The NIB , Irstead and Parish Magazine

THE BENEFICE OF St BENEDICT The Parishes of , Barton Turf, Beeston St Lawrence, , Irstead and Neatishead

Rector: The Rev’d David Smith 01692 630216 [email protected]

From your Parish Priest

This is a true story. “A man sat at a subway station in Washington DC and started to play the violin; it was a cold January morning. He played six Bach pieces for about 45 minutes. Since it was rush hour, it was calculated that thousands of people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. A middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing, slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, but then hurried on again. A minute later, the violinist received his first dollar tip: a woman threw the money in the violin case, but without stopping continued to walk on. Several others pause briefly, but the one who paid the most attention was a 3 year old boy. His mother hurried him along, but the child stopped to look at the violinist. Finally the mother pushed hard and he continued to walk but turning his head all the time. This was repeated by several other children, but all the parents, without exception, forced them to move on. In the 45 minutes the musician played, only 6 people stopped and stayed for a while. About 20 gave him money, but continued to walk their normal pace. In all, he collected $32. When he finished playing, no-one noticed it. No-one applauded, nor was there any recognition. What none of these people knew was that the busker was Joshua Bell, one of the world’s top violinists. He finished his impromptu ‘set’ by playing Bach's D minor ‘Chaconne’, one of the most intricate violin pieces ever written, and with a violin worth $3.5 million. Two days before he busked in the subway, Joshua Bell’s concert at a Boston theatre had been a sell-out full house, even though the average ticket price had been over $100.”

Joshua Bell’s incognito busking was conceived with a journalist as part of a social experiment about people’s perception, taste and priorities. The result raises an important question as to whether many people have lost the capacity to recognise talent, beauty, excellence - wherever and whenever they encounter it. If we are not warned in advance – because we are about to enter a special concert hall and we’ve paid for expensive tickets – can we still recognise the ‘extraordinary’ even in an ordinary or unexpected context? Do we, in our daily lives and of our own choosing, take the time to stop, notice, listen, look, and absorb the beauty or splendour of something in God’s wonderful creation? Or does this only happen when a special situation predisposes us to engage fully with the world around us. Notice also in this story, how the children had not yet lost the power to be awed and inspired, regardless of the context. Now, where have we heard that before, I wonder? “Unless ye become as little children . . . . .”

With every blessing David

ISSUE NO: 487 OCTOBER 2018 St Michael and All Angels, Barton Turf Many thanks to all those who manned the church for the Churches Cycle Ride. Yet again it was a miserable day weather-wise and callers were few and far between. Therefore the help was much appreciated. Our October Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 20th October between 10am and noon. As well as coffee and scones there will be a produce sales table, bookstall and, weather permitting, a chance to go up the tower. If you have any craft projects underway come along and join others for a coffee, chat and time to work on your project. Our Christmas cards for this year will be available in October so can be bought at the Coffee Morning. They will be for sale in the church and also at the October Farmers’ Market. Barbara Pilcher, Church Warden, 01692 536132

St Peter’s Church, Neatishead Our Harvest Festival is on Sunday 7th October at 9.30am. All are welcome to join us to celebrate this special time of year, as we say thank you to all those who work so hard on our land to provide us with food for our table and to give thanks to God. We would be grateful for any donations of dried goods which will be passed to the Foodbank. Pauline Simpson, Church Warden, 07818 599303 Norwich Foodbank I just wanted to say once again a big thank you to you all for your continuing support of Norwich Foodbank, your generosity as always has been so gratefully received by our neighbours in need. From January to the end of August the total amount of food collected from our village churches is 406.5kg which equates to feeding 55 people for 3 days, no mean feat. This year Norwich Foodbank instead of ‘Reverse Advent’ will be targeting items that are really required over the Autumn and Christmas period. These items are tinned potatoes, cereal bars, tinned fruit, all types of sweets and chocolates, toiletries - deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste & brushes, shower gel, soap, etc. Collection points for these items are in all our respective churches, however if you require collection please ring me and I will pick up. Once again many thanks for all your support, it is really appreciated. Irene Thompson, Barton 01692 536625

St Benet’s Coffee Morning, Horning On a lovely Autumn day, the September Coffee Morning raised £127.61 towards the upkeep of the Church. The next one will be on Saturday 6th October at the usual time of 10 until 11.30ish. Everyone is welcome to this happy occasion to meet old friends and make new ones. There will be the usual homemade cakes etc, books, raffle and of course coffee and scones. Gillian Jeckells

St Swithin’s Church, Ashmanhaugh We had a very nice Deanery compline service at the end of August, and although we were small in number I think we managed some reasonable plainsong led ably by David! In order to ease things in the benefice we have also changed around our Sunday services so that Holy Communion is now at 11am and Morning Prayer at 9.30am. So far I haven’t received any complaints so I hope this goes some way to making the rota less tight for those leading services. The Churches Trust Bike Ride - I must give many thanks to those who sat in attendance at St Swithin’s and to those who sponsored my ride. I raised just short of £200. Our Harvest Festival Service will be on Sunday 14th October at 11am. All donations of tinned and dried goods or fresh fruit and vegetables/flowers for decoration will be gratefully received. You can leave dried goods and tins at the back of the church if that is more convenient for you. Our next social event is the Autumn Fair on Saturday 27th October. This has replaced the Christmas Minimarket so that we don’t have too many things happening in the last months of the year. However, the usual stalls will be there including tombola, lots of home-made cakes and savouries, cut price Christmas decorations, a second hand costume jewellery table and hopefully some new books too. Anne Mulhall, Church Warden, 01603 784874, [email protected]

