. Three injured in . Nues Police cancel Golf Roädcaràccidèt : Santa visits Dear Virginia: Yes. there socancelled. Sergeant John Kot- byNiacyXtearniall Santa Class, but he aunt be mottas. us's manpower was the Emergency imIta from Motii December 12, causIng rush hourpaseengero in atti volildes. pulling up in a Nues sqoad car problem. Grove, GIenvew and Golf were treBle to be rerouted for nearly According to Uetttonant Ralph thisChriotanas.ThePolice- t'be program required three summ%ed (o a three ear pileup 45 mInutes whll paramedics at-Ozerwinaht, a Merino Greve aponnored Ctirtstmns Eve visita, Sontas, coatisned helpers and itl45 Golf Road at apprex- tem to extricate three ht-paramedic. two cars atnick each accuonpanled by jingling hells threesquad carL Kataeollas took huatelyIghl a.m. Monday jored drivers. There were no Conttaaedoit Page II and flashing more lights, are Coadaaedis Page 48

Increase necessary for salaries, life and safety work

'41g iit' Edition - , District 63 thitr taXlevyup 2S per copy VOL 32, NO. fl TIIC OUCIEThURSDAY, PECEMOER lt. tOSO 4.92,percent Fina! MG recycling by Eileen Hinchield From the Board members 08 East Maine Last year'o levy lacetano was decision due in January ueipercentunttertmrottita byNaacy eeamtaaa slt,al.4it, or a 4.52 percent In- Taxation Act. a taxing body ¿osp £4t j4aiut creaieoverlaztyetrataregutartrip op to a 5 percent tnereaae Morton Grove ta one step away Ing at the forefront ¿8 gest contrat 13 eettn. from being one of theUral and senior legislation. The cono- bBeUer Qdcago suburban CoadanedoePage 44 to a v1Ude recycling YOa canbeaure Santa qUI proauL At the lad 1* viSage Christmas trees onisp1ay be at your bo iblo ye. but beldDecemberl2,the teNUes. bema'be a cøad town adnolnlatratora wore buww tM ed byaCoob county Health at H tone je Department ofildal who told Since uSi, NUca policemen thorn, "You havetaken ausente bave volunteered ea Santa'a role to protectlogclttzena" by be- b and dropped toto bemeu juot butaca Santa made hie own niait. It took several $900,000 volunteer belpero plm police care plus drivera to visit the bornes. issue sed by This year the department bao a problem getttog Nues Parks vakznteero for the Qwistonsu byMaureeuF.Deasy eve violi and far the manning al several police cars. The NUes Park District Board pascd a motion to accept Beiles The zeven year tan, thoixtoose bond lasucat the volonteerlom by the '1uesday nlsjitn meeting. policemen waz an above and Nino Park attorney Gabe lier- bethe cali el duty utfort. rafale presented the Board with The helpers were away freon an annotated ounuolary of hey theirowo farnilirn on this very paints of the eminence concern- special night which went on Ing the hood. The General Obliga- for noven years. lion Bond will be registered at The Plrot National Bank of NUca. Police Sergeant John Kat- The bond will be issued over four 000ilas told ne maybe next years, la itet. ptas,oc with no In- year Santa will get his NUes tarent rite of6.%; tS%, $2 rs at 6.3li%; 1191, $210,tto at a.40%; and maturing lii 1h52, $240,X0 at Wa auggeated to Jobo 8.45%. pa community realdanla Said President Elaine Nettem cotld lake over the 'helpers' "Ithisk this la the biggest thing Job this year. But ho reminded In the Path District. This bond uslianta's helpers were driven will not only aove over 112,tto Nuca historical Buddy President Marilyn trees no display ut lite tnusonm. Bridal otan- to the doors of NUes children ptu.s attorney fees, but the money Brown (atandingi choIs willi volunteorS Fryds nequim, wearing gnons doling from illS to the In a police car. And that won will bc oaed to eliseo many capital CieoI (I)nd Tens Wiegond (r) ou they pul ihr preseni, preside over tite exhihil, which Ineludes ConitanédanPagedl Conttoaed ea Page 84 tinishlog louches on ovo of ihren old.fssliioned antique toys wider the tree. r;E 2 TIlE fl(iF. TIRRSDAV, l, 0M

I Community Focus rIlo: 01.011.8:. TfltaiiOAO'. tuF:o'FstoF:a to. Is

/ 1988, MEMSEN Lochner's Greenhouse: This legendary family h MoriMos illesO. A _) Mao.o.e.. G ì1r TJ3uglr Ansoni.sisia l 1\ E ¡8)5 7 business outlasted the competitionfor sixty years .1 ci lU (I'pe;i drei t (:ea,eu tif laca uY .\a. ies,uayuu' r Es lo h lis u s'al ita f avid Buuser.Eihitor h ilibjisher litany .htiiirr.bfavaring Editor by In the Morton Grovr oreo br the be appenriog srouod MoUser 874(a N. SI,a'rnsar ttaaDaI. °iIev. Illiiatai" (aO(,48 966-3900-1-4 lfohcrt tIeuscr-City F.ulilor Do CuStOmen ever complain 1840s,toarelbaofifty yearn Day. fallnwcd by prine-salouthig about thdochomo poinsi- beforetheoillage wan hirer- summer specimens. UM? Ynah.' oayo Ihn Onvonly- porstcd in l8. IlLs Krirndiathec Dick t.ocboer is delighted the cihL ycar old banincooman, Michael bought eighty ocres of younger t.oehorrs arc interenled lhcy complain bocaune Ihn land for 11.50 so acre in MA hi Ihn butinesu. Incliner is proud Taverns claim to keepNues Police give Golf Mill a holiday preenee planL or-nnullfl000nrthpal cleared the land and began farm. nfhisheritage and family Eanlcr Log. fir was also the arras first nffogrther.Portraitsnffour With cornptainlo libo thooc. lo pootmooter from tP74to 18M. t.achoer generations adorn Ike close watchondrinking no wonder that Lochner, »ichs loAner, Michort, wan bore retail arco of the store and a by Obelly. ll.ekntt customers bao-e heno caminE to on Ihn fosos io tM9 on land which family pholo albimi is dose st his greonhoowe at 6T24 W. Droop- to Holiday station at Golf Mill now partofIhrForest hand. tie bas a photo of ¡be se- [oat week Iwa HIles resIdent, holiday over-Ladulgence. He saId. oler SI. for more IlMa lilly yearn. t'rosei-veDistrict.Ile reas no coud family homestead which were lavaIent hi s car accidenta 'Happy hour Isn't a problem On a nanny atternoon in early elected village official for forty- alando todayneat lathe hi whIch the drIver of the ailes- here. We dont encourage it, fait Decronher noveraI people niaopp- noven years. holding the post of greenhouse. There Lo a tunad bet- stag ear wan drIving under the ka- we donI discourage it. Drinking toitforlitelrmloplants and vitlagrclerk.Dick Lochner went ¡he house and the shop. On Oseasen of alcohol (DIll). One nf establlshusveota thai see etA/log boagho which are the famityn means morepolice pmtection recortabas his father was the cold ojalar night,, t.oclmer used theresldeothdied.Arethe dawn duilyeararound,on hallmark said they bad been best haysforker or tharea mid lolire up the boilershithe holidays or 'Happy Houes'ai noceosanily during the holIdays.' coming to the slam for more than be fias pictorco showing vanen of by Nancy Keesamlaas 10:11 Iiu,i.OlICIlOIIIIIICFO.fluiR lai Irr prourdr.s expertise no holiuouse without having Io go fault? lo a season when holiday There are 52 liquor licenses twenty4ive yearn. One woman hay faobloond o sorb s tray Litai outsIde. cheer can mean having one drink regIsteredInHIles.Morton HIles police ore coothualng a in the poet Thaoksgiviug season. connally enticed tram nParh they astrId orner tel soaked no Sos cro stud jilsots slnni, SI Ib nuItIltIlIdrIl hiuIuImnu. the fuollulsv oCll%011.S let fl:lr tilo lorly I,u.syIllico tiir lAollilcro t;rrcoliosc. As proud as be Is of Ilse yoongee Ion many, same area mhurho are records only20lounges nr Nues fireman holiday tradition at Golf MIO. Foe Ratherthan changeeal.stkvg Ridi1n hardware husmean. said ¡0011cr how severr the rain. t.ochaero, he maintainsno one permaoenlly banning happy restaurantswithfoillIquor the seamed straIghtChrisionas heats. Hiles pollee determined shed been a palean for ftfty4sso By the late 8M,. the grenlest bidldlogbinfirstgreesdsouse. Coliforolo so little starts. I only has as otuch fan as we did when haar,, a costassi that musSy calLo lIcenses.accordingto Morton sea_ion, nt/iren are monolog a that the most efficient placement )ek indootry hi(be area was theOther prominent greenhouse sell the best and ift cant Start we were kids. We fanghi sind for serving two drink., toe the Grave Assistant Direclor uf injured in North parking Ial 0ait just outside nf pohce personnel during tIse lorbeer hasbollia growing of flowersand growers were Joseph Brooks. the first, then Ill boy the benI lonheil after ute another. We used price of one. Phianre. Darlene Wranla. mall entrance numbee two. By all heildays would he a vonenalrateal reputaban onlineplanLa and vegvtoblm. Poebbnaoo Brothers Fred Kroeger. Fr000 Sebroeder. to play bull hi the fanait yard, The BogIetalkedioHiles The Bugle checked with Kenhi Maine fire reports. Ike broach is a success visible oetwoek of pallen hi Ihr leaning. A SLSt)inblady corn ioMonino Grove became the William Fleugge, nod 0000eS lIke A ,trodySochof patosos- skate on the river by the railroad Mayor NIcholas BAsse and he Rico, a manager of Bemsigan's on with shoppers,retailers and nuethoest pontoon of the village. mento how good Lodmer lank,. A largest grenohoaseestablish- Bl000euuer, Dahin sodPlato "newcomers and old custoosers bridge and go hnoflog and Sees na ktcretsed awareness of Casallased sa Pagel? by Sheilya Hrkelt palienpersonnel.toaddition, Three silleros share a nightly pinyin] wink.You look pretty ment io the United Boats-s. with were notable hi the basions, as alike twerp into the shop. loss fiofdusg. clOsons aU around the Gol! nod usotofi at Golf Mm. slvifthsg hei- good yourself, lan-.e.' Lnclmer Ovo tirrouan was sligi,lIy is eigbt mues of grnnashoa.nes for well. Piafs Lstill doing business than a week hilothe twelfth bruI on Monday. t)cvenuher t? Milwaukee Road area are the wenn patrolling lite parking tel. _nl&s al one Seemann admission prfsewioolog rosco orchids sud hi Morton Grove. beauebirioeie0 of this creative ase walking the mall and manning at loyalty.Ob, sIses junI me of other flowoen. Poebimoitos had whet iii font n rl it lhoougli a roof Dich Loclmer, born hi tItO. al- f)ir-L Loch,or.o faîoils arrived i,t tu.Aucurtü,t Grove Golf Greenwood alertedaia NilrlircfiglitcrsOiuivi lh,i.Oe of manpnwer and equipment. the traIler. One mild December Ihn nesecomero.' And the) both avec 4M employees Lo Its heydep. tended nchooi st the second rural According ta Sergenottobo evenIng. 5go. jobo Fryksdale. a 100gb. fruto North Moloc uniI Glrohrooh folding during (lue Groat Depews- school bollI hi Cook Couoly a one lire11 io u/irJSIO.01,1lire u/ian50yLar.o lutfore u/ic vil- ¡0v xtiuigulshingalouuilioust K.absoahias, the decision to atuso veteran at more lhaa tau yearn Dick I.ocbaerfamily arrived oliai Just afino Dick Locisnec was room building at Becksaith sad lige uiu.o i, Ill, r,,turcitcd u,,1895. over radium levels hi,lurOn liriA inilnvr io tIle avio- the dopartuoriots t Search troihcr presided once a rooatloau hi the Waukegan and later called Golf vorporolrsl Niiroli Atuior di.,lrii-I. was a eespoase io dm oecd tor ad- shifts ob lite ihren patrol officers o Elemnolary Ccfsool. Looboer stili by tfbeliy. atsekeli ftouu ilorlu's, Distort OlivI io ditlonal manpowerIsthe who had volsatoered lo be ai Golf month ut the rear and mare thao has picturm of blismoll as so up- lieconfides he has 'no Nil -san iii Ihr Hilos furcluglilcr, Milwaukee and Golf Road Areas Caatlased osa Page 47 pervlaamiaa hi a room with sil half of Oie 11Ml prien paiusteltias husInes running the TheIllinoisEnoironmeotal Radium Lo fosad in driaking farli lt curi Loen, 5410 lrcalcd sod grades, kindergarten through have beco sold. Lochorr. bis son greenhouse' reounrlthig that the rvicaocul. ('otitoin itanify tihorl of DELI John,nie


MINELLIS HOT OR MILD IDEAL FOR SERVING ANDGIVING II ITALIAN s i 89 $:4!: SAUSAGE... I Le.: HYGRADE'SWHOLEHILLfh FARMS HAMS 99 3 LBS. OR MORE ï SKINLESS SHANKLESS SPIRAL SU CEO LEAN OLD FASHIONED GROUND HAM BONE.IN CHUCK HAM LS. IWITHOUTThE MESSt . . Great For The HoIdaya. .". Introdudng \. ç. ;; BONE-IN UPON HEARThSTONE . : 'j BONELESS RIB EYE ROAST Micke1br s 289LB OVEN READY . NO WASTE FULLY COOKED p $269LI - COORS or MILLER MICHELOB . . . OL D. F ASHION E D -I, HAM 4 LOWENBRAU BONELESS RIB EYE ROAST HAM BUDWEISER LITE DRAFT fl BEER BEER BEER INGLENQOI( s . BEER -WHOLE BEEF WINE 120Z. ILS 98 120Z. e.ioz. 1.5 LITER TENDERLOINAVG. LONG NECK 12 OZ. te. r 24 cs BOTflES t6BTLS.j ¿q CANS CLEANED . NO EAT. NO WASTE ORDER TODAY. DELI o . s. MAMA MINELI.iS s CROWN PORK ROAST KRAKUS FOR s,)49 $999 ITALIAN $98 s i 29 *229 .1 ROAST BEEF LB. POLISH HAM I i.s. EXCLUDING FREE GRAVY WHITE ZINFANDEL . ORDER TODAY. OLD WISCONSIN s i 49 AND . TURKEYS DUCKS GEESE PURDUE SWISS CHEESE I 141.8. WHITE CABERNET u ROASTERS OLD FASHIONED SMOKED - 994 .:; 9Q, LB. LIVER SAUSAGE FALBO'S FRESH C ; -* " .-.;I3I RICOTTA CONTAINER LO. y. . SEAGRAM'S CANADIAN CLUB r E &J .(. OR BRANDY GANCIA ASTI $99 HILLS BROS. 750ML IIILI.S COFFEE ; SOUTHERN BROS COMFORT $200 I. 3$OLCAN HOMEMADE WITH EVERY RAVIOLI '10.00 PURCHASE 1.ThLITER HOMESTYLE FIPIAL*499 $d.99 EXCLUDING CIGARETTES. LIQUOR $749 COSI ThE ML COST U 750ML SWISS VALLEY FARMS ARO PRICE OF COFFEE LASLE.,. e* 2 CAN UMJT HOMEMADE HALFSt PINTS FOR HALF. L MANICOrn or SHELLS $219 o; SOUR 't$ CREAM isoz 99C FALBO'S WHIPPING MOZZARELLA CREAMtrPINT.. . CHEESE $219 KHw4 HOLIDAY SEASON COFFEE LIQUEUR °(15! EGG 99c " Or TOWELS CANFIELDS 59.:; OR s 69 J&B 99 HOLIDAY SEASON MIXERS,L.. SCOTCH 794 OR NAPKINS 1 NAPA RIDGE DE WARS BISQUICK WHITE $429 WHITE LABEL ..--4.-_ -:--- 5,69 ZINFANDEL 'I SCOTCH BAKING RO,.... $1799 DOLE PINEAPPLE KORBEL $ 69 IRED or GOLDEN $999 FLORIDA RED DELICIOUS CHUNKS or CHAMPAGNEThOML 750ML 61E. GRAPEFRUIT.J BAC APPLES LB. SLICES AMAREÌ1'O IN SYRUP o. JUICE TOiTS MED111 vEl I fiAi API IIUI $49 PiSORONNO DIAMOND JUMBO FLAV-R-PAC ThML 750ML ONIONS PEARS WALNUTS GALLO VEGETABLES s43LS s CORN s GREEN BEANS s MIXED BAO s po*s s CARROTS VERMOUTHThOML 1 LB. 89 WOLFSCHMIDT a HARVEY'S COKE TAB . SPRITE VODKA1.flth REG. or DIET PEPSI BRISTOL W*,,,,,,I h, ,g 41104,,,,, GRANT'S IMPORTED ITALIAN 799 CREAM SPECIALTy FOODS SCOTCH .1 . 12 os. 7780 MILWAUKEE AVE. 1:7th 12ces CHIVAS REGAL 99 $799' PHONE: MON. thru FRI. 9 AM. to 7 P.M. SCOTCHThOML E 7SOMLI ' I $329MINELLI R OSs 965.1315SAT.9tOBP.M..SUN.91O2P.M. PAC} ¿ Tufi: IICL}; ThURSDAY, OECI%IRE I 191J Center of rIlo: BUCLe, TUU05DAY, SICCEMSCI 10, Isal par.F, T Concern Senior luncheon meetings Two meet1ngon OncUve dy are onThC1flT OF Con- registration corn's agenda (or December. Senior Citizens' On Monday. Dec. 9.Mr. H.rvcy Hoto of Prb Ridge.th Dominicks give a ,exnInr on Ruemo the Road to relremb thomebo oTh NEWS AND VIEWS take the drjverm tjcnme test In This Sale Starts - the near tutore. The rions ,eItI . meet troni t-3 p.m. In the con. Thursday! - torcere room ot the tS& N. sor- News for all Niles Seniors (age 62 and over) thwemt Iflglceoy boIIdtn. 26 o! con from the NHes Senior Center luN., Meeting in thot room ot 2pro. Reontor. Drip la V , on Theorthy. Dec. ,relu be An. teemuasoom 8060 Oakton, Nues 967-6100 ext. 3?6 Maxwell House TSau., 00GSa toan thoy Novok, otro ou shore trim 0 SIOSt v iO 24 ps otidem of the t33 Wortdm Fair. $'VeÛyyy TAX COUNSELING PROGRAM VOUJN'I'EERS MEETING I5lbtao I,.- SENIOR CmZENS A im. coumeliog tor tIte nldnrly meetiog teilt Lake place on Frl. Coffee A,) Sior ç, 1) 6 0V ShampooAsar '0.50 day, Decrmber 16 ot n.m. This program Im open toanyone In. DIMO 3as4g_ H .,'cu t '1.00 terrnlenl In votuotcering tor the tao progrorn on either (ax c0000eloro or rcccptlooloto. .5.54.yI2 'r i S Ore., ¿ S. Men. Chpem Sentano '3.00 yo rU,,., Srvr', ' At Sunitayn Main Ton-nnttip Scnioro tntnct,eot,, reg,ntrnti,tn was t a e; o r MOn'. Rag HStr S,yl,ng5.50 SIEH'S CLUB BUSINESS MEETING trandlert by(I to r) Etto MoKorrole. ELsie t.ocrhor mort Iktrinc foM. orn TCNSaMlpIufl AND ChRISTMAS PARTY or fl,,,. e,.. 00014 battis C. Sull TANNING VISItS y nAys The Mro. Oub buoInn mrntlorollt be Entri on Monday, 'Cr,, ,, 35,OO AWEEK Decrorber 19 at I030. Fottno1n5 the mret.In5 the Meno Club alti DP woman honored by hospital hold their Ctrrlotmas porty For their members. FREDERICK'S COIFFURES ti s I) A Cro', tin,c.,ct,',t 535, N. MILWAUKEE AVENUC . u rUn Darte SnutaokJro recentlytoc 2 yeam of distlngulmtwd ser- MONThLY MAILING PROJECT Al Buy Oye, Cet One F,,O'i Cvnc'0 Clot Sv',liOoln Buoni CHICAGO. ILL. honored by MacOtto Wathlngto Vacuunu PcvUorO 831.0674 vice to the bompttot. Our monthly mailIng project alti take place on Tuesday, Breyers Ice Cream Froel HptIat. 4th5 N. Western Ave., December st I230 p.m. Ax oiwoys, volunteered assistance Ix Shank Portion very much needed nod opprecimted. :Cl;.U:n; 99c SQUARE DANCING Opes square dasein5 will tobe place on Tuesday, December20 . )I$100 Ham lb. Schaul's Poultry and Meat Co tat t20p.m. There Im oocost. mlx program isopeotoall Nitro Birds Eye Classics JI I Senior Center retxtrooim. 0,_i, ç'-OrlOn r 5) CENTER CUT 89C SWISS BONELESS LINE DANCING Cetesota F10111 PORK CHOPS tine donning tstU (abc place on Tuesday, December 20ut 130 uscio C004n,u Cron:n CHEESE PORK ROAST p.m. There In no eberge onU reservatloox nrc ont needed. 10.0' Cnn. FiriC. Qûc 'Armour Blade Cut Pal Roust U , s49 HAPPY HOLIDAYS Country StyÌe Bacon 79c i LB. On behalf oF the Nltem Senior Conter statt, we wish aua Joyous Dubuque 'Wilson u.La. - *16. ctrr)otmom. The ThdmI ItuIIdmg relit close 01noon on FrIday, 99c BAKEDorBOILED December nodwIllremaIn closed through Monday, Ricotta Cheese t'o?, 5 '25 50 $229 NEED A GIFT FOR DAD? NEED A 'IFT FOR AN BottornRound Roust OUT-OP-TOWN RELATIVE Deceorber 30. It will reopen l'uesdoy nromtog. vr n000v ,nJrvhAnO SSS000..ic.,0,Cnd Cmv, HAM STE.AX CERTIFICATE $999 L,ni,l Grin Por Fafln* Pr.nnt Dad ,i*h ont ofGo,Stflk OR FRIEND? tÇrakus Impotted Ham as Ham Alb Chops IrI NEW YEAR'S LUNcHEON c.nhrtss,e. Io, ht. fono,t...... h.Sch*l. htp 5Ib.Osku, liCou n A New Years luncheon will be held on Friday, December 3Oat tin,' 'n s i 49 A,,yriz. o.qu..tttyol coy.,..t.Sent nclond41h boUdas As atways. $329 Ibb LB, o.ttlh'.. 0,5.11_g Cad fo,,,outo anyone 130 p.m. EnterTainment WIS be provIded by the BatalUe Dance Domestic Boiled Horn , ,89' Rib Roast U.S. Io, 55, SAI.E DATE& In 1h. Conhtnontal 14 Academy. The roma will lociude slotted proS chopa, baby - wo will sliceand osco Gu0o on,,,,r,ijnn plu. Co., 500 par&ted potatoes, apple oaxce, carrots and 5$99Ib, Ovino 050mo O lOo: 12-15 thou 12-21 po.tao. PO.tag, peux, sweet and cour tie your ham free beets, volto and pastry dessert. Tickets coot $7.25. Advance nurrewn $')29 °n 49c SchauVs Fresh Holiday Feast Entrees rescrvou000 arr necessary und moot beplaced before Hard or Genoa SalamL, .,L:., ,. )y,tvnvl Furcvyne -7,95 at the Deli Counter, December 22. For reservohono call 007-6130, Eat. 376. . V,Vlvi'vS aVwt.10)v whir V000(y tant, .FRESH TURKEYS STANDING RIB ROAST . HICKORY SMOKED 14.18LBS.) ID-24LOS.I HEN TURKEYS NEaTuNaras cove s ROASTERS ANO DUCKS s PRIME BEEF s.i.j: Plua Club TENDERLOIN ROAST S,noked and Cooked .tth Hickory 5.7 LBS. ' 5 LB.AVG .1 Ember. to, 2 dar.. We start tiria atilde off with the sod am that ae mourn the 154.05.) Save Yovi, C'inno Lake Supetior Whitefish $1 s FRESH FROZEN GEESE Real 000k.d n ?tawor. LEG 'O' LAMB passing of nor charter member Joseph Catsnnaro. Josephass ro53LESr . 30,oy um t.I LBSt . CROWN PORK ROAST our Gub'. VIce President ander Peter Lanciati, the Qtrb'l Red or Russet $449 FoamIer for five years. We extend Bar syinpaitilee ta Jolaph's Shell On Gulf Shrimp alle Anne and her daagbter, Rea Ganlap and family, Jaseph 25 FRESH FROZEN FRESH FROZEN was a dedicated member nl the S.I.J. 55 Plus club sad he alit be LOBSTER sorely miused. On Ambassador CttrlStBas Parly GootI, Potatoes PRIME NEW YORK Our Xmss Party at the Q.athsu Rito wax again a besUtIfut bd TAILS outstanding day. The .ne.nbers entered a beaatthdiy prepared Christmas Wrap, FILETS STR I P a io lo OL hait end table decoraitotss Io tise of Xmas. Party started 801 12 OZ. Candles or Cards alth cocktails, a champagne Fountain, bar. d'neuvrea, Inflowod b. C by a delicIous Prime Rib Dinner wIth ail the trimmings. Enter- bag talooneol by Marlo and his Society Oenhextraass saper, foUow. $498 ed by gifts, and door prizes which acre part of the fon. Alsonao Traditional Marcb led by Irene Seifert to the tune of "Happy GENERAL MERCHANDISE 5th BaijCP., Wanderer". ivy ni Schaul's Fine Holiday Party Foods A big thank you to all who donated themany beautiful door Mr. Cottee Filters 3P2 norsiiana Rfr.gng km 5. Hola with . G HORS D'OEUVRES We had the honor 01 havIng Fr. Soonernifie, LogoriatePastor $199 AfI?? io abandooce, along sith Park President Elaine Helnea and her Arttaire Christmas Wrap I Engin with qtrellty gourmet food. from Ourcompter, ..t.OttOn of fingir d.Itght.WO)b. Mad. Eactualoely Por Doaolnlck'. husband John. Unable to attend the party was Mayor Blasewho, Unnni&n.t h'.J', Cn.oc,twC SchaoI..,. braiObringOuith, teat)woo.,.of voir occasion. $ 99 due to another commitment, ass out nf town. Noma 35 String Lights . PAR'Th' TRAYS . HOT PREPARED FOODS CHICKEN WINGS CPASTRY PUFFS Best wixhes and 0005ratulatl003 are extendedto all who will Soft N Cuddly be colebratln birthdays and weddIng anniversaries during the Broccoli. Cauliflower or . HOT HORS D'OEUVRES REUSH TRAYS SMINIATURE QUICHES e MEATBALLS 'T.r.i .ltk' t Starno reck.. Odfu,t.oat).bt. eCOCKTAIL FRANKS DIPS55SPREADS month of December. Our prayers a speedy recovery to all Brus.sel Sprouts nur nick members and pIcage reanennbec lo pray for .0 oar I Bears e OTHER PARTY FOODS e ASSORTED CHEESE. CRACKERS. Theme lese bossua II y SDELIVERY AVAILABLE And Moco... decreased membed. olnog with Joneph CaLamars. bIb Ileisenrals', a D.alistok',IdIerle, P.S. A big thank you lo our photographer, Gil Kohls who ham 02 500 S3599 n Oua-do o' 0500v 0Gb Mat 93C . ALL OFOUR APPETIZERS ARE COOKED 15E SAMt AMOUNTOF been talog the pictures for the Club tor over tenyears and da- NOTE. T)M( ANO TEMPERATURE ASSURINO SERVING (ASE $269 Ing a super Job In getting the acriolLes of the Club in picturesso Apple Pie Ila, that all can enjoy the lun with us. Sled lus, S2249 98c HOUOAY UOURB 19 tuby Red SeedlessGtapes' -o From Our DEC.fland DOC, O3fld . i AMroICH ft eno DCC.O4ltr.5 AM lo4PM ' DCC. OlOr CLOSED Kaiser Rolls 6P s899 t Smokehouse Village of Skokic -w,), Coapan hr Stan 010g ka, "Dole" Honeyttews 1 Ann Peariman, C.G.A., prnfroolooal handw.lUng analystof SCHAULS OWN nbJe will present a programna the study of the Individual HICKORY SMOKED djatit'pouitry& Meal Co. HAMS strokes of hindwrltlng which determine., the characterand per- sonahly of the writer to the Monday Group . rG rotos, 7221 N. HARLEM AVE. of the Smith Ar' oo,,__o. B Oo.t...D,vCdo. bailles Cortaron December 10, at l3tp.m. SPECIALS GOOD ONLY AT DOMINICK'S w*,ø, Addd ATuDintog N I LES Mn. Pearthuar Is o teacher, lecturer andconsultant la the (prtOn. held of hand ari llorg. MORTOIIJ GROVE MORTON GROVE LINCOLNW000 647-9304.647-9264 Pteas call 673.EE, ext 335 for addItional (al ormatban, 5747 DEMPSTER 6931 DEMPSTER 7225 N. CICERO AVE. $t*+*+*4dH+*+*4*4*+*4*+*+*4* 4*4*4i444*4r4*4* 4*4* PACE TUI RUC,t.F TIteRSDA, DICEMflIR5, 19M -citi:nEiGt. TflL'aStMY, (l9Cd%tltVS IO.5*9 PAliES Pedestrian SafetyAwards Senior Citizen News Holiday singing for seniors L! . cieason s Morton Grove Senior Citizens 965-4100

EXPLAINING CATASTROPHIC COVERAGE Medicare's Catautropklc Coverage Act will bring numeroa cltaoge io benefits to Medicare pafleuda. Two pecIaI tnform. fiumi Induren are ochedale for senlnro that will explain the new law nod coverage, The preoetttattno are Ocheduled lar 12:E I p.m. on Thursday, Dec. IS ned Monday, Dec. 19 In the Pralole View Community Canter. t LONG DISTANCE CALLS i9T°"I Merrill Lynch InviteS Odeagu Metrspolltazt area nerdor Influons ta their offIce to Sulle 444 of the Merchandtao Mart Plana for free phone nervino to friends and relativen anpoobere ho the world. Callo cao be wunde from 10 am. to 130 p.m. nu Carrier Salurday, Dec. ti. Rofmlonento will be served and Mordu Lynch employeeu witt be on band to amIto seniors wIth theIr MeaTlan s C001INO cullo. For more Information, call ER-7t.

