Honley with Brockholes Parish Magazine

JANUARY 2013 St. Mary the Virgin

St. George Brockholes

Price 40p

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Dear Friends

Quietness and Confidence

Around the tops of the pillars in Carlisle Cathedral are a series of carvings to represent the Labours of each month. January is represented by the Roman god Janus with three faces as one looks at the past year, the second to the present and the third to the future.

So a New Year can provide a time for reflection. Looking back to 2012, we have seen the life of the church continuing and growing. To mention but a few of the activities; a successful Street Market, despite fewer church stalls produced more takings. The Parish Room has seen greater use and the Old Peg has had a makeover. St George’s celebrations began in fine style with the service led by Bishop Tony. The cemetery Cremation Plot too has been prepared for winter. Sunday and weekday services remain unaltered and many are the funerals, weddings and baptisms conducted at St Mary’s. Groups and committees flourish. There is a very great deal of activity by our wardens and many others. And to all who play their part we express our profound appreciation and gratitude.

There is a great deal going on, a great deal of activity that cannot be seen. But suppose, said the Preacher, all these “activities” were to be dropped? Instead of activity we were to stop, to think, to contemplate. That preacher went on to see to it that in his church there was a part where people could come at any time just to be silent to stop and think and pray; where else is there in the village than church for such a purpose? I realise all the problems there are about security and so forth.

But perhaps there is another way - to offer the opportunity for say an hour’s silent prayer together at a set time occasionally, perhaps once a month when the church would be open for this one and only purpose. How often it is in the silence and quiet shared with others that the Lord speaks to us. 1

Some years ago, Father Hugh Benson, then at the Community at , told of the effect he had had on seeing a nun in the Benedictine Abbey at St Mary’s West Malling, deep in prayer before the Reserved Sacrament. He became aware of the vital connection between the two.

“You may think of it as one of those bands you see connecting two wheels, so that as one wheel moves the consequence is that the other wheel moves too.”

Doesn’t that also perhaps illustrate what we try to do when we pray? Dean Henry Stapleton

Epiphany Workshop

After a wonderful Christmas season we all too often skate on quickly to Lent and don’t have the chance to pause and enjoy the season of Epiphany. So this year we are organising an evening on Friday 4th January from 6.00 – 8.00 pm in St Mary’s Church to do just that.

We are very lucky to have Mildred Butterworth with us to lead the evening. Mildred is a member of the Diocesan Prayer and Spirituality Group and is especially gifted in leading such activities. The evening will be on the theme of light and will involve decorating candles and then using these to pray and celebrate the season.

Everyone is welcome to join us, especially adults and accompanied children aged 5 and over. Admission is free and refreshments and all materials are provided. We do need to know exact numbers so that we can provide sufficient materials so if you’d like to come, please sign up at the back of St Mary’s church or contact Rev Jenny Barnes on 660876 or e-mail [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you! St Mary’s Prayer and Spirituality Group



From the Parish Registers

Weddings St Mary’s November 17 David Chapman to Catherine Auckland

In January we remember in our Year’s Mind Mabel Ridgwick d. 1 January 1987 Ernest Gregory d. 2 January 1964 Agnes Radcliffe d. 3 January 1985 Charles Leslie Brook d. 5 January 1991 David Stanley Howell d. 7 January 1977 Alfred Higham d. 9 January 1971 Margaret Sheila Hampshire d. 11 January 2010 Hector Benjamin James Collins d. 11 January 1971 Joan Armitage d. 13 January 1993 Norman Reast d. 15 January 1995 David Claydon Allison d. 17 January 2002 Ralph Fretwell d. 20 January 2004 Dorothy Gregory d. 20 January 1981 George Marsh d. 21 January 1989 Brian Swallow d. 22 January 1991 Harry Heaps (Priest) d. 28 January 1998 Trish Dinnie d. 28 January 2009 Richard Stewart Hay d. 31 January 2010 3

Parish Giving Corner

responding to God’s love enabling mission

Taking a Break

2013 promises exciting times ahead for the Parish with the hope that we shall be welcoming a new vicar. As we continue to wait and pray for the right person we have decided that now is a good time to take a break from this series of articles, this shall be the last one.

