Environmental Perspectives Vol. 52, pp. 177-182, 1983 Commentary What Is an Adverse Health Effect? by Russell P. Sherwin*

Health is defined as homeostasis of the cellular ecology, and a state where there has not been an inordinate loss, reversible or irreversible, of the structural and/or functional reserves of the body. An adverse health effect is defined as the causation, promotion, facilitation and/or exacerbation of a structural and/or functional abnormality, with the implication that the abnormality produced has the potential of lowering the quality of life, contributing to a disabling illness, or leading to a premature death. Experimental animal studies indicate that poor air quality has the potential for serious adverse health effects through perturbations of the cellular ecology over long-term periods. Some of the most important concerns are inordinate depletions of lung reserves (in particular, em- physema), the facilitation of cancer metastasis to the lung, the facilitation of immunologic deficits with the concomitant expression of opportunistic organisms, and amplification of cardiovascular abnormalities (in particular, ischemic heart disease). It is argued that air quality standard setting should more strongly consider adverse health effects that are presently subclinical in nature in order to achieve early prevention instead of late correction.

A definition of adverse health effect is a begin- diverse kinds. Morbidity data can and does pro- ning step towards assistance in the establishment vide useful data for air quality evaluation, but, of reasonable air quality standards. As a part of again, at a level that is often less sensitive than that definition, consideration must be given to the required, or ifhighly sensitive, e.g., eye irritation question, what is health. Defining health is not in a highly susceptible individual, may not be an academic exercise, since there is no sharp line considered to be a significant health hazard. A between a normal state of health and subclinical third category is subclinical disease or morbility diseases. For example, some degree of coronary (1), i.e., the patient either does not have symp- artery disease and emphysema is essentially toms or fails to recognize them, and the level of ubiquitous in the adult "well population," and sensitivity of clinical tests is inadequate for diag- there is in fact a progressive deterioration of nosis. This category is an especially important health with time and not necessarily in accord- and largely neglected source of data for air qual- ance with age. Within the health-disease spec- ity evaluation. A majority, ifnot most ofthe adult trum there are four basic categories of adverse well population has some form of chronic disease effects on health. The end stage category, death, at a subclinical level, ranging from early lesions provides mortality data that are relatively insen- to nascent clinical disease. Improvements and sitive for assistance in the setting of air quality new developments in clinical testing are urgently standards. Moreover, mortality rate increases needed to open up the greater part ofthe category that are acute, as occurred in the London episodes of morbility to clinical recognition, especially of the 1950s, and long-term rises, as for example with respect to the major chronic diseases and the the 20-30 year delayed mortality increase of lung needs of air quality control. The fourth category cancer secondary to cigarette smoking and asbes- of adverse health effects has been all but over- tos exposure, are obviously prohibitive sources for looked insofar as air quality standards are con- future air quality data. The category of morbidity cerned, namely, a state of health where there has ranges from the earliest or mildest symptoms of been an inordinate depletion of cell, tissue, and ill health to exacerbations ofterminal illnesses of organ reserves, or so-called hypeinopenia (1). Re- serve loss involves both reversible and irrevers- *Department of Pathology, University of Southern Califor- ible alterations of cell population and includes nia School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA 90033. metabolic abnormalities and alterations of the 178 R. P. SHERWIN intercellular milieu. In actuality, the earliest ad- against an optimistic view of the general health, verse health effect is an altered ecology at the namely the incidence of disability. Coldez and cellular level. Extraordinarily serious alterations Blanchet (5) have called attention to a substan- may be sustained at this level without coming to tial increase in disability, 30% versus a 10% in- clinical attention until structural and functional crease in the population. Very disconcertingly, loss reaches an end-stage, as will be discussed the increase in disability included the younger with respect to emphysema. Thus, definitions of and middle age groups, and the investigators health and of adverse health effect must start concluded that environmental factors may in part with a consideration of the human body as an be responsible for the increased incidence. A de- ecologic entity comprised of multitudinous cell tailed treatment of the question "Do