February 2020 A Behavior & Training Communiqué from Dawn Kovell

Susan Friedman Seminar Where is she now? Personality: • Loves to tug! Whether it’s with her Recap – February 15-17 Artemis (“Artie”), formerly known as human or her Frenchie brother, it’s her During her three-day "Behavior Buzz" Gypsy, has a new life! This eight-month- favorite game. seminar, Susan discussed how to create old spunky puppy got herself into Bite Q effective behavior solutions using the while playing fetch with a Pal. • Really enjoys working and doing most positive, least intrusive methods. After Bite Q she was adopted and something. She’s taking to her flyball fundamentals well and has already Here are some highlights: returned two weeks later. started to love the game of Barn Hunt. During the topic "The Learning Planet" She’s very smart and fun to train. she demonstrated how all life forms • Likes to take her toys out to potty. change their behavior based on They’re either in her mouth, or right experience and use their environment beside her for safe-keeping. to achieve desirable outcomes. • She’s a sock thief. If she’s feeling really During "Control the other Primary bold she’ll take a shoe too. They’re not Reinforcer" participants learned how to destroyed, just put elsewhere. You may enhance learning and welfare by have to look in the backyard to find it. increasing the animal's control over Slippers are her favorite. I no longer their valued outcomes. have a matching pair. Other topics included how to address • She sighs a lot. It’s like she’s a true outdated and misunderstood behavior teenager rolling her eyes. The older she science. Dr. Friedman discussed Kara, one of Dawn’s flyball teammates, gets the more vocal her sighs. She “can’t was tipped off that we had a high drive even” at the end of the day. puppy who might get herself into more trouble if she didn’t have a job and an experienced handler. Kara adopted her the day she was returned! Here are some interesting things her new guardian found out about Artie/Gypsy: Breed: We got her breed tested and the results came back that she was 33% , 23% American Bully, 11% German Shepherd, 8% Chow, and others. All in all, a Crazy Cattle Mix. removing labels such as "he barks because he is stubborn;"; to more News Briefs & Links effective methods for behavior change (ABA); to change the environment to While we are all hunkering down in our various communities, we’d like to provide desired outcomes. offer some links to interesting articles and videos that will inform and amuse. Approximately 50 people participated including zoo staff, shelter staff, dog trainers, veterinarians, and animal rescue groups. Dr. Susan Friedman is a psychology 10 Ways Animal professor at Utah State University. Shelters are Upping Warehousing Isn’t For more information about her work C-Net review of high Their Game Working – North visit http://www.behaviorworks.org/. tech dog collars New trends in Carolina rescue, Photo by: Bonnie Jay features Dawn Kovell, animal care; Brother Wolf, works http://www.estarbird.com her , and Marin features Colorado’s toward placement Humane Board Larimer Humane through behavior member and C-Net Society (LHS) evaluations, but For Upcoming Events see page 6 tech guy, Brian Cooley. there are hard truths to consider.

News Briefs continued on page 2 Cat Tales and Mews News

Rosie’s Story: Unfortunately, Rosie C was a bit like a "rose" to them that day. Those strong yo-yo in her test results – sometimes up opinions were not always helpful in Extra time and medical help and sometimes down. It took several getting her adopted, but she also had and finally out the door! months of her twice-a-day medications very strong opinions about who were Over 12 years old, badly in need of a to stabilize her enough for her to go to her favorites. dental, a lump on one shoulder, lab the adoption floor. During her wait, and Fortunately, she bonded especially well work indicating possible early or chronic when she had returned from her foster with one of our volunteers who took kidney disease, a bit overweight and home, Rosie C was an Extra Care Pet Pal Rosie C to her very last forever home. previously diagnosed with hyper- favorite. She was always the first to be Rosie C came to us on March 14, 2019 thyroidism. That would accurately visited and received extra love from the and was adopted February 9, 2020. entire staff. describe our Rosie C. Yes--an 11-month shelter stay! What it doesn't describe to you is the Finally came the day when Rosie C extraordinary efforts by the Marin could be moved up to the adoption floor. Many of the Extra Care Pet Pals Humane staff to make Rosie C the Cat Behavior Help needed adoption success story that she is. continued to visit her even as she made new friends with the adoption A senior Cat Pet Pal supply organizer: Our long- muted calico time CPP organizer Francess, is taking a with white well-deserved break. If you have a toes in front penchant for organization and about and white two free hours a week, we can use your socks on her help. This volunteer checks that the back legs, CPP’s have the tools that they need to Rosie C melted do their work in the Adoption hearts Rooms. They also ensure that each wherever she room has wand toys, Feliway, clean went. She was grooming tools, blank CPP notes, pens, surrendered etc. and restock as necessary. Timing along with her is very flexible. senior Cat Teaching Assistant: We need help housemate setting up for cat classes and checking Jack C (they people in; no cat experience is were not necessary but you get the benefit of particularly Annette, one of Rosie’s devoted fans made the final move! learning about cat behavior. There are bonded) who typically two classes a month on went out the Sundays. Hours are 12- 3. door fairly quickly in May 2019. Rosie C, counselors and the adoption pet pals. Despite being a "muted" calico, Rosie C with her catalog of medical issues, spent Please email Beth at: much of her time in a foster home while still had her "diva" moments on the adoption floor. With a quick swat she [email protected] if you have awaiting her dental and regulating her questions or are interested in either of hyperthyroidism. Kudos to her foster would let some potential adopters know that she was not extending a these positions. who regularly brought her in for thyroid testing!

