but better still she sounds relatable, pulling listeners into a song instead of keeping them at a distance," observing that "while it's not perfect, largely due to those dreary Tedder tunes, much of All I Ever Wanted does justice to Clarkson's considerable skills. And if all Clarkson ever wanted was a major commercial comeback, then this album should undoubtedly give it to her. But whatever her army of producers and legion of co-writers may have brought to the project in terms of radio-ready pop hooks, there's just too much tone and subtext to her performances here—and hell, even consider the record's title—that betrays Clarkson's ironic take on the whole affair. All I Ever Wanted debuted on the Billboard at number one with sales of , copies, becoming the second time Clarkson topped the chart; her debut set, Thankful , also began at number one with , copies sold in its first week in Adapted from AllMusic. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kelly Clarkson. Pop [1] [2] pop rock [3]. RCA Max Martin left and Dr. All my albums always have been. Clarkson Ryan Tedder. Perry Glen Ballard Matt Thiessen. Harris Davis Biancaniello Watters. CD digital download. RCA 19 S. Retrieved December 14, Archived from the original on January 29, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 20, Archived from the original on Retrieved December 13, July 23, May 10, October 24, MTV News. Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 1 April Retrieved Slant Magazine. Retrieved December 16, Retrieved December 18, Archived from the original on 29 March Entertainment Weekly. The Republican. Newhouse Newspapers. Retrieved April 15, Holz, Adam. Plugged In. Rolling Stone. Retrieved December 22, Freedom March 10, The Washington Post. The Daily Iowan. March 10, Archived from the original on June 15, Retrieved October 30, The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 20, Retrieved December 21, Archived from the original on 18 March Music Charts. All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted Was a simple way to get over you All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted Was an in between to escape this desperate scene Where every lie reveals a truth Baby 'cause I all ever wanted, all I ever wanted was you. I'd rather walk alone, don't wanna chase you around Every day, every day, every minute I fall a thousand times for I let you drag me down Every day, every day, hey, hey. Your new beginning was a perfect ending But I keep feeling we've already been here before It's time you let me know, let me know, just let go. All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted Was a simple way to get over you All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted Was an in between to escape this desperate scene Where every lie reveals a truth Baby 'cause I all ever wanted, all I ever wanted was. I'm not notorious for reading books outside of the young adult genre on this blog but I thought I would widen my horizons when I requested this novel on Netgalley from well know author, Lucy Dillon. All I Ever Wanted explores the lives of two women going through separations for different reasons and delves into the life on one special little girl. The two protagonists of the novel are sister-in-laws Caitlin and Eva. They've never spent much time together before but Caitlin's divorce means their p I'm not notorious for reading books outside of the young adult genre on this blog but I thought I would widen my horizons when I requested this novel on Netgalley from well know author, Lucy Dillon. They've never spent much time together before but Caitlin's divorce means their paths cross once again and Eva begins to spend more time getting to know her niece and nephew. I fell in love with Eva's character. She is suffering from her husband's death and struggling to move on when her family come back into her life. Although cautious at first, Eva quickly becomes a mother-figure and we see her change from reserved and composed to affectionate and lively. I felt deeply for Eva as she reads through her late husband's diaries and discovers she didn't know as much about him as she originally thought. Despite this, their love was strong and their marriage one I dream of having myself. They were a unit and Mick's death affects not only Eva, but the reader too. Following her separation from her husband, Caitlin embarks on a relationship with Lee, a personal trainer and band member she has been mesmerized by for a number of years. Although Lee was charming enough, I found Caitlin to be very selfish when she started this relationship because her children were left in danger on a number of occasions as a result, even if not directly because of their mother. Caitlin's need to feel young again beats her need to be a mother and I think this is the reason I didn't warm to her as much. Undoubtedly, however, Caitlin does love her children and you can see the close relationship she has with both of her children throughout the novel. The main focus of the novel is 4 year old Nancy, daughter of Caitlin and niece of Eva. Over the course of the novel, Nancy begins to talk less and less until but the end she can't speak at all, communicating only to her auntie's pet pugs and through non-verbal actions. Nancy is possibly the cutest child I have ever come across in fiction. She was absolutely adorable in everything she did and her triumph at the end is heartbreaking. I also loved her relationship with her older brother, Joel, who acted as her savior, stepping in when she physically couldn't let her feelings be known and making his parents aware of his sister's situation. They were a team, getting through their parent's divorce together. And she smiled on the outside. As a child from a 'broken home', I have very strong opinions on divorce and separation and as a result I found it interesting to see divorce from an adult's perspective, although I think this is one of the reasons I didn't warm to Caitlin so much. Eva's story stood out for me, however, when she realises that she will never be a mother after the death of her husband. I found this to be the saddest aspect of the novel. Eva has to decide whether to use fertility treatment to bring up a child or choose to live a life on her own. One of these decisions, however, means letting go of her husband. I am also going to note what a great Christmas novel this is. All I Ever Wanted is not centered around Christmas, but the opening chapter gives it a Christmas feel and it will be released in December so it's perfect to read in the winter months. As well as this, I think you may appreciate the novel more if you're British. I have mentioned before how much I love British novels because I understand the humour more, and this novel had some great British references, which were both up to date and funny. Despite being much younger than the characters I still felt like I could relate and emphasise with them, a feature I always look for in novels. I will definitely be looking for more novels by Lucy Dillon to read. Aug 03, Kelsie rated it did not like it Shelves: bad-books , drama , rom-com. Hold onto your butts, amma bout to rant my ass off. Boy could this author have got it more wrong? First of all my edition had a lot of grammatical errors in it which annoyed me, number 1. Number 2, none of these characters were likeable. And number 4? I don't think the author knows how selective mutism works. The kid stopped talking because her wishes came true, so she thought it was better to not talk at all. The kid even acknowledges that this is why she stopped talking, she knew her problem Selective mutism often happens because something traumatic happens to the kid my parents violently separating, witness the arguments, same with my mum , not because some dumb ass wishes came true. I understand that there was some element to her parents separation that triggered it off for Nancy but it was downplayed to freakin' wishes. So that's that out of the way. To get onto the characters. Then there was the issue with her phone which made me start to dislike her. You have a kid who can't talk so you never look at your phone when you're out? Uh huh, okay doll. Joel is a child I'd cross the street to avoid. It was just awful. Because selective mutism is that easy to get over. Give me a break. Sincerely, former selective mute child of almost 7 years. View 1 comment. Mar 29, Kerry rated it really liked it. Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. Caitlin is married to Patrick and they have two children, 10 year old Joel and 4 year old Nancy. Both are happy, outgoing children, but something changes in Nancy when Caitlin and Patrick hit a rough patch in their marriage and decide to separate. Patrick had been offered a job miles away, Caitlin didn't want to move from the comfort of the home her Nana left to her, but Patrick goes anyway. They feel l Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. They feel like they're making each other miserable, but don't really know why, so it seems like the only option, but they do their best to keep things amicable. When Nancy stops talking, no-one knows why, other than the obvious distress of Patrick moving out, but it soon becomes more than that and it terrifies them both. Caitlin is desperate to have her loud, bubbly little girl back, but has no idea how to make that happen. When the children start to spend time at Auntie Eva's house, Nancy soon forms a special bond with her two pugs, Bumble and Bee. I think Bumble and Bee were my favourite characters, but I did really warm to Eva. Eva is almost 45 and already a widow, having been married to an older man, famous actor Mick, for 7 years. She has no children of her own and initially feels awkward with these little people in her home, but she soon bonds with them and they develop a lovely relationship. As Caitlin and Patrick struggle to agree to terms of their divorce at the same time as trying to figure out what's wrong with Nancy they're faced with another trauma and it seems their only hope is Nancy and Bumble. This is a very easy read, in the sense that it is beautifully written, although it does deal with sensitive subjects. It highlights how much children can be affected by adult relationships however much you try to shield them and also how younger children can take things completely literally. It's a very believable story of family, love, marriage, marital problems, parenthood and how damaging a lack of communication can be, but also how it's never too late and there can always be a happy ending. It's full of likeable and very real characters who I found myself really caring about Alex was another of my favourite characters and wishing for that happy ending for them all. Many thanks to the author and publisher for approving my request on Netgalley. Nov 13, Laura rated it it was amazing. Book reviews on www. It was everything I wanted it to be: sweet, emotional, funny, realistic and SO well written. The characters all really struck a chord with me. I loved both Eva and Caitlin in their own ways; they're very different but have a lot in common too, and I really liked how they felt like real people to me. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed re Book reviews on www. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed reading about him! It's not what I'd call 'action-packed', with some points seeming slower than others, but it was always interesting and fun to read regardless. The storyline addresses 'real-life' problems and issues around relationships and family, and making everyday life work when life itself can be so hectic and stressful - or, for Eva, a bit less hectic but filled with grief at the loss of her husband. I really felt for her and I liked that the author didn't make anyone out to be a 'bad' person, as such - but sometimes people just grate on eachother for various reasons, and sometimes things are much better. I'm really glad Lucy Dillon avoided making any of this novel too cheesy - there were definitely emotional and heart-warming parts to the story, and some bits were really sad, but it was all written with such skill - and the adorable pugs were an added bonus! I am so impressed with All I Ever Wanted; it really shines and I will definitely be reading more of her novels. View all 3 comments. Jun 21, Caroline Hedges rated it liked it. I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I didn't like Caitlin very much, wasn't sure what her redeeming features were. She came across as selfish, childish, pathetic and self-obssessed. And her son got on my nerves, why wouldn't Caitlin ask him to be quiet more often. I'm not saying I am a hardcore mum but no sane mum would cope with his behavior and not scream at him one in a while! I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted t I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted to see if Nancy spoke again. With parents like she had I would have moved in with Eve a long time ago! Nov 24, MetLineReader rated it really liked it Shelves: arcs , Great tale of a family in crisis. The cherry on top is the characterisation of the Pugs, Bumble and Bee, who bring warmth and humour to what is potentially a much more difficult story. Loved the kids too - strong Joel and Fancy Nancy. But the pugs steal the show! A special mention to Eva, who is much more important than you initially think A good enjoyable and humorous read. Feb 24, Sofie rated it it was amazing Shelves: will-read-again-and-again-and-again , 5-stars. The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. All I ever wanted was no different. Of course it was set in Longhampton with the return of one of my favourites Anna. This book struck the biggest cord with me because having a family is one of the most important things to me. Having kids and dogs running through the The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. This book had everything you could want, a great mum and father figure, two children with such beautiful yet crazy personalities, snuffly wrinkly pugs and best of all an Aunty with such a big heart. Eva was by far my favourite character and I loved the way she was portrayed from start to finish. Well done Lucy! Thank you for always giving us a chance to see inside the gorgeous town of Longhampton and the wonderful, magical characters and their dogs that inhabit it. Jun 05, Amanda rated it really liked it. As usual, Dillon's novels are a cut above a lot of the other lighter fiction out there. Her characterisation is achieved so easily and neatly. A really lovely look at how marriages can be a lot more than what they seem, and how children can be so easily affected by trauma in their lives. Shed a few tears, smiled at the happy ending - what more can you ask for? Jun 05, Gill Brown rated it really liked it. A moving story of family life. Really good. Oct 26, Sharon rated it it was amazing Shelves: netgalley-books , lucy- dillon , sharonx Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. We meet Caitlin and Patrick — a not so happily married couple on the verge of separation. Patrick is offered a new job in Newcastle, whereas Caitlin wants her and their two children to say in Bristol. Eva is recently widowed from her film star husband, and Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. Eva has never had children, apart from her two pugs Bumble and Bee, but loves having her niece and nephew staying. Joel is very much an extrovert child — very loud, loves musicals and has a question for everything. Nancy used to be like that but since her parents separation she has stopped talking. Patrick is a very overworked and stressed man. Caitlin feels that he puts his work before her and the children. This is turn leads her to feeling very unloved. This leads to no ends of problems when she finds herself enjoying his company a bit too much and, as described by Patrick, neglecting her children. How will it all work out for them? Can they find a way to work through their problems? From page 1, I was hooked, and it has kept me up for the last two nights reading it until the early hours. The story immediately drew me in. At first, I disliked Patrick. He was a bossy, controlling husband, always shouting into his phone on work business and never seemingly having any time for his family. I felt for Caitlin having to put up with the behaviour of this man who was her husband. Then as the story went on, it changed. I began to dislike Caitlin. It seemed that she wanted some freedom from her life how it has been for the last 10 years, but seemed to put her children second. I then felt for Patrick, as it was left for him to have to pick up the pieces whilst having to deal with the constant demands from work, and also being made to feel from Caitlin that he was in the wrong. Throw into all that Eva. Eva is 3 years widowed and is still coming to terms with it. She wondered what it would have been like to have a child, and with her niece and nephew staying, makes her want one all the more. And then we have Nancy, poor little Nancy who has stopped talking. Her story is the saddest. The only things she feels comfortable telling her secrets to are the two pugs, Bumble and Bee. It tugs at the heartstrings, and gets you reaching for the tissues at parts. There are no big twists in the story, it just runs along at a nice steady speed, keeping you with the story chapter after chapter. Five stars, but if I could give it more I would! Dec 26, Lee rated it really liked it Shelves: english , romance , net-galley. We follow the lives of Eva and her sister-in-law, Caitlin. Up to this time Eva had become a bit of a hermit. I did like both female characters. Something to spice things up just a smidgen? Especially as I got closer to the end. I neither cried nor celebrated. I simply read through to the end of the book only mildly interested in what would be the resolution for the characters. I did like it though. Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Top 40 Singles. . Note: insert into search. Singles Top Swiss Singles Chart. Official Charts. Retrieved May 8, British Phonographic Industry. Retrieved July 15, Select singles in the Format field. Select Gold in the Certification field. Recorded Music NZ. Retrieved June 23, Discography Videography Songs Awards and nominations. Celebrity Big Brother 7 Big Brother Category Commons Wiikidata Wikiquote News. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Eurodance EDM. Basshunter Robert Uhlmann Scott Simons. Belgium 50 Wallonia [6]. Europe European Hot Singles [8]. Germany Official German Charts [9]. Pop [1] [2] pop rock [3]. RCA Max Martin left and Dr. All my albums always have been. Clarkson Ryan Tedder. Perry Glen Ballard Matt Thiessen. Harris Davis Biancaniello Watters. CD digital download. RCA 19 S. Retrieved December 14, Archived from the original on January 29, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 20, Archived from the original on Retrieved December 13, July 23, May 10, October 24, MTV News. Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 1 April Retrieved Slant Magazine. Retrieved December 16, Retrieved December 18, Archived from the original on 29 March Entertainment Weekly. The Republican. Newhouse Newspapers. Retrieved April 15, Holz, Adam. Plugged In. Rolling Stone. Retrieved December 22, Freedom March 10, The Washington Post. The Daily Iowan. March 10, Archived from the original on June 15, Retrieved October 30, The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 20, Retrieved December 21, Archived from the original on 18 March Music Charts. Radio and Records. April 14, Archived from the original on May 25, March 26, Archived from the original on December 23, Retrieved December 23, August 8, CBC News. Archived from the original on 6 March USA Today. Idol Charter. March 9, Apple Inc. Archived from the original on 25 March The Music Network. March 15, April 27, March 5, TV Guide. Walmart Soundcheck. Archived from the original on November 22, March 19, July 2, July 13, October 9, November 23, August 18, March 6, April 15, March 11, August 13, April 6, April 20, Freedom Communications. Archived from the original on 8 December Retrieved 8 December PR Newswire. Retrieved December 17, The A. Archived from the original on March 15, The New York Times. Retrieved December 25, Archived from the original on 12 March The Boston Globe. Archived from the original on 29 April The Observer. BBC Music. January 31, Archived from the original on March 3, Retrieved November 8, Retrieved December 26, March 18, Retrieved October 22, Hung Medien. Australian Recording Industry Association. Archived from the original on 10 August UK Albums Chart. Retrieved 19 June Archived from the original on 10 October GfK Entertainment Charts. All I Ever Wanted (Basshunter song) - Wikipedia

But whatever her army of producers and legion of co-writers may have brought to the project in terms of radio-ready pop hooks, there's just too much tone and subtext to her performances here—and hell, even consider the record's title—that betrays Clarkson's ironic take on the whole affair. All I Ever Wanted debuted on the Billboard at number one with sales of , copies, becoming the second time Clarkson topped the chart; her debut set, Thankful , also began at number one with , copies sold in its first week in Adapted from AllMusic. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kelly Clarkson. Pop [1] [2] pop rock [3]. RCA Max Martin left and Dr. All my albums always have been. Clarkson Ryan Tedder. Perry Glen Ballard Matt Thiessen. Harris Davis Biancaniello Watters. CD digital download. RCA 19 S. Retrieved December 14, Archived from the original on January 29, Los Angeles Times. Retrieved August 20, Archived from the original on Retrieved December 13, July 23, May 10, October 24, MTV News. Digital Spy. Archived from the original on 1 April Retrieved Slant Magazine. Retrieved December 16, Retrieved December 18, Archived from the original on 29 March Entertainment Weekly. The Republican. Newhouse Newspapers. Retrieved April 15, Holz, Adam. Plugged In. Rolling Stone. Retrieved December 22, Freedom March 10, The Washington Post. The Daily Iowan. March 10, Archived from the original on June 15, Retrieved October 30, The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved December 20, Retrieved December 21, Archived from the original on 18 March Music Charts. Radio and Records. April 14, Archived from the original on May 25, March 26, Archived from the original on December 23, Retrieved December 23, August 8, CBC News. Archived from the original on 6 March USA Today. Idol Charter. March 9, Apple Inc. Archived from the original on 25 March The Music Network. March 15, April 27, March 5, TV Guide. Walmart Soundcheck. Archived from the original on November 22, March 19, July 2, July 13, October 9, November 23, August 18, March 6, April 15, March 11, August 13, April 6, April 20, Freedom Communications. Archived from the original on 8 December Retrieved 8 December PR Newswire. Retrieved December 17, The A. Archived from the original on March 15, The New York Times. Retrieved December 25, Archived from the original on 12 March The Boston Globe. Archived from the original on 29 April The Observer. BBC Music. January 31, Archived from the original on March 3, Retrieved November 8, Retrieved December 26, March 18, Retrieved October 22, Hung Medien. Australian Recording Industry Association. She was absolutely adorable in everything she did and her triumph at the end is heartbreaking. I also loved her relationship with her older brother, Joel, who acted as her savior, stepping in when she physically couldn't let her feelings be known and making his parents aware of his sister's situation. They were a team, getting through their parent's divorce together. And she smiled on the outside. As a child from a 'broken home', I have very strong opinions on divorce and separation and as a result I found it interesting to see divorce from an adult's perspective, although I think this is one of the reasons I didn't warm to Caitlin so much. Eva's story stood out for me, however, when she realises that she will never be a mother after the death of her husband. I found this to be the saddest aspect of the novel. Eva has to decide whether to use fertility treatment to bring up a child or choose to live a life on her own. One of these decisions, however, means letting go of her husband. I am also going to note what a great Christmas novel this is. All I Ever Wanted is not centered around Christmas, but the opening chapter gives it a Christmas feel and it will be released in December so it's perfect to read in the winter months. As well as this, I think you may appreciate the novel more if you're British. I have mentioned before how much I love British novels because I understand the humour more, and this novel had some great British references, which were both up to date and funny. Despite being much younger than the characters I still felt like I could relate and emphasise with them, a feature I always look for in novels. I will definitely be looking for more novels by Lucy Dillon to read. Aug 03, Kelsie rated it did not like it Shelves: bad-books , drama , rom-com. Hold onto your butts, amma bout to rant my ass off. Boy could this author have got it more wrong? First of all my edition had a lot of grammatical errors in it which annoyed me, number 1. Number 2, none of these characters were likeable. And number 4? I don't think the author knows how selective mutism works. The kid stopped talking because her wishes came true, so she thought it was better to not talk at all. The kid even acknowledges that this is why she stopped talking, she knew her problem Selective mutism often happens because something traumatic happens to the kid my parents violently separating, witness the arguments, same with my mum , not because some dumb ass wishes came true. I understand that there was some element to her parents separation that triggered it off for Nancy but it was downplayed to freakin' wishes. So that's that out of the way. To get onto the characters. Then there was the issue with her phone which made me start to dislike her. You have a kid who can't talk so you never look at your phone when you're out? Uh huh, okay doll. Joel is a child I'd cross the street to avoid. It was just awful. Because selective mutism is that easy to get over. Give me a break. Sincerely, former selective mute child of almost 7 years. View 1 comment. Mar 29, Kerry rated it really liked it. Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. Caitlin is married to Patrick and they have two children, 10 year old Joel and 4 year old Nancy. Both are happy, outgoing children, but something changes in Nancy when Caitlin and Patrick hit a rough patch in their marriage and decide to separate. Patrick had been offered a job miles away, Caitlin didn't want to move from the comfort of the home her Nana left to her, but Patrick goes anyway. They feel l Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. They feel like they're making each other miserable, but don't really know why, so it seems like the only option, but they do their best to keep things amicable. When Nancy stops talking, no-one knows why, other than the obvious distress of Patrick moving out, but it soon becomes more than that and it terrifies them both. Caitlin is desperate to have her loud, bubbly little girl back, but has no idea how to make that happen. When the children start to spend time at Auntie Eva's house, Nancy soon forms a special bond with her two pugs, Bumble and Bee. I think Bumble and Bee were my favourite characters, but I did really warm to Eva. Eva is almost 45 and already a widow, having been married to an older man, famous actor Mick, for 7 years. She has no children of her own and initially feels awkward with these little people in her home, but she soon bonds with them and they develop a lovely relationship. As Caitlin and Patrick struggle to agree to terms of their divorce at the same time as trying to figure out what's wrong with Nancy they're faced with another trauma and it seems their only hope is Nancy and Bumble. This is a very easy read, in the sense that it is beautifully written, although it does deal with sensitive subjects. It highlights how much children can be affected by adult relationships however much you try to shield them and also how younger children can take things completely literally. It's a very believable story of family, love, marriage, marital problems, parenthood and how damaging a lack of communication can be, but also how it's never too late and there can always be a happy ending. It's full of likeable and very real characters who I found myself really caring about Alex was another of my favourite characters and wishing for that happy ending for them all. Many thanks to the author and publisher for approving my request on Netgalley. Nov 13, Laura rated it it was amazing. Book reviews on www. It was everything I wanted it to be: sweet, emotional, funny, realistic and SO well written. The characters all really struck a chord with me. I loved both Eva and Caitlin in their own ways; they're very different but have a lot in common too, and I really liked how they felt like real people to me. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed re Book reviews on www. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed reading about him! It's not what I'd call 'action-packed', with some points seeming slower than others, but it was always interesting and fun to read regardless. The storyline addresses 'real-life' problems and issues around relationships and family, and making everyday life work when life itself can be so hectic and stressful - or, for Eva, a bit less hectic but filled with grief at the loss of her husband. I really felt for her and I liked that the author didn't make anyone out to be a 'bad' person, as such - but sometimes people just grate on eachother for various reasons, and sometimes things are much better. I'm really glad Lucy Dillon avoided making any of this novel too cheesy - there were definitely emotional and heart-warming parts to the story, and some bits were really sad, but it was all written with such skill - and the adorable pugs were an added bonus! I am so impressed with All I Ever Wanted; it really shines and I will definitely be reading more of her novels. View all 3 comments. Jun 21, Caroline Hedges rated it liked it. I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I didn't like Caitlin very much, wasn't sure what her redeeming features were. She came across as selfish, childish, pathetic and self-obssessed. And her son got on my nerves, why wouldn't Caitlin ask him to be quiet more often. I'm not saying I am a hardcore mum but no sane mum would cope with his behavior and not scream at him one in a while! I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted t I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted to see if Nancy spoke again. With parents like she had I would have moved in with Eve a long time ago! Nov 24, MetLineReader rated it really liked it Shelves: arcs , Great tale of a family in crisis. The cherry on top is the characterisation of the Pugs, Bumble and Bee, who bring warmth and humour to what is potentially a much more difficult story. Loved the kids too - strong Joel and Fancy Nancy. But the pugs steal the show! A special mention to Eva, who is much more important than you initially think A good enjoyable and humorous read. Feb 24, Sofie rated it it was amazing Shelves: will-read-again-and-again-and-again , 5-stars. The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. All I ever wanted was no different. Of course it was set in Longhampton with the return of one of my favourites Anna. This book struck the biggest cord with me because having a family is one of the most important things to me. Having kids and dogs running through the The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. This book had everything you could want, a great mum and father figure, two children with such beautiful yet crazy personalities, snuffly wrinkly pugs and best of all an Aunty with such a big heart. Eva was by far my favourite character and I loved the way she was portrayed from start to finish. Well done Lucy! Thank you for always giving us a chance to see inside the gorgeous town of Longhampton and the wonderful, magical characters and their dogs that inhabit it. Jun 05, Amanda rated it really liked it. As usual, Dillon's novels are a cut above a lot of the other lighter fiction out there. Her characterisation is achieved so easily and neatly. A really lovely look at how marriages can be a lot more than what they seem, and how children can be so easily affected by trauma in their lives. Shed a few tears, smiled at the happy ending - what more can you ask for? Jun 05, Gill Brown rated it really liked it. A moving story of family life. Really good. Oct 26, Sharon rated it it was amazing Shelves: netgalley-books , lucy-dillon , sharonx Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. We meet Caitlin and Patrick — a not so happily married couple on the verge of separation. Patrick is offered a new job in Newcastle, whereas Caitlin wants her and their two children to say in Bristol. Eva is recently widowed from her film star husband, and Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. Eva has never had children, apart from her two pugs Bumble and Bee, but loves having her niece and nephew staying. Joel is very much an extrovert child — very loud, loves musicals and has a question for everything. Nancy used to be like that but since her parents separation she has stopped talking. Patrick is a very overworked and stressed man. Caitlin feels that he puts his work before her and the children. This is turn leads her to feeling very unloved. This leads to no ends of problems when she finds herself enjoying his company a bit too much and, as described by Patrick, neglecting her children. How will it all work out for them? Can they find a way to work through their problems? From page 1, I was hooked, and it has kept me up for the last two nights reading it until the early hours. The story immediately drew me in. At first, I disliked Patrick. He was a bossy, controlling husband, always shouting into his phone on work business and never seemingly having any time for his family. I felt for Caitlin having to put up with the behaviour of this man who was her husband. Then as the story went on, it changed. I began to dislike Caitlin. It seemed that she wanted some freedom from her life how it has been for the last 10 years, but seemed to put her children second. I then felt for Patrick, as it was left for him to have to pick up the pieces whilst having to deal with the constant demands from work, and also being made to feel from Caitlin that he was in the wrong. Throw into all that Eva. Eva is 3 years widowed and is still coming to terms with it. She wondered what it would have been like to have a child, and with her niece and nephew staying, makes her want one all the more. And then we have Nancy, poor little Nancy who has stopped talking. Her story is the saddest. The only things she feels comfortable telling her secrets to are the two pugs, Bumble and Bee. It tugs at the heartstrings, and gets you reaching for the tissues at parts. There are no big twists in the story, it just runs along at a nice steady speed, keeping you with the story chapter after chapter. Five stars, but if I could give it more I would! Dec 26, Lee rated it really liked it Shelves: english , romance , net-galley. We follow the lives of Eva and her sister-in-law, Caitlin. Up to this time Eva had become a bit of a hermit. I did like both female characters. Something to spice things up just a smidgen? Especially as I got closer to the end. I neither cried nor celebrated. I simply read through to the end of the book only mildly interested in what would be the resolution for the characters. I did like it though. Jan 11, LoisReadsBooks rated it really liked it. I certainly went though a lot of emotions whilst reading this book. It is a calming story about a family going through a rough patch in their lives. This was an unexpected bonus for me. This really made the story more complex and interesting by adding layers and depth. She quickly changes tracks making the readers opinion change too. My favourite character was Eva, I instantly got caught up in her story and her feelings. Always talking, singing and laughing. I saw a little of myself in Joel with how clumsy he is which is just like me. This book touches on so many issues, divorce, anxiety, hiding your secrets and the biggest issue being family life. This book definitely approaches all of these issues incredibly. This book is a slow burner though. Due to this I felt uncertain about it at the beginning. But as the story slowly developed I got into it a whole lot more. Although it is a slow burner it has to be this way in order to have the many layers it has to slowly peel off. Overall, I would recommend this books to anyone who wants a fiction story that tackles a lot of issues and wants to read a heartwarming story. I will definitely be reading more Lucy Dillon books in the future. Thank to Lucy Dillon, Hodder Paperbooks