Benefice Harvest Supper - Saturday 13th October, 7pm All are welcome to attend this annual community event at the NVH. Tickets £12.50 to include a 2 course hot meal with a welcome drink. Please bring your own drinks to accompany the meal. Tickets from myself and White House Stores. Pauline Simpson, 01692 630674 2 Evening of Praise and Prayer Neatishead Baptist Church invite you to join them for their monthly evening of informal praise and worship, with opportunity for prayer. Our next meetings are Wednesday 31st October (with a focus on the light and love of God) and Wednesday 28th November. Meetings will start at 7.30pm in the church, Chapel Lane (off the Horning to Neatishead Road). Ian Bloomfield, [email protected] Preston Rooms, Ashmanhaugh I have to begin this article by saying a really big Thank You to everyone who supported the Village Show, in September. In total we raised £104. Congratulations to the overall winner Terry Francis, Pam Culley came second and I came third. On Saturday 3rd November, between 10am and 4pm we are holding a Makers’ Market at the Preston Rooms. This is an event organised by the village Close Knit Knitting Group. There will be stalls full of all sorts of knitted and crocheted things, handicrafts from visiting crafters, lunch and refreshments. Don’t forget that we still have the groups held in the Preston Rooms - Gardening Group is the 4th Wednesday of the month, 1.30pm to 3.30pm and Close Knit Knitting Group is every Friday 1pm to 3pm. New people are always welcome. Sue Watts, Secretary

United Reformed Church, Wroxham Minister: Rev’d Bruno Boldrini, 01603 453071, [email protected] October Services and Events - coffee is served after each service. Please do join us! Sunday 7th October 11am Service lead by Rev’d Carole Pearl Sunday 14th October 11am Holy Communion Service led by Rev’d Bruno Boldrini Sunday 21st October 11am All Age Worship led by Rev’d Carole Pearl. Church Anniversary Sunday 28th October 11am Service lead by Canon Peter Howard Every Tuesday at 10am there is a meeting of the Prayer Group. Anyone is welcome to come to pray or be prayed for. Our weekly Community Café on a Thursday 10.30-12noon, is a great opportunity to meet up with friends over a coffee and slice of homemade cake. It’s free – all we ask for is a small donation towards the costs. All are welcome! Any surplus money is given to charity and so far we have been able to support several local and national charities with our donations. JAM (our Sunday Kids Club) is always open to new children for fun, cooking, games, crafts and Bible stories. Please contact Chris Billing at [email protected] or phone 01603 783992 for more details. Lynne Howard, Secretary, 01603 738835, [email protected]

Pre-school - Thank you As some of you may be aware, we had our Ofsted inspection at the end of July and we’re really pleased to announce that we received OUTSTANDING in all areas! This is a fabulous achievement, not just for the pre-school but also for the staff, committee, parents and the community who have supported us. Thank you to everyone who supported our annual Jumble Sale, as we’re writing this, we don’t know the final total but all money raised is used for the continued improvement of the pre-school. If you are interested in a place for your child/grandchild, please contact us on 07833 796163.

Credit Where Credit is Due! Too often good news is whispered gently rather than shouted about from the rafters: Congratulations: Neatishead and Barton Pre-school - formerly good - now outstanding - after the recent Ofsted inspection! What does this mean? Effectiveness of leadership and management Outstanding Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Outstanding Personal development, behaviour and welfare Outstanding Outcomes for children Outstanding The provision is well managed with strong leadership. Children flourish and show excellent behaviour. Literacy and numeracy are taught extremely well. Parents are ‘very impressed’ with the staff and feel their children are ‘loved and cared for’. Neatishead now boasts two excellent educational establishments, such results are never accidental! Well done! Brian Wigglesworth (Retired Headmaster and Inspector) 3 Wildlife Notes In mid-September I was crewing on a wherry sailing from the Museum of at to How Hill. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of Kingfisher sightings that I saw as we sailed along the , spotting at least eight individual birds as we sailed along. One bird posed on a bush next to the boat as we glided slowly and quietly past, proving the advantage of sail over the diesel engine. Several of our passengers got excellent photos and for some it was their first ever sighting of a Kingfisher. Having mentioned a brood being fed near Barton Turf last month I heard about another brood of five birds a month later being fed near Gay’s Staithe so it would appear that they have had a good breeding season with multiple broods helping to swell the numbers reduced by the “beast from the east" earlier this year. Both adult Kingfishers work together to dig a tunnel into a bank that can extend inwards for three feet and ends in a chamber. The female bird lays seven white coloured eggs usually at the start of May and once the eggs hatch the young spend three and a half weeks in the chamber before they fledge. Sadly many young birds drown whilst learning to fish as they make too many dives into the water and get their feathers waterlogged. I recently learned of two Kingfishers found dead beside a window in Neatishead that had recently had anti-heat foil fitted to it. The result of the foil was to make almost a mirror image of the gap in the hedge through which they had just flown and at the speed Kingfishers fly they had no chance to stop. One of the birds was a juvenile, told by its dark coloured feet unlike the red feet of an adult bird and the other was a female, told from the male by red on the lower mandible of the beak. The answer to try to prevent such bird strikes on windows is to fit a sticker of a bird of prey in the window. With the arrival of damper autumnal weather it is worth giving a thought to cleaning your bird feeders. I have noticed recently adult Greenfinches showing signs of trichomonosis, a disease caused by a protozoan parasite, which can be spread from bird to bird at dirty feeders. The birds are fluffed up in appearance, very lethargic and have difficulty in swallowing food. Cleaning the feeders helps to prevent this nasty disease being passed on. Jerry Simpson, 01692 630674, [email protected] An Invitation:- Two Rivers Artists invite you to our Annual Festive Fair on Saturday 17th November at the NVH. This is a great opportunity to find original gifts for any occasion, but especially for Christmas. We will have a larger range of art and craft work than we have had before, as we have more guest artists and artisans joining us. We are delighted that the Nancy Oldfield Trust will be with us again and the Friends of Neatishead School will be serving delicious refreshments. We all look forward to welcoming you. Kit Calladine