News Briefs & Links Continued from page 1.

Reina made her debut Bruno was adopted on ABC7’s Perfect Pet. Lives changed forever… February 15 but not She was an absolute a video of former lab before he rocked it charmer! And this Chimps being released to at a Shelter Scents sweet girl was a sanctuary supported by session. View the adopted 3/8/19. Marin Humane Board video set to music. member Bruce Wagman’s law firm. Featured in New York Post. Behavior and Training News

Shyotes! Rick update Our little Rick found his Adoption Consults – Toby! new forever home. Rick came to us In February, ten shelter dogs came in for We took in a litter of five, four-month totally shut down and shy. After office free adoption dog consultations. One old puppies from Solano County Animal fostering and giving him lots of Pet Pal was Toby, our partially blind dog. After Shelter. Joann Pittelli nicknamed the love, Rick started to come out of his over a month of trying to make it work, puppies the Shyotes, pronounced shell enough for a family of adopters his adopter came to the conclusion that shyohtees, (German Shepherd X to fall in love with him. he was just not the right fit for her dog, Coyotes). That is what they looked like another Marin Humane adoptee. and pretty much summed up their personalities, shy with a wild side. We learned more about Toby though. His adopter reported, “Toby raced Charleston was the most reserved of around the house running into my other the litter and with some help from a dog Yogi – but he’s blind! You say, he donated stroller we got him out with couldn’t see her – well, I don’t think Jake, Larry Carson’s dog, and soon that’s true. He never runs into walls or Charleston was walking and furniture and he has a very well- investigating on his own. developed sense of smell, so I think our little Toby is a bit of a bully.” We’re sure the right home is out there for Toby. It just may not be a home with another dog or at least not a small dog. After a month of watching her dog Yogi You can see he found a pal with the hide, crouch and shake every time Toby adopter’s dog. Rick is a sweet dog who came into the room, the adopter just wanted to find the friend he thought it would be best to return him needed. As you can see, he did! and we think it was the right choice.

Reese – A little sweet, but through the towel! But sit on the ground also a little salty! with her and Reese would be all over Charleston traveled in style at first, but soon you looking for love and attention. got his confidence up following Jake’s lead. Little Miss Reese, the color of a peanut butter cup, had a sweet and salty in What is a shelter to do with a dog like personality. This little Terrier mix came this? Loving and sweet one minute and in with a sibling who was evaluated and lashing out the next. Dawn and Virginia adopted lickity-split! Miss Reese, on the put their heads together and devised a other hand, displayed some trouble- plan. They thought if Reese learned to some or salty behaviors in her first days go in and out of a carrier the problem in adoptions. She would not walk on of picking her up would become leash and did not want to be picked up! manageable. Hmm, that was a problem. Enter our awesome Instructor/Pet Pal Reese might let you pick her up to take and Behavior volunteer Helen, and B&T Canine Volunteer Coordinator Jane. The two girls in the litter were the most her out and once outside on the grass A couple of clicker training sessions outgoing, and were put up for adoption this young lady would like to roll and later and Reese was getting the hang and quickly found new homes. stretch and generally lounge and not move. If you tried picking her up, she of the carrier! The other boy pups Rick and Mickie would tell you just how much she was Helen took Reese home to foster with were somewhere in the middle -- not opposed to moving, and use her teeth. Kelvin, Helen’s other foster. Reese also as outgoing as their sisters and a little spent time behind Catherine’s desk! bolder than Charleston. Rick was Fierce and small – all of Reese’s handlers What a project! But with a village of adopted February 29 into a lovely were smart enough not to push the issue help, Miss Reese was made available for home with a look-alike resident dog. and they used a towel to wrangle her. adoption and awaits her new home. Sam Winegarner fostered Mickie who And, yes, Miss Thing would try to bite was then adopted March 8. The funniest thing about these puppies was that they had never been on leash and despite their size they often had to be carried! Remember, when you have a dog who won’t walk on leash, we usually have strollers around, so save your backs and get a stroller!