and Netgalley for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Nov 27, Joan rated it it was amazing. I really loved this gorgeous novel about a family in crisis, struggling to come to terms with what happens to a family when their marriage collapses and two young children struggle to accept what has happened to their once happy family. It is a bitter-sweet novel but also redemptive. The characters are beautifully portrayed and the storytelling is warm, full of compassion and quite wonderful. Patrick and Caitlin were once so happy but more recently the stresses of modern life begin to take their I really loved this gorgeous novel about a family in crisis, struggling to come to terms with what happens to a family when their marriage collapses and two young children struggle to accept what has happened to their once happy family. Patrick and Caitlin were once so happy but more recently the stresses of modern life begin to take their toll. When Patrick is sent hundreds of miles away for a long-term managerial job placement, he really wants to take his family with him, but Caitlin feels unable to uproot their two children and it looks like there can be no compromise. It is then that lively chatterbox Nancy, who is the life and soul of her nursery class, stops talking and her ten year old brother, extrovert and likeable Joel, becomes her translator. She has been so lonely since the death of her husband, renowned personality Michael Quinn. She lives in a wonderfully quirky designer house with her two pugs, and soon she comes to love her niece and nephew dearly as the visits become a regular fixture. With four-year-old Nancy still unable to speak, help comes from a surprising quarter, as the little girl confides her secrets. I first became a fan of Lucy Dillon when I received a book of hers in the post as a gift from a fellow avid reader. I was enchanted by the story and started to collect her back catalogue of novels, all of them written to an extremely high and enjoyable standard. I was really thrilled when my request to review this new novel was accepted. Feb 22, Sammy Jackson rated it it was amazing. Lovely fluffy family read, perfect to curl up with and wile away the hours. Jan 11, Val Robson rated it liked it Shelves: netgalley. Patrick and Caitlin are trying to make their separation amicable by using a mediator and not involving lawyers. They are struggling to tell their children, Joel and Nancy, of their separation and keep putting it off. I found myself getting quite irritated by their constant excuses for not being honest with the children who were showing visible signs of distress about the separation. As Patrick's new job is in Newcastle and too far for the children to travel to see him at weekends he asks his sist Patrick and Caitlin are trying to make their separation amicable by using a mediator and not involving lawyers. As Patrick's new job is in Newcastle and too far for the children to travel to see him at weekends he asks his sister, Eva, to help out by hosting him and the children every other weekend when he has access. Eva's still struggling to comes to terms with the death of her husband Mick, a well known film and TV celebrity. I found the book somewhat slow at times as it followed the stories of both Caitlin and Eva making friends with one another and both embarking on new relationships. I can't say that I identified sympathetically with any of the characters with the possible exception of Eva. Early on in the book Eva is presented with diaries that Mick left wanted them to be part of a biography. The catch is that Mick also left diaries for his first 2 wives and all three have to agree to publish for it to happen. The children play a large part in the story as do Eva's pugs, Bee and Bumble. The 10year old boy, Joel, is very noisy and loves acting out dramas in front of anyone who'll give him attention. I couldn't stop thinking of the middle child, Ben, in the TV sitcom Outnumbered whenever Joel appeared. He seemed to be exactly the same character. It was well written but for me the characters seemed to act out of character from time to time and I found it all distracted me from the storyline. I found it hard to believe that Eva, who was the sort of person who kept a low profile and was private would so easily agree to the publication of Mick diaries without a much tighter contract and editorial control. Dec 18, Donna Irwin rated it it was amazing. Lucy Dillon has long been a favourite author of mine so I was really looking forward to her new book. I wasn't disappointed. A heart warming tale of a family going through a difficult time, and of a little girl who suddenly stops speaking. There are sad moments and funny moments. All the characters are so likeable including pugs Bumble and Bee - and it is so lovely when Nancy begins to communicate again talking to the dogs. Dad Patrick is a bit of a control freak, mum Caitlin needs space and the Lucy Dillon has long been a favourite author of mine so I was really looking forward to her new book. Dad Patrick is a bit of a control freak, mum Caitlin needs space and the comfort of her Gran's house, Joel was just wonderful with his plays and endless chatter and calling all the emergency services in a scene that was funny and sad at the same time and widowed Auntie Eva has her own issues following a request to publish her celebrity husband's diaries. The characters interact beautifully, helping and supporting each other, and ultimately all getting that happy ending. I was sorry to leave the characters behind when the book finished - always a good sign! Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for this copy. Dec 21, Juliet Butler rated it really liked it. Caitlin's marriage to Patrick is in trouble. He works long hours and she feels he doesn't understand what she wants anymore. When he gets offered a job in Newcastle he sees it as a new start for Caitlin and their children, Joel and Nancy but Caitlin doesn't want to leave her house in Bristol where she lived with her Gran. Their decision to separate has tragic consequences for four year old Nancy who turns from a vivacious singing dancing little girl in to a shy little girl who stops talking. The Caitlin's marriage to Patrick is in trouble. The children start to spend some time with their Aunt Eva, recently widowed and lonely and finding it hard to deal with all that she gave up when she married her husband. Both Caitlin and Eva look at their marriages with new eyes, and decide what they really want from their life. This is a beautifully written heartwarming novel, with engaging characters. I really identified with Caitlin, as I have had an experience similar to hers. She is rather a free spirit but feels she has let everybody down. Patrick models himself on his father who was hard working, but in doing this he distances himself from his family. Eva had it all being married to a famous actor, but now she is on her own with only her pugs for company.. All three embark on a journey where they find out that there is no such thing as a perfect family, and have to adjust to truths about themselves and those around them. I should point out the children are adorable and add much humour but also will pull at your heart strings. The plot as many ups and downs, humour and sadness but overall it is a story to warm anyone's heart and make us treasure what we have. A really good, easy read. Dec 16, Kitvaria Sarene rated it it was amazing Shelves: chic-lit-and-womens , christmas. Once again a really sweet and heartwarming book by Lucy Dillon! I just love how she writes something so easy to read, that manages to leave you with a warm glow, but somehow manages to put in all sorts of difficulties for the characters and thereby add much more depth than a lot of other chick lit. Her books aren't the laugh out loud sort of book, but they make you think and reconsider some of your own life's choices - and yet it's not like a Nicholas Sparks book that at leaves you sad and your pa Once again a really sweet and heartwarming book by Lucy Dillon! Her books aren't the laugh out loud sort of book, but they make you think and reconsider some of your own life's choices - and yet it's not like a Nicholas Sparks book that at leaves you sad and your packet of tissues empty. For me she strikes the perfect balance between the easy, humourous sort of women's novel and the big "destiny dramas". This one is about a marriage breaking apart and the adults trying to keep it all civil for their children's sake. It's also about a widow coming to grips with learning things about her deceased husband she never knew, and finding herself again. It's about seeing both yourself as you really are, and perceiving others with all their sides and qualities. And of course there's even more than one romance in this one, to keep you happy. I for one finished it with a happy feeling and a smile on my face! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book. This is the first Lucy Dillon book that I have read. When suddenly they split up and Patrick moves to Newcastle. Nancy suddenly stop talking. Catlin just think its a phase that she is going through. Patrick arranges weekends visits with the kids and instead of them going to Newcastle, he arranges them to stay at his sister's Eva's house. Who is still getting over the death of her Husband and actor Michael Quinn and who has never had children. This story is a beautiful story about love, and loss and problems in marriage. This is well worth reading.


