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The Anchor, Volume 64.13: May 8, 1952

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 64.13: May 8, 1952" (1952). The Anchor: 1952. Paper 6. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1952/6 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 64, Issue 13, May 8, 1952. Copyright © 1952 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1950-1959 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1952 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 7^e Tflitute/u . . . ITS VANDER JAGT, SITER, CORRY Pres., Vice- And Editor Ik Guy (Gus) Vander Jagt, Cadillac. Michigan, iunior, has been elected to the Presidency of the Student Council for the 1952-1953 term of office, it was announced during the Chapel Serv- ices this morning by Gord De Pree. present incumbent. Miss Verlaine Siter, Berkeley Heights, N. J., junior, V is to assist Mr. Vander Jagt as vice- president. according to President 64th Year DePree. In Its Miss Siter was nominated for and supported in her candidacy by the LXIV 13 Holland, Michigan May 8, 1952 Sibylline sorority,Mr. Vander Jagt by the Emersonian fraternity.

In another important elective posit- May Day Festivities Friday ion, Jack Corry, Emersonian from Guy Vander Jagt Brooklyn, N. Y., was chosen by mem- bers of the sophomore class to edit Features Track, the 1953 Milestone, the Anchor Food, Coronation learned today. Mr. Corry has had considerable experience, having BeautifulWomen served with his high school paper, the For the past sixteen years the Anchor and the New York Times. annual May Day celebration has been the highlight of the college Class election results wrill be made public at the May Day banquet to- year. It has always been a time morrow evening, according to Miss of gala festivity, exciting activity Marilyn Veldman, current Student and breathtaking suspense. Student Council Vice-President. body and faculty alike look forward with great anticipation to this annual event. May Day was first introduced to NOTICE Hope College in 193() by Dr. Eliza- beth Lighty, the dean of women, The grass is green. Please and it has since become the most keep it that way. favorite college tradition. The I —Grounds Committee actual May Day ceremonies are Verlaine Siter held in the Pine Grove and are the highlight of the whole day's activ- ities. At last the big day is approach- Women To Join Men ing. Long hours of planning and work have been spent by general May Day Chairman, Rae Eustace, For Concert In Chapel and her committees to make this May Day the best yet! The day The activities of the Women's Glee Club have continued will get ofT to an official start to- during the past few weeks. All concert engagements have morrow morning when classes are been centered around and in the Holland area with a concert dismissed at 10 o'clock. The first in Ganges, Hope Church here in Holland, and on April 27 major event will be the women's the Glee Club sang their sacred concert in Kalamazoo, Mich- sports on the college athletic field. Immediately after lunch you will igan. The entire group was given a late buffet supper in the want to hurry up to the high home of Mary Ellen Weesies. school field at 22nd Street for the The women joined with the men's sports events. Men's Glee Club in Zeeland High The coronation ceremonies will School on Tuesday, May 6. Another Osterhaven begin promptly at 5:15 with the joint concert will be presented in May Pole Dance. Then, to the Speaker At Aboye is a photographic review of last year's May Day festivities. Queen Dorothy Ten Brink was strains of stately music furnished May in the Hope Chapel. The pro- crowned by Bill Van't Hof in the chapel, Michigan weather prohibiting an outdoor ceremony. This year by the college band will come the grams planned are mixed groups Gordon De Pree will preside at the coronation of — well, anyway, he will preside. procession of the Freshman Daisy of secular and sacred numbers, with Honor Assembly Chain, a bevy of feminine pulchri- each Glee Club featuring its novel- On Tuesday morning May 27, the tude! Last year's queen, Dorothy ty song. The Women's Glee Club Tour of Campus Ten Brink, attended by her royal is also engaged for most of the annual honors and awards assembly Choir and Orchestra Present court will pass through this aisle Sunday nights in May in both Hol- will be presented in the Hope For Tulip Time of gayly attired beauty and take land and Grand Rapids. Chapel, only this year there will be their places on the royal platform. The Club has already begun plans some changes made. The primary Concert May 16 In Hope Chapel The members of the queen's court for next year by electing Connie Every May Hope joins with Hol- innovation is the selection of a spe- On Friday, May 16, the Chapel Choir and Orchestra are are Marilyn Veltman, Annette Ferguson president with assistants land, in celebrating Tulip Time. cial speaker from the Hope College presenting a concert in the Hope College Chapel, It will Siderius, Jeannette Siderius, Bar- Sally Palen as secretary, and Bet- While the part we play is a minor bara Baker, Marilyn Failor and faculty by the members of the begin at 8:15 and the admission will be $1.00. ty Roelofs, treasurer. one, each year something new is Yvonne De Loof. Senior Class. Dr. Eugene Oster- The program will feature first haven, head of the Bible depart- added. Last year we played host Then, as the spectators stand by three numbers by the choir: "Built ment at present, was chosen. Al- in suspense, the new court will be to the Ambassador of Netherlands on a Rock" by F. Melius Christian- though the convocation program named and the May Day Queen of Students to the United States. sen, "Hear My Prayer" by Will Durfee Open will be streamlined in comparison 1952 will be escorted to the throne James, and "Almighty God of Our to previous years, it still will be a This year guided tours of our and crowned by Student Council Fathers" by Will James; these will On Week-ends Featured in tribute to those students who have campus are being introduced. President, Gordon De Pree. At this be followed by a Beethoven Con- Hope College's Recreation Room served the college community sig- ceremony the new members of Marge Feldmann is in charge of certo featuring Anthony Kooiker nificantly or won special awards. became a reality on Friday eve- Alcor, the women's honorary soci- Music Recitals the tours and she is asking that as pianist. Next are 3 more num- To Dr. Osterhaven, the honor of ning, April 25th, when the Julianna ety, will be tapped. Those tapped bers by the choir — "Hail Gladden- On Thursday, May 1st, and on being the first such speaker will any student who wishes to partici- Room was opened for the use of last year were Barbara Bruins, ing Light" by Charles Wood, Monday, May 5th, two student re- be of added significance in that it pate in the program by acting as a the students. The most popular President; Marilyn Veltman, Maisie "Brother James' Air" arranged by citals were given in the evening at will be his last official appearance guide please see her. Your co-oper- spot seemed to be the ping-pong Korteling, Ruth Koeppe, Norma Jacobs, the "Battle Hymn of the Hope Chapel. as a member of the Hope College table which was quite admirably Hoffman, Mary Bond Olert and ation is necessary if these tours Republic" arranged by Peter Wil- The Thursday recital featured faculty. Dr. Osterhaven, who has shared by several groups. Caroms Florence Stewart. are to be successful. The tours housky. Concluding the program Dorothy Ten Brink, soprano, and been at Hope since 1945 will as- and jig saw puzzles as well as card No one knows for sure who these will begin at 1():()() a.m. on Thurs- are two selections in which the Jaon Whitsitt and Elaine Ford, sume full-time responsibilities at games kept a number of people girls will be, but everyone has choir and orchestra combine — duo-pianists. Dorothy is a senior Western Theological Seminary. day, Friday, and Saturday and at been thinking" about it and trying "Prayer of Thanksgiving" by busy while popular records played voice student of Mrs. Norma 1:00 p.m. on Friday. Tours will to figure it out for himself. Who Kemser and "America, My Won- on the phonograph. A number Baughman's class and Joan and dropped in after sorority and will they me ? ? ? leave the chapel every twenty min- drous Land" by Peery. Jane Van- Elaine are of Miss Jantina Hol- of Mrs. Baughman in a recital utes, and there will be four tours der'Velde and Betty Schepers will fraternity meetings to chat and sip leman's class. Their very fine pro- given on Monday, May 5th. Ar- Seven-Up. conducted each of the mornings be accompanists. John Ryskamp, '50, gram included numbers by Handel lene's program included the "Pas- Again this week-end the room and Bach sung by Dorothy. She torale" Sonata by Beethoven (op. and four on Friday afternoon. The Chapel Choir has been in- vited by the Protestant Council of will be open as well as succeeding" also sang "Depuis le jour" from the 28 in D Major), Concert Etude by From the chapel the visitors will Returns To Campus Greater N. Y. City to participate week-ends. This Recreation Room opera Louise by Charpentier and MacDowell and concerto in G Minor perambulate through the library, in the Easter Sunrise Services in is being managed by Durfee girls Dr. Lubbers has announced the concluded the program with a op. 25 by Felix Mendelssohn. the science building, and either Radio City Music Hall in 1953 with but all the students on campus are interim appointment of John H. group of four English songs. Joan Mrs. Stettson first group of num- welcome to make use of the room. Durfee or