Bella Men Battle Guerrillas In
r r-i— !, '■ ■ ■ i II. t- , . , * » K V ‘ ' . ., • ■<) rUESDJ^Y, AUGUST 28, 1962 PAQE TWELVE A n n f Doily Net Preae Rtn iianrt|(«BtMr 1Ettrain0Ji(raIIt For Ika WMi Ended 1%9 Wcetlicr « n e ML 199$ Fbraeast of U. a Wenttav.Bma tarra with the master pl«n\^ there Rezoned were no objecUmiB to the*' rezon- Partial clearing, mild 'fan^Mk About Town Tract ing o t the property. The motion # FREE DELIVERY 13,601 fog likely. Low anitaind 99. Hmrs- GOP Must Primary to approve the request pessed day partly sonny, wnmer. Hlgli fez Frederick J. Barrett 'Jr., son ot In Biickland without opposition. ! A i TIw PARKADE Mr, and Mr«. Frederick J. Bar Another , request, heard at a Manche$ter-^A City o f Village Charym 80s. TPC meeting on Jul^^ 9, was S UOGEn DRUO rett, 84 Bowers St., will enter -------— - ■ ICftlrfield University, Fairfield, As 4 File Papers For Industry granted last night. This was for next month where he will major a change from Residence 2Sone A VOL. LXXXI, NO. 280 (TWENTY-FOUB PAGES—IN TWO BECKONS) MANCHESTER,. CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29, 1962 In English. He is a 1962 graduate I. - I to Residence Zone C for a tract (Olaaatfisd AdvsrtWng on Pago 8$) PRICE FIVE CENTS of Manchester Hijgh Schol. A 38.6-acre; tract of land, locat of land on the comer of Lenox Four Republicans fitffl papers yesterday afternoon to seek ed between Tolland Tpke. and the St. and E. Center St^., requested BOTS'-GIBLS’ ^ WUbur Cross Highway, was re by Drs.
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