On Inertia, Social Conflict, and the Structural Analysis
ON INERTIA, SOCIAL CONFLICT, AND THE STRUCTURALIST ANALYSIS OF INFLATION Jaime Ros Working Paper #128 - August 1989 Jaime Ros Bosch is a Mexican economist, senior researcher at ILET (Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales), and former Director of the Department of Economics, CIDE (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas), Mexico. He is a graduate of the Universidad Autónoma de México and of the University of Cambridge, England. He has done research and published numerous articles on Mexico's economic problems, applied macroeconomics, and industrial economics. He is currently working on inflation and macroeconomic policies in Latin America. In spring 1988 he was a residential fellow at the Kellogg Institute. This paper is a part of a larger ongoing project at the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki. An earlier version of the paper was written at WIDER, and was subsequently revised and extended during a stay at the Kellogg Institute. The author gratefully acknowledges the support and hospitality from both institutions. He is indebted for comments to Amit Bhaduri, Edward Lorenz, Juan Carlos Moreno, Jim Rakowski and Lance Taylor, as well as to participants in seminars at the Kellogg Institute and ILET, Mexico City. He has also had the benefit of conversations with Edward Amadeo, Tariq Banuri, José Camargo, Alain Lipietz and Stephen Marglin. The remaining errors are entirely his own responsibility. ABSTRACT This paper discusses some issues in the interpretation of inflation within recent structuralist models, giving special attention to the different views of the precise role of conflict in inflation that, in turn, can be found among them.
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