Voorhees. Throat loz- a coast to coast Radio hook-up. Ryskamp to the department of and Elaine played "Sicilienne" by bers included songs by DeBussy on Bring your date after the early Physics for a period of one year. Bach, arranged by Maier and "Or- Rabey. Also, in this group she sang enges for the guides will be stra- o show or come in groups after your Mr. Ryskamp graduated from Hope gan Fugue in G Minor" by Bach, "Two Songs" by Brahms accom- tegically located along the line of sorority or fraternity meeting. This in 1950 as a physics major. Since Mednikoff. Their final number was panied by the piano and Mr. M.. march. Tid Bits is our chance to have what ^ther that time he has been occupied with "Scaramouche" by Milhoud. Doro- Rider on the viola. Her second If you know of anyone who will On Tuesday, the 13th, during the campuses call their "Student post graduate research work. Mr. they was accompanied by Arlene group included an aria "O Don assembly period, a band concert Union." It will only be as success- Ryskamp will fill the position of be in Holland on the 15th, 16th or Ritsema. Fatale" from Don Carlos by Verdi will be given in the pine grove ful as we make it. We urge every assistant to Professor Harry Fris- Arlene Ritsema a junior piano and she concluded the program the 17th of May be sure to tell under the direction of Mr. Rider. student to drop in for half an hour sel, who has been granted an addi- major of Mt. Anthony Kooiker's with three English songs by Si- them of this opportunity to get bet- They will be presenting a varied or stay all evening, get acquainted tional year's leave to continue class was joined by Margery (An- belius, Hahn, and Bantock. Mrs. ter acquainted with us and our program including popular and with your fellow students, and work on his Ph.D. which he began gus Stettson, contralto, a graduate Stettson was accompanied by Mr. campus. classical music. relax in our own Julianna Room. this year at the University of Iowa. of the class of '50, who is a student Kooiker at the piano. Page Two HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR You Can Still Avoid Draft Letters To The Editor Dear Editor: the teams participate in, it isn't Just One More Chance - Or The faithful few who have at- hard to criticize our teams for not Major General Lewis B. Hershey, tended the spring sport contests winning, nor is it hard to join in Director of Selective Service, today need not read this letter. It is the celebration if they do win. directed at the other ninety-per- announced an additional Selective With the idea of having an en- w i fi Service College Qualification Test cent of our student body who have joyable afternoon as a spectator shown little or no interest in our to be held May 22 at 1,000 testing By Chuck Johnson and also lending your support to spring sports. centers for the benefit of students our teams, let's have a large crowd Astronomers tell us that the "big dipper", the "little dipper", "Orion" To those of you who have shown at the remaining contests. prevented by illness, emergencies and the other formations have always been there and will always be this minute interest, I might re- or some other reason from taking there. They also tell us that the moon and earth in their orbits, of mind you that Hope is in thick of Sincerely yours, the test on December 13, 1951, or which the earth has eleven different motions, the moon sixty motions the fight for the MIAA All-Sports- Ronald Schipper besides revolving about the earth, revolve about the sunowithout having Trophy. Whether Hope wins or April 24 of this year. been altered one second in a thousand years. Not only that, but they loses this trophy is dependent upon Officers at National Headquar- tell us there are more universes outside our own. Boy! And we think the outcome of the spring sports. Dead Letters ters said they could not emphasize we have created something in this modern era. This spring Hope College is rep- Dear Editor: too strongly that students who resented by excellent basketball, When I was a boy I used to wish, and sometimes would even try to The last issue of the Anchor was have an admission ticket for either golf, tennis, and track teams. They The main topic of discussion in count the stars. But now we know there are more than we could ever the December 13, 1951, or April 24 have an excellent opportunity to simply the most wonderful thing begin to count. One scientist says that their are as many stars in the test which they failed to use on the the Science Building during the help win this honor which Hope has ever. Looking at it objectively, it heavens as their are sands on the beaches. If this is true then it con- assigned date must submit a new past week has been field trips. Un- not had since 1947. The football, was by far superior to any pre- firms the book of Psalms. I thought to myself, "this proves there is a application if they wish to take like the chemistry department cross-country, and basketball teams vious effort. What genius did such creator, that there is a God." a splendid job? If you continue the May 22 test. The old admission which takes more sophisticated have given their all and the sup- ticket, they pointed out, will not port rendered by the student body with similar superb quality, 1 am trips, the Biology department takes Evolutionists have tried and failed to disprove there being a creator. admit a student to the May 22 test. Their own theories have been disproved by their own science. Benson was at times terrific and at times sure Col. McCormick will be to the woods. After four days of He must make application for and in his book. The Earth the Theater of the Universe, tells us "There disgraceful. jealous. receive a new admission ticket. climbing dunes Mr. Unger is be- cannot be a 'creation' without a 'creator.' And there cannot be a Why, now that the spring sports Love and kisses, Application blanks for the May ginning to feel the age creeping 'before' with and 'after.' Benson also quotes the answer of a plain are in full operation, leave the con- Verlaine Sit^^ 22 test may be obtained by students up on him. So are a few other business man Ilian T. Jones, to the question, 'Is There A God?' He says: quest of this trophy up to a small Ed's Note: Glad you liked it. from the nearest local board. They minority of the students who love You always were unbiased and people. Notable achievements in- " 'It takes a girl in our factory about two days to learn to put the do not have to return home to the sports and its competitive aspects honest. cluded the discovery of two dead seventeen parts of a meat chopper together. It may be that these local board which has jurisdiction to win this honor for us? If we fail Love and kisses, millions of worlds, each with its separate orbit, all balanced so won- over them. Application for the May cats, one dead squirrel, one very to win this trophy or the contests Ye Acting Ed. derfully in space —it may be that they just happened. It may be 22 test should be mailed as soon much alive water snake, and nu- that by a billion years of jumbling together, they finally arranged as possible to the Educational merous frogs and salamanders. A themselves. I don't know. I am not a scientist, I am merely a plain Testing Service, Princeton, New few New Jerseyites are busy avoid- manufacturer of cutlery. But this one thing I do know — you can shake Jersey. Applications postmarked ing the state conservation officials. these seventeen parts of a meat chopper around together in a wash later than midnight May 10, 1952, Are You A Member? tub for the next seventeen billion years and you will never make a will not be accepted. It seems they didn't know that meat chopper.'" To be eligible to take the Selec- there is a fine for picking Tril- There is a rather universal club which is represented on lium and thought it would be nice tive Service College Qualification And to think that this creation is centered around me. Again the many college campuses, but seldom has any real organiza- to bring back a boquet. So far Test, an applicant, on the testing astronomers tell us that the planet earth is situated perfectly to main- there have been no reports of any tion. Those who belong hate to admit it, if they are even date (1) must be a selective serv- tain life as we know it to be. The earth is the right distance from poison sumac being brought back aware of their membership. The club we speak of is the ice registrant who intends to re- the sun so that it is neither too hot nor too cold, and so that we have to campus. Your reporter hopes faux pas quest deferment as a student; (2) neither too much nor too little water. The earth is just the right size Foot in Mouth Club which bands together artists that most of the spring fever which must be satisfactorily pursuing a and revolves at just the right speed so that atmospheric pressure is and tactless wonders. Theoretically, most of the members is so prevalent on campus was left full-time college course — under- neither too high nor too low. Everything is suited perfectly to main- should be underclassmen, but this is not always true. Some in the swamp. graduate or graduate — leading to tain life on earth. Again the scriptures tell us that man was created seniors have gotten through four years of college and still a degree; (3) must not previously The Chem majors are staying at on only one planet, earth. They also state that a bright star shown are active members of the club. have taken the test. home this week catching up on a down on Bethlehem when Christ was bom showing proof of man being few experiments in preparation for The criteria for consideration for the center of the