Rapid Field Assessment Chuck Gipson Expected Outcomes

 Understand triage process  Calculate Glasgow Coma Scale  Accurately assess a patient  Understand and use Mechanism of  Organize a call from dispatch to delivery Absolute First Action

Determine Scene Safety! Additional resources

 Communicate findings and needs  Request additional resources early  Preferably before being in the thick of an event

 What event? Any Event! Time is of the essence

 Decisions need to be made quickly  Decisions need to be made accurately It starts with a call

 Field assessment begins with a 911 call  EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatch) is performed  A “diagnosis” is made  Instructions are given Crews arrive

 Crews have a head start on assessment  Assessment continues from 911 call  Crews confirm accuracy of call info Triage

 the process of prioritizing sick or injured people for treatment according to the seriousness of the condition or injury Translation

 Sorting patients by level of severity  Treating the sickest people first

 More to follow Windshield Assessment

 Scene size up

 What do I see when I drive up.

 Resources, vehicles, hazards, patient location, numbers, smoke, bystanders, etc… Mechanism Of Injury

 What the heck just happened?  Predictable pattern?  Potential based on MOI?  Based on physics and previous experience Index of Suspicion for Injury

 Starred windshield  Bent steering wheel  Intrusion into vehicle  Roll over  Ejection  High speed crash Time Matters

 Platinum Ten Minutes

 Time is from incident not EMS call Trauma System Goal

To get the right patient to the right hospital at the right time Extenuating Circumstances

 Extreme weather conditions  Extrication  Scene hazards  Multiple patients  Bystanders  Distracting or complex injuries Rapid Trauma Assessment

 Should take less than 90 seconds  Quick head to toe  Identify life threatening injuries  Airway  Mental status  Perfusion

 Thinking, Breathing, Pumping ABCDE

 Airway  Breathing  Circulation  Deformity / Disability  Exposure Airway

 Manual opening and maintenance of airway  Includes C-spine stabilization

 Jaw thrust vs head tilt chin lift

 EMD Head and Neck Breathing

 Yes / No?  Rate  Depth  Quality

 Pulse Ox Circulation

 Yes / No?  Rate  Quality

 Perfusion – Capillary refill, color, moisture, temperature

 Includes Hemorrhage control Deformity / Disability

 Obvious injuries  Distractors  Inability to perform tasks  Level of consciousness Exposure

 Make them naked

 Appropriate time and place  Keep them warm  Make a complete assessment Mental Status

 Glasgow Coma Scale  AVPU

 Alcohol will alter reality. Glasgow Coma Scale (Adult)

 Eye Opening  4 Spontaneous  3 To Speech  2 To Painful Stimuli  1 No Response  Verbal  5 Answers appropriately  4 Confused  3 Inappropriate words  2 Moans to Pain unintelligible sounds  1 No Response  Motor  6 Spontaneous Movement  5 Withdraws to Touch  4 Withdraws to Pain  3 Abnormal Flexion  2 Abnormal Extension  1 No Movement / Flaccid Glasgow Coma Scale (Peds)  Eye Opening  4 Spontaneous  3 To Speech  2 To Painful Stimuli  1 No Response  Verbal  5 Coos, Cries, or Babbles Spontaneously  4 Irritable Cry but Consolable  3 Cries to pain or Weak Cry  2 Moans to Pain  1 No Response  Motor  6 Spontaneous Movement  5 Withdraws to Touch  4 Withdraws to Pain  3 Abnormal Flexion  2 Abnormal Extension  1 No Movement / Flaccid AVPU

 Alert  Verbal  Painful  Unresponsive Focused Physical Exam


 Depressions, Contusions, Abrasions, Penetrations, Burns, Tenderness, Lacerations, Swelling

 Don’t forget the back side Vital Signs

 Get them if you can  Tell them to the receiving facility

 Why can’t I get a pressure?  What if I can’t get a pressure? No Blood Pressure?

 Warm, dry, and pink.  Cap refill <2 seconds  Strong regular radial pulse  CAOX4

 What does this say? Pupils

 Eyes are the window to the body


 What does it mean?  Is this a normal finding for this patient? Detailed Physical Exam

 Range of motion  Pulse, Motor, & Sensory  Skin color, temp, and condition Trauma Score

Glasgow Coma Scale Systolic Blood Pressure Respiratory Rate Coded Value (GCS) (SBP) (RR)

13-15 >89 10-29 4

9-12 76-89 >29 3

6-8 50-75 6-9 2

4-5 1-49 1-5 1

3 0 0 0 Ongoing Assessment

 Repeat assessment

 When?  Why? SAMPLE History

 Signs and Symptoms  Allergies  Medications  Past Medical History (Pertinent)  Last Oral Intake  Events preceding (What Happened?) Compile Information

 Create a plan  Execute your plan  Communicate your plan  Get help with your plan  Have a backup plan  Have a backup plan for your backup plan Basic ALS care

 Should be done en-route to hospital.  Does not save lives

 Definitive care saves lives

 But my protocol says I HAVE to ALS my significant trauma patient Communication

 Assessments are great

 Don’t to forget to communicate them

 Use the words Trauma Alert and say why

 Twice! Creation of a Trauma Alert

Think like a PIMP

No really! Physiologic

 Trouble thinking, breathing, or pumping

 Decreased GCS <14  High or low respiratory rate <10 or >29  Poor pulse>120  Systolic BP <90 Injuries

 Multiple long bones  Abdominal  Chest  Head  Pelvis  Amputation proximal to wrist or ankle Mechanism of Injury

 High speed crash  Ejection  Run over  Intrusion >18 inches  Unrestrained rollover  Fall greater than 20 feet Pre-existing

 Anticoagulation and disorders  Age extremes  Pregnancy >20 weeks See, think PIMP

 P Box 1 Iowa Level 1 Illinois  I Box 2 Iowa Level 1 Illinois  M Box 3 Iowa Level 2 Illinois  P Box 4 Iowa Level 2 Illinois


 Formal way of sorting out patients of all ages

 Widely accepted and universal What is this START Triage Stuff? Simple Triage And Rapid Treatment Goals to START Triage

 Do not spend too much time on any one patient. Move quickly from one patient to the next.

 Assess each patient’s RPMs

 Respirations

 Perfusion

 Mental Status Adult Pediatric How to Identify

 Field Triage  Tape or tags

 Brief and simple Blue Triage Tape???

 Very local  Blue color is used  Assigned to refusal patients Simple field Assessment

 Mechanism?  Access?  Hazards?  # of Patients?  Level of injuries Summary

 Assessment should be quick  Assessment Should be accurate  Trauma Field care should be limited  Communication should be concise  Make a plan and stick to it  Have plenty of help  Do the best you can References

 START Jump START Triage Lou Roemig MD  Lt. S. Albright – Paramedic SCEMS Triage Tag Training  Scott County Protocols  Principles in EMS Training, Thomson Learning  Field Triage Decision Scheme, CDC  PHTLS Instructor Guide Questions??? Thank You!