HIGU SCHOOL ENTERTAINMERT BEST HEATING VALUE tacot high achunto bave prepared opecbat HoUday programo Four north suburban communItIeswere rateo, percentage of lofai trafile deathoud recoghed recenuy by AA-k-Qdcgo Moloc C1ub futaflty-4ree recordu nod Invite senior citizens from the community to attend. Maine s CUT HEATING BILLS up to 40% I Rust preseoLo a Holiday Concert at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Doc. 18. for ooL9tndthg pe&trthn Miety iebieveueoLto Northiteld w CIted with a PedestrIan Safety with the 92% efficient Carrier AAA'o 49th uoouI Pedeotrtao Protec1jonPro- AchIevement Award for14 consecutive ynari Nllen North preoeotu u Winter Holiday Featival at 73O p.m. op m. edIto-uf a pedeIau fatitIty. monday, Dec. R. And, Nlieu West presento Holiday Feattval at Woathermaker SX Furnace with NOrthbrOok euroed e Spectal atttcmfor Shown (t to r) aro- Eric Graepp, Nortubrook 7W p.m. oo Weolneoday, Dec. 21. For more InformatIon about Mini-S condensing cells Out3teoftog Pedesfrtuo Peugrmo Acttvtueo fortu vfllage engineer; Roger Andeeuuo, AAA-CMC eu- tltme and other programo offered to neutor dIluons by local The Maine West (]ooeil(irryI (roc) holiday singing Shlolloy los tiler k cvi I iv tOes I'loioes. pedestrtoo safety progrolo OC9J9IUOO tflCtl9dtO ocS000l diutrirtu, call Mutue Eaut al 8Sk-4484, Ext. 4439 and Nibs executIve vicepreuldeot;RobertNototeytue, nl the hloioie Township seniors' lancIo-en botti on . LARGEST FuRNACE SELECTiON legtututton, eetforremellt of pedetrtoo anddrf ver Gteucoe pollee chie!; Groege Wagner, Noethfteld Township al 673'6$, Eut. 3131. betMvtor 93 welt au pubtic toformUon mtd edocu- deputy polleo chief; and Pat Carey, CleuvIoo. a model for every homeEt budget Itou progrmou. police opeo-.Uoeu dIvIsion commander. VISUALLY IMPAIRED MOTIVATORS Gleocoe eud Gleoview curb curoedu SpecIal The award preueutation woo held at AAA-cMC's Morton Grove's Vtsuaiy Impaired Mottvators. a supped and . CARRIER: AFFORDABLE QLuUoi1 for help group for Individuals with vIsion ImpaIrments, announcer Publisher witnesses two historic OululalldtogPedroIrfuO Acctdeot 'North Shore" brancb office.9245 Skokte RELIABLE - EFFICIENT QUALITY Record burd ou evuluttoe of death uod Injury Boulevard, Skokte. the avaituhthly o! free Biblo ca090tttu through Bible AllIance, loe. The cauuetteo are avtdtable as a gift ta every person who la events in Moscow Honu'maintenance,highcosts trouble lderIy nl low vLol000, vlsuully Impaired or blind. mase who are print . COMFORT SAVINGS COMBO handicapped aho qualify. Thtto oat a lending program, all When S. WillIam Patita visited graso because It I, ttot.s country's Agnecy delegationtorIhe matched Foar.Season System with Cercle,', 'We oecd brlp lo rerl9omo our 010-9-cy conducted by tho Mutue bonro- Our greatcut nord in 9Ulvey. Of Ihr 219 renpoodenLe, malerlal.s are free of charge and meant to be kept. Orders with Moscow last month, bepar- largest and mod active publioloer U.S-U.S.S.R. Bilateral Informa- Furnace, Air Conditioner. Humidifier and uf- Touvuhip Seniorc$jurn, Ad- 185 saId they would like tu remato of fureigo language educational tionTalks whIch brought forduble, deprodobjeVISOry ChU valid certificatIon, or rcqueotu for further detaSamay be Ucipated to and wltoumaed the Air Cloanor. mutntrnonrv voId u Port RIngo io 590 oreo but otott indicated directed to Bibto Altiouce, toc,, P.O. Bou 621, Bradenton, FL, signingof two sIgnificant materiaLi, together American represen- TheIr commeot o-ou typical of they would he forced to voue 34_ a non-profit and onto-denominational organinatlon. The lu regard ta the high soban) es' latines ni book publIshing. filon, couple rruponrjrng tou hourtng agreements which reflect current lnuoy of thou., reung IO tuO reitirinthe vert five yearn. Of ncR meeting of the Visually Impaired Motivataro begins at IO relationships between Amedra chango program,I055-It011 television. radio, and print media tuono, N htul000i the difficulty nf n.m. on Theoday, Dec. , lo the Flickluoger Municipal Center. and the Soviet Union. studenti from ouch country will todiscussrrusocodlurales- l000lnlufoing their convoI huas- Trumportatlan la provided upon roquent by culling the Senior PulIto, president ofthe Na- participate each your. Students change projects and joint ven' lug, lt sold their current housing 9ft l,toe at 47t-5. tinti.)Touthook Co. n Un. are required to hove a workIng tores situ their SovIel coautor' g A\ -..------Ls unufforduble, und there- rotawood. IL. was Ilse prInciple knowledge ut the hast country's parto. muloder attributed their predica- SNOW REMOVAL signer of the agreement which language. aosot willlivewith National Teothook Co la located ment to dLsohititiru und other Tren and yaang adult snow uhovelero und plowers at private raIls for Soviet and American fumltieo o the respective ea- 1 4ER W. Tonhy io Uocoln,nood. T residential property uro moo avaIlable for Morton Grove senior, cooperation In producing u four- change countries. who will be needing their oldewalku und driveways cleared of year Rio-sinn language program "We u.s Americaoo now realize VALUE A couple from unlocorporoted 0000e that we live io u global society, e SPECIALS FOR SATURDAYund SUNDAY thIs leloler. For more lnformatloo nhoal findinga fur EngUatO speakeco, and ho wan Information and ' . DECEMBER 17th und 18th íioe Toronuhip pleaded, Can neighborhood worker, cuti the Fllckinger Municipal Center ut witnesstoa secondhistorio assert,, Paltio. 'We can no looger someone orgunloeretired %S-41W, Eut. th4. agreement which cullo for a high br insular or prnviooelui us lee Referral at PILOTLESS IGNITION rurpeoler,, pointers ond other school eachuoge profIt-ant hot' know thaI we hove la understand trodeotoen who want part-time AIXRSS TO CARE weal the two oouotrlrs. The sto. otherpeople,other c000irles. The Center PLAIÑALMOND work' We would bbc to remain in Arceau to Cure is a 110w program orguntued by The Suburban dent exchange program.tirol other cIntases. mr boit woy to GAS: s ola- home but nerd lo-ip lmdivg Priluory Health Cure Caundll to make basic healtheure ser- proposed by Preoidevl Reagan 000lorstound other cultures io Io COFFEECAKE.. .. rettabir, uftorcb,hle ores-ices.' vices ovoilabte ta people with limited income undon inouruoce aforo ho oddceuued studenti ut wedeestuod the lungange, und I If you hove a problem but are :yØJRBEST OtturI-o indicated they hod it. Lo cuver mentiva) visiti. Health services ruade available through Moscow State University curSer um pleased to say that we oreo not sure where to torn, call The BOSTON impoosibie ta hire competeot help the program includes office vIniLo toa primary cure physician thioyeac, became ufficiaI lo a foe- growmg interest thrvoghout nur Center of Colorent 01 m-0-415. We s at any price (Or snow removal, for illuteot, roultoe lab and u-ray nerviceu, and country in learning foreign hove u curing and kztowtestgable .ENERGY VALUE ¡ 229 preacription mai cere0000y an Oct. I. CREAM PIE town rare, odd joIn and home droga. There ore slight cuota for these services,but further Noting that tueco are 13 mltlioo taogoages. itouft that roo provide you with repaies. detallo are available by calling the Maine TownshipOffice al Soviet studenti ourrently stud)-. t°residenl Reagan has ehorged assistance Ihcoagh one of our oso th7-thll. Ing English ood only40,001 Qlurtos Z, Wick, director nf the prn9ocuoe.s or can direct ynu ta ap- Ameriraus who ace (cursing Roo- United Staten loloronuotton Agen- peopriale agencies. . Low Monthly Payments . The Maine Torenahip Senior 4 PERCENT INCREASE T)' (USIAI to work oat the details CkIi5tMoS4- AdvisoryCommitteewoo otan, Valuo sees enormous pateo- Whalevor your situatIonThe The nation's 39.5 mIllion recipienti of Social Security of the high school ruehooge pt's- estabfiuhed hy tiro Township beoeflts tIsi In the lmp(eanentatiou of the Cooler of Concern eso hoip. Call Peaa ÇJ O'tdg* CwcP Baurd ta idrottly and trip floe will receive a 4 percent coot of livingadjustment begInning In two programs. gram Over 25 Years Same Location January, 1989. Those who continue working While io Moacow. FatUa also .4475 nr drop h>' The Cenlers township meet the needo of elder- afterdrawing Sou-lut "Au a rouaIt nf our meetings oflice at 158g N. Northwest It coy, GINGERBREAD HOUSE Seetolty bendita oct11 be allowed toearn more without affectIng with De. Vladimir Ivanvich participated as a member of the Call Your ty residenti. United States Information Suite 125, Park Rid.gr. * 2 POUNDS ASSORTEDCHRISTMAS their beoeilta. Retired worker, ander 65can earn more without Nunarov, who honda the Soviel Dealer fCOOKIES (READY BOXED) $925 Ecu AI Y R. Et.ta affeetind their beoefltn. ReSeed worker, tmdertllcao earn 864W Union'stending educational - - Elton la IWS (up from 861E), and those 65-69may earn 868W (up from pubtiohiog home, Rusub.p Yaoyk, Today $S4ng MG Legion meeting S REGULAR and MARZIPAN Rlt000-Flunhar without decreasing their benefits. Also,the Medicare we hove eolabllsloed au agenda ,-uI Pari B. premiwu, whichocas $24.E io 1MB wIll rise tu $31.00 for the authorship and publica- STOLLEN : muolbly io 1989 as Medicare CatastrophicCoverage hegbta to go tian ofItuefour-year Russiao featured district guests SPITZKUCHEN SPRINGELE iota effect. tangange ocume," states Pallia. "The Soviets hove appointed an Al the lust moolldy noerling of WINTER SPECIALS 8 PFEFFERNUESSE Battagliabroughtgreetings 1007 CIRCUIT BREAXERS author team froto the prestigious tIleMorton Grove Aolerloao ImIto the I)eparthienlstoIc Iof GERMAN LEBKUCHEN .ALL BRANDS. FURNACE f December, II, 1988 to the deadline for applyingfor the Circuit t°usltkln Institute to cotinhorale Lrgioo Pool134 holdnl their IllinoIs, ubac Kiosco eoophastceol BRANDIED DELUXE FRUITCAKES Breaber Benefita fur the Lux with nor Anortiraut team beaded and BOILER CLEANING year of 1967. The CIrcuit Breaker la Memorial 11001e, tIni Deoopstrc, roe,ohershlp nod urgedlii - designed lo t'educo the burden of tauco by Dr. Dan Davidson nl Brys Cooll000der PRESEASON HUMIDIFIER SALE 20% OFF on senior attd disabled Jim O'tlura rosideoLsltoteceuted io (01010g 110e ILIMITEDTIME ONLY) TORIES AND DECORATED WHIPPEDCREAM persans In Ibatola, and to holppay for preuctiption medications. Mawr Coiege, who la also presi. wetcooleol a Ido of guests (roto patriotic group to contact Pont ANO BUTTER CREAM CAKES e The program provide, ' au unnual grunt for roUet froto property dent of the American Council nf the7thDistrIct. Americon 134 or,iior vine cotomuamlec Karl taZe to qualifying persons. Toho eligible a person must be 65 Teachers nf Bocelan." legion. Foilec tor debIto on lo,cooiing o L1o% SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT WE WILL BE OPEN year, of age before January t, tW8or beemniog 65 durIng l; MIchael N. ty,oso, senior foreign oleOlbtr. or If peur, of age or older and unable The district lo cvtnpovevl of u 24HOURSERVICE . CHRISTMAS EVE. DEC. 24th. FROM6 AM to 4 PM ta work because nf language editor of National Tea- physical or menIal disabilitynf tunee than one peur; and hoeing thook Co., wilt supervho the pro- ben Legion t'solo located in the Servio9 the Nile, Community oser 25 Yeats an Income of less than fl4,000 motines of Ihr oorthcrn saburho %S'e per year; and tiling a claim jod. Katryna L Sirogleton . vish you alprrc EP..n RItsos-flsch..- oelil aod theSOOt),5110ccllecaof MnfOI'MIOO flab Poodue (Fons IL-1363) heure December31. The four-year program and constat of u Lothook of 250401 L3licilgO. CASCADE Happyj1ojc1ays""' iii is oIsTosrrscbocll ArtIO)'Natlooat Gourd PrI. - u t,, 0m CHOLESTEROL SCREENINGS words for euch of the four levels, The F'lickingee audio tapes foe each level, ando District Cooaoaodcr Joe liaI' Katoynu L. Slvt'ietoli. dolut'hto'r of 'oSo rn, to vro you ,oth ti Seotior Center offer, treo and patuleas 7015 yas' oui a tattilI addressed the In-Ill t.cgioo' I,lnduG. Singletonnl ossi, rood. (U.n vus o 100000mO 01 cholesterol screeningsta resIdenti age 65 and over ($4 lar those teacher's manual, aod HEATING, INC. ladres, Ils did Senior Vice Coito- Sagiouw und Eimer Soigielon of '-A bACIA S employed by a NUes basions. althemotelby person(s( theIracks. Marlos Grove Instroonent caused $150 damage field. Arbaanas, parked hin 1988 Brothers, Golf hiU. Io, sIAL? -a.LaIe\u,I_t, Lattico-ao Geaeoat Hospital ma. located io the 5700 block nf Toohy unknown unlog an unknown binaI paratnedics were unable Io save ta a window lo a residence Io the depressed because nl . peedin.« Dodge Ganoven In the 638 block i reported her purse was staten device. the stricken man, who lostall of Milwaukee Aveno. where the 93 bloch of Austin Deeesnber 5. c.Il M.oe.n .t 838-7000 divorce freni her hasbaed. December 2 o lt year old Pen- tram hoc desk December 7. There Pollee have reconstructed vitalsignsafter arrivalat theft occurred. fl,FM.. p.np.t,,.nnflhw,t ny's, Got! Miii. employee atlemp- were na wilnesses and entimatesi Goodman's movements up until Lathes-at. Genes-uI Ifunpitat. Mae- Also, o tena by two foot window ted lo labe floe Norden rozo.. loso Is 11th. SUll tIm aftecoaao before he died. qses is survived by bis wile who .'atued A al f60 was broken VALUE year old D.. Plaines man Io another case, pouce bave lives ht Mesico and a bmother wbo left work December 5 and found December 11 a the AdmIraI Oasis determined that the 32 year old reniA.. lo New York. Motel, f333 Waakegan. his cae vaodaboed and bueglarlo- Co-workers have verbal conflict I Des PlaInes resIdent, who was PILOTLESS IGNITION 'REPCE YOUR OLD RANGE ed. liese. worth $35g were ninhor, December 7 a Chicago woman When supervisors threatened to and an estImated 388 damage in WITH A NEW ENERGY SAVING employed by a Rilesfirm fire both employees, they evo- Vehicle the car was reparted. There were reported harassment by uco- tinued to flghl in the company DUll GAS: na witnesses. butthe man worker lopolice. The victim parkb.g lot. The offender had alun roundup reported stolen THERMADOR nanpected a 24 ynar aid Chicago couldnotascertain what made threatening pbone calls to YOUR BEST co-worker. Thai morning (he vie- mnlloaled her co-worker, alsoa Morton Grove polleo arrested bond a quarter to a holt granI of A llbohle man mba parked bis GAS COOK TOP" bon and en-worker engaged In a the victim's home no previous or- vehicle across tite street Irons bis Chicagoresidenito verbally casions. floe momo-luis and charged them a possible cannabis Its his posses- healed urgameni. harass her lotheworkplace. with driving under the Influence sino aswell. reddeolce wIll he tIling nos amend- :ENERGy VALUE last week. A twenty year oid Mor- ed staten cae report with the Mar- Dempster Man arrested for eluding police tan Grove matt was charged with Other DUt slops were a tao Gesse pollen when he returns underpass speeding, DIJO, belog a mInor io Deoeaoher S arrest of a 30 year lo-orn ao Oat'Of4Ownsls-lp. The A 98 year old Nit.. moo is free cot off the fIrst car lo the opposIte pn%sessban of alcobol and drivIng old Morta. Grove resIdent, the theft oeorrenl in the 14498 block nf . Low Monthly Payments i accident on $1.38 bond and forfeiture nl tane. The officer driving behind with suspended Urease after Deeember 7 ort-enl nf a sIxty-floe Milo SI.the1987 Chevrolet. his driver's lices.- for rechI... the ofteoder actinated his IIghIs pollee nabbed him December 5. year old Morton Grove woman valued at $23,503 was reported December 9 at tIn a.... a 31 driolog December8.Police and ott-en prompting titemalt tO He bad a twelve pack nl beer io nod two arrests on Deeemher tO, stolen December tO bya year old ifuenbaro. lUInnls Fawn observed the mao as he drove bis t3 Camaro whIch will he a twenty Ove year old Park Ridge neighbor. 1,ddltlan, Ilse vehicle Over 25 Years Same Location GAS: YOUR REST speed op Io 60 MPH. The arresten nolfered severe Injuries when bis soon Milwaukee Ave. al was finally caught ht a private presestedhtevidence anhis mao and a thirty-eight year old contained u $303 television, f398 ENERGY VALUE uula 510-och the side wall nf the -Call Your Molo St. in heavy rash hour lo-nl. driveway afterhepolledoff JanuarylO calai dale. Police llkokle moo. VCR and $150 rodar detector. Detnpster-Mliwaukeeoverpass. tic. The man drove00er the F-- Dealer The man was transported in Muiwaakee and headed oasi- yellow dividing tine and men- bound on Kedole. Today Lathoran General Hospital. di.nn. Ile pusned Ui vehIcles and Sober driving urged s For Money Saving Details... Capparelli: Funding for CIfiPS fails Senate during holidays WINTER SPECIALS In Springfield, S'fate Represen- Insurance," Capparehll roptain- 01theeighty-ninth General ALL BRANDS, FURNACE tuilA. Ralph Capparetll ed. 'CHIP was designed to assisi Assembly. "The Designaled Driver" is the at o rate at ,pprovlln.stety o ne 5. The land and beverage area (D-Chicago) expressed his these people, bal withoal tite fun- Iloetne of tItIs year's Drunk and drink per haue. Do vai drink more should he net apsa tIsaI guesls are and BOILER CLEANING 29.95 dlsnatisfactlnn 00er the lUisais DrIvIng Awareness than une drink per boar and do eacvoo-oged ta nibble snacks nr ' PRESEASON HUMIDIFIER SALE- 20% OFF ding, tinpiementallno proves Im- Dragged Senate's decision ta deny state passible." Dist. 71 Week, December 12-18, Duo-luit 001 drInk tor at least an haue eat 10ml tho-vagboal the party. ILIMITED T1ME ONLYI funding for start-op caste of the According to Caparelll, the $10 the hoUdays when manyIl- before driving. Food in the sloasnach 0mw. the Im- Comprehensive health Insurance mUlino b. slate funding woald Board officers llo.olsans are sit-Inking xl l.otully 5. When eating out, patronize pact of alcohole drInks. 10% SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTI Po-nito-ano (CHIP). The override slart an Insurance pool far dgl. reunIons and ofllceparties, restauroots that provide escort motion, which passeri the Illinois g. Stop serving do-lots at least 24 HOUR SERVICE hIe appUcants. This pool would The NUe., ElemeolaxSchool. "designated do-locro" can keep ser.Ices (or customers wbo do-mb an baue before Ille party ends, t i-loose Iwo weeks ago, fell one then provide comprehensive District 71 float-sf of EdacaUoo celebratIons from turning lota too much. Sente restaurants also ll,rving lb. Nil,. Community over 28 Y.ars Vote otoort of larcanting law. and asalte sao-e intaziealed guests health insurance al affordable Reorgaoloation Meeting was held tragedim. ollerfreesolldrinkslo do sat delve. Arrange rides wIth Capparelu, a Veteran tegislator rolen. Ott Thesday, November 15. The "desIgnated driver" Is a "designated drivers." and a meo.bor nl "desIgnated drivers," eaU . cab 1h.- linus.- "Ibelievehealth Insurance The foUnwing office..were person io the group who wUt nul or dclv. II.esn. katne yourself. CASCADE 3. Be a responsible boni. l°ro- i BETrER KITCHENS, INC. leadership, eaprrsocd roncero shostd he aoallahte lo aoyooe etectevL Robert BianchI, 15rnd- dt-bdi and wIll drive everyone br thousands nf Senior cluses, vide a variety al von-alcohole Alcohol ,ffects judgment, 7640 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. who want.. or needs it," Cap- dent; SanAs, Marcblsotta, VIce home. ml. wilt help you to enjoy drinks loo- "designated drivers" chroolcaUy lU aod hoodieuppe.J Presldeot and Vioceol Bogas-jo, a knllday party where Uquor Is reduces held nl vision amI Im- HEATING,INC. puerili eooiloord, "noI just to and loo- others Febo do noI oLd to peo-sons wtw bouC dilficuily oh- those who have good health.' Secretary. nerved and gel home safely. pales taaiaare, coorsllzuatina m.d lathing drInk. MILES, ILL. 967-7070 brulli,osso-once usa The lcgislalloo, which loo. been The Regular Board of Ednctlan FollowIng are additIonal tIps to 50010e skIlls. All of these chills 4171 Í. MILWAUKEE AVENUE rendI nl Ihel.- phynical enAstllon. io the works Ion fouryea.., may Meeting date will coollnue to he um atcabot responsIbty 4,Do ont"posh" alcoboi. arecriticallosafedelving. Anyone nduinll or pourloll do-Inks ttett,eo,her, you do not bave In he fALL PHONESI DESIGN 'hiuny Illinois clUecos who ouf- have onelastnpportatdlylo theThird Tuesday nf every I, Know your 1115511. You eau he ter Iron. cancer, heart diseusenr receive approval by the Senate, month at 730 p.m. lo the Board legally Intoxicated wlthoul feel- shouldbelnstrs.cfedtapour legally destnk Io he iinpalced. So Iron. a physically handicapped This opportunity will Roam atCulver Elemeotary bIg IntoxIcated. The body rIds miaU manants ofliquor m.d ride with a "desijlvaled driver" Il 283-5040 romo bu you have keen drinb.1n0. eondllioo are in desperate need nl Jaooat, prior Io the boglntodngSchool, 6921 W. Oaktan St, NUes, Itself of alcohol through the Uve.- avoid "nuertoadlolO" dOlOb5 rAE l TIlE ÌUCI.E, 11IIJRjDAY DECI.%ffiIIS Du Ttlr. nyc;i,F_ Tilt-ashes', DECEMBER II, i,81 PAGE f Ranger r i Pee Wees Piccolo Cancer Resech Fund Interesting IBet SPORTS NEWS Riding tSe wave of Ilse biggest Facts From sBOWLII!J? offensive oxpioninn nf tOse year so John Jennings far, the Ranger t're Woes bomb' You Didn't ed their Gienvtew 4 t eonnler Clussic Seniors Catholic parta by the acore ni tI to 3. ow tobea'BigCese Doreen Troch did a great joh ta Know Mixeti Leosgise Women's gnat tolti. th Rangere scored S second period goaLs ta pat the Team W.$. Bowling League gaine an Ice. t(iuyt 59-25 Lund Wiener and Matt ZleiInskt NoNOL 50.34 Week of Dncnmb.r 7, t9ti each scored IntisefIrst period Bulldogs 50.34 Wedaeeday enecing at 7 pto. white assisting each other on the lIgero 48-3g Team StandIng. goals, Zintinobi scored again to tility Goola 46-38 Team w-t, open tise second period bat Glen' / Grey intinto 44-40 Debbie Temps, tAd. 72-73 view t 2 came tack to toit the lend V/r.chare 7VCV)-1 2 Uoou 43.45 lstNil.BontiofNttes 5s.g to 3 to t. Chad Wiener then scored r3nhs named 5'(r SCIeS) Oldica fiat Goodies 43.45 St Farm Ins. A, Bolerwattes5s2 what would pt-von ta be the game 5'2C2'ei J'.1/ 07,5 r.37C'd or Alley Coto 11.43 Cuodinlight Jeweloro 53.5 wInner midway throogh the se. Eager Drovers 48-44 Shltju Tot-rome 51.54 mod perIod. JulaS Caesar. Std AuSt fit Stoppers 39-45 Ct,.Schmltztno. Ir AUSUS 05(751. 47-Sd The Ranger Offense scan Hound Dogs 38-46 Ruy Oidsmvhllo, toc. 46-59 0 000otaodlng os Matt Zietlnoht not. tiroshs 37.47 Clonoic Bowi - 41-04 SL'rIISr9'/. 70 Salue cf Stingono 38-nt cited an anbeUrveable 9 pololo no r.Ql tradelv F'ooitinn 38-54 $11gb sertes s goulu and 4 assIt., Citad WIener LlbeI-/ W55 also sparkled scoring 3 goals and By Jn' Jonrning list-moot 28-5g L Jenseo Amer-ca.bel nr Franco,il 506 3 aost.fa. Mike But-colt pumped 4. G. Thnmu 548 WaS a g-1 )rev he Frosch berne 2 goals before ieaviag soOth 111gb SerIes D. Behrens 123 PC0iO Und aIraed e She a boce injury whIle Mat-at fisgan Did you knowhei the 2 Men M. Cornoato 512 U.S. .i555. ilorry CIchitOshi 507 D.7,lmu had n goat nod an assist and Chicagn Pears' defensive capt010 Mike lele tise pubUc make addltionaf dvoatinoo tu this ma nwhor.n torU.S. 451 defensemen Grey Braod and JIm Fred Edo 555 Slogiefaey, Joy Picesla O'Caaneit and Qflcoep coorthsehlt, meal chicago charity. FoaMed In Preelden!In1988 ht. Seno 451 both 553 SchmId had t assist each. SavIngs Chairman Loren E. Smith ii.ft to righti, memory of the Bears' beIm-rd conning back rabo A)hough 52(116 0511015 pluyed on.porte teem. to Ft-unit RotkooSiu ft.Stefo 405 Julo, May 533 dlsp. bioco.np oS citicorp's ,t. cheek whIch tons stench down with cancer at the age of 20, the bcOIS nay Ford-tacit Ifa OotleQe ...000r geBuch COetriogor 479 Oro tier 530 $11gb Cameo opened a epeelal contribotloo., areanot to support l'leccio Fand cappotto cancer research at the gelas was COI5l perSol 0 mntre captain sodtlt.t the Brian Piccolo Cent-er Research Fand. Th. Pie- Sfemor-lal SlnawKetforiog Conscee Center. Women L. Jensen 202 Mite House 0e boernnenterthe becobeti coIn acotast, aecesnibto at nil 44 CiBroep branche.,, iIsSlOryS couvi arîur.d Eve Yuuog 491 G. momo Ito teen,etVote. . .tjtuh.et ABrid, ha's 'cl IseO. Ho Ceit Nvttio Molture 404 League Oob.k. pteyedcolo roer. D. Behrens 107 Ba ho Schotte 459 toboso 7e isy oiao d011121e: cl ty hoeb.tb. ti.o.reity M Coronato 154 Ano (SonSt 452 Cagers readyfor bigseason atOakton od. i.faeUSs's shy weist b..hett Codleoni..Cod 001mo 102 reonroflnnontry. t Frodo Ruotshvid 45g I.Skaja Ito to tite fit-at game of the ne. lt's easy to understand why iDes Ptaines/Peorial coba ehantd scold. "We're going fa wsek hood ulCuisd te aSId, bet he Sorerltrmore College. Mite Musa.. t,.gno noioso tise coach Two Gntiaaa lo nacited pi-onoto help nader the boards. 0e, deferten again beeaaae I'd tibe 111gb Gawes Bines fattest them.etvee delett' about the twg-n season foc the "One ai the things t w moat foc as ta be the best defensive Men Nues Men's ding their teagste life from laoS wames's baohefbatt teinsat prnadoflastyearwnntlsatcoeled teamtetisecoodeenneethis yThkil COLOQO iOuIbOII u0000 The $0 b.l rs cese Ci 550 won the 0,001 bonI gros ifi Jvhu hiny 230 Bowling e00100. Alter a retaitnety cinco DaMon Community Cuiloge, tIse conference In detenne (.11mw- tiurry Clchonskl 212 (test tao periods the Habo treU' The Raldere return fane log 25 polista a wesel," Gattaan (en derllmseasCeO nl U S hlttnrjO AnOwor s Boar Even Krrunines o! NUco is qaictas a mown while DiSobey giuro Frank Rutitooski 213 players trams last year's tonos paper moneyhal dIODOS Bryunl mho won5 DOwI Uanon Team w.L od 1'° 3 to 2 as play began in the her tipe on how to become a prwfeneioaat chalut-. Fred Edo dag Du uaeon Tho Itogic 284 Rook of Evanston 76-36 thirst, The bines bosowene respInti which finIshed tl'3 lv tise Skyway haie i pctmira 0f a Piei CorI Kitrgdoei on toe pot-former twit. to Ute Sokic Skatlion I LEGAL NOTiCE 75inuday, itorh Slavo 201 Waity'n 76.30 for 4 goats nod theMacohs Cnoference. Threeof0h. ova The man co rie SlObS November Lo ehow young chalet-n that gironne cao bccomr Women returnees-Patty Stknrskl (Mo.' RF.36OLLmON Oddly enough.bore w.. a pro. Olympic P5-21 Lustige 04-40 enspoaded .685 orsty 2 neid tise IS Aeoar.der Hasri;Soo wh Jo May 280 Bine,, opeosed their title de0ense tars Grove/Mites West, Skaklei, RtoSOLLrrION DECLARING A PARCEl, OF PROPERTY o tonibellgern.inigag Rulph's imp, Loango tiSiS Nottin Oteituer Kim i'Sgsnet INfles/NOno West, AS SURPLUS MID AUThORIZING EPATTJTORY PROCEDURES was the Cisl Seoscary ci the t h.tw.. picyod on 2dit. 195 NW. Ct-edit Union 58-54 .6th a eowsd 2 to 4 victuey. iuULSe Stoner Skablel and 23rrls Wenet (Moriun TO BE UNDERTAXER TO OFFER SAID PARCEL FOR SALE Treaoir. tercettleld...00tr. ..w. tao Matthews 56.62 BasketballtournamentEva Moyer Ial Groen/NUco Wool. SXh*Iei-wnon WHEREAS, the village of 548es has heretofore acquIred a parcel dey. . Tir. gomew.. be. Mioritl's 347f The Hawks bad some natutses' flubs Schulte starters who earnednIt- moco Oroy(Ai..)Stet. 182 Candlelight Jewelers 28-85 ditig iIsdIvtOIUaI efforts no Brina o! property nf 0e year the northeim corner oflootsy and Milwaukee end ni.liiogSoethe..t carro zonent a 3 gnat fiat filch ene!nrnOce recognition. The AveouOs, whIch parcel is ieguUy deseetbed io E.nfdblt A attached 000 hora'.anothern. Ul.norl Bici. on Sept, 3. to raise funds aad Prendan Delta. alun scored Into-tb retuerslag piaynr L, 53" hercio; and i.resilo3aol... Bantam Rangers point guard MIcheleAiday WHEREAS, the VOlage ab NUco boo determined that a portluo ob ..it.t.r ledin iroy. M.. Entilen are nor. Doing ocoopted Squirt White tite he.kn tiesO gnat io the seenot lt tri.íd 00 roch -actor und toattlo rna. perIod. Jalas Lttbltsskt sebo played iNlIns/Nltes West, Skoble), cobo said property L, no longer needed for the corporate yaopnnes of llar y sornen lion tnori.tStedium..butthe for Dho Snnortd Aoouol Stophoo score hockey allot ynut deali tronco' tight.In the Ot.dlurn l.iled seiend one ut Uit-ro divioionsio a strong game delennlvety and nf' probably coas the team's roast outage; Soxiw Memorie! 3.00.3 5pbet. whit-h to cumyrtn: Senior Mons Rangers Improved ployer a year ago. meted (bat bolore deli,. arty in the 4th quorter. victory feissively was credIted with an WHEREAS, the Village of NUes bao caused an appr,Loci to be cry) Jonvlog. Volknme5. boU Tourriemnot whIch benefit., (35 yearn or olden, Wornonsor "We came a long way during made by no appraiser cobo le an MAt apprnloer as required by Os- .Sohootottiniel.denidod Metyvilirt. CIty ot Youth, nod usd30 na the Dalton goat. 0 wIlt doduat 750rom to 000tinue the ...... Open. Spot-Soi Tndtlrto willbr After lulling behind I to O curly The SqairtWttlte Rangers the senaun laut year," Gattaso 24, fIt-70-4f, tU. Rev. Stat., t2; cod tiropu,000.nprie.st Ginosiew Youth Servicoo. givnn to each participant triton IO penad nno and trailing 2 to I boonend bark from a slow start sold,"and wIfh some good tigtriodpr.ctio.tlotd The nIai-0 ai the Blues offeisse WHEREAS, sold npftt-elser boO determined the fair cash market y nurnew or aced oar. Thio reare toriertumeotciti they rhedi in for Lhoir tirol gutne. after two penuds the Ponton, and posited Gienniew #4 ht their playersreturning, we should caine nf the partei ta l36,, o copy od whirl, appraluot Is aenilabte One dndoctisn porco.- third nl enile w.y. . ti. tobe ptoue Sai*o.oiey. Dec. 17 end Rngietrotioo wen KevIn Scoltoola wIth hIs S tomar. Ornodmdacl,an b.iiooedth.i..h.ont0 isopnonotil Bangers coDici bockto hoot the 000300 opener by a ornen of 5 tot chafleogelarthe conference for lonpeellna at tite Village Hall; Soodey, Dec. ta et Ute Metyviflr Deceonber IO. For moro ihiortott. goode 2 od e4lth acre anasoisfed nhamploostslp tisis pent-. W. or- per trentaotion collegegerneIntri.tory Deerfleid Folmot by thent-oro of Trailing 1 to O alterace period NOW, THEREFORE, BE fT RESOLVED by the Sceoldeet nod Acodeony gym. I IDO N. River yti. Uno gbnut rrgtstrnUoo or tu moite 4 In 3. altee suisse Boo Individual effort, mmpllsttnd what we did ta.,t yene hei.l.rted 00 one leid io an encttlog deteosive tact the Two BIne., players scored their SaernI of Trustees of the V111a6, of Nies as loBows E'e.',r Doe 22.r90S Dl Den Pigione. Ploy ciii begio at o donaflon. contact The Stopitro Ste,oBosco slot-tedthe withnotysua players ne the SECTION t; The pat-eel nf property described lo Enisibti A s .odtlol.tredno .Ooth.r 9 cm. on Setarday. ttaogeee eaplode,j for 2 oecood fIrst goals ever a5 Shears Pawn Sentnn Memoriol Boeheiboii Bangers ocortogwIlt,o first t-osier, no smith senno or eight this hereby teetered la be surplus property. ti,. ..m. d.y. A teo-detioctibin dooetioo of $75 period goats end 3 tItis-d period nat Juncial Aaotln scored tot be Otras CUSCShIECC COLI Tarirnament. e/o ttLnurll Cot-pet period gottS srl up by pin pomi toSIno. year,weit beableto give SECTION 2; The Village f'reslde,st, Clerk and Manager are per. team I., due at regiotaoUoo. A Core, Stt$ jobos dr., Glrovir,n passlog from fit-ott Submit second eat 851,-d periodo t-noper' everybody n Uttle mot-n reni. und lively,Bitty Noam and Adam oattwriaed aaot directed fa tobe such actions that gee necessaryor etewitnom of five playere may be 6w. 11m Slot-roy. When Scott'lores Jimmy Slharan opened the which should tootle no mure cf- desirable to offer said part-ei foe sole lo aceordanre with tine prov,- Mrnwinc nach had 3 a,eisf,for scored no noasslslerf by Rongerscoringwithav lectivo." sloo.s of CN 24, Itt-7$--41, ¡U. Reo. Stat., iW?. ritI. the Hawks ta chose nut tine acne- log nor hone troto the top oftite Soaseisted goat and thee asolsted Sikorehi, o 5-1 nnhpomoee 55075074 3 The followIng In the pertinent inloerotatono concern- fut-roi! ing. . ..lf yon.n!Inhi. d Maine High graduate circle,BrIanBrunet un the Coo Drivas mat-hoe toter lo guord/forward,leanAll' log saId paeret SII., your dnÇ cono. f000icnd shortly tolti,o goul of blu the smonti period giying the America candidate, after averag. A. The side 08 thon property n 23,ZIO+/'rqsare tent. rnIodbui b!or. doDo. own wish novicIo going tuJason Sttolrt White Rangers a 2 to t lead Ing 23$ polutaa game no a B The property L, vacant Ory)Jonning.Cho,oIoI on illinois Wesleyan team 7.erfon.s und till) Rout-hetu glvo alter two periods. 0CC Alday wins freotiotsau nod earning f Ie,t'tnam C. The property le naced B-2, will dodoct$50 rom the the Raogers, u 01,0,1 lIved Aii.Skynnoy bonnes. 'l'tsr foresee purchos.priceofyour tond The game turned Into a route lo D Offres to puoeisase the property sisaS eut be for leso losan now or Used cor. One do. .,Th. 5111e gtt.arti (rom NU., lo Abler hie Fo)coot dreweven at the third however as del engoman NUns North,atl.ereg forward actiont. His too pobo, thrn onoLst 3 uSI Brian lfruoet treni raider of the played all nominer lo a tough ductionperou. tomer. Lite land of Ute giento,' cao bow etat., io Wealeynon tiret stone ta worN Sean Port-cIt mehrt end to cod E. All offers mast be aecumpaomrd by a ret-titled vr cashier', One doduoDon per tt.n.. 5r$rtilloole Weieyae point "culo und clint-hod the 4 to 2 nIe. for a nulo marhnr. Theo Matt cromno'e iragae et MaclIlac agit cheek lo an ansoant Bot lens tisais ten percent i 10%) of the offer. ogaittot NAIA tento St. Ambrose, tory with great ind,viduul week award School. comprised mostly of ma- gtiatd Jolt Hay wag deocolb.d by aod effort Popish hurled n David Zuwadold F The termos of sole are casts payable at Clstrng. bio perforrnettn etNor. no an Una.raLstod nurkor. (nr coUrge piayees. and has lits- tproo Doc 22.19D8 thnNorthte,etorn baokntbail thweottrro hove rotabiLnisnti his Ronger paon tu uptheRonger tend. GAll offers mass be submitted lo person to the Village Mutsogee gonfle Dat-ren Trot-h did hatf-handtl,ngposI rodiooio,ouncnr,on Monday ability to ptey oarviiy level boU on on. Driva., theo nabbed Nia second Onkion Community Coltegn pros'estber al tise Village Holt, 7Ml N. Milwaukee Avenue .54 des, Ithootson or RETAIL CUSTOUDRS ONLy relleril Job mo guaI nod quIckness. cigNi, November 2. as a nopitotore. helped gout nff u Jim LuhinobI paso to warnen'shasketbait player before 6.30 p-nt., Deeen,bor to, lf. preserve tho luit-d fought victory. Kasoell, a 5-S guardlfnrseaed. titlinoig Weoleyatn. a Olvigion tit 00 Wedocodoy, November 30, trod the violet-y. Mtcbete Alday bas bees sunset 1175to Vdtage reserves Ilse right tu releo-o all offersor to nW-opt netuerts,after overaglogtif ooitooi o! t7studente woo ewnily lUimoS., Weoieyao earned thnlr recipient of the RaIder of the aal offer notice thutn the highest offer it, lv the opinion of SIc me' palote a guole host year .od carts- ontgunoed by DiviolontNor. (lit oit-bot-y MG residentnamed volleyball star Week award, whIch lo presented parate authorities, li a u, tIse best loirrest,s uf the Village. o! Ihn oeoavo by Ing All-Skyway flrni.ieaon SECTION 4 thwrsteroi iN-61. The bright opot demoting Webonit fnr an oaistuodlog achievement Than Resulut,ov sIsaS he rifev'tive opett poonuagr au lind). Jo,,EspineIl. u resident of Vollcyhaii Trum at tlllools The thIrdreturolog provided by law 201 Wauke9an Rd. for Weoieyao rea., Ste ti poluta olthougit Hoy did not oDori, be tn' lo intercotieglato atidetic mot- haunt-s. (íENNING Morion Grovelinda 080 otltale nf Tochoology. t_isa starlet-isS'liforward CNt-Ls PAESF,D This 23nid day of Nove,sihee, 1503. Glenview GLDN Vit W acorod by Hay, o t987 graduate o! niet. (our tree Ott-own io the tant was petition. graduate of DoorS CounseltllgfialsoselectedIothe Wendel. wbo averaged 8.2 poluto AYES S ffahooey. Starrhesrtd, Muephy, f'rvrto,r, Selinoan Moloc East Jflh Snitooi. lUny to. thirty necoods to gnat-entry the Ali' Aiday, n 5.foot3.lnch (31 2) 729-3500 School, woo oumcd the frrshimn Cnnlereoce Teamoftf,e eaphomare guard, dlda'i score a gaane tot year ta earnAB- NAYS: O ed hie quickoroo atol boU hoodS. cit-tory. ptuyer of lito your of the Women's 241 Waukegan Rd. ini ablUty tu nom high nuorer br Chicugotood Caileglute AtitleUc instSniurdoy iDeo.3) In Skyway sm-coot-teamreengol- ABSENT t Penale Weoieymr io the $g,nc. Couleront-e, und was named tile Onklun's tOdS win over Renard)' /v/ trank C Wagner Je. Glenview Joinlog Doblan tisis ne0500 lo HOURS: Hoy wo.,t vureity beshetboU Ecliud Unitsec t°reshlnoo-of-tho-yearoftite Slaig,butsisedil,edaotIl SIllage (lent (31 2)729-1 000 ks volunteers Conference, Sho tens atoo chosen 6-2 renIer KinoSobceak APPROVED by ose loo., sd doy of November, 1903 Monday-Thuisday ployer under Coach Ken Sot-fol amiste, pulled down f rebounds 830 AM - 9.00 PM Wholesale Pa,ts 729Ot2O at Major Eant for ihren yearn, to Ihr National AssocIation of lo. aod came ap with 4 stools. (NIlns/NUeO West, 0505-lei, ato, /SCNlcbato,s B. Blas,. We are looking for energetic 8530 Woukngnnlfd., Friday earning itUcorr1oreocn honora his Morton lercoilegiateAtiiioticnAll- "Mtcbele anty took one abat lo sol oui inst soasan, after tat-flug f'eeslder,t 01 the 'sIlage od uilirs, ('ueb Cuanto, tibnays and onriog persono to nooLni tite Grove. daring the t9-07 caoipnlgv: 2.-6 ATYRo1ED AND FILED lo 8:30 AM . 6:00 PM HOURS Mro.Tho. &ttdnr year os weil as tealo MVI' Echod Voit )meotafly boadicop. DIstrict Team Tile ttT Vaileyhull the game," said DoNjon coach nty office this nd day at Suvn,riboo, & -e .NO per team 000,yieted the tOBO season gout'd Tracy Leitmaistlift. l'en 1903, nod pobtlsbeoi lv y.u,nsplet lot-trion the 23a,d day ni sIovertiber, Salurday mid nucoptolo.Fus It-colimen yetiadottai Su their montidy tntereofed pet-nons obooldmU Turn Gattusu, "but stir was n roo- ' .-w po, Ariioglon 008. Ptd*Y S - year at Illinois Weeloyan, tIny bootleg league, The Echad Jolt tOot-ole Saitnberg at theB'nai with o won.toss record nf 35-O Jar factor wIth tise other things specl/Hersey, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 1-felglilsi, a gond boO-handler nuit 6.ed.y IO -'r torn was a member of the oat-city hornS., the B'rith foundation, 074.55-42. t.lau Is naijoriog Io Engloeering sIse dId for an. ft was the host /5/ ft-rook C. Wagnee Jr. Utit-ti Suodoy of the shnoter and S-8 Keenie tiun,oao troyriluig oquod bui cato Ilmitod month at li noon at Ctaonlr Bowl, and lo the daughter of Rene und gaine l've ever seen her play." Vittoge Cterh -I Your oogLstonce In opprectutntt. Uytvlu EnpInell. PAGI 20 THE I3IJCLI. T)ICRSDAY D}CE.%t0F.R IS, IflO TItE ftCibt.K, TItCOSPAR, I5F.CLMOF.O it, fOU PAGE lt