A story in photos: Reese really preferred to do it her own way! Shout Out – People in the News

Shout out to Helen Rigg Shout out to Eileen Mowatt Shout out to Agility Instructor in her B&T Foster Care and Stacey Sias – Senior Sally Connell Volunteer Role Program Consultant Sally Connell, Marin Humane Agility Back in January tiny, very timid Kelvin Volunteers Instructor, recently attended the arrived at Marin Humane. When he was Eileen and Stacey went on a call to a Hungarian Open Agility Tournament in the adoption yard he became so senior who had an over-enthusiastic with her Border “Cash”. frightened that he hid under the bench Lhasa Apso! Her little pup was over the and bit the volunteer who tried to get top with greetings whenever guests him out. Into Bite Q he went, and now came to her home. She needed some he was surrounded by big, loud dogs. advice. Here are some words she wrote, Catherine Tryon felt for him and called in a handwritten note, about her Helen right away. “Can you foster him, experience with Eileen and Stacey: just for the quarantine?” A ten-day bite "When Dorje and I first met you in the quarantine turned into a two-month office to inquire about help, I was behavior foster “project.” relieved that you seemed to like us both. I quickly felt that I'd get some There were 150 large dogs in the good advice. Things got even better Jumpers and she placed fifth which when you and Stacey came to our place. earned her a place in the finals! And she It made me laugh when you two voiced placed 15th in Agility. This was especially bewilderment about what problems so gratifying because all the dogs in the worried me. That said, you both taught competition had a “running dog walk” me a lot about how that little canine and she does not. The courses were fast mind works. Your modeling and precise and technical, with 27 feet spacing suggestions made a difference right between obstacles rather than 22 feet. before my eyes. I'll do my best to follow Lots and lots of running! through on your advice. Thanks so much Sally also had an opportunity to train for for the work you do. I'm quite grateful." three days with one of the top course designers and trainers in , Tamas Shout out from Ann about her Traj. Next stop: the World Team Tryouts Helen and her husband helped Kelvin great FD1 class in Greenbrae which take place in Minneapolis in May. gain more confidence every day. He Ann Glascock-Ryan recently finished a Congratulations to Sally for her success. wouldn’t walk, so she pushed him Family Dog 1 class in Greenbrae and she around in a stroller. He wouldn’t eat, so was so impressed with what a great Flyball Lifetime Achievement – she cooked him rice, chicken and group of people and dogs made up the Xena gets a Hobbes award meatballs. In addition, she helped him class. The wonderful Mary Ann Holt was learn to be house-trained; to walk on a the DTA and she and all the students Congratulations to Marin Humane leash; to not hide under things, and, brought their best energy and attitudes Volunteer and Flyball class most important, to enjoy being around every week. They had a 100% instructor Heather Johnson and her 10- people and even to accept people attendance record for all 6 weeks! Ann year-old , Xena for picking him up. Helen dropped Kelvin feels so thankful to be able to do this earning the Hobbes award. The 100,000 off every day at the adoption desk along work and meet so many great families! point Hobbes award is issued by the North with his bag of homemade treats! American Flyball Association (NAFA) Kelvin’s person https://www.flyball.org/index.html) and showed up a is the highest award possible from that couple weeks sanctioning organization. The first ago and fell for Hobbes award ever was awarded in 2006 him. She was to a dog named Hobbes. able to walk with him on leash and even pick him up. She bought a stroller and everything else he might need. She has sent several updates and Kelvin is doing quite well. Thank you Helen, Al and Catherine for all your work in helping Kelvin! Congratulations! We welcomed one new DTA this month: Wayne Dunlap Shout Out – People in the News

Marin Humane Flyball Class Students Making the News! Four Marin Humane Flyball Class graduates earned titles at the March Bay Racers Flyball Tournament in Bowie, two-year-old Chesapeake Bay Lindsay held February 29 and March 1, 2020. Retriever with John and Marlia Berg earned the 1,000 point FDCH-S (Flyball Dog Champion- Silver) title. Fun fact: John and Marlia

have been instrumental in assisting with the Marin Humane Woofs and Whinnies workshop which teaches dogs and their handlers how to behave around horses on the Marin trails. Kudos to Team Bowie! Photo credit Rebecca Munson Baloo, two-year-old Belgian Tervuren and Dawn Kovell earned the 5,000 point FM (Flyball Bruno, five-year-old Master) title. with Marin Humane volunteer Amira Sofer earned both the 25 point MBD (Multi-Breed Dog) and the 100 point MBDX (Multi-Breed Dog Excellent) titles. Fun fact: the multi breed division teams have to Blue, two-and-a-half-year-old / have four different “breeds” running in each race. A mixed mix and Marin Humane volunteer breed counts as one “breed”. Maggie Thompson competed in their first ever tournament and earned a FD (Flyball Dog) title. End note: I guess it was a good tournament to be a dog whose name starts with the letter B! Blue, Bowie and Bruno Way to go Maggie and Blue! are all the first sport dogs their guardians have owned. Which goes to show you what an accessible sport flyball is for the dedicated enthusiast.

