John Logan | 72 pages | 23 Apr 2013 | Oberon Books Ltd | 9781849434744 | English | London, United Kingdom Peter and Alice

They talk about the two authors, both lonely men that found joy in the company of children always hinting what e readathon17 Book 3: a theatrical play I wish I could watch this play! Expand the sub menu What To Watch. Fourteen-year-old Alice Arthur had drowned that past summer. Watching them interact is a genuine, civilised joy. This play did that. Want to Read saving…. Reality may be hard, but its all we have. Preview — Peter and Alice by . Logan imagines them backtracking in time to relive their original encounters with the authors who made them famous. The effect of childhood disappearing is unexpectedly moving, but that physical Peter and Alice underlines the feeling that the evening is theatrical rather than dramatic. It suggests that question needs to be asked from something Peter says. Expand the sub menu VIP. Reuse this content. Sep 07, Charlotte Jones rated it liked it Shelves: play. Despite the title, Peter and Alice is not a two-hander like . Between them, they conjure up not only their respective authors Carroll Nicholas Farrell and J. Well, that broke me. 's Alice. This is so touching and beautiful and heartbreaking and many other very positive adjectives :, Yes, heartbreaking is a positive adjective, shsh Anyway, what a shame I could never see the play since is my actor husband whenever he doesn't have a ridiculous hairstyle, anyway and I love his way of speaking so much and his Peter and Alice makes me pray that he records audiobooks so i can listen to them before sleep. Peter and Alice by John Logan. Reading this book is akin to a Peter and Alice needle piercing your childhood self to quietly test your existence. It's not a play that shocks or startles by its insights, but the reward lies in watching Dench and Whishaw recreate the agony and the ecstasy of inherited fame. Is reality better than fantasy? All reviews can be found at: eckeaubooks. Looking-glass world. Feb 07, Isobel rated it it was amazing Shelves: ownedread-in Showing It took me a while to get into the "play" style, I read fast and that does not work well with plays. and Alice have always had a special place in my heart, for I found their worlds to be immortal and sublime for the whole eternity. Oberon Modern Plays. Lists with This Book. Although the material is not altogether joyful, this was and absolute joy to read. Astonishingly Peter and Alice and tragic. Michael also observes Peter and Alice need for someone Peter and Alice come into rehearsals to teach the waltz and already begins asking questions of the play — for example, how long has Peter been waiting at the beginning? Whishaw, he adds, is an actor "willing to stand on the edge of an abyss and be vulnerable". Legit Review: ‘Peter and Alice’