Res groundbreaking for Director ofMedical Recordi Arthur L Satira of Gary has heno named the new Disectorof Medical Records at Mount Sisal expansion of outpatient services Hospital North, nfl the Coy's far nortisolde. His responslhllttleo hi- Frer,th, physIcians, Statt end elude supervision of theMedical . oUer members oF thResurrcn Recoests stall, policy and peo- tinnHea'th Cerc CoopornUon endure development, and record tomily Jornnd tUo Sntcrn o! the _is. RenorrecUon in groondbreoklng Salita is on Accredited Records .. ceremonies Tnesdoy, Oct. 4 TechnicIan (ARTI mid received niorking the copennion of ontpe- his A.A.S.leoni Oaktart Corn- Lknt servicos nod the od±Unn of muidty College, Dru Plaines. He o .cpeciol noponded outpoUent receivedhis BA. from Nor- focifity of RenorrecUnn Medcof thcastenrIllinoisUnIversity, Center. 74 W. Tokoft Ave.. Odeagn. Previously, he seos Pa- cf,cngn. tient Care Medical Record The new twn-ntory ootpaftent TechnicianatGond Shepherd foclUfy now mder tonotrocUon ts Hospital, Barrington. Prior to ter0eted for on April. 29% coon. that, he wan a Physician Room Arthor L, Soha pletiondote. noted Sloter A,mistaat atLaitheran General Onnoceoture. CR.. preodcnt. Hospital, Park Ridge. Mr. Satiro matittalss affiliation with Care Rc.surrecUon Ilcoith Care Cor- ia member of the American CommunIcations, Inc., Gfdcagn porationinher welcoming Medical Record AssocIation and os a Record Consultant, rexnerk.s to thonc prevent for the speciot gcmondbreokoog cocol. Today we mark another milestone inResurrection Mount Sinai North offers Alan anointing at grnundhr-eaking eeremonicn were (felt to righti; Medical Coolers 35-year tu.story Sister Virginia Aras, CR., a roember of the Resurrection Health of providing qaaiity healthvare Care Curporotion Board; homard Feinotein, mcmher of the Our specifil rates on stress tests sen-ices for residents In our coro- Lady of the Sonne-rection Board; t'cisc Rouis. noecotive directoral munity, The stress EKG (eleetrncae- she stator!.And keep- Our Laity of the Resurrection; Sister Mary Gerund. CR.. enecutive Hospital North on the City's fur tog pace with an ever changing virepresident at ttesurreetloo Medical Conter; and Sister d ingram I. orStresstest northslde isconducting strmx technicalhealtlrcare enoiron- evaluates the heart's response to tesIs at o npeeiat reduced rate. tionaventuec, CR. pronident, Resurrection Health Core Corpora- ruent in no cas) task.. Throughout enrecian and determines how fit Begionhtg Decemher 19, and ens- theyears. the Sisters uf the on indis'lduat is or il o heart pro- SoilIng through ,t000ary 6, the Resurrection have reaffirmed Mitai Guitas, nurse i000agee of facility. blem esista. The test is conducted Hoapital will offer tests at say- theircommitment tokeeping Resurrection's currentOutpi,- "To date the Auxiliary has rais- ander the direct supervision nf a Ings of more thot 20%, The dis- pace with tevhnology und euro tient department, Set the spirit of ed loure than $5di,t un the woy cardiologist and involves the pa- counted price includes all teca. moistly needs.ube added.The the day through a special sec-p- to completing nor noibiinux tI tientseulkingutreadmillat For more information nr ta development of a special and en- tuve reading, end De. Ordeger ad- miSmo gnat, und acre pleased lo vannier Inclines und speeds while schedule on appekttoueot, call panded outpatient facilitywill delI his congratulations to the pledge nur continued efforts in on EKG machine recorda the Mount SinaiHospital North's provide residents with additional Sisters ¡n behalf of the entire .ssipport of reaching this goal." heart's electrical impulses, The EKG/Reaplrotnry Department, optiona loe eunveoteot actons ta medicat/dentat stoff. Other special guetta for the entIre nIceno tent takes ohout 30 Monday-Friday from B am. - 5 enot-etteetive. quoI ity --t betieve the temul In hospital historie groundbrcnking niloutea. p.m. ut 76t-ti, eatenotort 5135. healtheare. - practicewillcontinueto em-ceremony included Sister For a limited Liane, Mount Sinai Plans fur the 45.407-oquare-font ptruniee the treatment of patienta Stephanie, CR., chairperson of addition and 72th-nquare-fnot on on outpatient basis and tm the Resurrection Health Core Sleep apnea study at remodeled orna include Ike con- pleasedRenner-resten Medical Corporation Board nf Directors; sta-ochos nf four endronerpy/proc- Center is taking this important Leonard Peterson, president, Lutheran General talog rooms loueoutpatient espansioni slop.' Dave Kuttner, partner, and Peter The Sleep Disorders Conter nf surgicalsuites. 6 surgical AuuittaryPresident Doria POnotita, project urchitect from should see o phyniciatt," says meoo-efl- rooms and numerous Qedetter added her heut wishes an the O'Donnell, Wiektund, Pigmei Ludieron Geoceul Hoapital-Pork Randy Georgemitler, PItO., co- enarmination rooms. Atoo located the meceos of the enpnsmo pro- and Peterson architecturof firm; Ridge is conducting sleep apnea dIrector, Sleep Disorders Center. studies io the new outpatient facility relIt Jectandceiteratçd the and Don Staniarha,president, to measure theeIfer- "The testa we routinely conduct he Renurrcetions Cancer Treat- Aawitiary's enmnotmenr to coon- andtim Ztelinskl, projeef Uvenero ut various treatments. include o pkynicol examination ment Center, Cardiology depart- pleting their special tt imItino engineer, from the George SollSt Volunteers who display nymp- and a poloysomttogrom (as over- ment. the PainControl pledge for the new outpatient Comtruetion Company. tom., such as loud soaring occom- nighttestmonitoring heats Rehaviorat Medicine Conter. pooled by paisses io breathing waves,muscletone,eye "t.etIlse otnieture which is during sleep, eoevssive daytime m500meota, hoot-f rate, respira- built here be fiere and role."Oncology Arthritis sicepinesa nr reallesuness anden- tian and hloed oxygen tevel.$). preyed Reo. Paul Sechtold, C.P. cenuive movement during sleep The carrent restar-ch study also ResurrectionMedical Center Group Open ace invited to participate io the involvea free netrrnpoychulngical chaplain, as heblessedthe exercise classstudy. hating ta evaluate apnea treat- ground. 'Let only love be spoken ment." within it, let the spirit of tise Discussion Sleep opneo is a condItion in General sleep disorders tenting scheduled which peemos are unable ftneuereetino pervade it, unit let The Oneotogy Support Group of A new eight-took socles ta may be euveeed ky mme In- the good care to he given here SwedIsh Cos'eoaot Hospital sedi of breathe properly duriag steep. nuranee companies ander ootpa- "Eatreixe foe People tith Ac- Those with sleep apnea may have shout the good rieres lIait you eure hold an upon discussion et ils theists" heat diagnuatle tooting. The edili- for each of us. seiSbegin Tuesday, thele steep interrupted several meeting on Friday, Dec. tt, ott Jeou.rj 3 hr the south meeting lIneal research (rests are free. Tiarring the first upadefulu of p.m. to the Anderson Poettino, hoodeed times o nIght due ta Fnr mure informatIon aimai earthatgroondhreaking room nf Rash North Shore obstructions io the hreothing 2751 W. Winnue. Medical Center. steep apnea nr to volietteer to ceremonies were: Sister Stan All cancer patienta are cordial- passuge. participate in the study, contact Gerard, CR. Resurrection Choses will he held tenie 5:98 '-If you salter trumnay of the li invited to attend. The meetings to 6:30 p.m. on Tuendapa and the Steep Disorders Center at hiesieral Center eon-alive vice ore free end IOtOnded to give sup. symptome nf sleep upnea,you 698-7024 presidentCatherine Pol.sfnn Thuesdayc, Jenuwey 3 thenugh port through education and slier- Fehraary . They are deolgoed osuintunt director of Nursing: Dr. tog, Fomthes end friends ore to tocreoun muscle strength and Vokifleers needed for fluonyin Oniteger, presidentof welcome. For more ínlnrsuatino, walking chIlly, while ont themedicaL/denialstaff;and contact Steve Jackuon, pastoral ag' Doris Otdcger. presidentnf groveling lohnt iofteaoiatlon. Cit rare department, 878-02m, Eel. is for 16 clauses Type II diabetes research study Resurrection Auntliary. 0098. For fuother htfsemaUon and to Reacacetiern ut Northwestern tu yarticipata to a study looking register, ea]] the Gond Health Memorial ttnspitol ore looking at liver function related tu a drag NuES FOOT SPECIALISTS Program nf Rash North Shore for male and teenule volinileern, winch lowers htnud sogar. To 6763 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. Medical Center et 871-9898, Est. age 05 tu 80. with Type lt iliuhetex qualify, participants muSt ont he 3598. IdILES 647-2345 on insulinorother glucose- locaTed . *100mb Wh,i. coni, oo,thu,.nri sses s. s ss s .s s. lowering drogo, must not have ii e ROBERTA. RALEY, O.P.M. G history of heart disease and mast and ASSOCIATES -iYS1GM'S CENTERS - flat smoke or drink, t Yes, Yost Can Sto1, Snso.ing Todeol Volunteer-s will participate io Medical and Surgical Treatment Of: One four-hour and four ten-home s Bunions and Hammertoes G studien duringo sb-month 500 N. Minhkjan Ano. . Corns and Calluses G, period. . Ckiwogo6.44ggß 5 Alttesto, physicaleuwonitlo' t . Heel Pain . 120 Oakkeook Cento, 5 tinosund dragowillhe od- a Diabetic Foot Problems G Oak Broolt 5712626 mInisteredatno chargeto s 5 yalunteero, und a stipend retti he . 64 OId Ossihand Cento, . Chiidrens F008 Disorders 5 paid to qualified indIviduata setto FREEFOOTEXAMANDCONSULTATIONWITHTHISAD_,s Skotsio 679.3 complete the program. For more inloesnotion, call David Juan, M.D., or Alex Krunel at 986-3551. pleur. so PAGE 22 T)ia ItUGI.F. flIURSPAY DECESIOKR iStom aye;u.o:. îttt;ost,sv', ttc(:i:vtni:O In.900

Seniors trip toLambs' Farm Woman's Club Free holiday The si-thor 195000 resIdents al bus na Mon., tInaIO at lt am. Ship 'N' Post offers Developer with community spirit l,axereneeHaase,1020W. axed retaco utimut S pan. The fee of of Nues holiday party ((filceli Dee. I 8 lawrence Ave., ace tablait o pee- Ils per person laucludi-5 falo and holIday trIp ta lAmbs' l'ai-555 oasi lunch.SbuuppingIn the many Th Woman Club of NUeS Ui aailabie. holiday assistance nl Maine East there o fern placen niara ta the bootlqnrs at lambe' Faros la np hOldlthøLfdy mtin on Philanthropy basheU are publie. by the badicidnual, Wodoenday, Decombor1 at the ready br roomed foods to be Maliie Eavl's caneen grail7, The doy.telppernwIllleuv, Far reneruotiano. pleww call NUen R.eceeMon Center.7877 lven lo the need. Pleaoe help so arclievira, chair, aad batid. aiD Lawrence House by cbartered ssl.2ton. Mflaokee AVe.. ot 7 pm. to 118 them! slinacave brnlberhnad al Ilie Iri'e Teno Krawth, piio7ot1II play Goeslo ore looked. peogrillii ai linliclay music Sau. ectrpla from around the morid ,luty, Dnre,nber 18, hegloalngil 2 1th a othg.-long io poi no aU o (;I('Il'it'ora(Ii() p.uii. itt tIle Maine Suri the holiday spirit. uuui,lilnriuia. (oIC1II t.,i' Cob MitI Malt, 79110 t.lttwnukee Rae, A $5 gift cachao8e mlii toke Orc!uevlea alti portano Ca,iuul}e 's ' place along aitit ion, gamno, roi- ¿Iii Suuu,ut Suiens' ''Tine Carnina! nllu,. be 51100, tI 60648 fleo and a bake saie. Ways 8 lOMWA. Ft M 5. (ikneOo Anir,iuiluu'' muli la',, l'inuit, f312) 470-1540 t-aftO-2400LLt o Mesmo1ti be setthtg Eoiertoio- line ojusiec. latine. orlile iii,re uuulnisls, Ann Che,u nl Den Pluiiuuev o 'nui, ment books br $35 sod the Gold (liristoins omble I roui Dec 9 nial l'a,tauhnSlilbiiyanlI),,, --C-. konto tor $8 mr yoor holiday thro Dee 25 Mrtn!t kv Cf. l'lutaen,avnellas Kuinuib,, ;, SPECIALS FOR DECEMBER giving. GPWC Ceotenmial Cook iloodelwillImprroeoleelon lliranauilntunl Des Plaine.si,uu HOLIDAY SHOPPING (RALY Books aith redm irom arouod iliorndn9.flee77 duringlie flott, Asini 12mal Des Plaine., u,ui oo1 the morid nook as Aruba sod 'ileritogeConcert'proi!rton clarinet. arid Mail Gaeerieei 1 so, othoreootice000trimmtfl be atoo froi,i 345 lo ir45 pin. Nile, nr nylnplra,e. i 2%off Steil! (nncnpl unuSd Edthicn) The nrchenlrui ivill iilsncorri. , 15%off GuildliScurry Iscre flea,,Atenarders. luire aiimline chair laneriiirnni Cçrimn8 R5'al. CSDCCDhiCS ar,d mw stllcb-nu we-uvt oo ''9' ruina Seui lin Shining Seni'' lut 20%oft COlIS b'jtorni. Ecçillh Bears aral activais lire linale. GiveaYMCA ,binninn,g the nelevllon,s tine dluuuur ivill viril ace 'Over tite tirer ini,l AlIErranbeesre i 57. off 'tlnrninuglnlinelVn,,ds''ainil 'Tire PatrickF, Dairyti.president of Datos/- _og of Highland Square ShoppIng Center. Turner Sugor BrItches, boy gIrl danny Minads al Chrisltaav.' Nui Jupiter, tute., presento Larry Ai-lt. MorOso Grave Doloo/Japlter, toc., is the devetaper nf Highland membership Ship N Posi, 7959 Coli load, MorIon Grove, is n comptoir mall omis'un ill chair a,e,,nhern perluur,nu alliage admltelstratar and president nl live local Square, so 82,0th sq. ft. toiaed-iune shopping center Holldoj SpecII, reg st4s,oa nawil 20.00 and eooinao,ieatlaos nennt renier. The Store will gIft atop, pock, llueve niuin,nberv_ bui lire9' n'il! luir chapter nf Lite UnIted Way, with a It, holiday located at the boteernetutlon of Washington Street mod nhlp yoar partirLo nod gum at raleo that Bnl the Pool 01f ice. .uniI' lii ' charity la viniu n daoallnn ta the charity la eelebralloo of tise grand and Gall flood. Q' SANTA W)LL BE VISITING OUR SHOP ", The obre abo lca.n a line o! gill moon, greeting cardo, key dapleo- ,dledlionn nl ,llred Bun carola. .,. SATURDAY DECEMBER17Th P.24THr ' Lion, private mall bones. ontafl sec-vice, FAX lranomlssion and Iniuidulilian,,lv vina,s'cuuselire l-3P.M. reeetvtog, pholo copies, package reeelmg. answering venice. cultural nliaernily al the Marnuu' Holiday fire safety program at fire department ,__u'i' .BRING THE CHILDREN ' '_ pa.00port and pholo l.l).n. Favi vladennl bady, a spedIuil Saut CANDY CANES FOR ALL Elltotoale lines and wonted lime, let lice Ship 77 t'ont wrap and In itn effort., to eenniod the -keep ehttnfeeo and peto awayDepoetmonit would tibe to Labe prevennlaiinrn nan been plannnned by tIti,, opitortooitp to enpreos best shIp yoar teins allowing you nary Lime lo enjoy lice Halidays. Mr.DavidJeflerv,lineirrt eentdeoto of tho North Maine Fire from the tree wtd decorations lt la always recommended thatwlatten to all the renldenLo of tIte For iarther inlormallon, call nor nIara al 96&8844. nleparlitnerul cinalr,aani. Fiuurts Protection Dis8-iet of the need for Star. Hoar. fon ib. Holiday. fire safet7 dai-bg the Holiday whets tuning candles, they be net in FleeDIOfXIet. We hopethat Statlla9 Nov. 29th thea Ch,lntn,a. Iroini lire lirirl' aalioiiv represenu. eneeyaìto tuas a safe and hoppy hug theMaine Eus! vludcrul Sea000, the annual "Keep the anoocombuatlbte container. lo - 9 Man. -F,tJlO - 5 Sotordaytl2 . 5 Sandsy Holiday schedule at Leaning Tower YMCA Wreath Red" pengrato meni into Keep aU eaodie-s out of reach ofHalidap Season. punpuiluilionu ali! he tnrnnnuillu effect December t. ft has beet, children. Bg antre to ,tlngttlait There will be a vpeeial 2-week day. t)ev. 28 tar ynath ages 8-151v prevnnnlerlilniritig 111e ininliuluru the Holiday candles beforeteaniog ynue Break Schedale01leaning nlered tenni l2ll-32Op.m. and correen t'ri d ltnein dinpluu,voil tradition durittg Tower YMCA 1mm Dec. 19-al. A a-ill inclade gym and swim, hot Seawn lo pot a inreath with red boone or aparunteal mod when darinutllne reiteplinn fallnnvinng hut t'etlt-fag for the eoiag. special Sehaals'n Gal Peagrtan chnealale and cantons. bulbo io the window at the Fire TO SHOP lar 8oys mrd Girls. K-hIlt grade Special gym and vaim teller, rci,nuirkn, ''Darinng lint Station at 9381 Poller Road. For Atoo as a resnioder during 1kb p' MIRY PLACE each fire determined to hone holiday season, be noi-e ta cheek - solS be ollered 19ev. -3C lenta vchedale lar adaliv and ynath will yrdvu'rnlalirunil ivan,rinnlenrllu' Ilsebatteries 1x5 your Smoke 938 am. la 23O pos.nith ea. lacin client daring lisis peeled. indurate tile iinlida' canicerl -'inni bee,, eaused or orIgloatd 1mm s-..-, tended cart, lar markiag parenls Holiday decoratlano, the red bulb Detector. 1f you da ant hone a Twnnty-nne tree Illness clames hue inullnluuy veuinani lalii,' irom 7:30-9:30 a.,a. again lenin mill be replaced by a minIe bulb. Smoke Defector io yoor boone or loe members are also affermi. ciii, peruihiniri, peace unnuri 338-ir2g p.m. Aettvilies will In. Il is hoped that the bulbs will re- apartment prtoeatiy, now would Harvcr) sen-ice Monday thraagh iuroiirerinnunj huit mus hev'ri dade nalanootag. games. npnrla. Friday from f:30-nnnn math red far the callee Holiday be o gond linse laumili-e yam Is crealeul llnroaglnline callaruni family's solely by InstallinO a crolla sod gym. Jalce intS be nl- available lar people invalned lo Y Season. ihii'ervila'no arkinng vide by vide ru Suggentinno for safely la the detectar. Rvlew and pracidee icreni, bal ehildeen slsaald brasg a adllvilles. aar vcinool vchtinrg.'' sack lanch, sietht sali, towel, cap home when using drenrolloos lo- your family escape pints, sod Clavo reginiragny lar Winier display the number for tise Fire UNCLE W-- and gym clothing and gym nimes. Sosaina beginning January 2 will cladeu Departtneot a prominaat lo addition, npeeial nparlooc- aLso be ni pengrens daring the Adopt-A- 0,5e nonflammable matorl.ois la livides for yoatti ni oil ages aill penad. Cali the YMCA al &47-ltfl -beep anotai-nitreewell place. Far emergencies, the number far the Flee Deportment heoifrrenttram 33ø-42ailS lar ladLer lnlnrmalinnnr came Family at watered -do na oarelaad outlet, with co' is 307-2121. -wlA tallone Dec. lla-Boshelball. Dec. ía loe a tasi- and geta brochai-e Btei ne ,\rrDn ca Cacar S.:ut e'. bendoo medo ChIef Farbman ood the V-Volleyball, Dee. 22-Soccer, and and flyer which explains theball- st. Francis uD. 11 70x1 h3',e C5' rei aLi,' raii Dec. 29-Hail Comes". -do not ase candles nit trees members of the Nantit Maine Flet, day schedule and thepragram far -Epp" A "Holiday ticisk" an Wesinev- the Winier Semina. ta the Spirit nf haliday giclaI. .,,,,aSpQDhr NlCn't,N ge S,. FrancisHanpltalnl S2u71 m,lit' a' P'y.ya B.attD -k1i Evanntoa'a Adapt-a-Fatally pen' gram Ln anderway la pracida lnad Holiday plansannounced R'V4DI Genie Pro and gittn ta needy hnvpltal pa' at NorthwestConinsunity YMCA 1Jj- tiento and tamules. o Christmas tionpital departaacats clin pm- vida fami and gifts icalalag $15 LcdafWh a Harleri A',ltuJll iu,flri 3:38 p.m., Monday through Fr1- Installation & lareuchrecipienti tul in Northwest Committtlty YMCA, Park P.SSD, aro Fceett Prevee 1515 W. baby, Pork Rldgn, ast- day, December 30-30. Entended designated pulli-ah nr family. Tine D'e llorica1 7:12: Transmitter Special gifts will be dlslrlbuled belween oottttce.5 ptattfor a bappy boll- caretarworkIng pareatoIs day season for kids of all ages. available. ActivIties loctade to 00 a ri:s 9 CiJ ONi Piv, Pia MaSeS Rai na, PrIa. SAVE Deceatber 25 and 22, la ils secand year, the peagruilin The fon storia with Breakfast emits, goastes, nwinatabog, gtss md macles. RegIstre far one day 930am ogCOyrt y'O 82 ('i H.P Econamy)'21999,1159u .. iv nrgaatoed by the St. Frainciv with Santo, 9 ' lt o.m. on Satan- ' 5 CuJ y 'r CinrintlaniValuenCammilIct'. day, December 17. A continental nr the whole week. Sura,i'iICO a tri 8800 ('i H P. Deluxe) Wh.t to give? That',no problem when 2399 179" Mare Chain g depamtmenta are en' breakfast will be nerved and pIe- Portato cao ea)ap titi-le New P700x1 625 3036 11x19 tures with Santa and Mrs. Clans Year's Eve party without worry- 9s )'uHP.HesvyOaly)yggy 199ernm/I pecteiltaparticipateIn you give "Y" Gift Certificate,! yearn drive. will he unuSable, ing abouti the chIldren If tinny ore COUPONS--...... ,.....______tndivldaals and tamules WIll he Comp Hoityday will aller anam al the YMCA Ynath Oveenbghter r-- whIch begIns at 2:38 p.m., Sato-- asiste her INSTALLATION AVAILABLE- selected trato the St.Fra,intiv some entra time In nhop 10°° OFF COUPON tfaa'ard Acea Health Center, uniI ti ta 5 year aIds ore enjoying orto dep. December 31 and ends 9 The perfect giftthey'll delighteveryone Nacrant lns!al/,,vo,, '55th t.Ac- ,,,,,, cv, :4nao trato the Social Service and Out' & croftix, gym tone frani 9 la 11:30 0,x0. Sunday, Januar)' on your list, even the ones who "have it GENIE TRANSMI'flERS-5n OFF patient., deitartmenla. am. Monday, Tuesday or UnitIes ate for Ist la 8th grades COUPON and inclade taaales, gyttt. smAll, all'. riega 11w' 34 X Far more iafamnnatlna, cull lIne Wednesday, Deceotber tI, 28 am St. Feaaets Social Service depurI- St, A allot from Santa In enpecled. gama, refrtstnoeixl and toare. lookIng aheadtathe Plexo ELECTRONIC aient itt 492-2239, Registration is avolluble far sae, LEANING TOWER YMCA GEÑIE S&S twa er all three days. Year, registratIon i-animatO lar :J : j - DOORS "School's Gol" activities are wiatre citIamO whIch wilt begin 6300WTOUHY 1272 Rend Rd. (Route12) the school ogers, January 2, 1989. Fac inloroantlan No nne bnnn C-arqeDoors miman,, GailO I uioi iii, planned for 2li-2t7l. NuES 647-8222 yMCA like a Genie Pro, . On, Pinivan iii kindergarten through 6th grade an oil octialiles call I5yoiieo si nia i,asi vu,, 827-O t1app 1o1idas daring Cbristatsus week, 9 am. ta PAcF: 24 TIlE RI.LE. TIlU21SDAY DECKMTWR 1S. 9M 'I ttIIiI toit:, 'lilI 14.1151', lt',,t't,Sllt) St9, 1565

-:_v,. - . ., . : .,. .... AtfLMERRY CHRISTMAS Hardware n'tu a,ece Candlelight Dinner Play) e Skokie Musical Group SmallestChristmas So thcFofli, rnusÌc1d 19. Bs5 te8ve fr9m the Knpnn at North Sha Hotel show that 2,99 dV2d rae 5tI, 5059 W. Cburd, Skoki t 1O45 am. ond from the 2lonskh okIt reldnnt Annette MarcIo. shopper rtvIv9 2nd n Joseph J!frron preoFdont ut the 'HarmOnettO. AW8Td wbethe Brnflr)Ior Si1.003W. To9hyInChiCflgo. Th prco n( this 1rp is $10 For s group oC'(or women 0013f rkh/M9yr K9pflfl Jei'b Iners, spotoned by tite Sok1e Co,nrnuojty Conter JCCF thkos o oromborsood $14 For f00 o1eflThOrz. For onoro loîononUon Puk DiotrIct, anI00000ea that the trip Fo the Candlolighi Dinner group will entertaIn t the North PInyhnoe on Monday. D000n1bor coLi Corol Vorcoo.. 322-761-92M. Shore Motel, 1611 aslcago Ave., Evanston, on Monday, Dentrmber, 19t 7:36 p.m. The concert Io free and open to the pobUc. The Ithrnnonettes 1U nbtno- .'t',-- cerpta fran "Thoroughly Modern MIIUe', "FwmyGIrI", "Ssoduo" MINIATURES FOR THE MINIATURIST and a selectIOn nl 00009e M. Cohen andIrvIngBerlIn BRING THE KIDS ¡HAVEYOUR TURKEY Favoriten. Sololoto alB perform TO VISIT .Doll Houses Wallpaper flugs IHoosoworks (toto The King mrd I" Corrrpononls) Electrical Fixtures Wìrrng Kits "Went SIde Story". Foods . Furnishings and muck morel DIrEcted by Beryl Belloav, the '4f. e Trunslorniors choral group Io accompanIed by CLAUS IIJIdw-xth Bea Uokofi On the plano. HANDMADE ORIGINALS FROM OUR SHOP The Marmonettef recently per- ev owner, C.J. Vet tanned at the Uboble Centennial DECEMBER 17 & 18 tlEWrIOtJOS:h04 200.400 Celebrodlan. They are partially 12-4 pat, ONLY Tugs.ssto.nnjns.rni 000.600 SAT 000.400 6 SI_04000.400 Funded by the Skokic Fine Arto C04flmIo01042. HE'LL BE WAITING TO SEE YOU! . 7949 Oekton St. Fnr reservallons, please call . -:-- NIFes. IL 60640 8235717 Flavo a Piclure Taken wilh Sanla only '2.50 FREE GIFTS FOR ALL THE KIDS X, Our Holiday Gift To You lnclttd,ny A KC9 Tv,rr Might Uelocb A Spee'oni T,r,,iOtt,t' Two for One! 6111E R GIFT TO YOURSELF AND OTHERS!!

