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Num Box # Location H-B Last Name First Name Signature Street Nun Num Box # Location H-B Last Name First Name Signature Street Nun and Name City St Age DOB POB POB Mar Mar St Cit Dep Badge No M/F Race Father Name Father POB Mother name Mother POB Spouse Name Spouse POB Rel P Jobs Hire Date Education Nationality 111 002 Ham'd BABACZ Emily Lor. (J.) + Y 1012 Ellsworth St Gary IN 37 07/17/1905 So. Chicago, IL IL Mar Y 2849 F W Jacob L. Gobb So. Chicago, IL Gobb, Gobb So. Chicago, IL Emily Babaz So. Chicago, IL Y 03/22/1943 1 Yr Bus Col Polish 34388 002 Ham'd BABB Doris Ellen + Y R.R. #1 Cedar Lake IN 19 03/27/1924 Fostoria, OH OH Sin Y 397 F W Babb, Herman Fostoria,OH Babb, Mazy Lila Continal?, OH Y 06/09/1943 10th-Fostoria,OH American 112 002 Ham'd BABBISH Tony 37 Lithuania LIT M 05/06/1914 113 002 Ham'd BABCOCK Chas. Addison Y 430 W. Chicago East Chicago IN 40 04/14/1902 Sabula, IA IA Mar Y 6 10434 M W Arthur Chas Babco Rockford, IL Babcock, Margaret Westfild, WI Zola Babcock Pekin, ILL Y 07/24/1942 8th Grade American 118 002 Ham'd BABCOCK W. A. 47 Michigan MI 08/26/1915 114 002 Ham'd BABELIS Teofil (Depitilus) Y 10608 E. Brook Ave Chicago IL 41 04/23/1888 Lithuania LIT Sin 1st F3813 M Y 05/28/1929 119 002 Ham'd BABICH Frank 34 Servia SER 07/12/1913 120 002 Ham'd BABICH George 37 Croatia CRO 09/11/1914 121 002 Ham'd BABIN John 18 East Chicago, IN IN 04/03/1914 10th-Hmmd 30957 002 Ham'd BABIN Mary + Y 1038 Kenwood St Hammond IN 37 07/12/1906 Chicago IL Sin Y 1 13630 F W Bain, Mike Czech Babin, Mary Czech Pavlik, Nick Butler, PA Y Y 07/28/1943 American Wallace 115 002 Ham'd BABIN Michael Y 6248 Columbia Hammond IN 32 10/26/1909 Hegewisch, IL IL Sin Y 1 8118 M W Michael Bobbin Austria Bobbin, Mary Austria Y Y 09/10/1942 2 Yr H.S. American 122 002 Ham'd BABINSHOK Stephen 21 East Chicago, IN IN 10/21/1913 117 002 Ham'd BABINSKI Vincent Y 1046 Merrill Ave Hammond IN 52 10/25/1882 Poland POL 9151 09/20/1945 116 002 Ham'd BABINSKI Vincent 564 Merrill Ave Hammond IN 33 10/25/1882 Poland POL F4282 06/06/1916 110 002 Ham'd BABOS Albert 25 Austria AUS 10/21/1915 123 002 Ham'd BABOTAN Louis 22 Hungary HUN 06/18/1914 127 002 Ham'd BACH Frank 36 Slavonia SLA 09/14/1913 124 002 Ham'd BACHAR Curtis Alfred Y 256 Tyler Gary IN 34 06/18/1909 Austin, IL IL Sin Y 14512 M W Soranson, C. ? Y Y 03/18/1943 7th Grade American 128 002 Ham'd BACHE John 21 Illinois IL 10/09/1912 129 002 Ham'd BACHI Jack 20 Chicago, IL IL 08/04/1913 