THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 • [email protected] • • 4455 7741 Take your inside CAMPUS brain for a • QU students interact with Boston nice walk College students P | 4

P | 11 MARKETPLACE • Dairy Queen opens outlet at Ezdan Mall

P | 5

SCIENCE • Clean hydrogen advances amid cell technology gains

P | 7

FILM • Out of this world: Are space operas making a comeback?

P | 8-9

TECHNOLOGY • How King’s CEO conquered the gaming world FAMILY FITNESS P | 12 We all know the benefits of exercise. It can improve our LEARN ARABIC physical and mental health and help expand our social • Learn commonly circles. It’s as close to a panacea as we’re likely to get. used Arabic words It’s also the best way to get children to use that boundless and their meanings energy for personal good rather than public destruction. P | 13 2 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 COVER STORY

Turn family time into fitness time

By Mari-Jane Williams inexpensive and (relatively) painless. stop and explore things that interest Family exercise can also give We spoke to experts in six types of us along the way.” e all know the benefits of you a fun shared activity that exercise that parents can do with their Odett is the founder and organ- exercise. It can improve can continue as kids age into children. They shared tricks to keep izer of Kidical Mass DC, a group that our physical and mental the whining to a minimum and their leads child-friendly bike rides in the Whealth and help expand those awkward teen years. favourite places to work up a sweat. Washington area. our social circles. It’s as close to a pan- Here are their suggestions on how to Before taking a child out on the road, acea as we’re likely to get. try biking, hiking, rock climbing, run- Odett said, make sure he can handle It’s also the best way to get chil- tablets and get active together. ning, stand-up paddling and yoga as his bike, including stopping and start- dren to use that boundless energy By exercising as a family, you’ll have a family. ing reliably. It’s also important for him for personal good rather than public a built-in support system. When dad to have good impulse control. destruction. is dragging after a long day at work, Biking The Centers for Disease Control and the 12-year-old can remind him that Megan Odett, a mom of two who Hiking Prevention recommends that adults fitness is a family priority. If everyone lives in Washington, used to bike for Jennifer Chambers started tak- get at least 150 minutes of moderate is working together, the odds of being transportation. After a complicated ing her daughter on hikes in an aerobic exercise a week, plus muscle- successful at reaching fitness goals pregnancy with her first child, who is infant carrier when she was about 4 strengthening exercise two days a are much greater, said David Buer, now 4, she found herself battling post- weeks old. Over Memorial Day week- week. Children and teens need even a personal trainer based in Atlanta. partum depression. So she got back end, Chambers and her daughter, more exercise: At least 60 minutes each Family exercise can also give you a on her bike and brought her son Alex who is now 13, hiked 40 miles of the day, according to the CDC. Yet only fun shared activity that can continue along. Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania with 20 percent of adults and 25 percent of as kids age into those awkward teen “Getting back on a bike with him some friends. Chambers owns Hiking children ages 12 to 15 get the recom- years. You know, when they can’t get was my path to physical and emotional Along, an organization that leads chil- mended amount of exercise. far enough away from their oh-so- recovery,” said Odett, who rode with dren in preschool through high school We don’t have the time. We’re dis- annoying parents. her son strapped into a trailer in his on hikes in the Washington area. The tracted by all those shiny devices. “Beyond the obvious health and car seat until he graduated to a bike hikes incorporate hands-on science We’re horrible about procrastinating. physical benefits, it’s a bonding expe- seat. She commutes by bicycle each activities. The combination of hiking We’re so busy shuttling our kids from rience,” Buer said. “You’re leading by day, dropping the kids at day care and and science came from Chambers’ 18 soccer to swimming to art class that example and imprinting these healthy preschool on her way to work, and years as a special-education teacher. we can’t seem to squeeze in our own habits that potentially will last a life- the older boy travels alongside her on We’ve had trouble getting buy-in fitness. (Guilty, on all counts.) time. It’s also great one-on-one time.” recreational rides now, on his balance when trying to hike with our children Whatever the reason, parents and We’re not talking about running a bike. (lots of griping, frequent bathroom children are not taking advantage of marathon with your 12-year-old next “We’re going at a slower speed and stops and contentious discussions the one thing that can reliably make us month, trying to keep up with your can enjoy the world around us more,” about who got more of the M&M’s in feel better all around. So this is a call young lacrosse star on the field or buy- Odett said. “You can see more when the trail mix). So we asked Chambers to time-strapped parents and children ing a bunch of expensive equipment. you’re riding than when you’re driv- to share her secrets to keep the whin- to put down their smartphones and You can choose an activity that is fun, ing, and we have the opportunity to ing to a minimum. PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 3

Along with packing plenty of snacks, bringing a friend and letting the kids go at their own pace, she said it’s impor- tant to pick the right trail. And when it comes to kids, that’s usually anything with rocks or water. She also suggested bringing along a hand lens, binoculars or a nature journal and markers for the child to use along the way. A good hike for kids explores part of the Appalachian Trail from the Bear’s Den Center in Bluemont, Virginia. The two-mile trail on the property has an outcropping of rocks that makes a great spot for a picnic, Chambers said. Older kids and teens love Section A of the Billy Goat Trail in Great Falls, Virginia, she said, but the 1.7-mile hike is strenuous and involves lots of rock scrambling, so it’s not ideal for younger children.

Rock climbing Scaling a 40-foot sheer rock wall with nothing but blue sky between you and the ground may not be for those of us with acrophobia. But for 12-year-old Arabella Jariel of Herndon, Virginia, and her parents, Jennie and Ike, it’s the perfect way to unwind as a family. session at a local gym before commit- said. “They get to release some energy, can’t run because of joint problems “It’s both physically and mentally ting to classes, Jennie Jariel said. do something they enjoy and walk away can participate. challenging, because there are times with a sense of accomplishment.” “People think it looks so hard. It’s that, in addition to the physical part, Running Jenny Hadfield, a columnist for not,” Birnes said. “You just need to get you have to push past your fear,” said Children are hard-wired to run, even, suggests using over the misconception that you need Jennie Jariel, who started climbing if it’s just laps around the house in the progress charts to keep everyone moti- really good balance to do it. You just when she was in college. “As a family, morning before school. They have lots vated. Kids can keep track of the miles need a stable board and the balance we help each other with that.” of energy, and it has to come out. So if they’ve logged or how much they’ve will come as you get stronger. It’s the Arabella started climbing when she running is your thing, it’s easy to loop improved their time over the course perfect blend of being challenging to was 7 and has been competing with them into your exercise programme. of the month. She also said parents can your core and [mentally] restorative.” the team at Earth Treks in Rockville, Kristen Komlosy, the executive turn running into a scavenger hunt, Birnes does not recommend SUP for Maryland, since she was 8. Jennie Jariel director of Girls on the Run-DC, runs with a map and toys hidden around children younger than 6, because they said it’s perfect for them because while with her two boys, who are 7 and 10, your running route, to make it fun for have to be able to manage the paddle. Arabella is practicing at the gym, she about three times a week. Both boys kids. Sometimes when she’s out with her and Ike can climb, as well. They take play sports, including basketball and Many local schools host one-mile daughter, they will paddle out to an family trips to places such as Red River lacrosse. She cheers from the sidelines fun runs and 5Ks, which can be great island together, then Birnes will use a Gorge in Kentucky or Hueco Tanks in while they play, but running is some- events for parents and children to rope to tow Reese back if she gets tired. El Paso to climb together. thing she can do with them. enter together. Komlosy and her sons Other parents like to have their child Families interested in trying rock “They think it’s great to keep up with have been doing those one-mile kids’ sit on the front of the board while they climbing can go to an open climb mom, or to try to beat mom,” Komlosy runs together. The boys have recently paddle, she said. expressed interest in trying a 5K, so Mantra Fit leads sunset paddle tours training for that will be the next step, on the Magothy River near Annapolis, she said. leaving from Ferry Point Marina in Hadfield said that most races for Arnold, as well as yoga and core pad- preschoolers are between a quarter- dle classes. and a half-mile. Some children are ready to train for a 5K by the time Yoga they are 7, Hadfield said, but it’s always Liliana Lopez of Bethesda, Maryland, best to consult your pediatrician to and her daughter, Beka Dychtwald, 9, make sure a race is appropriate for started going to the family classes at your child. Circle Yoga in Washington as a way to bond after Lopez and her husband Stand-up paddling divorced two years ago. Lopez found For Carleen Birnes, owner of Mantra yoga to be a great way to relieve her Fit in Arnold, Maryland, stand-up pad- stress and wanted to share those ben- dling is a relaxing, low-impact activity efits with her daughter. that she can share with her 6-year-old “I wanted to bring her into the whole daughter, Reese Birnes Grindle. The idea of taking a pause and just breath- fact that it gets them outdoors is a ing,” Lopez said. “Children nowadays bonus. don’t take pauses, they’re constantly “You can’t be on a screen when going. She was getting sports at school you’re on the water balancing,” she almost every day, but I wanted her to said. “Stand-up paddling forces you to do more of a mindful type of activity.” be in nature. Even on a hike, you can They attend classes together every still be looking at your phone or taking other Saturday, when Beka is with pictures. This forces you to be present Lopez for the weekend. and aware of the water and boats mov- Linda Feldman, the director of pro- ing around you.” gramming at Circle Yoga, said family The balance work benefits kids’ classes are more playful than a regular brain and muscle development, Birnes yoga class, and they incorporate games said, and helps with coordination. And and poses you can do with a partner. because it’s low-impact, people who WP-Bloomberg 4 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 CAMPUS