universe. Didn't God send His only begotten Son to Everyone pulls a boner once in awhile but there is really deferment as a student at the pres- a trip to Parke-Davis. "Kid Gloves" save man and not the universe or universes? God, I find is definitely ent time is either a score of 70 or Brink keeps busy analyzing organic interested in the individual man and shows it by offering him everlast- no excuse for the student who is continually putting his foot better on the Selective Service Col- compounds with a gadget known ing life, not the planets. in his mouth. There is a right way and a wrong way for lege Qualification Test or class as a combustion furnace. This con- saying everything and for approaching any new situation. Now I know what F. M. Lehman meant when he wrote, "The love standing among the male members sists of a fluorescent light bulb in In a liberal arts college, graduates are not supposed to be in the upper half of the freshman a white overcoat. There is also an of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond fact machines, but they are supposed to be skilled in inter- class, upper two thirds of the soph- oxygen tank hooked on somewhere the highest star, and reaches to the lowest hell. The guilty pair bowed omore class or upper three fourths but that is not really needed since down with care God gave His Son to win; His erring child He recon- personal relationships. For four years they have lived with of the junior class. Seniors ac- there are several sources of hot ciled, and pardoned from his sin. The love of God how rich and pure! people from different sections of the country and of the cepted for admission to a graduate air in close proximity to the equip- How measureless and strong! It shall forever more endure, the Saints world. They should have so broadened their personalities and Angels song." school satisfy the criteria if they ment. At least, there are when all that they can at least get along with other people without the shades on the east side of Dur- are among the upper half of the embarrassing "foot in mouth" scenes. male members of their senior class, fee are well pulled. We hear that or they make a score of 75 or George Robinson is happily settled So often in committee work on campus, there is opportu- in New Jersey where he runs a Song Of Spring better. nity for a chairman to lead his group to worthwhile action. Students already enrolled in combustion furnace eight hours a There is an art we humans have, But rather more often than we like to think, the leader man- graduate schools may be considered day. John Zack's wife was com- A panegric well deserving. for deferment so long" as they plaining the other day that all he It is so common, yet unsung. ages to say all the wrong things and to antagonize his com- remain in good standing. • ever thought about was chemistry Proscrastination! Hear my praising! mittee. Other committees run smoothly because there is a These criteria are guides for the but John had a very appropriate true diplomat in the lead, a person who has developed tact- local boards. The local boards are answer. He said "Why, I think of Your greatest virtue lies in this, fulness. under no compulsion to follow you all the time. Why you're the You free our minds from pressing duties. them, but any local board classi- neatest combination of carbon, hy- We rationalize them all away — Tact is something which comes naturally to a few people, fication is subject to appeal. The drogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and min- The leaking tap, the lawn, our studies. but by hard work to most humans. Sometimes the best way appeal must be filed in writing eral salts north of the Mason-Dixon to come to appreciate tactfulness is to watch it in the actions with the local board within 10 days line." Our minds thus freed of things to do. after the local board mails a notice The Physics classes are busy We sublimate the need of dreaming. of successful students on campus. If a person is a tactless of classification. ^studying light in lab. The thing I Or take up pastimes more desired. wonder from way back, he should discover the secret of the General Hershey has urged all can never understand is why it is Like horse-shoe, T.V., or kibitzing. shrewd diplomat who says little, and thinks carefully before eligible students to take the test necessary to study light in the dark saying that! y. s. so they will have scores in their room. However, lots of things look The still, small voice of conscience whimpers, files when the local boards reopen better in darkness than in the day- "Go back to plumbing, mowing, reading." their cases to determine whether light. This might be stretched to But your voice still, and smaller, whispers, or not they meet the criteria for include Physics tests which always "Aw, Nuts! to working, let's go fishing!" Hope College Anchor deferment as students during the look worse at ten A.M. than we next academic year. thought they would at ten P.M. The small not victor o'er the smaller? Editorial Staff General Hershey also has repeat- And so with a dash of color (which The world says that is inconsistent. Editor-in-Chief Dave Hager edly stressed that no deferment is is really not color at all but the Ah, there's a reason, happy goofer — Associate Editors .Verlaine Siter, Don Prentice an exemption. "A deferment is a absence of color) I must be off to The smaller voice is more insistent! News Editor Ray Vedder delay or postponement," he said, find out whether I have any basal Collins D. Weeber Sports Editor..™ j) Hager "and in no way cancels the duty metabolism or whether my usual Hope's Khayyam an Feature Editor - -...Julie Bernius of the registrant to meet his obli- spring catabolism of the brain is 0 gations." spreading. Music Editor - Ruth Koeppe Art Editor.— - Bill Sailer Local Chamber of Commerce Society Editor - Anna Herder Rewrite Editor.... Mary Zweizig WSSF Drive Concluded; Announces 'Ambassador' Plan Assistant Rewrite Editor.... Barb Baker Typitti. - Ruth Kuit, Shirley Pyle, Ruth Slotsema Progress is being made on the European ambassador Photographer Bill Parson $797 Donated By Students program co-sponsored by the Holland Chamber of Commerce By Bruce Van Voorst, WSSF Chairman and Hope College. This plan enables a college student of Business Staff Holland or its environs to travel in Europe for a time during Business Manager - John DuMez With the end of what seemed to be a never ending flow Assistant Business Manager the summer and to speak to the poeple of the countries vis- — Ray Bishop of money, last week saw the finish to one of the finest exam- Advertising Manager ..John Witte ples of Christian brotherhood our College has ever displayed. ited. This tour is financed by various societies in the vicinity Circulation Manager.... John VanRiper During the week of the campaign, and the ensuing weeks of of Holland, who, in return for their help, have the oppor- Assistant Circulation Manager Fred Reinstein details, somewhere, somehow, the students at Hope man- tunity to hear the "ambassador" lecture on his experiences Staff Assistants aged to contribute $797 for use as our part in helping to re- Jim Brown Don Jamma Betty Cross when he returns. Thus the student is an envoy from the Jack Corey build Greece. It was a magnificent display of gratitude, for Jim Loch Carol Jacobs United States to Europe and from Europe to the United Joanne Geerda Jim Nordhoff Carl Jordan most of this money which was given was solely missed by Phyl Heidanua Bob Langwig Dave Maat States. Bob Hoeksema Bernie Plomp Chuck Cook those who gave it. Previous to the week of the campaign, Jonathan Hinkamp Marilyn Veldman Dr. Hawkinson reports that a gram are to be deposited with the Bob Muilenberg the committee had debated for endless hours whether it was Helen Howard Harold VanZoeren Barbara Wood meeting was held on April 29 in city foundation for this plan. It Daily Hoogeveen John Santinga Bill Kiaken possible to carry on two fund raising campaigns in one year. Warren Kane Warren Exo Carl Van Farowe Few students realized the great amount of consideration Durfee Hall to consider conditions was also felt that it would be wise which went into the final decision to at least try. under which the plan will function. to build up the fund so that the It was decided that the schedule amount needed would be available Member Now that it's all over, and the mini8trative committee were Nella for the delegates's itinerary shall a year before the tour. generosity of a Christian College Pyle, Mary Ellen Weesies, and Bob Intercollegiate Press be worked out with the Chamber of has again been proven, we must Dethmers on special events. Patsy A committee has been formed to Commerce and the delegate, him- Entered ai second claes matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, be sure to acknowledge the fine Pas, Don Vande Polder and Dan select a group of 9 people who will self; the right of final judgment at special rate of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of work done by the committees. It De Graaf on Solicitation, and Fritz judge the eligibility of the candi- Congress, October 8,1917, and authorixed October 19, 1918. is, of course, reserved to the Cham- is impossible to thank all of the Yonkman, Roe Eustace and Mari- dates. Subscription Rate: |2.00 per year. solicitors personally, but the ad- ber of Commerce. It was further lyn Veldman on Publicity. This Applications for those who desire ministrative committee realized determined that the delegate shall to candidate for this opportunity Published by the students of Hope College every two weeks throughout group certainly did an excellent job, that the part played by the solici- be under speaking contract for a may be obtained at Dr. Hawkin- the school year, except during hoUdays or examination periods. tors was of vital importance. Those but most of all, the suQcess of the year after the tour. son's office. These are due on PRINTED AT OLD NEWS PRINTERT students serving on the general ad- drive goes to you. All funds collected for this pro- May 8. I