health indi- societies. cators indicate health?" as cogently posed by Wilson (6), can be found in a Daedalus review (7). What Is Health? What Is the Present Level of Over 30 years ago, the World Health Organiza- tion (2) defined health as a "state of complete Health with Respect to the Lung? physical, mental, and social well-being, and not The importance ofthe lung to health is ofmuch merely the absence of disease or infirmity." As greater magnitude than has been previously ap- Callahan stated (2), the definition puts "medicine preciated. For example, diverse metabolic activi- and society in the untenable position of being ties have been identified in the lung and they required to obtain unobtainable goals." No other warrant calling the lung an endocrine organ (8). definition has since been made available, at least Tb date, air quality studies have paid relatively not for air quality control consideration. The im- little attention to pollutant-induced perturba- mediate relevancy ofdefining health for standard tions of the lung's diverse metabolic activities. setting purposes is that the well population may From a clinical standpoint, the lung is gaining not be as well as presently believed, and this greater attention as a major health problem. The would mean a far larger subpopulation of suscep- incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- tible individuals than is presently appreciated. ease (COPD) is said to be quadrupling every 5 As implied earlier, the question of susceptible years, the trend beginning 15 years ago (9). There subpopulations must ultimately focus largely on has also been a remarkable increase in the discov- cellular inventories, i.e., the structural and func- ery of "new" lung diseases. Of special pertinence tional reserves of the cell societies and their envi- to air quality, many of the newly uncovered lung rons that constitute the human ecology at the diseases are environmentally related, e.g., the cellular level. Health, then, is fundamentally ho- ever growing list of hypersensitivity lung dis- meostasis of the cellular ecology, and a state eases (10), silicate pneumoconiosis (11, 12), and where there has not been an inordinate reversible Legionnaire's disease (13). Moreover, the real im- or irreversible loss of reserves. pact on the community of some ofthe well-known dust hazards has yet to be established, in particu- What Is the Present Level of lar the ubiquitous occurrence of asbestos in the lungs of the well population (14). Space does not Health? permit an expanded discussion of these serious There is the impression that we are becoming encroachments on the structural and functional progressively healthier, due mainly to better nu- reserves of the lung, but a few additional com- trition, sanitation, medical care, and personal ments on COPD are warranted. . Germanely, vital statistics indicate that A number of clinical studies (15, 16) have indi- life expectancy at the time of birth extended to cated that generally one of six (17%) of the work- 73.6 years in 1980 (3). However, the number of ing well population have COPD on the basis of years of life remaining at the age of 45 in 1980 is both symptomatology and abnormal pulmonary not remarkably different from the 1900 figure, function tests. For people in the well population i.e., 24.8 years versus 32.1 years, or a gain of 7.1 over the age of 50, it appears that half have years (4). Moreover, life expectancy for those at chronic lung disease. The autopsy, despite the use age 75 has increased by only 3 years over the 80- of relatively insensitive measurement methods, year study period. In effect, there may be some has provided strong evidence for substantial lung gain for adults (3), but the longevity indicator is reserve depletion. Most pertinently, emphysema- largely reflecting better neonatal and child care tous disease in more than trace amounts has been (4). There is another indicator that also cautions found to be more often present than absent in the WHAT IS AN ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECT? 179 lungs of adults (17-19). Further, Mitchell and his of these diseases, e.g., carbon monoxide-induced associates (20) concluded from their studies that myocardial ischemia is an important consider- "death certificates from two university medical ation for air quality standards. Of special inter- center hospitals during a seven year period un- est, Graboys (25) stated that an estimated 40 derstated by about 20% the overall frequency million Americans will be involved in some form with which chronic airway obstruction was the ofsustained aerobic activity by 1980. At least half cause of death in subjects older than 40 years," will be over the age of35 and therefore candidates and that "the reported death rates for 'emphy- for exercise stress testing. Of the 20 million sema' and 'chronic bronchitis' underestimated the asymptomatic individuals in this group, approxi- presence ofchronic airway obstruction at the time mately 10% can be expected to have electrocardio- ofdeath by about 50%." More sensitive methods of graphic changes suggestive of myocardial ische- measuring emphysema, and a greater interest in mia, thus