DPS-MIS holds 100 percent attendance ceremony

function was organised at the DPS- DPS-MIS Hasan Chougule. It was also parents and teachers who have encour- percent attendance. The programme AMIS auditorium recently to felici- attended by the Management Committee aged and motivated these students to was anchored by Jade D’Mello (VIII-C), tate the students of Grades VI to XII member and Director of Facilities Harish achieve this feat. Nimra Siddiqui (IX-H) and Sidra Saba( who secured 100 percent attendance in Kanjani and Principal Asna Nafees. Around 200 students from classes IX-E). It was coordinated by Hyacinth the academic year 2013-14. The Chief Principal congratulated the students VI to XII were awarded with cer- Mary Cruz, Rachel Alwyn and Soma Guest for the function was President of and praised the roles played by the tificates of appreciation for their 100 Bhattacharjee. The Peninsula

Ananya K Manoj, studying in grade 5 in Birla Public School won the third prize in the International Informatics Olympiad conducted by Silverzone CISAK hosts ‘Production Week’ Foundation, for the year 2013- 14. The International Informatics The students of Compass Intenational School, Al Khor, have been engaged in ‘Production Week’ this week. Each year Olympiad tests student’s compu- the group works tirelessly over the past few months to perform in front of the school and parent body. The students ter skills and analytical reasoning worked together to create the set, design the costumes, and the script. in math.

QU students interact with Boston College students

wenty-five Qatar University (QU) mass com- Tmunication students from the College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) joined 12 visiting counterparts from Boston College recently at an intercultural commu- nication event to exchange ideas, experiences, and Dr Mazen and Dr Eiman cultural interests. with the students. The students took part in the event themed “Meet Boston College” in which QU masscomm faculty Dr internship and training opportunities, and graduate In the students’ open panel discussion, both groups Mahmoud Galander and Dr Mohamed Kirat and studies programmes. “Today’s dialogue helps to estab- discussed the unrealistic portrayal by western media Boston College faculty Dr Kathleen Bailey presented lish authentic images of both Qatar and US and gives of Arab societies especially the status of women. The on Media in the Gulf, cultural conflicts, and academic us an opportunity as the media department to advance visiting students noted the contradictory images of exchanges between US and Qatar. a positive image of Arab and Gulf societies,” he said. Arabs and Islam particularly in movies that did not Present at the event were QU VP and Chief McCary said: “A resilient bilateral relationship match what they experienced in Qatar. They asked Academic Officer Dr Mazen Al Hasna, Deputy between nations depends on deep and multifaceted about the significance of the abaya, gender segrega- Chief of Mission of the US Embassy in Qatar Ian ties among peoples. At the US Embassy in Qatar, tion, and women empowerment about which they McCary, CAS Dean Dr Eiman Mustafawi, embassy we work to support the relationship between the said they held many misconceptions. representatives Nathan Tek, Spokesperson, and Qatari and American peoples. Through exchange The QU students explained that those issues are Lutfi Al Mushrqui, Media Advisor, and Head Mass programmes, educational scholarships, visiting social norms which they accept but are not obstacles Communication Department Dr Noureddine Miladi. American speakers, and traditional and digital to their achievements. They stressed that women in In his welcoming remarks, Dr Miladi discussed an media engagement, we seek to present Qataris with Qatar are very powerful, are high achievers and ambi- upcoming programme between the department and an accurate picture of American culture, values, and tious unlike how they are portrayed in the media. Boston College that will include student exchange, foreign policy.” The Peninsula COMMUNITY / MARKETPLACE PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 5

Doha Marriott supports Balkans flood victims

oha Marriott partnered with DQatar Charity to distribute the donations collected from associates to help the people so devastatingly affected by the floods in the Balkan region. During this project Doha Marriott partnered with Qatar Charity, who was willing to step in North Indians’ Association (NIA) recently felicitated students of 10th and 12th classes who successfully cleared their CBSE board and help to send all the collected exams. Class 10: First: Sparsh Garg, second: Disha Vaswani and Abhay Saini, appreciation: Tanya Shastri, Divi Mishra, Mohit items over to help those in need. Wadhwani and Aishwarya Lalchandani. Class 12: Science Stream: First: Aakriti Talwar, second: Saumya Shastri, appreciation: The Peninsula Anjas Kapur, Akshay Malhotra, Isha Ahluwalia and Mohit Bulchandani. Class 12 Commerce: first: Priyam Jain, second: Shivi Mishra. UBD to open 12 new Eight McDonald’s staff Man’oushe Street take part in football branches in Qatar tournament in Dubai an’oushe Street, a popular MMiddle Eastern eatery that cDonald’s Qatar had flown eight serves traditional, home-styled street Mof its football player to Dubai food, has announced the signing of a under the umbrella of “World Cup strategic new franchising agreement Energizing initiative”, initiated as part with United Business Development of EVP (Employee Value Proposition) (UBD). Under the terms of the fran- programme. chise agreement, UBD is set to open The three-day competition among 12 new Man’oushe Street branches the 10 teams kick started at Mirdiff bringing to Qatar the famous din- Mall Dubai and the players had a ing brand that has been made widely chance to visit the Water World and popular for its mana’eesh, bureks, Ferrari World in Abu Dhabi on the wrap sandwiches, and sweets. second day. 80 McDonald’s footballers “We are very upbeat with this new from Qatar, Saudi, UAE and Kuwait franchising agreement with UBD, attended the event. The Peninsula which is reputed to be one of Qatar’s leading restaurant management groups. This partnership wholly reflects the growing popularity of the Man’oushe Street brand—which Dairy Queen opens has now become a crowd favourite for healthy and filling meals among outlet at Ezdan Mall diners in the region,” said Jihad El airy Queen, a full serviced res- Eit, Founder and CEO, Man’oushe taurant, known for their Grill Street. Dand Chill concept, has opened As part of the franchising agree- their fifth branch in Qatar at the food- ment, Man’oushe Street will provide court of the Ezdan Mall recently. People training of new employees and the living and working around the area can regular supply of all raw materials now start the day with a DQ breakfast needed for the operations of the new meals served daily from 7:30am or their branches from the central kitchen. grill and chill all day meals. “We have been following the suc- Raveen DeMel, Operations Manager cess story of the Man’oushe Street Qatar Region, said: “We are gaining chain of restaurants and have been more and more customers, so open- very impressed with their achieve- ing a new branch is a way of bring- ments—which is evident in the grow- ing Dairy Queen conveniently closer ing popularity of their signature to them. With the summer starting menu of mana’eesh, bureks, wrap to heat up, children and adults have sandwiches, and sweets. We are now more branches to visit, relax and confident that our in-depth under- just chill with our summer treats like standing of the food and beverage our famous blizzard, sundaes, peanut market will allow us to successfully buster parfait and shakes of different fun and celebrate with us. They can outdoor or indoor along with other leverage the Man’oushe Street brand flavours.” enjoy free balloons, clown entertain- kids.” across today’s consumers in Qatar,” “Also,” he added, “as Dairy Queen’s ment and face paintings. A bouncing Other than Ezdan Mall and Ramada, concluded Abdul Aziz Al Kholaifi, tradition of celebrating Eid, I’m invit- castle will be set up at the Ramada they have outlets at at LandMark Food Chairman, United Business & ing all parents to come and bring their branch, in addition to our existing play Court and Abu Hamour Petrol Station. Development Co. UBD.The Peninsula children in any of our branches to have area. There they can choose to play The Peninsula 6 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 MARKETPLACE Wyndham Grand Regency wins inter-hotel cricket tournament yndham Grand Regency Doha won the eleventh annual WPremier Cricket League Qatar - Inter Hotel Championship 2014, held at Qatar Veterans Cricket Grounds in Lusail recently. Wyndham Grand Regency Doha won the prestigious tournament for the second time in a row in addition to hosting the event this year. The annual cricket event is organ- ised to promote the spirit of sports- while incorporating a bit of friendly The tournament also introduced (purple cap), which was awarded to manship among Qatar’s hotel fraternity competition,” said Chander Raina, cap- a mobile application called PCL this Wyndham Grand Regency Doha’s by offering their star cricketers a plat- tain of the Wyndham Grand Regency year, which allowed for fans to keep Mohamad Shifan. Additional awards form to exhibit their skills. This year’s Doha team. track of the tournament in real time. included the Fair Play trophy, won by tournament had a record number of Congratulating the team players, A highlight during the matches was The Torch hotel for the second year in participants; a total of 23 hotels com- Ayman Lotfy, general manager of the a custom-designed toss coin with the a row, and a new Best-Dressed Squad peted for the trophy, eight of which Wyndham Grand Regency Doha said, league logo. award, won by first-time participants were new to the league. “It is wonderful to see what a strong, The closing ceremony incorporated Doha Golf Club. The final match was played between passionate community we have. I am several awards, including MVP - The event was sponsored by 28 Wyndham Grand Regency Doha and proud of our team and wish them good Player of the Tournament (red cap), Black, Acqua Boutique, Al Tandeel the Renaissance Hotel, with Wyndham luck for future games.” which was won by Heshan Sameera Information Technology, Aljabor Grand Regency Doha winning the The event was given a fresh identity of Wyndham Grand Regency Doha Business Systems, Network Solutions, championship by a mere 4 runs. with a new logo. Also introduced this for the second consecutive time, the Alofog-Maneo, Royal Hospitality and “It was an honour to organise an year was the ‘Player Profiles’ brochure, Best Batsman (orange cap), received Empire Advertising, who was also event that promotes team building with showcasing the participating team by Suranga Gunarathna from responsible for the event branding and our neighbouring hotel community players and their specialities. Renaissance Hotel and the Best Bowler communication. The Peninsula