HOPE COLLEGE AIVCHOR Page Three De Pree, Veldman Bow OutDeavie , Do You Remember? Leaving A Job Well Done by Larry Fabunmi

"We work together, you and me, What'er we build or fashion: Our pride should be our honesty, And quality our passion. The little tasks and little things Are what in time will tell — i Not what we do the glory brings, But if we do it well." The election campaigns for the new candidates aspiring to fill va- cancies in our student govt, often cause such a high fever and en- thusiasm which makes our out- going officers look like old soldiers fading away. The quality and per- formances of civil service under the retiring administration have been very high, and tribute is due to all the members of the Student Council, singularly and collectively, for their meritorious services this academic year. They work together - soH snip • stmm?. within the council, with the stu- dents, the faculty and administra- Gordon DePree and Marilyn Veldman tion. They have performed well their tasks and duties. In National "evidences of constructive plan- traditional impression that one government each personnel, from ning." Inquiries reveal a smooth must FIGHT the College Admin- the office messenger to the highest co-operation within the council. istration in order to get conces- executive contributes much and Members supported by student- sions. But experience proves other- deserve recognition. But their in- body opinions applaud Marilyn and wise. If approached with fairness dividual and group successes are Gordie for their keen eyes for and understanding, the Adminis- reflected through the Presidency. choosing, without fear or favor, tration very often goes overboard." That is equally applicable to our very suitable persons for the vari- Marilyn and Gordie have asked local government on campus. Hence ous committees. A lady councilor me to convey through this column I am concentrating, in this article states, "A lot of the vice presi- their full appreciation for "the on the president and vice president dent's work is behind the scenes; way in which the members of the — Gordon De Pree and Marilyn Marilyn works so hard and with- council and the entire student body Veldman, who have so ably carried out any feeling for self glory." have co-operated in helping us to the touch of leadership. Gordie described his deputy as "A carry out the things we have at- Among other things the De Pree- sure help; highly dependable and tempted to do during the year." Veldman Administration has suc- efficient." In a separate interview In conclusion 1 take the liberty cessfully undertaken new projects Marilyn said of her Senior partner, to express the satisfaction and which have added to the good name "Gordie shows efficient planning, thanks of the student body to the of Hope. Such new steps include:— a wide vision and sound judgment." council members and their chief 1. The student handbook (still in Son of Mr. A. De Pree, Gordie is executives. They have the heart print.) alumnus of Zeeland High School, to conceive, the understanding to 2. The post of Dean of Students where he was member of the "Var- direct, and the hand to admin- to handle campus affairs and sity" Club and the National Honor istrate. problems — operative as of next Society. He stands 6 ft. 1 in. with Letter from the President: Ike Enthusiasts year. a personality of jovial cordiality Dear Arlene: Final Exam Schedule 3. W. S. S. F. co-mingled with seriousness. In his I want to take this occasion to .May 29 (Thursday) June 4 (Wednesday) 4. Renovations in the All College campaign speech last year he said, compliment you on the splendid 1:00 — 1 TT 9:00 — 2 MWF Continue Activity Sing. "None of you here know what kind minutes you have been supplying. 3:30 — 5 TT 1:00 — 3 Th 5. Permanent Glory Day Policy. of a president I would make. You It has kept me well informed and May 31 (Saturday) 3:30 — 2 TT By "Daisy" 6. The Publications Board. may think I would do a fine job, 9:00 —MWF June 5 (Thursday) I have been impressed with their Since Spring vacation, various 7. Weekly Schedule of events. but in the back of each and every June 2 (Monday) 9:00 — 6 MWF excellence. I would like to have you campaigns have been in full swing mind there is, I am sure, a strand 9:00 — 3 MWF, 3 MWTF 1:00 — French, Spanish 8. Central Calendar for College communicate to the Student Coun- on the campus. None of those cam- activities. of faith or trust binding your 1:00 — 4 TT German (Inter. & cil also my appreciation for the paigns, however, is so active and A letter, addressed by Dr. Lub- thoughts. So today I want to build 3:30 — 7 TT ' Elem.) splendid work they are doing. I do vigorous as the "Youth for Eisen- bers to Arlene Ritsma, Secretary my platform on TRUST." June 3 (Tuesday) 3:30 — 7 MWF not recollect in my seven years as hower" organization which began of the Student Council, compli- Marilyn is daughter of Rev. and 9:00 — 5 MWF June 6 (Friday) president of Hope College ever approximately five weeks ago. menting the work of the Council Mrs. J. A. Veldman, who are both 1:00 — 1 MWF 9:00 — Biology 34 having a student council that han- Since that time, pins, banners, pic- Hope's class of 1925, now in 3:30-6 TT 1:00 —Bible 11 is published elsewhere in this dled matters with such mature tures, decals, and educational liter- ANCHOR, for general information. Orange City, Iowa. She is the Examinations in certain specific courses will be given as express- judgment and wise insight. Occa- ature have been distributed to all In my interview with him. Dr. graduate of Grand Rapids Central ly indicated above. Otherwise, the examinations will be held ac- sionally a student council seeks to interested students in cooperation Lubbers described Gordie and Mari- High School, G. R. where she was cording to the period schedule. show its independence by taking with fraternity and dorm leaders. lyn as "very energetic and alert voted "BEST ALL-ROUND GIRL". All examinations will be given on the date scheduled and at no action which they know will be dis- The purpose of this organization persons, with good understanding In her election speech last spring other time. Any irregularity must be brought to the Dean of the approved merely for the sake of is to acquaint the student-body of problems of student and fac- she said poetically:— College. being independent. Sometimes a with the presidential candidates ulty." He commends Gordie for his "They have come to support as student council toadies to the fac- and to mobilize the tremendous high capacity for handling issues their candidate ulty and to the administration. I spontaneous enthusiasm for Gen- effectively, and Marilyn for out- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: A girl who will help them to co- am not sure which one is of the eral Ike that is now storming our standing tacts with particular ref- operate least service to the college. Meet- campus. Hope students are eager erence to matters of women living ing problems head-on and reason- FOR SHEAFFER PENS AND PENCILS 1 With their fellow students and the to take an active personal part in in college dormitories. Dr. Ella ing them out and coming to wise faculty, too; PARKER,7 ESTERBROOK AND OTHERS assuring his nomination and elec- Hawkingflii*-faculty representative conclusions is the only way a stu- • For that is the duty the council tion and are making ready to let on the Student Council, expresses dent council can really be of serv- must do." their views be known to the local admiration for their balanced judg- ice and I feel that this year's coun- Both Marilyn and Gordie feel Republican leaders and delegates, ment and leadership; for closer cil has done just that. ROYAL, SMITH-CORONA 1 that Hope students have more say so that they may reflect the will inter-relationship with the faculty, on matters than do other students Very cordially yours, REMINGTON, UNDERWOOD | of college young Republicans at administration and the student elsewhere. "We went in with the Irwin J. Lubbers PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS | the Republican National Conven- body. Gordie impresses her with tion in July. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: At the present time plans are RENTAL TYPEWRITERS j under consideration for an effective 44 PRIMS SERVICE HOLLAND FURNACES mock convention or presidential 160 E. 8th Street poll. In doing this, we feel that NOTEBOOKS, BRIEF CASES more students will take an active Phone 4342 Make Warm Friends" part in politics and political think- ing. As young Americans, it is our World's Largest Installers of Home Heating and STATIONERY duty to become well informed citi- Welcomes zens by thinking clearly on issues Hope Students Air Conditioning Systems which will vitally affect us within AND A COMPLETE LINE OF a short period of time. If a mock WARM FRIENDS of Hope College COLLEGE SUPPLIES convention is decided upon, political TEXACO PRODtCTS science students will be given extra - It's - credit for working on this project, gXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] according to Mr. A. W. Vander- TIRES - ACCESSORIES bush, professor of history and STUDENTS - HAVE YOUR CLOTHES political science. MOTOR TUNE-UP WASHED AND FLUFF-DRIED HOLLAND Those interested in obtaining a AND REPAIRS more complete report on where xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Eisenhower stands on major politi- — at the — cal issues are asked to see the bul- letin board in Van Raalte Hall or BOONE'S to contact Lavina Hoogeveen at the WASHERY OFFICE campus headquarters in Durfee CITY KITCHEN Hall. 210 CENTRAL AVENUE OUTFITTERS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> SbcXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} J&HDEJONGH GOOD FOOD xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*; & STATIONERS feexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 21E. 10th Street AT PRICES YOU LIKE WE ARE PROUD TO GROCERIES TO PAY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HAVE HOPE COLLEGE AS Don*! Drive By • Drive In OUR NEIGHBORS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ALL STEAK HAMBURGS 68 East Eighth Street Welcome Hopeites Open 7 A. M. to 7 P. M. • Home Made Pie, ice Cream exxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AT Closed Only on Sundays BAKER FURNITURE, INC. POST'S BARBER SHOP Patronize Our Anchor ADVERTISERS 331 Colkge Ave. 3 Chairs