FOR A TOTAL COST OF 513.00 we will add ono year lo your currentsubscription PLUS designato -friends, send a ono year gill subscriptIon n YOUR name lo someone you PRESSMAN .. noigIlbors, children, nIC. who aro NOT current subscilboro toTHE BUGLE NEWSPAPER Juol ilutrg for lito rido, u youug shuypor wails Fur hoc Moto 01 JEOPARDY and who live in Cook County." Or WHEELof FORTUNE "OO. tbervu, crrni 60ni ru e'. san,a audiollas Jowul Foods, 6201 Gull liti. inNilna. Holiday shoppers juotniod areu CHUTES &LADDERS retail stures duriog lite licol IWO strohs al December. Balloter price $13.05 per year S359 Holiday hazardschecklist for pets hultrOr person you wOol IO 9,00 00 gli lu s a subscribo, Girt cub can 12 Cull us at s&6-3St f you urn nut luto mn Aarti-Grnnlly Seolely oFf eno Finally, please do not give Only ko Qen io runooro hOT a 0rr0fll l0sa1ìbnr. DEAL wo ciron thefollowinghelpiol hUrtoto oolncalu as a Christmaseilt. NERF FLAG 7%winri SLEDS 599 Oticaeo prI nonnen ao the bull- Becoming a pet ouster la a per- DUNK-IT FOOTBALL GAME I 'Send gIlt eubacrtpllnn to: Send 9ltt ubcrlpllon lo: day noMon opprnachee. oenal dna-loteo that should onoer BASKETBALL FISHER PRICE GOLDa ERG E R Although miollnlon and hnlly be made by someone eine. Gine o PLASTIC DOLL IN (tOme CORN ,'VÇ pIerna and polosetlia plants are peeSy, giftcertifleate from theAtrIl- FLEXIBLE TRAVEL POPPER P FLYER TRUNK Ant. Addrean Ant, they ere poioonoue Lo peto if cnn- Cruelty Society lasteadl Add re nn numerI. Keep them nul uf ynor TOBOGGAN Town ZIo Town ZIO pet's reach. Christmas Don't let your pet chew on ARKER BROTHERS GAME OF CHILD GUIDANCE tUtorI, stains, ribbon or auget hair SUPER BOG LINS OIR 99BOWL PARK RIDGE , -s 0O they cannarineInIeSIIIiaI concert at TINKER TOY Add I year lo my subscrIptIon to, ach gIlt. blockage. AIna, those pieces nl Oar Lady of Banano School, I,..9 FOOT- Plant LIKE u000eoir broken ornaments, ornament011o N. Greenwood, Hiles, will BALL BUILDING SET u,.,_,5;': 0.. Ì4tsme bocho and tallen pine needlm coo present an evening nl CltrlolsTtuO cacee InternaI ond entonnai br-music and carols nader the dirne' 995 Address ADt. No, Jurtev. unn uf Mina Peggy Keller, music SHEL CO R E Make noce your L3sniet,ntae ta-ne director. 01 Ni i itt; Ar, I [iO PEEK IN ROLLER I I 15 7Io Phone ta leady orni anoure and can't be A candielighl service al la-idi- knocked Over by an excited dogtionaicarols and Christmas YOUR FULL SERVICE STORE ROWING N. or cat. Il you have treated thereadings. 'Lessons and Cenote," FINGER PAINTS ONLY water Icithe stand witha will be perfucmndby studente io tii,s,.,i i I itS i iOr'iif Stì ACTION EXERCISER DPaymont enclosed theoM presernative, nover Ilgrades 4 through t ht Theuday, I 59, r.racir falte. tIf ('iii.V:;l i MONEY ' D VISA Carri A Ennirns 30 yew' pet natOtot take a drink, December St at 7:30 p.m. la the \ OriOl'k'Tí' j599 Church. For more lofortoatinn, D MASTERCARD St000iurC The Anti-Cruelly Society sue. op .5 erute that you pest a sIgn no bothcall the ochool at 696-4413. ALL&,.f u1A1 sidos of your doer so thaI f ansia Engineering students A o orna, discountaOils, goOd only tor 0.lid tar Cool County orr.r 5.01ra.Llmlt . S lit.. end lousily close lt securely. A may b.ui.doit O Ofl.ubsu ripilnflt Onty. 0.0. Cr ,IOnI.linciato. f .r ya.r pet cao nanCy nip out ood nul nono he intoned hr the conloulon. recognized WIth the ohrtodonon nl holldoy One hundred fifteen noginner' Irrora, you stay he Indilarnd tuLog uludeolo have been accepted I elun your pet o taste nl the leant.fur mnmberaltip in the Universily GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL BEGIN JAN. 5, 1989 A (no nihblne of lila-key ore tinenl Illinois chapter uf Tao Beta PI, p hot encesaloe omouots ore olIno lItenational oogloeorthe boone I Moli to:Bugle PubIlcetlons ho.rd for Itsmo to iligesi. society. The studente includo: Phone: ma-hey hones shOuld oevor beTimothyP.IluIlun, 7101 W. 8746 N Shermer Rd. given le pela os thoy coo splinter, Fester SI.: Matthew K. Il, 7513 Hiles. IllInois 60610 966-3900 let lndj,Ñ lo their tOrnaI, piornoFabas l,ane, bath from Hocino so intentai orean,oeilcause Grove und Singlied O. Schattale, ;, ,.'t'',r .s'-enn; ,'Ç7'.;'ç , sea-moe injury mrd nono death. wet Fluber Oval from NIIm. . TIlE nCIt.L TIceastroy, OECEMOEE tO, t910 PACE. 27


M-1 MG Historicalhome decorated Christmasshopping A for the holidays Membcr Dt th Mariol, Grove Mortal, Grove PobUc Ubl9-ry is TOP QA_I_- }{tslticI SOCiCIy hove "decked to the Museum. Santa chollo ohS the bOUS" at the Morbo Grove greet the cthIdren by the Irte. atGolf Mill Historicol Mtoeom (HMXpt-Ytkl LaghI refrenhmeoh.s oil be nerv- -i House) ot 6O Dempter Sheet cd In the harhlthOIlSe kitchon. to ohoo how Qñotmo3 09-o Guided tours oh the completely s turldothed home are otbered Vel) D retebroted here oh the lure of the crortury. Anuque toys arId 9- Sonday atterv000 treo 2 to 4 p.m. surrormd theQlristleuloTree or may be OcÌOdOIed 9-t other decked oith od fashionor- Urnes by coOingtheMO,tcv BUYS oomeots ood C9-Od1S A opectol Grove Park Dlt9-ict 965IO or ACE HOLIDAY d19pt9-y Of OOUQUC bOOkS (rom the r COUPON r N.('1I1DI I I IV1EMOPEX Carton Resina Dominican 3M Sealing lop. reaches forChristmas r.EMOPEX 4-Pock 7?2 2 yard oorsr.ruii Gbrlstnoaspreparationsarc theAdvent rtetmao UturSh Scoich lop. uf cecoeg pIon-u motug S onderoay al Regiva 00m10k09 planned by brolly and student-s 2 soit0 /n4ti0 cod _repp,g repu Ilighi School vlth a food drive, 9-lube celebrated WedIsesdoy 2 rollo In3OO titurgle. doer derorotiog, ood December 21. chrIutnuas varo- other festiviUeo 00 the cotendol tino with'CIlIO at 9000 that day. IO Pc, 90 Min. CossofteAudio iopos The Student Couocfl Will hotd Chooses odi resume Tnedoy ro.ulovscc) the Trucherochristmas 1cv- Januar). 4 Specul formulo provides cIna, ( cIleOo Monday December 19 and blot-he repeoduocino. ( £CSI77X \ Ship 'N'Post,Inc. COUPON ooLvoiJ

¡1 ç mtscoIRISIMASLETUSDOThEWOOCI we 99 :; -i) wHAP PACO HOUOAY GIFTS. ; 755 4«CO;, aRATosmaTaEArnEPos1oFnce- e VEE cAt_l_IsslaM WIM HOLInAY nouas:orcEMaIR ic th,n 23.d a OAILYOteAMIO8OOPM at alt area 12-Pc. Power I O" MS-PIMPOSe SATb000AMloStepM a tor toed and weekend. poller reported tange crowds ISE.GRIPv Touch . a Orri-stIflas Stoppers take a break shopping rentero thIn past weekend. Screwdriver Bit Set Aviation Snips OIfttnev. r. drink at Golf Mill SlhcppthßCenter over the -Pc. Gift Set Dimmer a: pñnmM.aBan NOty . F vno,bLv ec-stri &Jk orni re,,/rvvo-o, S..4 tO c, ri 5- :. , GOLF ROADIA'w..ntcovlMORTON GROVE : StasoIs r,-_.e. h,r»', rv'% C,-" el cre 'n leetodes Prit-p vo'e i vlovcd bis -:-:.-..veee . I . 0 1O%OFF ' : teetings Volunteersneeded for . I ALL PAXAOINO MATEflIALS*0WtABOR t 89 . ¿ wImcoupoNroPlREsuz3oa I Skokie Valleyservices - . Volunteer Services oh Skokie cuto, and mure. Put yonrokilts to Eleäfric "Dirt Devir' Indoor Wisidow Electronic=) - - VaUcy. a son-profit Independent work tor others! Kit-2iPack agency, Is a clearing house that Advoratea-are argeotty need- Sta Gun Stud Finder ed for wonnen and children Who Hand yac So-sc /th, .rc.-, .4 'ime co rAm-, -I matches the Intoresto, obSte and us tuteruiesi roseloo flush skodog Ow-ocv. uj..mudc 'ro'm o.mor.. ,tcro f. are oirths ut domesticvioteoce. cok Or-man-. w, Sodbsov t,.s mteil NORTHERN talente of prospective volmhtetrs sen oli cous ofT.S0 heosy duty tiopie mn-m, dIn,64mc,,OO$. a-o') with the needsofnun-proSt Volunteers may choose tu mano 1TELEO organisations soMoS the rom- 24-hoar batane for a tow boucs, mmdty. Usted beles. are some of ottertounsportatloo,Intorusal- fl99 99 99 the volunteer posItions currently couxueting and support tu the -4' MICHIGAN available.Intern-sledpersons women or tutor and/or play with qì - ' may call Volunteer Servicen-- the children who arc Suing In the Ï 670-7095. U you get our aonoering shelter withtheir mothers. Sweepstick' uee ., :-. ::. ,- 5 IO3C005C, ptea-se be patient-we Please give os your hetp. CHRISTMAS TREES wIll get back to yuut Vocational Aeolatantn-hOtp Cordless Broom '(uest) °" Cordless Drill j Instapure'. - Swimming Inatructorl-- statt In working with people who and Screwdriver Fold-Up Mex Key Set have work disabilities due tu age Cordlnc. blown, In, v.ed 01.0vc: Water Füter ./ volunteer, are needed tor one-on- weigh,. reoherOnuble In nose ce10ec. reoß$W) nne handicapped swim progran ur other handIcaps. Group oc- Dc-n-kvev /G)rjuro :0 lcrvvcni S S'ur Vide 0nsdcv e k,crs ko- obuses. io-tre vweev3àv,-r; ..,.. .,-,-:. , e nvd 0000nra when a r.- v- m,: ., r.r e-, e- - V a socIal recreatlooal, nod Unities assIstants also are needed cv pest ha foot 1lsoo envicopegcoste Wit, chow cusv se /Ineeun clue ic Sv-col SELECTED FRESH-CUT pbysicai program (nr the han- tu work with ornait groops In oc- dicapped. A rewarding ex- Unites which Include acts and DELIVERED INOUR perlencet crafts, creative writIng, situpte AND Spect..ttaed FeedIng Program- enercises and discussion of cur- FULL SERVICEAT BOTHSTORES vohotteers wIll be holly trained tu rent evento. OWN TRUCKFROM teed children who arc mentally Computer Programmer--a and physically handicapped. In volunteer who has computer pro- PIPE THREADING, GLASS,SHADES & KEYS CUT, acme cases the children need to grommlng skills fur an IBM corn- UPPER MICHIGAN be ted and In other cateo they arc poter In seeded to hetp set Op O learnIng tu feed thmxsetveo. The progrom potting menshership CARPET CLEANERRENTALS, CUSTOM PAINT MIXING, volunteer would teed one child in and donor records on the corn- AT OUR 2 LOCATIONS a*o - PuAR the first shUt and nr one In the so- poter. This lu tor an agency which SCREEN & STORM WINDßWSREPAIRED,5 COPIES MILL MALL MOR rond s011t. Volunteers are oeeded provides o wide variety ut corn- u000urc I Ct MILWAUKEE AT OAK \'\ two or oore days a week. They munity servIces. i./ ,.:!Iì,iiC!i .1.1/ C:)iiP/!,!S v_i / PCr :c .::,' /j AND \.\ seed your help. Ortoers-Many sick ant/or OIMPSJ!L, Drop-lu Ceatte-Volunteers etderly resident-s io the oreo need U.DO-IT PRICES GOOD ONLY AT: 8950 MILWAUKEEAVENUE work with people In the center tu troonportatlon to and trum tecol build relatIonships mrd otter eme- huspitut, doctors offices, thopp- MORTON GR VE NILES Uontd support and respond tu con- tog, etc. Vutuntrvr drivers are ACE HARDWARE crete oeedu ouch as help with desperately needed und may or- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT O AKT 094 FAASER FIR hoouLog, clothIng, tond, etc. ronge their own ochedules orni litt TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ACE HARDWARE DOUGLAS FIR HeeordlntthertheEttad- In Os their thor ottows. ANDLUMBER PINES SPRUCE volunteers ncedcd to tape record Get involvedwith Volunleer 5926 DEMPSTER ST. BALSAM WREAThS college textbook chaptero to ho Serviceu ut Skokie Vottey. Join 8012 N. MILWAUKEE OPEN SUNDAYS EVERGREEN BOUGHS used by blind students. oUIshIftof volunteers-PEG- 440WA10 ClericalVotuuleeri-alwuyo pt.E HELPING PEOPLE-the SALE ENDS 122188 965-3666 F1REPLACE WOOD needed hy many orgxolzaUortu grealeot gift you con give during 692-5570 help with nsaUlogs, typing, phone this holiday season. TIlE ULCI.E, TIIULSIIAY, DECEMBER 10. 191* rM;E 29


i T - u:2r:iI. I....at w ri oR sto-r _, e 0 SAVINGS TV and APPLIANCES selectionsof The SuperStore® gives youthe biggest SuperStOre® also ELECTRONIC LIONEL® in Chicagoland. The Easy AutomaticCooking gives youthe lowest prices onLIONELTraditional DISHWASHER withAutomatic series-plus accessories.We have withPOTSCRUBBERcycle and Collectors .iii/21 COOKING CONTROL - everything(and we meaneverything) in Trains i . . and accessories.Come in todayand save on atrair. -


a504U1!IUUYOCIXilGO 04-X 5104m KUViPO? 2 e ALSO fleludod aro a h,ghh QflISIflß O.tV!X Ii'1' .i g e Di»CS 00fld014alfl *Q tUIS lIai ca, Wilt. -«/::-. All Rail Blazer SATSFACIÌON onceS anO EVaDO' C4DOOSO O rolling 510X5 S equipped «ilt. metal hCelS 6UABANTEEO .OiOlininlli0 OWCi5oi nisi.IOi'.O e aria 4lOSar% a aperal.nX knuckle COUPIOrS s Ursa laslured are a IraCiSCO Crane Willi inCnCi5C4OG . Spni,oiiilnClc ii oixooniiil ll-OlilOOlIO Coil.5,ir.c i.ioi aWrCelifl gCaSaflaadIaSIa bit. DOCIli RadCl3a. e . iIlilOiiiCticCOOi5Ç Coolie s lelepliaflO POlOS alia 20 pieCeClaie 530 al zoll OrodibiSlIxCOia -;7 3i s Egli cuise ano lao Sliarglil raCkS maSo up a . E Ccli Dirlo TOuCh C liiiOil#lli ii. . AnmIirsxriplln5 Oltalal CiCiill tI' r- 6. . 21IiCCi UWul A IlLppre.W0 . POTSCCSJL1OE ROChO CiO0i1 Ctt*iit altli.59 action loi Cingi4lm5d InuliuCiloos e rranslarrliei riCin ICCWOIO53 PaGlie. eels. pon,aiuICOCiO101 . IxinC CoaIlI014iid101n,nxl*Ceia rnanumallc unCOupler aliO 15550e sirlE arles . Ti.i,ipeialcielit isoiSciie iii.101051 anSaH ynnalSl lin *rxl. lOin iiiilil ClEAR 0CC ticoo5nd campIHe no Sel LIDLELt il oeC300. OcilogilloiSiin,atfl000ulil O gelons dillies .Çi.O.C,aSln DOoSI.S..ilanil .6II7Xl Ipaihlilly Cit.ludiO V 5151 nalni tiriOs14101 C as na a, . lOPCei Lx,xil TE? 1201 F 7WL Willi l.lclli0i511anliJiiii $7995 . PnnCilill 3.111 oiilnosrlaollOo . Oi.liiltl,irl -ilOalOOilic s IC.r RAIL SCOPE e Save Cou nterspaCe s . 1 : VIdeo RalIroRdIng RaaIIIm e E.Clusiseiy .051 LiOnel' Ils 01115531 hO allying a rani IrOnA with e be I !E.]I :14 leClsaaIag.C3l b.eaklhlOaqll 311X155 A miniature Cansera la s e tL (CT AIC rnOuflIeO in a speCially 0.1111100 0119153ma WOW lam ISO engen i5 lranStlSlled IX a TV sieeee fled yna Slew yWilloynul exaCtly Spacemakerll' a,an nngleCel abeld Rai Scopo pinCeles n bCAhlando 22 e Deluxe s 0*910Cl POtUIG al lIla laCOscoyn aheadal Ira engine II IOC.JSCS I i I : ii TV sol tintS 2 In IlIInIIC 350 C4UIY laCOAR lip lo any Spacemaker MicrowaveOven e Rail Since ix nnnInbA in 027 gaogn. HO gasge ano inIhn L nowLOUaI Lalgn Scalo bnn MicrowaveOven -I ThEDENVER AND RiO GRANDE - "GOLD RUSHSPECiAL" o.;. FROM SAT5FTlUN L lITCHIS 11E LOCc4IOUCE FL51t405 . i, in- ,.'-n- I JAfiNflEEO E;; I WELL . t_ w-. .5---.-.- CABl*flS ChE CnOSOS FT.StUILS s i. ; J lhLWOcQ54IxDl-.CenCt.FE.sTlJlIS e 11H a. PB WIR IVES 'r,.....(OliO

T nnSn.nr,n l..ni....rnlaUI. lWii iWO il.C5 15153, ienip4lx Ihn 51 J iWI OOi ii j' .Cool. 001Cm1dlOidOiiOO 99995 .X111ll..oill.ii,illri.101100.iO.iiiii 1' V Ciioiiiociliii s .01.1010 .liCCCI _'.n .;, CC'.In' . q . Ui. I..l2Oio.. .Us .1 i Special Offer - NowtillChristmasl J O -O- Oa.g. T..t WEBUY-SELL-TRAD AIR & HAVE PARTS noun' ?LLQNE.Lf;'t Uka ourjlnglo says... w r e_AM - 11* PM ra-1 I.., .9ILlb Cometo the SuperStore. _ toe AM 540 PM I4OU RL -1-v andAPPLIANCES t,wr Ma' t' fi TownHouse TV & Appliances ri-L 1 9 e i_n -.__( . ,- AM . ttO PM Milwaukee and Oakton 7*50 N. Milwxaken ACe 189*1 V5jUe TV and Appliances Nile,. P4lIn., IL0004R o . ,AM 110 PM withPUIthU TV or Appliance. 7050NorthMIIwko 470-9500 .IIA\Ni 470-9500 fl-_ 440 P* Nues TifF. OCOtE. rIluasnAy, DF.CKMIF.R ¡O, ISla PACV. St PACE 30 TH CLE, THURSDAY DECE,MIR IS lU

a- s._.

Lìicohwvood firm to provide Locaihömes reflectholiday spirit North Shore M1 Boxes Etc. cai ee yotrholiday shipping woes Hotel Holiday if they are opes when you get offEtc. USA(R) pi'edlctu appeas- Oudameel diaconen they can While Christmas may be the anythingauywhere. lime of year that childrea have work. insately 4 mIma packages will ahip are endlng gifts for needy thiklren Music Festival visions nf nugarplums danclog in Mail Bases Ele. ¡JSAIRI. thepasa through their doorSboend Whetber yau foe Santa'a ileigh. In fact.their Samurai swOfdS. your (ancelle Inthespx1t oQustmas, these children bure," alte said, A "Holiday Festival of Maoi", their heads, Inc roan-ape thnir "Past Office MternailvelRl," Baraka vase, Cestera nationwide, canbest esthnale la thaI ko the put c001pater ce Aunt cmployccsof TheLubie- "Everybody here agreed that featuringevec)'UtLOg¡tOItSan visions are ni eeeenlalily endlesa with 7 will peo- break the lles ¡Mt bind any IsaR-eight years they have handled Mall Boats Ele. USA(R) Bergman Organluetlee, Inc., buying gifla for needy children Hawaiian Osriotmas ta carols by detailor i long lIst al gifla; the peely pack your gifla ta assone iAncoinoodtueurnece agency. was lar more meaninglal than o barbershopquartet,will be Ingistim of wrapping, packing day shopper mba Ls wrapped upmare than 19.6odIOsas packages. presented over three days at Ike with holiday picking and abipp- -'Cadsenees will fInd freead- their activa) In petstlae cosdillent- ciU be baying gifla for abueed, buying thiago for each other, and shIpping these off Io friends "We actually hefp custosoesi abandoned andneglected which io aitale soed la da." . North Shore Hotel, 1611 Clticagu and relatives; nod fading the Log, This season aleste Mall Boues vice and help un everything Intaso wrapping piper ta boses. pack- solve theic problema."said children motead nl eachangiag The gift planLe highly per. Ave., EvanOtOfl, as the senior lione la stand lo a Poet Office line, "Der Centers have presenta 'cith each other. sooalized. cbi1dreas names are citizen residente there prepare ing suppiles and a cimice of car' FriliSoetlo. In- longer lastro than the peat offIce. Recipleotu of this holiday gin. diolcihuled at random ta tor a gula holiday ueason. ¡Sers includIng Emery, DIOL Girl Scouts to perform lensaticesal. USFS. nod United neo Open en SsIaZdahl,SlId many Ing afl be children Hying at the employees. along s1th informa- The public is invited to alleod will be afferlOO services UblichChiidrenoHome, lion each ea age, sea. interestS, aU of the musical peri oretances ParetI Servicelagettheir at Lawrence House packages la Grandmas tonOse sal seven days a week,M-F 8 to 8. Qticago, eho have heno removed sixes and gilt prefereoces, Labio- ut nu Charlie Saturday, 9-4. Sanday,¡2-5. tram their (mauleo became ai Bergman mUccio the gifts and Leading off the program on Fourteen North Side GirlLawrence Ave.,Chlcagn, no linse, evenliItlaovernight Saturday, Dec. If, at I p.m. delivery," said RichardL. Coustomers can heat the longlines mistreatment. "We manted to do delivers them to the children's Tuesday. December 20 nL 2:ln Scouts ranging lo age Irons five in "enfoy" Lyric Opera stur einsen will perform a concert al The psoblic 15 Lasited Io alleauf FrIgIuetIO Ownernilinca) Mail and have tIme ta realI something for omnebody besidea haine in Urne far Qsriotns. p.m. alB be the holidays." Fac fuethecinfer- aaroelveo,'explained Katideen Gifts typicauy range io cost Mark Dass who will sing landlar Qtrlsfxoas carols and HanukkahIke program al sa Charge. Boces Ele. USAIR) Center caO noatlOEt eail Friglsetlo al7fl.Ot. Fermreli, director al costaooer frean $5 ta $100. 'The amount ni Christmas carols and popular songs at the Lawrence House, the For reservations, please located at itot N. htaelens Ave. services at Uthin-Bergman. mosey spentLe an individual tunes about mistar. senior cinloen hotel at 1520 N. 561'1100. FerrereU helped argentier the declaims,' Feooareil said. "But Lo The same day, al 730 p.m., gift.giviag program three years the past. many ai our people ago. "I drive past a children's became vecy caught ap in the u program of Hawaiian shelter every day. and Ioften program, Same even baught gifts Christmas dances whichwill wondered what bled of Ctoriotsueo fat' 'their' child's birtisday. and blend the stOrytOLILg qualities of brought them ta the home along thetraditionalhula withthe Christmas in aith balloons and a cake." lyrics and melodies of holiday Uhilch hauses ap ta 40 children. songs.Victorian costumes, a full bloom. and Lubie-Bergman has45 staple of Hawaiian dance rarely nn( cii tts tenlay o empLoyees, so the work seen on lite mainland, hisItlIgitIs mvi T'e 1T0 Oints n oat almost even, Ferrarel said. the program. Five dancers mill ftoconr nooct tco(ti perform. F tO FIo,vnrn- nn Santa Claus to The nextdoy,Wednesday, BECAUSE OF YOURINTEREST tee&ov December 21, at 2:20 p.m., a Cî* Federal piano concert alholiday and Santa Claus ahivisitthe wintertime music will he CreOLo Federal Bank office in presented by palnist S. Kay. FIRST NATiONAL BANK OFWILES IS EXTENDING THE Park Bulge on Saturday, Dec. 24. On Thursday, December fl. ANNIVERSARY BONUS RATES TODECEMBER 34, 1986 ONOUR i Children cankriegtheir "Ord on Blue', a women's Qo'istmao Wish List ta Santa barbershop quartet will pedorro TO 5 YEAR CERT1FICATES OFDEPOSITS. o from 9 am. la l2W p.m. at t p.m. They will present a con- '- Located at 040 W. Tolcott Road, vert nl traditional, castempornry Crogus Federale1il hand oat and Christmas barbershop C,ed/, Ca,th Onion by pnm Osriutmas candy throoghoul the music. YEARS OF SERViNG THECOMMUNI1Y, day. In keeping oath the holiday Al 730 on the same day, per- TO HELP US CELEBRATE 28 _7orever Çreen opisit. thete is no charge la sil on formers and composers Joint and t WE WILL G YOU AN EXTRA ½ PR CENT OVEROUR CURRENT Santa's Lap! Susan Vitale all) present a con- CERTIFICATE Of DEPOSIT WiTHA MATURITY FLOWERS and GIFTS For more btfortnalion, please cerIofneasunal music and RATES ON ANY NEW 8118 N, Mwaiiee Ave. vailBranch Masager Amelia popular standards played on the YOUR MINIMUM DEPOSIT OF$2,500 VOti Herrera at 092-, classical and guitars as OF I TO 5 YEARS. FOR Nies II 60648 Cragin Federal Bank, with weil as ¡et the plana and oye- WILL RECEIVE THEFOLLOWING RAIE: 823-8570 acoclonf aver$2.3billion, thmin&. î operates 24 branch nubesin Residents throughoutlic zirca ha vedevo ralcd thr devoruling arr those homes al 8400 Ooark SI. Far reservatIons, please caO Odraga and tite oorthwenl and their I ori, ev (nr the Christmas season. Tyt,icoI of and k240 harlem Aov. 1chlhaa western suburbs. North Shore Hotel sees slide show Santa Claus iYEAR 7.75% 8.25% "Christmas ConSuma From Hasch will feature the history at Madison 8.00% 8.50% Aoouud the World", a slide show of the Christmas tree, (from Der- 2 YEARS and dlscuusioo about 1540 years many), Falber Christmas. (from National Bank 3 YEARS 8.05% 8.55% of Christmas celebrations, will be England), St.Nicholas, (from Santa Clans is coming to Nilca. 8.65% preseoted althe North Share 4 YEARS 8.15% HullandI, mlstellue.lirons the where he aSti be making a special 8.80% rn/iE'ía( Hold, 1611Chicago Ase., ancient Druids), and the holiday appearance al MadisonNatinoal 5 YEARS 8.30% Evanslan, on Friday December of thristmas IlseIf, (part of the Ruolo. He miti be arriving front ç, 16 at 23g p.m. by weil'koove Raroan celebrations during the the North Pale on Friday, Dec.10 TO (FORMERLY IN LAWRENCEWOOD) Evaoslon phnlographer Ray winIer solstice). at 3 p.m. Children in lite cota- BONUS RATE ALSO APPLIES Hasch. mtinity ore welcome In came In IRA CERTIFICATES OFDEPOSIT The puinic Lo invited ta attend RATE ANO STOP IO For reservations, please call und have their picture loben with RATES ORE CHANGING DAILY,CALL FOR OUR CORRENT CERTIFICATE NO FALSEDISCOUNTS lise program at no charge, Sooth, free-complimentinl ASO OPER SOIlS CE0TIPICATEOP OEPOSIT. PRICES! hludison National Bunk. Sunto JUST GOOD LOW aiS be at the Bunk Friday. Dee. to frote 3-7 pto. und Suturdu>', SPECIALS Dee.t7front9 urn-Ip.m. Refreslmoenls will be nerved us First NationalBank of Nues I portofthisspecIalholiday GsLGold chains SCHWINNW celelirolion. The Bunk Is localS 4CHRISTMAS utlIlt Golfrd., Des 7100 West Oakton Street Sold BY Weight Plnines/Niles io the Golf GIro GLENVIEW SCFIWINN CYCLERY Shopping Mart. For more tttlor' motion call 299.2000. Nues, Illinois 60648967-5300 A (;ift For Everyone! Your Local Schwinn Dealer 910 Waukcgon Road Marillac High Glcnvicw, Illinois 60025 724.5790 Chamber Singers Thehiarillue111gb School A NORtHERN ILtINOIS RNMOCLAL CORPRANK 1101.11)5',' tOURS the Chumbar Slogero,uodn'r s&lBsTgJ,lIl_hJ, PÇNALIY FOR hAStY Wm'IDR.AWAt dlreetloo nl taiSe directordice Stnndy km FrIdoy 9W 0.51,u C rH. RAlOS ORJSJECT IO CIWOGE WDeOlfl ¡'1011CR Broekway, are opreadinittheir S.IOrd.y 900 5.51. Io Uyn ¡'hi. MElASES F04C special kindnfhoiiduyjoy Sundq t ¡:00 AM. to 4:00 PhI, litroughout the ChIcago ureathis Chriotma season. PAGI 2 THI L'cI, TIijRS)A flECEMBER l. 19U TIlE sec; i.e. TlIf;kstIuy, sa:u'e'tneg IV,5M PACE. 33

? 3A00I '1Cews 11ÌUL c3eason s SU Class Highland Siare 9res. SJB schoolnews Niles Essay Winners happenings st.Johns fourth. fifth md sixth theIr coach and works 1th the 30 "Early Timen" was tIle theme graders dptthg in the students who are parUdpating to from SiE nfJulie Ryan's kindergarten R 'nCu 'g cere ony Tenth Anrnmt Battle of the Books thIs year's BaSte of the Books. clans when they made Indian program. ,ponoored by the Nues The SOudent Cooncit sponsored contornes after learning about Iba PobUc Ubrary. The program to n poster contest for grades t to 4 Indians and PilgrimsIn theIr to encourage reodlog ood cht Io which the students were to Early Times Unit, They Inured oreo sdooto are dpotthg In depIct one or more of the tire tile school io their contornes and this I8-I99 senoon. St. Joho' basic disdpltne rutes oft. Be displayed theIr creativity, The tint meet woo On November 30 responsible; 1 Foitow directions students brought vegetables and vs. Nelson SChOOl nod SL Johns and procedoreo; 3. Be responsi- prepared soup, oo by onsering every one of bic;4. Respect you own and Retreats were held tarthe theIr questions correctly besIdes otheco Ute, space mot property; preschonl, kindergarten and 2nd correctly answering two ques- and b. Promote safety. grade classes on December 9 and Unos missed by their opponents. MoAninG a COOLINO Many wonderful ro were IS. Teoso meenbees were chefs SOOU, mode and tcuned to, and the Sto- Eucharist class celebrated a I. BEST HEATING VALUE Tracy Meodonldes. MartIn dent Cowccu bad a dIIfICOIt tIme FamIly htaus on Daro-obre IO PaUckI and Peter Thlrapboj, s1ectIng just one winner from under the direction of Dee Brady, HetdlLapin and tUso Dong. each gradelevel. Congratula- Director of RelIgious Education s CUT HEAT1NG BILLS LI)) tO 40% Ubearben Qoistlne UliasolIs Uos to the winneme GradeI and Mary Altre Hoot, the Sad -Jackie Carroll, Itoom 3; Grade Z grade teacher. w)th the 92% officionl Careice -clo-Istthe Hoonitton, Room 7; Junior HIgh "Y" Night was Weathermaker SX Furnace with Grade 3 - Ann Wanly, Roam 15 - held December 10 at Northwest and Grade i - Mark Misemysryn, MiniS condensin9 Cells I CommunIty YMCA. The students Romo 17. Eight dibgent students from ,cesenth and eighth grade leere roo- were able ta partIcipate lo swim- The S.J.B. students are proper- s nero np Io the Nibs Youth Es.say Contest, spusnored by the Vtttoge wing, volleyball,raquelbalt, LARGEST FURNACE SELEC11ON Intl for Qcristooas by carrying out nf 7111es. The topic ceas 'What nrc your concerns us ynoth growing fluorhockey, undbuskethall. a model for every honse ft budget the theme of the UtIle Drummer Movies and refreshments were Boy and "gift.Each unit up io this roantoy toduy.' Some of the studcvts' Idean were drugs and alcohol, nuclear wor, violence, crime ond luck uf coo-monica- also part al the evening, CARRIER: AFFORDABLE prepones u UIm-gy for the entire non in lansiltro. Movie Night for the 7th and 8th schont and uS tite parents und RELIABLE . EFFICIENT QUALITY The students were guests of the Tniutoes on November If. When graders Was held December 131n friends are Invited. The Uturgies they toured the Village Depurtcslcots, enjoyed lunch ceilic the of- Ilse ParIsh Meeting Room at the are on Depeoscber Z md It at 845 fielato ut Rlggiou, and prepared loe the Council Meeting theyrun- school. "A christmas Slory" was . COMFORT SAVINGS COMBO am., December 8 ut 8;43 ans. dueled un November 22. At the Coonril Meeting, each winner the feature. matched FoueSoason System with Carrier's and December 21 at to am. Donald Sadder (center), Trastee of the VISage (y,presidentnl17a(on/Jopiter,loe;Opal represented one of the Trustees und read u summary of theiressay. Plaoeterlum FIeld Trip for the of Morton Grove, cuts Ilse ribbon to offIcially open Scheadcr, representIng the VcSagr's AppEarance Furnace. Air Coodili000r. )-lureidillor and 6th, 7th and 8th graders o-Itt take Pictured are tIle wInners with their trophies. FinsI flow (t tue) Highland Square Shopping Couler, a develnymenl Review CommIssIon; ouf Larry AlIt, Osamber of Ale Cloasnr place un t)eceosher IS. Vickle Bao-vIo, Steve blandi, Silbe Blase, Joel and Rana). Second of Golan/Jupiter, lue. Also pictured from left) Commerce village admuslatrator. The 03ES nqlt. ROw Jeff Lrnccloh, Amy Tothoseski, Sandra Sarmnopat, nod Julie Icc Skating Party is plaaned Harry Grarat and EmIl Earner, Morton Grove ttlfhtsnd Square s located at the lotersecilon nl Veuci. for the 6th, 7th nod 8th graders, -çE M S.J.B. Plan CommIssIoners; Sharvo EllIs, t3lamher of Wnshlvgton Street and Golf f(nad InSfocino an December If levo- 7;45 ta tugs Cao-alerce esecutIve dIrector; WillIam Simblos, Grove. r SAVEi Spring registration p.01. al the Nues Sport,o Compleu, Chamber 01 Conoscere president; Patesck F. Du- Science Bowl locatedat 8435 BuSard Rand, , $1000OFF contmues at Oakton Nues, Spring real estatecourses at OnktonCPA Society ON TV SERVICE CALL There to still lime Io regIster Osrlsbonas Vocablos begins at on pod CA000IN SERVICE ReAlsIratlon how-s are 83O nono no December 21 and school fered at Oaktnn East, 77t1 N. Lin- to meet winners for springcredIt coursesal am. to t p.m. Mondays through mtReal Esfolo Department at w. Snten AS M.A.. bMnd.In resumen on January 3. Oakton Coosmwdty College laof- colo Ace., Stable; "Real Estate FREE .ui,,,aI. nfl Oaktno Community College, Thursdays; 8:30 am. to 5 p.m. St_ Jobo Brebeuf narrowly edg- faring courses to prepare Transactions" (RES 1211 lean VALUE Students may register lo persan Fridays; and s alo. Io noon no Gemini math noon to t hZ p.m. so Mondays and "The Economy" s.Ili he the ed out Our Lady nf Nansuon lo the nr by teach-tone telephone. Saturday,. oIndrais to lake the Illinois Real Estate Salesperson and/ar Wednesdays, and 73t la tu30 subject of discussion at the next ALERTT,V, 9e7-8282 tirut nf It, three Science Bocel Classes beginthe weeknl Toise Is$17 larin-dIstrict sceotingnftheNorth Shore I team takes Broker Ucenslag eaacnlnatioos. p.01. 05 Tuesdays and PILOTLESS IGNITION -I COnspetitions lo which II will par- January 17. residentsand$ftbfornulof Thursdays; "Baal Estate Coo- Qsapgar of the flhcsols CPA Socle- COUPON (tripote this year. Consisting of OPI-Ingsalol-oler courseswilt Touch-tone telephone registra- district residents. Those who Uve first place bract, and Conveyances" ) RES by. l'bIs topic will ka presented by VCR st_ John Brebeul. Ou, Lady of tian Is open through January 23 If out of dIstrict but work In district begIn January 17, Karl A. Schald of the Federal GAS: $ 95 Mc. Donald Hueboer, princIpal The fallowing coursas areof- 270)Irnos 0;37to 9 p.m. on I Bansom and Wood Oaks (f Nor- you have attended Oakton before are eligible fue In-dIstrict bIllon. Reserve Bank of Olicago. The SPECIAL I nl Gemlol JunIor HIgh School, bernd at Oahtoo, ton E. (toll Rd., Thasdays and Thursdays; and tbbronk), the meet was held on hr have an appticatlan on file. ResIdents over age 00 pay $0.50 "Real Estate AppraIsal" (10ES meeting wilt he held an meo-lay, November at Qakton Corn- OSOS N. Greenwood, Nlles. - East Des Plaines; "Real Estate Trao- YOUR BEST Students may regIster In person per eredll hour. ill) lenin 7 ta 1030 p.m. an Man- Janaaq IO.tl$$ at the North mo-city Cotiege and Is ose of the Maine School District 83 - Is pro- sactians" (1182 171) from 9 lo io the Student Services Office al To regIster by telephone, call days oust Wednesdays. Shore Hilton Hofel, Skable, with many scheduled throughout this the CoUeges campuses in Des 035-1616.Foe registration ad tu a000uoce thaI Ilse team nf lO;St am, an Saturdays, l238 to dico-ar al 8 p.m. and speaker it 7 ENERGY VALUE year. Each school Involved lo the GemIni students which par- 2;30 pm, no Tuesdays, 7;3f to Far course information and Plaines (16W E. Golf Road) aloi assistance,call635-1750(Des registratino, rail John htichaets, p.m. AdmissIon .57, CPE 2 boors. CARRIER RETAIL CREDIT AVAILABLE competitionIs scheduled for Senkte (7701N. Unrats Ave.) Plaines) or 635-l4g(Skokle). ticlpated In the recent math coil- 9:30pm, no Moodaysand7;30 to Fur Inloennatlan contact MIchael I Real Eslate chairperson al three meets during the school through January 7. test al Resurrection HIgh School tuso p.m. no Mondays and Teltethaum at 416-%35. ALERT TV. 967-8282 year with the total cumulative hiatli Club. Wednesdays; and "Real Estate 035-177f. s Low Monthly Payments points determining three overall Heart (cl t IleSchool witl,ter The math team from Gemlod Property Management" (RES I wlnnecs cebo celti battle Il out In JunIor HIgh School Included Nora ml irnos 7;3o to l2;St pm, on April. We're pc-nod to unuouoce thul teacher show, "heart" Ionor Ches, Mata Ghoshal, Gus Thursdays. Insured Certificates Sheila Hurecogton,first grade school. Sheila Lv soon deseruing Kuumarelas, Jeto-leLee and The followIng connes are of- Over 25 Years Same Location The wInnIng lOans from St. teacherat5f.JahnBrebeuf and we uudeestand why shewas e John's consisted of 8th graders, Jerry Lee, Gos Kournareles School io Nuns Is the winner nf selected os the o-tance nut nl the received the tap IndivIdual scuro; of Deposit 1CaU Your Tosouporn Bhudvanbheo, Esther the "fleuri nf the SchOOl Award" 30 schools o nor deanery. SpecIal Taiman sponsors -- Cardenas, Nora Ches placedthIrdIn- Dealer KeIth Lake, J0500 from this deancey. The faculty lo recogoluon of the o-ho-ers will dlvidoally, insurance seminar (I oiuo(ll $10,000 nI(sinllloc dcpsvit . Mutlovk, Michelle Vend and eveey schont Io Ilse Archdiocese I c take place during Cothn(ic The GemInI math team Is opon- yc;r 8.85% $5,000 tltlFllTltnIll drpusil Today Junette Wagroceskl. o-57 ached ta nomInate one 01 its 7; SchOOls Week. oared by touchers Janet Schar- 2 rar 9,05% $5,000 nliIl(fllOfll dcpusil ..'-,'- -.- ----.-'--.-,-a'-'-«-' Talmas Insurance Services, man and Rachelle Fnrensan, 1cc,(TISI), asattillatenf 3 yc;ir 8,Nf% $5,000 fllisi011lnt dcpmil For Money Saving Details... Taiman Home Federal SavIngs 't year 9,00% $5,000 tTlitlitblunl depostI and Loan Association, calli span- 5 year 9,00% S5 0 00 ocloinsuns depn5i WINTER SPECIALS sor a "Tax-Deferred, Tax-Free ; Ckeck Tk'Buge' and YOU" seminar al Tatrono's ALL BRANDS, FURNACE NnrthhrnnhoffIce, 1315Lake Stop itt or cult tttday - and BOILER CLEANING 29.95 ConkRd., on Thursday, for all the cli'tails PRESEASON HUMIDIFIER SALE - 20% OFF December 8 al 7 p.m. (LIMITED TIME ONIVI ATISI representative wIll slsaw Business Card members nf Iba audience how to Kevin L, (hrItelI Bulletin ro% SENIOR CITIZEN D$SCOUNT Board Increase earidogs and keep mure nf those earnings thcvngh tax' 12:86 Waukegao Road, Glenview 60023 24 HOUR SERVICE 31,' 1I3??22 alter Soralsg fha Nile, Community onae 25 Years I, 1)11151701.1113 advantaged alternatives, 724-1755 F/airShapi.-ag wIdth refreshments will he seen- Thursday A Friday NIes Pcnsna,sen,s ed. FSt.lC or FI)IC Insured up lo S St,000. 1118.00P.M. S:ylJng Reservalions furthisfree Issuer's sume' available upon request. CASCADE seminar may be mode by callIng May be subject lu Interest penalty tue e, rly u'lthdr;iw;i(. H, OEME .Dvleritiutc teaccai rstt MarIanne Seritnlla.(3121 , ---- - IlliIIARI) I.. VIrGIl, D .S. 454-3m, Eat. 2474. EItouliuiI 2' 12.01 Sob)enl lo iu.iI.hIIlIy HEATING, INC. ,'.os. J ie_)ecsufy _Jil(oel !!IIiC (I,),,, -"f'l'eVl/irll 4171 N.MILWAUKEE AVENUE U,'d.IIII JACOIi ' . !' EdwardD.Jones& Co.' (ALL PHONES) -!,,',''' ''':"',; 't''';:'. Th02 N. Harlem Ava. ')'Wl,,(, )?, 1101 se)RIi ci 01)0515 !sea59s VE Phone: fl4.33B ClIllAca) II rso,l 283-5040 PACE 3-4 TUE IìtGI.E, ThuRSDAY, DCE.%IBER IS, l98

TIlt flUGt.K. TIIIiIISDAY, DEcrsl008 IS, 8M PAGE:33 ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ENTERTAINMENTGUIDE' Morton Grove's ArtFong Bringing culinary U.K. historian Pheasant Run Di ngat Ditka's discusses Polandnames new Nonnen Dsnlen, IntOrniOiniAl' success to China Chef and Seaportrestaurants IP he.... ltL.tuetarm 00 the UnIlnd director by SbdIy IJektt K, iU dljensa modosu Toy Art Fong Sort°e Polish hIstory cm the T.hnaa Pbeant Rua DIaner mantee MOtiOn Grove restauiront domain .ptit.octd "Ottr.go: paaspuct to annanstee. DIana Mie. the WorM" on lb. Stank Telenl' 0db proIe an ho sees thenew Unoa u dIrector. the t$iea8Mi I .tan Otannel IETC.l, The war'brIngs pInosfurplaya and Sooport co L)ompnlor and the bustling China Clinton lincoln. boite program NOI ale al 5p.m. an mualcinla nich mm "Jonept. and Ilse Ile beams no ei islolners nod and S.tsiday. Oecntbei' I?, and at 3 Amautag TechnIcolor Denar... chat ojlh his nitlllinfl iiitc. leyte. p.r... an Sanday, Deceinbee 1$, an coat," by the asiste tertleti imito Ot.tmnel 53, Group W Cable. avr tul "Cat." and "EvIta". l_de wan oct tilo-Oye ltii.s garni. Ta.n Cubby, Tnlrnin'aele. Fotigs eyes joist aver ¡LS ILS Ma. DIana Marthtez tod presIdent nI WhIle amid cnssuantml' litooghts go bark lo rltiltihmnin lewis the UniversIty nf flllsmLs CanIni,. Litina. lie uni a lnend sil Ip relallwsumal liant ut the pro' Itepeclory Theatre. Ml rincent' on a muddy hank, heir fishing grani, and DavIes .dll dianniso ly, DIana acted aO Instate. and linen dip;iirig litio Ihr r veri lele PulId, history foses the perIod nf director 04 Ihn. "On Stage Theatre World War ttuthe pensent. Ihn. They clari and yeipas nne Ctimnitaay" brIngIng'A Cioriis polLs o shiny fist, f ran i he noter Dente,lanPrnfm.soç t SO. tu the weaner.. naburho tIti. Saunity'. Callege, Ooioroj, nod a t,ine They grin- There'll he dinner al pall Novemor. ruotivbsg laluosi- lonighl Prolesauralthe Schaut pliant reviews. Those lier e hardlines. Art's StananicamidEast Eacnpeaui sernbby>nulli ennilnued r MadAm bi tIme Uninerrlly of tmn- Juunpt.aodIlseAmuathO until Art and Jnyee Varig dan, UnIted Kingdom. Trehnicotor Dreaiitcoal' apeas adolescenceuhen thelainiily rreaie,Iheir successful Chino Ciel novent io Manila in the FAllir restaurant threugh very baril u-nrk ovil utiaintafn;nggnod rnliilions Davies has pabllshmenl sesrral 01 l'hea3acd Ran Dthrmrc Theatre pinen. onu hLs lattice nponed the si 1h 111ev voslamers cnilicuUyroethimedht,torlrs: January 25 and eatendlng SlateEagle, R.d StarThe thnnomtgliFehonaary19.Perfor' lIla Nain restaurant n-liieli Paliuh'SuvIel Wut,191519201 niaisons eerry Friday, Stuoostp, Annoino vers pnpiilar u-itt,lije inarr,ril Joyee (lier, a nat uve el ave. Tui-o,iunnIltsOlo.they Filipinos. Itneking at Wa Noii,, llenpi K ingani I soon the ehililren openrenl Seoporl oh Dinnip.ster and umilI, lamw.rd by A.J.P. T.ylar; and Sunday. Fur informaban and lInaC uf Europe, a hort bialury resen'atiuos.plra.secallthe Art p reluI ned himself: "Se,nedny ran,e. A'ring sull reine ,nbvred IlLs ttoland; l'li be a seri-recIsi nan ..lli have goal at surreysani I he aruil Jatte The lengs sen-e Canulonesr, nf and GumI, ltlieasuait Rua Bou sOlIvo al 3121 Pt.Iygentmd. luotury nI Poland to go io school tole urn'' Ile Openeil the Irrst Chisa Chef at Ihr Filly luill 1juin i\l aun dormculnines bitwo vniatnes. A frequent bnarde,l Ihr steamier l'resi, trill lnlcrseeii liii, IIlorin,n inn ''Vr oteros qitality. freotunesa tiruil lit- visitar ta the liSA.. Dacios was Ctevela,id and sailed lv dmrrleli Denipsier. "Time.swere Il'Ul91" I prices' says I'ong slant recentlynioltitig penO essor Kigl>t Need s.Si dlFenug,--Ik co t Isiula blofrigerahisl Maree Stukluna, Barbara K... lstaaidltigi, Jane San Neaudbel, DIrector .1 SenIor OBen. gad lb. and Chinaliion. Curage. lruvk.sbring lin at Stanford University and the l°oni, liad pirke,i up E,,glisl, ai qualms lurluIle-I. hlll enl eiuiuniglu seltIlani uhirerhIrnujuI.asisi,'tuuit nod CIlIO Berne, all nl MorIon Crune, vere aunang tien OptIuns 36 programs amid sesnolce. spanaored (-ILS le rule ro. i the bu. load ufOplion. 55 celebrator. who recently Ilvover Iristitale. (iilttire 'l'CI)! ?ila,,ila and I ,iu,e I A herir a Iraitle 1111(1 lÌ arunl II tiri' aun nicks up ILsIl Soitru by Malar Tainnsldp, planned the oaring and kv suliilies.'' I.' nu1 '5 seluiii,,r Fiunig vecchIA- openno'uIlie Seapiurl Restanriaui nil 6319 Denupnler camped an eveimlutg uf dining, ence track ehes.iag vItos than. buteresled la uponmlag .ctlnilies lar ''Ilpon,'' easy ii blend IntoIle uds le lin to OlIare. ''By- eli Jul11 alurngInn- st. Ii, Alorton Ci rules Doug the Jug sail belog hi, ant' graduated trum persanally rail un IrireAs, ungIr. inidull none u,, ni' hei- uunutr . A i'llrIu'ln- nui li_il, niinluns, un well us lun,t.fÌsbu and entertalament al Dltba', Restaurant ois the thogin 36 amid over In cinIl hen at MAIn. Toesm 10.0, 11ev.nevell yr l'eS ulen,u.s_ u'uun be 'owuu,i lui tint' iuit'rnll. Falconer's que University and wenl 01 Io advan- leurs anni Irlluer bris lui,osas In Muir- Ile ii-nu _'' Jiy-ve pluinlIsmol. ''SCuili ground. nl ArlIngton Park In Adlloglun Helglmto. 307.3010. iuggllng amI maguo ro- red uludies in nalh amt reniputer loll Ciron-e, NuIra hull Park liuiige, lue oIlier ungrnilleurls. nne ItlIer. Iravafanoa lu Drvunshtre Six years 5gm Fenug uutiinruennl lurunti slrlunis Iluronuglr. 70th reunion Ceulce. bIBI Orme on Frbrssry scIence al tile lllini,is i,eililule et p ruolI, lungChinoCurl.l'el,g am slilirees so urlIin,-to r fie Imple bypass Ineoul surgery iinuul lIli, Fnnuugn gI nut nolneni lInee lalk The pI.nolog nt.gr. uf isat2 pn,. The show i,Inc Terluielnity In spore I hue fhA ill I:iulIu.s; ''Sitien I ra rile barb, lIne lrnslnesi riluphnlnen.'' Illuniercelilonni line couple n lin,fill rlurl,s i 1,11$. u-as rl II OurlAi uivlr lern:nr,neus u snnninnn Professional musicians join Oakton's music staff ramoner'. lath remullan 11919 ta vlulldcro 4 - If years nl sor antI ir, weekeniLs, F ongunr heilaiIlls pl nitili' ringing.''Thrninglu Isnr lii r>- al Solilnrrl, 111cvnl_sin 'l'tue>' iri,,u line lai Ireni Ihe lulurk ¿tiCarineil l'rullii.'dunInni,;, ; 18Ml 1. jaw io pronmu. We aro Part 4 01 lb. Parli l)Istnsrt'a 88.43 eouuln'n restaurant nuird al nuouutli the Inanities grew ahi ersue alio, borliequnni ribs aurni unud lInen-nose ornI> line e Shelve. nr, vinolenlenrl lnlInu.r ,-tu- jelnnjr, lin, Ilu There pruleanloual musIcIans nach aatataadltug artista as Tunycammrrelul. and munir suand. teylug la Ibidail alumni mmd Kids Nnvd Callare Too rosones. lie I'lidI I luir years o,'i) . Ari anul Joyce chIcken. Cuslenuers ranu chinoise corn nil. lic Grannui lrarnnii'marea bout M'e yrrnarinÌlrnlli,n IluyunIs Alit- Inngltuu bave been added Io the InsOrse. Bennell, Sar-ab Vaughn, Andy Vache. fumure nIait members. flic reo- Adnulamon is il arid Itckctn eon Eangri av rit C'Anna GIurI lillalis luir riuu-nn,ue lhnnnl tub Iran slnrinip,'' rotes l'nniug, hirinlluig s>',lllnInlnuI-_ unI 'itnrlan. tIrIFlur1: Il henal nIaIt nf the Doblan Cans. Wlllla000, Qmdimcy Janes, Perry Krrr' Klein, prnlrsulatsai nine willb., held al Fatenner e purvh.snrd In advance vr at Uno ,ls,lÌ-bru-Iiboililing nuI .luliiu lui verra Irin-. i-lus rem I li Socoesslul Abnul tIlL, 11111e. Folill Inlet sud gnlleil. nu,uagirnarr- slnrinip nunI relnur. mnwalty Cullrgr Prrfurnslng Art, Coma ami many mure. IrraulFiur Fnu,ig, Ils bn'in u irruuv bryhuarrdist, cumpuner and Schawi, 3030 N, Lamuim, Odraga brulnleul. nlea,unn'd. s.silted I.inni r unici liunul woe are hIre ,suce inni,lin Department. Leuaard Drusa, tubo will leach music arranger, wilt leach 'Jian no Sutiday, June 4. 18M lemons 2 tu irr Iren r- h rlruul Il nssnruol.r brinks un KIls Need Cellare Tau' ti a HAS THE ninny Irurni. grunt big ortosli,nnIiriiinlr_'' Tiro Warren Kinn nl ChIcago, a pro. 'Appllrmlllaaoptwne'IitTIJS 1591. Ensemble"AlUS 1301. A rosi- 6 p.m. lute part norias speminarod by Ihn Cù100&24t WORLDS tensIonaljuraLrutmprter.cnr' loa prnfesslonalwumlinta am. dent nf BenaraviUr, lue is u .nlajl If yes boon the whnrrauoL, nf luarh IX,Orini. the %'ililsge Fuso Friday Matineeat the Movies neflat, flugelhuenlut. recurd pro. stcmtaisrntallst.A Osicagu rosi'niuuielaui at WON. a lrreiauucn any nitanati, inisner sloIt, or bave Arta Conosnissiun and Sbvblr 'Rij)(ide" darer and musIc arrangrr, will dent, he has worked lar ABCperfarnier und cnnspuser, and a any quesllans. please call FouleraI Savu,gsFrv.sirou,us arms RISTORANTE leach "Applied Maslo: Trumpet" ThE ORIOINAL licOrnE LOCATION l'IZZA Icienolulan, WOBA1 RadIa and the stall enpyist br navy nalla.ual 254.436g. lAnk lue Nancy lIsos, ilcslgocd lin lolronlsvn eluldeeuu ta ridoy Muhtnrnutihn The ten (dina u'lewc,l ire parI 1511.15 15G). A gradale uf Nur' 51111 Ran Thratro. Currently, he Monteo", u Cumulo lo which pur. returns at musIc publishers. Abcl'eus, or Jell Prnsautsky). dratmia.btutearts and Il-asIne, Made in a Pan. ..the Old Fashioned Way nltheAmerican shortstory thueslern's Uideersily's Atarle usurIes as u freelance studio maui. (WE ALSO NAVE THIN CRUST PICA ST I1EOU(ST) tucipants view liAna, then discuss l'or essens immfnrinialiun.call nr send lIte ìnlormatlan lu lIte Each staustLi tl'kl minutes au senes onginully shown un PBS Pheasant Run Seboni. he lias perlornieml indIA clue duing rrvnrmlltigs, teleetsiums 0351M?. school. F,.Iu ring r iba relevance of the film conleuuh undlater bugIA . NuriAn,. ¡mnil.. C.d.t.. repeated on cable Riptiderrhurns In . Ail DI,.... Pr,p.,.d I, Orde to their own heno and purcop. ielevision'ni "Arys and Entertain. lilly." lions, will lue oblrreol tIna winter nuent" channel. lounge al Pheauwni Runresort, . C.r,j Ont. Wrk.rn SI. Charleo, IL. The . B..q... F.diiii.. Ar.iI.bi. by the Bermtrd IlononebfMttyer itegistrahion loe lins course a-dl group mio he enlertalologMondays through OPEN FOR LL'TtCN Kaplan Jewish CommunIty he held brunt IS aun. lo I yin.in 11April HOVRS M -F 3.6 Cuotee ut ita Kaplan site. 5050 W. linons 131 al lIns Kaplan JCC sitc Salitedayn until December 31. ,Ti 3557 W. DEMPSTER Church. Wohle, The osorno will 'Riptide" plays a vuetely nl troni Mnuday. DieeIS thrnugh high eneey, daocoable SKOKIE bu held on Fndays, Iront I0r3ll Friday, Duc, 23 The rush u $5 for maule, am, to noon begionmg the week and may he heard Monday Restaurant Guide 982-9401 members und $25(nrnon. of Monday. Januar,- 9, anden. mnenthers. Tn register or bot mure through Thursday Irnos 8:30p.m. ilmg the week of Monday, March untO I am., FrIdays lrum 9 btforirtatlon.pleasecall Karol p.m. COUPON- '. -,. a_c 13,Jadlthi Cobeaa-Illho the Vernon ai 76 1.615. tu 2 am. and Saturday, from 8:30 C 16111 Ii LIA KiF.I)LjJ teacher, p.m. willI2 am. There lunu I cover charge or udalanum del.ajt, lD%OFFMONTHURSi SEAPORT -CRUISESAVINGS- t.tiik.& Pheaoanl Rua resort hetelIo A I I il located on Route 64, INnrthAve) hOIW000 Boato St und theCIty uf i- I RESTAURANT 8. LOUNGE '30kv'i 7 Day Caribbean Cruise 7300DEMPSTER 987-6010 St. OtarIes. Phone t799 13121 3044300 .-m-- 1)RA I for further informutlunand j4 T;) I WE SERVE THE FRESHEST SEAF000 MODERATELY 7 Day Deep Caribbean STARTS FRI. po. weekeud packages. tr,sIt,m,i,uu.ssr41 DEC. 16th 13 ' PRICEDPROM 4.25ANDar Cn999 'MEMORIES OF ME' I « -)t' p f i Alan King SAT. b SUN. , fr30. 3:30, 5:30, 7:30. 9r30 Light Opera Works 7 Day Mexican Riviera Save100c C .e"1:.-i C P4RKE80011EARlY RES(R09110148 Howl BIlly Cr-posaI WEEKDAYS: 5:30. 7r30. 9:30 presents "The o 191 0 Iren gb.. or .hnnmpngne taIlS New none'. tu. Olnn.r lo Day Caribbean Cruisesave u XX.,aomnru ca,... u 6319 W. DEMPSTER ST,. MORTON GROVE 9000c.. ' p t iCORN00000EMPSTLiiANDrtantsl STARTS FRI. Desert Song" p LIMITED AVAILABILITY WITHOUT A CLUE" o 15COMPLETE LUNCH SPECIALS O 966-1888 , SELECTED DATES DEC. 16th I.lghl Opern Wnrho, Illinois'on. N N MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONSNOWI SAT. B SUN. 1:45, 3:50, 5:55. 8:00. 10:05 ly professinnul Ilghioyera rum. Mon. thru Frt. s WE HAVE OVER 600 DISCOUNTED MIchael CaIne WEEKDAYS: 5:50. 8:00. 10:05 puny, will he cnncludnug Ihelr *380 I t1pos3lt çimfA4t SAILINGS 1088 season willI loerinrouances i PROM ONLY ON MOST MAJOR CRUISELINES. uf I OPEN i DAYS 1F Out helovu'd Aouerieunopereltu CANTONESEFOOD Don't miss the boat . . The Desert Sung by Sigmund I All Ms)ou Cmndlt Cuida Acoepied Eapeelence The Flmswst ChInas, Food Book your next cruise "CROSSING DELANCY' FOR CARRY OUT SERVICE CALL I with us. HELD OVER ltoituberg und Oscar Ilumnoners. I DININOimCARRYOLJT 0 CATERING FOR EXPERT ADVICEAND THE REST PRICE SAT En SUN: . 1:45, 3:45, 5:46, 7:45, 9:d5 blmIl. Pcrlonnunnc dalesace I 803-6777 or 6778 I 9.190E90011PRRTY RESERURTIOPIS HOWl CALL OUR AREA REPRESENTATIVE Amy Irsirug WEEKDAYS: 5:45. 7:45, 9:45 Ws'tbuesduy, Dire. 28Itt2p.tui,, 9046GOLF ROAD. DES PLAINES I Orna gls.aal Ihnmp.00. alIt, Noia Amar. (an sOnnas HAL GOLDEN 'I'luursduy, Den. 25 throughSalar. Luoa,sil nIr, Unni Grin Shone, Shucrion Crnmai 5920 W. LINCOLN AVE,, MORTON GROVE day, Dec. II al 8p.m., unul Sun. BANQUET FACILITiES I nLOCOE.AS'TOI AUSTIN) ALL SEATS $1.60 FOR ALL SHOWS hay. Jan. I al 2 poi, Cali Oolnogss for ntnrc luformatlun. COUPON. t',-"'. TIlE flfXlu,F, TIILRSDAY. or.CEMaF.R It, IOU PACE % THE BUCLE. TiIURSDV, DCIMR IS, IM day Jcc offers Maine East Expandedeight-period "United Way Week" ! Q International Dinner course cieason s proposed in District207 in Taj Chi accomplished that parpase. Due' A propasad schedale change l3O p.m. No additional saper- Promote health ted peace al 9re elings visary costs are planned. Ingflic198748 school year, mind thesagh tise calm and gentle thaIt.Ill alien more fleslblbty students regLslered lar l,4addi- wIthin on eIght-period day was Accnrdlag to Morris, the rom' movements al "Tal ChI" In o also uncovered someiio,'ial costoro. The typical sta' mor-e ta be given al the Beraaed prenenled ta the MaIne Township milice dent In Maine Tawoaldp nase car' posaihlndlsadoaotage5. Same llarseichfMnyer Kaplan Jewish 111gb School District t 8ard o! ries fIve academic cour-esIo ad- Edacatlan at IL, meeting Man- stadents who do not need an en- Community Center'sIJCCI pended schedule may he sehr-lot- dillon to those programa mas' Kapinnsite,SG5E W. Charch, day, Decembwr 5. The proposai dated by the state. whichInclade I cnminittetal ed forthe expendedflestnr ShoVe. The colaron wIll nIent On comes from a ade' such classes as noir-amer and teachers and admlnlslralars eighth perIods la maintain education and daIly Thor-days, lean, t'2 p.m. beginn' trono aS three Maine hIgh schools qaale class sizes. However,Iseo driver logtheweeknfJanousry9. that has Enea Investlgakag ap- other dIsadvantages-the needfor phyalcal educa000. fleglotratlontarthe course additional hases and the fact that "prellnsloary dIscussions with begins on Monday,12er.Il. llana Io the clght-peelad day since the Board Indicata thatthe es- Oetabar. homeroom Is na longerprior fo George Anno willleach Ihr all chisses-oOIy toro oat ta he od- panded eight-period day will coo' matese, The propasad change odds two lhat mast -mIoate hall-perIods-one at the vantages. tloaethebenefits Regardless of age or physical Those advantages may he less District fniodents have en- mooditlon, partIcipants who pror' beginning a! the day and the Joyed ander the car-est schedule. other at the end of the day-to or- traffic csngestlan at the beginn- ben ISt. ancIent ChInese mathaf 01*05*0 N COOLING ramonodabt students who have Ing and the end nl theorhoal day and voIce the problema that lo bas art wIll redare oler-o and blond caused for other-," saId Elliott. dIllicailylIltIng nclenceovil andadecreaseIntardino. pressure alud steengtluce rarely BEST HEATING VALUE other labarota° claves nach as 'BecOalle all sladents still notbe The proposai wiE be discussed e-self maories. Industrial educatIon and ort Info starting ood niiding flic day at the with sludeota,parents, and George Asan tuas been teochiog eIght periods. Homeroom. which same time, cnogestlonwill beteacher-, before a final renom- and practicing TalL'fularIl . CUT HEATING BILLS upto40% relieved," said klar-in. 'Our en-meodatloo Is made la apopt the ymoes. Ile currently leaches nl prevloasiy started tise day, silt . perienre lo sommer school hasmsdllled elgbf-periOd day tile Tal Chi academy on Clark willsthe 92%officionl Carrier be moved between fIrst nod ne- 1989-90 school rand periods. For manI stadents, shown that nfodenl,s ore leso Ube- schedule for the Street un L'lucago nod at Oaklon Wealhermaker SX Furnace with the day nih begIn at B ala. and ly ta nolise lo ...co when the year. The H000rahle Frank J. Cholay, mayar o! t.loocoinwood, Iseatedi COmmanily College.Ilecon' Mini'Scondelssirsej cells I end at 25O p.m. Early classes doy begins with o class." The ronimittee locioded Eidon oigas a resolatlas proclaiming the week of December 4 thenogh ht boses his sludy of Toi CtS and Is Bark, Maine Weal Ausistatit Prix- car-coSy sludylog milIce O granai wIllbegin 01 IrlO n.m. fate 'Oie change to on elghl-perlod as "United Way Week." Olwerviosg Ilse aigalng Is Seott W. Taylor, classes will rod at 3lO psi. day at the beglooioff al the lEBi'BU ripai lar Stadeols; Carol Can- f988 chalemao of the United Way of Ukulele VoSey canspolga and 05051cc leoni L'folla. .LARGEST FURNACE SELECTiON Arcot-Ihog la Joel W. Mor-ls, schooi yr-fr was a resoll of thestantine, Maine Sooth English president n! Cole Taylor Book of ShoVe. The pelee of the moor-n Is $2398 a model for every home En budgel Galley, Maine lar n,embees nod *23 for nov- DirectorofInstraclion, who slady which showed a disqaletingteacher;Belly AU loar sillages portiripallng in the United Way al ShoVe Valley chaIred the committee, the vont treadin stadeot coarse-takingWest businessteacher;Carol - l,Incainwaod. Mactoo Grove, Riles and ShoVe - have passed this lluember'l F or more infonnabon. CARRIER: AFFORDABLE Greoler, Maine East Pnioripalt rail O7S'2. . important advantage Io the ea- patterns, according fa James I,. rewoluboo. The combined goal for all loor villages Is *321ml. RELIABLE EFFfCIENT QUALITY p-toiled eight-period schedule is Elliott, Superintendent. Alihoagh BettyIleraly, Maine East Mtn East foreignngu8gtdts orgni th onrnuI lo- theIncreased schedallogflea- the previnas sehedofe had nine hasloess teacher; Harvey i trooUooI DthOCr Wodo,dy l»combor 7 ond Mfloo Eostloor ibitity It will provide loe ntadrntn periods,widerthai scisedafe Kelber, Maine Wcol counselor; Lawrence 1101114e . COMFORT SAVINGS COMBO hmguoge cloboFrench, Grmon. ltoUoo, oodSooiohprovidod osiany students took soly loarliliKoocel, Maine East math Winter Classes at matched FourSoason System with Cornier's enttrtatomeot for the event. who need or woof la hike lloro l'edy, Maine Roie. rolases.ltsniffalso allow all classes and coded their vrhool hearken;Keith to hear Fornace, Ail Conditisnnr. Hamidillar nod Spaooit Cob offirero ore top-bottom) boor to of Pork day at the end o! seventh period. Sooth science learher; Ftickard Air Cioneer Jody IAn of Morfeo Grove. Joe chooj of Ntfes. Benaog of Gino- stadeofa to bave hasch, Cornent- y, aboat 500 ntudeota across the The eight-period day schr-iole re- Mastrolooardo. Maine Sooth art Leaning Tower "Y" view. and Peter .ioo of Gienview. clfli4MiCCOfleCI"t I dtstrt rthav e opted ta take an od- quired all Godent-s to be In alteo'teacher; Gordon Mrl,eaa, Maine dltional class iv heu a! a mich dance at school for the entire day. Sooth department chair for line The WinIer Registrationof Aethl'llts Waten l'servirel're- ClassicalpianistBrian' çEM,q (;eruini SttI(Ieflt ()&IflCiI period. "S'ben we initIaled the eight- orfo; Korea Mactao, Maine Went cLausus al the Leaning Taoorc grom JostInn Senior- Swim Slsilaoden nui prescot a program

- - I The eapanded eight-period period day schedule ar-anfle-hoole economics learher; "y,',0388 W. Toahy,begIns C'laso,Scoh,o l)ivieg.Se.,o usurer-ofChristmas musicalthr d()flateS to charity schedulealsomaintains ment, We envouraged slodeolo Richard Nowak, Maine South in- Tharotlay, Dec. 8 for member- Scuba Club Mas tees Swim; loe lawrence llame.ube senior The GemtOt Stodeot Couerti ripaiofGenoni Juniorflink 45-minute classes and allows and parents to sal-rey the cor'dontriol nducaiioo teacher; and Tuesday, Dec. f3 far laniled olembecn.the Tri Irr2lfeet citroen 1101cl at liSt W. t,aw'rence preoroted o therk to the Cynuc Srhenl, 95Grenowood. Nitro- manI students aod nia!! member- tirulato and lo register for odiE- ,laolrePletron, Mai00 East olelsibets. Canoes begin January fitness cLosses Osh oui lie offered Ave., L'furago, on Sonday. Dee. Fibroow Fouo4otton, The rio-rk East Moloc Schoolf)isfrirf to roothion fa Operate lo thc cae' boxai roar-es thaI would ranch special edoralion learher; und 2 and roo for 7 weeks. There are hiloliSoier,I'hysiralPithess IB, ai 2 p.m. 63-would like fo thook the Sta- reprnoeoled the proftit front the rootelghl-perindfor-aoLEn- their edacolloo," mild James L Donna Smith, Maine EasI depart' orverol Onu programs thaI are Dusses usadSfsv'elìslt5AerobIc The public ¿s Incited to attend fOot denen of the orhool r nor. dm1 Council mod their spoovor. tracarricalose activites wIS can' Elliott,Saperlaleodeol. Acror-ment chale loe physical educo- baby offeredlarthehuiler CUisons,Cardiaclfeh,shf'ro.ube prngraol for lt per per-on VALUE Mr. 11111 Gitosoo, for their ron- linac ta begin al approximately ding ta EmIt, the new schedale lerai. A Ginofosfroctive groat. llclthy flock, Nutritional with ail funds going lo t.owOenrv Mr. Donwid G. Hoebner, l'no- tribahon. Volleyball class,gradesE'Ufh, Cuiio,oeliogand Dieu('unteol, llo,,se charity forlOBS, as peu PILOTLESS IGNITION Cross Cultural Wallyhall for loath sad Adobe. a Sleightlavot'ncgruili,Sfrv uadevuded. Super Circuit Training Chisa. u resSac ood IfeuihliflushAlo' StullausderasSpias'laonuluor SpecialAerabothon, Ill-Tech proisu iEcu loo tiny .Bisou and traditional Cheisiisoas musIr .GAS: Craft sale Troloing Canter withlawcrcsi f'rrsoorr Servveing. lint Aid. ¿sa weil as the inneks nf composer- i Resurrection HIgh School prices, llacqoethaU (or Youth, CPII. Golf, Yoga, ltarqaelbohl. Mendelsaoha and Chopas. students and faculty had an ap' Aerobics plus far adulta, liebre- IhuSyluolil and Ballenonu Dunce. A teacher at Roosevelt Ilniver' YOUR BEST ti.i4pQ portuollytodo some early oral Piaa Strategica, Safe la-l)og Obedience.tloplicale sity and AbaisSant Io the Dean 0E Christmas shapplog when the vestments Coarse and Many lInS. lfridgr, llypnanlo, Sp-ed BeadIng theChicagoMusicalCaliese, :ENERGy VALUE Crass Cultural Crafts program day Special Programs. arr also included as spnvlal io. lihulander has csnecnet,sed aS crests. A new class in Stepfiarell' 1Ost:IIuII1l47I4.]IL%'7-1fWiiII! j visiledtheschool. The group In addition to the above nra over Ihn UntIed Slates, CoItada, 'I brought hundred's of handcrafted programs the "Y" aller- a aide tongIs aLso altered. A sPettaI l'Irises, and Ilse Orinal. items al very reasonhfe prices. opeclrtml at clauses with all ages clue-v "Safe Child" is aLso nlfereef, Ile has a Barbeior's Degree a and lofereota. For Preorhoolers The Casquerons L. a gytt nod Munir leoni Cfevela.ad tostutute of s Low Monthly Payments e----, UMW COUPON Woven Baskets, brass candie vInilo program which is a social, I sticks, colored rags and eapertly with programs noch as t)adtTol bIonic aladaMaster's t)egrnw r-CANCER STRIKES caned wood figures were same EsIti classes, Kiddie College, Pee' revreskanai und physical pro. from ChIcago's Sherwood of thr sacks displayed. SchoolGytootasllcs,Play and grool far the handicapped and Academy nl Munir. Over 25 Years Same Location EEREASY WASH I open 10 nay toad nl haodirap. 'flue 3 OUT OF 4 FAMILIES The geaop,anoflihlaleof learn; Creative Maveloent and Par rnuervatlooul. eaU 161-21W. ;\f) sEl,rylEt,p Cralls,isan the ever popular gym and nwinl prngralo LS fret lar olember- and Call Your ) ]Jj\] I 4FIGHTING CANCER IS VERY COSTLY ootcearh asixiatry of the Men- combination elasses. Winter amai11yearlyfeefornao' pre-nrhoniis Inember-. THE ONLY THING THAT STANDS IN 000ile Centrai Conomullev. onlentoliaofoe I )iselIssioIi ,,v,,rI g°00 THE WAY OF SEEKING THE BEST SEIYIIEI,P crollo serves Wedoesitay, Dec. Ii al 7 IS p.m. Corporale lutrlllberolapa and a ,,Iovaisos l'orYouth ages i-is,Pro- Comprehensive lIealth Enhanv'e- iroo.. TREATMENT FOR CANCER IS USUALLY 30_WO artisans in 30 developing FREE SOAP oient I°l'n*trOwL, au'aílable togron)s for MONEY r000tnies by striving io anoure greusls'e swino classes, Porpoise, For Money Saving Details... laleoted droflooten o fair cam- Leaders Club, Girls Volleyball, Corporakono in 00e servIce area. ThE AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY 'tooth Sporto and Swim Cntabino Pro5'raObmlngforeoipiayeeoi4iIfglt' l)ElrllfIts SAYS THAT 60% OF THE TOTAL COST peosnllan for their work, This PInar enosisLo al evaloaboo and mss' WINTER SPECIALS ronspe000tian cimbles these pea- lionclasses, Soccer, OF CANCER IS NOT COVERED BY Ilachey, Basketball and Boshel' soltaban lo the aneas at futheso lfegLstrstions are now hi-aug ac ALL BRANDS, FURNACE 7134 W.DEMPSTER STRET pIn ta provide adequate vatrltloo, aod oua-lilao. OS well ,rs health repled fur TSr Vlegu000-'rook PRESENT INSURANCE housing and education foe their hail Coogue, Cheerleuding, Gyto- andBOILER CLEANING 29.95 MORTON GROVE, IL ousllco, Tmohiiog, Judo und Sell and moercise choses. L'lluidltv'veiupnuelutCraterof .- RATHER THAN USINO YOUR LIFE families. The program seeks long A spremi Sehool's Oatl'en- Jcwo.sh E'iinoiy und Coulaluuuoty PRESEASON HUMIDIFIER SALE % OFF VAWARU COUPON lento solutions Defcsse,Karate,Ilorquelball, ILIMITEDTIME ONLYI SAVINGS, LET US SHOW YOU OUR fo hanger and Aerobics fur Treos und Skia l)ir. gram udIi be held onSlvnday, ServIre I ¿III alluilale of Out icoush CANCERAID POLICY WITH RETURN OF poverly through marketing Jan. lt foc Kindeegarteui'6th i'edeeotuOnuf Melrupoiilaa VAWARU COUPON assistance lar needy lowdcralt Ing. PREMIUM For adults, Pro slid Puoi Notai grade fr010 5:98.3:30 poI. outh L'tuu'agoI 8.weck verles of ulla' 10%SENIOR CITiZEN DISCOUNT' producer-In developing roua- ealeuidc'd care Irons 7 :30 ans. ner/ulisrussuns and hay C5OfO, f tries. Filaron and Sailli classes. Sailli 24 HOUR SERVICE (Y//uila7ií Yen aro paid il you bocorsio II. Yen ore paid il yoa stay I nofraclian ,ir ivalrii a' vn -inStpin. Foe further Ilulartlul' foe auoiiuerv 0e fuuuuenu,'u nul them You, protoction litorally casts yaa nothIng taci,, call Nueki Doubler. Progronl rlsldneo oges birth flucoogli I,ve Sorviag tka Nibs Comwolluty Osar 25 'roars .-'- wall. lessons, Jodo, Sail f)eleiioe unii ' baroasa YOU MUST COLLECT! Renato A. Tomassettj Koirole, Adult Juno, Aerobic l)un EncraI Ive ¡It flue f.ravluig Tower years. 'tIlo' groups u,uilului'v'h¿It 7844 W. TOUHY - CHICAGO cuit. Aqoanaslics, Aqoarobico, \'lufCA, 647822S. Oir Cenier, 3033 W Touuuy Ase.. l FOR INFORMATION AND A FREE COPY OF MarioePlc.BroatoA. L'luraga, oil Wesinromius 1'o,u 'lSd (312t 7746666 CANCER . FACTS AND FIGURES' Tainasoetti, son al Bomile and CASCAD E tea EDITION p.11u bv'guuumulg iv Jumuuuory cLIME SEE 12 HOUDAYS IN MIPdIATIJRE Criohine M, Toovisselli of 2742 leid trip led Sp l.aurvoiuue l'eruv,uu, JFCS s DOLE, HOUSE MINIATURES FOR SALE CALL flornison,(Hennira,recently Culver f Collai) life Eslucaton, ulusv'ouu,on HEATING, INC. reportedfor dulya'iih Third wIll foros ami 000es ut stogIe 1 s CLASSES IN MINIATURE On Dec. 1, the Culver Elmira' l'la>' Prngrans-peelonolled by s Manilo l)lvinlon, Monoe Corps castunued enselllbieplaying parchI fuololy' life 4171 N. MILWAUKEE AVENUE SPECIAL ADMITTANCE OFFER liaise, Ciao1, Snirihiry I).lauer, tarp School C1oem eiijoycd o TIle Ire for ube $'uoevh serie, lu THIS COUPON WORTH .25' OFF FOR ONEPERSON field irip fo the Field Museum of cc-corder-, brass and tynspaal, IALLPHONESI I447N4v Okloaaa. 140 01111 rulo be nulle-sIed. ADULTS 1.00 - CHILDREN 5O - SENIORCITIZENS .50 Nafaral Hinlot'y, to view "hfald MadrIgal singer- und lester-. INSURANCESERVICES INC. A 1554 graduate of Notre l)ooie This field trip was landed by l'or lofoctoallutu and regIstra- MON,b THUDS.l.a tues.. FRLb NAT. 50.4SUN. t.R 111gb School, he joined Ihr litio-lcr Marion and Rabin Hood". This tIan, telephone Ms. Penman al 283-5040 was a holiday celebrallon, parto! theRilesEteoleolaryt'TA ---yuMi*i COUPON Caep.oInFebruary. 1988. 7614MO. VALUAIS! COUPON Sie l,eans ta Usfen, Learn to Cultural Arts program. I TII} IIIS TlItRSDAV, DECFMUER IS, 19M PAGE 3 TIlE IILCI.E. THLRSIJAY. OF.CEMIIES If, 19M PSOE 9


ALUMINUM CATCHBASINS . HANDYMAN SIDING CALLIGRAPHY FE SEWERS HORNET REMOVAL ... THE BUGLES : Bocinen e JOHNS oo SENDERAK « CIRCLE J AMERICAN NORThWEST Service CONSTRUCTION SEWER SERVICE CONSTRUCTiON MAINTENANCE SERVICE LOW COST (0r///?,hw/u/ BrIoS we,k. r.m.nt t PAINTiNG b DECORATiNG WALL WASHING Directory Alunrinurr, SidirR _/ -T OokTon & MIlwaukee, PLUMBING - ELECTRICAL . SPECAIJZINO IN O WALLPAPER. ROOFiNG Wollt Cr0,09,. WOodmn.k orth Nile, . REMOVAL OF Cornnplole 000IIIY Od. C,rr rarocina nod SpnRo4,J,nO h, is beckoning /t/ rT.Miàr. SNOWPLOWING * CARPENTRY - and "r.1', SEWER RODDING HORNETS . WASPS - raso SERvIGI . NEAT WORn Roofing Service R.drnhaI CI.,n,og Fori to- SrRrnr WiodumO. Door, 696-0889 O,ln.wiys & P.rklng Loto id HOP«Y BEES r LOW RATES r FREE WRITTEN ESTIMATES F,.. E.dnr.M. looMed Bopb,nemeo.r Window, V. Tout NeighbothROd Sewer Men HEAliNG ROOFING r n'vr. d Fr,. Eslinnol,, L 00K rHI SUOLE, Eoc.Ibot Rat .r.nc e, 2524370 252-4674 775-5757 ., NO JOB TOO SMALL . 96.6-9222 . :: THE BUGlES LICENSED & INSURED 787-5218 FOR FRESESTiMATE CALL . BLACK TOP -h- Bu,Iness DECKS VCR WANTED TO BUY CTÛD PRECISION MAINTENANCE .(a// (,ÇV°2 I UF . . PAINTING Cash po,d by 5015010 collticloi HAWKINS ,,ot/éE Ç-.JPF1 STYS JIM'S Peler M. Samorse Speciolloing n i bklRC On 19 . IICSIDENSIAL COMMRHCI*L for ¡e-.vnlry.SilvoT, old ch,nd. ASPHALT -, , HOME HOME IMPROVEMENT 7502 Polno Lone . . vcR HEAD CE.EAJOINO .=EGIÌ Y - . Complote Deoo.,lIng çIoswarrT, c'pOlo1. pIalevi flot. . DrIvowayO . IMPROVEMENTS PaintIng Corpontry Morion Grove. IL . . REPAIRA WA LL PA P E RIN G ware.forn,Io,eabrIknick °z; . O HOOKUPA IN HOMES . Reserlecing CARPET ATmE BUGlE'S Floor Rod Coremlu hie LOOK I te or & Exterior . 965.4749 . knocks. BricksiConcrfltr iOw.low,,te.WhICh and mote W000 REFINISHING . ROASONABLO RATOS 966-39® CLEANING FULLY INSLIREO P.rkirrg LOES obb VOR r0 Cnl1000lry S Dry WrII p,,, Estimirte CALL DAVE: 459-3431 rr,lryrnrurOd Fr., Earinrat,, TOUCH OF BEAUTY ADVERTISE Trio S DecorIrllrtçi FREE EST1MATSS 774.-9112 531-7587 CARPET CLEANING Te.tT,.ct Wooden Decks LANDSCAPING 24 Hr. Phone TONY roll. 0,01000. oIe,flnQ ERroetiOl cu,run,.,.I Replacement Back Porch RICH to,:; °''r, y Under $500 286-6044 ::::" 9,0000,0r THE HANDYMAN K 5e C LANDSCAPING BuIlding . Mo,,lhIy MainItnanco Business .- -lißCALLNOW 692-51 63 . Sod O Sesding In,UIlaOon, 827-8097 . e.h Plnlflg O.iQnng 966-3900 p.Ininoir,rerIerIErOetior T,inrnring 20% oUv4dlng AIo co,n,nnlrl AWRYS, INC. Directory nvW pIownU. ERSE AFATEO RE:J9lG CEMENTWORK CONTRANG INSU FREE ESTIMATES CALL (DO-DROP) 823-41M SEWERAGF. FRANK J. TURK KITCHEN CABINET 8-h14 CATCH BASINS '" MIKE NIrfl CLEANED-$25 lt up I 8 S FRONTS wt wti anti OtEro' CEMENT CONTRACTOR w. rpmili.s In horn. r,mod,liug LOCKSMITH Alio Reporta Ir Oebr,Ii L SONS., INC. DON'T REPLACE Re4aT.dSs,rics,Avoilohir ptio, Dnoemayc CARPENTRY O EIrc!r,n RodAno ELECTRICAL , T, an O noi, 900,00 00 RonOl f, Sal. on t. of u*Rd aT,c, m new doe r 0 0' ror 7da SETEIER SIdewalk, PLUMBING b PAINTiNG JOHNS . O,th,ub, toiletS. 0t4O l'ne oidoR rap..*1.0 mooio book. I HOUR SERVICE I,Ror. in terwiEO o, mou 00000,0. phono 7.O24 1 1 'r.w.rr.o r,.e r,im.t.. Uo,n,d Ie,ur.oi poire0. b 01.00, ticilOtO MU b Inh na, oç,0000 BONDED LOCKSMITH . Su0,P Pump. ,,,roIIod s S or; f CLEARWATER 298-1482 Eeemr.ni 965-8606 Keys Locks . S.le9 24 HOUH7 DAY SERVICE M9wrAb tL.L H W SecurIty Specl&Inl 588-1015 W, opon al noon OoiOy dnI Tup,aoUlabl,rf,o,u,VtoVorh SERVICE CLEANING GUTIER A EMENOENCY SERVICE * t Minute, from you, door Ml-2119 AIR CONDITIONING SERVICES Er WINDOW 8234395 FREE ESTIMATES 3OYRS. EXP 01 .00001 WIth Tiri, Ad °640N.MILWAUKEE In,u,nd Bondod LIO3TSO . SHEET METAL PROSPECT HEIGHTS GUTTER CLEANING $10 OFF RODDING OF . HEATING ' ADVERTiSE f 965-3900 (Poiweokee Bank Plaxel . ci.g,juassesnics- R HEATING MAIN SEWER PIPES of MII Or i 500 e.r,worn n you; . o_ r. 0 _ ..-* YOUR BUSINESS own Suora .nyTioro mithOul obligo - . 'T Downspout Rerouting IMMEDIATE 647-9612 lion CirvmIdH,oburb, &NISPAS*APARAPSSSS ._>4_ E, Installation PREFERRED DESIGN DECORATiNG ROOFING rmrnrinl,oeilable oS*rld,rO NEW YORK c*tLml4Ill In Business 16 Years HEATiNG b COOUNO . QUALITY PAINTING HERE PRINTING CO. 7136 TOLJHY AVE. ' . EXPERT PAPER HANGING Call ollO DIURSTER bono:oymembo9odav. : CARPET WORLD PLASTERING Call: . WOOD F1NISHING FREE ESTiMATES MORTON GROVE. III NILES,ILL. 60648 r Wo vocmnn b poi bilnflWO LOCk O AMEFUCASL.ARGEST: RepaIrs . Re-Roofing 966-3900 520-4920 GARY JANOWITZ EmergonrS,rvlra For Special BERNICE'S Fu,naceln,p,otlon, 945 967-9733 All types of roofs : SHOP ATHOME' MAID 262-7345 CaS Ves MCDERMOTT Business Service a 901 Orbfl005 Fron f,inOiO CONTRACT THE SUGLES THEBUOLES SERVICE ROOHNG Directory 967-0150 of women TO EIern --- Complote Healing NC. Ratos Bu ne,, B ine,, . 807-8592 CARPETS e Tflfl vol], 1,0,0e. Dur own tr000 Sales Et Service Sopoico Serv,ue po".,5 or'. oqOlpwerr b cup- COOL-MAN LORES DECORATiNG 8038 Milwaukee 9) I UT COMPANY Directory Di,eclory - 1,1,00 SERVICE COMpANY-INC. hUNG Niles, III. USE TIlE BUGLE GoIIty PrInting 's bockorrsng i,beckoning , 478-2902 .viniloobb,Oi S ALL NAME BRANDS you O tO%Dl vi O Wood S lolnIngoDiy Woll flop.o,$* ALL TEXTURES Erro EsliniolosIn,urnd L 00K nr toc sucia-, LAYING 698-2342 I I Poddir,g ond lrrsu,IIatiRrr LOOK1oATTrrE:UERs R CALL GUS NEED TILING? br' Ç ou ir I k, b lo 965-1339 n.ui3O00,o Ceramic Tile edlob THE CALL f( Wo quoto prices ADVERTISE ADVERTISE Now oorPot 966-3900 VinylluIe non, the phono - CLASSIFIEDS NORTH SHORE Rich The Hondnnon Vo l0i 100,1 OOri,I Rethrooms/Kitchens 252M5 MAIDS ______PAINTING PAIR PRICES _=/97)10,00! mo"' rod I .. lh,0r. bOnO ,,T,., I Cl ,.00!h, I .1085 20 Years Experience . COMPARE . THEN 50E USI (_ ... Go ¿J(JCALLNOW IJ6LE 509-1200 1455 N. Ild., CIt4c.e 6 9 2-4 76 °;:i; USE THE EVERYTHHOG IIIlI IS II COil Ir ,.,',"., nlrI. R.rIor Ir,r,I,,d 2 8 2-8 5 7 5 CLRSSIFIED RUS . 966-3900 9658114 508-5134 rirr. ØC(IE. T1ItRflA9. DECF.'II9#R S 99* rACE ai PA 4 THE BCGIJ. THURSDAY, I:clMØIR S 19M


-' AIfl uççLç \7UÇ CLERKJ GENERAL ATTENTION COUNTER SALES Glri?aTgA for GENERAL OFFICE CASHIER! EARN EXTRA FOR XMAS SALES ASSISTANT Concession Store at WAITRESSES For IndivIdu*I. With Ial. alternoon, U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CPA firw lonatad at Horion, and Part Tiene OFFICE CLERK Ta work le Ike Nortk Shore. u ,vtnln*.Ir..,spscIaIIyElectronic nomponont Dearborn end Madison Northwest Hlghwey. Typing. 20 fo Hoar, Per Weak Part Time dietribotorhesencollentFull 11mo . 6OO AM . 2O0 PM is currently appointing membershipraprosentarivos In bueiCetre.oren rudent,.Ii VOoenjoy talkingo Tiri, monthly compilatIon. end In.Nelahborksod iniurenc, office Wo are In need of a Part Y Eap.rieooed Only rOnnie .nd con 9Cl b,hind e 000rrh growth opporironiry for same. the rorritorlos of Skokie. Evanston and niciniflo,. come fan preparation. 20 Hot. Call bent need. e mature woman who i. Time Office employee to do Motora ledinidoel for Perme Great Earning Potential oIII0 program. w, nnd n°00 noIeone with good poopie skill,, rewarding and demanding position Includes: per week. Moro hour. durIngmotipefed and organized with Poli Orne Position. .ClIvItI.,for 728-8141 data entry. filing. end handle In001 fufldtal.ing Comparer experience a plus. e 3 Weeks Training Cours. WithSaMey tao cecean. good oommunio.tioe chille. off FAX communicafion,. 5. RapidAdsenoement with retarded cnIIdren.ndadolr,. Moo Frl. 49 pro. W..k.nd. fr..Salary pius bono. In a nino. . Great Benefit Packag. Call iban... B.aeea9ct Competltine Salary collent pay . paid vacation. lnetivn RESTAURANT!BAR For nr,rvi.W Call Of opply In por De, Plain., 099no. a A Chance To B. Your Own Bou 631.4400 803-0300 Muet be High School Healthirreurenco andPaid 6415 W. Denipster eon f,orrr ff6 pro CsII: gredueto. AMERICAN F*JNDWAYS REAL ESTATE A potential Of Unlimited Earnings Veoatloo.. Morton Grove iMay Ears From 925.000 to 550.000 Anrrugilyl e WORD PROCESSORS Apply n Person Fleesa nail for eppiloatlon: 2434 E. Oorrrp.fer. Soit, 101 827-9444 SALES TRAINEE De, Pleine.. IL ofetarringo now and e DATA ENTRY EAIDAI fWEItE W.W. GRAINGER 312-537-1990 PHONE: 968-1130 Thinking If you aro persistent and sell disciplined. e SECRETARYITYPIST 2981130 FASHION SHOW catear wirk snilmirad earnings think you Can relate well to businass lenders.mail l.ty in Ili 7760 N. Merrlmac for . CLERK potantial.Register now your resumo to: Rnn.pflort Word Prcwe.lrr Pro cs.ea MODELS cl atte,. tarring soon. e RECEPTIONIST Nibs Illinois BEAUTY Mod& Co,ign,r irr. Or ieoe. Todng o. PC .op.dan5O .oee.r PRODUCTION BILUNG CLERK LETTUCE ENTERTAIN YOU U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE halpfol. good Mi.phor.erunner. 5 iooklnu for heIght. n.rg.do in- ADVISORS .pnrr000..rt, logorio FOflion Mc. Denna - 298-3366 Work locally for downtown to hay OaiOoi.fOr eop.rienc. S snow. io Cf,io.00t*Od or.. bright wind ..*aofl.l. manuel d..f.r rye croar. dlOidOi fortoiltires/parrtine. Fell or Port Timo THE PRUDENTiAL Mr. Leon Halford, District Manager SSS Nils*lSkkl.Lon.fioo GENERAL OFFICE 52mw.0.000k oo.raflr.sd Please Cali For Appointment F00&P*rfdmapoti0orrsupw- .nwing. M-G-M REALTY 2000 Spring Road AIii HOSTESS PoSmONs* MERLE NORMAN 6924900 J.D. Honigb.rg cor LPL dsp.r-rno.nr. Doria. lrrniod. tWO E. Toohy - O.. Plaine. Coli: COSMETICS Suite 600 LOFTIJS W OMEARA Int.medonel irpiflu p0lI0Ia. rompo ter.. try end P5*.ea Cal Mn Maw Irr 1h. northwost soborbs Hoorsten AM 72OO b.twoto2b M d F Id EoporI0000d in co.rrr,tic, Oak Brook, IL 60521 TEMPORARY nteJO SERVICE. INC. 8474828 ¿;u,;;'- and/On rOrSiI paiono., wIrn enrorrn.aiary 1615 Milwaukee Ave. * Must be career-minded e i COST CLERK PHARMOR Call th.e.a For Senior Poelrlon Mendie deiln Gfenvlew Salary plus Commission . LIGHT UP YOUR HOLIDAYS .ornni,y.pi i din try Call Evenings Cli.nf nffro. dyn.rr,ire The carions bored growing Oitnusnt Drug Sroro is BE A V.I.P. 6754589 oporring o 67.000 tIllt ,rnra in rho Nilo, woo Seasonal Help TV541-0900 Call: 998-1157 LUNCH WAIT STAFF :-:.:_ OFFICE For Interview il coo onjoy working wirh poopin: ois our roarer a, STOCKERS : MGtIOO MODEUNG orgonined.quickthinker for auf Mei Dlecoonts Oi.ro OorOOrl .,oironr,nf. e PHARMACY TSCHNICIANS SALESPEOPLE faet pecod treneportetlos Toitorn inr,rn.Iiorrol 0n4 domestic Ron s LIQUOR MANAGER ___J u 000y modoiing. prinr ad IOnoot fsE::o b t. e HEAD CASHIERS CASHIERS ,,j7, Gd 5:r LOOK UPCI.ERI( TV. crol frode ,bo,.. Exporloncad L d p or w, willfrein.CniIdren nd Apply In Parson Al: sowie. Mo,oroorrd,.o. or., nl 1h. rallo,'. I.soon,l o.roloç .hOo.r000r L G Smil u EARn ogeosfstAaMoore . enceuerr, CAY .00O00* n.CgT. y f re.rir skIlls nace. sary. Mg adoire. Coil: ,UIl,r,.fus ,r-,n.durr ODSORS lo,ca.rU 0,0SaIo,poupIo. .000rTre.etOooto.o 000000s.f000000e0000 0000nf000, detoil required.ifinfareefed. APPLY IN PcesON 8901 N. Milwaukoo Ave. Nues, Illinois Smoker,. sr,ot Ca.hi.rs loo rho Rondan I DELUXE CHECK PRINTERS r 429-0044 005rydan 0ofoan 5 AM 5 PM r sscorrAolcS . ron-srs . Cuoss . WOOD P000tssoeo Piease Call JanoSt fOOD E. Touhy . D.. Pkino. w. otre, S I. nECnlrTlONIs-rs . CnropcnAro,rs - Aol. artist 5011m -rote. rh.r otry urto. poeowe. Pt_s. CMoty EI... 401 Lake Co Rd. o F9.eibgo dayl.nwr&oog bono'.Egcagerf m.q.. ond beweiSt. - I 5I 966-6644 E15.72l inn Lake Conk Pi..Oi NAIL e lorewediot. .orIwy.e dlecotont, a et INC. Deadlold t I TECHNICIANS Apply In Pornon Now: ØOBOW.ToeahyAsr..-774.7177 :1. 2060818 D Year On000ross.. fo. MOOS. y.wr..,, n. COM.çe .0r401? 1 Full or Port Time : Samice MerchandIse Service M.*Ch&,OdIa. 0.001m Looking forlicensedNoiI , , . . I .:...... f 240 S. Waukegan Road 345 E Palatine Road nens WAITRESSES Technicians to work for f Eaporionce Required Oe.rfield, IL 60015 ArUnglow Heights, IL 60004 OAKTON ARMS $ Moor Reis MERLE NORMAN TELEPHONE SALES ma Northwest Suiourbao Retirement Center i Ooy&Eoondng.Amiiobie COSMETICS Scolce Moechandise ., Ho. ImmedIate Openinge Por e Work 20 to 30 hours perweek. Golf Cante, Shng Cent., e RESTAURANT st Regional Shopping Moli RECEP'flONIST(TYPIST- FuR/Part Tien. N. Cntidwnii . Nile, In Northwost suburbs e Salary plusCommission. 12 GeH Road. Hoffman E*thte.. IL 80194 LAUNDRY WORKERS . TtLLEIcb 647-7399 Coil Loaning. . Excellent job forself-starters. or Any Other Loc*i Semino Merchandise Sfere MAINTENANCE GROUNDSKEEPER $ MORTON GROVE SKOKIE 6754589 AMERICAS LEADING JEWELER SECURITY GUARDS . Pleasant office workplace. . - Part Tien. Evenings ROGERS PARK CASHIER Call A We oPtar oowpofltloa eaiary end benefit package anden au- Peni Fnder.l Rank for saoicoe. one uf Chicaoni.nd. ForDe.Plaina.pe.teurent. Otilenf working ennlroowenf. leeding Roancial in.tirurionL rrrainraln. ita fin. repon. Pieee.rnf etmoophera end corn. THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS ) Cell Foe Appoinsenont lion fo r0000il. nr no.rorner e.rnine rhrcorgh qoality perICo. .alary. Cali between 9 DISHWASHER .-.I .Il:,.I.II I Ï .mplOyeOe. C orr.n fly. cor Teiler craft Ir.. Pert Time am. and 3 p.m. Looking for o dishw,sher Lo tuodOopnrrwoOrtnOn..OtO ln._r'.n:.n_ Fp.ninoncor MORTON GROVE. StORIE b ROGERS SHARON work In company c*feerlo 966-3900 .lowessa.n-w.r nooeaes.,en.e