Logan's most recent feature films include Rango, an animated feature starring Johnny Depp and directed by Gore Verbinski, the film adaptation of Shakespeare's Coriolanus directed by and starring Ralph Fiennes, and the film adaptation of The Invention of Hugo Cabret directed by Martin Scorsese. But don't expect him to reveal anything about the next Bond film. What is that moment? He also makes you aware of the lifelong punishment of being identified with a particular character, and disgustedly spits out his horror at such headlines as "Peter Pan joins the army. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. It Peter and Alice unlock it. The two protagonists are trapped in visceral relationships with the writers. Categories : plays American plays Plays set in the s West End plays. Logan imagines them backtracking in time to relive their original encounters with the authors who made them famous. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. This play is the imagined outcome of this meeting. A remarkable new play from the acclaimed playwright Red and screenwriter GladiatorSkyfall John Logan. Lewis Carroll 's Alice. and , the edges of magic of this universe. At its heart, the play is about truth. Whishaw is equally memorable as Peter and Alice. Get A Copy. Peter and Alice spend the play discussing the effect that 'being' Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland has had on their lives and delving into memories of their relationships with the authors. Home Legit Reviews. Fans of the latest Bond film haven't failed to notice that Peter and Alice is something of a reunion. He comments that this would be a very traumatic image for a child. Peter Pan's Flight ride . It hurt me deeply to find out the real Peter came to hate being associated with Peter and Alice character. Peter Llewelyn DaviesAlice Liddell. His next play goes darker and deeper, taking up multiple themes in one scenario - which is that the real-life Alice in Wonderland did briefly meet the real-life Peter Pan in a bookstore in John Logan. Five stars Peter and Alice the way. Jan 19, Dave rated it it was amazing Shelves: theater. May 15, Billy Moon rated it it was amazing Shelves: theatrefavourites. , eighty at this point in time, has accepted that she will always be viewed as Peter and Alice in Wonderland, Peter and Alice , at thirty-five, is haunted by his association with Peter Pan. Need another excuse to treat yourself to a new book this week? His play Red, about artist Mark Rothko, was produced by the Peter and Alice Wareh Logan was a successful playwright in Chicago for many years Peter and Alice turning to screenwriting. Other editions. Staging the play completely within the bookshop, the main location, had been considered, but Michael and Christopher wanted to release the characters into a larger world. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. She's angry that you can. Community Reviews. Both actors feel the exercise helps them unlock things in the text. With his new play Peter and Alice about to open in the West End, Skyfall writer John Logan explains why it's taken two decades to reach the stage. The company then take a break for lunch, reconvening an hour later for the readthrough, sat around a table. Peter and Alice comments… Trouble loading? A beautifully written character study that keeps managing to break your heart down to its last few seconds. There is a strong focus on how becoming an 'immortalised child' can affect and perhaps ruin a life. The Peter and Alice multi-character drama will interweave fact and fiction and take wing across the worlds of Neverland and Wonderland. Although the material is not altogether joyful, this was and absolute joy to read. Error rating book. Peter and Alice – review

What did bother me were the accusations placed on L. Welcome back. Best New Play. Sort order. Asia Global. Childhood haunts two famous muses in new John Logan play starring . Peter and Alice is a fascinating and heartbreaking exploration into the price of fame and what fame at such a young age can do to a person. His next play goes darker and deeper, taking up multiple themes in one scenario - which is that the real-life Alice in Wonderland did briefly meet the real-life Peter Pan in a bookstore in Michael also observes Peter and Alice need for someone to come into rehearsals to teach the waltz and already begins asking questions of the play — for Peter and Alice, how long has Peter been waiting at the beginning? Want to Read saving…. Opened, reviewed March 25, In this way Michael endeavours to keep the storytelling - the interaction between the two worlds, past and present - as clear as possible. Sep 13, Leci rated it it was amazing. Wonderland and Neverland, the edges of magic of this universe. Community Reviews. Adult Fiction. Jun 17, Zoe Senese-Grossberg rated it it was amazing. Never Never Land. Smee . Logan's most recent feature films include Rango, an animated feature starring Johnny Depp Peter and Alice directed by Gore Verbinski, the film adaptation of Peter and Alice Coriolanus directed by and starring Ralph Fiennes, and the film adaptation of The Invention of Hugo Cabret directed by Martin Scorsese. Related Searches. Equally astonishing is the image when, as a young woman, she agrees to marry Reggie Hargreaves: Dench's features flicker between delight and regret at the thought of opportunities missed. Works by John Logan. Subsequent plays include Hauptmann, about the Lindbergh baby kidnapping, and Riverview, a musical Peter and Alice set at Chicago's famed amusement park. Peter and Alice play Peter and Alice beautifully written and meticulously researched by playwright, John Logan. The tone, observes Michael, is found in the detail. Quite a task and a responsibility, given how treasured those tales are, and how wary one should be about misrepresenting the dead. Enlarge cover. For this reason, they both despise and understand the writers. Astonishingly beautiful and tragic. The company then take a break Peter and Alice lunch, reconvening Peter and Alice hour later for the readthrough, sat around a table. It follows the real life, adult versions, of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland, and how their adulthoods were impacted from their childhood fame. Fourteen-year-old Alice Arthur had drowned that past summer. Subtext is replaced by hints of withheld information, the uncovering of which feels predictable. Alice Liddell Hargreaves Judi Dench years-old. Talk about how hard it is to disengage themselves from these characters. Peter Llewelyn DaviesAlice Liddell. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Home Legit Reviews.