The start of a new year is an ideal time to reflect on how each one of us will be responding to God’s love and all that he has given us.

We offer the following as we each seek our own answers:

Loving Father

You have made us your people Richly provided us with good gifts And called us to live for you May gratitude be in our hearts May generosity be in our hands, May justice and righteousness guide our feet And may the life of your kingdom And the joy of heaven be found among us


Please ask and we will always be happy to help on any aspect of giving.

Clive Green and Roger Kenworthy - Parish Giving Officers


ST. MARY'S CALENDAR JANUARY 2013 Wednesday 2 9.30 am Holy Communion followed by Pastoral Care Prayer Group 7.30 pm Mothers’ Union - Speaker John Barnes Thursday 3 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 4 6.00 - 8.00 pm Epiphany Workshop 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal

Sunday 6 Epiphany 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion - Celebrant Archdeacon Rev Anne Dawtry 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 8 7.15 pm Community Group Meeting 7.30 pm Finance & Property Committee Meeting Wednesday 9 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 10 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Saturday 12 5.00 - 9.00 pm John Barnes’ 70th at Brockholes Bowling Club

Sunday 13 Baptism of Christ 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Tuesday 15 7.30 pm P C C Meeting at Honley Wednesday 16 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 17 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 18 7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Saturday 19 4.00 pm Joint Service for Christian Unity at Trinity Church

Sunday 20 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Communion (+ Children’s Club) 6.00 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 23 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 24 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group Friday 25 7.00 pm Burns Night Celebration in Church 5

7.30 pm Hand Chimes Rehearsal Sunday 27 4th Sunday of Epiphany 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Parish Eucharist 6.30 pm Evening Prayer Wednesday 30 9.30 am Holy Communion Thursday 31 10.00 - 11.30 am Coffee Morning 1.30 pm Baby and Toddler Group

FEBRUARY Sunday 3 2nd Sunday before Lent 8.00 am Holy Communion 9.30 am Family Christingle Service 6.30 pm Parish Eucharist Helpers Rota for 9.30 am Service

Service Sidespeople Reader Intercessors Serving Coffee

Jan Family Cyntia Hepper Andrew Graham and Gillian and 6 Communion Elaine Shaw Dean Jane Wardman Roger Greaves

Jan Parish Mary Stapleton Carol Carol Alison and 13 Eucharist Janet Sykes Hirst Hirst Simon Dean

Jan Family Bill Kemp Cynthia Pat and Andrea Green 20 Communion David Wainwright Hepper Cliff Green Christine Woolley

Jan Parish Mary Briggs Margaret Clive Suzanne and 27 Eucharist Jean Cheeseman Wainwright Waind Stephen Dufton

Feb Olivine and Helen Graham and Liz Cummings Christingle 3 Kevin Radford Martin Jane Wardman Sandra Dean

Annual Magazine Subscription

This magazine is available as a yearly subscription of £4.00 (a saving of 80p - every little helps!). The annual subs are now due - please pass to your deliverer or John or Sandra Dean as soon as possible. Thank you.



Report on the 20th November DCC Meeting

Fourteen members were present when Chairman Clive Waind opened the meeting with a prayer.

Under Matters Arising from the minutes of the October meeting it was reported that Mr Firth, our Health and Safety Officer, had made a preliminary visit and would shortly conduct a more detailed survey. An offer to make a new vestment to replace the worn one had been received. Over £200 had been sent to the British Legion as a result of the Remembrance Sunday collection in church. The appeal in church and the Magazine for volunteers to serve on a Fund Raising Committee had produced only one offer.

In his Treasurer’s Report, Clive Green presented the figures for the General Fund up to the end of October and once again suggested that there should be a break-even situation for the year. Our Common Fund payments for 2013 have been assessed at just over £63,000 for the Parish but we should receive a discount of £12,500 as a result of the interregnum. Clive also reported that the first 12 months with the new heating system in church had seen a reduction in gas consumption of 35% !

Jane Wardman presented a report from the recent meeting of the Deanery Synod with details of the celebrations for the 125th anniversary of the Diocese in 2013 and information about a leaflet relating to the progress of Transformational Plans.