The raffle draw for Malabar Gold & Diamonds’ ‘Sparkling Summer’ campaign was held at their outlet in Barwa Village in the presence of Faizal A K, Corporate Executive Director, Noufal, Branch Head, and officials from Economic depart- ment. The ceremony was organised by Santhosh T V, Regional Head. Eighty- eight winners will get diamond vouchers worth QR1,000 each. Yamaha sound projector gets 5-star rating

amaha has received a 5-star in Villaggio. Yrating for its newly released Representative from Darwish ‘YSP-1400 Sound Projector” in the Holding said: “This rating for Yamaha May issue of What Hi-Fi Sound and YSP-1400 Sound Projector is a clear Vision. The 5 star rating was achieved indication of the high standards and after a detailed test on similar prod- innovation of Yamaha products. We ucts across various brands, where are proud to offer our valued patrons Yamaha’s YSP-1400 emerged the with access to this state-of-the-art clear winner due to its advanced and product and hope they enjoy the unbeatable features. new technology that will provide an With this rating, Yamaha continues unmatched level of entertainment to be the market leader in the audio experience.” products development in the world for The YSP-1400’s has the ability to innovation and truly immersive and produce clearly defined surround natural sound. sound from a single bar, with the The Yamaha YSP-1400 Sound fluid and easy to use app (available Projector and other Yamaha products for Android and Apple devices) and Recently, W Doha Hotel & Residences donated boxes full of clothes, DVDs, games are available throughout the Fifty One of course highlighting the immersive and other items to Qatar Charity. It regularly hosts fund-raisers to support the local East stores at Al Maha Center, City and impressive overall sound quality community. “W Doha is dedicated to working alongside charities to deliver aid where Center Doha, Yamaha Music Square of the sound projector. most needed and ensures that the hotel has a legacy of caring for the community at Lagoona Mall and Virgin megastore The Peninsula in which it operates,” a hotel statement said. SCIENCE PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 7

By Christopher Martin

nce relegated to the realm of science projects, hydrogen fuel cells are starting to displace fos- Clean hydrogen advances Osil fuels as a means of powering cars, homes and businesses. On June 10, in the latest addition to mainstream fuel-cell use, Hyundai will begin deliveries of a con- amid cell technology gains sumer SUV in Southern California. The technol- ogy is already producing electricity for the grid in Connecticut. AT&T is using fuel cells to power server farms, and Wal-Mart Stores uses hydrogen-powered fork lifts. Later this summer FedEx will begin using hydrogen cargo tractors at its Memphis air hub. “This is the most exciting time for fuel cells in my career,” said Daniel Dedrick, head of hydrogen and combustion technologies at Sandia National Laboratories in Livermore, California. The hydrogen market “is starting to accelerate.” Fuel cells produce electricity from hydrogen in a process that dates back to the 1830s, yet high costs have historically made the technology better suited for Apollo space missions and Soviet submarines. In recent years, the technology has made big strides, and prices are falling. And because the process pro- duces little or no greenhouse gases, hydrogen power stands to get a boost in the wake of President Barack Obama’s recent call for tighter controls on carbon emissions. It’s still early days for hydrogen power. Prominent skeptics, including former Energy Secretary Steven Chu and Tesla Motors Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk, have questioned whether the technology will ever catch on. Hydrogen currently provides less than 1 percent of power worldwide, while coal and gas produced 67 percent of US electricity in 2012, according to the “The shift to hydrogen Energy Information Administration. Chu, who was appointed by Obama, called for a 44 percent reduction is inevitable, and it’s Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island and in funding for hydrogen research. Vermont, which together account for 25 percent of “People have been working to improve fuel cells for happening faster than all US auto sales. over 150 years, and it’s still not commercially viable,” Some analysts are predicting steady if modest said Joseph Romm, a senior fellow at the Center for we expected.” growth. Automakers may be selling 1.76 million fuel- American Progress, a Washington-based think-tank. cell vehicles a year worldwide by 2025, according to Only about 1,000 cars and buses using hydrogen Deloitte Tohmastsu Consulting. technology operate today worldwide. There are nine stationary fuel cells might eventually become either Cars that run on hydrogen can typically go more hydrogen filling stations in California, with 48 more a primary or back-up source of electricity. than 250 miles (400km) on a tank of the gas and then under development. California promises to boost that AT&T is the largest non-utility fuel cell customer must be refilled. They differ from battery electric number to about 100 over the next several years. By in the US. It has 17.1 megawatts of fuel cells operating vehicles like Tesla’s Model S or the Nissan Leaf, which comparison, there are 160,000 traditional filling sta- at 28 sites in California and Connecticut. The sys- use lithium ion batteries to store electricity. When tions across the country. tems offer cleaner power that’s more consistent than those batteries are drained, they must be recharged. Advocates argue the hydrogen landscape could electricity supplied by the grid, said John Schinter, After decades of losses, fuel cell makers are finally quickly evolve as corporations’ use of hydrogen the company’s assistant vice president of energy and closing in on profits. Ballard Power Systems Inc spreads. The infrastructure for corporate fuel cells smart buildings. expects to report break-even earnings before inter- has been quietly spreading. Across the US, there are “For us, reliability is so critical and these help us est, taxes, depreciation and amortization for 2014, now tanks of hydrogen and fuelling systems for fleet ride through power disruptions,” Schinter said. “We after posting one profitable year since 1992. The vehicles and forklifts. There are pipelines delivering deploy fuel cells in our high-cost markets, so these Vancouver-based company supplies power systems the fuel to refiners that use it to make gasoline. As actually reduce our operating costs. We’re definitely used in buses and Plug’s forklifts. more companies adopt hydrogen power, the needed planning to expand.” FuelCell Energy, a supplier of large stationary sys- equipment will come, said Andy Marsh, chief execu- Proponents of hydrogen say all this activity will tems that run buildings and factories, said it will have tive officer of Plug Power Inc in Latham, New York. soon spill over to the auto market, and it’s already break-even EBITDA by the end of this year. The Yet even industry leaders say that, without a happening in Southern California. Hyundai will begin company’s systems are running the world’s biggest national pipeline network, it will be a long time deliveries of its fuel- cell Tucson SUV next week. fuel-cell power plant, a 59-megawatt facility in South before the nascent industry will enjoy widespread Honda already offers one there and Toyota will fol- Korea, and the first utility-scale plant in the US, in development. low next year. Bridgeport, Connecticut. “You have to get critical mass to build a busi- “The shift to hydrogen is inevitable, and it’s hap- Investors are taking note. Plug is up more than ness case,” said Ed Kiczek, global business direc- pening faster than we expected,” said Amory Lovins, 1,000 percent in the past year, the best performer on tor for hydrogen at Air Products and Chemicals in founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, a non- the Nasdaq Composite Index. Ballard has doubled and Allentown, Pennsylvania, the world’s largest supplier profit clean energy research organization based in FuelCell has gained 49 percent, compared with a 23 of hydrogen. “That could be 30 years away.” Snowmass, Colorado. percent gain for the broader market index. For now, local pockets of hydrogen use are flour- Not everyone agrees. Elon Musk, a longtime critic In the future, suppliers may tap excess power from ishing. Plug supplies fuel-cell powered forklifts for of fuel cell technology, particularly in automobiles that wind and solar farms to make hydrogen, reducing customers including Wal-Mart, the grocery chain compete with Tesla’s Model S, revisited his opposition the carbon emissions that come when it’s derived Kroger and Bayerische Motoren Werke. Plug also to the power- generating devices earlier this week. from gas, said Michael Beckman, vice president of provides hydrogen-fuelling systems. Once a company “I’m not the biggest fan of fuel cells,” Musk said hydrogen fueling at Linde AG, the world’s largest has a flock of its forklifts at a warehouse, it’s a short at the company’s annual meeting in Mountain View, industrial gas supplier. leap to installing larger fuel cells that can produce California, on June 3. “I usually call them ‘fool cells.’ “ “In three to five years you will see that become both hydrogen on site and electricity for the entire Even so, California is participating in an eight-state more prevalent,” Beckman said. “Wind and solar can building, Marsh said. effort to get 3.3 million zero-emission cars on the make hydrogen cheap when the grid doesn’t need The company is supplying the systems for FedEx’s road by 2025, powered by either fuel cells or batter- the power.” airport tractors in Memphis, another location where ies. Also participating are Connecticut, Maryland, WP-Bloomberg 8 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 ENTERTAINMENT PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 9