______Additionally, 8-year-old Congratulations to SoCal Australian Shepherd Leo Frequent Flyers! and his handler Nigel Wimberly, formerly of the East Bay Ballers team, earned their FDCH-S, and Danish Farm Dog Tigger and his handler Phil Cohen

earned the 80,000 point FGCH (Flyball Grand Champion) and the 5,000 point MBM (Multi-Breed Master) titles. Phil and Tigger live in Southern California.

SoCal Frequent Flyers (the “home” team!) recently returned from the Bay

Racers Flyball tournament held in Lindsay, CA. On February 29, all four SoCal teams placed with Fleet and Sprint taking First Place in their divisions and Dash and Mixed Nuts finishing Second in theirs. On Sunday Fleet took First, Dash and Sprint took Second, and Mixed Nuts garnered a Third place finish. Upcoming Events PEN PAL Program: Where the Dogs Are! Be aware that listed events may be Upcoming seminar of interest to our Here’s the report of dogs and their canceled or postponed due to the current volunteers – August 1 & 2, 2020 handlers out at San Quentin as of COVID-19 health situation. In August you have an opportunity to February 28, 2020: Megan Foster – April 23 - 26, 2020 see Sue Sternberg. If you’ve never seen • Skylar was with Farand for some R/R, This event has been postponed, but Sue you should take advantage of her and is now being fostered by Cathy watch for possible new dates. being so close by. She is specifically Marcoccio because of her skin rash. Owner of Synergy Dog Sports in Mt. speaking about shelter dogs! How great • Amirah was with Alex. She has also Vernon, WA comes for four days of is that? returned and is available for agility seminars including obstacle and There is a discount for groups of 3 or adoption. handler focus, lead changes, and more, so if there is enough interest • Marley was with Jimmy and has been masters coursework. This will only we can pay as a group and save some adopted. impact the Agility Field. money on the admission. For more • Kiko, Misty and Yogi are also enrolled information: puppyworks.com in the PEN PAL program. Shelter Playgroup Alliance - Email Jane, [email protected] April 9 & 10, 2020 and we will register you for the Marin Enrichment Program Mara Valez will focus on empowerment Humane Group and will give you further repurposes Outfitters space through choice, managing healthy dog instructions on signing up. All partici- play interactions, and providing pants in our group will pay for their own With the Animal Outfitters space enrichment activities. This seminar will registration through Puppyworks. looking for new purpose, Emma Clifford be a great learning opportunity for came up with a really fun enrichment Early Bird Registration ends July 14. The other shelter staff, doggy day cares, dog idea for the shelter dogs and put it into deadline for our group is June 1. We walkers and the general public. This will action on a Saturday in February. need to submit the names and emails of primarily be held in the Auditorium, but everyone in our group before we are Emma set up the space as a “choose there also might be times the dog parks given the discount. So in order to your own enrichment” environment. will be used for demos. facilitate a smoother process you must Basically, a variety of enrichment Looking forward: let Jane know BEFORE June 1. activities are set up in a room and the Rattlesnake avoidance clinic using dog is set loose to choose what they like best. It’s really fun because we get positive reinforcement the information from the dog about Separation Anxiety presentation stories what they like, rather than us choosing for them.

Dashboard Stats – February 2020 Dog Classes 36 classes; 8 workshops; 9 agility graduated 21 DTAs volunteered 233 hours 9 DBVs volunteered 141 hours in BT office Dog Consults 3 Off site; 41 on site; 4 Senior; Emma had puzzle toys, boxes, tunnels, 9 adoption consults (VG) egg cartons, crumpled paper and toys strewn all over the floor. Helen brought Private Dog Training in her foster dog Kelvin who had a grand 0 off site; 13 on site; 4 agility on-site time exploring – this was a HUGE 7 Placement Test; 2 CGC improvement as Kelvin started out just Pen Pals of San Quentin trying to hide under things when he was 4 instructors, 5 DTAs made 8 visits, put down on the ground. to 4 handlers; 4 dogs; x dog graduated Dog Evaluations/Screens 34 Dogs;14 puppies evaluated 3 stray; 35 PPP; 9 owner surrender; 1 EB Cat Evaluations 37 Cats/4 Kittens evaluated 5 stray; 23 PPP; 13 owner surrender; 0 other Shelter Enrichment 16 KEs volunteered 44 hours 25 dogs attended 6 sessions of playgroup Pet Pals This was a really fun experience for both 132 DPPs walked 1105 hours the dogs and the people. We plan to 25 shelter dogs attended 11 Shelter Scents classes offer this activity once or twice a month. with 17 DPPs; 65 dog visits