From 1912 Thr')Ugh 1916 on the Broa(Way Sl;Lge
SHAKESPo;l\REl\.N FESTIVA[J3 IN WE.5TERN KA>.JSl\.S by De 1m" r C. Homan CANSA!> 1 From 1912 thr')ugh 1916 on the Broa(way sl;lge, productions of ShOlk~spc,.r<o's rIal's "'s["c pro\' id~n9 t'oles f,)I:: E.H. Sothero ilrl'1 Julia Marlowe, John Dre.", .J'Jhnston forbes-Robertson and IN TWENTIETH Gertrud", Elli0~.t-_, MilrO", Anglin, Robcc-t 8. M;:;nlell, ow,] Sir H'O~bert Beerbohm Tree, CIS well as SarOlh BernhauJt, TyronQ 21 PO'''er, <lnd Sydn",,;, Gr8enstreet nlc.ntle and Sherw(.)oc 1'145, ~im). At that ~ame time, in five town.'> in ""'(estern Kansas, productions of Shakespea~e's r1iiYs \oIere os coml1ljnlty projc~·t~ "nd ,cOmnluJliLy eJctc;rt.ainment, HI dccordance .... ith some of the most advanced th"'orics of the daY about the [('"cue of the theater from the shackles of comm8rc~. os The fiv~ tcwns "'J':"e Kinsley, Hutc:h·-;ns0n, 1.incc,]n, tleringt~n, and St. John. These towns were not large; glish a."ld Chairnan Of the ar;~ording to the 1910 c;"nSl;.·j, Kinsley, IOher", the festi.als ,ollege, Lindsborg, Kansas. b8~an, had a popul~tioll of 1,547; Hutehi,son, 16,364; Lincoln, a Ulliv~rsity. Professor 1,508; Herington, 3,27); and St. John, 1,785. 8ven these of .3rticles on William l'oI'lll,,~ions represented c; doubling si"c:" 1900 In Hutchinson, -Gilmor Bro~rl and the Heringtun, <In,j St. John, and ,::>f cc.'ursc s,::>m", grGwth contlnu,=,d, tre History Studies, 1~8q, IOjth Killsley reaching 1\'1:1 il) 1913, and with Lincoln claIming lunty Ka~sas: 1886-1910," 1,700 in t1e some year.
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