Hasselhoff irons shirts in the shower Kick will be Salman’s biggest hit: Arbaaz ctor David Hasselhoff says he once caused an emergency evacuation ilmmaker Arbaaz Khan was “blown away” after watching the trailer of Aof a London hotel when he attempted to iron his shirts in the shower. FKick and predicts that the film will turn out to his superstar brother The 61-year-old usually asks his girlfriend Hayley Roberts, 34, to help Salman Khan’s biggest hit. him smooth the creases out of his smart shirts, so when he was staying in a “The trailer of Kick is outstanding. After watching it I was blown away,” London hotel while she visited her native Wales, he had to think on his feet. Arbaaz told reporters at the Gillette initiative - Because You Are A Role But the former Baywatch actor admits he was shocked when his steam Model. “I am pretty sure that the film will be Salman’s biggest hit, inshal- shower caused firefighters to turn up at his hotel room door, reports lah,” he added. Salman’s last release was Jai Ho, which got mixed response at the box Hasselhoff told BANG Showbiz: “Someone set the fire alarm off in my office. However, he looks impressive in the promos of Kick packed with hotel and all the lifeguards and firefighters came to my room and then I Out of this world: Are space his different avatars, including a mask appearance and daredevil stunts realised it was me that set off the fire alarm by accident.” on a motorbike and a cycle. The film is also important for producer Sajid “It looked like an episode of Baywatch and the guys were quite taken Nadiadwala, who is making his directorial debut with it. aback that I was there and I was just petrified that it was actually me. Meanwhile, Arbaaz, 46, is looking forward to the film and is very much And then I got to see quite a lot of people in their dressing gowns as they operas making a comeback? impressed with Salman’s look and character in the film. had to evacuate the hotel, but it was fun,” he added. “Right from the film’s look to the way it has been shot, the way his char- acter is looking in the film, I personally feel this film will be a ‘dhamaka’. By Nicholas Barber just how much money could be made film,” says Johnston, “which is odd when against the space opera lately. For one A big blockbuster is awaiting us,” Arbaaz said. from a good old-fashioned space opera, you’re marketing a science-fiction film.” thing, real-life space travel hasn’t had “Lets see how much audience will appreciate it but I personally feel Kick he latest Marvel superhero we had Flash Gordon, Battle Beyond the To be fair to Disney’s marketing the media coverage it did when the should be a very big hit,” he added. blockbuster, Guardians of the Stars, Dune and Star Trek: The Motion maestros, space operas were several first space shuttles were launched in Slated to release this Eid, Kick also features Jacqueline Fernandez, Halle Berry loves taking kids to work Galaxy, is a science fiction Picture. On television, we could gorge light years out of fashion at the time. the early 1980s. For another, concerns Randeep Hooda and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. Tfilm, so we all know what it’s on Doctor Who, Blake’s 7, Buck Rogers After all, for the past decade, sci- over climate change have made global ctress Halle Berry admits she enjoys going to entail: an exhausted band of in the 25th Century, Battlestar Galactica, ence fiction films have either revolved devastation the hot sci-fi topic. Besides, Ahaving her children at work with survivalists fighting zombies on a post- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and, around the ruinous results of human film-makers found that they didn’t need her because it allows her to juggle moth- apocalyptic Earth. Or maybe not. That later in the 1980s, Red Dwarf and Star folly (Wall-E, I Am Legend) or around the space opera in order to stage fabu- erhood and career at the same time. grim scenario may have been the norm Trek: The Next Generation. similarly destructive alien invasions lous adventures in weird and wonder- The 47-year-old is a mother of Nahla, for cinematic science fiction over the As different as they were in tone and (Cloverfield, Transformers). And they ful distant lands. “A lot of that work six, whom she has with ex-boyfriend past decade, but Guardians of the Galaxy quality, all of these films and series were haven’t strayed too far from Earth itself. was being done by fantasy cinema,” says Martial arts certificate as important Gabriel Aubry, and eight-month-old son seems to be taking a different tack, thrilling assurances that life on Earth The 1990 Total Recall went to Mars; the Johnston. “Space opera has always had Maceo, with her current husband Olivier from its rakish title onwards. Judging was a mere fraction of what was going 2012 remake went to Australia. Even JJ a fantastical, swords-and-sorcery ele- as physics or maths: Akshay Martinez. from the trailer, it’s got interplanetary on around the cosmos. If we just trav- Abrams’ Star Trek films were notably ment, but there wasn’t room for it while “I love having my kids there (on set) dogfights, laser guns and jet packs. It’s elled far enough, we would have fabu- lacking in star-trekking, betraying the the Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter six-degree black belt holder in martial arts, Bollywood star Akshay because I am nursing my baby. To have got a talking tree and a gun-toting lous adventures on countless habitable original series’ rhetoric about explor- films were coming out, not to mention A Kumar’s dream is to make martial arts a compulsory subject in school him there is great for me. I love being raccoon. It’s got a green-skinned Zoe planets with representatives of count- ing strange new worlds and seeking out Percy Jackson, The Golden Compass and for both boys and girls, saying it is as important as physics or maths. involved all day,” Saldana, and Andy from Parks and less other races. True, we might end up new life and civilisations. As for getting even Pirates of the Caribbean. Fantasy- “I feel a certificate in martial arts is more important than a certificate quoted her as saying. Recreation playing a daredevil outlaw shooting a few of those representatives, to know the denizens of extraterres- based work was so dominant that sci-fi in physics or mathematics,” Akshay said in an interview. However, Berry recently revealed that called Starlord. And instead of being but we’d have love affairs with the others, trial realms … were we supposed to be struggled to keep up.” “I am in talks with the government to have martial arts as a compulsory she and Olivier, 48, whom she married set on Earth, it hops between a host of all of whom would look suspiciously like curious about the baddies in Oblivion or Now, though, it could be science fic- subject for boys and girls. I look forward to the day every student would last July, were struggling to find the far-flung worlds. human beings with lots of make-up on. Pacific Rim or Edge of Tomorrow? Nope. tion’s turn to deliver romance, derring- learn martial arts for at least three years. It is my dream,” he added. balance between parenthood and their It is, in short, the sort of flashy, pulpy, Alas, the subgenre waned in the late- They were just baddies. They existed to do and scaly monsters once again, “I do what I believe in. I believe in martial arts hence I promote it,” demanding careers. sci-fi epic that could be called a “space 90s and the early noughties. Babylon 5 kill or be killed. especially as post-9/11 anxieties begin Akshay, who learned martial arts in Bangkok, said. “(A new baby means) less sleep. And opera” – and it’s not alone. JJ Abrams finished in 1998, Farscape in 2003. Joss It can’t be a coincidence that this to fade. “I would see space opera as pro- “I want to put my money in it. For me, martial art is not about earning I’m working on the TV show (‘Extant’). It’s a new grind, it’s a new rhythm. is directing a new Star Wars film, and Whedon’s Firefly managed to stay on trend flourished in the years follow- viding an opportunity to return to the money. It has taught me a lot. I have my own tournament. I invite students We’re trying to get used to that. (But) we’re managing,” she said. several Star Wars spin-offs are in pre- air for a mere 11 episodes in 2002 and ing 9/11. When the US was sending its kind of colonial adventure fantasies that from all over the world. I even send them to Japan. I want kids to be taught production. The Wachowskis have made 2003, and the last Star Trek series, young men and women to fight in Iraq underpin Star Wars,” says Bould, “but martial arts in school,” he said. Jupiter Ascending, in which Mila Kunis Enterprise, was cancelled in 2005, hav- and Afghanistan, no Hollywood pro- which might have seemed too insensi- He practices what he preaches and teaches his son Aarav martial arts. is informed by a pointy-eared Channing ing already mutated from an optimistic ducer wanted to suggest that it was tive during a period of more obvious “Yes, my son is a brown belt. He has just won a gold medal in judo at the Tatum that she’s actually the queen of programme about traversing uncharted exhilarating to zoom away to an alien US/western imperialism.” national championship. I am a proud father. I am happy he is doing this,” the universe (or something). A new territory to a militaristic one about domain, nor that the natives there could And then, of course, there’s the said the actor. Clooney’s engagement surprised family Netflix TV series of Star Trek has hunting down terrorists. The rebooted become your friends. According to Dr money that space operas can rake in. been rumoured. And Christopher Nolan Battlestar Galactica, likewise, was no Mark Bould, a reader in film and litera- “The real driver is the desire to develop ctor George Clooney’s cousin Miguel is sending Matthew McConaughey longer the cape-swishing space opera ture at the University of the West Of and expand multimedia franchises,” says AFerrer says his family was all “sur- through a wormhole in his new film, it was in 1978, but a weighty commen- England, Hollywood had other messages Bould. “There’s been a number of pieces prised” to learn he had got engaged to Amal Interstellar. Could the space opera be tary on the war on terror. On the big on its mind. in the trade press lately about films hav- Alamuddin. making a comeback? screen, the Star Trek films ran out of “After 9/11, alien invasion narra- ing massive opening weekends in the US The Monuments Men actor, who once “I would like to think it is,” says Dr steam in 2002 and the Star Wars pre- tives such as Cloverfield imagined the and then collapsing. Five years ago, one Sushmita Sen to feature in Bengali film declared he would never marry again, pro- Keith M Johnston of the University quels were … well, they were the Star US as the innocent victim of an irra- would expect a movie that opened really inally, the Bengali project that Sushmita Sen has been craving to do, posed to the lawyer in April, and his rela- of East Anglia, the author of Science Wars prequels. tional attack,” says Bould, the author big to see a 30 to 40 per cent drop-off Fhas materialised. Srijit Mukherjee, who started his career with the tives were as shocked as his fans about the Fiction: A Critical Introduction. “It all There were a few attempts to revive of Routledge’s Science Fiction Guidebook. the following weekend, but this summer hugely successful Bangla film Autograph and then went on to make other news, reports depends on how well Guardians of the the space opera afterwards, but, unless “And even if we can believe Spielberg’s pretty much everything – Godzilla, The milestones like Hemlock Society and Jaatishwar, has signed the former beauty “At first the family was surprised to learn Galaxy does, and how much fun it is, you count Avatar, none of them got off claim that his War of the Worlds was Amazing Spiderman 2, X-Men – has seen queen for his next film. the happy (engagement) news,” Ferrer was because that’s what space operas are: the ground. Green Lantern, Serenity, intended to show Americans what a 60-plus per cent drop-off, and this Srijit said: “It’s a film called Nirbaak (speechless). It compresses together quoted as saying by Tele Star magazine. they’re more fun and less solemn than and The Chronicles of Riddick flopped, ‘shock and awe’ felt like, it nonethe- does seem to be a consistently develop- four love stories connected by the theme of silence. The stories are inter- The wedding is expected to take place other sci-fi. They’ve got that melodra- and John Carter redefined flopness, less also presents the US as innocent. ing trend. Consequently, major-budget twined and connected by Sushmita’s character.” in September. matic flair, that slightly swashbuckling partly because Disney’s executives were Battle Los Angeles does much the same, productions have to find new ways to Besides Sushmita, who features in all four stories, Nirbaak stars Jisshu “ don’t know if I can tell you a lot about feel to them, and the sense that there so reluctant to sell it as a space opera. while panicking about the Latinisation get viewers to fork over cash – not just Sengupta and Ritwick Chakraborty. this marriage. Obviously I’ll be there,” he are different civilisations and possibili- First, they dropped the “Of Mars” qual- of California and working hard to via merchandising, but by expanding Sushmita has been wanting to do a Bengali film for a very long time. said. ties out there. There has been a real ifier from the title. Then, they opted reinstate white patriarchy as natu- story worlds across other media: TV, She did a Bengali film, Mahesh Manjrekar’s It Was Raining That Night in Clooney was previously married to Talia dearth of this kind of work in cinema for a poster featuring a lone figure ral leadership. Cowboys and Aliens is games and so on. Space opera is a natu- 2005, a remake of the director’s Astitva, but it never got released. Balsam from 1989 to 1993. recently.” in a desert landscape (much like the even more bizarre in its racial fantasy ral for this. It offers many worlds, many More recently, Sushmita was all set to star in Rupali Chatterjee’s Jodi There certainly has. And it’s a dearth Serenity poster), with no sign of slinky of whites and native Americans team- narratives, many characters, many plat- Emon Hoto. That project is now as good as shelved. that’s been tough on those of us who can Martian princesses or four-armed ing up to fight space aliens who have forms.” Still, as long as it offers many remember when Star Wars came out in giants. “They were almost embarrassed invaded their land.” talking trees and many gun-toting rac- 1977. After George Lucas had proven by the fact that it was a science-fiction Other factors have been working coons, who’s complaining? The Guardian 10 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 US