Archived from the original on June 10, Retrieved June 17, Archived from the original on October 31, Retrieved December 10, Ultratop Prometheus Global Media. Archived from the original on December 22, Retrieved January 11, GfK Entertainment Charts. Irish Singles Chart. Retrieved 15 January Top 40 Singles. Official Charts Company. Note: insert into search. Singles Top Swiss Singles Chart. Official Charts. Retrieved May 8, British Phonographic Industry. Retrieved July 15, Select singles in the Format field. Select Gold in the Certification field. Recorded Music NZ. Retrieved June 23, Discography Videography Songs Awards and nominations. His view of them is based on photos and selective memories rather than the truth. Through the daily pressure of having a young family and working hard, Caitlin and Patrick have simply fallen out of love with each other. Initially I was more sympathetic towards Caitlin and found her reflections about parenting very moving and real: "the types of pain she most wanted to protect them from were invisible, out of her control, and these are the things that kept her awake at night. His explanations about why he thought he was doing the right thing and why he has put work first reveal his naivety and there was also something that made me feel pity for this man who was so desperately trying to do the right thing but in fact getting it so wrong. I like that we roll from one character to the other, realigning our feelings as we watch how they behave and react to various situations. Dillon never quite lets us side with only one character, she wants us to feel sympathy for them all in different ways. Of course, this is how it is in life, particularly any kind of close relationship. Dillon's characters are real, fallible, guilty and not without fault but they are also trying to be the best wife, husband, mother and father they can. They've just got a bit lost along the way. It's not until towards the end of the book when they actually start to be properly honest with each other that their relationship can begin to move forward. This was very believable and relatable. I liked Caitlin's frank comments that life was "never quite as wonderful as people hope. In contrast we meet Eva, third wife of celebrity Michael Quinn, who has just died. Michael leaves behind him some personal diaries which Eva begins to read. Dillon uses the diaries initially as a lovely metaphor to reflect the turning point Eva is now facing in her life and as a way of her coming to terms with her past and her future. I also really enjoyed the passages where Eva recounted the events from her point of view and then we read them through Mickey's eyes. There were some entertaining recollections about his second wife Cheryl and her fashion sense - "billionaire Magpie"- and how much he revelled in taking the "glittery tat, all unworn, that flashed at me every time I opened the wardrobe" down to the charity shop. Eva is very thoughtful and reflective. She feels quite isolated, her grief is palpable and reflects something deeper; a grief for a life that could have been or should have been and that enormous burden of wondering what to do next. Reading Mickey's diaries has a huge impact on her in so many ways and I really enjoyed how Dillon did this: "'I often wonder what kind of kids Eva and I would have had. In fact is is the dogs that show Eva how to build a relationship with the children - particularly the mute Nancy. Almost the same way the dog trainer had told her to let a strange dog sniff her out Nancy responded. Eva and Patrick's relationship as siblings also adds another layer and it is interesting to watch the different dynamics play out. I really liked the themes that Dillon explores in this novel. There are the obvious ones about parenting, love, relationships, families and marriage; then the more emotional ones like guilt, fear, possession, grief and honesty. Then there are the more subtle concepts about expectations, choices and accepting reality. There is a lot to discuss with regards to dilemmas and choices. The idea of failure - or fear of failure - as well as rescuing people. As Dillon writes, we have editorial control of our own lives. Some of the final passages actually contain quite profound messages. Isn't it worth being the "best version of ourselves rather than something they weren't? If you choose to do this novel with your book group, you would have to give everyone some bubble mixture to play with. It was an inspired moment and a truly beautiful and magical image. And finally, Lucy Dillon thank you for the happy ending. I'm sorry if that's a huge spoiler but do you know, that is what I needed, and all I ever wanted when I started reading this book! If you are looking for something that tackles relevant issues, complex family dynamics with a few emotional revelations in a gentle, easy, well paced style, then this is the book for you! It's a pleasing and satisfying read with likeable characters and a plausible plot line that strikes a good balance between sadness, happiness, seriousness and humour. Dec 02, Figgy added it Shelves: arc-or-netgalley , unsolicited-arc , one-hundred-percent-rock-reviews , review , review-copy , review-pending , owned-physical-copy , publisher-hachette , owned-audio. Review to come. I actually listened to this on in audio format a while back, hence the lack of updates. It's sweet and deals with some issues without getting too bogged down. There are things for people going through similar situations to relate to, but overall I didn't find this one particularly memorable or unique. She didn't expect to be the third wife of a much-loved household name, but eight years ago, she and semi-retired bad boy Michael Quinn fell i Nancy is four, nearly five. I struggled at first. Nothing really seemed to be happening and I like my fast paced books. I quickly came to the realisation that this wasn't a fast paced book, it was so much more. As I said, it took me a while to get into it but when I did, I thought it was brilliant. It always amazes me when a book takes you by surprise. I really enjoyed the way the author touched on very real issues about very real family problems such as, divorce or separation and the impact it can have on the children. Of the way that grief can turn into isolation and loneliness. I can imagine what it's like to go through something like this and how they are dealt with. I found myself getting frustrated at times too. The anxiety between Patrick and Caitlin, the tension. I yelled so many times and had to put my kindle down several times to readjust my attitude. It says something about a book that can make you do that. That can give you the feels. Praise goes to the author for this accomplishment. Although this wasn't my typical book, I'm pleasantly surprised to have found it. View all 8 comments. Dec 02, Karen Mace rated it really liked it Shelves: e-books , netgalley. As a big fan of Lucy Dillon I am always ready to read her latest stories, so couldn't wait to get my hands on this one! And after a slow start that didn't immediately grab me, I was soon drawn into the family drama and dynamics that the author writes about so well. In this book we follow two main storylines - the first of which is the marriage breakdown between Caitlin and Patrick, who seem to have had it all but when Patrick is offered a job away from Bristol in Newcastle, and Caitlin is relucta As a big fan of Lucy Dillon I am always ready to read her latest stories, so couldn't wait to get my hands on this one! In this book we follow two main storylines - the first of which is the marriage breakdown between Caitlin and Patrick, who seem to have had it all but when Patrick is offered a job away from Bristol in Newcastle, and Caitlin is reluctant to leave her grans' house which contains so many memories, then they decide to split and try and sort out a custody arrangement for the 2 children - Joel and Nancy. Caitlin had Joel before she met Patrick, but Patrick is the only father Joel knows so its' a big change for them all. And Nancy - or fancy nancy as she is often called - is the sweetest 4 year old who is extremely sensitive and when daddy goes away, nancy ends up withdrawing into herself and refuses to speak. Meanwhile, Patricks' sister Eva is still in mourning after losing her husband Michael, a big hollywood star from yorkshire, and she has retreated into her safe space at home with her 2 pugs - bumble and bee! She never had much contact with her brother after a difficult childhood but when he asks if they can use her home to meet up with the children every other weekend, she reluctantly agrees. If only she knew what effect those 2 children are to have on her and her healing process. The author has such a great way of exploring each character and the realities of life , that you soon lose yourself in their world as you follow their stories - some good, some bad - as they try and work things out and try and remember why they were together in the first place and to do what is right for the children. I did find myself losing empathy with Caitlin over certain decisions and outbursts she made as she often