12156 002 Ham'd BACHI William 19 Chicago, IL IL 11/26/1912 126 002 Ham'd BACHMAN Paul Y 126 State St Hammond IN 37 10/07/1903 Hoboken, NJ NJ Sin Y 0 5468 M W Y 04/22/1941 7th Grade American 125 002 Ham'd BACHNAK Stif (Steve) Y 500 Fields St Hammond IN 29 06/27/1890 Hungary HUN 1st M W 02/06/1919 131 002 Ham'd BACHOLAK Andra 28 Slavania SLA 07/03/1913 132 002 Ham'd BACHOWICK Nichol 34 Austria AUS 05/12/1915 141 002 Ham'd BACIELLI Diny 32 Italy ITA 10/10/1913 130 002 Ham'd BACIN Mary F. Y 1131 Lyons St Hammond IN 18 04/01/1916 Hammond, IN IN Sin Y F W 06/16/1934 12157 002 Ham'd BACKENSTEN Anders 33 Norway NOR 07/27/1914 133 002 Ham'd BACKER Reece 28 Ohio OH 10/14/1915 134 002 Ham'd BACKMAN Peter 45 Holland HOL 07/27/1914 139 002 Ham'd BACKSTROM Alfered R. 4228 W. Ridge Rd Gary IN 36 11/09/1910 Grand Marais, Minn MN Mar 3 1665 M W John Backstrom Sweden Sjoistedt, Magde Sweden Jane Backstrom Minn Y 07/10/1947 Common Sch American 138 002 Ham'd BACKSTROM Lauren Oscar Y 540 Adams St Gary IN 29 09/01/1912 Grand Marais, Minn MN Mar Y 1 12579 M W John Backstrom Sweden Sjoistedt, Magde Sweden Y 03/19/1942 8th Grade American 135 002 Ham'd BACSKAY Jozsef Y 1083 Columbia Hammond IN 35 10/19/1881 Austria-Hungary A-H Mar 4 M 05/15/1916 136 002 Ham'd BACUK Alex Y 113021 Huston Hegewisch IL 37 08/30/1892 Russia RUS Mar 1st 2 3276 M W Y 10/17/1929 137 002 Ham'd BACUR Vasille 44 Russia RUS 04/23/1914 140 002 Ham'd BACZKOSKI Mike 24 Russia RUS 07/24/1914 143 002 Ham'd BADEN Walter Earl Y 224 Carroll St Hammond IN 53 03/07/1891 Jerome, Howard, IN IN Mar Y 1 11803 M W Hazel Ramey Rensselaer, IN Y 12/07/1944 Grade School American 144 002 Ham'd BADINO Martin 40 Armenia ARM 08/06/1914 145 002 Ham'd BADOWSKI Stanley F. Y 4117 Sheffield Ave Hammond IN 44 10/14/1896 Poland POL Sin Y 7433 M W Y 04/22/1941 8th Grade Polish 146 002 Ham'd BADOWSKI Stephen Y 4345 Hohman Ave Hammond IN 34 08/07/1901 Indiana IN Mar Y 2 M W Y 03/02/1936 142 002 Ham'd BADTEN Fred Y 480 Indaina St Hammond IN 27 09/27/1913 South Dakota SD Sin Y 5048 M W Y 04/25/1941 Jr. High American 710 002 Ham'd BAEJINSKI Alex 28 Russia RUS 07/20/1914 149 002 Ham'd BAER Arthur O. Y 7334 S. Shore Dr. Chicago IL 45 05/14/1885 Manistee, MI MI Mar Y 1 7303 M W Y 03/08/1941 American 147 002 Ham'd BAER Jasper Allen Y 7036 Black Oak Rd Gary IN 32 10/21/1908 Tippecanoe, IN IN Mar Y 2 279 M W Y 12/10/1940 H.S. American 148 002 Ham'd BAER Victor 23 Romania ROU 10/15/1913 150 002 Ham'd BAFIA Joe Y Michigan Ave 34 06/21/1891 Austria AUS