White House Store Opening Hours - Our opening hours change with the seasons and as from 1st October we will close at 5pm Monday-Saturday, rather than 6pm. There is no change to Sundays where we close at midday. If you need to check before setting out, our opening hours are always on our Facebook page or you can call us on 01692 631549. Foodbank - The local foodbank wrote to us recently thanking us all for our contribution of over 19kg of food. Buying the odd item for the Foodbank while you're picking up what you need from us helps the shop and the Foodbank - keep up the good work. Event tickets - We sell many tickets on behalf of local groups as I'm sure many of you are aware. We often get asked questions about the events, which we may not be able to answer. Please could we ask that a contact number is on your collection box so that the questions can be directed to the organiser. Thank you. Margaret (Committee and staff member)

Knit and Stitch - Wednesday 10th and Tuesday 23rd October, Community Room, NVH, 7-9pm Thinking of a new colour scheme for your Christmas tree this year? We would be happy to relieve you of your ‘preloved’ Christmas decorations to sell on our stall at the NVH Xmas Fayre. Any donations will be gratefully received at our meetings or by any of our members. Meanwhile if you would like to knit some of your own Christmas decorations we have lots of patterns – you will be made most welcome. Claire Penstone-Smith, 01692 630580

4 New Victory Hall News Just a reminder of the Artichoke Fashion Show that is being held at the NVH on Wednesday 3rd October, tickets costing £5 include a cream tea. Doors open at 2pm, the raffle being held is for Cancer Research UK. Now on Wednesday 24th October we are holding a special flower arranging demonstration that takes us on a magical tour of the Norfolk Broads with David Wright. Anyone who has seen David Wright in action will know that this will be an enjoyable fun afternoon. Tickets costing £8 including refreshments can be obtained from the White House Stores or Doreen on 01692 630637. The winners of the 200 Club September Draw:- £50 P & V Ryall, £10 K Calladine, £5 T Thompson. The hall is going to be very busy in the next few months. Many thanks Dolly Newcombe

Farmers’ Market in the NVH – Saturday 13th October 9am until noon.

Village Screen Cinema Apologies for the cancellation of the September film. The distributor was unable to let us have the film in time and as not many people had applied for tickets in advance, we thought it better to cancel the film rather than show an unadvertised substitute. I can confirm that we already have a copy of the October film - THE MERCY (Cert 12, running time 112 mins). This is the compelling true story of British amateur sailor Donald Crowhurst's ill-fated attempt to circumnavigate the globe in a high stakes international yacht race. Starring Colin Firth as Crowhurst and Rachel Weisz as his wife. Please do come along on Monday 1st October at 7pm for 7.30pm and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee (included in the ticket price of £5). Tickets can be purchased from the White House Stores or on the door - numbers permitting. If you have special seating requirements please call Christine 01692 631347. Shelagh Tyrell

An invitation just for you Back from holiday and wishing you hadn't had quite so many ice creams, deserts and delicacies? Well don't regret it, just work it off! Come and join the rest of us at Neatishead Community Gym. We know that a little exercise can go a long way in helping you get fitter, thinner and healthier. We're a friendly bunch helped by a dedicated and caring instructor who can suggest an exercise programme just for you, using our great range of equipment to help you achieve your goals, however small. We're not super fit, super models, we're just ordinary people of all shapes and sizes who know that however little you do, it's better than just sitting on the couch. We are open Sunday, Monday and Wednesday mornings from 8.30 til 12.30 in the NVH, Neatishead, and being a not for profit organisation our fees are as low as possible. Give us a try; after all, the fitter and healthier you are, the more holiday treats you can enjoy next year! Ring Carol on 01692 535342 to book your free trial now. Clare Costello