The U.S. plans to expand an existing sanctuary in the Pacific Ocean to cover an area of two million square kilometres, doubling the size Designated by President George W. Bush as national monuments in 2009 Proposed expansion will extend area off-limits to fishing and mineral exploitation around seven islands and atolls that comprise Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument


h Islands

c Wake Johnston

Guam n (U.S.)

e Island Atoll (U.S.) r T Kingman



1,000km AUSTRALIA 620 miles Sources: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA, Washington Post Picture: AP © GRAPHIC NEWS HEALTH / FITNESS PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 11

Fasting can lower diabetes risk: Study

o you know that 10 to 12 hours of fasting Dtriggers body to begin scavenging for other Take your brain sources of energy to sustain itself? The body pulls LDL (bad) cholesterol from the fat cells and uses it as energy. for a nice walk This natural biological process can help pre- diabetes combat risk for developing diabetes, a study says. “Fasting has the potential to become an impor- tant diabetes intervention,” said lead researcher Benjamin Horne from the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute in Murray, Utah. By Ben Opipari Researchers analysed participants with pre- “For my first draft, I’ll go into the and strengthens cognitive powers diabetics, including men and women, between woods,” she says. “I’ll go with a spe- better than urban environments. ages 30 and 69. f you spend your workday at cific question or dilemma, and talk This is the idea behind Attention “During actual fasting days, cholesterol went a desk, you know that famil- it out into the voice recorder on my Restoration Theory, which posits up slightly among them. But over a six-week iar and dreaded feeling: the phone.” that a strong mind always needs period, cholesterol levels decreased by about 12 Imidafternoon slump. E-mails Craig Finn of the band The Hold time to be refreshed. In an urban percent in addition to weight loss,” researchers take a bit longer to compose, docu- Steady uses running as a way to environment, your mind is never at added. ments take longer to read. It’s gather song ideas: “Long runs are a ease. You have to pay attention to Cholesterol was used for energy during the expected, given that you spend most very meditative time. My mind gets all sorts of external stimuli, such fasting episodes and likely came from fat cells. of your time in a chair. To combat to a crazy, unique place once I get as cars in crosswalks and people on The fat cells themselves are a major contribu- your mental fatigue, you reach for above 10 miles. It’s a time for some sidewalks. It’s survival mode. tor to insulin resistance which can lead to dia- artificial stimulation in the form of very clear thinking. I don’t know What you need is a workout betes. “Because fasting may help eliminate and caffeine, sugar or energy drinks. But that it’s conscious, but I always feel that involves involuntary attention. break down fat cells, insulin resistance may be all you need to sharpen your mental inspired to write after I run.” This type of attention requires no frustrated by fasting,” Horne said. acuity is something you already own: Fortunately, you don’t have to extra work on your brain’s part. You Prior research done by Horne and his team your legs. run 10 miles to boost your execu- use it when you notice the cherry focused on healthy people during one day of fast- This should come as little sur- tive function. Several studies have blossoms or the beauty of a park. ing and showed that routine, water-only fast- prise. Mental fatigue sets in after shown that a short aerobic workout It doesn’t take any extra effort to ing was associated with lower glucose levels and you’ve been sitting for an extended gives your brain an immediate boost. notice the pretty things; you just weight loss. period of time, and walking around According to Charles Hillman, pro- do it. According to the researchers is an easy way to temporarily fessor of kinesiology and community at University of Michigan, natural increase your alertness. But a few health at the University of Illinois, environments are much better than Female hormones may types of extended physical activity as little as 20 minutes of aerobic urban environments at restoring can have measurable impact on your exercise at 60 to 70 percent of your and improving cognitive function- make males obese mental acuity. maximum heart rate is enough. ing. A natural environment gives emale hormone estrogen benefits women According to recent research, Your choice of exercise also the directed-attention part of your Fbut in men, an imbalance of female sex hor- a single workout can immediately makes a difference. A calm mind brain some vacation time, allowing mones may lead to obesity, especially if you are boost higher-order thinking skills, is key. The less you pay attention it to replenish. “Simple and brief living in the western developed world. making you more productive and to external stimuli — like a book or interactions with nature can pro- Obesity among western men could be linked efficient as you slog through your your environment — the greater the duce marked increase in cognitive with exposure to substances containing the workday. When you exercise your benefit later, because any activity control,” according to the research- female sex hormone estrogen - substances that legs, you also exercise your brain; that requires extended concentra- ers. The best part? The participants are more often found in soy products and plastic this means that a lunchtime work- tion involves the same higher-order in the study were walkers, not run- products like PVC. out can improve your cognitive per- thinking skills you need after the ners. For most people, walking is a Hormonally-driven weight gain occurs more formance, thanks to blood flow and run. In other words, the more rested more practical option. significantly in females than in males in the brain food. Brain-derived neuro- your mind during exercise, the bet- Don’t like to run, or even walk? developing world. “However, in the US, Europe trophic factor, or BDNF, is a protein ter your post-workout problem- No problem. You can be flexible in and Australia, the rates of hormonally-driven that facilitates the growth of neu- solving skills. your workout routine. Literally. obesity between men and women are much rons and nourishes existing ones. It This is bad news if you like to Yoga may also improve cognitive closer. In some western nations, male obesity improves executive function, a type read while exercising. But it’s even functioning, according to a recent is greater than female obesity,” explained lead of higher-order thinking that allows worse for people who combine their study. One of the authors, Neha study author James Grantham from University people to formulate arguments, gaming fix with exercise: Hillman Gothe, an assistant professor of edu- of Adelaide’s school of medical sciences. develop strategies, creatively solve said that in a recent study, treadmill cation at Wayne State University, Exposure to estrogen is known to cause weight problems and synthesize informa- runners fared better on post-exer- said that when you practice yoga, gain, primarily through thyroid inhibition and tion. BDNF sits idly at the synapses cise tests than those who played Wii you’re not only moving, you’re in modulation of the hypothalamus. of your brain neurons and crosses Fit. “With Wii Fit, you’re exercising, touch with your body movements. “Soy products contain xenoestrogens and we the synapses only with the increased but you’re also cognitively respond- “This awareness might be the reason are concerned that in societies with a high die- blood flow that comes with exercise. ing to, and accounting for, things in why you keep distracting parts away tary saturation of soy, this could be working to Writers have long used exercise your environment, he says. “This is and focus on the task at hand,” she ‘feminise’ the males,” added Maciej Henneberg, to unleash their creative powers. much like the urban environment, says. So while yoga involves focus, a Wood Jones professor of anthropological and William Wordsworth composed his where you have to stop for traffic it’s a different kind: It requires a comparative anatomy at University of Adelaide. poems while walking. According and pedestrians. You have a busy mind-body connection, not a con- This would allow men in those communities to to Adam Sisman, author of The mind to go along with that busy nection to external stimuli. In this artificially imitate the female pattern of weight Friendship: Wordsworth & Coleridge, body.” way, yoga allows your mind time to gain, he added. Another well-established source Wordsworth composed the 159-line The concept of the calm mind rest by keeping external thoughts of xenoestrogen is polyvinyl chloride known as Tintern Abbey in his head while on is why you might not even need like workplace stress at bay. PVC. This product is in prominent use in most one of his walks: “The whole poem to elevate your heart rate to reap No matter your workout, most wealthy countries - from plastic medical devices was carried in his mind; not a word the benefits. All you have to do researchers agree that the cog- to piping for water supplies. of it was written down before they is head for the hills, or at least nitive benefits last for at least an The paper was published in the online journal reached Bristol, and not a line the trail, and get away from the hour after exercise. So the next time PLOS ONE. Agencies altered afterwards.” concrete jungle. According to a you need to give your brain a boost, Novelist Susan Henderson often 2008 study from the University of skip the energy drink and grab your goes hiking for two or three hours. Michigan, nature stokes creativity workout gear. WP-Bloomberg 12 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 TECHNOLOGY