came across quite selfish and is very quick to judge others and refuses to blame herself when necessary. And the character of Eva was such a lovely addition as she was reliving her life with Michael through diaries he had left, and certain things she read made her re-evaluate all she knew, as well as bringing her comfort. Spending time with her nephew and niece also made her revisit her childhood with Patrick and that brought up certain issues and explained why Patrick often behaved in certain ways. Overall, another wonderfully enthralling story from Lucy Dillon and I look forward to lots more! I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publishers Jan 14, Nicola Clough rated it it was amazing. I always look forward to Lucy Dillon's books and she certainly didn't disappoint at all very moving story and follows the lives of number of people and makes you think. Caitlin is going through a split from her husband and her daughter Nancy stops talking but she use to be so talkative so comes as a shock her brother speaks for her but their auntie Eva lost her husband a number of years ago but is suddenly given his diaries and she starts to read them can she cope with what she hears but she als I always look forward to Lucy Dillon's books and she certainly didn't disappoint at all very moving story and follows the lives of number of people and makes you think. Caitlin is going through a split from her husband and her daughter Nancy stops talking but she use to be so talkative so comes as a shock her brother speaks for her but their auntie Eva lost her husband a number of years ago but is suddenly given his diaries and she starts to read them can she cope with what she hears but she also gets close to Nancy and can she get her talking or not and what part does her dogs play well worth reading to find out. Nov 15, Rachel Gilbey rated it it was amazing. What a wonderfully heart warming and loving story, about one family, as they are going through a tough patch. When Patrick accepts a job in Newcastle, Caitlin refuses to uproot their children to move up there with him. For Patrick this signifies that it is time to move on and they split up. Caitlin around this time starts to see her husband in a new light, and he really doesn't come across that well in the early part of the book. Joel is 10 and loves acting, he is very talkative and is a wonderfu What a wonderfully heart warming and loving story, about one family, as they are going through a tough patch. Joel is 10 and loves acting, he is very talkative and is a wonderful big brother. Nancy is almost five, but once her dad moves out, she stops speaking. It's a heart breaking problem and although they are fairly sure it is stress related, noone seems to know the best way to get her talking again. She used to by all accounts be a happy go lucky child, always singing and dancing along with Joel, so its very noticeable how quiet she is now. Thankfully Nancy will still communicate just without words, so can get her feelings and some of her thoughts across, and I think if anyone is having a similar dilemma with their own child may take a bit of comfort from this story. Caitlin arranges for the kids to see Patrick at weekends at their aunt Eva's house. Eva is the other main focus of the book, she is recently widowed, childless and has barely had anything to do with her young niece and nephew, but she lives a reasonable distance away from the husband and wife. As much as Nancy is the main focus of a lot of the book, I loved hearing more about Eva's relationship with her beloved Mick. I also enjoyed seeing Eva's relationship with Joel and Nancy develop over time. I regularly state that my favourite Lucy Dillon books feature dogs, and so I was delighted to meet Bumble and Bee, Eva's pugs. They are small and cute, and play a steady role throughout the book, but more importantly they are key in quite a few of the largest, most important scenes in the book. Caitlin loves getting a bit of freedom, and Eva also has a new acquaintance who I was hoping things would develop with, however Patrick is always very quick to criticise if anything goes wrong. And of course there are some "situations" involving the children that are quite funny, and definitely memorable, one including a bath, and one including some errant animals in a back garden! I found All I Ever Wanted to be an engaging look at one couple's family dynamics along with their aunt, Caitlin's mum who drives her slightly mad and of course the pugs, as they navigate the problems caused by a separation. I found it sympathetic to Nancy's plight and I spent a large amount of the book really rooting for her, and hoping things would change. I felt involved with the story at all times, which was easy to follow and very enjoyable to read. Thank you so much to Netgalley and Hodder for this copy of the book, which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily. I'm not notorious for reading books outside of the young adult genre on this blog but I thought I would widen my horizons when I requested this novel on Netgalley from well know author, Lucy Dillon. All I Ever Wanted explores the lives of two women going through separations for different reasons and delves into the life on one special little girl. The two protagonists of the novel are sister-in-laws Caitlin and Eva. They've never spent much time together before but Caitlin's divorce means their p I'm not notorious for reading books outside of the young adult genre on this blog but I thought I would widen my horizons when I requested this novel on Netgalley from well know author, Lucy Dillon. They've never spent much time together before but Caitlin's divorce means their paths cross once again and Eva begins to spend more time getting to know her niece and nephew. I fell in love with Eva's character. She is suffering from her husband's death and struggling to move on when her family come back into her life. Although cautious at first, Eva quickly becomes a mother- figure and we see her change from reserved and composed to affectionate and lively. I felt deeply for Eva as she reads through her late husband's diaries and discovers she didn't know as much about him as she originally thought. Despite this, their love was strong and their marriage one I dream of having myself. They were a unit and Mick's death affects not only Eva, but the reader too. Following her separation from her husband, Caitlin embarks on a relationship with Lee, a personal trainer and band member she has been mesmerized by for a number of years. Although Lee was charming enough, I found Caitlin to be very selfish when she started this relationship because her children were left in danger on a number of occasions as a result, even if not directly because of their mother. Caitlin's need to feel young again beats her need to be a mother and I think this is the reason I didn't warm to her as much. Undoubtedly, however, Caitlin does love her children and you can see the close relationship she has with both of her children throughout the novel. The main focus of the novel is 4 year old Nancy, daughter of Caitlin and niece of Eva. Over the course of the novel, Nancy begins to talk less and less until but the end she can't speak at all, communicating only to her auntie's pet pugs and through non-verbal actions. Nancy is possibly the cutest child I have ever come across in fiction. She was absolutely adorable in everything she did and her triumph at the end is heartbreaking. I also loved her relationship with her older brother, Joel, who acted as her savior, stepping in when she physically couldn't let her feelings be known and making his parents aware of his sister's situation. They were a team, getting through their parent's divorce together. And she smiled on the outside. As a child from a 'broken home', I have very strong opinions on divorce and separation and as a result I found it interesting to see divorce from an adult's perspective, although I think this is one of the reasons I didn't warm to Caitlin so much. Eva's story stood out for me, however, when she realises that she will never be a mother after the death of her husband. I found this to be the saddest aspect of the novel. Eva has to decide whether to use fertility treatment to bring up a child or choose to live a life on her own. One of these decisions, however, means letting go of her husband. I am also going to note what a great Christmas novel this is. All I Ever Wanted is not centered around Christmas, but the opening chapter gives it a Christmas feel and it will be released in December so it's perfect to read in the winter months. As well as this, I think you may appreciate the novel more if you're British. I have mentioned before how much I love British novels because I understand the humour more, and this novel had some great British references, which were both up to date and funny. Despite being much younger than the characters I still felt like I could relate and emphasise with them, a feature I always look for in novels. I will definitely be looking for more novels by Lucy Dillon to read. Aug 03, Kelsie rated it did not like it Shelves: bad-books , drama , rom-com. Hold onto your butts, amma bout to rant my ass off. Boy could this author have got it more wrong? First of all my edition had a lot of grammatical errors in it which annoyed me, number 1. Number 2, none of these characters were likeable. And number 4? I don't think the author knows how selective mutism works. The kid stopped talking because her wishes came true, so she thought it was better to not talk at all. The kid even acknowledges that this is why she stopped talking, she knew her problem Selective mutism often happens because something traumatic happens to the kid my parents violently separating, witness the arguments, same with my mum , not because some dumb ass wishes came true. I understand that there was some element to her parents separation that triggered it off for Nancy but it was downplayed to freakin' wishes. So that's that out of the way. To get onto the characters. Then there was the issue with her phone which made me start to dislike her. You have a kid who can't talk so you never look at your phone when you're out? Uh huh, okay doll. Joel is a child I'd cross the street to avoid. It was just awful. Because selective mutism is that easy to get over. Give me a break. Sincerely, former selective mute child of almost 7 years. View 1 comment. Mar 29, Kerry rated it really liked it. Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. Caitlin is married to Patrick and they have two children, 10 year old Joel and 4 year old Nancy. Both are happy, outgoing children, but something changes in Nancy when Caitlin and Patrick hit a rough patch in their marriage and decide to separate. Patrick had been offered a job miles away, Caitlin didn't want to move from the comfort of the home her Nana left to her, but Patrick goes anyway. They feel l Well, what a beautiful ending to an emotional, thought provoking and, at times, amusing story. They feel like they're making each other miserable, but don't really know why, so it seems like the only option, but they do their best to keep things amicable. When Nancy stops talking, no-one knows why, other than the obvious distress of Patrick moving out, but it soon becomes more than that and it terrifies them both. Caitlin is desperate to have her loud, bubbly little girl back, but has no idea how to make that happen. When the children start to spend time at Auntie Eva's house, Nancy soon forms a special bond with her two pugs, Bumble and Bee. I think Bumble and Bee were my favourite characters, but I did really warm to Eva. Eva is almost 45 and already a widow, having been married to an older man, famous actor Mick, for 7 years. She has no children of her own and initially feels awkward with these little people in her home, but she soon bonds with them and they develop a lovely relationship. As Caitlin and Patrick struggle to agree to terms of their divorce at the same time as trying to figure out what's wrong with Nancy they're faced with another trauma and it seems their only hope is Nancy and Bumble. This is a very easy read, in the sense that it is beautifully written, although it does deal with sensitive subjects. It highlights how much children can be affected by adult relationships however much you try to shield them and also how younger children can take things completely literally. It's a very believable story of family, love, marriage, marital problems, parenthood and how damaging a lack of communication can be, but also how it's never too late and there can always be a happy ending. It's full of likeable and very real characters who I found myself really caring about Alex was another of my favourite characters and wishing for that happy ending for them all. Many thanks to the author and publisher for approving my request on Netgalley. Nov 13, Laura rated it it was amazing. Book reviews on www. It was everything I wanted it to be: sweet, emotional, funny, realistic and SO well written. The characters all really struck a chord with me. I loved both Eva and Caitlin in their own ways; they're very different but have a lot in common too, and I really liked how they felt like real people to me. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed re Book reviews on www. The kids were lovely too - Joel seems so sweet and I really enjoyed reading about him! It's not what I'd call 'action-packed', with some points seeming slower than others, but it was always interesting and fun to read regardless. The storyline addresses 'real-life' problems and issues around relationships and family, and making everyday life work when life itself can be so hectic and stressful - or, for Eva, a bit less hectic but filled with grief at the loss of her husband. I really felt for her and I liked that the author didn't make anyone out to be a 'bad' person, as such - but sometimes people just grate on eachother for various reasons, and sometimes things are much better. I'm really glad Lucy Dillon avoided making any of this novel too cheesy - there were definitely emotional and heart-warming parts to the story, and some bits were really sad, but it was all written with such skill - and the adorable pugs were an added bonus! I am so impressed with All I Ever Wanted; it really shines and I will definitely be reading more of her novels. View all 3 comments. Jun 21, Caroline Hedges rated it liked it. I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I didn't like Caitlin very much, wasn't sure what her redeeming features were. She came across as selfish, childish, pathetic and self-obssessed. And her son got on my nerves, why wouldn't Caitlin ask him to be quiet more often. I'm not saying I am a hardcore mum but no sane mum would cope with his behavior and not scream at him one in a while! I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted t I really enjoy Lucy Dillon's books but I couldn't get into this one. I did like Eve and the pugs and they were the reason I read to the end and I wanted to see if Nancy spoke again. With parents like she had I would have moved in with Eve a long time ago! Nov 24, MetLineReader rated it really liked it Shelves: arcs , Great tale of a family in crisis. The cherry on top is the characterisation of the Pugs, Bumble and Bee, who bring warmth and humour to what is potentially a much more difficult story. Loved the kids too - strong Joel and Fancy Nancy. But the pugs steal the show! A special mention to Eva, who is much more important than you initially think A good enjoyable and humorous read. Feb 24, Sofie rated it it was amazing Shelves: will-read-again-and-again-and-again , 5-stars. The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. All I ever wanted was no different. Of course it was set in Longhampton with the return of one of my favourites Anna. This book struck the biggest cord with me because having a family is one of the most important things to me. Having kids and dogs running through the The day I picked up lost dogs and lonely hearts I knew my reading life had drastically become much better. This book had everything you could want, a great mum and father figure, two children with such beautiful yet crazy personalities, snuffly wrinkly pugs and best of all an Aunty with such a big heart. Eva was by far my favourite character and I loved the way she was portrayed from start to finish. Well done Lucy! Thank you for always giving us a chance to see inside the gorgeous town of Longhampton and the wonderful, magical characters and their dogs that inhabit it. Jun 05, Amanda rated it really liked it. As usual, Dillon's novels are a cut above a lot of the other lighter fiction out there. Her characterisation is achieved so easily and neatly. A really lovely look at how marriages can be a lot more than what they seem, and how children can be so easily affected by trauma in their lives. Shed a few tears, smiled at the happy ending - what more can you ask for? Jun 05, Gill Brown rated it really liked it. A moving story of family life. Really good. Oct 26, Sharon rated it it was amazing Shelves: netgalley- books , lucy-dillon , sharonx Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. We meet Caitlin and Patrick — a not so happily married couple on the verge of separation. Patrick is offered a new job in Newcastle, whereas Caitlin wants her and their two children to say in Bristol. Eva is recently widowed from her film star husband, and Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for this copy. Eva has never had children, apart from her two pugs Bumble and Bee, but loves having her niece and nephew staying. Joel is very much an extrovert child — very loud, loves musicals and has a question for everything. Nancy used to be like that but since her parents separation she has stopped talking. Patrick is a very overworked and stressed man. Caitlin feels that he puts his work before her and the children. This is turn leads her to feeling very unloved. This leads to no ends of problems when she finds herself enjoying his company a bit too much and, as described by Patrick, neglecting her children. How will it all work out for them? Can they find a way to work through their problems? From page 1, I was hooked, and it has kept me up for the last two nights reading it until the early hours. The story immediately drew me in. At first, I disliked Patrick. He was a bossy, controlling husband, always shouting into his phone on work business and never seemingly having any time for his family. I felt for Caitlin having to put up with the behaviour of this man who was her husband.