Gardening Club and Village Show Many thanks to all the Gardening Club members, Knit & Stitch and friends who entered the Village Show at the NVH in September. Despite the challenging weather over the past few months and people’s busy schedules, over 30 individuals brought along over 200 exhibits which made for a lovely display of our local talents and skills. The Great British Bake Off by Knit and Stitch was much admired! Congratulations to all the prize winners, especially Kate Fowle who was the overall winner in the children’s section. This was the first time we gave an award for the under 16s and it would be great if more children could be encouraged to enter next year. Our next meeting is in the NVH on Monday 15th October when Brian Hedge will be giving a talk on ‘A Flower Arranger’s Garden’. Perhaps more entries in flower arranging next year! This is a change to the original programme as sadly for us, Ian Roofe, has stopped giving talks due to work commitments. Please contact me if you want to know more about anything connected with the Gardening Club. Visitors are always welcome at our meetings. Jane King, 01692 630002

NVH Indoor Bowls Club Every Tuesday afternoon at 2pm. Everyone welcome, no experience necessary – just come along! 5 Defibrillator Awareness Session There has been a cPad (Community Public Access Defibrillator) available outside the NVH since August 2014 but do you feel confident enough to use it? Defibrillators can save lives. We all hope to never be in a situation of having to face this emergency but as cardiac arrest can happen to anyone at any time, we invite you to come along to an awareness session on Saturday 6th October at 10.30am at the NVH. This session will be run by the Stalham and First Responders and will give you a chance to use the equipment and to ask any questions. If we have time we will also cover basic CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation). The session should finish around 11.45am and is free. If you are interested please contact M Tipler on 01692 535342 or [email protected] to book a place or just come along on the day. All welcome.

Neatishead, Irstead and Barton Turf Community Heritage Group (NIBCHG) I cannot believe it is five years since our group was formed and we obtained a Heritage Lottery Fund Grant for our initial WW1 project. As we approach our AGM on Wednesday 17th October, we would welcome your ideas and suggestions for 2019. Although our focus since 2013 has been the commemoration of WW1 there have been many other topics covered with presentations and displays about the history of our villages and surrounding areas. As we look forward “Will you be starting on WW2 next?” We know there are stories to be told with photos and artefacts from fathers and grandfathers – it is something we are considering for the future. We hope you will be able to attend our AGM at Neatishead School, 7.30pm, after which and continuing the WW1 theme, there will be a presentation of ‘The journey of a WW1 wounded soldier from The Front, home’. We look forward to seeing you. Claire Penstone-Smith,, 01692 630580

David Coleman Many of us will sadly remember a morning in December 2006 when news reached us that David and Nell Coleman of Sows Loke, Three Hammer Common, had died in a terrible car crash at the Neatishead turn-off on the A1151 from Wroxham. The family has arranged for a booklet to be prepared about David’s life; it covers his life from childhood in Neatishead, through his war service in the Royal Navy including his involvement in the Normandy Landings and his career as a skilled boat builder in Wroxham. It makes interesting and fascinating reading about this modest local family man who had many hidden talents and interests. The booklet is called ‘A Neatishead Man’ and will be available to purchase through the NIBCHG or myself, also available at the Farmers’ Market. Claire Penstone-Smith, 01692 630580

Village Memories I thought this should be on record that at the end of this month (October) children between the ages of 9 and 14 in the village of Barton Turf, up till the outbreak of WW2, would find a swede or mangold to make a turnip lantern to prepare for the night of November 5th. During the few days leading up to the night, the swedes or mangolds would have the root end cut off about 4-6 inches in diameter, with the edge cut at an angle to stop it falling in, and the top inverted to form a handle. A face would be cut on the outside skin on one side, with things such as stars, windmills and wherries on the opposite side. At the bottom of the hollowed out section a hole was scooped out to hold a short length of candle. Two lots of children, a few from Pennygate and some from the Common area, would walk round the village together singing: “Guy Fawkes guy, stick him up on high, hang him on a lamp post and there let him die. Three score barrels were left alone, to burn Old off the throne. Halla boys, God save the king, Halla girls God save the queen. Christmas is a coming and the geese are getting fat, so please put a penny in the old man’s hat”. Then a metal moneybox in the shape of an old man’s inverted top hat was offered to each house occupier who came to the door. When all houses had been visited, the few pennies were shared between the children. To finish off the evening, the village bonfire, built on the Common, was lit to keep everyone warm. While Mr Trubshaw lived at Barton Hall, he always bought good fireworks, which were enjoyed by all alongside the bonfire. John Yaxley, Barton Turf 6 Friends and Neighbours Report At the Club Coffee Morning in the NVH, we had a very interesting talk by Hugh Harding on the work of The Norfolk & Norwich Association of the Blind. We thank him very much for all the latest information and aides possible. Our next Coffee Morning was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Harmer. We thank them once again for their hospitality and making us so welcome, we always look forward to our visit. Sheila Yaxley Future meeting dates:- Thursday 11th and Thursday 25th October