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX5 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Page Four HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR SORORITIES Essay Contest On Academic FRATERNITIES /4. S. /4. Freedom Open To '53 Class Our class-of-'53 students who have their own ideas about "With a Song in My Heart" let one of the outstanding events in academic freedom will have a chance to compete next fall for me "Remember" with you the night our college life that will remain $5,000 in cash prizes in a nationwide essay contest on this The Arcadians are being influ- winning ways and we trust the thin of April 25, Spring Lake Country with us "Always," and that we enced a great deal as the various clads are in top form for tomor- Club, and our formal party "Spring timely and important subject sponsored by the National members are realizing what time enjoy "While We're Young." row's big running. The Arkie var- Fantasy." It is "Unforgettable." It Council of Jewish Women. of the year it is. It seems that surely was "Some Enchanted Eve- On behalf of A.S.A., I would like Any next-year senior, man or woman, in any American Larry Veenstra and Pete Cupery sity track men are really doing ning." Swirling around the floor in to take this opportunity to thank college, is eligible. The essays, of 2,500 words maximum, are were the first to fall this spring, their best for old Hope as the new their petal-like pastel gowns, the the Decoration Committee for their to be on the subject, "The Meaning of Academic Freedom." but for the most part, we think it records set each week will verify. girls looked like "The Waltz of the exquisite flower-making and de- was ail for the best. Congrats to First prize will be $2,500; second, $1,000; and third, fourth Plans are being completed for Flowers." Under "That Old Black signs, the committee which made Larry and Delphi Myra Saunders the spring party at which time the Magic" of "A Serenade in the up the clever programs and place and fifth, $500 each. and to Pete and Nurse and ex- results of the secret Arcadian selec- Night," many a fellow and girl can cards, and those who entertained Heading the Committee of Judges Hopeite Joanne Krause; may these tion will be made known. Oh, well, say, there are "Stars in My Eyes" us (including Ye Order of Junior will be Supreme Court Justice Wil- New "Y" Cabinet two occasions prove the forerun- by that time you'll know that the when I think of "You and the Birdmen). Most of all I want to liam 0. Douglas. Other members ners to many more happy experi- Irish tenor was elected house presi- Night and the Music." Our formal thank all the girls who attended will be Ralph Bunche, winner of Stresses Variety ences in the sale of fraternity pins. dent for next year. Congratula- party was the crowning glory of in order to make the party a com- the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950; Don't be alarmed, girls; there are tions, Bill O'Donnell! successful A.E.A. year. This was plete success. Thurman W. Arnold, author and For Coming Year only 47 bachelors left in the ranks The Arkies are sad to bid adieu former Associate Justice of the Why Tuesday? or "Y" Tuesday. of Arcadian. to various members as they leave U. S. Court of Appeals; Mrs. Doug- This is the problem facing the The Arkie athletes are looking for military service from time to las Horton, educator and former newly elected "Y" cabinets. better than ever this spring. The time. That's what happens when head of the Women's Reserve, U. S. The spiritual emphasis holds a softballers are continuing in their you have so many bachelors! Navy; and Abram L. Sachar, pres- vital place in the "Y" meetings, The slightly raised roof on the Lis Schmidt led the music for ident of Brandeis University. but there is also a need for variety. Sib room these days can only be the evening. In the form of group The contest will be open for re- Realizing this, the "Y's" have taken blamed on last Friday night's meet- ceipt of entries September 15, 1952; singing, this was even more hyster- definite steps to make it "Y" Tues- ing. After the business of sorority will close December 31, 1952; and ical than the humor paper. Im- day, and not Why Tuesday? Although the theme and literary humor paper was a pleasant little rushing rules and spring party winners will be announced about One of the essential parts of the aspects of the Sib-Cosmos joint plans were discussed, the literary promptu solos and duets were the middle of April, 1953. It is be- freshet, augmented by verbal new improvement plan is more meeting were a bit moist, the sun meeting began. Eunice Schipper led called upon from our many tal- ing announced at this time so that water-pistols from the rear. Cosmo joint meetings. Another, is the was really shining all the time, in devotions and Chris Hargreaves students will have an opportunity ented (?) song birds. Dolly Bech- "bike hike." But this improvement because Daisy's sizzling quips dried critic Veldman did the mop-up read the serious paper on the origin to work on their essays during the berger, Crooksie, Bert Van Gilder, plan is not possible without co- up the rain before it had a chance operations. of May Day. and Phil Vander Schaaf sang the summer if they wish. Detailed operation from the students. to . "April Showers" took on a The Cosmos' literary meeting of Then it happened — the humor Farmer in the Dell, the second rules and instructions will be made "Y" can be dynamic only through technical twist in Sibyl Siter's May 2 was the best in ages. Bill paper by Cru-el Crooks. The paper member of the quartet being the available at the beginning of the unity. "Y" provides an opportunity meteorological serious paper, with Plomp's serious paper on the con- was entitled "My Four Years in only one who knew the words. fall term, and copies may be ob- for Frats, Sororities, Independents talk of humidity and precipitation struction and control of flying air- Prison," or "Why They Made Me The hit of the evening was Phil tained at that time from the col- and all classes to unite in one body, of rainfall and watershed areas and plane models was very much appre- May Queenie." Between the paid Luidens doing a request number in lege administrative offices. for fellowship as well as worship erosion, contour plowing, crop rota- ciated, as well as John Vander political announcements, we were impersonation of Johnny Ray's Cry. The purpose of the National in Christ. tion, alfalfa hay, fertilizers, and Wege's hilarious humor paper. able to picture the "warden" on Adjectives just couldn't describe Council of Jewish Women in con- Vice Pres. Dr. Prins is working the farmer vote. Next, Nails Meyer Fred Reinstein assisted in the mat- the kitchen roof of Durfee with the reaction. As we said before, ducting' the contest, as explained close contact with the "Y's" to reproduced "Stardust" and "My ter of Boston Baked Beans. Critic her tommy gtin preventing prison the roof does seem a trifle higher by Mrs. Irving M. Engel, national make it not only "Y" Tuesday, but Desire," translated for saxophone. Stemphle sewed up the meeting breaks. these days. president, is "to encourage thought- "Y" every day. Sibyl Lemkuil's "April Showers" with some witty observations. ful exploration and forthright ex- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX pression on the subject of aca- demic freedom among the students themselves. ntmcet. On April 25, all calorie-uncon- The National Council of Jewish ous paper, "Clouds," presented by "Tippecanoe and Tyler too?", Women has long been committed Home Run there still is no news. Ah, the sus- scious Sorosites gathered around Loie Op't Holt, the humor paper, "Chicken in every pot, car in every to the preservation of the dignity pense of it all. One significant the soda fountain for the meeting "Rain," dramatized by Marty Berg- garbage", "I like pike" and all of the individual and to the pro- thing arising from the campaign sorts of political slowguns. What a "Ala Mode," ably presented by horst and Kay, Ruth, and Ann Ver tection of fundamental American hectic two weeks! First you wear was the organization of the Emmie Margaret Luneburg and featuring Meulen. Notice: Anyone planning liberties. Reports of recent re- BYIMIN! yourself out campaigning and then Jamboree. Contrary to rumor they Ruth Haadsma, Barbara Lindeman, straints on the traditionally free a beach party, be sure to consult frazzle your nerves waiting for the Ruth Kuit, Ruth Ver Meulen, and exchange of ideas and opinions in will not be on WHTC and Arthur Ann Ver Meulen in advance for the results. If Ike is smart, he'll stay Gwen Kooiker giving the final our colleges and universities have Godfrey is not interested. 