warranting consideration for coronary the support of autopsy studies, will undoubtedly angiography. Ofthe 10% with ECG abnormalities demonstrate a far greater loss oflung reserves in the (2 million persons), 25% or 500,000 will, as a well population than presently appreciated (21). conservative estimate, have multivessel coronary There is a special need for more sensitive pul- disease. Thus there will be half a million candi- monary function tests as an aid in standard set- dates for bypass surgery in view of the "extrapo- ting. We have speculated, from very limited clini- lated assumption that the asymptomatic person copathologic correlations, that pulmonary with multivessel diseases carries an annual mor- function tests first become indicative of chronic tality similar to that ofthe symptomatic coronary obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) only patient." This illustration of heart disease at a when 50% or more of lung structure and/or func- subclinical level is in accord with routine autopsy tion has been lost, with the loss being largely experience. Like destructive lung disease, de- irreversible. Germanely, there is no disagree- structive coronary artery disease with some de- ment that a patient who first complains of symp- gree of luminal alteration is the rule and not the tomatology referable to COPD may have incurred exception at autopsies of adults. It is also not as much as 80% or more of irreversible lung uncommon to find atheromatous plaque forma- damage. There is also a well-recognized progres- tion in the young adult, or even in the child. sive decrement in pulmonary function with aging Germanely, a 1953 report on coronary disease in (22) that very likely reflects a substantial rate of soldiers killed in action in Korea stated that consumption ofstructural and functional reserves 77.3% of 200 soldiers, age 18 to 48 (mean age 22) of the lung. Of further pertinence, experimental had some evidence of coronary arteriosclerosis animal studies have shown that 75% of the lung (26). In 5.3% of the hearts, luminal narrowing of can be extirpated without notably altering the the artery was over 90%, and complete occlusion animal's ordinary activities (23, 34). of one or more vessels occurred in 3%. While a The most obvious health implication of a loss of more recent study of 105 U.S. soldiers killed in lung reserves is a poorer performance, as for Vietnam (18 to 37, mean 22.1 years) showed less example in competitive sports. More seriously, coronary disease (? methodology difference or im- reserve loss tends to lower resistance to disease provement in health), there was nevertheless evi- and leads to a greater vulnerability ofthe lung to dence of some coronary artery atherosclerosis in disease in general. Of special pertinence is the 45% and severe disease in 5% (27). The fact that report from the Framingham, Massachusetts one can live to "a full lifespan" despite a totally heart study (24, 35) that poor lung function, in occluded left coronary artery, or in rare instances particular forced vital capacity (FVC) was "sec- with marked occlusion of both right and left coro- ond only to age" as a predictor of potential heart nary arteries, largely reflects great reserve capa- problems and mortality in women, and is rivaled bilities. only by blood pressure among men. It is not clear Diminished body reserves and increased sub- whether the low FVC is a sign of generalized clinical disease due to poor air quality will be debility or reflects a direct effect of poor lung eventually reflected in mortality statistics. Need- function on the heart. less to say, the immediate standard setting need is to avoid adverse health effects that will lead to Morbidity and Cardiovascular end-stage disease, especially considering that large segments of the well population will have Disease sustained substantial covert and irreversible Diseases of the cardiovascular system are the damage to their health by the time mortality single greatest cause of death, and exacerbation statistics would indicate the seriousness of the 180 R. P. SHERWIN poor air quality. Mortality data can, however, acerbation of a structural and/or functional ab- serve a number of important purposes, not the normality, with the implication that the abnor- least ofwhich is providing epidemiologists with a mality produced has the potential of lowering the more precise identification of primary and con- quality of life, causing a disabling illness, or tributory causes ofdeath. There is a need not only leading to a premature death. A special attribute for improvements in the uniformity of death cer- of the definition is the focus on the earliest stage tificate recording, considering their flagrant inac- of disease. This can mean detection before covert curacy at the present time (20, 28), but also for a disease becomes extensive and widely distributed greater use of the autopsy for verification of the in the well population, as for example may very clinical diagnosis. In a recent review, Wheeler well be taking place with respect to emphysema (29) stated that a reliance on clinical diagnosis for reasons presently unestablished. In the latter alone results in an overall inaccuracy rate of 40% respect, there is obviously a need to determine to 50% for death records, and the error is of major the rate of depletion of lung reserves in the well significance for at least 10% of the records. population, and to employ animal models in a Furthermore, there is relatively little apprecia- search for alterations at the level of the cellular tion for the fact that the autopsy itself is com- ecology (discussed further below). The definition monly the source of major error in the interpreta- also encourages a search for relatively minor ad- tion of the cause of death and contributing verse effects on cells and tissues that may serve to factors. An example of great pertinence to air facilitate or otherwise amplify other disease proc- quality evaluation is the relatively crude and esses. A cogent example is the facilitation of can- nonuniform diagnosis of emphysema at autopsy cer metastasis to the lung (as opposed to a role in (21). More specifically, Thurlbeck (30) has pointed the causation or promotion of cancer) by an am- out that " ... expert pathologists have found bient level of an air pollutant, as discussed by uninflated lungs valueless in recognizing emphy- Richters elsewhere in this symposium presenta- sema at necropsy. Even when inflated lungs were tion. One other relatively overlooked area of used experts in the pathology of emphysema health concern that falls under the covert part of showed startling discrepancies in their estimates the adverse health effect definition is the low- of emphysema . . ." grade, chronic disease process caused by subtle hypersensitivity type reactions, of which there is What Is an Adverse Health Effect? a rapidly growing and still relatively unappreci- ated list of responsible agents (10), and also by Noxious air pollutants, and noxious agents in relatively unappreciated infectious diseases that general, adversely affect the cellular ecology are by organisms indigenous to (cells, tissues, and environs) to produce abnor- caused diverse malities ranging from minor perturbations that the lungs and other organs (discussed below). are compensable or reversible to totally destruc- tive lesions and functional abnormalities that The Endogenous Infectivity lead to death. It should be emphasized that re- versible as well as irreversible abnormalities of Experimental Animal Model relatively minor magnitude can nevertheless Presently, the infectivity animal model, based have a serious impact on health by exacerbating on exposing animals to aerosols of highly concen- other disease processes or by creating a state of trated bacterial populations (31), is receiving spe- increased susceptibility to disease in general. To cial attention for its high level of sensitivity in meet the real needs of air quality control, special demonstrating an adverse effect of air . efforts must be made to increase the sensitivity of The end point of the testing is a greater incidence discriminants used for assistance in standard set- of mortality in the pollutant exposed group com- ting, not only with respect to the present empha- pared to the number of deaths in the control sis on pulmonary function testing and the record- group of animals. Recently, an animal model sys- ing of acute respiratory disease, but also in terms tem has been developed that addresses the oppo- of unmasking the greater part of disease and site end of the infection spectrum, namely the abnormal function that presently exists at a sub- facilitation of expression of infectious organisms clinical level in the well population. Thus, a defi- that are indigenous to the lung. In an earlier nition of an adverse health effect must encompass study, a phenomenon of delayed outgrowth of the entire spectrum of disease. We propose the pseudomonas aeruginosa was observed in tissue following definition: an adverse health effect is cultures of the lungs of guinea pigs that had been the causation, promotion, facilitation, and/or ex- exposed to NO2 (32). More recently, viral RNA WHAT IS AN ADVERSE HEALTH EFFECT? 181 has been found to be increased in the spleens of human adult lungs, and since Type 2 cell hyper- mice exposed to ambient levels of NO2 (33). Of plasia is an early and common denominator type related interest, spleen weights of N02-exposed event for human lung disease in general, the mice initially increase then fall below normal ultimate requirement for answering the question (34). There may also be a relationship between of reversibility of Type 2 cell hyperplasia in both the expression of retrovirus in lung cells and the the human and animal model lung is an inven- occurrence of an increase in macrophage interac- tory ofalveoli. In fact, we consider an inventory of tions with lung cells (35,36). The potential impor- alveoli in the lungs of the well population (pri- tance of the endogenous infectivity model is that marily from coroner cases) to be the single great- it can provide data on the mechanisms involved est need for assistance in the setting ofreasonable in the facilitation of virus expression by poor air air quality standards. A monitoring of reserves is quality. 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