Women’s Institute August was a month with no formal meetings but we were still busy. Nostalgia was the thinking behind our ‘Jam and Jerusalem’ entry in the Barton Church Flower Festival, which had the theme ‘What have you been watching?’ In WW2, the WI were much involved in selling their members’ surplus produce – mainly fruit and vegetables - inspiring housewives (yes, a term you could use in those days!) to produce nourishing meals with what was available (hence the old-fashioned cooking utensils, egg storage cupboard, jars of jam and chutney and the ‘meat pie’ in an enamel dish). How many memories did our display invoke for visitors of a certain age? Later in the month, the annual bowls match took place at Barton - the worthy winner was Barbara Pilcher (again! I think Barbara must include this cup in her home contents list as she has won it so often….), 2nd place went to Trish Percival and 3rd to Eileen Cook. Lots planned for the rest of the year, so please make contact if you are interested in learning more about us. Monica Riley, 01692 630336

WISE Ladies For our September meeting we had a visit to the Museum of the Broads, including a ride on their steam boat. It was a very enjoyable evening and many thanks to them for staying open especially for us. This year the Nordic Walker’s will again be collecting and delivering Christmas cards to the villages of Barton, Neatishead and Irstead, and the money collected will go towards local children’s Christmas festivities/events. The October meeting will be in the NVH and members will be receiving an email soon with the details. Lesley Smith

Neatishead Bowls Club – Three Hammer Common The Bowls season has been completed for another year. (Where has the time gone?) On the whole we have had a very enjoyable season, coming 2nd in the Afternoon League and 4th at this leagues’ Annual Tournament hosted by Happisburgh. We also have a place in the 1st Division of the Bowls League for next season! Although the Club is closed for play, the hard work starts now, preparing the green for next year’s season. A BIG THANKS to our Green Keeper John Horner and the other volunteers who help in all aspects of running of the club successfully. See you again in 2019 for our 109th season!! Cathy Smith, Hon Secretary, 01692 630602, email:[email protected]

Sing-a-long Cafe Horning Village Hall, Mill Hill, Horning, NR12 8LH - every month on the third Monday, next one on Monday 15th October, 2 til 4pm. Free entry and plenty of car-parking. Come along and join in singing some old sing-a-long songs to live music (you’re welcome to come and just listen too) - we are open to everyone and welcome anyone that would like to come along. Meet friends and make friends. We welcome anyone that may have any form of dementia, and we find that singing along to some old familiar tunes can be beneficial and very rewarding, and also gives everyone a good sense of wellbeing. We are a ‘not for profit’ group. Refreshments £1 for a cup of tea/coffee and a piece of homemade cake! You’re welcome to bring your own if you wish, no worries. Wheelchair friendly facilities too – everyone welcome, just turn up. Johnnie Walker 7 Wroxham & Lions Club So summer is over and autumn has arrived. Time to look back and reflect on our summer season and start preparing for our winter activities. My first 3 months as Lion President, I’m pleased to say, has been very busy and productive. On my very first meeting, we either gave or pledged in excess of £10,000, spread between local schools, scouts, rainbows, cricket club, football club, the ATC, the Food Bank and the Dementia Café as well as several school children who were doing charitable works to raise monies for their school trips. A very good start to our year. In addition we have held 3 Craft Fairs, organised and run the Village Fete at Hoveton Village Hall, had a BBQ, visited several local day centres to provide quizzes and entertainment and manned the tombola and our charity shop in the precinct. We have also visited several fetes with our mobile tombola. So now it’s time to start our autumn and winter programme. Our charity shop will be open throughout the remainder of the year, but from the end of October opening will be for 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday. We will be holding our pre-Christmas Craft Fair on Sunday 4th November at the Broadland Community Centre - an ideal time to buy a gift just that bit different. Our Mobile tombola will be at The Lighthouse Inn, Walcott, for the annual firework display and of course our Santa's Sleigh will be out and about during December. More information on these and other forthcoming events in later editions. Moving on to our charity shop, our hard working staff and volunteers have been busy changing our summer stock over ready for winter, so call in and see what we have on offer. We are still looking for donations of good clean clothing, bric-a-brac, jewellery, toys, books, and small electrical items in working order. So bring them along to our shop, but if you cannot get there, give Lion Terry Vout a call on 07850 091570 to arrange a collection. Our monthly draw of £100 this month goes to The Stroke Association, nominated by Gill Haines. So as you can see we are a very busy club. If you are interested in making a difference in your community, why not come along and meet us and find out more about what the Lions do. We meet at the Broadland Community Centre every 2nd and 4th Tuesday for our business meetings and every 1st and 3rd Tuesday for a small informal social evening, when we play games, quizzes, darts etc. So if you are interested in meeting us, please contact me for more information. Ron Hill, President, Wroxham and Hoveton Lions, 07753 382410

Extracts from 100 years ago:- & District Parish Magazine, by J R Keech, Vicar of Neatishead OCTOBER, 1918 CHURCH ARMY HUTS. – A collection was made in Church as short time ago for this excellent cause, which amounted to £1 5s. This was forwarded to the local secretary, and has been gratefully acknowledged. It has been arranged to hold a Sale of Work or an Entertainment during the summer months for the purpose of supplementing the above mentioned sum, but owing to the pressure of circumstances it was found impossible to do this. Towards to end of October we propose to hold either a Jumble Sale or an Entertainment, part of the proceeds of which to be devoted to this most necessary and worthy object. Our men at the front have found these huts to be a haven of rest and refreshment, both spiritually and physically, after their long and strenuous days, and they are very much valued and appreciated. NOVEMBER, 1918 The usual Harvest Festival Services were held in our Church on Sunday, September 22nd. Although it was wet for the morning service, a goodly number was present, and in the evening the Church was quite full. We were much indebted to the Rev. W. C. Cubison for the kindly coming and making it possible to hold an evening service. The decorations were done by willing hands, and the House of God looked very beautiful indeed. We wish to thank all our kind helpers, and the Sunday School children for their general help. Our grateful thanks are also due to the many who sent fruit, flowers, vegetables and grain. The joy of harvest was quickened by the thought of the splendid victories God has given our armies, and truely we rejoiced before Him “according to the joy in harvest.” The collections amounted to £6 which were sent to the Norfolk and Norwich Medical Charities, and the fruit and vegetables were gratefully received by the Hoveton Hall Hospital. 8 COMMUNITY TRANSPORT Dial-a-Ride 01692 500840 for shopping journeys. For Health Care Appointments please ring 03448 008020.

ADVERTISEMENTS for October 2018

C & B GARDEN SERVICES - Garden maintenance, Pressure washing, (patios, paths etc) Pest Control, specialising in MOLES & WASPS (certificated) rabbits & squirrels etc Free quote. Call Clive 01692 630157 BOAT FOR SALE Terhi Siaman 15’7’’ with Yahama strip outboard engine plus extras. Excellent condition. For further details please contact Bradley on 07501 324941 LANCE BUCKINGHAM CARPENTRY. All building work undertaken, including extensions, refurbishment, roofing, fencing, decking, kitchen fitting and property maintenance. Phone: 07795 210522 or 01603 720229

MAINS DRAINS CONNECTIONS & SOAKAWAYS: septic tanks installed, driveways, asphalt, and paths. 20 years experience, fully insured. Free estimates. Call DB Construction 01493 750601 / 07775 631206 ROOF REPAIRS: flat roofs, pitched roofs & chimney repairs. Also fascias & gutters. All high level maintenance work undertaken. Ring Nigel for a quote or advice, 07764 962627 COMPUTERS: problem solving and tuition. Call Jamie Nickerson 01692 630553 [email protected] WILLOW Tree & hedge work NPTC approved. Fully insured. Free estimate 07879 874194 / 01603 713127 BED & BREAKFAST at YE OLDE SADDLERY. Booking essential. Call Jamie on 07810 874603 LARGE TIMESHARE SWIMMING POOL IN BARTON Unique conversion of barns into 16½ metre pool. From £10 per ½ hour slot. Max 6 people. Please call 01692 630798 MICHELLE STEPHENS DECORATING SERVICES quality, efficient, decorating services in the Broadland area. Please call 07866 726178 or 01263 663696 FUNCTION BAND available for hire, playing music from 50’s to modern day. Ideal for weddings, parties and special occasions. Please call Andy Campbell on 07525 248040 / 01692 630458 PAINTING and DECORATING by Chris Ryan. Prompt and professional. Free quotation. 01692 631194 OLD MILL GARAGE – Car MOT’S 20% off. Other vehicle repairs at competitive prices, including air con. servicing & diagnostics. Exhausts, tyres & batteries. K Roll Motors, Barton Turf 01692 536926 PILATES CLASSES, mat based at New Victory Hall. Monday afternoons 4.15pm to 5.15pm & Wednesday evenings 7.45pm to 8.45pm. Please contact Boo Williams on 07717 473600 [email protected] BROADLAND LAWN CARE for the lawn you’ve always wanted. Packages include weed control, moss control, fertilisation, scarification and aeration. Email [email protected] or call 07523 106754 GARDEN WORK fencing, trees and hedges. Local service. Call David on 01692 535101/ 07766 334410 COUNTRY PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES offering boiler servicing repairs & replacements. Plumbing & electrical work at affordable rates. OFTEC GAS & NICEIC registered. 01692 670139 NELSON’S COUNTY CATERING: parties, celebrations and weddings. Menus to suit your needs. Hog Roasts a speciality. Call Jamie on 07810874603 or WALKING with ALPACAS The alpacas are hanging up their halters until spring. For details of our Alpaca Walk Vouchers or textile courses please call Ann on 01692 630553. CHIMNEY SWEEP Member of guild of master sweeps. Fully insured. Clean and efficient. All work certificated. All solid fuel appliances. Call Harry on 07799 484012 or 01263 833362

DAY CARE – Experience a day of pampering at Broadacres Residential Home with spa bath options available. Enjoy the company of like-minded people and sample fine food. Call Abbie on 01692 630939 NEATISHEAD & BARTON PRE-SCHOOL (2 to 5 year olds) Open Monday to Friday term time 8.45am to noon or 1pm, or our longer session to 2.30pm. From £7.60 a session. Please call us on 07833 796163 DYSON/HENRY SPARES & REPAIRS: vacuum bags & accessories. Reconditioned Dyson/Henry’s for sale. Free pick-up/drop-off. Please call Ray on 01692 630641 or 07484 321076

9 BRAMBLES GARDENING SERVICES, specialising in grass cutting, all enquiries welcome, Horning and surrounding villages. Please call Stephen on 01692 631468 Email: [email protected] PLATTEN PEST CONTROL - specialising in the management of wasps, rats, mice, moles, and rabbits. Free survey. Please contact us on 01692 631173 or 07711 391839 EAST ANGLIAN TANKERING SERVICES A local cesspool and septic tank disposal service, also blocked drains cleared. Smallburgh based. Tel 07988 020984 / 07988 406305 M STUDIO HAIRDRESSING, Ikens, Smallburgh Road, Barton NR12 8AP Call Maz on 01692 630744 YOGA CLASSES New Victory Hall, Neatishead, Wednesdays 6.10 - 7.40 Also Yoga for people living with cancer, small dedicated class or one to one. Please call Clare Badham 01692 598022 LOCAL DECORATOR: exterior and interior. Please call Trevor on 07557 762551 THE MOWER DOCTOR: Garden machinery servicing and repairs, extremely competitive prices with no VAT. Free collection and drop off service. Based in Broadland. Please call 01603 291927 or 07799 530015 STEVEN LUXFORD – local decorator, also does floor and wall tiling. Please call 01493 732138 LOCAL SMALL BUILDER Andy Payne, based locally, over 20 years of experience, including brickwork, plastering, tiling and decorating Tel 01603 737807 or 07706 991443 INDULGE BEAUTY SALON at IKENS LEISURE POOL Barton Turf. A wide range of treatments available. To book an appointment please call 01692 630659 GARDENING SERVICES including lawn mowing, hedge cutting, digging, weeding, fencing, decking, patios etc. Friendly, reliable service. For free estimate call Paul on 01692 535316 or 07826 857728 GARDEN BIRD DIRECT bird feed in sizes from 2kg to 20kg. Free delivery. Call Rosa on 01493 740288 BG OIL BOILER SERVICES Registered heating engineer. Servicing, repairs, new boilers and tank replacements. Please call Brian Greenwood on 07947 817767, or evenings on 01692 535552 GLEAMING GUTTERS: gutters, conservatory & patio cleaning. Also fascia barge and all plastics washed. Specialising in hard to reach gutters. [email protected] 01603 782112 or mobile 07771363702

COLIN the PLUMBER: oil, gas, and electric boilers and oil tanks. All types of plumbing services. Please call Colin on 01692 670657 or 07990 650331 YOUR FRIENDLY LOCAL ELECTRICIAN Glen Rogers Electrical. From an electric shower to a garden light. Give us a ring on 01692 538515 LOCAL GARDENER - weeding, pruning and hedges. Please contact or text Joe on 07902076352 DIAL - a - PLUMBER City & Guilds trained. Small repairs. No job too small. Small oil/gas boiler repairs. Showers installed & repaired. Please call 07702 277191 FINANCIAL ADVISOR providing impartial whole of market advice to local residents since1999. Home visits are always available or meetings at our office. Please call Martin Smith on 07584030071 DAVID WRIGHT Painting and decorating. Established since 1987. Horning based. Call 01692 631366 AJP HEDGES and TREES including storm damaged trees. Also garden clearance. Fully insured. NPTC CSCS CPCS approved. Please call Andy on 07827 668038

NEW ADVERTISEMENTS £2.50 a line, maximum two lines. Cheques payable to The NIB.

Contact: Yvonne Kendrick 01692 630261 for Bank Transfer details. email [email protected] with your advert. School House, School Road, Neatishead NR12 8XW

Magazine Team NEWS to Editor Carol Horner 01692 630342 [email protected] DATES to Deputy Editor John Seeley 01692 630776 [email protected] ADVERTS to Manager Yvonne Kendrick 01692 630261 [email protected] DISTRIBUTION to Manager Wendy Price 01692 536183 [email protected]

10 Diary Dates for October Monday 1st 7 for 7.30pm Village Screen ‘The Mercy’. NVH Wednesday 3rd 2pm ‘Artichoke Collection’ Clothes Sale. NVH Friday 5th 1-3pm Ashmanhaugh Knitting Group (every Friday). Preston Rooms Saturday 6th 10-11.30am St Benet’s Hall Coffee Morning. Horning 6th 10.30am Defibrillator Awareness Session. NVH Sunday 7th 9.30am Harvest Festival Service. St Peter’s Church, Neatishead Monday 8th 1.15pm Horning flower Club AGM and meeting. Horning Village Hall Wednesday 10th 7-9pm Knit and Stitch. Community Room, NVH Thursday 11th 10-12noon Friends and Neighbours. NVH Saturday 13th 9-12noon Farmers’ Market. NVH 13th 7pm Benefice Harvest Supper. NVH Sunday 14th 9.30am Harvest Festival Service. St Benedict’s Church, Horning 14th 11am Harvest Festival Service. St Swithin’s Church, Ashmanhaugh Monday 15th 2-4pm Sing-a-long Café. Horning Village Hall 15th Gardening Club ‘A Flower Arranger’s Garden’. NVH Wednesday 17th 2pm Women’s Institute. NVH 17th 7.30pm NIBCHG AGM. Neatishead School Saturday 20th 10-12noon Coffee Morning. Barton Church 20th 12noon 30’s to 60’s Group Bring and Share Lunch and Quiz. NVH Tuesday 23rd 7-9pm Knit and Stitch. Community Room, NVH Wednesday 24th Flower Arranging Demonstration by David Wright. NVH 24th 1.30-3.30pm Ashmanhaugh Gardening Group. Preston Rooms Thursday 25th 10-12noon Friends and Neighbours. NVH 25th 7pm Women’s Institute Harvest Supper. NVH Saturday 27th Autumn Fair. St Swithin’s Church, Ashmanhaugh Wednesday 31st 7.30pm Evening of Praise and Prayer. Neatishead Baptist Church