How King’s CEO conquered the gaming world

Riccardo Zacconi overcame the company, but the piece of paper “The hardest moment was when its success with Candy Crush, which is was not signed,” recalls Zacconi. “We Facebook was the place to be and we beginning to slip down the download near financial ruin to make wanted to make sure we could pay all were not there,” says Zacconi. “The charts. our creditors, and to do that we would only way to manage a period of transi- “Our strategy is not based on build- the Candy Crush creator have had to shut down the company tion like that is to be 100 percent open ing another hit game like Candy Britain’s most valuable that day.” and transparent with your employees.” Crush,” says Zacconi. “It was a mega At the last minute the fax arrived, So he gathered the staff and showed hit. Our strategy is to build a portfolio games company. only for the machine to break down them an illustration by the cartoon- of games.” He wants players looking for mid-transmission. But King lived to ist Mordillo. A holidaying couple are games in enduring genres, like trivia, By Juliette Garside fight another day. relaxing on a beach under a parasol. hidden object, or word puzzles, to pick The angel investor was King’s chair- But the beach is in an hourglass and King’s version because they trust the t the beginning, life and man, a low-profile, Derby-based busi- the sand is rapidly draining from quality. death is every week, and nessman called Mel Morris, who at the beneath them. Wall Street is hammering other dig- then you have longer age of 58 has little in common with There followed a tense 18 months, ital stocks – Facebook has dipped, and “A cycles,” says Riccardo the hipsters in silicon roundabout, but when the company raced to develop a Twitter has lost half its value this year. Zacconi, chief executive of Britain’s just happens to be one of Britain’s most game that would appeal to Facebook Are we witnessing another technology most valuable games company, the $5bn successful technology entrepreneurs. users before its portal traffic dried up. bubble bursting? (£2.9bn) King Digital Entertainment. Morris built uDate, where Zacconi Morris advised halting development “I don’t think it’s a bubble, there are He is talking about the rollercoaster briefly worked, into the world’s second for Yahoo, and splitting the spare staff real fundamentals behind these com- that has been King’s decade-long ride largest online matchmaker before sell- into teams of three, each testing dif- panies: revenues, profits and reach,” to the top. ing it in 2002. He is now King’s biggest ferent formats. says Zacconi. “The companies now are Zacconi, 47, sports the tech entre- private investor, holding shares worth In September 2011 Bubble Witch very different to 1999.” preneur’s regulation casualwear, with $580m. Saga, where players line up three or As his business vocabulary suggests, a dash of Italian style. He is dressed “Riccardo understands people,” says more spheres of the same colour to pop Zacconi trained as a management con- top to toe in navy blue, with match- Morris. “His charisma, integrity, sense them, launched on Facebook. By the sultant with the blue chip firm Boston ing polo shirt, jeans and trainers. The of fair play and abundant humility end of that year, revenues from mobile Consulting. He went on to learn the office around him vibrates with the allow him to gently lead from the front. and social games had outstripped those lessons of the dotcom crash the hard explosion-in-a-paint factory colours of Many entrepreneurs fail because they from older desktop formats. The tran- way, building up a European internet King’s hit smartphone game, Candy are so single-minded they struggle to sition to mobile was easier, with the portal called Spray. The float planned Crush. scale their business beyond their own Bubble Witch Saga app published in for 2000 was abandoned, and the com- At the end of an orange-and-white limitations. Riccardo succeeds because July 2012. But the big break came in pany sold up to another portal, Lycos striped corridor is a staff cafeteria with he allows his management to share the November 2012, when Candy Crush, Europe. panoramic views of London’s West End, challenges and rewards.” another match three game, made its But the purchase was made entirely where the Nespresso machine hums The hardest moment for King came appearance on mobile. By the end of in Lycos shares, with no cash element. next to an ostentatious array of cof- in 2009. Rowland, who was co-chief that year, King was pulling in $160m By 2001, those shares were almost fee capsules, and a beautician applies executive, had left to work on other annually. By 2013, revenues were worthless, and Lycos was laying off the finishing touches to an employee’s ventures and Zacconi was in sole $1.9bn, with small payments for extra hundreds of people. Friday night makeup. charge. was profitable, with lives or sweetie-shaped ammunition on “We took care of every employee,” More people play King games each revenues of $60m a year from desktop Candy Crush accounting for the vast says Zacconi. “We made sure every- month than live in the US, and the games. But its business was built on majority of that income. one had a job somewhere. That was company is currently in expansion attracting traffic from the big internet Christian Hernandez Gallardo, who good because when I started this com- mode. In a few weeks, it will open a portals such as Yahoo, and their days helped build Facebook in Europe and pany what we did was to call up all our second London studio, taking over were numbered. now invests in startups through White former employees, and they were very Facebook’s recently vacated British Star Capital, has described Zacconi as friendly.” headquarters in Covent Garden. KING'S KEY STATISTICS one of the “good guys” of the technol- Zacconi reunited his best peo- But the free caffeine and makeovers ogy business, saying: “This is not an ple, including chief creative officer are a far cry from the company’s early 352 million people play one overnight success, or an 18 month Sebastian Knutsson, who now runs the days. Back in 2003, a year after launch, of its games every month exit. It is over a decade of building and firm’s Stockholm studios, the crucible the money had run out. Zacconi had 97 million people a day play rebuilding a business, of adapting to from which King’s most successful been living rent-free in a friend’s spare trends and technologies, of being hum- games have emerged. room, working without a salary. It was Candy Crush ble but hungry.” Zacconi applauds the government’s just before Christmas, and he was fly- 1.4bn games played every day Now King is having another Mordillo decision this year to grant tax breaks ing home to Italy later that day. He moment. The markets have given the to games produced in the UK, an and his co-founder Toby Rowland, son Candy Crush accounts for 67% of company a rough ride since its March extension of the film credits that have of the late mining tycoon and Observer money spent by players initial public offering on the New York attracted dozens of Hollywood produc- newspaper proprietor Tiny Rowland, The company has three titles Stock Exchange, discounting the valu- tions to Britain. “This new incentive were staring at the fax machine, will- among the top 10 grossing games ation by $2bn. Despite a slight rise in for the games industry is great,” he ing it to come to life. on Apple's App Store, Google Play the most recent quarter, revenues are says, “because I believe from the UK “We had a promise from one of our down from their peak last Autumn. you can conquer the world.” angels [early backers] to invest in and Facebook The concern is that King cannot repeat The Guardian COMICS & MORE PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 13


Restaurant Maçam Roads ourouqat Car Sayyara Train Qiar Truck Sayyarat ain Ship Baira Hoy en la Historia Taxi Sayyarat oujra June 19, 1829 Bus Bu With London growing rapidly a Motor-cycle Darraja-Naryya new force, the Metropolitan Police, Library Maktaba was established by government minister Sir Robert Peel to reduce ç = ‘a’ in ‘agh’ when surprised crime rates in the city = Sharp ‘h’ as in had but it should be pronounced from throat 1969: Australia ruled that women could receive the same pay as men 1978: Garfield, a comic strip by Jim Baby Blue by Jerry Scott and Rick Kirkman Davis about a cat, made its debut 1989: Solidarity, the Polish workers’ party, swept to victory in elections to the National Assembly, reflecting 40 years of bitterness at communist rule 2000: The world’s largest wildlife park was created when borders were removed between three major national parks in southern Africa Picture: Getty Images © GRAPHIC NEWS ALL IN THE MIND Hagar The Horrible by Chris Browne Can you find the hidden words? They may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, forwards or backwards.

Zits by Dennis Young and Denis Lebrun


ACROSS 32 Its arms are not solid 4 Susan’s family on 30 1980s Olympic star 36 Beyond that CROSSWORD 1 They aren’t straight 35 Difficult journey “Seinfeld” with the autobiography 37 Shop keeper? 12345 6789101112 6 “Aarrghh!” 36 Gifted trio? 5 The Father of the “Breaking the Surface” 39 “___ Lucy” (old sitcom) 13 14 15 13 Shove off 37 Follow the party line? Historical Novel 31 Grant 41 Florida’s De ___ National 16 17 18 15 Lures 38 Round trip for one? 6 Group of football games 32 Geisha’s instrument Monument played at the beginning 16 “Oo la la!” jeans, 40 Direction givers, often 33 Expelled 44 Wii ancestor, briefly 19 20 21 of Jan. informally 42 Superexcited 34 Pressure gauge 22 23 24 7 Dog it connection 18 Preceder of John 43 Delicate 8 Pardons 35 Mechanic, say 25 26 27 Sebastian at Woodstock needlepoint lace 9 Choose in the end ASKOVER PTBOATS 19 Scott Joplin’s “The 45 Is so inclined 28 29 Entertainer” and others 10 Flawlessly RA I SEDANEYEBROW 46 Do some work ALLKIDDINGASIDE 30 21 Chain 11 Areas next to bull’s-eyes between parties ROMAN I NNER S I E 22 Heralds 12 Strongmen of old 31 32 33 34 47 Brings in for more tests, AMER MA J OR S T E T 24 Produces lush sounds? say 14 Remedy for a bad leg 35 36 TER T I TAN KNI FE 25 Heavily populated areas, 48 Fast parts of 31-Across 17 Fastballs that drop BAKES DEADON 37 38 39 informally 49 Meteorological probe sharply near the plate I B I SES PEEPER 26 They adhere to brains 20 Durable cover 40 41 42 AMA Z ED MA L L S 28 Temple inits. DOWN 23 Wise sort RI LED BUSTS SHE 43 44 45 29 Lieutenant colonel’s 1 Like wolves vis-à-vis 27 2002 Best Original ATIT PESTS VTEN 46 47 charge foxes Screenplay Oscar winner PAN SE I KO KARAT 30 Students with for “Talk to Her” ATEENAGERINLOVE 48 49 2 Not at length 29 Spotted hybrid house pet HOST I LETAKEOVER outstanding character? 3 Takes up onto the ORESTES LEERERS 31 See 48-Across surface

HYPER SUDOKU How to play Kakuro: The kakuro grid, unlike in sudoku, can be of any size. It has rows and columns, and dark cells like in a crossword. And, just like in a crossword, some of the dark cells will contain numbers. Some cells will contain two numbers. However, in a crossword the numbers reference clues. In a kakuro, the numbers are all you get! They denote the total of the digits in the row or column referenced by the number. Within each collection of cells - called a run - any of the numbers 1 to 9 may be used but, like sudoku, each number may only be used once.


Cartoon Arts International / The New York Times Syndicate How to EASY SUDOKU play Hyper Easy Sudoku Puzzles Sudoku: Place a digit from 1 to 9 in A Hyper Sudoku each empty cell so every Puzzle is solved row, every column and by filling the every 3x3 box contains all numbers from 1 the digits 1 to 9. to 9 into the blank cells. A Hyper Sudoku has unlike Sudoku 13 regions (four regions overlap with the nine standard regions). In all regions the numbers from 1 to 9 can appear YESTERDAY’S only once. Otherwise, a Hyper Sudoku is solved like a normal Sudoku. ANSWER CINEMA / TV LISTINGS PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 15

