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Download Book m<OU 158163 > m CQ Coronation Durbar Delhi 1911 Official Directory witA maps CALCUTTA if SUPKRINTKNDKNT GOVERNMENT PRINTING. INDTA 1911 CONTENTS OF PART I. I. Chapter Proclamation .... 1 IX. Chapter Programme of State Ceremonies, etc. 4 Chapter III. State Entry. Reception by Ruling Chiefs in Fort. Reception in the Ridge Pavilion. a. General note . li b. Ceremonial programmes . .7 <. Routes and passes . ... 10 Chapter IV. Reception of Ruling Chiefs. a. General note .... .31 1. Routes, etc . .21 Chapter V. Unveiling of the King Edward Memorial ft. General note . ... .22 /;. Ceremonial programme ... 22 r Routes, etc. .... 25 Chapter VI. Military Church Parade. a. General note . 28 />. Routes, etc*. ....... 28 Chapter VII. Presentation *f Colours. a General note ....... 09 It. Ceremonial ninnies progi -... iV2 < . Route<, etc. % $ Chapter VIII. The Durbar. a General note . .* . .40 1. Ceremonial . programme . m .41 /. Routes, etc. ........ 45 Chapter IX. The State Reception. a. General note ........ 50 1). Routes, et. ........ 50 CONTENTS. < PAGE. Chapter X. Presentation of Volunteer and Indian Officers. a. General note ........ 53 b. Ceremonial programmes . .53 Chapter XI. State Garden Party. ff. General note . ..... 57 h. Routes, etc. ..... .58 Chapter XII. Review a. General note . 61 A. Review order* ... 61 . etc Routes, ..... 65 Chapter XIII. Investiture <t. General note . ... 67 b. Ceremonial programme . 67 <. etc Routes, ..... 71 Chapter XIV. -Review of Police. a. General note ...... 72 b. Review orders ..... 72 c. Routes, etc. ....... 74 Chapter XV. Departure of Their Imperial Majesties. a. General note . .75 /*. Ceremonial . programme . 75 c. Routes, etc. ........ 78 XVI. Chapter Sports, Games, etc. f a. General note . 4 . , ,79 l> and Polo, Hockey Football Tournament* . 80 t\ etc. Routers, . .83 tf. Military Tournament and Point-to-Point JJ-u-o 84 f. etc. Routes, , . 89 /'. Boxing Tournament ...... 90 Btulshalii Mela //. ....... 90 h. Native . sports . .91 . Chapter XVII. Administration . 92 XVIII. Chapter -Miscellaneous Information . .95 Part I. State Ceremonies. CHAPTER 1. nrriE ROYAL TNTEXTTOX TO HOLD AX IM- PERIAL ASSEMBLAGE AT DELHI was declared in a Proclamation published in the Gazette Extraordinary of the 22nd March 1911 : 44 MH)CrtaG upon the death of our late Sovereign of happy memory King Edward, upon the sixth day of May in the year of Our Lor<J one thousand nine hundred and ten, We did asceriti the Throne under the style and title of George the Fifth by the Grace of God, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Iceland and of the British Dominions beyond the seas, Defender of the Faith, Emperor of India ; and whereas by Our Royal Proclamations bearing date the nineteenth day of July and the seventh day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten in the first year of Our Reign We did publish and declare Our Royal intention by the Favour and Blessing of Almighty God to celebrate the solemnity of Our Royal Coronation upon the twenty-second day of June one thousand nine hundred and eleven ; and whereas it is Our wish and desire to make known to all Our loving subjects within Our* Indian dominions that the said solemnity has so been celebrated and call to Our f presence Our Governors, Lieuterfeint-Governors and others of Our officers, the Princes, Chiefs and Nobles of the Native States under Our protection and representatives of all the Provinces of Our Indian Empire, now We do by this Royal Proclamation declare Our Royal intention to hold at Delhi on the twelfth day of December one thousand nine hundred and eleven an Imperial Durbar for the purpose of making known the said solemnity of Our Coronation and We do hereby charge and command Our right trusted and well beloved counsellor Charles Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, Our Viceroy and Governor-General of India, to take all necessary measures in that behalf. GiVen at Our Court at Buckingham Palace this twenty-second day of March in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine t hundred and eleven and in the first year of " Our Reign. OFFICIAL PROGRAMME CHAP The following is the official programme, showing dates Mormnir. Hour. DECEMBER. 7th . 10 4.M. Thursday, i THM STATE ENTh'Y 8th Friday, ! Jxeecptum of Clncls Saturday, 9th . llm'iilion of duct's. j Sunday, 10th Church Sen ue in Mililaiy j j ramp. Monday, llth Presentation ol Colours on 11 A.M. Polo Ground. Tuesday, 12th . THE DURBAR Wednesday, 13th ccL-plion of Volunteer Officers , U'-ti ^-M. and Tndiiin OHiccrs iu ihc Kin^-Euiporor's C.uu]). j Thursday, 14th TIIK KKVFKW 10 A.M. Friday, 15th ol Toluv 11 A. v. Ground. Saturday, 16th STATE DKI'AKTITHK OF 1 I'.M THKlll IMPKRIXL Fi>r j<i}rrunnie>. u) the i>ieliiiun,u\ {.'