Transformational Planning Group Reports were presented by their various convenors.

For Community & Outreach, Bill Kemp proposed that suggestions for charities to receive the remaining funds of the disbanded Outreach Committee would be presented to the next DCC meeting. Approval was given for Liz Cummings to continue with the Coffee Wagon in conjunction with adult helpers from Youth Service. 7

In her absence a report from Angeline Baker of the Prayer & Spirituality Group was read out and informed the meeting of preparations for a Lent Course in 2013 and a meeting with the Rev Mildred Butterworth with advice for the future activities of the group. For the Finance & Property Group, Cliff Green reported a proposed meeting with Diocesan Property Officer, Helen Price, to receive advice on the reordering process in church and the parish room.

Two suggestions for money-raising schemes had been received – a “200 Club” and the “Talents” scheme to provide a sum of money to people and ask them to turn it into a larger sum by their efforts. These produced considerable discussion relating to the moral and practical aspects and it was agreed that further consultation was needed.

Information had been received that the organ needs refurbishment at an estimated cost of £13,000 by Cloughs (Organ Builders). Whilst it was agreed to undertake an immediate and long needed retuning of the organ, it was felt that further consultation was need on the more expensive matter including further consultation with Cloughs and with the various interested parties in church.

New fees for Funerals and Weddings in church come into operation on January 1st 2013. In addition to statutory fees laid down by the Church Commissioners the Finance & Property Committee recommended that our discretionary fees be as follows:

Funerals: Organist - £41 Verger - £30 Weddings: Organist - £47 Verger - £30 Choir - £50

These recommendations were unanimously accepted.

For the Worship Planning Group, Jane Wardman reported on the usual review of past services and plans for special services in early 2013 including the Christingle Service on the first Sunday in February with the two schools holding their own Christingle services in church on weekdays around that time.

Pat Green for the Pastoral Care Group thanked all who had helped in visiting the ill and housebound. Cliff Green, DCC Secretary 8

Honley Churches Together

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 18 - 25 January 2013

Joint service at Trinity Church on Saturday 19th January at 4.00 pm over coffee rather than a formal service. Also incorporated into St Mary’s Communion Service at 9.30 am on Wednesday 23rd January Gill Greaves

Lent Lunches

Once again Lent Lunches start on Thursday 14th February for seven weeks. If anyone feels that they can volunteer to make soup or help on any of the weeks please contact me in person or on 665914. Proceeds from the lunches will be for the Honley Aid in Sickness Charity. Gill Greaves U S P G

St. Mary's Church has supported the work of USPG for a very long time. They have sent a letter, to inform us, that they have changed their name. 'United Society for the Propagation of the Gospel' is derived from a name which was coined in 1701. It became clear that this historic name is not connecting with people today. Put simply, the name had become a barrier. It was time for change.

“Us.” their new name, is a reminder that God's welcome is there for all of us. Together, with their Anglican church partners, they are helping people and communities, to find solutions to the challenges they face. Why not visit their website (www.weareUs.org.uk) and find out how they fulfil Jesus' promise of a full life for every person, in every community? Diana Griffiths


Celebration for Burns Night

The Burns Supper is an institution of Scottish life: a night to celebrate the life and works of the national Bard. Make a note of Friday 25th January at 7.00 pm in Church.

Although none of us in the Community Group are Scottish(!), we thought a Burns Night celebration would be great fun anyway. The menu will include Cock-a-Leekie Soup, Haggis, Neaps and Tatties, Raspberry Crowdie and a dram or two of whiskey or sherry with which to 'Toast the Haggis' - alternatives available for vegetarians and teetotallers.

Following true tradition the evening will include a mix of poetry by the famous man himself, speeches - hopefully humorous, Scottish songs - some to listen to, some for participation, Scottish jokes, and who knows what else! The all inclusive price is £12.50 and there is a list at the back of church for you to register your dietary preferences. Tickets will be on sale early in the New Year so don't delay, make a note of this stupendous event and start the New Year off in a celebratory style!

Liz Cummings, on behalf of the Community Group Operation Christmas Child 2012

Another year has now drawn to a close and I send all my good wishes to each and everyone of you for 2013.