SHOWING AT VILLAGGIO & CITY CENTER Pororo: The Racing Adventure TEL: 444933989 444517001 (2D/Animation) – 2.30 & 4.00pm Jersey Boys (2D/Drama) – 5.30pm 1 09:30 Omni Sport 08:00 News How Old Are You? (2D/Malayalam) – 8.00pm 10:00 Atp Magazine 09:00 Killing The 10:30 World Of Count Humshakals (2D/Hindi) – 10.30pm Gymnastics 10:30 Inside Story 11:00 NBA Basketball 11:00 News Rio - 2 (2D/Animation) – 2.30pm 13:00 Tennis Atp 250 11:30 The Stream Eastbourne 12:30 People & Legends Of Oz: Dorothy’s Return 15:00 Tennis Wta Power (3D/Animation) – 4.15pm Eastbourne 13:00 NEWSHOUR 17:00 Tennis Atp 14:00 News How To Train Your Dragon-2 (3D/Action) Eastbourne 14:30 Inside Story 2 – 6.00pm 20:30 Cycling Tour 15:00 Witness Des Suisse 16:00 NEWSHOUR Born To Race: Fast Track (2D/Action) MALL 22:30 Epl Legends 17:00 News – 7.45 & 11.30pm 23:00 Table Tennis 17:30 The Stream Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 9.30pm Mens Singles 18:00 NEWSHOUR 24:00 Boxing 19:30 The Cure Maleficent (3D/Action) – 2.00pm Provodonikov 20:00 News Vs Valgieri 20:30 Inside Story Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 3.45pm 01:00 Gp Inside Line 21:00 NEWSHOUR 01:30 Volleyball 22:00 News The Fault In Our Stars (2D/Romantic) France Vs 22:30 The Stream – 5.45pm Germany 23:00 Immigration 3 03:30 Atp Magazine Nation Last Passenger (2D/Action) – 8.00pm Pawn (2D/Thriller) – 9.45pm Edge Of Tomorrow (3D/Action) – 11.30pm 12:00 World Cup 13:00 How Does That Legends Of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (3D/Action) Cameroon Vs Work? – 2.30pm Croatia 13:30 Sci-Trek 14:00 World Cup This 15:10 Thunder Races How To Train Your Dragon-2 (3D/Action) Morning 16:00 Superships – 4.15pm 15:00 Fifa Daily 16:50 Meteorite Men 15:30 World Cup News 18:30 Redesign My 1 Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 6.00pm 16:00 World Cup Brain Today 19:20 Tech Toys 360 Vadacurry (2D/Tamil) – 8.00pm 18:00 World Cup 19:45 How Does That Humshakals (2D/Hindi) – 10.30pm Colombia Vs Work? Ivory Coast & 20:10 Mythbusters Pororo: The Racing Adventure Uruguay Vs 21:00 The Future Of... (2D/Animation) – 2.15 & 5.30pm England 22:40 Human Nature 24:00 World Cup 23:30 Deadliest Rio - 2 (2D/Animation) – 3.45pm Japan Vs Space Weather Greece LANDMARK 2 Jersey Boys (2D/Drama) – 7.00pm Edge Of Tomorrow (3D/Action) – 9.30pm Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 11.30pm 13:00 Naked Science 13:15 ER Vets Born To Race: Fast Track (2D/Action) 14:00 Megastructures 15:05 Shamwari: A – 2.15 & 11.30pm 15:00 World's Wild Life Last Passenger (2D/Action) – 4.00pm Toughest Fixes 15:30 Tanked 16:00 Breakout 16:30 Wild France The Fault In Our Stars (2D/Romantic) 17:00 Hard Time 17:50 Nature's 3 – 5.45pm 18:00 Hunter Hunted Newborns 19:00 Cosmos: A 18:20 Mutant Planet Maleficent (3D/Action) – 8.00pm Spacetime 21:35 Shamwari: A Odyssey Wild Life Pawn (2D/Thriller) – 9.45pm 20:00 The Blackout 22:00 Gator Boys 22:00 Family Guns 22:55 Biggest And Legends Of Oz: Dorothy’s Return (3D/Action) 23:00 Brain Games Baddest – 2.15pm How To Train Your Dragon-2 (3D/Action) 1 – 4.00pm 10:00 Paycheck 13:00 The Ellen 13:00 Do Dil Bandhe Ek Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 5.45pm 12:10 The Cafe 13:00 Wizards Of 12:00 Lakeview DeGeneres Dori Se 12:35 The Job Lot Waverly Place Terrace Show Humshakals (2D/Hindi) – 7.45 & 10.45pm 13:30 Ek Mutthi Aasmaan 13:00 Eastenders 13:45 A.N.T. Farm 14:00 Last Man 14:00 Warehouse 13 14:00 Doli Armaano Ki 13:35 Doctors 14:10 Jessie Standing 16:00 Emmerdale Pororo: The Racing Adventure 14:30 Jodha Akbar 14:05 Only Fools And 14:35 Dog With A Blog 16:00 Sins Expiation 18:00 Warehouse 13 (2D/Animation) – 2.15 & 5.30pm 15:00 Kumkum Bhagya Horses 15:00 Good Luck 18:00 Lakeview 19:00 Switched At 15:30 Pavitra Rishta 14:35 Big Cat Diary Charlie Terrace Birth Rio - 2 (2D/Animation) – 3.45pm 16:00 Aur Pyaar Hogaya 15:00 Twenty Twelve 15:25 Liv And Maddie 20:00 Gun Shy 20:00 Covert Affairs 16:30 Qubool Hai ROYAL Jersey Boys (2D/Drama) – 7.00pm 15:30 The Weakest Link 15:50 Gravity Falls 22:00 The Wrath Of 21:00 Chicago Fire 2 17:00 Word Match 16:15 Lark Rise To 17:00 Dog With A Blog Cain 22:00 Intelligence PLAZA Jeran Al Saad (2D/Arabic) – 9.30pm 17:30 Bollywood Candleford 17:20 Good Luck 23:00 Nip/Tuck Business 17:05 Eastenders Charlie Edge Of Tomorrow (3D/Action) – 11.30pm 18:00 Sapne Suhane 17:35 Doctors 18:30 Austin & Ally Ladakpan Ke Born To Race: Fast Track (2D/Action) 18:05 Outcasts 18:55 Mako Mermaids 18:30 Ek Mutthi Aasmaan 19:00 My Family 20:05 Liv And Maddie – 2.15 & 11.30pm 19:00 Do Dil Bandhe Ek 19:30 The Cafe 20:30 Jessie 12:00 The New Guy 13:00 Love And Honor Dori Se 20:00 Ashes To Ashes 20:50 Dog With A Blog Last Passenger (2D/Action) – 4.00pm 14:00 The Impostors 15:00 Madea's Witness 19:30 Jodha Akbar 20:50 Waking The Dead 21:15 Mako Mermaids 16:00 Dating Coach Protection 20:00 Pavitra Rishta 21:40 Getting On 21:40 Austin & Ally The Fault In Our Stars (2D/Romantic) 18:00 Bernie 17:00 Ice Age: 3 20:30 Kumkum Bhagya 22:10 BBC Electric 22:00 Shake It Up – 5.45pm 20:00 Peep World Continental Drift 21:00 Silver Screen Proms: Paul 22:25 A.N.T. Farm 22:00 A Very Harold 18:30 Lone Ranger Movie - Nayak McCartney 22:50 Good Luck Maleficent (3D/Action) – 8.00pm And Kumar 21:00 Kick-Ass 2 24:00 DID L'il Masters 23:05 The Weakest Link Charlie Christmas 22:45 White House Pawn (2D/Thriller) – 9.45pm Season 3 23:50 Eastenders Wolfblood 23:10 Down 16 PLUS | THURSDAY 19 JUNE 2014 POTPOURRI

New Mexico blind shocks, water and power steering Who’s who pumps, alternators, and changing hoses. Events in Qatar man gets auto Joe Retana, a professor at the auto mechanics programme, said Alderson mechanics degree is an enthusiastic person who never let One Thousand and any disability get in the way. One Nights Ballet blind New Mexico man who “He’s very exciting and he’s a go- When: June 23; 8pm-9.15pm A recently earned an auto mechan- getter,” Retana said. “Nothing seems Where: Katara Opera House – Building 16 ics degree is looking for a job. to stop him.” What: A spectacular show that evokes Clifford Alderson, 48, a gradu- Alderson said he hopes he has the fragrance of history and the East’s ate from a joint New Mexico State inspired his daughter by graduating. magic. Enchanting dance performances University-Dona Ana Community So far, Alderson has not landed a and pieces composed by Amirov merging College programme, earned his degree full-time job but says he’s optimistic. East and West tunes. by listening and learning to feel his way Tickets: QR100 to QR250 at Virgin around the vehicle, KOAT-TV reports. Alaska black bear, cubs Megastore (online) Born with retinitis pigmentosa, a Dr Mohammed Hassan Al Salem, genetic disease that led to his blind- steal kids’ lunch boxes Kings and Pawns Head of Mechanical and Industrial ness, Alderson got his on-the-job train- When: Till June 21 Engineering Department, College of ing at a small auto shop in Alamogordo itnesses say a black bear and two Where: Museum of Islamic Arts Engineering, Qatar University (QU) and plans on making a career out of Wcubs that have been frequenting What: Exhibition uncovers the history of e received his BSc in Mechanical his talents. midtown Anchorage stole several lunch board games in the Islamic world, from Engineering from QU. He His mother has the disease, and so boxes at a children’s day camp on the to Spain between 7th and 20th century. Hstarted his career as a teach- does his 15-year-old daughter, Lydia. Alaska Pacific University campus. Free Entry ing assistant at the MIE department, “When I graduated it didn’t feel Katie Adrian, program manager at QU. He received his MSc in Industrial like I graduated. I felt like I was in a the summer program run by Camp Etel Adnan in All Her Dimensions Engineering from New Mexico State dream,” said Alderson, who walks with Fire USA, tells The Anchorage Daily When: Till July 6 University, Las cruses, USA and PhD a collapsible cane. News the bears wandered onto the Where: Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art in Industrial Engineering from the Damian Orchard, of All Makes school’s soccer fields, soon after the What: Mathaf presents an exhibition of the work of Lebanese-American visual University of Central Florida, Orlando, Automotive, says, for the most part, campers ate lunch at picnic tables, artist, poet, playwright and essayist Etel USA. He assumed a leading role in he could just tell Alderson what needed leaving behind some snacks. The bears to be done on a car and Alderson takes carried a few lunch boxes into the Adnan, that is curated by Hans Ulrich initiating the Industrial Engineering Obrist. Through the exploration of this care of the rest. woods and dug in. programme for females and develop- artist’s multidimensionality, the exhibition “A good majority of them I could The bears weren’t aggressive and ing the Mechanical Engineering pro- will highlight the diversity in her work. (for turn Cliff loose, once I told him what camp staff corralled the kids. After gramme. He has many international timings check we needed to do,” Orchard said. this, she says the campers will eat else- publications and has participated in Free Entry Orchard said among the repairs where and store their food indoors. numerous international conferences. Alderson can tackle are brake jobs, AP Richard Serra: Concurrent Exhibitions When: Till July 6, 8:30am- 5:30pm IN FOCUS by Izaz Ali Where: QMA Gallery Building 10, Katara What: One of Richard Serra’s most ambitious exhibition ever — brings together sculptures and drawings from different periods, ranging from One Ton Prop (House of Cards) of 1969 (on loan from the Museum of Modern Art in New York) to a new work, Passage of Time, especially created for this occasion. Free entry

Qatar Brazil: A Journey from the Amazon to the Desert When: Till July 1, 10am-10pm Where: Qatar Photographic Society – Building 18, Katara What: Four photographers from two different continents — Qatari and Brazilian photographers Aref Hussein, Abdullah Al Tamimi, Andre Joaquim and Leonardo Wen — document their journey engaging in an inspiring exchange of artistic discovery and cultural dialogue. Free entry

Cinema Showcase: Mutum When: June 26 -27, 7pm Where: Museum of Islamic Art What: Ten-year-old Thiago is forced to confront separation and betrayal within his home. He begins to see and understand a place that he had never been able to before, thus slowly letting go of his innocence. Tickets (QR35), available at

A pigeon spotted in Al Muntazah. Send your photos to [email protected]. If you want your events featured here, Mention where the photo was taken. mail details to [email protected]

Editor-In-Chief Khalid Al Sayed Acting Managing Editor Hussain Ahmad Editorial Office The Peninsula Tel: 4455 7741, E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]