'Nuff in Europe. As this is being written criticism appropriately entitled, weather forecast (told in the lay- been received with deep concern said. This is loafing weather. "So — daah." A fine time was had man's language!) A little routine by our organization. 4, by all as evidenced by the looks song and function was presented by We know this is not true in all 1\ 0 on our plump little faces. Robbie Soper, Connie Hinga, and colleges," Mrs. Engel said. "But K*uc&& On Wednesday night, April 28, if it is true in any substantial Loie Op't Holt. Finally, with the we soaked up an April Shower with number — if it is only partly true For a great many people, one passage from Luke and presented the A.S.A. girls. The singing, en- expression of a professional reader, — we of the Council believe our more month will mean the culmina- some comments on the future. Mike titled "Birds" (but not for them), Molly Buttles gave her thoughtful democracy should take warning, tion of a successful college career Romano presented to the house a was led by Essie Koeman, the seri- criticisms that brought an evening and that we should do everything at Hope. 14 of these people will framed picture of the graduating c wTcccccccccccrccecccccc of fun to a close. we can to safeguard the priceless be men of Knickerbockers. Last Knickerbockers. The serious paper tradition of free exchange of week these seniors presented or entitled "1952" was presented by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OLD NEWS PRINTERV thought and opinion in education took part in their last literary Dick Caldwell and represented a Your Anchor Printers WHITE against any threat of repression meeting. Only these men could message of farewell to the return- truly experience the feeling they ing members. The paper was EVERYTHING IN PRINTING from the outside world or from CROSS fear to 'speak up' within the class- had way down deep in their hearts. "ideal" in its essence and described See Us For Your room or lecture hall. The meeting was not too long, but the true meaning and observance COLLEGE PRINTING BARBER "We believe the survival of Am- ideal in its structure. of the Knickerbocker pledge. POSTERS - PROGRAMS erican freedom — in school and out Jovial Jack Skelton opened the Carl Jesser took over where Dick TICKETS, ETC. SHOP — will depend on the ability of meeting with a few songs designed left off only on the humorous side. 74 W. 8th St. Phone 2020 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx America's citizens to think for to make all Seniors rejoice ("An- His paper was ideal too in its orig- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXXJ themselves and on the courage of chors Aweigh," "Cassions Go Roll- inality and done as only the lily those citizens in speaking up for ing Along.") The singing was white hands of a Senior could do " SUNDAES-CONES-MALTEDS < the things they believe in. This has typical if not transcendent. Gordon it. Thus the meeting was brought De Pree then read a well-selected MILLS •PETERMAN ICE CREAM COMPANY been the very core of our nation's to a close on a cheerful note. x strength from its earliest days." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X ZDS COLLEGE AVENUE XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXM^ For . . . PHOTO FINISHING g • ••O FOOD • ODD SERVICE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx For . . . PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES | PEOPLES STATE BANK VOGUE RESTAURANT For . . . GIFTS AND GREETING CARDS x

Wishes for Hope College and The Anchor the REASONABLE PRICES — See — ^ Success it Merits XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX IT'S A HIT! The fun of a train trip home with friends ... \TAKBSJHi:LBAVf. XXXXXX3 enjoying roomy comfort and DuSA AR'S I WM 10 EAST EIGHTH STREET HOLLAND, MICHIGAN x 5 Girls Interested in Waitress Work swell dining-car meals. X * FULL OR PART TIME Crusade for Christ on Saturday Nite, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ^ Phone 68266 or Apply in Person Hi-School Aud. l ETEN HOUSE Everyone Invited! Patronize Our Anchor Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: lil m YOUTH FOR CHRIST ADVERTISERS r xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Irs A STEAL I Gather a I CONGRATULATIONS TO HOPE GRADUATES group of 25 or more heading % LATEST POPULAR HITS 8 We invite your parents, relatives, or guests to make Steketee-Van Huls home in the same direction at the same time. Then go Group • their home while attending commencement with PRINTING Coach Plan ... returning sapa- rately next fall if you wish. You COMPLETE SELECTION "The Vans" "a Home Away From Home" each save up to 38% compared LAKE SHORE CABINS HOUSE, Inc. with one-way tickets! OF CLASSICAL RECORDS 1645 South Shore Drive For Reservations Phone 5355 MEYER MUSIC HOUSHOUSE I xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx W. 16th Street Phone 4400 SAFE AT HOME I You'll xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 11 get home promptly as planned 11 CARLETON CLEANERS on the train... with safety and II EXPERT, DEPENDABLE CLEANING SERVICE all-weather certainty no other T. KEPPEL'S SONS 11 SEE YOUR DORM AGENT travel can match. John Vander Broek, Prop. ASK YOUR RAILROAD TICKET AGENT xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Holland's Leading ABOUT GROUP PLAN AND Established 1867 " CUMERFORDS RESTAURANT Printers SINGLE ROUND-TRIP SAVINGS COAL . . . BUILDER'S SUPPLIES

Phone 2326 9 E. 10th St. EASTERN SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINTS and VARNISHES GOOD PLACE TO EAT RAILROADS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; ' •

HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR Page Five FMT TEAMS FULL SWING Knicks Undefeated, Early How Wild Are College Students? Trackmen Ready Leaders In Interfrat Loop A major change is taking place on college campuses over the na- The Knick softball squad jumped into an early season lead in the Busy, Busy, Busy — Inter-frat League behind the steady shutout pitching of Wes Sikkema, tion. "Rah-rah" exuberance is For May Day rolling over the Arkies, 3-0, and edging the Indies, 1-0, for a two-zero giving way to sober purposefulness That's The W.A.A. Inter-fraternity track stars are record. In the second encounter Sikkema held the Indies hitless in the and hazing is being replaced by The W.A.A. has had a full sched- seven- game. primed for May Day action tomor- acts of community service. Today's ule of events in the past month The Fraters are in second spot row afternoon in the annual affair, with a 1-0 mark, followed by the college student is more mature, and this crowded schedule will con- with field events on the schedule Indies and Cosmos, who have each responsible and studious than his tinue until the end of school. Runners Whip for 12:45 on the athletic field and divided in two contests. The Arkies predecessors. The mixed-doubles badminton running events at 2:00 on the 22nd are next with 0-1, while the Em- So reports Robert Stein, editor tournament has attracted 30 cou- mies are holding* down the cellar Calvin Squad and author, after surveying more ples and is a big success. Dave De- Street track. Action in the wom- with 0-2. The Hope track runners opened than 100 colleges and universities Vries and Jeannette Vandenhoek en's division events is to take place The Fraters' lone decision was their season with an 85^-45% vic- and talking with college presidents, are the stars of the advanced but in the morning, with competition, a 14-2 rout of the Cosmos. In their tory over Calvin College at Grand deans, professors, guidance coun- all players, skilled and unskilled, as in other years, between classes. second contest, with the strong Ar- selors and students. He describes are having a good time. Rapids' Houseman Field. It was kies, they hopped up with five runs his findings in an article on "How Qualifications for four events in a good first showing for Coach Al Also intra-mural tennis has at- the men's division, the 100 and 200 in the last inning to gain a G-6 Wild Are College Students?" in tracted about 30 girls this spring tie, the game to be played off later. Vanderbush's crew as they piled up the May issue of U.S.A., the Mag- yard dashes and the low and high and this tournament will no doubt hurdles, will be held today, accord- The Indies, behind the one-hit 9 firsts to Calvin's 6. Hope ap- azine of American Affairs, out keep the courts full until June. ing to Jack Johnson, who is in pitching of ace Jim Decker, handed peared weakest in the weight today. Girls' softball is being played charge of the meet. Three members the Emmies a 9-2 shellacking. The events and the middle distance "Unfortunately," says Mr. Stein, every Thursday night as everyone from each fraternity and three Cosmos pulled up to the .500 mark runs, but in those events it was "an account of several dozen brawl- has probably noticed — but — has Independents are allowed to enter when they took their second game, more a case of Calvin's having ing, rioting students makes more everyone noticed the team called each qualification event, with the jumping the Emmies by a 9-6 exceptional marks ^n that day. Two dramatic reading than the story of Town A? If anyone hasn't, make best six qualifiers running in the count. Calvin records were set in the 2,/2 million young men and women it a point to watch this smooth meet tomorrow. o quietly and efficiently going about meet, one by Monsma in the mile working combination of girls, the and the other by Garry DeBoer in the business of learning." That's best we've seen on this campus in The same events are slated for the reason, he explains, why the Femme Netters the 440. Hope's only record came a long while. this year as in previous years, with in the 2 mile, which Larry Fabumni big change sweeping over college the exception of the discus throw, Dick Nieusma, top scorer last year, Whitewash Galvin won in 10:25.8. campuses has gone almost un- Plans are in full swing for the which has been shelved. In addition noticed. annual MIAA women's tennis tour- clears a hurdle in the 1951 May a medley relay, made up of two Carl Van Farowe figured in 3 nament to be held at Hope on May Girls In 1st Match One clear evidence of the new Day track meet. 440 runs and two 220 runs, is being firsts for Hope as he won both 22 and 23. All MIAA schools are atmosphere is revealed in the de- added. Other events are the 440 The women's tennis team won hurdle races and tied with Fred sending girls to this tournament cline of hazing and prank-playing and 880 dashes, 440 and 880 relays, its first match of the season against Yonkman for first in the high jump. and we hope to make their visit and the diversion of energies they ers, Marilyn Veldman, Marge Pott, mile run, shot put, high jump, Calvin College on Monday, April Ron Bos won both the 100 and the a pleasant one. In preparation for formerly consumed to such acts as Mary Jean TerBorg, Mary Ellen broad jump and pole vault. 