Yang–Mills for probabilists

Sourav Chatterjee

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ...

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ...

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ...

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Fundamental forces

I The four fundamental forces:

I The electromagnetic force. Interaction of light and matter. I The weak force. Interactions between sub-atomic particles. I The strong force. Force that holds together quarks that form protons and neutrons. I Gravity. I Physical theories:

I Electromagnetic force: Quantum electrodynamics (QED). Dirac, Feynman, Tomonaga, Schwinger, Dyson, ... I Weak force: Electroweak theory. Glashow, Salam, Weinberg, ... I Strong force: Quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Yang, Mills, Gross, Politzer, Wilczek, Wilson, ... I Gravity: General relativity (GR). Einstein.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the .

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Quantum field theories

I The theories explaining the first three forces are known as quantum field theories.

I The various quantum field theories are unified into one body known as the Standard Model.

I The first quantum field theory was quantum electrodynamics.

I Gave astonishingly accurate predictions, matching up to 10 decimal places with experimental data!

I The other theories have similar success stories.

I However, there is no rigorous mathematical foundation for these theories. (Clay millennium problem of Yang–Mills existence.)

I Even from the point of view of theoretical physicists, there are very important unsolved theoretical problems — quark confinement, mass gap, etc.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Quantum effects are important at very small distances, where gravity is unimportant.

I Gravity is felt at large distances, between very massive bodies, where quantum effects are negligible.

I So, the unification seems like only an academic goal, except that...

I Both gravity and quantum effects manifest themselves in black holes. Small black holes can potentially form when particles collide with each other at very high speeds, as in particle accelerators.

Quantum gravity

I There is no quantum theory of gravity. Finding such a theory is the holy grail of modern physics.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Gravity is felt at large distances, between very massive bodies, where quantum effects are negligible.

I So, the unification seems like only an academic goal, except that...

I Both gravity and quantum effects manifest themselves in black holes. Small black holes can potentially form when particles collide with each other at very high speeds, as in particle accelerators.

Quantum gravity

I There is no quantum theory of gravity. Finding such a theory is the holy grail of modern physics.

I Quantum effects are important at very small distances, where gravity is unimportant.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I So, the unification seems like only an academic goal, except that...

I Both gravity and quantum effects manifest themselves in black holes. Small black holes can potentially form when particles collide with each other at very high speeds, as in particle accelerators.

Quantum gravity

I There is no quantum theory of gravity. Finding such a theory is the holy grail of modern physics.

I Quantum effects are important at very small distances, where gravity is unimportant.

I Gravity is felt at large distances, between very massive bodies, where quantum effects are negligible.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Both gravity and quantum effects manifest themselves in black holes. Small black holes can potentially form when particles collide with each other at very high speeds, as in particle accelerators.

Quantum gravity

I There is no quantum theory of gravity. Finding such a theory is the holy grail of modern physics.

I Quantum effects are important at very small distances, where gravity is unimportant.

I Gravity is felt at large distances, between very massive bodies, where quantum effects are negligible.

I So, the unification seems like only an academic goal, except that...

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Quantum gravity

I There is no quantum theory of gravity. Finding such a theory is the holy grail of modern physics.

I Quantum effects are important at very small distances, where gravity is unimportant.

I Gravity is felt at large distances, between very massive bodies, where quantum effects are negligible.

I So, the unification seems like only an academic goal, except that...

I Both gravity and quantum effects manifest themselves in black holes. Small black holes can potentially form when particles collide with each other at very high speeds, as in particle accelerators.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

I The most promising approach: .

I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

I The most promising approach: String theory.

I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

I The most promising approach: String theory.

I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The most promising approach: String theory.

I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

I The most promising approach: String theory.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists More about quantum gravity

I In classical physics, particles move along deterministic trajectories.

I In quantum physics, the trajectories are probabilistic (although the notion of probability is replaced by complex probability amplitudes).

I General relativity is a classical theory, in the sense that the structure of curved spacetime is deterministic.

I A quantum theory of gravity would replace the fixed spacetime by a randomly fluctuating spacetime (random Riemannian manifold).

I The most promising approach: String theory.

I Roughly speaking, strings moving randomly trace out random surfaces. Higher dimensional strings, known as branes, trace out higher dimensional random manifolds.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Gauge-string duality

I There is a theoretical result of Weinberg and Witten (1980) that it is impossible to generate gravity using quantum field theories in the traditional sense (hard to explain without going into details).

I However, Weinberg and Witten have the unstated assumption that one is looking for both theories in the same dimension.

I In 1997, Maldacena made the remarkable discovery that certain quantum field theories are ‘dual’ to certain string theories in one dimension higher!

I Duality means that any calculation in one theory corresponds to some calculation in the other theory.

I Maldacena’s discovery is known as AdS-CFT duality or gauge-string duality.

I The principle of going to one dimension higher is known as the holographic principle.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In the remaining part of the talk, I will present some concrete mathematical problem for probabilists.

I The physics connections will not be discussed in any great depth due to time constraints. I will only say one or two sentences for each problem, connecting the math problems with the physics problems mentioned before.

Plan for the remainder of the talk

I This concludes the presentation of the physics background.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The physics connections will not be discussed in any great depth due to time constraints. I will only say one or two sentences for each problem, connecting the math problems with the physics problems mentioned before.

Plan for the remainder of the talk

I This concludes the presentation of the physics background.

I In the remaining part of the talk, I will present some concrete mathematical problem for probabilists.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Plan for the remainder of the talk

I This concludes the presentation of the physics background.

I In the remaining part of the talk, I will present some concrete mathematical problem for probabilists.

I The physics connections will not be discussed in any great depth due to time constraints. I will only say one or two sentences for each problem, connecting the math problems with the physics problems mentioned before.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Quantum Yang–Mills theories are defined in Minkowski spacetime. Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are ‘Wick-rotated’ quantum Yang–Mills theories that are defined in Euclidean spacetime.

I They are formally probability measures on spaces of connections on certain principal bundles.

I They have lattice analogs, known as lattice gauge theories, that are rigorously defined probabilistic models.

I Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are supposed to be scaling limits of lattice gauge theories.

Quantum Yang–Mills theories

I The quantum field theories describing the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces are known as quantum Yang–Mills theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I They are formally probability measures on spaces of connections on certain principal bundles.

I They have lattice analogs, known as lattice gauge theories, that are rigorously defined probabilistic models.

I Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are supposed to be scaling limits of lattice gauge theories.

Quantum Yang–Mills theories

I The quantum field theories describing the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces are known as quantum Yang–Mills theories.

I Quantum Yang–Mills theories are defined in Minkowski spacetime. Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are ‘Wick-rotated’ quantum Yang–Mills theories that are defined in Euclidean spacetime.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I They have lattice analogs, known as lattice gauge theories, that are rigorously defined probabilistic models.

I Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are supposed to be scaling limits of lattice gauge theories.

Quantum Yang–Mills theories

I The quantum field theories describing the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces are known as quantum Yang–Mills theories.

I Quantum Yang–Mills theories are defined in Minkowski spacetime. Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are ‘Wick-rotated’ quantum Yang–Mills theories that are defined in Euclidean spacetime.

I They are formally probability measures on spaces of connections on certain principal bundles.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are supposed to be scaling limits of lattice gauge theories.

Quantum Yang–Mills theories

I The quantum field theories describing the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces are known as quantum Yang–Mills theories.

I Quantum Yang–Mills theories are defined in Minkowski spacetime. Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are ‘Wick-rotated’ quantum Yang–Mills theories that are defined in Euclidean spacetime.

I They are formally probability measures on spaces of connections on certain principal bundles.

I They have lattice analogs, known as lattice gauge theories, that are rigorously defined probabilistic models.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Quantum Yang–Mills theories

I The quantum field theories describing the electromagnetic, weak and strong forces are known as quantum Yang–Mills theories.

I Quantum Yang–Mills theories are defined in Minkowski spacetime. Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are ‘Wick-rotated’ quantum Yang–Mills theories that are defined in Euclidean spacetime.

I They are formally probability measures on spaces of connections on certain principal bundles.

I They have lattice analogs, known as lattice gauge theories, that are rigorously defined probabilistic models.

I Euclidean Yang–Mills theories are supposed to be scaling limits of lattice gauge theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory. I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions; then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms); this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories. I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions; then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms); this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories. I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence. I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms); this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories. I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence. I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory. I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions;

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories. I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence. I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory. I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions; then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms);

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence. I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory. I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions; then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms); this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Constructive field theory

I The problem of rigorously constructing Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, and then using them to construct quantum Yang–Mills theories, is the problem of Yang–Mills existence. I A standard approach is via the program of constructive quantum field theory. I The plan there is to first define Euclidean Yang–Mills theories as probability measures on appropriate spaces of generalized functions; then show that these probability measures satisfy certain axioms (the Osterwalder–Schrader axioms); this would then imply that the theory can be ‘quantized’ to obtain the desired quantum Yang–Mills theories. I The constructive field theory program waged a valiant battle for more than thirty years (1960–1990), making sense of various quantum field theories in two and three dimensions, but never quite reached its ultimate goal of constructing 4D quantum Yang–Mills theories. May be revival possible?

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Towards the formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

I Ingredients: dimension n and gauge group G.

I Assume that G is a closed subgroup of U(N) for some N. I Examples (all in n = 4):

I Quantum electrodynamics: G = U(1). I Electroweak theory: G = SU(2). I Quantum chromodynamics: G = SU(3).

I Let g be the Lie algebra of G.

I Then g is a subspace of the space of all N × N skew-Hermitian matrices.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I If A is a G connection form, its value A(x) at x is an n-tuple (A1(x),..., An(x)) of skew-Hermitian matrices. In the language of differential forms, n X A = Aj dxj . j=1

I The curvature form F of A is the g-valued 2-form F = dA + A ∧ A .

I This means that at each x, F (x) is an n × n array of skew-Hermitian matrices of order N, whose (j, k)th entry is the matrix ∂Ak ∂Aj Fjk (x) = − + [Aj (x), Ak (x)]. ∂xj ∂xk

Connections and curvature

n n I A smooth G connection form on R is a smooth map from R into gn.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The curvature form F of A is the g-valued 2-form F = dA + A ∧ A .

I This means that at each x, F (x) is an n × n array of skew-Hermitian matrices of order N, whose (j, k)th entry is the matrix ∂Ak ∂Aj Fjk (x) = − + [Aj (x), Ak (x)]. ∂xj ∂xk

Connections and curvature

n n I A smooth G connection form on R is a smooth map from R into gn. I If A is a G connection form, its value A(x) at x is an n-tuple (A1(x),..., An(x)) of skew-Hermitian matrices. In the language of differential forms, n X A = Aj dxj . j=1

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I This means that at each x, F (x) is an n × n array of skew-Hermitian matrices of order N, whose (j, k)th entry is the matrix ∂Ak ∂Aj Fjk (x) = − + [Aj (x), Ak (x)]. ∂xj ∂xk

Connections and curvature

n n I A smooth G connection form on R is a smooth map from R into gn. I If A is a G connection form, its value A(x) at x is an n-tuple (A1(x),..., An(x)) of skew-Hermitian matrices. In the language of differential forms, n X A = Aj dxj . j=1

I The curvature form F of A is the g-valued 2-form F = dA + A ∧ A .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Connections and curvature

n n I A smooth G connection form on R is a smooth map from R into gn. I If A is a G connection form, its value A(x) at x is an n-tuple (A1(x),..., An(x)) of skew-Hermitian matrices. In the language of differential forms, n X A = Aj dxj . j=1

I The curvature form F of A is the g-valued 2-form F = dA + A ∧ A .

I This means that at each x, F (x) is an n × n array of skew-Hermitian matrices of order N, whose (j, k)th entry is the matrix ∂Ak ∂Aj Fjk (x) = − + [Aj (x), Ak (x)]. ∂xj ∂xk

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Explicitly, this is Z n X 2 SYM(A) = − Tr(Fjk (x) )dx. n R j,k=1

The Yang–Mills action

n I Let A be the space of all smooth G connection forms on R . The Yang–Mills action on this space is the function Z SYM(A) := − Tr(F ∧ ∗F ), Rn where F is the curvature form of A and ∗ denotes the Hodge star operator, assuming that this integral is finite.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists The Yang–Mills action

n I Let A be the space of all smooth G connection forms on R . The Yang–Mills action on this space is the function Z SYM(A) := − Tr(F ∧ ∗F ), Rn where F is the curvature form of A and ∗ denotes the Hodge star operator, assuming that this integral is finite.

I Explicitly, this is Z n X 2 SYM(A) = − Tr(Fjk (x) )dx. n R j,k=1

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R , I SYM is the Yang–Mills action, I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A, I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM


Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I SYM is the Yang–Mills action, I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A, I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM

where: n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R ,

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A, I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM

where: n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R , I SYM is the Yang–Mills action,

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM

where: n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R , I SYM is the Yang–Mills action, I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A,

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM

where: n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R , I SYM is the Yang–Mills action, I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A, I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Formal definition of Euclidean YM theories

n I The Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G on R is formally described as the probability measure

1  1  dµ(A) = exp − S (A) dA , Z 4g 2 YM

where: n I A ∈ A, the space of all smooth G connection forms on R , I SYM is the Yang–Mills action, I n Y Y dA = d(Aj (x)) n j=1 x∈R is ‘infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure’ on A, I g is a parameter called the coupling strength, and I Z is the normalizing constant that makes this a probability measure.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I While it has been possible to give rigorous meanings to similar descriptions of Brownian motion and various quantum field theories in dimensions two and three, 4D Euclidean Yang–Mills theories have so far remained largely intractable.


I The above description of Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G is not directly mathematically meaningful because of the problems associated with the definition Lebesgue measure on A.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Problem

I The above description of Euclidean Yang–Mills theory with gauge group G is not directly mathematically meaningful because of the problems associated with the definition Lebesgue measure on A.

I While it has been possible to give rigorous meanings to similar descriptions of Brownian motion and various quantum field theories in dimensions two and three, 4D Euclidean Yang–Mills theories have so far remained largely intractable.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The lattice with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The lattice gauge theory with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The lattice gauge theory with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The lattice gauge theory with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The lattice gauge theory with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Lattice gauge theories

I Wilson (1974) proposed a discretization of Euclidean Yang–Mills theories, now known as lattice gauge theories. I The lattice gauge theory with gauge group G on a finite set n Λ ⊆ Z is defined as follows. I Suppose that for any two adjacent vertices x, y ∈ Λ, we have a group element U(x, y) ∈ G, with U(y, x) = U(x, y)−1. I Let G(Λ) denote the set of all such configurations. I A square bounded by four edges is called a plaquette. Let P(Λ) denote the set of all plaquettes in Λ. I For a plaquette p ∈ P(Λ) with vertices x1, x2, x3, x4 in anti-clockwise order, and a configuration U ∈ G(Λ), define

Up := U(x1, x2)U(x2, x3)U(x3, x4)U(x4, x1).

I The Wilson action of U is defined as X SW(U) := Re(Tr(I − Up)). p∈P(Λ)

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z . I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z . I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z . I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z . I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Definition of lattice gauge theory

I Let σΛ be the product Haar measure on G(Λ).

I Given β > 0, let µΛ,β be the probability measure on G(Λ) defined as 1 dµ (U) := e−βSW(U)dσ (U), Λ,β Z Λ where Z is the normalizing constant.

I This probability measure is called the lattice gauge theory on Λ for the gauge group G, with inverse coupling strength β.

I An infinite volume limit of the theory is a weak limit of the n above probability measures as Λ ↑ Z . I The infinite volume limit may or may not be unique.

I The uniqueness (or non-uniqueness) is in general unknown for lattice gauge theories in dimension four when β is large.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Pn I Take a G connection form A = j=1 Aj dxj . n I Let e1,..., en denote the standard basis vectors of R . n I For a directed edge (x, x + ej ) of Z , define

Aj (x) U(x, x + ej ) := e ,

−1 and let U(x + ej , x) := U(x, x + ej ) . I This defines a configuration of unitary matrices assigned to n directed edges of Z .

From LGT to Euclidean YM theory: Wilson’s heuristic

n n I Discretize R as Z for some small .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists n I Let e1,..., en denote the standard basis vectors of R . n I For a directed edge (x, x + ej ) of Z , define

Aj (x) U(x, x + ej ) := e ,

−1 and let U(x + ej , x) := U(x, x + ej ) . I This defines a configuration of unitary matrices assigned to n directed edges of Z .

From LGT to Euclidean YM theory: Wilson’s heuristic

n n I Discretize R as Z for some small . Pn I Take a G connection form A = j=1 Aj dxj .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists n I For a directed edge (x, x + ej ) of Z , define

Aj (x) U(x, x + ej ) := e ,

−1 and let U(x + ej , x) := U(x, x + ej ) . I This defines a configuration of unitary matrices assigned to n directed edges of Z .

From LGT to Euclidean YM theory: Wilson’s heuristic

n n I Discretize R as Z for some small . Pn I Take a G connection form A = j=1 Aj dxj . n I Let e1,..., en denote the standard basis vectors of R .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I This defines a configuration of unitary matrices assigned to n directed edges of Z .

From LGT to Euclidean YM theory: Wilson’s heuristic

n n I Discretize R as Z for some small . Pn I Take a G connection form A = j=1 Aj dxj . n I Let e1,..., en denote the standard basis vectors of R . n I For a directed edge (x, x + ej ) of Z , define

Aj (x) U(x, x + ej ) := e ,

−1 and let U(x + ej , x) := U(x, x + ej ) .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists From LGT to Euclidean YM theory: Wilson’s heuristic

n n I Discretize R as Z for some small . Pn I Take a G connection form A = j=1 Aj dxj . n I Let e1,..., en denote the standard basis vectors of R . n I For a directed edge (x, x + ej ) of Z , define

Aj (x) U(x, x + ej ) := e ,

−1 and let U(x + ej , x) := U(x, x + ej ) . I This defines a configuration of unitary matrices assigned to n directed edges of Z .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The above heuristic was used by Wilson to justify the approximation of Euclidean Yang–Mills theory by lattice gauge theory, scaling the inverse coupling strength β like 4−n as the lattice spacing  → 0.

Wilson’s heuristic, continued

I By the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula for products of matrix exponentials, one can derive the formal approximation

4−n S (U) ≈ − S (A). W 4 YM

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Wilson’s heuristic, continued

I By the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula for products of matrix exponentials, one can derive the formal approximation

4−n S (U) ≈ − S (A). W 4 YM

I The above heuristic was used by Wilson to justify the approximation of Euclidean Yang–Mills theory by lattice gauge theory, scaling the inverse coupling strength β like 4−n as the lattice spacing  → 0.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In the above formulation, β does not scale with  at all when n = 4.

I Currently, however, the general belief in the physics community is that β should scale like some multiple of log(1/) in dimension four.

Scaling in dimension four

I The most important dimension is n = 4, because spacetime is four-dimensional.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Currently, however, the general belief in the physics community is that β should scale like some multiple of log(1/) in dimension four.

Scaling in dimension four

I The most important dimension is n = 4, because spacetime is four-dimensional.

I In the above formulation, β does not scale with  at all when n = 4.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Scaling in dimension four

I The most important dimension is n = 4, because spacetime is four-dimensional.

I In the above formulation, β does not scale with  at all when n = 4.

I Currently, however, the general belief in the physics community is that β should scale like some multiple of log(1/) in dimension four.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Given a loop γ with directed edges e1,..., em, the Wilson loop variable Wγ is defined as

Wγ := Tr(U(e1)U(e2) ··· U(em)).

Wilson loops

n I Suppose that we have a lattice gauge theory on Λ ⊆ Z with gauge group G.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Wilson loops

n I Suppose that we have a lattice gauge theory on Λ ⊆ Z with gauge group G.

I Given a loop γ with directed edges e1,..., em, the Wilson loop variable Wγ is defined as

Wγ := Tr(U(e1)U(e2) ··· U(em)).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I But the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have nontrivial continuum limits.

I The description of the limit is part of the problem.

I The most important groups are SU(2) and SU(3).

I Large body of work in 2D. Less in 3D. Almost none in 4D, except for a very long series of papers by Balaban that people find very difficult to understand. May be someone can take off from where Balaban stopped? Or revive the project using different ideas?

Open problem #1: Yang–Mills existence

I The problem has many parts.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The description of the limit is part of the problem.

I The most important groups are SU(2) and SU(3).

I Large body of work in 2D. Less in 3D. Almost none in 4D, except for a very long series of papers by Balaban that people find very difficult to understand. May be someone can take off from where Balaban stopped? Or revive the project using different ideas?

Open problem #1: Yang–Mills existence

I The problem has many parts.

I But the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have nontrivial continuum limits.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The most important groups are SU(2) and SU(3).

I Large body of work in 2D. Less in 3D. Almost none in 4D, except for a very long series of papers by Balaban that people find very difficult to understand. May be someone can take off from where Balaban stopped? Or revive the project using different ideas?

Open problem #1: Yang–Mills existence

I The problem has many parts.

I But the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have nontrivial continuum limits.

I The description of the limit is part of the problem.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Large body of work in 2D. Less in 3D. Almost none in 4D, except for a very long series of papers by Balaban that people find very difficult to understand. May be someone can take off from where Balaban stopped? Or revive the project using different ideas?

Open problem #1: Yang–Mills existence

I The problem has many parts.

I But the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have nontrivial continuum limits.

I The description of the limit is part of the problem.

I The most important groups are SU(2) and SU(3).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Open problem #1: Yang–Mills existence

I The problem has many parts.

I But the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have nontrivial continuum limits.

I The description of the limit is part of the problem.

I The most important groups are SU(2) and SU(3).

I Large body of work in 2D. Less in 3D. Almost none in 4D, except for a very long series of papers by Balaban that people find very difficult to understand. May be someone can take off from where Balaban stopped? Or revive the project using different ideas?

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I There are standard techniques for showing exponential decay of correlations at small β (e.g. by Dobrushin’s condition). Showing exponential decay at large β is conjectured for many models in statistical physics, but most of these problems, including the YM mass gap, are open.

I Even physicists do not think they have a proof of mass gap.

I A solution of this problem will explain, roughly speaking, why mass exists in the universe.

Open problem #2: Yang–Mills mass gap

I Again, the problem has many parts, but the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have exponential decay of correlations at any β.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Even physicists do not think they have a proof of mass gap.

I A solution of this problem will explain, roughly speaking, why mass exists in the universe.

Open problem #2: Yang–Mills mass gap

I Again, the problem has many parts, but the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have exponential decay of correlations at any β.

I There are standard techniques for showing exponential decay of correlations at small β (e.g. by Dobrushin’s condition). Showing exponential decay at large β is conjectured for many models in statistical physics, but most of these problems, including the YM mass gap, are open.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I A solution of this problem will explain, roughly speaking, why mass exists in the universe.

Open problem #2: Yang–Mills mass gap

I Again, the problem has many parts, but the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have exponential decay of correlations at any β.

I There are standard techniques for showing exponential decay of correlations at small β (e.g. by Dobrushin’s condition). Showing exponential decay at large β is conjectured for many models in statistical physics, but most of these problems, including the YM mass gap, are open.

I Even physicists do not think they have a proof of mass gap.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Open problem #2: Yang–Mills mass gap

I Again, the problem has many parts, but the main step is to show that 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theories have exponential decay of correlations at any β.

I There are standard techniques for showing exponential decay of correlations at small β (e.g. by Dobrushin’s condition). Showing exponential decay at large β is conjectured for many models in statistical physics, but most of these problems, including the YM mass gap, are open.

I Even physicists do not think they have a proof of mass gap.

I A solution of this problem will explain, roughly speaking, why mass exists in the universe.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics.

Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982).

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Open problem #3: Quark confinement

I Suppose that we are given a 4D non-Abelian lattice gauge theory. I Show that for any β, there are constants C(β) and c(β) such that for any loop γ, −c(β)area(γ) |hWγi| ≤ C(β)e ,

where hWγi is the expected value of the Wilson loop variable Wγ and area(γ) is the minimal surface area enclosed by γ. I Showing for rectangles is good enough. I There is a proof at small β by Osterwalder & Seiler (1978). I Proof at large β for 3D U(1) theory by G¨opfertand Mack (1982). I Disproof at large β for 4D U(1) theory by Guth (1980) and Fr¨ohlich& Spencer (1982). I Proof of this conjecture will explain why we do not observe free quarks in nature. This is one of the biggest mysteries of particle physics. Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Technically speaking, this problem can be discussed only after solving the problem of YM existence.

I The main step is to show that Wilson loop expectations in a continuum Yang–Mills theory can be expressed as integrals over trajectories of strings in a string theory, where the trajectories are in one dimension higher.

Open problem #4: Gauge-string duality

I Recall that gauge-string duality is an attempt to unify quantum field theories and gravity.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The main step is to show that Wilson loop expectations in a continuum Yang–Mills theory can be expressed as integrals over trajectories of strings in a string theory, where the trajectories are in one dimension higher.

Open problem #4: Gauge-string duality

I Recall that gauge-string duality is an attempt to unify quantum field theories and gravity.

I Technically speaking, this problem can be discussed only after solving the problem of YM existence.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Open problem #4: Gauge-string duality

I Recall that gauge-string duality is an attempt to unify quantum field theories and gravity.

I Technically speaking, this problem can be discussed only after solving the problem of YM existence.

I The main step is to show that Wilson loop expectations in a continuum Yang–Mills theory can be expressed as integrals over trajectories of strings in a string theory, where the trajectories are in one dimension higher.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In recent work (C., 2015 and C. & Jafarov, 2016), we gave a formula for Wilson loop expectations in this theory as asymptotic series expansions in 1/N, where each coefficient in the series arises as a sum over trajectories in a certain lattice n+1 string theory, where the trajectories are in Z . I This proves a version of gauge-string duality and the holographic principle. Possibly the first rigorous result.

I The expansion was proved only at small β (strong coupling). Will be a very important breakthrough to prove something similar at large β.

I In 2D, the terms were explicitly evaluated by Basu & Ganguly (2016) using combinatorial techniques. May be the techniques can extend to higher dimensions?

Some results about gauge-string duality

n I Consider SO(N) lattice gauge theory on Z , n arbitrary.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I This proves a version of gauge-string duality and the holographic principle. Possibly the first rigorous result.

I The expansion was proved only at small β (strong coupling). Will be a very important breakthrough to prove something similar at large β.

I In 2D, the terms were explicitly evaluated by Basu & Ganguly (2016) using combinatorial techniques. May be the techniques can extend to higher dimensions?

Some results about gauge-string duality

n I Consider SO(N) lattice gauge theory on Z , n arbitrary. I In recent work (C., 2015 and C. & Jafarov, 2016), we gave a formula for Wilson loop expectations in this theory as asymptotic series expansions in 1/N, where each coefficient in the series arises as a sum over trajectories in a certain lattice n+1 string theory, where the trajectories are in Z .

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The expansion was proved only at small β (strong coupling). Will be a very important breakthrough to prove something similar at large β.

I In 2D, the terms were explicitly evaluated by Basu & Ganguly (2016) using combinatorial techniques. May be the techniques can extend to higher dimensions?

Some results about gauge-string duality

n I Consider SO(N) lattice gauge theory on Z , n arbitrary. I In recent work (C., 2015 and C. & Jafarov, 2016), we gave a formula for Wilson loop expectations in this theory as asymptotic series expansions in 1/N, where each coefficient in the series arises as a sum over trajectories in a certain lattice n+1 string theory, where the trajectories are in Z . I This proves a version of gauge-string duality and the holographic principle. Possibly the first rigorous result.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I In 2D, the terms were explicitly evaluated by Basu & Ganguly (2016) using combinatorial techniques. May be the techniques can extend to higher dimensions?

Some results about gauge-string duality

n I Consider SO(N) lattice gauge theory on Z , n arbitrary. I In recent work (C., 2015 and C. & Jafarov, 2016), we gave a formula for Wilson loop expectations in this theory as asymptotic series expansions in 1/N, where each coefficient in the series arises as a sum over trajectories in a certain lattice n+1 string theory, where the trajectories are in Z . I This proves a version of gauge-string duality and the holographic principle. Possibly the first rigorous result.