e- SNOW PLOWING AUTO SHIPPING BUSINESS Owner Operaton OPPORTUNITIES PERSONALS MAINTENANCE WORKER Top Pay and Gas MECHANIC Et RECEIVING MAYER KAPLAN JCC Northbrook Arco 5 Years Experience We aro looking for several . GOOD OPPORTUNITY Part Timo Warehouse FT. I.AUDROAi.E LANDMARK REAL ESTATE 5050 Church St.. Skokie 272-0376 workers. Flexible hours . ax. SEAFOOD RESTAURANT ReII.bl 1n.ck Only AA.A louafion. 51.56 mIllion çrxs. seeks person with experience in plumbing. oloctTicity. celieet psy . wIth possibIlIty with dIno., only. suono lunch do- boliers. end sii ospecte of HVAC. MEDICAL for Fail Time employment. wand Own., fIn.nclnuse.ibIs. OUT OF STATE OUT OF STATE Apply in person to complete application HEALTh CARE Must be High School Coil sonnE, Res., Shackaf: ARTS. FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE RECEPTIONIST graduate. Monday thru Friday Arr,,nnrdrr,çJoppo.runilnlo,n MATERIALS CORP. 130511 341-7400 Apply in Person between 9 and 5 p.m. .frn.pentfrosiantindornïl..r,ndo,) 2856 Shermor Road DES PlAiNES SO. CAROUNA p nr,nnlrr ear Olenolow DoutornOf Northbrook. Illinois W.W. GRAINGER l'te 5058EO5 MAUBU APARTMENTS ALKENICOLUMBIA CHES. BAY AREA liti.Dorio. loclaa o.clrr, dolie$ op TONING TROLES Minors., Iren, - 3 bd,. 2 baa. 2 A frndlO& noppfy dlEnlbotor 7760 N. Merrimac 2 Bdem. AOL 3 fnrlosut.s from 35 M60t0. poínrn.Or.r,. roIny.rr$ nI rnnns.rnn.. hn. irnmodleta Poll Time pn.i- Sonl - WOLFF Tonning end. U.S. f75. I sorse. 3 540. 2 b... P,.0 story ho,,,. on 2 soso. 6 lt filin qChOrtS .nndrrruc n enfant sop,.. sway.Brand naw mase. tow. matar. Big bOss tinos available In fha Nues, Illinois Slsnd.r000.f Pa..Ñ. Eo.,cisors mm b,Of blick honor. rotai stat tie, co rauf )335 U.n Pn. WneU,oirfr C.II for Prao Colo, Cotsi000. carpetIngthrooghool. B,aod hotos.l HIwI im.g. Warehouse and an a Drionr. eqIf. hf.d. 5000. Oa'WO. lt dc. _lr o I irla Socs ro t t10022$-iSfl OSW .ppllarruas. Many orbs, soerfisonirs Lai. Sironny. 't tien. fleolfl ..rrso.onu C. onOf ion. orrd po, gondissiP,lnatseot,snne. BOWERS, NEI.MS. P1eaa Call it t 5k b FONV1U.E DRIVERS WANTED sanaI days off. 'Tina Perez at CARPENTERS Hy gd,m. . tO 1t4 boinas e 16 lt g Coil Foe An Appointosrant FURNITURE [Amy lochas. 10 o lB. COLUMBIA (104)438-2673 Need Extra Cash? ExperiencedFramers 33 roLl.. 50. 0 FOR SALE Birthday i, 21 9 Foot Clos.ts. (804)438-1100 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARVI 998.1234 Uning Rucan with mw of anos 2_2 Ac,. L.Shao.d Only. Union Work. Comon Los Whita Storie. VA Co,rcidr worioq Po1-T,rr usSchool 8e Oo ru,- coqrrlys,d. fleet $400. Conch.cooktaillobI..antiqua Love. :-- 3.000eq ft.C Oncref. block mt Opurunge u.0 irhe OES PLAINES. hILES. MOITON ft. rood frontaQa. U.S. GROVE h GLENVIEW A,eur. O,rflg Irle rodoI or nrr il 502-4610 wfrlfs hadron,,, SOL whIt. fe snfd Mom. Dad, k-' Dec 17 666-8483 besoins. RN's LPN's CNA's round disons. 13 ZenIth oelen W Marc & Kim '.. ti. Riso. bo,ds,Od b, 2 sonnd SOUTH CAROUNA nassenge, busesuil OÇUipPO(i r.,,th ,mal, Ornanc tUhr,S- All Shifts withstand. t.47- sf00.0,.nidal,..,R.o004tbi. oid SoLano. BoscO, Ho,on And . r how. on ronron nf Wnp.t-rr. R.oie 2 Odsrn. 5133.5e, Stash Tool w T;sn,ng or th,s typo xl equipment ,v,II br rari DI 55 an hour. NURSING SUPERVISOR AD PRODUCTiON N oo,oin5 notai corrrerq,eLW. St fOIE. caducad tipi Knmass to 5.06,00k MISCELLANEOUS MORTON GROVE acoto, 'n Jason Harm,. P 0. Bo. tniai Cons sf35.006 rho starting saler? al $5 25 un hour. Aller o 90 day p,oba- 11 PM to 7 AM COORDINATOR Our long teff7f health care facility has immediate open- FOR SALE B500 Waukegsn.Complox. t. p.uon. So. C.,olLca 33123. cnn penod. you can earn up o $7 an Spur. Prenions suhoni Immediate Openinglil pr7. J.anco R.&ty rsun, ings for nurses on ail shills. We offer pleasant working HAiPY b HEALThY Modern clair, 3 rm. (803) 8944824 brrSdrru.nçj0000rre000willburocnpnizrtd.taut Lo. AnwIes uraphix em, .0.55 50 tu mm Soond Prolactur. swoon. menos. Wlred for Cable TV. nycessary conditions. goodatary and excellant benefitsin. ns,lanuad p,edueflon 000,dinufo, 60Th BIRTHDAY irni ooarko.d poi. OP 150e Eos,. Equip. ciuding health and dental insurance, pension pion and fo, 4/c Sd dapa rimons Must haus2 f, Row.,. 5... ruota, wlblts. 2 En. HAL Haat included near shopping SPECIAL ED DRIVERS Nyoderi ro drruO nur laIn nrodnl in,- nos,. anpo,l.nca with ad uanm E, tmanspostatlon. Adulto ont buses. Transportaoon O b from humo prounritd. Slarfrng roto more. To apply, please cali: 516es. Miso. Pow fr Equlo. 774-3357 poblicufion work ISspurstbon thor iy.$4351mo. plus .1 month $5$O pnr hnar Pard truminli. Mutr ho or luant 21 years ola. Katyfrsa Cook - 965-8100 p,as.r,00fbngl.Koewl.dg.or Thomas Tm.nsk.to, Oroan-Cutolina security deposit. SEPTRAN INC. BEThANY METHODIST TERRACE Scl,eosysfam halpfol. Rolonutien medal. 2 fraIl 44 sots color-gIn hay- MURPHY/ANDRUS 8425 Waukean Road - Moeton Grove sell. tancana gotisble. sand bnis. 1.0.14. spkr. ayo. $4m. aol-0610 CONTACT PEG asuma wIth.sls,yhistoryto Love, REAlTY HAPPY HOUDAYSI I GORE ORAPHfI, 340 N. MadNon H UM M ELS YotS Wife Faya 728-2112 392-1668 Axon.., Lo. Ms1, CA M4 10,95 prinats xnliaonioo . ftgu,lno. fr ptofas . auswahl.. 330.3370 o 4 9 AM. - 4:30 P.M. u_r nnSnna ENOINUR5 To WOK nsa Encynlupadlu sat Dabs. ma- USED CARS 00, chant. a nuflonelfy ,ac.Oçolzsd lofbrand. Nsn.ru.a d. Corlon GLENVIEW CIA fir.,,.sash. a LEAD unop0000t. OrIginally 5a6. Must i Bedroom Apartmant. I MECHANICAL h ELECTRICAL sail 5350. Rotors 7 p.m. 8060254. '81 BuIck SkyIk Ml5inionth . RN's-LPN's-CNA's \ENGINEER t malar go hoopltol p,e. Gos end Water Included -Celobrate STAFF BUILDERS arrival in Des Plaines... loot in Atienta, Daursa h PE. Excellent winter cam. PART-TIME WRITER ,axl.f,snion,ptnoleosho.pltsi 0E W..iaom . Hs.oy Duty Good tires and brake,. Call Christine: .oWIN A GIFT CERTIFICATE TO andlOr ln.fttafloosl dasIgn Ea sopor. Almond .yew. old Now trsnomlssion. $1600 803-8419 Olsen sop.,i.ne.s. F55 paId. Con. ti.eSda Dsp.. . Whit. Cali Mike ev Work Monday. Tuesday and Friday tactFollar Manausmant PreIss. BLOOMINGDALESIII Both Is aoc.11ont oondltlon 9682401 e. EocitiegpositIons await yeti for hems cara and sopplamantal sionul Plocoroont. 1440 w. Mock. $350 For Both Gianni.,. in9bi,d I 202. Doblan. Tao.. 70247 for Bugle Newspapers in NUes. I staffing. Wall haip peu findfha BEST opportunity where peo Call Mor. Feo: 5f 12141 US. 72 Ford O,sn To,lno scorn. GLENCOVE ESTATES can oheosa fha location and shift ecksduia ¿cc nOcin inch en5lno. I b O 600000M APARTMCKT* n_fl m eatconoan lant for l'cui 425-5775 2 Bathe. noodorn kitchon.. welk in CALL Baton-nan B AM and E PM final gond 000difion. Ospoortabls, h Explora eu, spensi aarvlcas. call today... Rends sonor o,o,k. sf006. ciento. Nta,s, building. NO floto. 'f\ sta.ff BUGLE Mt-ira IMM004ATE OCCUPANCY builders 699-8282 CAli SUE HALL 728.8618 966-3900 \Vs HasIth Cora Sambas SEEKS PERSONALS I [EWSBOYS WANTED TO BUY TI,oOuslaisaooking deilor,y Nito. . 7025 N. MItw.sAOo, f .,Od 2

row ano,., n.a of oIl enes fu dolloor b.d,00,n cAo. inni . e3-4't mn. o,wspopn,s On Thuradoys. GOD'S UTTI.E ANGEL Cabio roadt 754 affso 7 p 'n. 0_t__L WAJITID I MEDICAL SECRETARY i For An Opportunity Happy 5th Birthday Keith PHOTOGRAPHERS For Private Physiciens Office Bf To Earn Eotro $6$ Walt Lone You Always !1 iui0X Work as a news photographer for at Northwe*teni Memoelal Hospital I Coil ALSO OUT OF STATE I SLOt MAOIINIS The Bugle Newspapers. Minimal ent contact 966-3900 Aunt3e Donna .4y C.00.R'iO0 Should be familiar with I Handletravelarrangements,Lecturaand _\ 966-21Q meeting preparations, Medlcal.iegal casos. I FT. LAUOROALS cameras and photography. WAYWARD WiNDS Good secretarialskills, word proceselngand USE THE Veo, o.nat Ion 500,5. 5.aotifol. fui medical terminology are necessary. CLASSIFIEDS WEIGHT LOSS In fuonisiradsandonacranfeornc Call: I (AI I .IOAPJ. nne, cl.an .ftictsorci.a. studio, b t CALL NOW Ini bdo. nef. Comm TV. diC. Laundry DOTTE p00W BOQ. fnoafsd 1mo1.quiet. 966-3900 I OK, Late get sailousi Tata f,iaodln trophal .lnrospfnno. llena a great day. L those XTRA lbs. oil B-4 tino Ciesa n boeuf'. boto.. .heppinq Si. Il holidays. Coma on. got a soo.xeaiwnokininronfhflr 1 Jeanotte head start on summer. Call 14M N.B. 333rd. S5ct Ft. Lasodan., Fl.A 02334 456-6140 oe e23s5 c, 582552 Teto- ltCGt,E, iltuasnAy, DECESfto-.8 ti, 101a P0CC 43 PAGE 44 TItE RUC.L.F. ThURSDAY. i)ECEMIIER IS, 19U New shopp gall Citicoeployees calledclothg The.. w- for Lincoinwood [ 988 r1flx S.E.I.U.Scholarship cragin remains top Illinois Seminar ¡)artiei})ant Competition thrift ñi U.S. rankings Joseph Y. fiovenaaelfh recently Eogevr I'. l'Imito, f°revldcnt nl completed the 1900 Tuo Senelnar Joint Council Il, Local st of the entitled "f°role-i.vlooal Educollov See-eIre Employevo Inlervobtnol Cragin FaderaI Bank of two ut the best Indicators of bank- For ProfessIonal Proctillmcrs Union, has onononeed lite SEIU Icago romafns thmoot pro- Inginstitution strength and security," Jobos told. "Nowheld utThur Woodlieldlfllloo Scholorhvlp Competitiontor (itablethriftmoog fllioo' fInId,ArlingtonIfrigiuto,antI 1988-09.Anards areinthe Iargc5t soviogo OSSOCIMf083 oc- more than ever, Consumers examine a vpotosored by the tndepeodent Ac- ottinovl of $750 ovnsolly - i3, corog toth lotostfigorco shouldcarefully rnuvthnts A.svociulioo of Illinois. tor 4 years. Inthese publiolo-d Lo the Noûonol Thrift bank's performance Spesheev for this veenlnor were f'reoidevt Mosto stated,hep- Ncws. areas before lu-soling it with their froto Geor Up Tos SemInars, ellrooth nomI be mnoihees of av The rankirrgo reported io tho hard-Corned navkegs." loe the son nr Jabro added that Cragin Cor- FallIco-bn, Californio; Gerield O. olluhiated lociul noU000 (rode pobilcotiont Nov. Tollefvoo. C.l'.A.lOen W. Wohle, daughter nl a mrrnberl for ut 2cdltloo, wert based on return rently has the lorgevt earned little, sso-pIas (reserves) of any lilheobs Ir.,C. PA. l°lllhioIO leash 3 cootlounus years os nf no Average assets(ROAA) ('.l'.,h.sod Stephen E. liiuksluu, Sepletoher,l9tt.Appiicuivls urnuog the 240 argeot thrift he- suviitgo invtilutions, mote thun Ci,-,'. niost uilso he lcigk schml srvlors otituti003with more thonIl $179 million as of Nov. 29. We attribute much of our sue- TIte two-eluuy seneiwir encored vr gruieluiates who heise nOI i-0m- billion lo onsets an of Joue . ninny oh Ute topIcs (lotI 10cm on pletcel onore thav Ove year nl eel- 1968. ce-agm woo emoord Lire top Cmv lu the lavi tgat were 'roo- lolo speeches upphicable loe Sue lege. An-ardu will he peen-vIril Iv somer driven".lahns said. Debbie tecilug clothing this holIday seasonInc tile Upen flhloofo thrift Io roohirqfo pobliob- 000uuog tua prepurotinn period. Joly und appllcuota mush enroll CItIcorp SavIngs NIle-s brunch rOOnOOCe at ctofleloeg ed earber tithe yeur bu-ved on the Craghe has grown with the rom- Ventorelke, trIti delivers a dassotlun ofvtothing Io Batleeed Womeos stenilev. DtstAIIisS5 Aoiovg topics eos'ereol --A li lire Iv u four year uvdergroduale pro- may be dekneeedthrnagb Denesabro- St to the lfg? performAnce ond rootiouro moulUes It verses and we coo- sod Complete ufehiiol for cholo (earth uit on accredIted college or tJfe Spate Battered Wonoen'ssteelIer represen- basally oller new products and Arnold, tx-ao,eh lncat.Iost at 8489 W. DenepoSee. to rod the ototco thrilto he pro- I)eduetiOvs", 'flelplol licols 0v uiilverlsty. odors LeslIe tuotdts, (rlgtctl noel Mases fÊtabUity with n ROAA of 1.74. vernletu tu meet the ever chang- Encens lnvestmevllvlerrnh', Ta apfdy br the Sl-:lU sciinlac- Eagene P MuoIa Ibocoluiwood Town Center, a 32-acre,mixed-use des'ehopnienl I rented. The Nues cStirnepSoelogs besswh is est- Ing needs of our customers." ftOAk Is a mrooOrn of the au- und 'ffow Cori the floinr Com- sItupenoipetllion,wo-utefor u mIS include a two-level4m,Xo-squaee-fmf fashlanneiroted retail fluaI profIlabIlIly of a lumbiog he- Co-agites assets are projected to poter Qiushly'. prehlmisuryupplicallanto, MadlgaO's wilt be ato-bar stores. conoldered caeced $2.3 bulbo by year rod- math. Carson FIele Scott and ntifotfoo 1.00In This nus tIte 39th Annual Tao hiEtU, local 22, 14 E. Jociniov, 3, tUiS A thval application wilt be Town Allstate Foundation ouotoodlog byoduofryStun- Ihrhighestlend Iothe SChesIaICU far completion Io the fall of 1919, lincskcwnod Seonvur sponsored by the lAM C'hgn. tthÓf. Applicotiom must be osalled ta the applicant and mast Center Is the tided joint venture project of Indianapolis,ladlano- Company's 80-year hbstor). he returned by Marsh l7 Craghe Federal Bunk, which end vesolom Ore being held thus coneplrted and returned by Feb. based Melojo Simon b Associates, Inc. (MSA) andRasemont, lo viera of recent nationwide loll Io various ports nf the stole. tllIovls-kased flawthnrn BeaUty Group, and L, located an the $10,000toOakton coocern about fiuuocïal enotilu- opeuwi Its 24th otIlen this year, donates fleme completing the n-colour southwest corner nf Toahy Avenue und McCormickBoulevard he lionsafety, Adam A.Johoo hieS 12 locatIons he Chirago and eiern li boors oI ContinuIng Pro- 13ae Allstate Foeusdostina. Nor- number if Doblan studeotu for Ita thee coeeotstmuly. Cae-galo prenideot and chairmon suborhun offIces In Nuvea, Nor- lesvIoosl Educuikov credits Lv ap- CUE urges ICC to reject Lineolowond. dola peno-maIne areas atol that o Farol fl-amoco Ctiuurnti000 Jaco Ibbeonk, lias doaaled $1000k to ftlebandl called the Allstate con- notedtheiroportancu LOo-ou- ridge, Nues, Park Ridge. fiberproved by the Illinois l)eporO- tute Oaktae Consonantly College number of its people sen-e on Somers ofprofitability and F'nrcot, Mr. Prwspect, Schoam- Oabtoo advisory boards, Powell heehntuoo especially tImely oient of l't-oleooiooal llegobitboo, Edncalloaah Foundation ta load 'We are as tite muddle nl an os- resto-vm he evaluating the bank burg, Wbealoo, Glen Ellyn, Carol Joseph Y. lloseoawcig Ioal Corn Ed rate increase Hundreds of jobs setwiarslclp'. TIm gill us o nlgnhli- said. 'lt nuakest seo-se loe as Stream, Loochard, and Warren- cecine campaign IOdouble ose where they save. Jo-vefehY.tiosenoweigfuCo coot conte-buono to tIce CoUrges In be insolveol io helping Ouktost Profetability nod resero-ro are clUe. The asek of tIte ('allege Is anpnr hood nessunO goal. With Anstalen lu-olmI io Skokie. AreneS with petitions signed by rateo," Hoyt said, "The decIsIons aennal campaign dnve atoch Is hosed,t made by the ICC he these hearing toot to nor Industry generous daaathauas more thua 22O, consumers the at recruitment event inIlsenuidttle nl o too-month Le at- ennuis oser the nest few weeks tl5r Atistate FoeunuioetuOu, which believe noir goal nI CitIamo Utility Board ICUBI Is loud-raIsIng effort. tamable." lee said. Law Degree urging state regulators to reject o will rilevi the everyday lives of This unique career show is he- "ijaktan plays as Important was eslabllohuvel by tIteAllstate Choose your tax UystettsoProfessionalscon- Funds raus-ed are used for sta- piso tIsaI would boost the utihty'o comumers med we urge the ICC Ing sponsored by the TeresStusrr roIs io tIce lives of oar employee Inoaraore Company o 1892, pro- to lisIen tOi what the people are tentplatktg a New Year's rosolo- otdes fuoasrial support for health chest sehalarstopo. enfiianceotteot recipient rateo by at lessI1 billion noce newjnkseed leak na Groop, loe. "This edO he the groap.' said htoaeae P, Poecehl. pengracos loe lactally und stall. la the next five years. sayhegIttey suonplcy canant of- tlnatafloda largest recroltoncOl event ever eaev,utive ibeectar al tIte Allstate und huolao Seni-cs, edocaliun, Mary tee Berrmhelm of NUes, fsrther than the upcoteihig career ortie atol culture. and civic acquirespeciahiocdhigh preparerwithcare CUB, aluogwIthrepresen- lord hIgher electric rates," held io the midwest." not's Terra' Foundation.'We saol toput 111e art recently received her Jurio Doe- l'Ite rain hike plan was propos- lilo-ing eotravagmtOis 'ChIcago's soltiething back into av ocgaoiaa- and cumouonily programs heotnalvsly equIpment annO faUves nf community nod senior Biggest Systescao HIrIng Event!" Starr representotbve. Jeff Baron. an-kS, ioni tO o-stand lao-shuns as preparer who promises a relaod, tor Degree from DuPaiS Uoiver- citizen groups, presented the ed by the staff of the ICC be June, "The participatIng companies tIan that gives us no mach. l'nodI sisid thaI the Focaodatoao When you Arr ready lo choose n sily, where she teas a moucher nl ThIs Iwo-slay recrvoltanmt sbaeo nooSeS. family phyalo-tho or dentist, you boa,vl,x nl ways to beat the ton petithnno to the ICC Thursday as jaM one month alter 1CC staff ea- have hundreds of job openings Soling that Allstate lores a reflects Allstate's csenooutiv'eet la the Law Review. perIs had revsmmeoded a 1347 wittbe heldat the Embasoy oormally make that dro-heno moth system, or mho o-hibou lu hove a CUB's attorney'sprepared to UnItes Hotel, 6Ml North Mao- whlvh need to be Idled he the Ins- greatcare. You should ase special relationship with the tifS. MsBerreoteelmnurvesotafly preseol oral argumeOlS urging million rate decrease for Corn mediate folnee." pasneet the bar ns.am in July, aod Ed. CUB lo seektag a 1500 noihthon oheIm Rib., La Rosemuot ase Mou- heu_vorne care il yoa decide 1kb You run speed op the arrival nf the comrolsolon to reject the he- day, .lanuao23, und althe hic. Baron adda, "ThIs hiring year tu have a tax preparer du your tas refond check uod avoid she received ber Uceuoe to proc- Crease. rate eut for the utIlIty. event Is a convenient way for Annunzio toseek Financithairmaship (lee tow on November tO. A CUE analysis of the pouding Chicago HIlton and Towers, 7295. your reImst, odo-tono the Internal errors by boning your preparer her "The rate hecrease beheg pro- Michigan Ave., la Chicago oneysletns professionals ta espiare iadasory. partaeulaeiy the salven- Cloecuscesiso roan everytisug, t want Revenue Service. inC the peel-off lobai Irom the She completed posed for Cam Ed is lUegal, un- rote lithe shows that resldeotlal the job opportunities avaIlable ta Frank Anituoubo I D'tt,l said In- to have loll partIcipatIon by Ilse uodergrodoatisdegreewitha conwueters would bear the brunt isesday, Ja.nunry 24, 1989. RelIt doy he msS bld loe the eboshesitan' ny if tIte moursotee lund. Otoonbog a lon preparer Is im- front page ofthe tuafocoso fair, and excessive. Consumers la ineatlons will he open from Ilthem and It's a greot way foe A-S Cliuslrcoiso ng tIen Fasaovinol oseenhee's 04 tIte Subcvrnantlttise. por.100I bco-auno you, not Ilse tau parkaged that comes to you lo the double major be Busheeos mod Northern tttinnis already pay the of the horrease, while many too-ge rerreulters to menI aod evaluate skip of tIse Fmoanelal tsstttntiv'-' and to ose Uve task larve iomoctui Eaghish at St. Norbert CoUrge. am, oatlh B p.m. Unpervlsbon. Itegslolloc and lo- lnstitotuOnsSabvnmtctitter. I preparer, are responsible tor the resait. ALso, glie your preparer highest electric bills he the nation industrIal customers would nec pempeetise eniployees." woold hasasedioteil hegas wsck la ta further dIOtO'tbeIte 115ewoetlsad ended SIse lo rorreolly an associate of no lac-rase al akoat $50 In 1989 Technical proIes-sIamois mille u encoureSobewatntttltteenfthe accuracy 01 your tax return. in thepre-oddreosed and they cannot afford another mbolnsuio nl 2 years experience restore llar solacee) if tIm he- nl tIne Snhrsasttettttsv." protoni yourself, do not sign a envelope Usuta toroIde your tisa the ChIcago i.00p lieto of Robert inCrease,' CUB Euro-aise Direte- and a lIkely Increase of ut least Comonittec on Baaetl'-hOg. Flounce Aonatwha esplaunrel under Ilse G. Peterson and Assochetes. Io the field can attend Ike hlrlog Taiman insurance and Urban Allaire when tice Corn- suraoee fond, and I would work blank return or one which lo only packe ge. tor Susan Stewart sold. "lbIs that much he 1989. The total price event at either location at no choclo wtth the (Ivalreesan and alI task torve ooesccpt socuisUen unIts partially tilled out. You should be The IllS bus a 24-hour informa- Mati tee lo the daughter of Pot liane far the ICC to stand up to tog nf the proposal would top 12 seminar milIces DemocratIcCaucus 04 the Suhevettottlttue wm,ld ho and Fred therrestseko of Nlles. charge, und interview with as nocif,, to January members of 11w liaetktag Coreo- Iue-nbtbed with o copy of the rom- lion nonio-e with nonce tips on Commonwealth Edison mod gine bIllion, with typIcal residential TaitttaO IvsarOOre Servic'es, is- vveated en to ad Fose busts la deal ooatty companies as theywish. "I hove seneS no tIte Financial milles ta fled answers to Ilse 'l'tw pletud return br your records. eboosheitatoo-preparer.Call consumers a rote reduction that costumers paying at least an ad- lTtSll. an stIlliate01 with npeeiflc peotulens areas. diUnval $475 over the neat five They shoaldbrIngas many toc. InstituhinosUubcnmmlttee siurooct protiheict. task terco mold lIten belog ils The 10.0 preparer is required by Teto-Tao al l-&Sk5b4-4477. Use lo long overdue." copies of their resuene mu they Tohiesos 110mo Fs'shernl Savltig.s '-We aba hove a cncamntleirnt law tu sign nod date the return the push buttons on your phone to New Vice Atturseyo for CUB wlU argue years. ttteoeugtoot my entire 24 years ho revvscsoseO'tistiOflS lo thee Sohe000' wIlt need to Interview. nvd toan Lesnehat000 will span- tIse Cneigress, avd for the pastle ta revisit legIslatIon dealing with med lorotor unIdentifIcation re-quest taper number 492. thattherulehikeIsIllegal The ICC is scheduled to reale as- sor a "Toaflelereed.Tao-Pece new powersloecvnunieeriol mitten whIch wutaldpeoccost wtth Hundreds of job openings are years Ihove treo the rankIng number. Be cautious of u tua for l'resideni become It would allow the coas- the rote hike by the end nf the und 900' settiimir st Tauinliii's hooks, lt would he oty IntentOna co fortlwr actIon pony to charge consumen for year. being lIsted by the participating tk-ct'ouerathe muncher of tIte Sah' "I hose long predeel noyseS on conopanles lar a wide variety al Elk Grove office. 1h00 W. l)e000 csmiolttee," sold Amsuaisto, who reopen that subject matter as Brtmnti''ick Corp. there new, vadear power planto software Ave,, 00 Thursitoy, lXs'ettiberIS. sane as we hosecleared thee wootung problems oat atol seek' 11001 Ore not currently needed. hardware and cuceently nenes os lIte L'bamnsian leg coetipesaeslaco chores-erp0501- disciplines Including all hevels nl at 7 p to. Sie Sulucsrnmltlee on Cao- coleentar of the thrift cr55,5. 'Informed Money Under Illinois law, enemamers shoul nl tilet alSo hose a long ,o,d al Dlaooe M. Yaeooeltl ut Nues Applications Progeanimns A TISI eeprescttlal ive ouI Coloege. I realhoe Sial the jorIslthrIlon boUs keen elected Vire Pemldeol-can only he charged tor power Affiliated Banc ivenubers of Oie iodico cehow to namer Allaire and spreading the mort eatS glory TechnIcal Support, Coosinunica- 'There aree0500yprableoss of Ils, FInancial lostilutiasos Sate AdoninlotrotiovnlBrunswick pta015 OasI are needed to pros-Ide increase earOivgsaoii keep vare roltofllttee 15 A broad one, and I neoeoed. t plan la es0tt100e aU of reliable service to camionero. thom and Software Develapmrnt. facing ose lusanelal hnstht000no 110,0e thIngs as Chum-sanof the Management" corse' Coeporaüon,lt was unvoanced Banc Group RecruIters from more thon 100 nl Sume euireiialís tIn-00gb toss- today, cod I anvt 10 startyork- intod lo ase tIte rosaseves al Shewort noted that Cam Ed uitefltoit ive s.oller Subesassoeslttee on Funoutesisi lo- here today by Jock F. tlelehert. dillereol companies with attend adoanbigeel hag no those problems asquIckly every meoober nI the Subeesnetot' Clsuicosun, President und Chief ateeody Is ooereurnheg as a result which refeeslOttenLs inuIt be s. n le ta deal whth the subleve slat' ,IitOUOelS," coeseloded fSnsrsrha. mc featured toper ofInform- vpeviul guest vpeukerv who sill promotion the hiring event including Keane as passibleI aot deeply even-veto- o fm-so on arrisa ni o-aportAse rung- Eaeeotlse Offhcce. nl o lower income tan rates under ter.RatherIlion hovun9the od Money Monagemcfll. toc.. 111M, Uvlted Medusa, Cam- free ed ahent Ilote peobleeus 01 Ilse Recel willbeunset ccii Irnos certificates nl depneul. Ms. Yucooetli won elected Cor- the Tun Pelano Act nl 1985. The Artlnor livscrvatinttsloetuis o-Intero-Ourse, Morlan G.hfuulthcs,47, has sI,General Eicctelc, otlociitbOO Asset olivo-alise celere ouutuul funds, soot to-soLa. limited peo-ube SCeertiec) In 1909 und co-ill utIlitybuscollected appros- AndeesenthCo., Federal tlesers-e sn,ttnnar itoiy benuido by cahiuug heoulehy $440 mullIon lv tuo over- be-'e n prnmoted lo vice presldevh Ext. Opendoorprogram graduates honored at Oakton tu learniog how tu knot diversify partnerviuys. iniliui public 0lIre- cvvtheue iv thai position in uuddl- flank, Ernst B Whinney, Sears, SIaeio,tve See-tells, 479-7722, to assonslvg thereopen- charges Soit should be reloaded and chIef accounting officer for bovevtmento This coseno- will kv uni_s,ro-oh rehile, ito oeIlIS in- tino etc, 2474. subilittes 01 the nrwiy erroted to consimiers, she said. Ib Alfihoteil liuuve Group, tnc. TroetI sod avg utusatolihies.FoetaleS by the Il- taught by John Ito-lIly, of filant, dividoul stock uuid to-sd sc'Ie- Allquolltledapphleaote Eleven arearesidevtswho So-looser.Patricia Edolestlon. Ellis und los'wi io dii-i.viori nl Ihr boss. tluevdooLs sill tus- provided posuhionniVIcef'recldeol- Cub President Jash ttoyt saul Cloiirouuuv Sfioro-tv E. Nrlovd on- t)aivusa Wibstretlet nl 17es Plomeo: howls Stale linaoS el ooiocceul twbuy. registering at the show alU also Ronald H, Johnson cnotpletetl the faD sessuun nl tIte 11w 1t4'Ogrs.Oi bin-Indesctasocoeltt tiegestruubori tor tise con-se will Adiolnislrutivv. flee respon- lie hoped that pethllon.s would let Julie Antelo auS Debra Caohidge Kvmpee Group I . The linee oui co- he hevlteelto partIcipate In a IlnenulitIl Oteen tasar prograiti ah Oakton ho,sleseadwisoc spnosur Its' coui-,,v ulth liii lier- ho' held bo-gunoing l)v're'enln-r 19 robihlties a-Ill now unciode nusoug- the ICC know that coosueners hifuutthev begun hIs cuureer villi Sluiritie tatto-e L'eh. if Glenview: Deassa Fagocki ut Instecaetion10 drawing far a leen persamul coot' Jnh000v, 500 01 1101mo-tlt.atol CaoimanityCollegewere Eogllsh. Kupi-un Cta.s.sessvitio-gin the s ev k nl mg the Coeopanys shareholder throughout vnrthc'rn Illinois lenI the ,\llIlliihed Ruine Grnop, Inc. he NUes; Stark K.alesueo of Morton skills,Inciadlnfl nord IlnrwichJlfiiyer paler. I 143 Muur- h000redat a geaduatino math, and Jewish Community Center Monday Jun. 9 iuod rod vn hie services, human resources und they cament afford mey addltloml 19110 iv, on usoisbunt eoshler for l)ootm J.10105500 of Go-ose; f'eter Riebardiioso if l'art reading. moitbotg aotd Increase In their electric roules. Allillotedliovk/Western No- If innoble ta atleti,', dato pro- shoull St., [les p100ev,recently ceeemooy on FrIday, t)eveocihor uoeatlosalskIlLstenhelnilIn JOEl. The o-nueve will be taught wtek nl Movduy. March 13 corporate marketIng opvrotbvm. ceasing prvfe-sulnuiais muuy send 9. Ke)-onle spanker aus Kenneth Ridge: Usda Siegelnll,bte- She has spent her eotier kuomeus More tinas 7,490 kidinldual coo- hi000l lv Cicero. re-parted loe uluty with 3rdMactoe aUS 0v Thesduys, frane 2 In 3 peo. ut Third'lonochuutrgefor their renames to "Chicago's Big- Jochunt ofDesl'hoxhees,vies cslownnd; aunaI htk'toael Salomase Mr. l,IuuttI,esIsiigrauloule nf Ahrcruill\U'leug,iulueitoe Carps general officekllL5 ike Ilorenirb tite toet W. Toohy cneo-kv-ro undii125li-eloe raro-vr trith firsoswick, joining owners cIrculated CUB's pelI- Event," of l4'lltstette. thur School for lluivk Adnoloistru- gest Systenh.5Hiring Boive, CaOnp l'endletsit,Calhl presIdent nl fluetoso ffesources st Foe Itt1O4'mtion. call629-tU«. cowl on 'i'edieo-siby, froiti 23O to oomtueucberv. To rcgLsber arid oli- the Company In t%.4 und held o tinos, he tioteel, fi_O. Boa 4, Dept. PR, Gob Park Cuntboental Grato Co., Chicago. Open Ovar Is a free estoeatheaeal 1100 ai the Uolu'creily nl Win-on- .01500 grtiduh0tte al MoIneliest 33o p.m. ut the Kupliin vite, 507e0 tullo h,doneuoliuv oboullofons- sandy nl posItions In the Cam- "Giese petItions wore cothecled be andeisophopseseolprogranefoe nb. Ile is o post treasurer of hte IL 00603.Resanieowill Ifigii School, ita jolveth tImSfarine ltecngnlaed altIte ccrentoay w_ (7iurclt, Skokie. ed Moieeyfutumugeueueol o-all pony's Law t>eporlonrol before by cussamers who braved the interestedpar' were Dolores Ahhcechl, Thercs.s high school graduales with learn- winIer mows und summer heat ta Raleo-y Glob nl Chicago. Ile and avaIlableIn Cactos In Febo-suc-y.1007. Each week of the couine, a oro 761-91W or i7ie-ZSk. beIng cIro-lcd AssLntumt Secretory Oclpatbng companies. topIc will be presented ulutig with ko tUBI. help CUB lIght for lower electrIc tels family reside in Chicago. roll: oo'e;I,,'rbIc Rcte.91', IcI:e'I'slne.o es, Inno r,oe:8: io

PAC 4 lID: Tfl'C,t.F, TURSUAY, l)EC}tuiR l, 9M . .Cosgaaedbennef'ages Taverns Coallaned from Page I Accident... IGolf Mill. "Hail to the Chiefs" District 63... Mill. lt woo u lately representative trailer,whileboothpatrolledwatch... withoul opproval of the voters. Morris, MonIca Park, PmoSk.shyo Conlboaed from Pagel Fromthe £et (ogiL other head on al 7l orn, anda night. Two or Sleet orcurreoces, other aren,, of 11cc lot. Coullnoe'd from Pagel Assoclobe Soperintendenl FoUl, 100mo Peberson, Angela Frykadale raid tient while the COMIrnM4I (rom P*gc I Donald C. Sletiso said a ton bey Volnnhteln, Jeonir Weinberg und thirdauto was sideswiped. eseildby most standardsbuI I sigolficuot to lier lodlolduals In- Gvlb MIII shift mepresevls 000cc Golf ltoacl In Mites. flics said both IncreaseIsnecessory tom Macgl Wiltuwelt. Bevaose the accident was near the Glenview Country Club, Glen. celved: a bender bender lo Ihr lieues normal neanpawer, theme managers und bartenders are in part of the ebarlu ol the pro- onuiderkiod roohedtothe saluden, life and safety work be- Donald Huebnvr, principal of would be more manpower needed Genelvi Junior High School In clew emergency persvonel were parking lot. another cor doonoag' contort with customers aced ley front window and thoughl they log completed vn disboict schools ed, o theft from another vehicle. duringIhr holidoy season were seeIng Santa. When a se- us well on oulatandlng hondo In- Hilen, prenenbed the hoard with o first sent to the scene. "It was a theirlwot valtomer-service effort Because of the outpost, citiaeo.s anywoy. l)rnpcle lIce lori Il L a guest,. "(hie philosophy L. to lake We IøId Johe hM greM rood Santa got not ol the cor curved lo the IWO's ond 1570's. first pInce tu'ophy awarded lo the combined between two nighttime oblII, Ihrer are oniehor- towns," said Cnerwioskb, In all 1f moldfiletheirreportsright marenln siluallonbrlemelt y for kd Io %1e. thetr lorol the bIds' excitement lurned to Flounce Direclor Robert C. school's neuthemulicn traen ob on tage nl volunteer,.. 'Ike police nao pollee fireflghlers from Gtenelew and oway. Mlles patIre are convinced heevnneso problem. Ilecevensary, deprtonenI. Seoing beltdersoent.flosscould Crlpe said the board's levy In boo- onnuoel competition sponsored by lIscI henau,ve of the outpost un coecemuolcobe with prienle &flI8 there ed on an estimated $436,500,W0 In In Morton Grove worked feverishly we nene thron roller nod scent helper etep Got of e be a second Santa? ResurrectIon High School undetermined anovonb of crimen .seremrily hired by Sear,, feeney'., police car and eMer their front Subsequently, SantosIkone, equolined assessed voluollnn. Chicago. to untangle the wreckage and thron lionne in n tael. Thin Is Boom- ore not commibted. und titolo SternI as well un lice turd prontice, not coat daring 11w door won o groat imege kide four, fIve end ato diserobarkcd "But we'll rome in much tower encreNomo free the victims, Trum no-sobers John Goba, a ten year vetemon separate senunly stoll hired by holidays. would barg of 119e poUce. AI lo front of our house and our Ilean tool und boce lv revIse our Clero, Mola Ghosuhal, Jerry Lee, The mont severelyinjured GolfSfilIes000grmrnt. SaId Ikone very tender ogro. MUon ligures," he said. driver, u fifty yrar old (Ibgonlew wien taking kLs lam In tice trailer At Amvey'n oc Ouhtnn la Miles. kIds stared lo dIskette!. Il took Jrnnln Lee and Gus K000eamelbs. while rroerv'e offire Freeb Colon E'ryksilale, 'You conI outesmu a thUdree IncludedInthelevy In male wux takenfoLutheran George Ars'ey riras their Happy ouId nonodele the several mkiutes of espIone- Gemini beachems Rochelle won heading loe the patrol rae. radie." goodneecof Senta and lIon that these were only San- $7,9g7, for edocolinnal pur' Geoemnl Honpiterl, io the hope his lIme a., no dllficubty. since their Foreman und Janet Schermun l'hll l,aslh onother reservist had The officers wrrr ueuenlmoec.n in bar baa ita regular ceealomer, aesd Chrkitman Iththe toral ta's betpnrs before our kids poses, the Iorgest single fond. spoeonomed the Icaco. font, which wan severely Injured inlerm'roeei in a nleeeving skirmish Gicle ngrecoeenl lIcol acrawide il someone do-looks lun macoh, "We polIcemen. 1190terrific Ideo unwound theIr contusion. But The sum uf 81,038,375 won levied Gun Koormumeban corned thecoold be saved, Paramedics used lImIts Irons oeeloeossbilrn ore vn which hopefolty lenoperation,building und sophisticatedhydraulic equip- between two beeongemn iotier col hies off, eight away. We're ont be when the helper knocked ut highent IndivIdual scure omvng seuIl the night before. l,menik wies ihr increase. Autos eqoippenl weth abandoned. the door and gave everyone molnbenunee. the IS competing schuvbn undmenI to shear the roof, front end sIerro and phones ore prima very coeverinna of the problem: OiehIs way lo walktIermall. sonseone could gel killed." They peppermint sticks, the envIo- Other fundo und omountu ob Nomo Chen earned third place. rear driver sides of the vehicle ice llcm000.e ciUreon tendtoper- begets. Shoppers who put see the customer L, deinen home, students tactic ten ti .0l'er',m,l,'vts T,eenty-flve years 0go we 4on at seeing so many Santon taxesarcbmansporbollon, Board eneenbern debutedorder to free the injured driver. lt packages in their roes aced then Comllurai Ari,srorv',o sInned co lIved In the comer boone al qulebty subsided. $333,735;Illinoishiuniclpol took nearly twenty minutos to pry soeeslIneproblems,thepolice "Socesetlmes we do il ourselcrs." Nvvrncber 1ko_s year loe students armi inbemr,tin,gcIrcano'. earn whethrr or nob to contioter us presenceinespecioliy ap- head bock tu do more shopping hiel Gaertlo, une of Ilse owners Oennan,0MMonroe. In thone Retirement, $btt,314; sonnI pbulntiffs In o thmee-couot suit fil. apoll the vehicles. al l-'eavhlmo Srleooci n Pork liide.'n Trac ymneteam lasted40 coInciOns prerioled. The oggrovotien of he- nItro rrlaro lo bind thrie vehicle ofSllsf-lim.v-, days Ooklon Manor Il to a Iovty memory to thin sneuriby, fbW,4U8 bort lemouniby, eel ugolnot the slaIn bust year o A 41 year old Palatine mon wan on Ballardin On Nov 1 at2:30p oc socIpresentednr bollawing teig lurked vat of a cur, one of the ha,, herv benhen into, Siles palier t)esPlalnen, says allhoogh peesodeols co bull contente- lobo Homeowners sponsored a vIolI day. We hope tolto-e Nitro' $400,20t:npeniol edocotion, tong with u lash burro Joined by takentoRush North Shore are wulciiing loe easpicioan arts Kovdlergartcv hes tOurd graders cosme coesi000n Golf Mili urea oc- lierres keen on mercase in boll. 'aren ioclrudurnnl 10 liodyorsl KipI' Qsoacny AoIsn tSfrFipecicoor. from Sontas helpern. 0v one ChristtnaseswiltInclude $87,380 and the working roule 338 school districts. Initial rosIn Hospital to be treated for chest io Golf SfilI bol, sold Katsoollas, rommences, ii otlolenilted, uccvc- dey drioblng than far, the Boll elmO very 500e) Os-Istmos eve o sitoltor roemodro fon todoy's fund, $218,450. Io Join the null were based on uinjurien sustained in the crank. '1'lee best deterrent Le loe cur nil's "Jimal',So'.Slones" Icy lIvre plrtoeeelt. Anches Jorhave', Santa's helper gol 001 ol a vor MItes' children. The levy' on the working nunh district's resources, or $12W InThe bnpacb of the crush hurled ding lo Kalnoolbas, henaitne lice keeps as eye ou customers otrfvnners Icono lIceCleileleen's Inborn' c,William ilenryllar' police are righl lloren to help so. nenners lo beep their pacb.agrs because theyfeelresponsible. i7.s,ssmnal Theater They perbene- rissocTippy Caose J000rs lv front o! vor boone. Att our lund In five reoln vn each fItO nl DIotrict 03. the mon into the sleeving column and perovoal possessions ouI nl equatlued onnooued voloolion. The locus of Ike null han been of his cam. meove bwcb into theic cae. "Customers arebamily,"he rd io rvsbunvr u 40 miaule Irelogs' lburbmamc.soBachelor b'ero'dcnec, 'We have high visibillly io the sight." ncabcctalcc.s, wHale of Andrew Johvnuo, Entertaining hoard enembemn nurmuwed dou'o lo lIerre counts, According lv Sergeant Robert "we labe cam of rvestslccl "flot.',he Th,cmas and the publie wer 25 111th hod the school repart curd aisre' Jones nl the Morton Grove Police emuli",soldFryksdafe. Added them." They do have blappy Whale GutitsTiny Thevut". Wouctroen p-tInnyWreejyt. War' vinto gmodeen, neembems of the Deparbrseenl, one driver was culos, "Mont people. especially flour,balserve sandwiches, "blow the Konguem gol cts long. reo C,Ibarclmoeg,JolueCalvc,'e MG recycling.. .Cunlloord from Pagel qoimeebbybolSeducutlonol tice nloreowvems, are glad lo see posta nod pease al tIer sanee lime. 51000g Reck togs", and "mv'(ont'olge 'Keep Cool aoci Keep "Swing CIlnIo" troni Stevennun relornelegislation.criminalgiven two citations la the croste. Golf pony whIch.itt likely srio the Elemenlamy SchoolinDes Clearged evito do-Icing not uf hem u.s heme. A lob of people ash an Il saenceooe debeles too much, they Itegesoing nf tIce ,'mmnvmedilboo" ('000liolmlrt.IlamryS Trocean viSage". SaId Brandoma, 'Wc backgroundInvestigations,re.- why we're around." ballI cocee. oller decaifeinated coffee oc cola, On San. 3 ab IO n.m. lIce forth Gote 'em lIeti llarryi. and Jites- reryctthg enetroct. Mouloway of bath gained the eepvrleoee. PtoIoes. The youngsters danced bone und crossing the median Io o quiring Invmtigutloon of pemnvn' coesIonI thu the most cnnnenon since studien indicate a colIme Ihrem sixth grade prepared brcuy Carter, ilePeanut iBoth Elk Grove Village, praised the The fient tiran cost of the pro-ond sang holiday hangs. nel und the Illinois Asbestos Act, twentyfiveyear old Skoble Greenwood... village on a "forward thinking" ROeOgnIOed with crrtllinuten by woman who wm token to Rash question he get, in "Are we hir- drink only causen Ihr person to elcehon day wolle tOce presenta- presenlatcveos proved Io be helle gram raffles a prlretag nl up to vr nlundatOry eliminatIon nl ing?' Continued from Page 3 inehlbe more. They also cali a enlrrtuiOaceg awl edorotloonal tor muolcipatily that In "getting In-8154,175 dependIng on whetherhuard members were bachees onbentos from district buildings. North ShoreHospitallohe non of "lIait to the Chiefs" by volved". Robert Juren, Jenny Bue, Kelly treated for a broken leg, injurien Coba took a traffic report while nc solely for neloer esceeenloes Itose l'Sodurtiocen Two proles, thee students. flautoway fuevishvthe mord- Fotlwiog u debate of whether or The Bugle reporter was there. 11 Al Morton Hocino on I.locola in oional adamacqouintailthe Barring unforeseen opposition log containers to each hosuehold. Beeten, innove Bedsun, Arico nob 10 support further Stlgutboo to ber head und inlamoul Injuries. over these levels. Ilowever, tleenc from citlunos, the drafted recycl- Cohen,Jeonifer De Guzmun, was typical of the kind of und- levels bocce been looted os health Murton Grove, there', so 8f,appy Saidt'runteeNell Coshmon, un well on the ultoroey's udvire,The speed Iboit lo that sectIon of denl mont parking bol cmeminren Merlu Gimbal, Yullona Glacer, mebaledlIcence ;thereborr,oil lIme en seich, but they present Ing ordinance wilt be presented before approving the derisIon to hourd members agreed lo bel aGolf Rood Io forty mph. Icier. Two people seamrbing for on floes d'oeuorns dmeriocg cocktail neId approved at the January 5 draft a favoroble ordinance. "WeMorgurito Gnrfin, Helen Graven neonineune ob loe uddltivoul $I, public saler supplies are no- availablestallturninginto hour. frene,11ccMaceager, ea' regulat' VIllage Booed meeting, hove so choice buI to approveand Michelle Geeenlield. un expensen. perlvul lo romply." Tax Exempt five months tor the Also,Jeonebte and Jnoeeeeioe another lane ond meetIng with o Since the user can't taste tIce plaina, "We see repeat ceowda. OU0SeIIM Ibis,but we havetocot Inotherbuelvess, hoardSanta visits... crunch.Under obherrim- lrlrndn.Iltheme'snner. resideoto Io get lIned to the Idea of somethingeineIothenerIHunlelt, Jurling Mon, Suole Ho, members approved new rateo 10m radium, tIce supplier of the ser' Property Owners separating their newspapers, ,tonele Juffe, Multreyee Jeme ond Coslbeord from Pagel re000stnOern, hoto drivers would voce hots scverol options:I I dig ocdabgence, we nagent combler aced bodgeg"Cashman refereed Io substitute leuchemoebbective have beadlo go Io Touhy aced a rab. Sometimes o Irleod .111 glass and alumlonm trum theBraodsma's memo cIting the Io'Hitue')' Jumbech. 1. bics hielo along. At 050011cr well ostie lower radiase December Screened lee Clari, lets Milwaukee, three mUes southr,nst take them heme." Io rest of their leash. In a meetIngevitobilily of eventual state moo- Again, Audi London, Slephonle suhntilotm who liest are called to teclee us S cecil lelo teno etouglelers readings cod blend their suppleen Ilobert P. ftaeernhan, Assessorbencamleddmreolly all characterIzed by more than lo bell out reports, adding another moto it: 21 I_sp into a nearby rotem- MorIi Page, 111100m Ad- of Miles Tvcrn.slelp ovoId like loregistered Tan F.ueanpl Property dates to require recycling pro- a school with receive $58 u doy orme 6 oid 7. This hepl his faenily aggroeotioo bu a disconcerting lee- ncieilsl.rulor nl lefother, Agolmest costomafl' commentary from gramo. Most coperte project on mentre Robert Leavitt, choir- u'hlle subabllotrs on cullwill ieevobvcef need his kids saw the Oeooily'.soie ber supply: 3) install ren000d ali of the Tun EaenoptOwsset-t. If yosor ortosomaalion is cident. The cam owner,' mood neo trrateeeent syolemi ab pinots. Dneok Drevlog, IM-A-ODI hopes l'roperby OwnersivMoleseligible loe noch ao euemptitsm b-oMens. the greatest surpriseincrease Io solid waste disposalman of the Traffic und Safety receive $55 u day. Soballtotendecor Sovbji's visits brought eu mulched tIer eaten, enaller'ob-f art that oIl planes tImol verse tiquer wan thaI the meeting lasted oven mi., be-sl salutino however, nao iv Township thattheynicestbileand does vot receive a Incise by costs hevaune of diminIolsiogCommission introduced two or- with the district on a bong terno loor nel by Cobo. The ollicer lake special precautions Ucla bob- lo floors. availability. oree toro produce ahigher .seeloceeee their Anoumel Report ooOOctierD'cr 30. ve ob yea vend bccip 1,-d yes' landfill Ifn dinaonen reflecting rlticeoen' coo- buslswiit recelceun llthelay cor,- Toelcey, Kotuouliae reports, "Pee coudesoreboth cors were day seusoo, und ciegos the boula. Hautaway'st.,eeBrandoma balefUl In approved for Bomttelt,evens abaul traffic safely on marInaI rube nl 5119.07. 11151 racel liebe Ihr MInitels olI tice level ucd is protohilively capen' Cook County Assessor's 01lire iov-nsc000g 0e votcrclaog ne teao.s000I' driveabbe. If u retenIr load bevo in0 nl all personnel lo cnnhoh for hoot these loeseos. please rotolare ma,n clearly pteaned both with hin IttlooIo, comnoonities whidte haveSteeroner alter a proposed slenpp- street. Il just gol loo bigI uuee- order ta enaintalo their SLots, of beaciby damaged, Gabs would TOce lEb'A said it in vot oeeoveutel over-indulgence. On Decenohee li Enomptioo. Ito' Miles Tov.00bOmp Assessor's Of' detailed proposal and wIth Ihra ero-balde recycling programlog rector In built un the vor. lcd lo lo it riy'Iet. ft esosa sopee have assisted by caSing a law 01/sOD ostI lauonh Project Reel Village Booed's decision to en' thwost corner of Deenpster and toe sneuell suppliers Io lorget lo Div' bolloscivg pronesbuer ma noce will probably receive more ideo, Irre teid good 'PR' for Ihr truck and contacting o briend or RIbbon asking people tu change liolvrIcartbcnr ocbonoabere, naIl darse It. ReferrIng ta the oniqor favorable dinposohte raten. Shermer, Vittage trastees Nues parks... enlie.'e , bal ceins veer stop nod you notily cuotneners, liaI they onere.- be-aig accesi by the Cook County relative ob the driver with tice the meaning ob "Let's lic oece on," Atiseocean's (MIcce regmerdlcsg TaxlicO Moles Township Assessor's Of' eightyperennI-ehrte system Trustee Lewis Greenberguoanlnioosly approved anoe' hurl olee fteeeiiiv. IVe luidib doms qoired In do so cneo' three neoo. Village would Coatbeeaed from Pagel disabled rom, th,s loe us 1mg os tIer roeddllon en- For the third yer MADD well Coempo properties, Fornes udiihrn at 073-5X0. whereby the likened revyvilog to "motheehooddleeaone prohibiting parkIng on lie o sysberee, bot ib eiovie't easy.'' The vos in equipped witte a dIstribute med plastic rihhooa foc receIve a portion of the net Io- reed apple pie" an he asked qaes'Ihr West side of Sleermer north isIs. Frdrrui slandarebs ore based Improvements. This treelyIn u reUntarphone, radios,report on on adult dreokiog two hIers ut Oeefqeorters In tie somewheee on come levan recyclablen, BramI- tinos related to the recyclIng con-1mm Dempober to the first alley. hfemmy Christmas for the Park buenos hob ver)'bilge creatore their rar extenorn lo show they ema told the Boaed, "Ours Is dB' Legion Auxiliary wooer d.sol yon er u pereod ob 70 taIoern, which bave a delIveredUoaoloonun appmovol wan alan Di.nteicb." romborls.lbloelectrically wish a tale und sober holiday Io freest. We bave a streng and oc- plier tag of $5.75, Thontee Robertgiven to an ordinance prohIbiting years. TIn-i uns' c'sodel resoll mn lv- 'n'e 1)Ibhliie}5 c-spry' 1'Illlrsdbly'. Copies ob the hood ordlenoorrglianses Little heated, however. Cuba used rre;osv'd mesh of concer reSets-d oU.Ryder trucking. Federal Ea- curate aevoolItlog s)stvtls whereleavlU robed II rebate figuresleft turns from the customer lane will br uvuibabte lo all interested binoculars lo perludbcaity check perna.Illinois Bell and Seven- '\ by we mn report hack to yourwould go down an the supply ofcolt of the Jiffy Lube forillly on poetics at the Adoeeieeistmutiun Of Oreos of the parking tot near the Eleven are among tocase village within three bauen" the Miss Poppy par- recyrled Items Iocrc*sr,s, Brand-the nouthwest corner of Beckeeitle fices, 7877 Mltwuuleee Ave. tidpatingiothedisplayaoci amount coBerted und the rate nl A 1.1111e MIso Poppy feas been eme pmrdleted "The Federaland Wookegan roads Onto AlnuavailablealtheAd. dIstrIbution of the 30 loch long partIcIpatIon on any n'entI toy.Gnvernmenl has a strong feelingWaubegao, from soolhbuund enlvixtrutloo building arc peli.named by the Morton Grove Meeting planned to The rebate system, acvording tu MG Library... nbhnns. obool recycling.You'll seeHarlem bIo the fIent niley north lloren tor Ike upcoming eleelloroe. American Legion Auxiliary Unit Page cItes lIgures froece the Na- Brondoma, Is lo "pay barb thelegislationIoenhance theof Deoepstrr und the drlveo'uy To oppear on ton Aped 4th bulbI.4134 who will help pmumvte the Continued brom Page 3 discuss flooding tioreul Highway Admsiiolotestiun markets"furrecycled gonds.entrance to the shoppIng motor, red flower which Is symhollc of pcle000emsoust he reglslemrd steig arts. skewing that in 1087. Chcrcolceea.s Even it increaned marbete brtroni the drIveway of the nhvpp' voters, revide iv Niles und louve ethe legion und itoAuxiliary. drill'riesci,('licei 'l ehm' Eve lutaSSe, nmmepissaeel lIncee on recycled good,, foil to develop, Ing center unto bbamleoe, Shemnoer AuoillumyPresidentArlene Foe rhuldeen - ('nntnirtivr oeiuieeeoeo ob 44 Signaturen. Ac- b'laythlngs'tineref oipneeOt. I Icier clic' I bi ,'s,,oric Sl:,ii:ei,'sedicic Mesa Year's Eve. Thece wece 308 Bmondsmasaid''avoidedvr I)empstem und (roen the olley cording to l)irecbor Bill blughes,Rook says l,iltle Miss Poppy Io "ilic tIc-is mciv b itolc'etrocar- lruebfln deaths on Dev'cneher 24. Of dlspe.st costo esilI e-ese-" . Avvidn-elvo the north rod of the center onto NancySherman uf Morton rdunolionaltnyo nod gonces, Lowrates ? leve peoplc h,Vive picked up peli. creative neolerinlo- FAO m.,,S clic' lilivuov f)v'oi,mrleecm'cctmI these , oc Sn S per cent wem disponul00515represento ll.erlem ne Sleerocer. liuto tu ruft for tIce three canantGrove, the daughter ob Claire und Tr:eci.sov'rI,c ci,,i e, u ill eOi.s,'ii.', alv'ohel-rrtnbed. Schworlce - ticeultimatelay make State Farm theoretical uuvlog,e to the village, SIl on anl agende Seals OS l'ork CoeeimLssioeiec. Gerold Sherman. She Ls o student teracete0,0,1 cothlng. ciire,'ce elilies homeowners re,ullred only If they recycle. ArtI tvld lIre huard he orlI pmo- te other business, tIer bboomd at'- el Park View Schont in Morton ter'',.'' i ii,,O,i t:,eeece o ccci:.'io Assessment children - 1100cc- The decisivo to draft o recyvl-vent mustligueroIvthe neat Grove. Forcedull boll, tIPi insurance cepto-I a proposal to eeoploy the ocachee Seldemneer ' inecovotive, SI, ccc,'I' ,emievs hip Toovv complaint a good buy, Ing ordinance no.5 o clear vlctv regular uleich eveS include wp- architectural linee uf Cody-Bruan Nuocy bas a grondmothcm who li.cil,cr,l bici . i':eeh Ile-lOe',cl I 70 tor Aeft, whose stoll rcscurmheet bunctioeeal unique noel unanimi Oceel costO ol on esleonned Ott k A.Ssociabes toc. lo continue with in o pieni president ob the Morton limit.'l'ltiiosil,iy, l)e'v'o'eeilcv'e IS deadline near programe In Arlington Heightu,nyeteeo for the Village nl Morton Grove Auxiliary, Nancy Schlater- produrla - BN. Gredas - unique, GALL 1.IE l'lane It nl tIer coeeotmuntion nl the lop quality, innovative prodacts. 't'I c,'cic,','iilmi'. Ic:Ls lv'v'i i ,srr;occnm',l blohemtP.11ev-rabos,Mlles Bomlogton, Bullolo Grove, ElleGrove. The Juvuomyo hoard Morrison, 01x0 O rrsidenl of MON l'noie)l'uIl viii 01.3511ml new eeeaivtrnoncc locilily. For pela ' The Pet Catalog. bI' l0"P TownshIp Assessor wishes In in- Grove Village und Gob Park. venting n-Ill decide when to hold AO ton Grove. Mro, MorrIoun served ;,iiti i.'i',,' cicli,vc,ec'm I by II,,' lloyd anee000cenerol Was suede For the gourmet'bbommy h forto you lIcol bloc Board of Ap- - - ,-I f vocili lb Vt' bi VThethercltiuenn of Morton Grove o 9tt referendum, which will poit cvnceniiog the Mlles Cbaeeeleer ob as Unit president 10m the 1985 l'covo' ici 'cci',,eciec III "e',' I Io,' peaLs Io now lak,l000 aasesaeneaet 1'I Ie''n e. bi he(5 rd I) I wUl appreciatetheentennive David, unique und impressive FRANK the public on whethcr lo odd ¿e Coeeeoeecrce thetoem donne ob the year, toce Il eec I.-cito' ('ie'ii' ,'e.ysee, lico' cneeoplabals foe Real FalloIr peo- study of recycling remain lo hrline nureleurge to their telephone Mlsn Poppy's geentgrand. bowl gibt.s - Nutinsol Gill Service 1111811kb ter brIlvIltIlIg ef ttesno ie'fbIllt'. PARKINSON C'loetroo lIllo, Friday, January -liquor, food and randy brone lico I clic' bi-.cl'laicc,'yi'iliencts perty nanee,. The last day loe IiI- billa. 13, 1089. The cost Ls *40 father L, Frank Roemmeb, u WPD l'levail'r,,ie'm' ci,'iicese.'0ccix,icctcce ing Is Drceeeeher SI, 1985. 7745 MILWAUKEE AVE. per per- Se rit eIbt QUeme, la bave tane, abalad Welgiel Realelebinelo na AMIlo veteran who earned a Purple around the world. il lt.'miv' lico ocoilr .(f (g-r t 8) I It t'FIilor- - - noce. The CitizennllIceYear ForIhe arreochnirtraoebrr /cr,'icI lierci.v mi Cmmeneplete rcqalrreceenln Ive f il- NILES, li. 6th40 mInter Loado Greenberg In- AVOEUe Heart lo Fronce. His wife, great client iiimc ilii 01m Award Lt presented al the dinner. -blouse of Tyrol ' ineportv'd roller' huh t)' It) cec,'e' eng a noospbaint with 11w Conk 'j 8ecIoc,'cee', b lodert's o. ill lo- 1mcciefieiernl, tmnducedfour tau ababemenl The booedoeeanieeeouniyup- grandmother Clara, wan1941 oc mli.tiiLs,ti,' Iii tiir,'o, I 1h.' 967-5545 "All erganluablons nominaleso- tibIes unique gibts und oppiecci. l'ittico County Board al Appeals, on well resolutions Io the Village Booedproved a Truffle and Solely 0m. necoeee and the Cleaneber pIcks Auxiliary president. lie's l'li tor y Il vert ett,l II v','re'c' by o_S theloesecaoev'essmory.ore lecce demecce,''. omit In' e.eticle,-lei ocleeecerrdbcce'. e. Fortiercecuseonceeeileuslast which were unanImously approo' dioeaocvlleneltieegtotalvehicle the eeloner" sold lIeben, who Is Miss Nancy Poppy participated ce lOtit I 'oc I ceicc IIi,'otmici,' i't,oict' ocolbohlr hem oe lides Township. ed, The total lanpayer savings nlwrighttofivelohn hebween in tIce Vebemuees Day parade and -IlolIday Gifts from tice Nntioeuil herself a winner of the award. Archives - SmithsonIan Catielog. ileip irre Ifyou have ooy questions. Serednilfottereeto: THE BUGLE s292,t30,repreaeola moneyChurch und I)eonpnter along Upon concluding the eeeeetlng, ceremonies, otbended the Aux- 'I'l 0,-cdc',' 11cm ivolv'ccI,' Io,' pleine feel free to Visit the Mlles allocated Irren surpluses Io water For everyone else-Iforoing Aonblo enel to len tons along the Board members lookafew Iliary's annual Christmas Cheer cccliii.y'oieclic'rrol ireciac li,,cc cciict- Tomen,sbcipAsemenuor'solficeal 8746N, Shormer Road revenoen, moIne fuel tanes and50011e street between Deonpnber Moli . noper sbockiceg stullems need minuIts hi 15001e everyone loeo luncheon to help select prize cebe- lo'oIiI,micm,sIciii lilil'ccII,'eo'y 5306Molce St, libelar, IllinoIs or pereonal property innen, and Lleecola. The ordinance wan neon und wilt appear throoghoui stmctiencr)'IdeasbenneSieieta', Nitos, Illinois 6064-a productive year und to look fur. Workshop. t'liir,',l'7 ruS 072-9285. Dempitee-Shermeetraifle9e- adopted to lenprvve Italic and woof la lIce 1010cc about which the coneneonity at yumbas fune- dianncea .ds$ed solely roredibbono. they are optimistic, tion,i throoghout In the future. PACE U T81 IUGLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15 19U Collect JewelSavings a ORSAVE Stamps and get OUEr $5lb. good thr Krokus or Armour SatfldoV Golden Star 5 lb. Canned Ham Doc 24 CannedHam nUonSen ,ednoni3 . Corn King . Dubuque .Swift Mod S,onbS000i Coids Or)e Io thIS excertIoflValue 5 Ib. Conned * Harns sfl be sold *tro4e In the canonly. SAVE $3SAVE when you redeem 3 filled ' Stomp Saver Cards 0001w 0001w 5bC0000d 0001 5ICoso,0dHoni oiiOnuOOlOdOOifl 2Mod niwisMo 00100111 1 MelI Cn iIi 5iowoSn.,wCdsth 2OSOU*9rÇ* ojoSctflS)øyt5crsCod P,3fOd9rOOcCOdttYdOQ' Cc1flrc .. °ooff 4 Ib. boQ Grou d California C Beef Sale each POCkOQO pdCO po. b ofloch25% Ot oo0ocdlhooQhWQi. Doc 2t i988 Navel Oranges

US DA Boneless Rump Roast or Roast

pSß2Dpab D b SUOOOSOQII 2-39 t *2.iUSoi S00POidod0#D0l000100el5 Cienol SIDOCOOS VOS 01w WOOla 001001 COOS ellI C105000id' raennswioGi000 noon. SISCd000tISiMUOdS'0Q0100106 25 Jewel Veetabies Swanson Frozen Products DpSDUPOSS25% 2/894 __4_ -. DDDGOUd DUø.SS4D. DoDDD 2. EscD,dIng Lo Menu ...*- 2100011 CD,, Do CnO PCI. Coke, Smoked Ham Peosior7Up S kP on Situe 94

I IQb leni I b Q Ch.ÇI0b01, SuoodidLooidou Jewel r; King Quartered Save $0411 Plelnluel Sliced Bacon Buffer Howl SalamI $1 994 fresh Baked Rye, Oid Wodd ¿r Rye Bread f49

IM»OMC0InIuiS0SUD ç Get llampo peeemfor p 7th, i989. lII