I would also like to thank everyone who participated in the 2012 Shoebox Appeal. Beautifully knitted hats, scarves and gloves were given as well as lots of other useful items. We had £100 in money donated (excluding money put in boxes) which was amazing. 37 members of St Mary’s, 4 from St George’s filled a box and I had 12 given from outside church making a total of 53 boxes leaving my home for the warehouse. 11,071 boxes were sent to Bosnia this year from the warehouse, around 200 down on last year, but a marvellous effort in these tough times for everyone. Well done to you all for your continued support and God Bless you all.

10 Elaine Shaw

I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas Party. Feedback since indicates that the change from a buffet to hot food seems to have been well received. A big thank you to John Dean, John Adams and Clive Green who did a wonderful job waiting on and then washing up afterwards. Finally, thanks to everyone else who helped in different ways, sharing the workload certainly does make things so much easier.

Our Branch meeting on Wednesday 2nd January 2013 will be held in Church (not the Parish Room) starting at 7.30 pm with a Eucharist followed by a talk from Rev John Barnes. I hope the weather will be kind so that we can have a good attendance.

The Annual General Meeting is on Wednesday 6th February starting at 7.30 pm. Please bring reports about any activities for which you are responsible. Subscriptions for 2013 have nearly all been received and I am very grateful for your co-operation.

You should have received your “Families Worldwide” for January to June 2013. Please use them, daily, weekly monthly or even occasionally to pray for the work of the Mothers’ Union and find out about the work being done in our name around the world.

Andrea Green, Branch Co-ordinator

Golden Wedding Anniversary

David and Margaret would like to say a great big thank you to the congregation of St Mary's, for helping us to celebrate our Golden Wedding. Many thanks also, for the many cards and gifts and phone calls from well wishers. We had a wonderful day!

David and Margaret Wainwright


Street Market 2012

Once again we can give thanks for another day of suitable weather, a cheerful workforce, a well-supported Street Market and a marvellous programme of musical entertainment.

Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way.

Compared with previous years St Mary’s ‘lost’ five stalls but ‘gained’ one new one. However we still managed to raise just over £5,000 which reflects the hard work by many people. We had quite a number of stalls from outside organisations that had not taken part before and who offered a range of new products. We were happy that we were able to site all the stalls in a gazebo of their own and this seemed to be well-received by the stall holders too.

We do recognize that it is frustrating for stall-holders having to wait until 9.00 am before they can access their stalls but we have found that this system is the best way for us to get everything into place.

We hope to repeat the whole event again on 7th December 2013. Anyone wanting a stall should contact our Secretary Cliff Green before the end of August. If you took part this year he will be in touch with you earlier in 2013.

Again, many thanks to all our supporters.

Clive Waind Thank You

During November, we went down to Nottingham to visit Doreen in her care home and took with us the picture of St Mary’s Church, which the DCC had organised and gave it to her on the occasion of her 82nd birthday.

She was delighted to receive it and wanted me to thank you all for thinking of her. Her nephew fixed it up in her room and she will be able to see it all the time to remind her of the many happy times she enjoyed at the Church. Paul Smelt, on behalf of Doreen Maude 12


JANUARY 2013 Friday 4 6.00 – 8.00 pm Epiphany Workshop at Honley

Sunday 6 Epiphany 11.00 am Family Communion 6.00 pm Compline Thursday 10 6.30 pm A D Meeting in Church

Sunday 13 Baptism of Christ 11.00 am Parish Communion + Holy Baptism 6.00 pm Sung Evensong Tuesday 15 7.30 pm P C C Meeting at Honley

Sunday 20 3rd Sunday of Epiphany Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 11.00 am United Communion Service at St George’s 6.00 pm Compline Wednesday 23 1.30 pm Churches Together Meeting in Methodist Chapel Parlour

Sunday 27 4th Sunday of Epiphany 11.00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Compline

FEBRUARY Sunday 3 Candlemas 11.00 am Family Communion Service - Christingle 6.00 pm Compline

Flower Rota

January 6 Mrs R Watt January 20 Mrs S Dean February 3 Mrs M Hallit 13


A truly festive party took place in church on Thursday 13th December. Sue began the evening talking about the figures she had representing the manger scene. This was followed by a ‘dressing up for winter’ game and a ‘find your own jigsaw pieces’ challenge both led by Val. Everyone was ready for the usual drink and biscuit!