28. Since this is the first match 220 yard dashes for Hope. Al- the tournament our own girls team putting up student dormitories, the girls have played this year, the though he did not win a first. is putting in many long hours of Zandstra, Mary Van Harn, Mary Results of the meet are counted painting and repairing homes of 0-0 score is an encouraging sign. Freshman Bob Hendrickson scored practice. Girls who are on the Schrier, Marge Feldmann, and toward the inter-fraternity all- needy families, and performing The match was played on the courts 10 points for Hope with 3 second team are: Sally Palen, Betty Schep- sports trophy. Last year the Frat- other community services, Mr. Helen Markusse. at Columbia and 12th streets. The places and a third place. Other ers, with Dick Nieusma leading the Stein writes. He cites Wilmington results of the individual matches winners for Hope were Clayt.Borg- way, rolled up 92 points to capture College in Ohio, where students put are as follows: man in the javelin, Rod Wissink in first place. in up to 400 hours each in con- Singles: the pole vault and the Hope relay team. structing a $200,000 dormitory, Varsity Track Records XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MaryTer Borg (Hope) vs. Mar- which, because of their free labor, cia Bielema; (Hope winner) 6-0, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX cost the school less than $18,000. Not Including Marks Set This Season HERFST 6-1; Mary Zandstra (Hope) vs. College authorities are in general Marge DeNooyer (Hope winner) agreement, he found, that despite 100 —Don Martin 1937 9.9 Studio and Photo Supply 6-1, 6-1; Marilyn Veldman (Hope) headlines about campus disorders 220 — Don Martin 1937 21.7 vs. Joyce Bierens (Hope winner) One Place to Go for Your Portraits HAD'S today's undergraduates are more 440 — George Douma 1935 51.4 6-2, 6-1; Mary Van Harn (Hope) serious, sober and hard-working 880 — Huge DePree 1936 2:03.9 CAMERAS, FILMS AND vs. Faith De Haan (Hope winner) SANDWICH SHOP than earlier students. They have Mile —Bob Roos 1951 4:35.0 PHOTO SUPPLIES 6-1, 6-2. high ideals, level heads, and are Two-Mile —Bob Roos 1951 10:26.1 Doubles: solemnly preparing, with the con- 369 RIVER AVENUE High Jump — Carl Van Farowe 1951 5' 11%" NEXT TO CENTER THEATRE Sally Palen, Betty Schepers fidence and courage of youth, for Broad Jump — Clay Tellman 1936 21' 5%" 7 W. 8TH STREET PHONE 2664 (Hope) vs. Marcia Bielema, Muriel the "great responsibilities which Walt Vander Meulen 1950 HOLLAND Lieffers (Hope winner) 6-0, 6-0; THE HOME OF HOLLAND'S will soon be theirs," he concludes. Poule Vault — Hugh Kinnison 1943 12' BEST HAMBURGER Marge Pott, Marge Feldman XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Shot Put — Ekdal Buys 1937 43' ^4" cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: Javeline — Walter DeVelder 1929 175'2" (Hope) vs. Joyce Bierens, Mare XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX DeNooyer (Hope winner) 6-4, 9-7. Discus — Fred Veltman 1949 139' 9" PHONE Scores: Patronize Our Anchor Westing Coal Co. High Hurdles — Don Martin 1937 15.5 Houoim26 S3 Hope College — 6. ADVERTISERS Low Hurdles — Don Martin 1937 24.3 Opponent — 0. (Straightaway) Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 8-10 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx STOKERS Low Hurdles — Ken Decker 1949 27.1 X X (One Curve) X Mile Relay — Ray De Young 1929 3:34.5 ODORLESS ECONOMY X 'With a Song in My Heart' Len Willits DRY AND LAUNDRY AUTOMATIC Walter DeVelder CLEANING SERVICE Don Martin Monday & Tuesday, May 12-13 STUDENT ECDNOMY SERVICE x X FIRST SIX POUNDS $1.00 COMBUSTIONEER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "Flesh and Fury" EACH ADDITIONAL POUND TWELVE CENTS SHIRTS FINISHED IN THIS BUNDLE 15c EACH ADDITIONAL w MINIMUM BUNDLE SIX POUNDS For Your FOOT Wear Needs | Wednes. thru Saturday. May 14-17 Pick-up a)j Delivery 46 jT X Be COALED" Myrna Loy and Jeanne Grain MODEL LAUNDRY, Inc. 97-99 E. 8th Phone 3625 "Don't Be Cold" BORR'S BOOTERY 1 "Bells On Their Toes" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3 gxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxg Mon., Tues., Wed., May 19-21 x x Kirk Douglas in XK xH "The Big Trees" ALEXANDER'S HAVE YOUR DORM AGENT CALL FINE DEPARTMENT STORE Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 22-24 MADE FROM Jeff Chandler in "Battle of Apache Pass" Fashion is Our Business ORANGES 2465 PHONE 4921 HOLLANDS STORE HOME OF FAMOUS NATIONAL mm Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 8-10 BRAND NAMES OF "Scandal Sheet"

SWEATERS LINGERIE THE HOUSE OF SePVlGt ALL WEEK-MAY 12-17 SKIRTS COSMETICS Ph. 2465* College at 6th. LfAN m 'QUO VADIS' BLOUSES JEWELRY rafe % Mat. 74c, Evening 95c LEVI'S DRESSES Show at 2:00,5:00,8:00 SLACKS FORMALS XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX}! Mon., Tues., Wed., May 19-21 NYLON HOSE STORM COATS 'fi1' - •' Hotel WARM FRIEND Tavern Van Johnson in ANKLETS SUETS Featuring the Air Conditioned "When in Rome" A4 COTTONS w I also Bulldog Drummond SPORT COATS DUTCH GRILL CORDUROYS SHOES Thurs., Fri., Sat., May 22-24 Private Rooms For Your Parties LOAFERS BOOTS "Young Man With Ideas" 170 MODERN ROOMS OF DUTCH HOSPITALITY and 44Jungle Jim" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Page Six HOPE COLLEGE ANCHOR TROPHY HINGES ON 4 SPORTS Diamond Sluggers Feeble In MIAA, Hope Loses Suffer; Hand Calvin Two Setbacks To Britons Hope College lost a close dual The Hope baseball team dropped two MIAA conference games in the double encounter meet to perennial Ml A A-Champion j-faaer with Alma on April 26, but managed a split with Albion last Saturday to rest currently Albion on the High School track in with a one-and-three record in conference play. In extra-conference contests the Dutch the Dutchmen's second taste of A short time ago Ty Cobb dropped a bomb into the baseball world turned back Calvin twice, one in a game postponed from April 12. competition for the year. Hope took by letting it be known that he thought the game of baseball, as played seven firsts and Albion eight for The Albion twin-bill saw a pair of well-pitched tills, the Britons eking out a 2-1 deci- today, stunk. This was followed by a wave of indignation around the the day as the Britons eked out a country, in which Tom, Dick and even Harry Sportswriter voiced his sion in the first, and the Dutch copping the night-cap, 1-2, in 1.°) . Bob Dennison 1 70 j to 0)0' j victory. peep that today's immortals like Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio toiled the complete nine frames for Hope, but his hitting support was too feeble to muster The winner's Jack Sharp proved need not be subjected to such slanderous remarks, even by so promi- up enough runs to gain him a vic- too much for the home team to cope nent a diamond personality as the great Ty. tory. Freshman Willie Rink went with as he won both short dashes, Well, the great Ty is not the rosiest, best-loved figure ever to appear the whole distance in the second took third in the high jump and on the sports scene. But he played and knew the game as it should he played — as a game of nerves, strategies, and brains, besides abil- ^ame to emerge the winner of a Netters Depart On Chi anchored Albion's victorious relay team for a total of 12'» points. ity. Perhaps what he says is not so far from correct. brilliantly-tossed ' battle. Carl Van Farowe was again high Today baseball has been reduced to not much more than a vast Masketball and football star Ced for Hope as he picked up 11 points money-making scheme. Formerly clubowners used to keep one eye on Dempsey of the Hritons also worked Tour Still Without Loss on the virtue of two hurdles vic- the gate receipts and one eye on the game; but today they are keeping more than one eye on the gate. They are intent on exploiting the the whole way, but faltering sup- The Hope tennis squad rushed assured the team victory by whip- tories and a place in the high jump. Bob Hendrickson was also a double players, specializing the players, with the view of supposedly pleasing port in the final inning gave the thru their first three matches by ping their rivals, 0-0, 11-!