Key Shop Make the most of your visit Fountains Explore Toilets, disabled toilets Historic tree and baby change Dog waste bins If you have a couple of hours Download coordinates to your 3 5 Picnic area 1 Steep slopes Begin your visit at Porter’s Lodge phone and challenge yourselves 2 4 Experience a World Heritage Ball games area and read the fascinating story of to a digital treasure hunt across Minibus pick-up point the abbey before venturing into the the grounds. 6 No ball games (please request at admissions) ruins to soak up the atmosphere. Site of contrasts and surprises. If you have a whole day 14 Scenic views Parking If you have time pop over to the 10 Mill to grind some corn and see All of the above! Plus explore Café Disabled parking 13 7 Discover the spirit of a great original artefacts from the abbey. the deer park and spot the differences between the red, No dogs allowed Tours meeting point 12 abbey and the elegance of If you have a morning / afternoon sika and fallow deer. Take the 8 Hazard (steep drop) Join a guided tour and hear circular route through Seven 11 a knowledgeable guide breathe Bridges Valley, then along the 9 lime avenue with its magnificent a Georgian water garden. life into the stories of the garden 17 and abbey. Or seek out the follies view of Cathedral. in the water garden.

13 16

21 14 8 Fountains Abbey 15

15 12 1 Infirmary 9 Cellarium 16 2 Abbot’s House 10 Cloister To Studley 17 3 Muniments Room (upstairs) 11 Roger village Studley Royal 4 Warming Room 12 Huby’s Tower Water Garden 7 To Ripley 6 5 Refectory 13 Chapel of the Nine Altars 6 Laybrothers’ toilets 14 Abbey Church 22 19 18 3 5 10 7 Woolhouse, Bakehouse 15 Swanley Grange & Brewhouse 9 11 16 Porter’s Lodge 8 Guesthouses 20 17 Mill 4 1

Studley Royal Private Studley Royal Water Garden Deer Park 1 6 2

7 26 25

23 5 9 8

Private 4 10 24 3 13 12 1 11 2 12 14 Private


19 15 B6265 to Ripon, 17 Harrogate & A1(M) 18

Welcome Abbey Water garden Deer park Distances Parking 1 Seven Bridges Valley 10 Upper canal 1 Main Car Park 5 Swanley Grange 12 Rustic Bridge 21 Seven Bridges Valley Visitor Centre to Abbey Visitor Centre 2 Serpentine tunnel 11 Drum Fall ½ mile, 15 minutes walk Free 2 Visitor centre entrance 6 Porter’s Lodge & 13 Anne Boleyn’s Seat 22 Ice houses 3 Octagon Tower 12 Crescent ponds tours meeting point & Surprise View Abbey to Studley lake Studley Royal 23 3 Bird hide Rough Bridge 1 mile, approx. 30 minutes walk Pay and display, NT members free 4 Temple of Piety 13 Moon pond 7 Fountains Mill 14 High Ride path 4 Play area 24 Site of lost ‘Studley Royal House’ Studley lake to Visitor Centre West Gate 5 Temple of Fame 14 Lower canal 8 De Grey’s Walk 15 Temple of Fame 25 St Mary’s Church via Deer Park Free, priority for disabled visitors 6 Surprise View & 15 Banqueting House 9 16 Octagon Tower 1 mile, approx. 30 minutes walk Anne Boleyn’s Seat 26 Choristers’ House (holiday cottage) Car parks close at 6.30pm 16 Half Moon pond & Serpentine tunnel 10 Herb garden & orchard There are some gentle and steep (5.30pm in winter) 7 Half-moon reservoir 17 Silver pond 17 Temple of Piety & Moon pond slopes around the estate — the most 11 West Gate entrance and car park 8 Grotto challenging gradients are marked on 18 Studley Lake 18 Fishing Tabernacles & cascade the map. Please be aware of deep 9 Rustic Bridge 19 Fishing Tabernacles & cascade 19 Banqueting House water on the estate. 20 Studley Royal entrance & car park