I The expansion was proved only at small β (strong coupling). Will be a very important breakthrough to prove something similar at large β.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Some results about gauge-string duality

n I Consider SO(N) lattice gauge theory on Z , n arbitrary. I In recent work (C., 2015 and C. & Jafarov, 2016), we gave a formula for Wilson loop expectations in this theory as asymptotic series expansions in 1/N, where each coefficient in the series arises as a sum over trajectories in a certain lattice n+1 string theory, where the trajectories are in Z . I This proves a version of gauge-string duality and the holographic principle. Possibly the first rigorous result.

I The expansion was proved only at small β (strong coupling). Will be a very important breakthrough to prove something similar at large β.

I In 2D, the terms were explicitly evaluated by Basu & Ganguly (2016) using combinatorial techniques. May be the techniques can extend to higher dimensions?

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Theorem (C., 2015) n Consider SO(N) LGT on Z . For a collection of loops s = (`1, . . . , `m), define hW W ··· W i φ(s) := `1 `2 `m . Nm Let |s| be the total number of edges in s. Then

X 0 X 0 X 0 (N − 1)|s|φ(s) = φ(s ) − φ(s ) + N φ(s ) 0 − 0 + 0 − s ∈T (s) s ∈T (s) s ∈S (s)

X 0 1 X 0 1 X 0 − N φ(s ) + φ(s ) − φ(s ) N N 0 + 0 − 0 + s ∈S (s) s ∈M (s) s ∈M (s) X 0 X 0 + Nβ φ(s ) − Nβ φ(s ), 0 − 0 + s ∈D (s) s ∈D (s)

± ± ± ± where T , S , M and D are certain operations that produce new collections of loops from old.

The master loop equation

The following is a generalization of what are called Makeenko–Migdal equations or master loop equations. They hold at all β, and give the starting point for the proof of the 1/N expansion and gauge-string duality.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists The master loop equation

The following is a generalization of what are called Makeenko–Migdal equations or master loop equations. They hold at all β, and give the starting point for the proof of the 1/N expansion and gauge-string duality. Theorem (C., 2015) n Consider SO(N) LGT on Z . For a collection of loops s = (`1, . . . , `m), define hW W ··· W i φ(s) := `1 `2 `m . Nm Let |s| be the total number of edges in s. Then

X 0 X 0 X 0 (N − 1)|s|φ(s) = φ(s ) − φ(s ) + N φ(s ) 0 − 0 + 0 − s ∈T (s) s ∈T (s) s ∈S (s)

X 0 1 X 0 1 X 0 − N φ(s ) + φ(s ) − φ(s ) N N 0 + 0 − 0 + s ∈S (s) s ∈M (s) s ∈M (s) X 0 X 0 + Nβ φ(s ) − Nβ φ(s ), 0 − 0 + s ∈D (s) s ∈D (s)

± ± ± ± where T , S , M and D are certain operations that produce new collections of loops from old. Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I The preprint also has an extensive review of the mathematical literature on these topics, which I did not cover in this talk.

I Special thanks to David Brydges, Erhard Seiler and Steve Shenker for teaching me most of what I know about Yang–Mills theories, lattice gauge theories and quantum field theories.

Final remarks

I I have a very recent preprint on arXiv, with the same title as this talk, that contains most of this talk in greater detail.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists I Special thanks to David Brydges, Erhard Seiler and Steve Shenker for teaching me most of what I know about Yang–Mills theories, lattice gauge theories and quantum field theories.

Final remarks

I I have a very recent preprint on arXiv, with the same title as this talk, that contains most of this talk in greater detail.

I The preprint also has an extensive review of the mathematical literature on these topics, which I did not cover in this talk.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists Final remarks

I I have a very recent preprint on arXiv, with the same title as this talk, that contains most of this talk in greater detail.

I The preprint also has an extensive review of the mathematical literature on these topics, which I did not cover in this talk.

I Special thanks to David Brydges, Erhard Seiler and Steve Shenker for teaching me most of what I know about Yang–Mills theories, lattice gauge theories and quantum field theories.

Sourav Chatterjee Yang–Mills for probabilists