Suitably refreshed we enjoyed Noel’s playing of Christmas music on the organ (some children viewing the working of the organ at close quarters) and then a bit of a sing-a-long of well known carols. During the second singing of Jingle Bells Santa came through the door with a sack full of parcels. Wow! A magical moment for the leaders as they watched the children’s faces glowing with delight.

Santa chatted away, distributed his gifts and then of course, with such a busy schedule, he had to be off. Val did really well to minimise the excitement and run a few more games before the clock ticked well past 8 o’clock and time for home. Many thanks to our visitors – Val, Noel and Santa – for coming along to make the party go with a swing. The next meeting (back to normal) is 10th January. Wishing you a peaceful 2013. The AD Leaders

Christingle Service 3rd February

At the end of 2011 we held a Tree Festival and, on that weekend, our Sunday morning service proved to be a very successful Christingle. The Worship Planning Group was delighted with the number of young families who attended and plans were made to ‘do it again’. So please put Sunday February 3rd 2013 in your diaries and come along at 11.00 am for this special, family orientated Christingle Service. The Worship Planning Group


150th Anniversary – now launched!

Led by the Bishop of , the launch of our 150th Anniversary celebrations took place on Advent Sunday 2nd December 2012. The church was full and we at St George’s are very grateful to Bishop Tony for his inspirational service.

Our three regular clergy also took part and, in thanking them for this role, can we also say how much we value their on-going commitment to the life and work of our parish. The congregation from St Mary’s supported us, as did their choir members and Michael Clarke playing the organ.

Refreshments in the Village Hall gave people an opportunity to ‘catch up’ with news and whilst some of today’s young people served sandwiches, the slightly older visitors enjoyed exchanging memories.

A big thank you to everyone whose ‘in-put’ in so many ways made the day. Kate Drake

Sponsor of this magazine

Suzanne Dufton

Material for Publication

All contributions to future editions of the Magazine welcome.

e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01484 323832 Address: 26 Croft Court, Honley, Holmfirth HD9 6HB

Deadline for the February issue: Wednesday 16th January


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VICAR Vacant - please contact Churchwardens

HONORARY ASSISTANT Dean Henry Stapleton MBE 666629 PRIEST 20 Marsh Gardens, Honley

HONORARY ASSISTANT Revs. John and Jenny Barnes 660876 PRIESTS 71 Woodhead Road, Honley

PCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

PCC TREASURER Clive Green, 7 Peregrine Court, Netherton 662607

THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST. MARY THE VIRGIN, HONLEY SUNDAY SERVICE 8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP) 9.30 am Family Service (1st Sunday) Family Communion and Children's Sunday Club (3rd Sunday) Sung Eucharist (2nd 4th 5th Sundays) 6.30 pm Sung Eucharist (1st Sunday) Evening Prayer (other Sundays)

WEEKDAY SERVICES 9.30 am Wednesdays, Holy Communion

CHURCHWARDENS Clive Waind, 1 Derwent Road, Honley 661320 John Dean, 23 Woodroyd Avenue, Honley 664347

DCC SECRETARY Cliff Green, 24 Marsh Gardens, Honley 664277

DCC TREASURER Pauline Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

VERGER John Adams, 6 Spring Dale, Honley 663510

PARISH ROOM HIRE Cyril Minett 660651

WEB SITE http://honleystmary.btck.co.uk POSTCODE HD9 6AH


SUNDAY SERVICES 11.00 am Parish Communion (2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Family Service with Communion (1st Sunday)

6.00 pm Compline (1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays) Sung Evensong (2nd Sunday)

CHURCHWARDENS Margaret Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, 687169 Rosalind Watt, 7 Smithy Place, Brockholes 663783

DCC SECRETARY Julie Booth, 44 Riverholme Park, Brockholes 662060

DCC TREASURER Roger Kenworthy, 8 Crodingley, Thongsbridge 687169

ORGANIST & Verena Wood, 85 Brockholes Lane, Brockholes 664406 CHOIRMISTRESS