.inn- in the Polo, OFFICIAL VROttUAMME. TER 11. and times of (bo State ceremonies, and other functions :- Afternoon. ' Hour. Evening. Hour. Kin; Edward Memorial 3-30 P.M. Thnr Imp< rial Mnjetties? 8 P.M. ] Ceremonj . Dinner Party. ' S-mi-fimilx of //// 7'/o ! 3-30 P.M. Tattoo on Polo Ground . 0-30 P.M. Tournament. nf fh<- /'oofltr/ll 3-30 P.M. Tournament. Polo . 3-30 I Tournum'Ht Inmtl P.M. j 1 ' i Tattoo in the Bcla . 0-0 P.M. Stati Dinner and Kcecp- 8 P.M. tion. THE GAUDEN PARTY 3-30 P.M. Thar Imperial Majesties' 8 P.M. Dinner Party. I , Fhmh the 3-30 P.M. THE INVESTITURE . 9-30 P.M. of 7/orlvy' Tournament. \ Tournament and 1-30 P.M. ft note the J) P.M. | Mthinry of Boxing \ Pond-to- Point Rmv<s. Tournament. H<ick(_>v, F<Mitb.ill and Boxing Touin.muMil-., sec Chapter li. CHAPTER III. The State Entry. General Note. The Royal train will arrive from Bombay ni flu- sin lion in the Selimgarh bastion of the Fort at 10 o'clock on the morning of the 7th December. Their Imperial Majesties will be received on the platform by Their Excellencies the Governor- General and Lady Hardinge, the Governors and Heads of Provinces, the Commander-iii-Chicl', the Members of the Executive (Council of tho Governor- General, and the After high officers (Military and Civil) of Government. the the high officials have" been presented by His Excellency Governor- General, Their Imperial Majesties will proceed through the Selimgarh bastion (which will be occupied by the at Delhi and tho whole sections representing army ; by of the Veterans invited by the; State to the IJurbar) to the a State pavilion within the Fort wall, where Ruling Chiefs will have the honour of being presented to them. Their Imperial Majesties will, after this, move in pro- cession from the Delhi Gate of the Fort, past. the Jnmma Masjid, and through the Chandni Chowk and other principal will be streets of the city to the Ridge, where they greeted before proceeding to their camp by the representatives of British India assembled in a special pavilion. A short address will be presented by tBe Vice- President of the Governor- General's Legislative Council. in The procession from %he Fort will bo formed three portions First The procession of the Governors, Lieutenant- Governors and Chief Commissioner of the Central Provinces. THE STATE ENTRY. nd The iRoyal Processi on. Third The processions of the Ruling Chiefs. The first portion of the procession "will move to the pavilion on Hie Ridge while the Ruling Chiefs are being presented to Their Imperial Majesties, in order that the of Heads of Provinces may join the groups Provincial representatives before the procession arrives there. Special arrangements have been made for purdah ladies of high rank to see this procession from the Delhi Gate of the Fort, and also for school children, to whom a place on the route has been allotted on the glacis of the Fort. - A number of stands for spectators will be erected along the route, by the Delhi Municipality, from whom places will be procur- able. A large stand has also l>eeii erected by the Committee at the Town Hall. Seats will be reserved in the pavilion on the Ridge for official guests and the families of officers, Military anil Civil, on duty. After leaving the pavilion on the Ridge Their Imperial Majesties will proceed direct to the King-"Kmperor's Camp below the "Ridge. Ceremonial Programme of the State Entry 7th December 1911. THEIR IMPERIAL MAJKSTIKS THE KING-EMPKROR AND QUEEN-EMPRESS will arrive by train at the Selimgarh bastion of the Delhi Fort, at 10 A.M. oA Thursday, the 7th December 1911, and will proceed from the railway station to their camp by the route* and in the order of procession hereinafter indicated 2. They will be received on alighting from the train by Their Excellencies the Governor-General and Laxly Hardinge and conducted to the Reception Pavilion on the platform opposite the Royal Saloon. The Guard of Honour will salute and the Band will play the National Anthem. At the same moment;;* a salute of 101 guns will be commenced from the ramparts of the Fort. This salute will be divided into three portions of 34, 33 and 34 guns, respectively, at the end of each of which a feu de joie will be fired by the troops lining the route from the Fort to the Ridge. 8 THE STATE ENTRY. 3. I Lis Excellency the Governor-General, after introducing to Their Imperial Majesties the members of their Indian Staff, will then present the following high officials who will be assembled on the platform : The Governor of Bombay. The Governor of Madras. The Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. The Commander-in-Chief.
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