Future Dates Saturday 3rd November Makers’ Market. Preston Rooms, Ashmanhaugh Sunday 4th November Wroxham and Hoveton Lions Craft Fair. Hoveton Fri/Sat 9th /10th November ‘Tomorrow is Yours’, WW1 play by NABS and NIBCHG. NVH Fri/Sat/Sun 9th/10th/11th Nov Remembrance Weekend. NIBCHG event Saturday 17th November Annual Festive Fair, Two Rivers Artists. NVH Wednesday 28th November Evening of Praise and Prayer. Neatishead Baptist Church Saturday 1st December White House Stores AGM

New Victory Hall bookings: by email [email protected] or call 07551 008065

Mobile Library Barton Turf: - 26th October Pennygate 11.05am, bus shelter 11.25am Staithe Road 11.45am Neatishead: - 2nd and 30th October Pitt Corner 11.45am, The Street 12.35pm

Contributions welcome to The NIB, but please note the Team reserves the right to amend or omit items, we also start the magazine from the 1st of the month, and therefore events in the previous month will not be advertised. Views expressed are those of the named author. No responsibility can be accepted for any errors. Everybody who sends in articles, including advertisers, automatically consents to having their details published on the internet, unless they specifically request otherwise, in which case we will endeavor to omit details before uploading onto the churches’ website. 11 Services in the Benefice of St Benedict – October 2018 Sunday, 7th October - 19th Sunday after Trinity 8.00am St Michael & All Angels, Barton Turf Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am St Benedict’s, Horning Holy Communion 9.30am St Peter’s, Neatishead Harvest Festival Communion Sunday, 14th October - 20th Sunday after Trinity 9.30am St Michael’s, Irstead Holy Communion 9.30am St Peter’s, Neatishead Morning Prayer (BCP) 9.30am St Benedict’s, Horning Harvest Festival Morning Worship 11.00am St Swithin’s, Ashmanhaugh Harvest Festival Communion 6.00pm St Michael & All Angels, Barton Turf Evening Prayer Sunday, 21st October - 21st Sunday after Trinity 9.30am St Benedict’s, Horning Benefice Holy Communion Sunday, 28th October - St Simon and St Jude 8.00am St Michael’s, Irstead Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am St Swithin’s, Ashmanhaugh Morning Prayer 9.30am St Michael & All Angels, Barton Turf Holy Communion 11.00am St Benedict’s, Horning Holy Communion 3.30pm St Michael & All Angels, Barton Turf All Souls Commemoration Service Sunday, 4th November - All Saints Sunday 8.00am St Michael & All Angels, Barton Turf Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30am St Benedict’s, Horning Holy Communion 9.30am St Peter’s, Neatishead Holy Communion (BCP)

Morning Prayer: 9.15am Wednesdays at Irstead Church & 9.15am Thursdays at Barton Turf Church Midweek Communion 10.30am Tuesdays at St Peter’s Church, Neatishead Holy Communion: Broadacres, Barton Turf, first Thursday of the month at 11am, all welcome.

Church Wardens: Neatishead Pauline Simpson 01692 630674 Irstead David Murrells 01692 631427 Barton Turf Barbara Pilcher 01692 536132 & Vincent Kendrick 01692 630261

Neatishead Baptist Church: Morning Worship every Sunday at 10.30am followed by coffee and biscuits. Wednesday Fellowship, 7.30pm. Broadacres, Barton Turf, third Thursday at 11am, all welcome. Lay Pastor, Ian Bloomfield [email protected] Sue Gibbons, Church Secretary, 01603 738893 [email protected]

Barton Turf Methodist Church: Sunday Service at 2.30pm. Rev Sharon Willimott, Superintendent, 01692 218657

Roman Catholic Church: Sacred Heart, Norwich Road, North Walsham – Sunday Mass at 11am St Helen’s, Hoveton – Saturday Mass at 5.30pm. Wednesdays at 9.30am Parish Priest Father James Walsh 01603 403258

Wroxham & Hoveton United Reformed Church: Services at The Hub every Sunday at 11am and also JAM (our Sunday Kids Club) meet at 10.45am and is open to new children for fun, cooking, games, crafts and Bible stories. Please contact Chris Billing at [email protected]. Coffee is served after every service. Community Café Thursdays 10.30-12noon. Lynne Howard 01603 738835 [email protected]

Parish Council Clerks Ashmanhaugh Clare Male 07803 705434 Barton/Irstead Diane Bradley 07867 422925 Horning Jo Beardshaw 01692 670787 Neatishead Charlotte Hummel 01493 718128