Mar 1st 1 F8348 M W Y 09/23/1925 151 002 Ham'd BAFIA Joseph Y 5712 Hump Rd. Hammond IN 55 06/22/1887 Poland POL Mar Y 5 8114 M W Mary Bafia Poland Y 11/23/1942 6 mo eve sch Polish 155 002 Ham'd BAGALEY Arthur 57 England ENG 07/30/1914 152 002 Ham'd BAGALOFF Costa N. Y 1139 Conkey St Hammond IN 29 10/12/1912 Macedonia MAC Mar Y 1 5550 M W Numo T. Bagaloff Macedonia Bagaloff, Agnes Macedonia Mary Bagaloff Hammond Y 10/22/1941 3-1/2 Yr Ind Un Macedonian 153 002 Ham'd BAGALOFF Numo Y 529 Ames Ave Hammond IN 40 12/01/1888 Macedonia MAC Mar N 4 F7743 M W Y 05/31/1929 154 002 Ham'd BAGALOFF Numo T. Y 1122 Highland St Hammond IN 59 11/30/1882 Macedonia, Greece MAC Mar Y 1 11432 M W Agnes Bagaloff Macedonia Y 05/05/1944 Bulgarian 156 002 Ham'd BAGAMERY Charles Y 563 Drackert St Hammond IN 22 12/25/1905 Indiana IN Mar Y 1 M W Y 06/15/1928 157 002 Ham'd BAGAMERY James Y 4728 Baltimore Hammond IN 35 04/03/1878 Hungary HUN Sin 1st 6252 W Grace Bagamery Hungary Y 06/03/1916 Hungarian 158 002 Ham'd BAGDANOVICZ George 38 Austria AUS 09/30/1915 159 002 Ham'd BAGROW Lawrence Y 10320 Avenue M So. Chicago IL 38 03/10/1903 Chicago, IL IL Sin Y 0 4548 M W Y 07/28/1941 7th Grade American 160 002 Ham'd BAGROWSKI Laurence Y 3039 E. 91st St Chicago IL 38 03/10/1904 Chicago, IL IL Sin Y 0 813 M W Joseph Bagrowski Posen, Poland Wozniceb, Franis Posen, Poland Y 10/28/1942 8th Grade American 161 002 Ham'd BAI Antroni 36 Poland POL 07/10/1913 162 002 Ham'd BAICH Mile 34 Servia SER 10/29/1913 12261 002 Ham'd BAIJINSKI Alex 28 Russia RUS 07/20/1914 10th- 12442 002 Ham'd BAILEY Alice Lavone + Y 2043 Sherman Hammond IN 19 03/13/1924 Champaign, IL IL Sin Y 1 12763 F W Hiram T. Bailey Todd, Mary Ellen Ft. Wayne, IN Joe O. Davis Warren, Ark Y 12/18/1943 American Champaign,IL 163 002 Ham'd BAILEY Clifford E. Y 7 Waltham Place 29 03/17/1912 Lewiston, ID ID Mar Y 2 4700 M W Y 04/16/1941 3 H.S., 4 Navy American 29205 002 Ham'd BAILEY Flora + Y Hebron IN 26 07/22/1917 KY KY Sin Y 7538 M W Bailey, Smith KY Miller, Cora KY Obenchain, Orville Y 05/22/1944 8th-Swanpton, KY American 164 002 Ham'd BAILEY Frank Guinn Y 817 Pine St. Michigan City IN 56 05/02/1886 Philadelphia, PA PA Mar Y 1 Salary M W Marguerite H. Bailey Kutztown, PA Y 05/16/1942 4 Yrs College American 165 002 Ham'd BAILEY Joseph Y 121 - 156th Place Calumet City IL 28 10/03/1912 Scranton, PA PA Sin Y 0 4636 M W Peter Bailey Luthania Bailey, Elizabeth Luthania Y Y 08/29/1941 2 Yrs H.S.
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