>. winner, taking the broad jump and the fans. Dutch the winning runs. The Dutch swept over Albion in copping them all before taking off the shot put. There are countless players today who have been made to fit into In the first engagement with on a two-day jaunt to the Chicago a match that was closer than the a type. An example is one Vic Wert/,, Detroit outfielder. This year Larry Fabumni broke his week- he is a slugger — nothing more — just a slugger. At this writing he Alma the Scot diamond men gained arena last weekend where they score indicates, although only Bos a 7-4 verdict on the strength of was pressed into three sets before old two-mile mark as he ran the has made ten hits in the 1952 season, five of them homers, for a tackled the U. of Chicago and Lake eight hits and top-llight pitching winning, 5-7, 0-2, 0-4. Kxo as num- distance in 10:2.'i.O. Hope swept feeble below .20(1 batting average. An instance typifying the current by Hramble. Hope batters gar- Forest teams. The Dutchmen's ini- ber one man pulled a victory by this event. Other firsts for Hope baseball situation happened to this Wert/ about a week ago. He came nered five safe hits, two of those tial victory was turned in over Cal- 0-0, 0-.'{. Other winners were Nieus- were garnered by Fred Yonkman to bat with the bases loaded and a chance to aid his team's cause, just by Jim Harvey, hustling backstop. vin by a margin of r)-4, while the ma. VanderVelde, and freshman in the high jump and Clayt Borg- like in thrilling baseball fiction. A well-placed, Willie Keeler single Kink hurled competent ball for the next two were over MIAA foes, a Bill Coventry in singles, and the man in the javelin. would have driven in two runs and set up more. But Wert/ aimed for Dutchmen, but was somewhat in- 7-0 shutout against Albion and a doubles combos of Bos-Kxo and the distant fences; the result—only a mighty whiff. Had all Hope runners, jumpers, capacitated by five fielding mis- 4-.'{ win over Alma. Nieusma-VanderVelde. Wertz' trials at the plate this year can be roughly grouped into vaulters and hardware-heavers per- plays on the part of his mates. three categories — a strike-out. a long fly, or a homer. By the law The Alma encounter found Coventry and Marv VanWeelden, formed up to par. the meet might of averages he is bound to hit a long fly over the wall once in a while, In the nightcap Hope was Hope's one-two punch of Warren another freshman, turned in the have been closer than it was. As it squelched by a devastating Alma usually with no one on base. Then he is a hero. But in the meantime Kxo and Ron Bos each turning in deciding win against Calvin when was, Hope almost picked up more his presence is next to worthless. onslaught. Nineteen base knocks by winning decisions, Exo by (1-2, they took a 0-2, 0-li match. Bos and points in the low hurdles as Jack Baseball men realize the value of the home run. In a tight game a the foe plus seven errors by the over Bob Harrison and Bos by r»-l), Kxo as usual won their frays. The DeWaard was leading substantially long blast ends it right there. But these baseball men fail to realize the Dutch turned the overwhelming 0-2 over Bob Bacon. Bos and Kxo, Hope team took the first three in the race when he tripped and price they are paying for it. What is worth more — a Wert/ with fewer tide against the Hope fortunes. combining as the number one singles matches while the Knights fell over the last hurdle. Albion homers but twice as many bits, or a Wertz as a seldom producing The deluge of. nineteen smashes off doubles team, also triumphed over copped the last three. Before the will be watching Hope's progress slugger. the combined efforts of Dennison, Harrison and John Fields, 0-1, 0-4. final doubles affair the squads had in its next few meets as both teams Several seasons ago Wertz liberally sprinkled hits all over the field, John Busman and Jun Bremer, who The other doubles team, Dick also divided the first two matches look forward to the MIAA cham- connecting on homers at clutch instances, knocking in l.'W runs. His all saw active duty on the firing Nieusma and Jack VanderVelde, in that category. pionships on May 24. line, accounted for seventeen runs outs included many well-hit smacks that, with more breaks, would also and buried the Hopemen in a 17-5 have gone for hits. But his future was remade so that today he is a avalanche. robot, a mechanical strong man. Hope's picketmen snatched six Another case is Gill Hodges of Broohlyn. In the past two years his solid base hits from Alma's win- home run output has increased by long strides; but his batting average ning , Bruce, two each by and KBI production have both fallen off as a result. He is a player Jim VanHoeven and Dave Kemp- exploited — exploited to do nothing but hit home runs. Ralph Kiner is ker. not paid to play ball but to hit home runs. Can we call these players Jack Schouten's warriors turned among the great? tlie Knights into day and then A two-way boner was revealed recently with the announcement of an made hay while the sun shone by offer to Brooklyn of $0oo.oou or thereabouts and five players for the harvesting two dean-reaped vic- Dodgers' Hodges and Duke Snider. The first boner was in the first tories over Calvin's diamond crew. club's placing such an outlandish price on these two players — the sec- in the initial game played here ond the Dodgers' not accepting such terms. on April the Hopeites bashed Statistics too show up today's troubles. Pitchers' aver- out nine bingles in an 8-1 conquest. ages are higher now than in the past; yet there are scarcely ten .300 Maurie Witteveeii and Kempker led hitters in each league each year — more runs per hit. but fewer hits. the hit parade for Hope by annex- Natural hitters are exploited, specialized, into something else, and the ing two hits apiece. Hope mounds- game suffers. men Busman and Kink shared What is needed is more hitters like George Kell. Kell is not one of pitching chores and limited the Cal- the greatest natural hitters in today's game — only one of the smartest. vin squad to seven safeties. Van Vleet. Calvin's starting chucker, went the route "for the Furniture City men. Golfers Trim Alma, Socked By In the second tilt staged between these same two teams on April "!') at Calvin, Hope's Wooden Shoe Albion, Rout Muskegon JC Team everything but their shoes. The Albion's topflight golfers took the measure, 12-M, in Hope's first boys clabbered the Knights with M.I.A.A. encounter. Behind the sharp driving of Nichols who shot a batters exploded for sixteen blows one under par 71 they made Hope's opening match a losing one. Dick while Calvin hitters were held to Kruizenga shot a low 70 but the Albion golfers outclassed the Hope five scattered hits in the 10-4 rout. men. Don York, Zeke Piersma and In a non-conference match with and Huff all shooting a low 84. Bremer all fattened their batting Muskegon J.C., Hope returned to Dick Huff's return to the squad averages by collecting three hits the winning path with a 1.V2 rout. increases the hopes of the Dutch apiece while several other men Kruizinga again playing number linkers when they play the highly aided the winning cause with two one man for Hope carded a five touted Albion bunch again in the safeties apiece. Bremer, stalwart Spring sports are extremly important in the race for all-sports trophy. A school needs strength in every over par 70, as did his opponent, M.l.A.A. field day. With Huff, Valick of J.C. Bill Kloote, Bill hurler, turned in a creditable mound sport to win. Above are the representatives of the four teams that seek to bring the trophy to Hope. Lubbers and Bob Visser there is a performance. Jeffer and VanVleet Kramer and Don Lubbers all swept spirit of competition in the prac- shared pitching duties for Calvin. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx past their rivals. tice rounds at Saugatuck. Congrats XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX With the return of Dick Huff to Bob Visser for shooting his first the Hope team triumphed over the below-eighty score in the J.C. MAKE OUR STORE HUNGRY . . . ? Alma squad, 10-5. Bill Kloote match. Coach Al Timmer also re- YOUR carded the low medal score of 79. ports that his men are hitting their THE KOFFEE KEETZ Diamonds Consistency was the factor of the stride and are playing good steady is Ready to Serve You Hope win with Kramer, Lubbers golf. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ FILM These Attractions AND SOUPS - HAMBURGS - CHEESE SANDWICHES ^ KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS CAMERA CHEESEBURGERS - HOT CHOCOLATE Watches * SODAS AND SUNDAES-ROLLS AND COFFEE VANDENBERG JEWELRY Headquarters xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 210 COLLEGE AVE. WE HAVE THE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Silverware XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ FAMOUS NAME BRANDS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x Eastman X BULFORD STUDIO 1 x X PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY x X Ansco X SPECIAL X x 52 East Eighth Street Telephone 9608 x X Bell & Howell LADIES' SUITS SAVE UP TO X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx X MEN'S SUITS X Bolsey XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJj X PLAIN DRESSES 45c X Polaroid X FOX'S X COATS ON EACH GARMENT x X Jewelers and Opticians Land Camera X X ONE DAY SERVICE TELEPHONE • CASH AND CARRY • x on I FIRST NATIONAL BANK x Developing and Printing 6-6633 x X Deposits Insured up to $10,000.00 X X X 12 WEST EIGHTH STREET Michigan Cleaners X X HOLLAND. MICHIGAN Garments—Fire and Theft I. Hollemans, Prop. X HANSEN'S X 1 DRUG STORE ** x 232 RIVER AVE. HOLLAND, MICH. ^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx