cedar lake camp meeting


Successful Soul Winning with Adventist Literature, presented by Theresa Broden (member, First Flint Church). This class will give you principles and practices in using Adventist literature instead of “plain Christian” literature in your personal ministries. (Conference Center 1)


Adventist Risk Management, presented by Hunter Pettis (account executive, Adventist Risk Management serving both the Lake Union and Atlantic Union). This class will help the Seventh-day Adventist church protect its ministry. —Sunday: Safety Officer Training - From small medical incidents like a trip and fall, to an emergency such as severe weather or an active shooter, having a plan for safety is critical to protect your people. A safety officer can provide leadership in this area that is mission-driven, practical, and effective. This seminar will help you understand how to shepherd your people using the best prevention and emergency-response practices. —Monday: Pathfinder and Camp Safety (Child Protection) - As a leader or staff member of a Pathfinder Club, it is your responsibility to create a safe environment for your club members and be prepared for any incidents your club may face throughout the year. By following basic safety guidelines and implementing risk management practice, you will be able to minimize incidents and be prepared for emergencies. —Tuesday: Insurance 101 - Business insurance includes a broad range of policy options designed to protect a business from financial loss. Every commercial operation has its own unique set of risks, which means a commercial insurance policy must be tailored to the business. We will spend some time learning how our church’s insurance policies work and how they are tailored to best protect the ministry. —Wednesday: Risk Management for Treasurers - In many situations, the pressure and rationalization to commit fraud are outside a church’s control. The opportunity isn’t. The best chance at lowering risk of fraud is by lowering the opportunities present in the system for fraud to take place. Learn how to set up internal controls to mitigate the risk of embezzlement. —Thursday: Emergency Planning - Does your church have an emergency plan? Emergency planning is an essential part of risk management and creating a safe environment for your ministry. This seminar will teach you how to get started with emergency planning and what your ministry should include in the plan. (Administration 150)


Children’s Ministries Resource Center. Come and see what is available from the Children’s Ministries Department and the ABC to enhance your church’s children’s programs, stories, and lessons. There will be items available for Sabbath School, Vacation Bible School, Child Evangelism and any outreach for children. The Resource Center will be open Thursday from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM and 1:00 - 5:00 PM. (Administration Library)

Fun Ways to Explore God’s Word, presented by Linda Gallimore (director, Children’s Ministries, Conference). See what is available for you to use to reach children for through Sabbath School and Child Evangelism. (Administration 139)

Resources for Reaching Children, presented by Linda Gallimore (director, Children’s Ministries, Michigan Conference). Join us as we participate in activities and games to enhance the outreach and prayer activities in our Sabbath School. (Administration 139)

Teaching Bible Marking for Children, presented by Linda Gallimore (director, Children’s Ministries, Michigan Conference). Join us as we show you how to teach Bible marking to children ages 7-12 with color coding. This is great for a continuing fun activity for the children week-to-week. (Administration 139) CHURCH LEADERSHIP TRAINING

Elder, Deacon, Deaconess Basic Training, presented by Royce Snyman (director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). —Monday: Elders’ Basic Training, Part I. Training for new elders that will provide an elders’ job description, how to work with the church pastor and local board, basic leadership principles, basic church organization, how to organize for church services, and more. —Tuesday: Elders’ Basic Training, Part II. A continuation of basic elder tasks focusing on how to do basic visitation (home and hospital), how to oversee various ministries of the church, basic principles of how to lead the church as a soul winning organization, and more. —Wednesday: Deacons & Deaconesses Basic Training, Part I. This training is for new deacons and deaconesses. The class will provide a job description and discussion about the history and basic work of deacons and deaconesses, and how to manage regular Sabbath morning duties —Thursday: Deacons & Deaconesses Basic Training, Part II. Part 2 of Basic Training will teach organizing for and carrying out various special services of the church including communion and baptismal events, and how to work with the local church pastor and board. —Friday: Current Issues Facing Local Churches and their Leaders. Many churches in Michigan, and North America, are being faced with an ever increasing number of challenging issues. These include the managing of registered sex offenders and related problems, major societal changes regarding morality, major theological controversy in the form of Anti-Godhead theology, Branch Davidian and Shepherd’s Rod groups, shifting views on Christian standards, and more. When churches face these conflicts local church leaders are often at a loss as to how to help the church work through these issues and maintain unity. This class will address the steps leaders should take to protect the church and help the wandering. (NOTE: This class is designed to guide local church elders, deacons, deaconesses and other local church leaders with guiding principles.) (Conference Center 2)


Church Clerk Training Seminar, presented by Alyce Blackmer (administrative assistant to the president, Michigan Conference). This seminar will provide training for new church clerks on how to use eAdventist. (Administration 154)

Church Clerks Training Appointment, please contact Information for scheduling.


Reaching Your Local Community with Facebook Marketing, presented by Chris Matts (professional digital marketer and founder of Advent Digital Marketing). How big of an impact can online advertising have on your local church? In this seminar you will learn online marketing techniques for reaching your target community through Facebook. —Monday: Would Jesus Be on Facebook? —Tuesday: Rebranding —Wednesday: How to Create Facebook Ads that Actually Work (Part 1) —Thursday: How to Create Facebook Ads that Actually Work (Part 2) —Friday: Facebook Marketing Q & A (Administration 139)


A Brief Assessment of Suicide Potentiality, presented by Laurie Snyman (assistant to the director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). Every 43 seconds, someone attempts suicide. Every 18 minutes, someone dies from a suicide. You can be the person who can stop one by learning the warning signs. —Monday: What Do You Know? —Tuesday: In Control —Wednesday: Mastering Motivation —Thursday: Earnest Empathy —Friday: Socially Acceptable (Administration 143)

Blood Drive, The blood banks need your help. The blood drive will begin at 10:15 AM and the last donor will be taken in at 3:45 PM. Please consider coming Sunday to donate a life-saving pint of blood. Refreshments will be served all day. You will need your picture ID and must know all your medications. (Church Fellowship Hall)


Chain Saw Training, presented by Jesus Castillo (member, Grand Rapids Central Church). Classroom, demonstration and practice in the field. (Administration 128)

Forklift Training, presented by Terry Dodge (associate director, Disaster Response). Classroom, demonstration, and practice in the field. (Administration 154)

HAMtastic Radio Protocols and Practice, presented by Greg Zaleski (member, South Flint Church) and Dave Carter (teacher, GLAA science-). During any great disaster the electricity goes out. When this happens all communications fail. HAM Radio operators are saving lives during this period of time. Become trained, take the test, and become certified as an operator. Learn how to operate within the ACS/DR System and practice for fun. There is a booklet for this class and a donation is asked to help cover the cost. (Administration 125)

SKYWARN® Class, presented by Ernie Ostuno (meteorologist, Grand Rapids National Weather service). In the average year 10,000 severe thunderstorms, 5,000 floods and more than 1,000 tornadoes occur across the United States. These events threaten lives and property. SKYWARN is a concept that is intended to promote a cooperative effort between the National Weather Service and communities. SKYWARN® storm spotters are part of the ranks of citizens who form the Nation’s first line of defense against severe weather. SKYWARN® is a volunteer program with nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters. These volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service. You will learn the basics of thunderstorm development, fundamentals of storm structure, identifying potential severe weather features, information to report, how to report information, and basic severe weather safety.

(Administration 128) EDUCATION BibleRICH: Memorizing the Bible and Scriptures with Pictures, presented by Dan Connell (director/producer, BibleRICH) and Johanna Evanoff (creator maintainer, BibleRICH). BibleRICH will help you be ready to witness for God by memorizing our distinct Seventh-day Adventist fundamental doctrinal scriptures that we need to know to give the loud cry of Revelation 14 and 18. BibleRICH also is designed to help you remember where people, places, and events are in the Bible. We have found that using pictures, in a unique arrangement that describe the Bible texts, drawn in the shapes of chapter numbers, along with an icon for each Bible book makes it incredibly easy to remember. To acquaint you with our program, we will be presenting and memorizing 5 different scriptures and 5 different Bible chapter highlights at every seminar. BibleRICH is for all ages. (Administration 144)

Does Adventist Education Make a Difference?, presented by Dr. Larry Blackmer (consultant to the president of the North American Division). Adventist education is expensive, both for the families and the church. Is it worth it? This presentation will share thirty years of data showing the benefits to the church and families. Children stay in the church longer, pay more tithe, are more likely to marry an Adventist, etc. Come and hear the research that there IS value in Adventist Education. (Administration 143)

Why Adventist Education? Its Relevancy in a Modern Society, presented by Dr. Larry Blackmer (consultant to the president of the North American Division). In today’s world, the salary and prestige of a college graduate is paramount. Adventist education provides quality academics in an environment of building leadership, community action, and spiritual strength. Today’s graduates must be more than just smart, they need what Adventist educational philosophy has provided for decades. Come share in the narrative of educating the whole person. (Administration 143)


Effective Evangelism: Before, During, and After Jesus on Prophecy, presented by Wes Peppers (coordinator Evangelism/associate director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). —Monday: Proper Preparation, Part 1. Public evangelism still works with proper preparation through the cycle of evangelism. Discover how to invite interests, visit missing members, conduct effective outreaches and more in preparation for Jesus on Prophecy or any evangelistic harvest effort. —Tuesday: Proper Preparation, Part 2. Public evangelism still works with proper preparation through the cycle of evangelism. Discover how to invite interests, visit missing members, conduct effective outreaches and more in preparation for Jesus on Prophecy or any evangelistic harvest efforts. —Wednesday: Visitation & Decision. Do you have interests or Bible Studies that don’t seem to move forward after learning the truth? Understand the art of visitation, vital steps in decision making, proper timing, and good questions to ask in calling people to decision. You will also learn 4 key appeals that anyone can give to help people decide for Christ. —Thursday: From Milk to Meat. Once people decide to follow Christ, how do they grow from decision to disciple? Learn the key elements of discipleship and mentoring and how to effectively utilize the Discipleship Handbook. And what happens even after the handbook? (Conference Center 2)

Michigan Conference 2020 Cuba Mission Trip Information Session, presented by Wes Peppers (coordinator Evangelism/associate director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). Are you interested in deepening or re- kindling your passion and training for mission? Consider the Michigan Conference organized mission trip to Cuba during spring break in March of 2020. Come and hear more information about the trip including; dates, location, cost, mission options, and more! All are welcome. (Conference Center 2)

It Is Written’s, My Place with Jesus Child Evangelism Program, presented by Melissa Bradshaw (coordinator, ’s Children’s Ministries). A special presentation of the new My Place with Jesus Child Evangelism Kit. This kit has been designed for busy Children’s Ministries Leaders who want to do more than just provide childcare during the adult meetings. The children will focus on learning more about their Forever Friend Jesus. You will be able to preview this new resource, learn how to use it, and have your questions answered. (Administration 139)


Divorce Care, presented by Harry and Sharon Miller (who have gone through the pain of separation and divorce). Divorce Care will help you recover from the pain of separation and divorce. Divorce Care is a condensed version of a 13-week seminar featuring video presentations, discussions, and support. You will learn how to deal with the pain of the past and look forward to rebuilding your life. The first video session will lead out with, “What’s Happening to Me?” (Administration 139)

Family Finances for Life, presented by Bob and Elsena Benson (pastor and his wife, Michigan Conference). In this seminar we will be looking at different life stages and the financial issues of each from a biblical and practical viewpoint. Come learn how to be a faithful steward of God’s resources. —Monday: Foundational Principles: Biblical principles for the best start financially —Tuesday: Early Years: Avoiding financial enslavement —Wednesday: Financially Planning for Kids: Training children in finances and financing Adventist education —Thursday: Planning for Retirement: It’s not ALL about wealth —Friday: Enjoying the Rewards of Financial Faithfulness Disbursing (Boys Dorm Chapel)

Leading Our Families, presented by Gail Micheff (director, Family Ministries, Michigan Conference), Bob Benson (pastor, Michigan Conference), and Linda Campbell (member, Urbandale Church). This seminar is for all local Family Ministry Leaders as well as anyone who has a desire to minister to the families in their church. We will be sharing the latest resources that are available as well as how to get started with ministering to your church family. We will also share how to startup a lending library, plan a marriage or family weekend or event, tips on how to get free giveaways, decorations, best places to find good deals, where to find presenters and resources for training and outreach. We will also have a sharing time for any of the ideas that have worked well for you, questions that you might have for us and just a time to encourage and pray with each other. (Administration 143)

Pursuing Healthy, Vibrant, and Lasting Marriages, presented by Sung and Jewel Um (pastor and wife, Michigan Conference). —Monday: God Factor (commitment) & We Factor (bonding) in Marriage —Tuesday: Finding Balance for the Extreme Pattern of Relating —Wednesday: Essential Changes Within that Would Bring Lasting Change in Our Marriage —Thursday: A Team Approach to Resolving Conflict that Brings Us Closer as a Couple —Friday: Discerning Warning Signs of Crisis—Power Outage, Infidelity, Drifting Apart (Administration Chapel)

Teach Them Diligently, presented by Cinda Osterman (owner of Training Gifted Minds), Amy Austin (member, Centreville Church) and Megan Allen (member, Lansing Church). Parenting is the greatest gift God has given us. Not only do we have the opportunity to raise our children to love Jesus, but during this phase of our lives God draws us even closer to Him. Practical ways to “teach them diligently” (Deuteronomy 6:7) in preparation for becoming members of the royal family. —Monday: Morning Time with Jesus − We NEED to start every day with Jesus, but sometimes this special time is elusive. Come and learn some practical tools for worshipping our Lord alongside our children. We will have resources for all ages and practical how-to tips for actually starting our day with Jesus. —Tuesday: Learning the Joy of Obedience − As parents, it is our duty to begin obedience training when our children are very little. From infancy through the teenage years, we can instill principles and form habits in them that will produce joy as they learn to obey. We will learn the difference between training and educating our children, gain tools for applying these principles, and gain insights from the personal experiences we share. —Wednesday: Each Thought Counts! − Battling the enemy successfully starts with our thoughts. If we can teach our children to “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians10:51), then they will have the tools to successfully battle the enemy. Come learn how our thoughts can build our character and come away with tangible methods for training our minds to think on good things. —Thursday: Chores done with Heavenly Zeal − pleasant, prompt, and perfect − Teaching practical skills like making your bed neatly and cleaning a toilet thoroughly can be used to teach deeper skills like obedience and diligence as well as the consequences of the choices we make. Come hear how we can use everyday tasks to continue teaching surrender to Jesus through our pleasant attitudes, our prompt obedience, and our diligence in doing things perfectly the first time. —Friday: Changing the Selfish Heart − We need to help our children take their thoughts off themselves, serve cheerfully in the home, and reach out generously to others. As parents, we have the responsibility of teaching our children the value of serving others in the name of Christ, first in the home and then in our community. We will be sharing motivating and practical ways to build our children’s characters by strengthening their love for service. (Church Sanctuary)


“FUN”damentals of Camp Meeting Registration, presented by Bob and Jody Murphy (accommodations and reservations, Camp Meeting, Michigan Conference). Come learn the complete process for registering for camp meeting; when information is needed and why; paper versus online applications; options available; how to maximize the possibility of getting selected; and how the random selection process works. (Administration 144)


Addiction & the Devil’s Battleground, presented by Angeline David (director, Health Ministries, North American Division). Some estimates indicate that nearly 50% of adults will struggle with an addiction of some kind. The issue is growing in relevance to an end-time Church that is looking to reflect the character of God while themselves struggling with addictions. This seminar will provide a foundational understanding of addictions and will look at the problem facing the Church and what can be done to overcome. —Monday: Knowledge is Power: Understanding Addictions —Tuesday: Power to Heal —Wednesday: Addictions and the End Times (Church Fellowship Hall)

A Practical Guide to Herbal Remedies, presented by Lee Wellard (certified Holistic Health practitioner and owner of American Herb Shoppe). Learn how herbal remedies have emerged as a scientifically valid healing modality in our world today. Discover how an evidence-based approach to herbal remedies has a place in our daily stress filled lives. —Friday Morning: Evidence based Approach to Herbal Remedies —Friday Afternoon: Herbal Remedies for the Home (Church Fellowship Hall)

From Wanting to Winning: Best Weight Plan, presented by Vicki Griffin (director, Health Ministries/Lifestyle Matters, Michigan Conference) and Evelyn Kissinger (nutrition director, Lifestyle Matters, Michigan Conference). Discover how to create an internal and external culture of wellness in a fast, frenzied world. Learn simple but powerful strategies to not only achieve but maintain your healthy weight, while learning practical successful strategies for beating obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other chronic ailments. Discover keys to: • Overcome chronic metabolic disease • Achieve and maintain your healthy weight • Dial down depression and improve energy naturally • Build stress-protection and better habits into your lifestyle (Church Sanctuary)

Hydrotherapy Plus, presented by Carola Janiak (co-founder and former CEO of Hands-on Medical Massage School, Redlands, California). Handy, quick, effective, easy—that’s what this class is all about. Learn the basics of simple home remedies plus massage techniques that relieve suffering, reduce pain, and revive energy. You will learn the benefits and contraindication of basic hydrotherapy and massage. Experience learning in a fun, relaxed setting with live demonstrations. Learn to help yourself and others with these basic techniques that are easy to apply with very little cost. —Monday: PPT: Intro to Hydrotherapy Demo: Neck Compress PPT: Contrast Foot Bath Demo: Contrast Food Bath —Tuesday: PPT: The Power of Touch Demo: Chair Massage PPT: Ice Massage/Contrast Shower Demo: Ice Massage —Wednesday: PPT: Contrast Fomentations Demo: Fomentation PPT: Paraffin Bath Demo: Charcoal Poultice/Paraffin Dip —Thursday: PPT: Wet Sheet Wrap Demo: Wet Sheet Wrap PPT: Salt Glow Demo: Make your own recipe/salt glow (Church Fellowship Hall)

Journey to Wholeness Addictions Recovery Program (1 Session), presented by Angeline David, (director, Health Ministries, North American Division). This program was developed by the North American Division (NAD) of Seventh-day Adventists in order to provide a safe environment for individuals recovering from addictions. This follows the 12 Steps, modified from Alcoholics Anonymous, with a strong emphasis on the power of Christ for complete recovery. Programs are starting throughout the NAD and can be done in your local church. The session will introduce you to the program and give you information on further required training. (Church Fellowship Hall)

Understanding Food Cravings and Addictions: Brain/Gut Connections, presented by Vicki Griffin (director, Health Ministries/Lifestyle Matters, Michigan Conference) and Evelyn Kissinger (nutrition director, Lifestyle Matters, Michigan Conference). When it comes to food intake, weight, and eating habits, is the battle really for the bulge, or is it for the brain? Can healthy habits become automatic? Learn how to overcome powerful cravings, restore appetite control mechanisms, and form healthy habits—for good! Learn powerful keys for turning positive habits. Discover keys to: • Beat additions and build positive habits • Fight the “gangsters in your gut” that promote anxiety and weight gain • Overcome chronic negativity and improve mood • Create connections for long-term success (Church Fellowship Hall)


Christ Our Righteousness, presented by Royce Snyman (director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). During camp meeting 2018, Elder Snyman taught a class on “Righteousness by Faith” in which he reviewed the history of this truth in the Seventh-day Adventist Church from 1888 and the years immediately following, the impact it had on the church and its people, and the promise that revival and reformation would come again in the last days before Jesus’ return. In this class we look more in depth at the message of Christ Our Righteousness and why it is important for us today. —Monday: Christ Our Righteousness, In this class we will survey the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teaching on the theology of “Christ Our Righteousness.” What is righteousness, what or who is the source of righteousness, and what should be our relationship to that righteousness? Ellen White said, “The Lord in His great mercy sent a most precious message to His people….It invited the people to receive the righteousness of Christ, which is made manifest in obedience…” (TM 91) This week’s study is meaningless without this basic foundation. —Tuesday: Christ Our Righteousness in Our Early History, The history is interesting, but the teaching, the theology, is what is vitally important. So the question is what did our early church pioneers understand the message of “Christ Our Righteousness” to be? We will briefly survey the teaching of our pioneers to understand what they taught and understood on this topic, and why it was important to God’s church then. —Wednesday: Christ Our Righteousness 1900 until 1950, The message of Christ Our Righteousness began to take hold in the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the late 1800s, though not without controversy and struggle. As the church moved into the 20th century the message helped the church weather the storm of theological controversy caused by and his book, The Living Temple. During this time and the early decades of the 1900 what did our leaders teach and why is it important to us today? —Thursday: Christ Our Righteousness from 1950 Until Now, As the decade of the 1950s dawned upon our church winds of change were developing. As a tropical depression in the Atlantic turns into a full blown hurricane, so the winds that blew soon turned into a major storm of proportions and its impact on the church has been significant. The focal point was a book entitled Questions on Doctrine. What did it say, how has it affected the church since, and why is it important to us today. Again, the message of Christ Our Righteousness is at the heart of the issue and few realize why it matters. —Friday: Christ Our Righteousness in these Last Days We all believe that the Lord is coming again very soon. Ellen White says, Christ Our Righteousness message began the Latter Rain, but we are still here. What is God doing now with this message, and what does He expect from His people today in preparation for His return? (Conference Center 2)

Closing the Backdoor, presented by Olan Thomas (director, It Is Written Planned Giving and Trust Services, ordained SDA minister). This seminar will focus on member retention and explore relevant topics like, what really happens when a person joins a new church. There will be presented helpful suggestions about how to maintain a welcoming church atmosphere and as well as mentoring members within the church. This will delve into the balance between within the church for “truth” verse relationships. This practical seminar will both challenge and bless you. (Administration 148)

Every Wind of Doctrine, presented by Dr. Norman McNulty (neurologist, Lawrenceburg, Tennessee). Many heretical doctrines are sweeping into the Seventh-day Adventist Church as we near the end of time. Ellen White warned us in Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5, page 707, that God will allow heresies to come into the church to arouse a sleeping church. We are living in that time. Now is not the time to be swept away by heresy. Some of the doctrinal controversy that will be examined includes the godhead, time-setting, the 2520 theory, Church authority, Questions on Doctrine, the Sanctuary message, and the true gospel of Jesus Christ. We will not simply focus on what is error, but we will examine what the truth really is on each of these important topics so that we will understand the truth as it is in Jesus for these last days. —Sunday: The Everlasting Son —Monday: The Third Person of the Godhead —Tuesday: Confusion on Prophecy —Wednesday: Confusion of Ecclesiology and Church Authority —Thursday: From Questions on Doctrine to —Friday: Gospel Clarity for the Last Days (Main Auditorium)

How Prophetic Preaching Touches the Heart Leading to Decisions for Jesus and His Truth, presented by Daniel Towar (retired evangelist, Michigan Conference). These presentations will give you more than mere information. They will inspire you to share persuasive appeals for decision on Sabbath mornings and in your daily witness for the Lord including the Jesus on Prophecy evangelistic series. Appeals will complete the message that you share enhancing your ministry in saving souls for Christ. —Sunday: Why the Preaching of Appeals is Crucial —Monday: The Science of Soul-Winning Appeals/How to Say It? —Tuesday: Who Preached Powerful Biblical Appeals? —Wednesday: The Holy Spirit Makes Appeals Appealing —Thursday: When to Make Appeals and Where Appeals Appeal —Friday: You Can Give Successful Appeals! (Administration 150)

Justification by Faith—A Legal Biblical View of This Core Teaching, presented by Daniel Scarone, (PhD, former pastor, professor and editor). Where do we start on the analysis of this topic? Justification by faith as a unique view among World Religions. Justification and Confessions of faith. General view of the Sadiq and dikaio and related concepts in the Scriptures. General view of Emunah, Amen, Pistis in Scriptures. Justification and it’s relations in the Old Testament. Justification and it’s relations in the New Testament. Faith and works or faith that works or just faith? The forensic vocabulary in the Bible. (Administration 143)

Keys to the Successful Devotion, presented by Joong Ho Shin (secretary of the corporation, Hartland Institute of Health and Education). —Monday: Why & How to Meditate the Scriptures—Why should we memorize? How to memorize? How would you teach others? —Tuesday: How to Pray, Part 1—When do you pray? How would you pray always? Lord’s prayer, ACTS, prayer patterns will be presented. What is praying the scriptures? —Wednesday: How to Pray, Part 2—Sanctuary Prayer pattern will be presented. —Thursday: Personal Worship, Part 1—Would you like to re-vitalize your devotional time? Would you like to have more meaningful devotional Bible study? —Friday: Personal Worship, Part 2—How would you incorporate the book of Psalms in your devotional time? (Administration 148)

Mastering My Emotions with God’s Tools, presented by Laurie Snyman, (assistant to the director, Ministerial, Michigan Conference). There’s a lot of buzz about emotional intelligence (El) these days. Researchers claim people with high EI scores are more successful in life and are more emotionally stable. They are flexible, and more peaceful in a crisis. They have healthier relationships because they have learned ways to constructively communicate with others. Emotional intelligence can be improved just by studying scripture and asking God to change our hearts and character so we can better reflect the high emotional intelligence Jesus exemplified on Earth. God can change your life in this seminar. —Monday: Run by My Emotions —Tuesday: Stop “Stinking Thinking” —Wednesday: Getting Smarter and Wiser —Thursday: Unleashing God’s Power in My Life —Friday: God’s Truth Can Set Me Free (Conference Center 1)

Mormonism in the Crossroad, presented by Daniel Scarone (PhD, former, professor and editor). This seminar will inform on the inspired books in . General statistics on Mormonism. Financial entities related to the movement. Famous and influential Mormons The Book of Mormon (BM). The inspired writings for Mormons. The social context were Mormonism was born. Shakespeare, King James Version, anachronisms in the BM. Contradictions among Mormonism. (Administration 143)

Preparing the Church for the Last Hour Mission, presented by C. Raymond Holmes (pastor, Michigan Conference). John wrote perhaps the most familiar words in the Bible (John 3:16), but in his first letter his focus is not on the world that “lies in power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19) rather it is on God’s people, the church. More precisely on the church of ”the last hour” (1 John 2:18), for which it is crucial to distinguish between “the Spirit of truth and the spirit error” (1 John 4:6). Why? Because it is that church which must understand and fulfill the mission required by the last hour! And it is that church which must be prepared to meet those demands. (Boys Dorm Chapel)

¿Qué sucedió luego de la Asociación General en San Antonio? Este seminario planteará recursos basados en pólizas, estructura de la Iglesia y vías hacia la unidad basados en la Escritura y el Espíritu de Profecía (Este Seminario será presentado en Español). (What happened after the General Conference at San Antonio? This seminar will cover resources based on policies, Church Structure and paths to unity based upon Scriptures and Spirit of Prophecy. (Seminar will be in Spanish) —Daniel Scarone (PhD), former Ministerial Associate of the Michigan Conference. (Administration 143)

Religious Freedom in Daniel & Revelation, presented by Jerry Finneman (not retired yet pastor/Bible worker, Michigan Conference). We will consider passages in Daniel and Revelation which shed light on issues today in America and in the world regarding religious liberty and its relationship to capitalism, socialism in the end times setting. Religious liberty is a God given right. Central to this is liberty of conscience. While religious liberty can be taken from us, liberty of conscience cannot be. If freedom of conscience is lost it is because the individual surrenders it to someone or to some entity. The main light shining in these days is that of the third angel of Revelation 14:12. This week we will study liberty of conscience and religious freedom in the light of the message of justification by faith which “is the third angel’s message in verity.” Review and Herald, April 1, 1890. (Boys Dorm Chapel)

Revival Plan: The Elijah Solution, Rich Constantinescu (pastor, Ardmore/Pauls Valley Churches, Oklahoma Conference, and member, General Conference Revival and Reformation committee). God’s church is in a crisis and God has provided a Divine solution. Learn how Jesus is knocking on Laodicea’s door through Testimonies for the Church, gain a love for Elijah’s Message, and be inspired to read the volumes with an easy reading plan delivered with multimedia tools. Prepare for and expect revival at the next Annual Council and General Conference Session and learn about a global revival movement. Attendees receive a free memory verse packet and valuable resources. (Conference Center 1)

The Media Mind: Reclaiming the Human Soul in the Digital Dark Age, presented by Scott Ritsema (full-time speaker for Belt of Truth Ministries). It goes without saying - media use is out of control...and may be the single biggest stumbling block in spiritual, social, and family life today. Which begs the question: what does the latest research tell us about the strangle-hold of ‘big tech’ upon our lives (and how to break free)? What are the essential Bible principles for establishing a balanced use of technological tools? And how can we truly restore spirituality and relationships in the digital age? —Sunday: How to Be Human Again: Is our culture literally altering the very definition of what is means to be a human, made in God’s image? —Monday: Devices and the Disappearing Childhood: A heart-breaking, yet hopeful session on the Bible prophecies that predict not only a break-down in the family unit...but also a restoration of the family in the last days! —Tuesday: Antisocial Media: As unbelievable as it sounds, researchers, practitioners...and even the producers of the media, themselves (!!), are admitting the sobering truth about the impact of media use upon our lives. —Wednesday: Digital Pharmakeia: This is your brain. This is your brain on media. —Thursday: People of the Book in the Age of the App: Multi-tasking and screen-based everything are shrinking the brain and reducing intelligence. Learn the powerful benefits of natural living and real book- reading! —Friday: Media on the Brian: Catch up and review the highlights of the original Media on the Brain series— more relevant now that ever before. (Church Sanctuary)

Women in Adventist History: Roles, Relationships, and Rewards, presented by Gina Wahlen (editor/project manager, presidential, General Conference). Godly women played a vital role in the early years of the Seventh- day Adventist Church, but sometimes their role is not fully understood. In this seminar, each day we will focus on a woman from Adventist history—learning who she was, what her contribution was to the Adventist church and its mission, and what we can learn from her today. Both men and women are welcome to attend. —Sunday: What is a “licensed minister” and how does it differ from an “ordained minister?” Why were some women given ministerial licenses and what kind of work did they do? Who was the first woman in the Seventh-day Adventist Church to receive “licensed minister” credentials and where was she from? —Monday: Who were Ellen S. Lane and Roby Tuttle from the Michigan Conference? —Tuesday: Who was Lulu Wightman from the New York Conference? —Wednesday: Who was Minnie Syp/Sype from the Oklahoma Conference? —Thursday: Who was S.M.I. Henry and from where did she receive her ministerial license? —Friday: Ellen G. White—was she licensed or ordained? How do we know? (Main Auditorium)


Going ABOVE and BEYOND: Daring to Ask for More, presented by Melody Mason (author of the book Daring to Ask for More: Divine Keys to Answered Prayer, currently coordinates the United in Prayer initiative for the General Conference). Based on Melody’s book by this same title, this prayer seminar will challenge and boost your faith as she talks about how to take your relationship with God to the next level and go from being a spiritual draft to being a spiritual giant, interceding on behalf of others. She will share inspiring testimonies and stories, as well as basic practical tools and keys to grow your walk with God. She will also talk about keys to building an effective prayer ministry and will even demonstrate by leading some active prayer sessions. If you hunger to go deeper in your personal walk with God, this is a seminar that you don’t want to miss. (Girls Dorm Prayer Chapel)


Ignite Your Church, presented by Mark Howard (director, Emmanuel Institute), Kameron DeVasher (director, Personal Ministries/Sabbath School, Michigan Conference), and Jim Howard (associate director, Personal Ministries/Sabbath School, General Conference). —Sunday Morning: Evangelism 101 —Sunday Afternoon: GROW: The Soul-wining Road Map, Parts 1&2

—Monday Morning: Where to Begin —Monday Afternoon: How to Give Really Good Bible Studies, Parts 1&2 —Tuesday Morning: Evaluating Your Church, Part 1 —Tuesday Afternoon: Evaluating Your Church for Missions, Part 2 The Implementation Guide —Wednesday Morning: The Church Board —Wednesday Afternoon: Department Planning Your Master Plan —Thursday Morning: Disturbing Our Monotony —Thursday Afternoon: Coordinating Interests Missing Member Ministry —Friday Morning: Question and Answers —Friday Afternoon” Keys to Successful Public Evangelism (Commons)

Personal Ministries: Special Forces Training, presented by Kameron DeVasher (director, Personal Ministries/Sabbath School Ministries, Michigan Conference). There are countless ways you can participate in the outreach mission of your local church. Each day of this year’s Personal Ministries seminar will focus on a different specialized ministry that can breathe life into your local church’s community outreach and, by God’s grace, reach souls for Him. —Monday: Reclaiming the Power of Ingathering —Tuesday: “...And You Visited Me”: Tips for Effective Prison Ministry —Wednesday: Learning to Run! Building a Youth Triathlon Ministry —Thursday: Community Service: The Helping Hand of Christ —Friday: The Soul-winning Supper Club (Administration 144) White Out: Whatever Happened to the Gift of Prophecy? presented by Mark Howard (associate director, Personal Ministries/Sabbath School Ministries, Michigan Conference, director, Emmanuel Institute). Ellen White wrote volumes of counsel to a baby church that needed help growing up. She began her work over 150 years ago. Times have changed, and so has the church. Are the writings of Ellen White even relevant to a church facing the challenges of the 21st century? This is the topic we will be taking up in this seminar. —Sunday: ’s Last Deception —Monday: Ellen White or the Bible? —Tuesday: What the Bible Says About Prophets —Wednesday: Answering the Critics —Thursday: “ ‘Ellen White Says,’ Part 1” —Friday: “ ‘Ellen White Says,’ Part 2” (Main Auditorium)


Sabbath School ALIVE!, presented by Kameron DeVasher (director, Personal Ministries/Sabbath School Ministries, Michigan Conference). With a foundation of Bible study and prayer, a format of small-group fellowship, and a focus on mission, Sabbath School can truly revolutionize your local church! In this practical seminar, we’ll explore the vital role of Sabbath School to establish deeper appreciation for the Word of God, foster a passion for soul-winning, and more closely connect the church family in the bonds of Christian love. If the Sabbath school program and classes in your church could use new life and vitality, come see how you can make Sabbath School ALIVE! (Administration 144)


How to Edit Audio for Radio Training, presented by Elsena Benson (editor, Volunteer Audio) and Tom Mejeur (director, Program Production). Strong Tower Radio is producing local programs to support the mission of your local church. The limiting factor to new programs is audio-editing. Our volunteer editors find editing creative and very rewarding. In this three-session workshop you will learn the basic skills to edit for radio. We will provide a computer and the GoldWave software for this training session. Pre-registration not required but recommended by texting 616.550.3555 or emailing [email protected]. (Administration 154)

How to Record Broadcast Ready Sermons, presented by John Duman (manager, Information Technology, Strong Tower Radio). You will learn what Strong Tower Radio’s requirements for creating (radio) “broadcast ready” recording. We will offer suggestions for mic usage, voice levels, recording levels recording/editing software, free software for hassle-free instant sermon file immediately after recording and sharing “fits and fixes”. Why take the class? To gain a better understanding of how to record and transfer sermons for airing on Strong Tower Radio. Who should attend ‘Broadcast Ready Sermons’ workshop? Anyone who operates audio/visual systems regardless of church size. (Administration 154)

Pre-Edit Audio Screening for Radio Broadcasts, presented by John Duman (manager, Information Technology, Strong Tower Radio). This workshop will teach you what to listen for when screening audio files for Strong Tower Radio. Why you should take the class?. If you have time to listen to audio recordings and would like to learn what to listen for and how to rate audio files, this class is for you. This is one of three seminars for radio production. There are no prerequisites and you can take any one or all three. What you will learn: A basic understanding of audio file screening. You will listen for; Recording quality, Background noise, Microphone/audio issues, Calendar dates, Question and Answer (where the answer can’t be heard), etc. Additionally, you will sort audio files by Content Length Season of use, etc. (Administration 154)


Are You Putting Our 501(c)3 at Risk, presented by Mark Tallis (Tallis & Associates). Important regulations that apply to having a 501(c)3. Come find out if you are putting our 501(c)3 at risk with the government. (Boys Dorm Chapel)

Basic Concepts 101 for New Church/School Treasurers, presented by Michelle Ancel and Cari Haus (auditors, Michigan Conference). If you are a new school or church treasurer, this seminar is for you! Learn how to be a good treasurer and what is expected with the responsibility. The conference Human Resources (HR) director will share important information about some of the legalities of being a treasurer. (Administration 154) Keeping LUCIS Ship Shape/Making the Most of Adventist Giving, presented by Michelle Ancel (auditor, Michigan Conference) and Sean Parker (director, Information Systems, LUCIS, Lake Union Conference). This seminar will provide an opportunity to learn how to clean up your LUCIS software...deleting donors and unused general ledger (GL) accounts. There will also be a lively discussion about Adventist Online Giving. (Boys Dorm Chapel)


The Who, What, When, and Where of Estate Planning, presented by Matt Romashko (Michigan estate planning attorney). The focus of this seminar will be on the basics of estate planning and how simple approaches can achieve solutions. —Monday: Estate planning made simple—no boring legal terms please. —Tuesday: Who will have the Power? —Wednesday: Who do you Trust? —Thursday: What is your Will? —Friday: When and where do I start? (Administration 148)


Scripture Painting Class, presented by Natalie Woolf (member, Belleville Church). In this seminar you will be painting a beautiful scripture on canvas surrounded by an array of simple flowers. You don’t have to be an artist, but you just might amaze yourself. Come, have fun, get inspired, and mingle with friends! There is a $10 fee for this class—40 person limit. (Administration Chapel)

Reaching the “5-13 Window” for Christ, presented by Barb Hemenway (evangelism coordinator, Women’s Ministries ). Need ideas on what to do with kids during your evangelistic meetings? Consider this: “Research by the Barna Institute shows that children between the ages of 5 to 13 are five times more likely than adults to make a lifelong commitment to Christ.” So, why not offer an evangelistic series just for them − one that will not only reach their tender hearts, but will teach the same truths their parents will be learning at the same time! Good news! We can do this with “Truth 4 Youth,” a complete ready-to-present evangelism series for children.

Along with Health Nuggets and Nature Videos, “Truth 4 Youth” includes kid-friendly editable PowerPoint sermons with appeals, correlating crafts, songs, and much more. And so I invite you to join me in conducting one of the 26 topics from start to finish (no experience required!) - If you can push a button and read a simple script, you can preach an Evangelism Series for kids and teach others (including your older kids) to do the same! (Administration Chapel)

Plan for 90 minutes of hands-on fun and free drawings!

(Visit Women’s Ministries booth in Exhibit tent daily 1-2 pm for sneak preview!)


Youth and Young Adult Sabbath School Training, presented by Chad Bernard (director, Youth, Michigan Conference) and Brenda Siebold (member, Stevensville Church). —Monday: Sabbath School Simulation. We will be simulating what a Sabbath School class can look like and discussing the process used in this model. You don’t want to miss this day of the seminar! —Tuesday: Teacher Preparation. In this seminar, we will be discussing how you get ready for Sabbath School as a teacher and how to set up a room that is conducive to discussion and learning. —Wednesday: Class Time. We will be providing ways to relate with the youth during the actual class and modeling techniques you can use to get them to think and participate. —Thursday: Sabbath School Community. What happens after Sabbath School is over? What you do outside of 9:30-10:30 AM on Sabbath will determine your success during that hour. (Administration 150)

Master Guide Skills Development Seminars, presented by Dave Christenson (Pathfinder area coordinator) and Craig Harris (Adventurers and Pathfinder director, Michigan Conference). —Monday First: How to be a Christian Leader & Leadership Skills. Dave Christenson Important principles of Christian leadership and how to use it in youth ministry. —Monday Second: Vision, Mission and Motivation. Dave Christenson Steps to help set a vision to reach the mission of youth ministries. How to motivate leaders. —Tuesday First: Communication Theory and Listening Skills. Craig Harris. This session will show the importance of listening to be an effective communicator. Interactive, hands-on listening skills taught. —Tuesday Second: Practical Communication Practices. Dave Christenson Learn the basic of effective communication techniques. —Wednesday First: Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles. Craig Harris There are secrets to effectively get important information to stick with people—both young and old. —Wednesday Second: Creativity and Resources Development. Dave Christenson Discover ways to be creative in teaching Sabbath School, Pathfinders, Adventurers. Helpful resources are given. —Thursday First: How to Prepare Effective Creative Worships. Dave Christenson Come and discover creative ways to enhance both your church and home worships. —Thursday Second: Principles of Youth and Children’s Evangelism. Dave Christenson Discover important aspects of reaching and gaining decisions in young people. —Friday First: Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts. Dave Christenson Take the test and discover your spiritual gift - and how many people can use them to God’s glory. (Conference Center 3)